2018-19 University of Illinois PFPO Resource Guide

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Illini Union Parent & Family Programs Office

Illini Family Resource Guide 2018 • 2019



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Chancellor’s Welcome Illini Union Director’s Welcome Illini Union Parent and Family Programs Office 4 Get Connected to the Parent and Family Programs Office 4 Moms Association 4 Dads Association Illini Union Get Involved at the Illini Union! The Benefits of Participation Illini Union Services and Resources Illini Union Board Illini Union Bookstore Illini Union Quad Shop Illini Union Tech Zone Illini Union Hotel Illini Union Rec Room Illini Union Dining Registered Organizations Office Organization Funding Advisory Board (OFAB) Student Organizations Resource Fee (SORF) Advisory Board Office of Volunteer Programs The Career Center The Counseling Center Disability Resources and Educational Services Emergency Dean Program Health Center Housing Inclusion and Intercultural Affairs African American Cultural Center International Education Asian American Cultural Center Diversity and Social Justice Education LGBT Resource Center La Casa Cultural Latinar Native American House Women’s Resources Center Leadership Center Legal Services Minority Student Affairs New Student Programs Public Safety Recreation & Wellness Student Assistance Center Study Abroad WebStore University Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations An Explanation of USFSCO Financial Wellness Resource Center Financial Wellness for College Students Health Insurance: Understanding Student Health Insurance Registrar, Parents and FERPA Additional Academic Resources

AREA CODE (217) Admissions, Undergraduate


Asian American Cultural Center


Bookstore, Illini Union


Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center Campus Recreation


Career Center


CITES Help Desk (800)531-2531 /


Conflict Resolution, Student


Counseling Center


Dean of Students




Directory Assistance


Disability Resources & Educ. Serv.


Diversity & Social Justice Educ.


Emergency Dean


Financial Aid


Health Insurance, Student


Housing--Residence Halls


Private Certified Housing


University Apartments


Illini Union

2018-2019 Calendar Inside the back cover!



Illini Union Hotel


Student Programs & Activities


La Casa Cultural Latina


Leadership Center


Legal Services, Student


LGBT Resource Center


Library, Undergraduate


McKinley Health Center


Minority Student Affairs


MTD Safe Rides


Native American House


Parent and Family Programs, Illini Union




Police (non-emergency)


Records Service Center


State Farm Center


Student Accounts


Student Employment


Student Patrol/SafeWalks


Study Abroad


Tenant Union


Visit Champaign County


Women’s Resources Center


VICE CHANCELLOR’S WELCOME Dr. Danita Brown Young — Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Welcome to Illinois! We are honored that

you and your student have chosen the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As a parent or family member, you know that college will be a time of growth and transformation for your student. They will pursue new ideas, take on new challenges, and consider new perspectives about the world around them.

For over 150 years, the University of Illinois has strived to support the academic goals and dreams of our students by providing educational access and Dr. Danita Brown Young opportunity to every student. But our outstanding academic programs will be just one part of your student’s experience. The Division of Student Affairs supports the success and wellbeing of Illinois students every day, with a focus on personal and career development, leadership, health, inclusiveness, and service to others. From your student’s first days on campus through graduation and Commencement, our 1,200 staff members will be here to provide support and services, as well as help to foster the resilience needed to thrive both academically and throughout their lives. Our goal in Student Affairs is to support the success of your student during their college years and prepare them for a lifetime of learning and leadership in an increasingly diverse, global society. We are proud to be part of your student’s years at Illinois. Go



Dr. Danita Brown Young

Our division of Student Affairs is a comprehensive source of support for our students every day, with a focus on leadership and career development; health, safety, and wellness; diversity and inclusiveness; and service to others.”

CHECK OUT THESE STUDENT AFFAIRS UNITS • Campus Recreation • The Career Center • Counseling Center • The Dean of Students, including the Emergency Dean • Illini Union, including the Illini Union Bookstore, and Parent and Family Programs Office • Illinois Leadership® Center • McKinley Health Center • Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations, including the Cultural Centers • Office of Minority Student Affairs (OMSA) • State Farm Center • Student Conflict Resolution • University Housing and Dining Services

—Dr. Robert Jones, Chancellor

Illini Family Resource Guide union.illinois.edu



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elcome to the University of Illinois family. By choosing to enroll at Illinois, your son or daughter has made one of the most important decisions of their life. We appreciate your contributions to their education and development and we are equally committed to their success as you are. Research has shown that families have a significant influence on the college experience of their students. Establishing healthy, productive relationships between the university and families increases retention rates, Jamie Singson participation, and satisfaction with the collegiate experience. By working together, we can provide a unique experience for your student. We have developed tools to assist you as a coach and mentor of your student for the next few years. The Expected Parent Outcomes will help you to find the appropriate level of involvement and participation as your student joins our university community. Finding the right balance will allow you and your family to enjoy this exciting time in everyone’s lives. You will find the Expected Parent Outcomes, and the Role of the Illini Union Parent and Family Programs Office and the Moms and Dads Associations on the following pages. Sending a child to college is both exciting and stressful for the family. To help ease this transition, we have developed this Illini Family Resource Guide, which introduces campus services and resources available to both you and your student. Inside you will find useful advice from university administrators about what to expect during the first year and how to adjust to college life, information on privacy rights as it pertains to your student’s academic record, a list of important dates to mark on your calendars, important websites, and much more. We want to help families continue to build on a strong foundation by establishing a productive parent/familyuniversity partnership. As the parent and family liaison, we promise to connect with Illinois families through regular communications, our website, and to provide volunteer opportunities that encourage participation in campus life. The Illini Union Parent and Family Programs Office supports the Moms and Dads Associations’ activities to improve the well being of all students and provide resources for families. We are proud of the tradition that the Moms and Dads Associations established more than 90 years ago. We are committed to continuing that tradition and to being the leader in parent-university partnerships.

Illini Family Resource Guide union.illinois.edu

Please feel free to contact our office any time you have a question, comment, or suggestion. Again, welcome to the Illinois family. We look forward to getting to know you!



Jamie Singson

• Communicate regularly with parents and families of all Illinois students, in order to develop a critical parent-university partnership. • Educate families about their new role as parents of a college student and their evolving development, including how their lives are changing and how they are feeling and thinking. • Provide families of Illinois students with the information and tools they need to become effective mentors and coaches to their college students throughout their collegiate career. • Provide volunteer opportunities for parents and families that keep them connected to the university community and encourage the development of relationships among fellow Illinois parents/ families, the university, and the Moms and Dads Associations.

ILLINI UNION PARENT AND FAMILY PROGRAMS OFFICE The Illini Union Parent and Family Programs Office serves as the liaison between the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign and the families of its enrolled students. Through regular communication, the Parent and Family Programs Office develops productive parent-university partnerships by providing information and tools that parents and families can use to become effective mentors and coaches to their students throughout their college careers.

