Piper Stewart and Sarah Long with their CmPS First Place trophy
Academic • Christian • Caring
Issue 1 Term III 2013
Congratulations Normally I write about the outstanding achievements of our students which is an easy thing to do given the breadth and depth of student involvement and achievement at TIGS. However, staff at TIGS also achieve at a high level which is a cause of celebration for our community. The NSW Training Awards are conducted annually by the NSW Department of Education and Communities (DEC) to recognise outstanding achievement in the vocational education and training sector. The Awards honour and reward the achievements of students, trainers/teachers, training organisations, and large and small employers. Two of our staff at the Illawarra Grammar School are trainees and were nominated for regional awards: •
Ms Renae Pilkington is a member of the Junior School support staff, working with children with special needs. She was nominated and won the Award for the category ‘Certificate III in School Support Services’. Congratulations to Renae. She then went on to compete against all category Award winners across the Illawarra and South East NSW Region and won the prestigious title ‘Trainee of the Year’.
Mr Daniel Oliver is an Information Services Technician working as member of our ICT Department. He was nominated and won the Award for the category ‘Certificate IV Information Technology’.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
Mrs Carolyn Brown, our Director of Performing Arts also received a nomination at the Awards ceremony. Mrs Brown has taken a leading role in the delivery of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Certificate III course in Entertainment. She was nominated in the category VET Teacher of the Year and was one of three finalists. There are currently eight students formally enrolled in this course at TIGS with 31 more working toward their Certificate III through TIGSTech. Those of us that attended the recent season of CATS at TIGS will know how capable and competent these students are. Our congratulations go to all three members of staff for being recognised as leaders in their field. We are very proud of their achievements and thank them for their dedication and hard work that is for the betterment of our students. Our teachers are currently involved in the rewriting of the curriculum to embrace the mandatory requirements of the Australian Curriculum. This work is being carried out simultaneously with the continued development of the International Baccalaureate Organisation’s Primary Years Programme (PYP) in the Junior School and the Middle Years Programme (MYP) for Years 7 to 10 in the Senior School. This is a significant workload for our teachers and one that will be of great benefit to our students. In conjunction with the development of the curriculum at TIGS, our teachers are undergoing training in 4MAT. In its essence, 4MAT is a framework for teaching and learning that recognises that students learn in different ways and structures lessons in a way that learning is accessible to all students. It is actually much more than this and those interested should refer to 4MAT complements well the curriculum changes underway at TIGS. In the Senior School all but two teachers have now completed the three-day 4MAT course with the remaining Junior School teachers scheduled for training within the next 12 months. An added dimension to this story is that this internationally recognised program is being delivered by Mrs Watt who is an accredited trainer with 4MAT. Well done teachers and thank you Mrs Watt. The term ahead offers many highlights (details on the website), including: • TIGS Daffodil fundraiser for the Cancer Council (this year it is a degustation dinner) • Year 10 Snow Camp • Announcement of Senior School student leaders for 2014 • Year 12 Trial HSC • The Works Exhibition • Back to TIGS Day • Fathers’ Day Breakfast • Stage 3 Camp • Year 10 Crossroads Excursion to Hong Kong • Art4Refugees Exhibition • Year 12 Graduation • Flying Start: Tours for prospective students in The Piper Centre and Kindergarten There is more than enough here to keep us all busy. I look forward to meeting you at these events.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
God Knows Everything My name is Kate Stanton and I teach Christian Studies and English. While Reverend James Rogers is away this term I have the honour, along with Rev Mark Grieve, of writing newsletter articles. I want to share some thoughts about change, an MYP concept members of the English department have been thinking about recently. Within my family there have been some changes and I’ve noticed my personality fights it. I know intellectually change can be exciting and a time of great growth but I tend to worry my way through the process. The Bible says God knows everything. Any changes that we experience are not outside his care and concern. While we don’t always make changes to our life that are in line with what is best for us, God is always able to work out his purposes through the changes we go through. Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Notice it says not just some things, but all things. So we are free to make decisions that effect change knowing that all circumstance are able to be worked for good by God. The question of how he works for good is answered in the next verse. “Those whom God had already chosen he also set apart to become like his Son, so that the Son would be the first among many believers.” In one sense it doesn’t matter what path we take or what path we are given to tread, but rather how God works in us to make us more like his son Jesus. When I was young I wanted to be Princess Diana. She was beautiful, had gorgeous clothes, was a princess and loved by everyone. Now of course I admit she wasn’t the best person to aspire to! Thank goodness Christians like me don’t need to come up with a hero. God has shown us who our hero is in Jesus. He lived the true human life as God intended, always in line with God’s purposes. His obedience to God perfected his faith. Christians want to be like that! You might be like me - constantly frustrated with anxiety and hesitant to step out in faith through the changes in life. And this may even be despite many years of experiencing God’s faithfulness. However, while we may feel this, God is making us more like Jesus through life’s events. So should we embrace change and the blessing it brings for Christians? You bet!
