NEWSLETTER Christmas Celebration - 2013
Academic • Christian • Caring
Issue 8 Term IV 2013
Peace and Joy I have found a possible solution to the seemingly endless number of Christmas commercials urging us to spend, spend, spend in the name of Christmas. “Whoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas and the like, either by forbearing labour, feasting or any other way, shall pay for any such offence five shillings as a fine to the country” This law was passed in Massachusetts in 1659 to counter what were seen as the excesses associated with the celebration of Christmas. One wonders what law the Puritans would pass if they encountered Christmas as it is celebrated in Australian society today. This law only lasted 22 years, although I believe that there are times when the commercialisation of Christmas causes us to wish there was some law that could protect us against the ‘Christmas advertising angels’ who exhort us to over indulge.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
How different to the message of the angel who appeared to the shepherds at the birth of Jesus: “I am bringing you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you: he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2: 10-11) At the Christmas Celebration this week we focussed on the way Christmas is celebrated around the world through the recognition of our own diverse cultural heritage at TIGS. Students representing the Japanese, French, African, Karenni and Russian communities within our school gave insight into the traditions of their home cultures. A highlight of the programme was a map of the world showing the countries from which TIGS families have come. We certainly have a rich cultural heritage at TIGS. It was clear that the language and traditions varied considerably but the fundamental message was the same: God intervened in human history through the gift of his son Jesus who was born, lived and died as a human being. Together with the story of the Resurrection recognised at Easter we have the fundamentals of the Christian faith. If God cares for us so much that he would do this then our response is surely to live the way he intended. In the last week of the academic year we will recognise many of the outstanding achievements of what has been another successful year at TIGS. Thank you to all students, family members and staff for the contribution each has made to the traditions and history of our school in 2013. I hope the coming holiday brings you the opportunity to relax and celebrate with family and friends. May you also experience the peace and joy made possible through the gift of Jesus. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9: 6) Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
The Language of Love I write this final article of 2013 following our TIGS Christmas Celebration. It was a fantastic evening – another example of a great TIGS team effort. So many people – students, parents, staff and friends combining to create a high impact event. Our theme this year was ‘Joy to the World’. Our focus was how Jesus came as the Saviour of the whole world. We wanted to show how he has been received as Saviour and celebrated in culturally diverse ways. And to express that we didn’t need to go beyond the cultural diversity that comprises the TIGS community. We identified at least 44 nationalities at TIGS. On the night Neil Cross, our ICT expert in the Junior School, spectacularly graphed this for us. It was breathtaking to see just how much of the world is represented at TIGS. Language played a crucial role in our Christmas Celebration. We announced and responded to God’s love for us in Jesus in the language of many cultures. Again, all of these cultures were present at TIGS.
Rev James Rogers Chaplain
This got me thinking about something I learned in Theological College. The New Testament was written in Koine Greek. Koine simply means common. So, in inspiring human beings to speak on his behalf, God chose the common language of the day. He could have inspired a communication in Classical Greek, which was the language of the intellectuals, but instead he chose to speak to all people in the common language.
This is thrilling. It says so much about the nature of God. It tells us that God is humble. He is not interested in putting on airs just to impress. His real burden is to make himself known to all people so that all people might know him. The ultimate reason for this is succinctly put by Jesus: “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you (he refers here to his Father) the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17.3) We can often use language as a tool to exert superiority over others. But God refuses to play these sorts of games. He puts pretensions aside in order to meet people where they are. God is in the business of communicating his heart to all people. The choice of Koine Greek is a way of embracing all in that communication. The irony of all this is that as God speaks to us in the common language, and as we start to respond to him, we begin to appreciate that he is vaster than the vastest ocean – nothing can contain his greatness and glory. He is without limit in all his perfections. Anyway, these are a few thoughts that occurred to me following our Christmas Celebration. If you missed this year’s Celebration, you missed something special. Plan now to be there next year. Rev James Rogers Chaplain
Senior School On Monday night we conducted an MYP Information evening for parents. The question and answer session that followed was really useful and seemed to allay a number of fears which parents had about both the MYP and the timetable re-structuring which will take effect next year in order for us to accommodate IB requirements. To view the Powerpoint presented that was shown on the evening, and some of the key questions that were posed, please click here. I hope you find this useful. Questions If there is no Sport on the timetable when will my child be able to learn about the importance of physical activity, ball skills and team sports? Students will still have at least three periods per week for PE in each of Years 7-10. Two of those periods will be practical and active lessons devoted to acquiring and developing skills. After and before-school Sports will extend students access to a greater variety of activities.
Monica Watt
Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
My child is already heavily committed to Gymnastics outside school. In total he would have 16 hours per week committed to one form or other of training. I think it would be too stressful for him to have to take a before school Sport. What can the school do? Parents can apply for exemptions when a student’s commitments are demanding and extensive. It would also be appropriate for parents to apply for exemptions if they live far from school. In all cases the best interests of the child will be paramount.