Illini Union Parent and Family Programs Office (PFPO) 227 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-7063 Email: iuparentfamilyprograms@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/IlliniPFPO Twitter: @IlliniPFPO Website: union.illinois.edu/PFPO



Get connected to the Illini Union Parent and Family Programs Office


ign up to receive the E-Update, a biweekly email compilation of events, activities, dates, and more. You will also receive our Illini Families Quarterly newsletter and campus safety notices.

Visit union.illinois.edu/PFPO and click the “Get Connected” link on our homepage. It’s that easy! Contact the Illini Union Parent and Family Programs Office at iuparentfamilyprograms@illinois.edu or call (217) 333-7063 with questions, comments, or ideas. Want to be involved? We are looking for creative, innovative ways to work with Illinois families, and we’d like to hear your ideas! Our website is constantly being updated with the most relevant and useful information for our parent and family community. You can like our Facebook page, Illini Union Parent Programs, and follow us on Twitter using @IlliniPFPO. Visit our website for the link to both of our social media opportunities.

EXPECTED PARENT OUTCOMES • Understand the developmental changes parents and families experience when children embark on their collegiate careers. • Be an effective mentor and coach for your college student. • Understand the college experience your student is having in today’s higher education environment. • Establish the appropriate level of involvement in your student’s collegiate career that is beneficial to you, your child, and the campus community. Know when and how to empower your student to take responsibility.

The Moms Association was formed in 1923 and is believed to be the first Moms Association in the country. Its purpose is promoting the welfare and interest of the university and its students through services and open communication on campus and throughout the state. The association is philanthropic in nature, using its proceeds to support Illinois students. Money raised is used for scholarships and grants for students and Illinois projects through the Association’s 50/50 Raffle and sales of the Moms Association merchandise.

Moms Association at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 227 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 Email: president@illinimoms.com or vpmembership@illinimoms.com Facebook: facebook.com/MomsAssociation Website: illinimoms.com

Dads Association

Formed in 1922, the Dads Association is one of the longest standing parent associations in the country. The Dads Associations’ goals are to be an information source for parents and families about the University of Illinois and to assist in providing scholarships and critical resources for students and student-related programs through fundraising.

Dads Association at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 227 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 Email: president@illinidads.com Facebook: facebook.com/illinidads Twitter: @illinidads Website: illinidads.com


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ILLINI UNION Get involved at the Illini Union! The Benefits of Participation: WHAT DOES “GET INVOLVED” MEAN? You may have heard that it is important for students to get involved while in college. But many people are unsure of exactly what this means or what steps to take to become involved. While academic studies should be one’s primary purpose in attending the University of Illinois, there is still much to be learned by taking advantage of the many opportunities outside of the classroom. Through participation in activities such as membership in a student organization, internships, recreational sports, on-campus employment, residential life, and faculty research, students gain valuable skills that will complement their academic education and make them a well-rounded individual.


• Choose opportunities of interest. From time to time, students may be tempted to join a group or apply for a position because it seems like everyone else is doing it. • Don’t be afraid to try something new. • Find a balance. Research shows that more involvement leads to more benefits; however, it is important not to overdo it. • Don’t take on new activities all at once. Taking on too much at one time can lead to burn out. • Don’t feel limited to one type of involvement. There is a wide variety of great opportunities outside of the classroom.

WHY GET INVOLVED? Involvement is the best way for students to get to know the university and to understand that they are a valuable part of the University of Illinois community. Those who are involved tend to develop relationships with other students as well as with faculty and administrators, resulting in connections that will be important to their college success. A national survey of more than 260,000 freshmen and seniors at 523 four-year colleges and universities found that students who participate in collaborative learning and educational activities outside the classroom are more satisfied with their education and are more likely to remain in college (National Survey of Student Engagement, 2006).

Illini Family Resource Guide union.illinois.edu

STUDENT ORGANIZATION OPPORTUNITIES The University of Illinois has more than 1,600 student organizations on campus and offers even more involvement opportunities for your student. The vastness of these numbers may seem overwhelming and may keep some students from committing themselves to something outside of class. But it doesn’t have to if your student keeps some key guidelines in mind when making decisions (see Involvement Tips on this page). For more information, visit union.illinois.edu or the RSO office in the Illini Union, Room 284.

Illini Union

The Illini Union draws together all members of the University of Illinois community. Come and experience everything that the Illini Union has to offer!

Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-7063 Facebook: facebook.com/illiniunion Instagram: @IlliniUnion Snapchat: @Illini_Union Twitter: @Illini_Union Website: union.illinois.edu


ILLINI UNION Illini Union Board

Illini Union Resources & Services • ATMs on the main level, southeast corner, U of I Community Credit Union • Art Gallery • Computer Lab and Study Space (CLASS) • Courtyard Café

Illini Union Board (IU Board) members are the student ambassadors for anything and everything at the Illini Union. They plan and program a variety of events based on student demand. Since 1942, IUB has served as the voice of the students and advises the administration on building policies and procedures. If it’s happening at the Illini Union, the IU Board is typically helping it happen. And while they are planning it all, knowledge of governance and outreach are growing. Board members gain real world skills and make lasting connections with peers, faculty, staff, and alumni. Because the IU Board is involved in the daily operations of a vibrant Union, the experience is both rich and diverse, with an agenda that requires diligence and an aptitude for cooperative business practices that lead to success.

Illini Union Board (IU Board) 227 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-3660

Email: iuboard@illinois.edu Website: union.illinois.edu/IUB

• Dining Partners • Document Services • Illini Union Board (IU Board) • Illini Union Bookstore • Illini Union Hotel • Illini Union Tech Zone • Organization Fund Advisory Board (OFAB) • Office of Registered Organizations • Office of Volunteer Programs (OVP) • Parent and Family Programs Office (PFPO) • Quad Shop • Rec Room • Student Organization Resource Fee (SORF) • Student Organization Complex • Starbucks (Courtyard Café, Bookstore, Oregon St.)


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The Illini Union Bookstore is the official bookstore of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This is the place to purchase all your textbooks, Illini gear and souvenirs, and all other school supplies and books. As an independent non-profit auxiliary organization, 100% of surpluses are reinvested into the campus community, funding student programs and activities. In addition to offering competitive prices for both academic materials and Illinois merchandise, the Illini Union Bookstore pays over $600,000 to students in wages and also helped students save over $1.1 million last year through purchases and the textbook rental program.

Illini Union Quad Shop

No need to run all over campus looking for what you need, just stop by the Illini Union Quad Shop. Offering everything from a ‘cup-of-Joe’ to breakfast on the go, the Illini Union Quad Shop is the university’s very own corner store. Besides tasty eats and drinks, it has everyday convenience items you may need at a moment’s notice.