Ms Kathryn Stanton English and Christian Studies Teacher
Senior School
Decoding the 21st Century Adolescent Dr. Helen Wright, headmistress of Ascham School in Sydney’s Eastern suburbs, has recently published an e-book “Decoding your 21st century daughter.” It is interesting to review the essence of her advice and her observations. Despite all of the changes that have occurred in society, in technology and in terms of the many pressures that are being exerted on families her message is quite straightforward and can be equally applied to boys as well as to girls. It is a message to parents that they are not alone and that their worries and fears are the worries and fears of many parents. During the stormy seas of adolescence both the body and the brain of an adolescent go through some dramatic changes and these change are not small and incremental, nor are they linear and this can be difficult both for the adolescent and their parents to manage. So what are the central themes?
Monica Watt
Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
Listen to your children but never try to be their friend. You are their parent and they need a parent, not another friend. Provide clear boundaries but allow there to be risks taken within those boundaries. In this way they will build resilience.
Allow them to fail in order to learn and grow for later success. Do not rescue them but do help them reflect and plan better strategies for the future. Never, ever, let them have any device that connects to the Internet in their bedroom. She stresses that the best resource is the adolescent’s own mind and a true sense of important values. “ Take charge, be the best you can be” is her advice to students and it is of course, one of our central tenets at TIGS. If parents hold firmly to the belief that their children can and will prosper then that will communicate itself to their children and build their children’s self esteem. This will help both parents and adolescents negotiate the turbulence that will be encountered in these significant years, a great outcome for everyone. Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
Junior School Car Line
It is timely at the beginning of the term to remind parents of how you can assist us in a safe and efficient dismissal each afternoon.
Help us to recognise you!
Most importantly is that you display your children’s names clearly on your visor when you come in to Drummond Drive and keep it displayed until the children are in the car with you. You will note that we have approximately eight staff all working together to put the children safely into the cars and it is not possible for them to recognise which cars go with which children. If you have lost your visor display or need an additional one, please give the Junior School Admin a call and we will happily print one off for you. If your car has particularly dark window tinting at the top, it can be difficult to read your ‘name tag’. Please take a look and check that your tag is clearly visible for us.
Come on time
Judi Nealy
Head of Junior School
Please do not come to car line too early. Remember that the 3.00pm pick up is for our Kinder and early Prep dismissal. The bell for the rest of the children does not occur until 3.10pm. If you have an early pick up in Kinder and a sibling in an older year, you will need to travel around Drummond Drive until your oldest child is ready to be picked up. I would suggest that you wait until the later pick up time and collect both children in one loop. The kinder children are all supervised until they are collected.
Encourage your children to help us and help you
We need siblings to stand together and to be watching for their car as it approaches the loading area. Please encourage your children to look for your car after it has been called. They know that you are coming and it would be great if we don’t need to be searching for them in the line.
Independent children
While no child is permitted to walk to a car without a teacher accompanying them, please teach your children to get into their seats and do up their seat belts as soon as you feel that they are able to do so. This allows us to move the line along much more quickly. Of course we are very happy to assist those children who still need a bit of help “buckling up”, just let us know if this is the case.
Follow instructions
Please follow the instructions of the staff when using Drummond Drive. Please do not use mobile phones or stop your cars to talk to someone else in the queue, it is quite a stressful task to manage so many vehicles with children so close by. We really do appreciate your cheerful cooperation, especially when we need to ask you to do another loop because your child isn’t ready in the loading area.