Is the MYP going to mean that students will always be involved in group work or non-traditional assessment activities? No. We will be still teaching the NSW Board of Studies Curriculum and there should not be a great difference to the way in which teaching and learning happens. What will be different is the fact that the teacher has planned around a concept so that students can connect to, remember and then apply the learning in more meaningful ways. Mrs Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
Junior School The last newsletter for the year and my last opportunity to share with the Junior School community the great happenings occurring in the Junior School. Our Prep to Kindergarten children did a wonderful job performing at the Christmas Pageant last Saturday, accompanied by the Year 9 elective music class. The IGC was packed with adoring families who really enjoyed seeing our youngest learners perform with confidence and enthusiasm. Tuesday lunchtime saw Year 5 market day as the culminating activity in their final Unit of Inquiry. The children formed groups and collaborated to fund raise for a charity that they had researched and agreed upon. This was a wonderful learning opportunity in cooperation and group work and our students raised a substantial amount of money for their nominated charities. We do thank our extended school community for supporting this endeavor. Wednesday evening was an opportunity for our entire school community to come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus at the Christmas Celebration and Thursday was a great celebration of learning with the Exhibition and Honours presentation. Our Year 6 students have worked very hard in their final PYP Unit of Inquiry and delighted in showcasing their learning to their families and our wider school community.
Judi Nealy
Head of Junior School achieved them.
The final full week of term has been a true indication of our entire year of learning in 2013. Student centred, authentic and action based with a focus on service, collaboration and the clear and consistent message of Jesus. There has been much to celebrate this year in the Junior School, I have read the student reflections as I have signed all reports and it is wonderful to observe how our learners are really thinking about their goals and reflecting on the extent to which they have
Thank you to our community for a really positive and productive year together in 2013. I wish each of you a wonderful holiday break celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus, some time of relaxation and reconnection with families and friends and I look forward to learning with you and from you in 2014.
Hindi Classes
Now we are in the last term of the year the Hindi class will come to an end on 5 December 2013. During this year the children have learnt the entire Hindi alphabet and combinations of vowels and consonants with Matras, numbers up to 30 in figures and words. They have also learnt Hindi words for animals, vegetables, fruits, days of the week, and English months. Now they can have simple conversation in Hindi based on basic patterns. They were also introduced to seven to eight children’s songs. During Term III and IV the children worked on a variety of worksheets that helped them to internalise the vocabulary and master the patterns that they learnt in the class. I hope they have enjoyed the experience of learning Hindi and looking forward to seeing everyone next year. I will communicate the date of commencement of the Hindi class as soon as I can. Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Neera Goldbole
A Message from P&F Kindergarten and Year 2 End of Year Catch Up
Dates for your diary: •
Monday 9 December – Years 3 – 6 Presentation Evening
Thursday 12 December – Last day of Term IV (School will finish at 12.30pm)
Fraternity Club Bistro – 19 December at 5.30pm Children Welcome RSVP to Tanya Edgerton – Text 0400 472 872
Year 6 Exhibition Display
Christmas Celebration 2013
Language Department News New Caledonia Language Experience in 2014
Calling all Francophiles! Want to spend Bastille Day in New Caledonia? The Languages Department is planning to take a group of students to New Caledonia next year in the July holidays. While the tour normally targets French language elective students, consideration will also be given to students in Years 9 to Year 12 in 2014 interested in discovering the Francophone culture in a neighbouring country. An information evening is scheduled for Tuesday 3 December at 4.30pm in Room MG3. Please register your interest (commitment free) by contacting the Head of Languages at See you at the information night.
Transport Bus/Train Passes 2014
Students who are going into Years 3 and 7 who currently travel by bus and/or train must reapply for 2014. Forms can be collected from either the Junior or Senior School Offices. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Lisa Dent on 4220 0227.
Student Success Future Problem Solving
Congratulations to all the students who represented the School so strongly for the Future Problem Solving National Finals in Perth in October. The Year 7 FPS team of Joseph Daly, Oliver Firth, Alexander Grozdanov and Noah Koder acquitted themselves admirably at their first National event with the topic of Ocean Soup. The Year 8 team of Emily Adams, Indigo Colquhon, Marie Russo and Himali Wijesinghe came third with their project WAVE on water safety whilst the Year 9 team of Samantha Schiodtz and Ishara Wiejesinghe came fourth with their project on disability. Congratulations to the Senior teams Health and Excuse Me who came first and second respectively and have both been invited to compete at the International Competition in Iowa, USA next year. Emily I’Ons, Hannah Kim, Maria Kyriakoudes and Namila Parajuli will present their project on Healthy Eating for which they have already won a $2000 grant from the University of Wollongong and Kuer Bul, Sonia Irakomeza, Lydia Irankunda and Susan Jah are preparing a Community Walk to promote cultural assimilation. Congratulations to all the teams who were superb ambassadors for the School. Jean Burton (Coach)
Jake Kuit - Year 12 2014
Artexpress 2014 The School has recently received the wonderful news that Jake Kuit, Year (HSC 2013) has been selected for Artexpress 2014 and his work Anthropomorphic Evolution will hang along side some of the top HSC works across the state. This follows on from the selection of Chika Jochi (HSC 2012), whose work was hung at the 2013 Artexpress Exhibition at The Amory, Sydney Olympic Park. In March this year we witnessed great interest and excitement from the public about Chika Jochi’s beautiful painting on a traditional Japanese Scroll, which depicts scenes from Japan’s History when the creative Arts Staff and Art Prefects visited the exhibition. Jake’s Sculptures will be on display at the Armoury, Sydney Olympic Park from 4 March – 27 April and then again at Wollongong Art Gallery from 10 May - 13 July 2014. We congratulate the Jake and Chika, the Creative Arts Staff for their wonderful support of these students and their supportive families.