Illini Union Quad Shop 227 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-3660

The Illini Union Bookstore has partnerships with several entities that provide services to campus: Amazon@Illinois: Conveniently located inside the Illini Union Bookstore, the Amazon@Illinois pick up location offers students a secure and easy location to have all their Amazon packages delivered. Amazon Prime members also receive FREE same-day pickup on over 3 million items when shipped to the bookstore location. Amazon Prime Student also gives college students unlimited FREE two-day shipping on over 30 million items and FREE returns. Complete details are available at Illinois.amazon.com. Starbucks: Take a break from shopping or just to enjoy friends between classes at the Starbucks in the Illini Union Bookstore. Additional stores are in the Illini Union and on Oregon St. in Urbana. PNC Bank: Fast and friendly student banking is easily accessible in the Illini Union Bookstore. ID Center: Pick up your i-Card quickly in the Illini Union Bookstore. The ID Center also provides passport photos, a digital image of your ID photo, and international identity cards for students.

Illini Union Boookstore 809 S. Wright St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-2050

Illini Union Tech Zone

The Tech Zone offers computers and accessories specific to all college specifications at the largest discounts: MacBook Pros, MacBook Airs, iPads, Pros and Airs, desktops, Dell laptops, Microsoft Surface Pro tablets, security, warranty, backup, and extra storage. It is the only Apple Authorized Service Provider in town, and the full-time, on-site technicians have over 60 years of combined experience in computer repairs. While the costs are very reasonable, every dollar you spend goes back into University of Illinois student programs.

Illini Union Tech Zone 227 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-3660

Website: techzone.illinois.edu

Email: iubstore@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/ illiniunionbookstore Twitter: @uofibookstore Instagram: @uofibookstore Website: bookstore.illinois.edu

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ILLINI UNION DINING, HOTEL & REC ROOM Illini Union Dining The Illini Union offers a number of dining options in the Bookstore, Courtyard Café, Food Court, and Quad Shop. The Quad Shop, is an easy-access convenience store, located on the first floor of the building, in addition to Auntie Anne’s pretzels, and Starbucks. Other Union Starbucks locations are in the Illini Union Bookstore and on Oregon St. The Illini Union Food Court on the lower level features a number of dining options, including Wendy’s, Qdoba, Sbarro, Garbanzo, and Einstein Bros. Bagels.

Illini Union Rec Room The Illini Union Rec Room is a multi-activity recreation area offering bowling, billiards, a snack counter, a lounge area with big screen TV, and games - arcade, console, outdoor, and board. The Rec Room is a popular place to meet friends and relax, while also offering planned events in addition to open walk-in play. Tournaments, leagues, classes, and special events are held throughout the semester and serve as a way for students to connect with others who share the same interests.

Illini Union Rec Room 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-2415 Email: iurecroom@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.co/IlliniUnionRecRoom Website: union.illinois.edu/rec-room

Illini Union Hotel

When you stay at the Illini Union Hotel, you receive the full Fighting Illini experience. Located in the Illini Union, the heart of the Illinois campus, and overlooking the Quad, the Hotel offers 74 rooms with several convenient and complimentary amenities such as cable TV, Wi-Fi, parking, passes to premier campus recreation facilities, as well as a $5 breakfast voucher (per person/per night stay) valid at participating Illini Union restaurants. Staying at the Illini Union Hotel also puts you very close to Illini sporting venues, several dining options, live music, and other campus attractions like the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.

Illini Union Hotel 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-1241


Email: iu-hotel@illinois.edu Website: union.illinois.edu/hotel

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ILLINI UNION ORGANIZATIONS Student Organization Resource Fee (SORF) Advisory Board SORF was established to support programs and activities of Registered Student Organizations. There is a mandatory $5.50 fee collected each semester from all Illinois students. This money is available for RSOs to utilize for things like rental space, equipment, contracts, and travel. The SORF Board is comprised of eight elected students and three appointed staff who are responsible for allocating the money.

Student Organization Resoure Fee (SORF) Advisory Board 284-D Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 244-1534

Office of Volunteer Programs The Office of Volunteer Programs (OVP) promotes community service by encouraging students to donate their time by volunteering in the local community. OVP acts as a liaison connecting Illinois students with one-time or ongoing service opportunities helping students gain invaluable experience through public engagement. OVP also provides community service workshops, programs, connects with community agencies, and partners with student groups in order to provide volunteer options for personal and professional growth. For many, volunteering with the OVP leads to the discovery of a career they will pursue when they graduate.

288 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-7424

With more than 1,600 organizations at the University of Illinois, students are sure to find one that excites them and matches their interests and hobbies. If by some chance your student doesn’t find one to join they can start their own organization! For students looking to get involved, there are two resource fairs that connect students directly to student groups; Quad Day in the fall and the RSO Involvement Fair in the spring. In addition, through U of I Connections, program staff is available to meet one-on-one with interested students to help navigate overall campus involvement opportunities anytime during the academic year.

Registered Organizations Office Email: iurso@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/ IlliniUnionROoffice Phone: (217) 244-2357 Website: union.illinois.edu/rso

Email: sorf@illinois.edu Website: union.illinois.edu/SORF

Office of Volunteer Programs

Registered Organizations Office (RO Office)

Email: ovp@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/uiovp Twitter: @UIUCvolunteers Website: union.illinois.edu/ovp

Illini Family Resource Guide union.illinois.edu

Organization Funding Advisory Board (OFAB)

The Organization Fund Advisory Board (OFAB) funds items and/or services that benefit a large number of registered student organizations. These items or services are then available to the RSOs to reserve and use as needed.

Organization Funding Advisory Board Email: ofab@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/ UniversityofIllinoisOFAB Phone: 217-300-5792

RO/OFAB Office 284 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801



CAMPUS PROGRAMS AND SERVICES TALK TO YOUR STUDENT Talk regularly with your student about academics. Possible topics could include:

THE CAREER CENTER From helping students explore majors and careers to reviewing resumes and finding internships, The Career Center empowers and prepares students for professional and career development. Through one-on-one career coaching, workshops, and events, The Career Center equips students with the tools and resources they need to actively plan their future while offering guidance and support for health careers, graduate/ professional school admission, and job search preparation.

• Identification of classes that fulfill the general education requirements.

The Career Center 715 S. Wright St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-0820

• Advising appointments and if the student has selected all courses for early registration; if they know about their time ticket, and their early registration time assignment.

Facebook: facebook.com/ IllinoisCareerCenter Twitter: @uoficareercenter Website: careercenter.illinois.edu

• For seniors, if they have applied for graduation and have met with their college records officer. • Request the student to set up a log-in and password for you to access the tuition and fees charges so you can see the itemized charges and payments. • Request to see specific information, e.g., to print information from the student information system (UI Integrate/Banner) that shows the student’s schedule, their academic history, grades (midterm and final), and GPA. • Request the student to order an official university transcript (fee required). • Request the student to print their degree audit report, which shows progress toward degree requirements and what is still needed. Questions about this report should be referred to the college office. Parents can be very helpful by looking through these documents and asking questions pertaining to interpretation of the report. Sometimes students miss key information.