A timely exit
Please exit the school premises as quickly as possible, we frequently have our circle held up by cars waiting for a gap to get into the right hand lane so that they can turn immediately right to go in the opposite direction on the Princes Highway. The residents of this street find this strategy problematic and it is unhelpful in the traffic flow.
Finally, smile!
We are happy to ‘valet load’ your children for you after they have had a fabulous day of learning. Remember that you get a bonus kiss from your kids for every lap you do waiting for them so even that cloud has a silver lining and also please feel free to give our wonderful teachers encouragement as they are out there rain, hail and shine making sure our precious children are safely delivered into your care.
We really do thank you for your cooperation in the car line. 24 Junior School Students participated at the NSW CIS Cross Country carnival as members of the NASSA team at Eastern Creek last week. There were some outstanding performances amongst a very strong field of competitors. Congratulations to all our athletes on their efforts, particularly Ben Gaison who placed 7th in the 9 years boys and Zoe Dribbus, 8th in the 11 years girls.
NASSA Team members: Isabella Atkinson, Charlotte Atkinson, Aria Bacic-Johnston, Zoe Dribbus, Emma Franco, Joshua Franco, Ben Gaison, Katie Gorham, James Gorham, Rory Hanrahan, Cooper Kerridge, Isobel Kinnear, Benae Kuiper, Tamara Matar, Nathan Molar, Austin Pallone, Hugo Parrish, Victoria Summerill, Cartia Taranto, Olivia Vermeja, Ella Vartazarian, Zac Winter, Aaron Ylias
NSW CIS Representation Congratulations to Austin Pallone of Year 6 who has recently been selected into the NSW CIS Primary Boys Touch Football team and the NSW CIS Primary Rugby Union team. Congratulations also to Zoe Dribbus in Year 5 who was selected into the Primary Girls Touch Football team.
Junior School Awards Merit Certificates Darcy Cross Soraya McCann Georgia Webb Ashley Armstrong Eloise Malouf Saxon Parrish John Taiwo Thomas Main Chad Jenkins Lin Yu Ma Alison Guo Charlie Taylor Joseph Rossi Mia Mitchell Aanya Rakheja Annie McLearie Margaux Chauvet Ruby D’Rozario Daniel Tubman Alexandria Gunther Euan Christopher Reid Gunther Maxwell Okely Samra Tarrant
Thomas Saffoury Francesca Lambert Shahla Green Jack Burrows Marley Stephenson Kivaan Mudaly-Naidoo Sadurshi Probaharan Niamh Christopher Hunter Danckwardt-Bruce Alysha De Ruyter Annabel Malouf Ryan Osadczuk Sunday Windsor Christopher McEwan Emmanuela Franco Ting-Ting Cook Claire Nguyen Aanya Rakheja
Service Piper Kimberley-Mastalir x 2 Georgia Webb Olivia Barber Lina Lee Amy Lendrum
Cameron Davies Elizabeth Michelmore Oscar Tilden Toria Tsakiridis Sarah Hutchinson Chad Jenkins Aaron Ylias
1C Jessica Llewellin, Daniel Radojicic, Alexander Vartazarian 1M Aiden Da Deppo, Thomas Saffoury 1T Georgia Dolan, Diya Mehan, Cohen Sawyer, William Dolan, Ella McIlwraith 2H Grace Hilton, Jessy Harman, Pia D’Rozario, Sunday Windsor Personal Presentation 2M James Burgess, Lin Yu Ma, Charlotte Palmisano, Reid Charlotte Tregonning Gunther Ajay Rindani 3R Katie Gorham, Darcy Thomas Peden Cross, Shahla Green, Olivia Varmedja Micah Sullivan 3W Cooper Kerridge,Holly Hallam Roberts Jenner, Jordan McRae 3WJ Alexia Loeser, Charlie Taylor Weekly Awards 4R Victoria Summerill, KD Samra Tarrant, Ruby Moore, Ryan Osadczuk Kayden Merritt, Sadurshi Ella Vartazarian, Aydin Prabaharan, Katherine Binks, 4S Arapali, Ruby D’Rozario, Lina Matilda Hughes, Devesh Lee, Sana Zafar Rajpal Micah Sullivan, Maya KM Nelle-May Makowski, 5Y Soligo Zachary Hilton, Ava Santos, Kalan Taylor, Fergus Dutch, 6S Sarah Jane Kingsman, Oscar Kiely Sarah Jansen KP Spencer Newhouse, Lloyd Oliver, Sia Gando, Charlotte I’Ons, Ashley Brewer
Future Problem Solving Program Future Problem Solving had an exceptional achievement at the International Future Problem Solving Competition held this year in Bloomington, Indiana at The University of Indiana. The Year 11 Community Problem Solving team, Kids Count, composed of members Henry Hulme, Sarah Long, Inez Playford and Piper Stewart, represented by Sarah and Piper in the US, competed in the Senior Division. This team, which dealt with the issue of childhood bullying by encouraging bystanders to step up, competed against international students from as far afield as Portugal, Turkey, Singapore and Great Britain. In a very strong field, and the youngest team in their division, the girls triumphed in a rigorous interview and won a thoroughly well-deserved First Place. Many congratulations on their outstanding success. Mrs Jean Burton
Careers News
P&F News
Please be advised that applications are now open for the 2014 UNSW Minerals Summer School.