Textiles and Design News The Whitehouse Institute is an Australian owned business and a leading contributor to the Australian design and fashion industry. The Institute prepares some of Australia’s most successful designers; in what is a very competitive and highly skilled industry. In collaboration with Vogue, Whitehouse marked its 25 years of excellence in design education in a celebration of design thinking, creativity, innovation and a showcase of the graduating work from its Creative Direction, Fashion and Interior Design students. TIGS Students in Years 9 and 10 had a chance to see Australia’s emerging designers showcase their final year works at the annual Whitehouse Graduate Exhibition & Parade, at the Whitehouse Sydney Campus on Tuesday night. The event attracted a huge audience which included the Hon Mr Tony Abbott and his family. This was a great night for the students who were inspired by some amazing fashion and design.
Senior School Sport Australia Day Aquathon
Pines Surfing Academy Summer Programs Three day summer surfing programs and girl’s only surfing days are available all summer. For more information please go to or call 0410 645 981. Parkers Holiday Tennis Clinics TIGS Tennis Clinic at Harbour Street, Wollongong Monday 16 December and Tuesday 17 December Cost: $60.00 for 2 days December 2013 Wests Illawarra at Unanderra - Thursday 19 December and Friday 20 December 9.00am - 12.00pm ($50 for 2 days) January 2014 Wests Illawarra at Unanderra - Monday 20 January - Wednesday 22 January 9.00am - 12.00pm ($70 for 3 days) For further information please call Andrew on 0407 029 731. Bookings are essential. Wiburd Shield Cricket The Junior Cricket team travelled to Belmont, just south of Newcastle last Tuesday for a match against Calrossy Anglican School, Tamworth. The boys batted first and scored 140. They were then able to defend the total bowling the opposition out for 115. A great effort all round. Well done to the Junior Cricket team as they move onto the next round. Year 7-10 Sport 2014 Spaces are filling up fast in the different sports offered for 2014. Could you please return the sport preferences permission note before the end of school 2013 to aid the organisation process. Please note, the surfing option is for competent surfers, it is not a learn to surf program. If you have any enquiries please contact Mrs Sharpe at school on 42200200 or Important dates for Sport/Outdoor Education Events Term I, (Weeks 1 and 2) 2014 Year 7 Camp 10 – 14 February NASSA Basketball Trials 10 February NASSA Hockey Trials 13 February AICES Open Girls Tennis 13 February AICES Open Boys Tennis 14 February Senior School Swimming Carnival 18 February
Holiday Study Blitz Study courses are being held at the School during the summer school holidays for any student from Years 7 - 12. The courses being run are: Study Skills and Strategies - Years 7 - 9 Senior Study Skills and Strategies - Years 10 - 12 Essay Skills - Years 10 - 12 Advanced Reading Skills - Years 10 - 12 Please click here for more information and to download your enrolment form.
Greek Playgroup at TIGS Please join TIGS alumni mum Jonni for the first playgroup in 2014. Everyone welcome! Greek Playgroup Illawarra aim to provide a fun interactive Playgroup for those that wish to embrace Greek/Cypriot culture and language. To RSVP, or more information phone Jonni Nicolaou on
or to volunteer 0416147804 or
Extend at TIGS Small gestures make a BIG difference Have you seen the Extend-a-hand movie yet? Visit to watch. Well done to everyone who took part!
Well Done Cats! ACTEWAGL Theatre Awards Nominations
The Illawarra Grammar School has just received some very exciting news from the ACTEWAGL Canberra Area Theatre Awards advising us that The Illawarra Grammar School has been nominated for our School Production of Cats for the following categories: •
We are very proud of these nominations and woudl like to thank everyone involved.
TIGS Foundation
Christmas Wine Hampers
With the festive season upon us it is often the time for entertaining, social gatherings and corporate gifts. The TIGS Foundation has released a range of quality Australian wines as part of an annual TIGS wine collection. Quantities are available for purchase along with novel two bottle set gift packs adorned with TIGS ribbon priced at $30.00, which would make ideal Christmas and Corporate gifts. Please contact Mrs Lisa Wilson, Foundation Coordinator on 4220 0264 to place your order in time for Christmas.
“...I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people” Luke 2:10
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