THE COUNSELING CENTER The Counseling Center staff provides services that are designed to help students reach a balanced Illinois experience, ranging from various counseling services, educational programming initiatives, training programs, outreach and consultation services, and a wide variety of self-help materials. Staff members at the Counseling Center have extensive training and experience working with college students. In addition, staff members reflect much of the diversity that is found on campus and are committed to meeting the specific needs of individuals from a variety of backgrounds whenever possible.

The Counseling Center 610 E. John St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-3704 Facebook: facebook.com/IllinoisCounselingCenter Instagram: @illinoiscounseling Pinterest: pinterest.com/universityofill Twitter: @UI-Counseling YouTube: University of Illinois Counseling Center Website: counselingcenter.illinois.edu

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DISABILITY RESOURCES AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) is the designated office at Illinois that maintains disability-related documents, certifies eligibility for disability services, and determines reasonable accommodations. DRES provides University of Illinois students with disabilities the academic accommodations and support to allow equal access to the Illinois experience. Services include case management, academic coaching, individual therapy, support groups, career support, assistive technology, interpreters, TypeWell, text conversion, captioning, web accessibility, transportation, physical therapy, adapted varsity athletics, and personal assistants through Beckwith Residential Support Services. To obtain disability related accommodations and services through DRES, students can submit an online application and then submit appropriate documentation through mail or fax.

Disability Resources and Educational Services 1207 S. Oak St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-4603

Email: disability.illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/UIUC.DRES Website: disability.illinois.edu

EMERGENCY DEAN PROGRAM One of the resources the University makes available to students is the support and guidance of a University administrator who is on call and can be reached when University offices are closed. The Emergency Dean (E-Dean) program is an after-hours program intended to provide logistical support to students experiencing a health or safety emergency situation that requires the coordination of an immediate university response and which cannot wait until the next business day (e.g., a student has been critically injured; students are displaced from a residence due to a fire or floor with no landlord assistance). The Emergency Dean serves as a mechanism for alerting essential university personnel about an emergent situation involving students and/or the university, but is not a substitute for emergency trained personnel such as 911, Fire, or Police. The Emergency Dean is a full-time employee of the Office of the Dean of Students who volunteers to be on call at home, and is available Monday-Thursday, 5 p.m.-8:30 a.m., Friday at 5 p.m. through Monday at 8:30 a.m., and all holidays and university closures. The E-dean should not be contacted and will be unable to assist with non-emergency issues such as those related to academic or university policy questions, visa questions, any issues related to absences from class or exams, a student’s need to leave campus for a period of time, or other issues related to standard or routine university business. These kind of issues may be directed to the Student Assistance Center during business hours.

Emergency Dean Program 610 E. John St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-0050 Email: helpdean@illinois.edu Website: odos.illinois.edu/community-of- care /emergency-dean/

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HEALTH CENTER Located on the Southeast corner of campus, the McKinley Health Center provides student-friendly healthcare services at the University of Illinois. The Health Center is open Monday-Saturday and provides 24/7 Dial-A-Nurse service. McKinley is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, which ensures McKinley’s commitment to providing high quality care. Many services are provided or offered at no charge or at a low cost to students who have paid the mandatory Health Service Fee.

McKinley Health Center 1109 S. Lincoln Ave. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-2701 McKinley Wellness Guide: mhcwellness.illinois.edu Website: mckinley.illinois.edu

HOUSING University Housing’s residence halls and apartments are the home away from home for your student. The numerous living options and configurations offer something for everyone. Residence halls are conveniently located within walking distance or a short bus ride to the Quad. Living in a residence hall means students can focus on academics rather than cooking and cleaning. Room and board fees include in-room wireless, cable and streaming TV, social and academic resources, cleaning, maintenance, computer labs and libraries. Cost of laundry is also included, and quarters are not needed. We guarantee a constant rate that keeps room and board costs the same for up to four years when a student lives continuously in a university residence hall. When your student lives with University Housing, their residence hall becomes a close community within the large Illinois campus.

University Housing 200 Clark Hall 1203 S. Fourth St. Champaign, IL 61820-6982 (217) 333-7111 Email: housing@illinois.edu or apartments@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/illinoishousing Twitter: @UnivHousing Wesite: housing.illinois.edu


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INCLUSION AND INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS The Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations (OIIR) is dedicated to providing experiences to the Illinois community that encourage diversity and cross-cultural engagement. OIIR is committed to supporting all students across campus by sponsorsing workshops, lectures, and events that explore issues of social justice, intergroup communication, and identity, including RISE (a program for firstgeneration college students), I-Connect Diversity and Inclusion workshops, I-Unite week, and Latino Family Visit Day.

The Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations (OIIR) 121 Swanlund Administration Building 610 E. John St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-1300 Email: oiir@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/oiir.illinois Website: oiir.illinois.edu

The following units make up the cultural and resource centers of OIIR: Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center

Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center (BNAACC) was the first cultural center on the Urbana-Champaign campus. BNAACC serves the University of Illinois community by providing student development activities designed to enhance the campus climate for students of African descent, and by exposing all students to the rich culture of African Americans. BNAACC programs include 100 STRONG, a retention program for first-year African American students; Academy of African American Arts, which focuses on a cappella vocal selections, accompanied vocal selections, instrumental music, and expression through dance, and theatrical performance; and Food for the Soul, a weekly lunchtime lecture series. Not just for African Americans, the entire campus community is invited to come in and experience the warmth and wealth of opportunity at the Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center.

Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center (BNAACC) 51 E. Gregory Dr. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-2092

Email: bnaacc@illinois.edu Twitter: @BNAACC Website: oiir.illinois.edu/bnaacc

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The Asian American Cultural Center (AACC) promotes cross-cultural understanding of Asian American and Asian international experiences. Programming and resources include ‘The Food for Thought’ weekly lunchtime discussion series, ChaiTime weekly social hours, leadership trainings, art shows, lending library, student internship, and volunteer opportunities.

The Asian American Cultural Center (AACC)

International Education OIIR International Education

1210 W. Nevada St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-9300

Facebook: facebook.com/aaccillinois Twitter: @AACC_Illinois Weekly newsletter sign-up: aacc@illinois.edu Website: oiir.illinois.edu/aacc

enhances opportunities for students to engage with cultures from around the world. We promote deeper campus internationalization through supporting the success of international students, enhancing the global competencies of all students, and creating a meaningful cultural exchange between international and

Diversity and Social Justice Education

Diversity & Social Justice Education (DiversityEd) offers programs to create transformational education spaces. DiversityEd coordinates credited courses, workshops, and professional development to improve the campus climate and promote critical thinking both within the university community and in the greater society.

domestic students. OIIR seeks to enhance campus climate by providing transformative learning experiences to the Illinois community that result in an appreciation of diversity and

Diversity and Social Justice Education 1001 S. Wright St. (University YMCA building) Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 265-5585

cross-cultural engagement. Programs include iCU intercultural dialogue series, break buddy programs, and Global Leaders Orange and Blue Engagement (GLOBE) program.