TIGS Recycled Uniform Service
When: 13 to 16 January 2014 Eligibility: Students currently in Year 10 or 11 who are interested in Science or Engineering and studying/planning to study subjects such as physics, mathematics (advanced), engineering, earth & environmental studies Cost: $200 Closing date for applications: 20 September 2013 Further details can also be found at: au/2014_UMSS_Applicationsopen%2520 For further information please feel free to contact: Maree Magafas School Manager School of Mining Engineering, UNSW Sydney
Help Needed!! TIGS Recycled Uniform Shop needs volunteers and is the perfect opportunity to contribute to your community. It is flexible, you can help out once or on a more regular basis depending on your availability. The shop provides a wonderful service of recycling our uniforms and what better lesson for our children than showing them that we can all contribute to helping our environment. To find out further information or volunteer your time please contact Tania McGuire on 0418 448 814 or Tania does a wonderful job running this service so let’s all support this great initiative.
Senior School Sports Student Acknowledgement
Surf Life Saving: Congratulations to Angus Turner (Year 12) who was recently awarded Illawarra Young Life Saver of the Year (15-19 years) at the Annual Illawarra Surf Life Saving Awards. Angus has been an active patrolling member at his local club (Austinmer) and was awarded the Austinmer club’s Encouragement Award this year. In addition to standard Bronze Medallion requirements he has completed certification in Advanced Resuscitation, IRB crewman, and Senior First Aid. He is the club’s First Aid Officer. He obtained a certificate IV in Training and Assessment to assist with training of members. He trains Bronze Medallion candidates as well as mentoring younger members and Nippers. He had 100% attendance at patrols, many of which were on busy public holidays. Football: Congratulations to Ashley Dribbus (Year 7)who played for NSW Metro at the National U13 (year up) Football titles in Coffs Harbour in the holidays. Her team was undefeated and won the championships convincingly.
During the first week of our July Holidays 21 students from Kindergarten to Year 11 represented the School at the Northern Regional Snowsports Championships. In trying conditions all students performed admirably. The Skier X event was postponed until August but all other events were run. Jack Millar (Class of 2012 and Australian Youth Olympic Representative) was on hand to help coach the students in the lead up to the event. Congratulations to the following students who Qualified for State in disciplines other than Skier X: Thalia Jackson (Year 10) - Alpine Div 2 (5th) The Div 3 boys Alpine Team Ethan Jackson (5th), Mackenzie Smith, Noah Koder and Aiden Wingate (all Year 7) who finished 5th. Ethan also qualified as an individual competitor. Harrison Webb (Year 4) - Alpine Div 5 (7th) and Moguls Div 5 (5th) The Snowsports Team Samuel Isabella Year 11 Tahlia Jackson Year 10 Bryce Prior Year 10 Cameron Barrett Year 10 Charli Morelli Year 7 Ashleigh Mill Year 7 Mika Bliokas Year 7 Ethan Jackson Year 7 Mackenzie Smith Year 7 Noah Koder Year 7 Aiden Wingate Year 7
Georgia Webb Year 6 Ruby Tilden Year 5 Charlotte Tregonning Year 4 Harrison Webb Year 4 Oscar Tilden Year 4 Zane Taylor Year 3 Marley Stephenson Year 2 Gabriella Thornton Year 1 Kalan Taylor Kindergarten Ashton Tregonning Kindergarten
NSW All Schools Cross Country
In the final week of the holidays six students represented TIGS and CIS at the All Schools Cross Country Championships at Eastern Creek Raceway. All of the students performed brilliantly: Alexander Seal 5th Maudi Skyring 6th James Seal 9th Ashley Dribbus 10th Emily I’Ons 13th Rebekah Hutton (DNF due to illness)
Open Girls CIS Football Cup
On July 23, the TIGS Open Girls Football team played against Roseville College in the CIS Football Cup. It was a very tight game for the full 80 minutes with neither team dominating for extended periods. Roseville was able to make the most of a rare opportunity deep into the first half to take a 1-0 lead into the half-time break. The score stayed at 1-0 for the remainder of the game with TIGS fighting hard to get the equaliser, but they were not able to penetrate the strong Roseville defence. Well done to the TIGS team on playing a great game and on being wonderful ambassadors for the School.