Email: DiversityEd@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/UIUC.DiversityEd Twitter: @DiversityEd Website: oiir.illinois.edu/diversityed

International Education 1210 W. Nevada St. Urbana, IL 61801


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The LGBT Resource Center works with campus units to increase awareness and affirmation of LGBTQ people and reduce discrimination and harassment based on gender identities/expressions and sexual orientations. The Resource Center refers LGBTQ students, staff, and faculty to appropriate campus and community support services. In addition, it collaborates with faculty, staff, and students to develop programs to celebrate the LGBTQ presence on campus by organizing and sponsoring events associated with LGBTQIA issues.

LGBT Resource Center 323 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 244-8863

Email: lgbtrc@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/illinoisLGBTRC Twitter: @/illinoisLGBTRC Website: illinois.edu/lgbt-resource-center

Illinois Fun Facts 24,000,000+

Items mark one of the largest public university libraries in the world


Visitors to the online catalog every week

La Casa Cultural Latina

La Casa Cultural Latina promotes a welcoming and dynamic atmosphere through the development of educational, cultural, sociopolitical, and social programs that lead to greater recruitment, retention, advancement, and empowerment of Latina/o students. La Casa engages current and future leaders through mentorship, civic engagement, and the promotion of social advocacy. It also provides arenas for the exploration of personal and community identities to increase the understanding of valuing differences. A few of these signature programs include Welcome Week Activities (Que Pasa @ La Casa), Hispanic Heritage Month, Latino Family Visit Day, Latinx Resilience Network, META Mentoring and Retention Program, Latina/o Month and Celebrando Nuestros Logos, and Latinx Congratulatory Ceremony.


Area studies libraries, including one of the larger engineering libraries in the country, a state-of-theart agricultural library, and world-renowned rare book and manuscript library

En Español La Casa Cultural Latina promueve un ambiente dinámico y le da la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes a través del desarrollo de programas educativos, culturales, sociopolíticos y sociales los cuales contribuyen al reclutamiento, retención, progreso, y empoderamiento de los estudiantes Latinos. La Casa motiva a los estudiantes a ser los líderes del mañana a través de actividades comunitarias, participación cívica, e implementa programas de exploración de identidad personal y social que ayudan a nuestros estudiantes a entender los diferentes valores culturales. Todos los estudiantes pueden participar en el éxito académico y profesional a través de programas tales como Actividades de Inicio de Clases, Mes de la Herencia Hispana, Día de Visita Familiar, Red de Resistencia Latina, programa de Retención (META), Mes Latino/a, Celebrando Nuestros Logros, Congratulatoria, entre otros.

La Casa Cultural Latina 1203 W. Nevada St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-4950

Email: lacasa@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/lacasauiuc/ Twitter: @uiuc_lacasa Website: oiir.illinois.edu/la-casa-cultural-latina

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LGBT Resource Center


Illinois Fun Facts 4

Theaters in the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts seat about 4,000 and annually host 350+ student and professional performances, as well as commencements, lectures, and other events, many of them free


Works of art at Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion’s permanent collection, KAM hosts highcaliber temporary exhibitions and interdisciplinary programs


Artifacts of global cultures at the Spurlock Museum


Native American House is committed to supporting and empowering Indigenous students and communities through facilitating opportunities for cultural and academic support, engagement, and advocacy. The Native American House welcomes all, while centering the voices and lived experiences of Indigenous peoples.

The Native American House 1206 W. Nevada St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 265-0632 Email: NAH@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/pages/The-Native-American-House Twitter: @NAHillinois Website: oiir.illinois.edu/native-american-house

Women’s Resources Center

The Women’s Resources Center offers support, advocacy, and educational programs designed to improve the campus climate for women and achieve greater gender equity in society. Through programs that address women’s issues and gender-related concerns, the Center works to increase awareness and sensitivity across the campus community about genderbased issues, and offer support and advocacy for students, staff, and faculty dealing with issues of violence or discrimination. The Women’s Resources Center welcomes students of all gender-identities to participate in its student-centered educational and personal development experiences. Programs include, but are not limited to, Welcome Week activities, “Dish It Up” Lunch on Us series, Girls Geek Out, Women’s Career Institute, Feminist Film Festival, Women’s History Month events, International Women’s Day events, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Awareness Month events, and various speaker/discussion series. The Center is always interested in collaborating with students, faculty, and staff who share a commitment to the mission of the Women’s Resources Center. Help Your Student Help Their Friends When your student’s peers are in need of support related to sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or sexual exploitation, Confidential Advisors are available to offer support and advocacy for students, staff, and faculty. Confidential Advisors for the University of Illinois are housed in the Women’s Resources Center, and are available to support people of all gender identities. Appointments are available, and walk-ins are welcome. To learn more, visit the We Care website: wecare.illinois.edu.

The Woman’s Resources Center 616 E. Green St., Suite 202 Champaign, IL 61820


Email: womenscenter@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/pages/ University-of-Illinois-WomensResources-Center Website: oiir.illinois.edu/womens-center

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LEADERSHIP CENTER The world needs better leaders to solve the complex issues that society faces. That is why we are here: to equip Illinois students with the leadership competencies needed to address these complex issues. Effective leadership skills are emerging as one of the primary attributes for prospective job seekers in today’s society. The Illinois Leadership Center provides a number of free programs and services to help students gain these vital leadership skills.

The Illinois Leadership Center 290 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-0604

Email: leadership@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/IllinoisLeadershipCenter Twitter: @il_leadership Website: leadership.illinois.edu

LEGAL SERVICES The mission of the Student Legal Services (SLS) office is to provide preventive legal education, legal counseling and advice, and individual representation (in Champaign County courts) to students in order to enhance student life and student knowledge of their rights and responsibilities and to positively impact student retention. Students should begin the process at the SLS webpage selecting the link, Schedule an Appointment/Online Intake Forms. PDF files of the brochures and PowerPoints from public presentations on many topics are available online under the link entitled Brochures & Presentations. Translations of many brochures, court and legal documents, etc. are also available in languages other than English.

Student Legal Services Office 324 Illini Union 1401 W. Green St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-9053

Email: studentlegalservice@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/Illinois.sls Website: odos.illinois.edu/sls/index.html

MINORITY STUDENT AFFAIRS Office of Minority Student Affairs (OMSA) has embodied Illinois’ land grant mission by championing access for all students and providing a comprehensive array of collegiate preparatory services and academic support services to bolster our students’ success. Over the years OMSA has served historically underrepresented, first generation, lowincome, and other marginalized students from communities across the globe. OMSA has led the campus in advocating for diversity, inclusion, and the establishment of a safe and welcoming environment for all students, faculty, and staff. OMSA has a distinguished legacy of service to students, the campus, and the greater Champaign-Urbana community. Contact the office for more information about the academic enrichment activities, tutoring and supplemental instruction, or mentoring services.

Office of Minority Student Affairs (OMSA)

Email: omsa.illinois@gmail.com Website: omsa.illinois.edu

130 Turner Student Services Building 610 E. John St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-0054

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NEW STUDENT PROGRAMS The Office of New Student Programs (NSP) is designed to help facilitate the success of all new students throughout their first year. The programs and services provided are designed to help students get familiar with campus resources, connect with other students, faculty, and staff, and introduce students to the educational and social opportunities at the University of Illinois. NSP helps to facilitate Welcome Days/Fall Orientation, Parent and Family Summer Orientation, INBOUND, RISE, International Student Orientation, and transfer specific programming.

Office of New Student Programs (NSP)

410 Turner Student Services Building 610 E. John St. Champaign, IL 61820

Email: newstudent@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/IllinoisNSP Twitter and Instagram: @nspillinois Website: newstudent.illinois.edu

PUBLIC SAFETY Student safety is the foremost priority of the University of Illinois Police Department (UIPD). UIPD provides all the services of a traditional police department and also incorporates resources specifically tailored for a college campus – like emergency response, security cameras, SafeWalks, self-defense classes, sexual assault resources, crime prevention services, and other critical safety functions. UIPD strives to keep everyone informed of ongoing public safety issues. Visit the department’s website to learn how to subscribe to Illini-Alert emergency notifications, Campus Safety Notices about campus-area crime, and to learn more about the resources provided by UIPD. Please also visit the department on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more regular updates. The UIPD works very closely with local municipal police agencies, students, faculty, and staff to promote a high quality of life and an environment where academic achievement is unlimited.

University Police Department 1110 W. Springfield Ave. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-1216

Email: police@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/UIpolice Instagram: @uipolice Twitter: @UIPD Website: police.illinois.edu

RECREATION & WELLNESS Campus Recreation offers active learning and self-discovery opportunities to students, faculty, staff, and community members. With the Activities and Recreation Center (ARC), Campus Recreation Center East (CRCE), and the Ice Arena there is approximately 500,000 square feet of state-of-the-art recreation space, along with 50 acres of outdoor recreation space at the Outdoor Center, Complex Fields, and Illini Grove. Campus Recreation also offers many diverse programs and services including group fitness classes, personal trainers, intramural activities, climbing clinics, aquatic activities, ice skating, hockey programs, and over 40 club sports. The department hires over 800 students to help run all the facilities and programs.

Campus Recreation 201 E. Peabody Dr. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-3806


Email: campusrec@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/uoficampusrec Instagram: @IlliniCampusRec Twitter: @IlliniCampusRec Website: campusrec.illinois.edu

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STUDENT ASSISTANCE CENTER The Student Assistance Center serves as the first point of contact for students, parents, faculty, and staff who call, email, or walk into the Office of the Dean of Students. The staff strives to help students effectively navigate university policy and procedures, educate them about and connect them to the appropriate campus offices and resources, and support students through difficult situations and crises. Students may visit the office for a range of issues that may be impacting their academic performance including health/mental health, absences from class, questions about how to access services, managing extenuating circumstances, options for withdrawal, or because they need help and aren’t sure where to go. There is an Assistant Dean on Duty available to meet from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday with students who walk in, and to answer questions by phone or email. Email responses will only be sent during business hours.

The Student Assistance Center 300 Turner Student Services Building 610 E. John St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-0500

Email: helpdean@illinois.edu Website: odos.illinois.edu/community-of- care/ student-assistance- center/#dean-on- duty

STUDY ABROAD Illinois Abroad and Global Exchange (IAGE), the campus study abroad office, currently facilitates approximately 150 study abroad programs in more than 45 countries for Illinois students to spend a term abroad. Their portfolio includes: exchange programs, direct enroll programs, provider programs, customized short-term programs, and signature programs. Not only does studying abroad foster global citizenship, but it also allows students to enhance their skill-sets, broaden their perspectives, and gain a deeper understanding of their given fields. Programs are open to students from all academic fields, backgrounds, and identities. All interested students and their families are encouraged to visit the study abroad website for more information about IAGE programs and services.

UI Study Abroad Office

112 International Studies Building 910 S. Fifth St. Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-6322

Email: sao-inquiries@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/IllinoisStudyAbroad Twitter: @ILstudyabroad Instagram: @illinoisstudyabroad Website: studyabroad.illinois.edu

WEBSTORE The U of I WebStore is the university’s primary online software distribution source. The university offers some software, such as Office 365, free of charge to students. WebStore offers over 350 products, including Adobe products, at a discount. All that is required for registered students to purchase or download is their NetID, password, and a valid credit card.

UI WebStore 1102 Digital Computer Laboratory 1304 W. Springfield Ave. Urbana IL 61801

Email: webstore@illinois.edu Facebook: facebook.com/uofiwebstore Twitter: @uofiwebstore Website: webstore.illinois.edu

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UNIVERSITY STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES AND CASHIER OPERATIONS An Explanation of USFSCO University Student Financial Services & Cashier Operations (USFSCO) USFSCO is the central billing and payment unit of the University of Illinois. The office is responsible for managing student account transactions and collecting payment for the university. It is different than the Office of Student Financial Aid as it is not involved with awarding and processing student financial aid loans and grants. If students have questions about charges or credits on their student account or need information about making payments to the university for their student account balance, USFSCO is the office to contact. USFSCO also handles inquiries regarding refunds for student account overpayments. You are encouraged to visit our website at paymybill.uillinois.edu to become familiar with all of our services and policies. Please feel free to contact us at usfscohelp@ uillinois.edu with any questions you have about our services and policies.

Authorized Payers and FERPA When students designate a parent/guardian as an Authorized Payer, they are giving USFSCO permission to discuss their student account information with the designated person. This is very important if you will be helping your student with their college expenses. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits us from providing specific account information to anyone other than the student, unless we have a release from the student

or proof that the student is a dependent of the person requesting the student account information. Authorized Payer access gives a student’s parent/guardian their own login ID and password to access the student account billing information and make payments online. Authorized Payers will receive an email each month, reminding them to view their student account for recent activity and to pay any amount due by the due date. Visit our website at paymybill.uillinois.edu and select Authorized Payers under the Billing section for instructions on how to set up Authorized Payers.

The Student Account Once a month, the University of Illinois emails students and Authorized Payers as a reminder to view their student account for recent activity and to pay any amount due by the due date. The student account is available online for students and Authorized Payers to view and print. This includes all student account transactions such as payments received, charges, and credits for tuition, fees, and housing. The university does not mail paper billing statements. Visit our website at paymybill.uillinois.edu and select ‘Viewing My Student Account’ under the Billing section for instructions on accessing student account information online.