CIS Football Cup Knockout Competition
Congratulations to Alexander Seal who has achieved the highest honour a student in NSW can attain by being selected in the NSW Combined High Schools Cross Country Team. He will be away in Launceston 29 August to 1 September. We wish him all the best for this event.
Bill Turner Cup
The boys Bill Turner Cup team met Keira High School last Monday for the semifinals. After cruising through most of our games, Round 4 proved much more difficult. Keira played the sort of game that had served us so well in the past. Great passing, dominating possession and a tight defence. Unfortunately we just couldn’t get it together on the day, perhaps still a bit weary from the holidays, and Keira ran away a 3-0 victory. Congratulations to our boys who have contributed to another competitive season in this tournament.
Girls Bill Turner Trophy
After three straight wins against some quality opposition, the TIGS U/15 Girls Football team had qualified to play in the South Coast Final of the Bill Turner Trophy against the formidable St Mary’s team. With the team depleted in numbers due to injury and absence, the TIGS girls fought hard for the whole game, but were outclassed by a better team, losing the match 6-0. It was an outstanding achievement for the girls to have made it this far in the competition and we wish St Mary’s the best as they continue in the competition. The squad was: Emilia Bujaroska, Zoe Correa, Ashley Dribbus, Paige Gervaise, Mili Haber, Grace Hennessy, Kirralee Hinch, Denali Hutt, Rebekah Hutton, Perin Leach, Ruby Pallone, Olivia Porcheddu, Katherine Read, Lilly Sands, Emily Smith, Mikaya Smith, Zara Winters.
In the space of only a few days the Senior Boys Football team has had to compete in two games in the CIS Football Cup, complete with the Athletics Carnival in between. An away game saw us play All Saints Grammar in blustery conditions. A shaky start against a determined opposition resulted in TIGS falling behind to an early goal. The team never really found a rhythm for most of the half, but an equaliser before half time saw a shift in fortunes that carried through into the second half and an eventual goal to TIGS kept that momentum rolling. Final score: 3 – 1 to TIGS. The second game was the Quarter Final against The King’s School. TIGS dominated throughout, and once the first goal came, the team never looked back, again dominating across the field and only conceding in the late stages. Final score: 5 – 1 to TIGS. The team is now in uncharted territory, never having progressed beyond the Quarter Finals. Very well done to (Year 12) Keiran Devitt, Luke Bussoletti, Damian Galanti, Benjamin Goodhew, Steven Hristovski, Anthony Keating, Michael Ledwidge, Joshua Chapple
(Year 11), Sam Isabella (Year 11), Brodie Miles (Year 11), Kyle Del (Year 10), Thomas Goodhew (Year 10), John Kollaras (Year 10), Zac McLaren (Year 10), Lachlan Scott (Year 10), Matthew Galanti (Year 9).
demonstrating and tenacity.
Netball Diocesan Gala Day
A special acknowledgement to Ruby Pallone (Year 8) and Jacqueline Connor (Year 9) for their tireless effort throughout the day. Their energy and skill on court was abundant despite having to travel to Sydney that same afternoon for CIS training.
Congratulations girls on a splendid effort and on finishing equal second overall.
Thank you to Mrs Melinda Sharpe and Miss Jenna Bell for coaching on the day.