Payment Options Fall, spring, and summer tuition, fee, and housing charges will be posted online in September, February, and June respectively. The payment due date is the 28th of each month. The student (or their Authorized Payer) can pay the student account online with an electronic check or credit card; pay in person with a personal check or money order; or send a check through the mail. We accept American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. We only accept credit card payments online, and there is a nonrefundable 2.4 percent service fee added to all credit card payments. USFSCO also offers annual and semester payment plans for payment of tuition, mandatory fees, and room and board charges. If you have a ‘College Illinois! Pre-paid 529’ savings plan, you can also use those credits to pay your student account. Visit the Payments section of our website at paymybill.uillinois.edu to find out more about our payment options, payment mailing address, and instructions to make a payment online.


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Be sure to mark your calendar with the due date so you don’t forget! Delinquent charges are subject to a late payment charge of $1.00 or 1.5 percent, whichever is greater, per month on any amount not paid when due. Such accounts will also be billed a past due charge of $2.00 per month in addition to the late payment charge.

Refunds and Direct Deposit The majority of student account refunds are generated by financial aid credits. However, credit balances may also result from other overpayment transactions such as tuition, fees, library and parking credits, security deposit refunds, and duplicate payments. Students are sent an email to their university email account whenever a refund is processed on their account. All refunds are processed electronically by direct deposit, so make sure to enroll in direct deposit early! Direct deposit is the electronic transfer of funds into a checking or savings account. It is the quickest, safest, and most efficient way to receive a refund. We maintain strict confidentiality with all bank account information. Visit our website at paymybill.

uillinois.edu and select ‘Direct Deposit’ under the ‘Refunds’ section for instructions on enrolling in direct deposit.

USFSCO (University Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations) is responsible for managing student account transactions and collecting payment for the university. USFSCO is the off ice to contact with questions about charges or credits on the student account or information about making payments to the university for the student account balance. USFSCO also handles inquiries regarding refunds for student account credit balances.

UI Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations 100 Henry Administration Building 506 S.Wright St. Email: usfscohelp@uillinois.edu Urbana, IL 61801 Website: paymybill.uillinois.edu (217) 333-2180

OFFICE OF FINANCIAL AID SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION The goal of the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) is to assist families in securing the resources necessary to fund their student’s education. Last year, over $872 million in financial aid funds were administered, and 72 percent of University of Illinois students received financial aid. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign awards more than 1,500 scholarships annually based on a variety of factors including academic achievement, talent, leadership, geographical location, field of study, and financial need. Students are encouraged to search the scholarship database at ofsa.illinois.edu to review the scholarship opportunities that are available. Application procedures vary, so it is important to follow the directions and apply by the dates indicated. These academic awards and merit-based scholarships are awarded

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through the departments and colleges on campus and are reported to OSFA. OSFA establishes cost of attendance budgets that are used to determine financial aid eligibility. Students and their families are provided with a reasonable estimate of the cost of attendance, including allowances for tuition and fees, room and board, books, supplies, and other expenses. The tuition and fee amounts used in the cost of attendance budgets are based on full-time enrollment of 12 or more credit hours. Visit osfa.illinois.edu/cost for a complete explanation and list of tuition and fees.



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FINANCIAL WELLNESS RESOURCE CENTER Financial Wellness For College Students Kathy Sweedler, Consumer Economics Educator, University of Illinois Extension


oans, leases, contracts, and more! Between the ages of 18 to 25 years old, people go from spending money on fun to significant financial decisions that can affect them for many years. As a parent, you can help your student learn the financial skills they need.

A good place to start is to help your student develop a spending plan. To begin, sit down with your student and make a list of all anticipated expenses. Include expenses that you plan to pay for as well as expenses your student will be responsible for. Do your best to estimate costs. You may find the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s estimates at osfa.illinois.edu/cost to be helpful. Once you have a list of expenses, talk about who will pay what. This is a good time for students to understand all of the expenses related to independent living including car and health insurance, car maintenance, clothing, food, and more. While you may still be paying some of these expenses, students need to be aware that these are expenses they will be paying in the not too distant future. • Will your student be receiving financial aid? • Does part of their financial aid package include work study? • Do you expect your student to work part-time during college? If so, which expenses are expected to be paid for by financial aid or wages? Now is the time to be clear about your expectations as well as to listen to your student’s ideas. The next step is to build a monthly spending plan (budget). People have an easier time managing their spending when it is clear how much money is available to spend and what expenses are anticipated during a short time period such as one month. A monthly plan lets you and your student check if your plan is working before too many problems can occur. The University of Illinois Extension Financial Wellness program offers several budgeting tools (such as an Excel budget form) at http://web. extension.illinois.edu/cfiv/fwcollege/5402.html. Also, Peer Educators are happy to meet with students to help them establish a spending plan. To know if the spending plan is working, your student will need to keep track of where their money is going. This is a great habit to develop and especially useful during times of transition! Encourage students to jot down their spending once a day or as they spend money – cell phone apps work well for this! It may be that after a month or two at college, the spending plan will need to be adjusted. Perhaps an expense category was missed or some costs are more than anticipated. Adjust spending plan early in the school year before too much spending has occurred. When expenses are higher

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than anticipated in one category, then spending in another area must be decreased or more money (income) must be found. In summary, to help manage money effectively at college, take time to: 1. List all anticipated costs. 2. Determine all sources of anticipated income. 3. Decide together who will be responsible for paying which costs. 4. Develop a monthly spending plan. 5. Check how the spending plan is working and make revisions as needed. As more financial decisions arise, there are several resources on campus. Visit the Student Money Management Center website, which has many resources including videos on budgeting tips at www.studentmoney. uillinois.edu. Financial Planning for Young Adults, is a new online, free resource at www.coursera.org/learn/financial-planning/ from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Learning about finances is a lifelong process. While we can’t expect college students to be experienced money managers and not make mistakes, we can help them start out right with a little planning. Now is a good opportunity to talk to your student about finances. Don’t hesitate to contact ‘University of Illinois Extension’s Financial Wellness for College Students’ program for help. ‘University of Illinois Extension’s Financial Wellness for College Students’ program helps students manage their money effectively and make wise financial decisions. A wide variety of one-on-one assistance is available to students on topics such as budgeting, managing credit, and utilizing job benefits. Students can meet with a peer educator free of charge by appointment or during office hours. In addition, student-targeted financial education resources and office hours can be found on our website, www. go.illinois.edu/FinancialWellness, and Facebook page, www.facebook .com/FinancialWellnessUIE.