Illawarra District Netball Carnival
Last Sunday four TIGS netball teams competed in the IDNA Gala Day
On Wednesday 24 July, our TIGS Netball teams participated in the Diocesan Netball Gala Day at Fred Finch Park, Berkeley. The teams were as follows: Year 7 and 8 Team - Ruby Pallone, Grace Fitch, Taylah White, Klara Zecevic, Chloe Lavalle, Alexis Hubble, Rebecca Adams, Caitlin Chadrawy and Mia Whitehall. Year 9 and 10 Team – Simone Lindsay, Natalie Walker, Miriam Birt, Brenda Tekkol, Stephanie Shalala, Alexandra Lavalle, Jacqueline Connor, Tegan Burt and Susan Jah. Year 11 and 12 Team - Aleksija Smith, Kristen Chadrawy, Breanna Anastas, Sonia Irakomeza, Sarah Long, Georgia Haig, Stephanie Varcoe and Elizabeth Dominis. All three teams managed to produce excellent results: The Year 7 and 8 Team played consistently well to go through all nine games undefeated. Despite being the only Year 7 player in the team, Chloe Lavalle was an asset to the team and certainly held her own on court. Congratulations girls on a great effort and on finishing in first place overall. The Year 9 and 10 Team rallied together after a loss in their first game to secure a number of wins throughout the day. As the day progressed, the team grew in confidence and momentum on court and proved to be challenging competitors. Well done girls on a fine effort and on finishing in second place overall. The Year 11 and 12 Team were solid in their approach despite missing some key experienced players. They too produced some excellent results throughout the day, and were great role models to the younger players,
at Fred Finch Park, Berkeley. Under 9’s, under 11’s, under 12’s and intermediates. Over 400 teams from Illawarra, Sydney and the Southern Highlands converged on the courts to experience a day full of challenges and fun. All of the teams played at least eight games each with a variety of wins and losses. Congratulations to the U11 TIGS Topaz Team (see photo) who went through the day undefeated in their division. Thank you to all of the parents for their support on the day and the coaches of the teams Sara Druett, Fifi Chadrawy, Sharon Hubble and Jenny Green. Two students from the school umpired on the day Kristen Chadrawy and Brenda Tekkol, we also thank them for their time and efforts. There are three rounds left of the IDNA Winter Saturday competition. Seven TIGS teams represent the school every Saturday out at Fred Finch Park Berkeley. You are invited to come and support the teams. Information of playing times can be found at under competitions.
Senior School Athletics Carnival
Blessed with perfect weather conditions the Senior School Athletics Carnival went ahead with maximum participation.
Well done to all Houses on their enthusiaism however there is only one winning House. Congratulations to Coligan on their convincing win. House results: 1st Coligan 2nd Aranda 3rd Wolgal 4th Kogara This year saw numerous outstanding results. It is always encouraging to see an event record broken but this year was exceptional with twenty new records set for the day. Well done to these students who achieved new records: Junior Girls 1500m Elizabeth Martin 5.16.85 Intermediate Girls 800m Maudie Skyring 2.30.00 12 year Girls 100m Ashley Dribbus 13.79 15 year Girls 100m Denali Hutt 13.22 12 year Girls 400m Ashley Dribbus 28.85 15 year Girls 200m Alexandra Lavalle 12 year Girls Discus Ashley Dribbus 17.75m 12 year Girls High Jump 1.49m 17 year Girls High Jump Ashlie Thomson 1.42m 12 year Girls Long Jump Ashley Dribbus 4.12m 15 year Girls Long Jump Denali Hutt 4.74m 12 year Girls Shot Put Ashely Dribbus 7.57m 16 year Girls Shot Put Susan Jah 8.59m 15 year Girls Javelin Perin Leach 24m 12 year Boys 100m record Harry Borbilas 14.68 13 year Boys 100m Elliot Hutt 12.76m 15 year Boys 100m Angus Pryde 12.35m 13 year Boys Long Jump Elliot Hutt 4.63m 14 year Boys Long Jump Jackson Dekker 4.56m Age Champions will be announced at Assembly next week and the TIGS Athletics Team will compete in the NASSA Athletics Carnival on the 21 August. Training is Wednesday afternoons 3.30pm-4.45pm. The bus leaves and returns at Western Avenue and students train at the Kerryn McCann Athletics Field.
Illawarra Academy of Sport 2014 Sports Scholarship Nominations
The sports available are Cycling, Golf, Hockey, IAP, Lawn Bowls, Netball, Rugby Union, Triathlon. Applications open on Monday 15 July 2013 for more information visit the IAS website www.
Extend @ TIGS Weekly Recap Welcome back to Term III – we have a lot of exciting activities programmed for this term.We are launching our “Gardening Gloves Club” this term and this will run every Wednesday down at our mini garden near the lower Oval. Our Soccer and Cooking Clubs have taken off last week. For our Cooking Club, we made pancakes with the children and ate them with ice cream and honey. Our Extend Superstar is… Gabriella T for always helping to pack away the activities.
Week 3’s Activities: Monday 5 August: “Bend it like Beckham” with Tom Tuesday 6 August: Outdoor Activities with Ms Mac Wednesday 7 August: “Gardening Gloves Club” with Ms Indy Thursday 8 August: “Crazy Craft” with Ms Branka Friday 9 August: Movie (G) and Popcorn
Pupil Free Day - Monday 19 August 2013 Please note there will be a Pupil Free Day on Monday 19 August. Extend will offer a full day service on this day, subject to minimum bookings of 12. If you would like to book in for this full day service which runs from 8.00am – 6.00pm, please call the Extend Office. As we require minimum bookings for the service to run, there are strictly no refunds or cancellations on Pupil Free Day bookings. Bookings close on Monday 12 August and parents who book in will be notified on this day by close of business. Fees are $50 per child – pay between $8.05 - $25.00 after child care entitlements, including the non-income tested 50% Child Care Rebate.
HICES Debating The awards for this year’s Semester One HICES Debating Rounds have come through. I am very happy to report that Francesca Lambert and Corey Read (Year 6) were placed equal second in the Best Speaker for Southern Region Award. Annalise Chadrawy was placed 5th overall. Jana Massingham (Yr 7) was awarded 1st place for Best Speaker Southern Region in the Middle Division, with Himali Wijesinghe (Yr 8) placed 2nd, James Cooper (Yr 8) 3rd and Zara Winter (Yr 7) 5th. Emily I’Ons was placed 4th in the Best Speaker Southern Region for the Senior Division with Thomas Chadrawy a close 5th! (He is proving to be a gifted debater) Mungo Skyring was placed 3rd this year (pipped at the post by two Broughton girls) and Stephanie Varcoe placed 5th in Senior Division. Our Junior, Middle and Open teams all progressed to the finals in Sydney this year. With so many schools in the competition this year, these results reflect the culture of excellence in Debating that our students are generating. Ms Margaret Dubowski
Invitation ‘The Works’ Exhibition 2013
An inspiring exhibition of the collaboration and artistic endeavours of our HSC students, current and past teachers and students, parents and friends of TIGS. A major fundraiser for TIGS Foundation Scholarships. Jake Kuit Year 12 2013
The Illawarra Grammar School invites you and your guests to
‘THE WORKS’ 2013 EXHIBITION 23 August 2013 – 24 August 2013
Please join us to celebrate art and design and continue the tradition at The Illawarra Grammar School with ‘The Works’ 2013. The exhibition will feature Artworks, Film, Design, Furniture and Photography from the HSC 2013 and from past and present students, teachers, parents and friends of The Illawarra Grammar School.
Official Opening
Friday 23 August 2013
Saturday 24 August 2013
Announcement of the $2,000 Westpac Acquisitive Art Award
The Works Cafe
Announcement of The Works People’s Choice Award sponsored by TIGS Foundation.
Open 11.00am - 2.00pm
7.00pm - 9.00pm in the IGC
10.00am - 3.00pm in the IGC
Proudly supported by
Academic • Christian • Caring An International Baccalaureate World School
Day r u o T S G e TI013 • Exp5lor August 2
Day g in n r a e ional L s s e f o r Day/P e e r F il p • Pu 19 August 2013 Monday Night n io t a m Infor a d o k o K oes • TIG2S ADugust 2013
Friday 2
13 t 2013 0 2 n io it hib tuday 24 Augus x E s k r o • The Widay 23 - 10.00am Sa Fr 7.00pm
TIGS ugust 2013 o t k c a B • ay 24 A m Satud 11.00a
013 2 n io it ib Exh s k r o W e • Th ay 22 August 2013 Thursd