Financial Wellness and Resource Center Activities and Recreation Center (ARC) Concourse Level 201 E. Peabody Dr. Champaign, IL 61820 Email: financialwellnessuie@gmail.com Website: www.go.illinois.edu/FinancialWellness To schedule an appointment with a Peer Educator: go.illinois.edu/FWOfficeHour



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HEALTH INSURANCE Understanding Student Health Insurance Kimberly Dalluge, Department Manager, Student Health Insurance


he university requires all students on campus be covered by health insurance. To ensure this, one of the fees assessed to eligible students is enrollment in the Student Health Insurance Plan. The university recommends all students remain enrolled under the Student Health Insurance Plan during their years at the university. This plan is compliant with the Affordable Care Act and designed to meet the needs of full and part-time students. A brief outline is listed below: 1. Students can go to any doctor, any hospital, anywhere in the world. Most benefits are 80/20, paid at 80% of Usual and Customary charges. If the student chooses to go to a UnitedHealthcare Options PPO network provider, they can receive discounts in addition to 80%. 2. There are low deductibles per insured person per plan year for outpatient, inpatient, and emergency room visits. For current benefits please go to our website: si.illinois.edu and click on ‘Links and Forms’. 3. Prescription drugs are covered when dispensed at most pharmacies or at McKinley Health Center. Copays or coinsurance may vary based on the medication obtained. 4. If the student believes that their private medical plan is comparable to the Student Health Insurance Plan, they may file to opt out of the University Plan. This can only be done during the Enrollment/ Change Period. Check the Student Health Insurance website for dates and waiver application requirements. Waivers cover the semester during which they were submitted and are in effect continually through the end of that academic year. Below are questions students should consider before opting out of the insurance: Q. Is there a full-time student status requirement for coverage under your current health insurance? Many students may need to leave school for a time due to injury, illness, or another reason. A. With our plan, part time eligible students can have coverage no matter how many hours they are taking. If a covered student has to leave school for a semester, coverage is available for those students who meet the Extension requirements.

Q. Is the Urbana-Champaign area included within your health insurance carrier benefit coverage area?

A. The Student Health Insurance Plan has worldwide coverage. Q. Does your insurance plan require referrals and pre-authorizations? A. The Student Health Insurance Plan does not require referrals nor does it require pre-authorization.

Reinstatement: If a student has previously waived the Student Health Insurance Plan, they do have the option to reinstate into the plan assuming they are registered in a manner in which the fee may be assessed. There are typically two types of reinstatement and with either, approval is not guaranteed. Please contact the Student Health Insurance office for more information. Extension of coverage: Students who are not registered during a semester may elect to extend their coverage, provided they were registered and enrolled in the plan the previous semester and are returning the following semester. This can only be done during the Enrollment/Change Period. It is the duty of the Student Health Insurance Office to ensure all students have the insurance coverage they need. Acting as a liaison between the student body and the plan’s underwriter, UnitedHealthcare, Student Resources, our office is here to assist students through all Student Health Insurance related processes.

Student Health Insurance Office McKinley Health Center Room 29 1109 S. Lincoln Ave. Urbana, IL 61801-3620 (217) 333-0165 Email: insure@illinois.edu Website: si.illinois.edu

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Parents and FERPA


arents can sometimes feel marginalized by the lack of academic information they receive from their child’s college, especially when the price tag warrants a high degree of their attention. The following information is provided to help parents understand student record privacy issues in the higher education setting. In 1974, federal law was enacted, in part, to protect the right of students to have an accurate educational record, protected from disclosure without their permission, and otherwise accessed only by school officials with a legitimate educational need to see the data. This law, known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, FERPA, forms the basis for Illinois policies now in place. An annual notification to students of their FERPA rights explaining how they can inspect or correct their educational record, gives lists of data custodians of student record information, differentiates between public data (i.e., directory information) and confidential data, and instructs students on how to suppress the release of public information. This policy is found in Article 3, Part 6 of the Student Code. Significant to parents is the portion of the law that transfers all rights of the act to the student as soon as he or she enters the higher education setting. Article 99.5 (a) states, “When a student becomes an eligible student, the rights accorded to, and consent required of, parents under this part transfer from the parents to the student.” At Illinois, this applies on the first day of instruction, even if the student is under 18 years of age, and is indefinite. The full text of the act and frequently asked questions can be found on the Department of Education website. All student data maintained by Illinois is part of the educational record, including, but not limited to, all biographical, application, and matriculation data. Other than public information classified as directory information, there’s to be no release of the educational

record to any party without the express written consent of the student. If your child has chosen to suppress his or her directory information, there’s less information to share. Instead, all staff are instructed to say, “There’s no information available for any student by that name.” The university must comply with these federal regulations or be subject to penalties, which could include loss of federal funding. A few occasions exist in which a parent may have access to information in his or her child’s record. These include when a student gives written permission to release the information, when the parent can prove dependency status on a federal income tax statement (see the Student Code, Article 3-603 and 3-609), and, in limited circumstances, when a student has violated campus rules or other laws governing the use of alcohol or controlled substances (see the Student Code, Article 3-603). In a divorce situation, both parents are accorded the right to the record even if only one of the parents has proven dependency This clear-cut regulation can be frustrating for parents who have previously been privy to the details of their child’s educational history. Our best advice is to talk to your child. Remain involved and ask questions about their classes, their schedule, and their degree requirements. Following are some suggestions: • Confirm that your child is taking classes that fulfill the general education requirements. •

Make sure that your child is on top of advising appointments, has selected all courses for early registration, and knows about his or her time ticket (or early registration time assignment).

• If your child is a senior, confirming that he or she has added his or her name to the applicable graduation list and has met with his or her college records officer.


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• Request that your student set up a login and password for you to access tuition and fee charges so you can see the itemized bill and payments.

the progress and success of each student. We want each individual to mature in ability to manage time, organize, and establish life skills, both academic and emotional.

• Request to see specific information, including printouts from the student information system (Student Self-Service) that shows your child’s schedule, his or her academic history, grades (midterm and final), and GPA.

Your child’s college dean is also available to assist with general questions pertaining to undergraduate academics. You shouldn’t hesitate to contact the Office of the Dean of Students if you have an emergency or other threatening concern about your student.

• Request that your child order an official university transcript (an $8 fee required).

Reprinted from the Off ice of the Registrar website.

• Request that your child print out his or her degree audit report, which shows progress toward degree requirements and what’s still needed (questions about this report should be referred to the college office). Sometimes students miss key information, so you can be very helpful by looking through the document and asking questions pertaining to your interpretation of the report.

The Off ice of the Registrar can assist students with course registration, tuition and fee assessment, transcripts, diplomas, Good Student Discount forms, and enrollment verif ication.

Along with parents, university staff play an important role in the transition of a child from a dependent teen to an independent young adult. Even though they can’t release specific information about student academics to parents, they can respond to general questions about campus policy or how to handle a hypothetical situation. Remember, they’re interested in and concerned about

Office of the Registrar 901 W. Illinois St. Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-2034

Email: registration@illinois.edu Website: registrar.illinois.edu

SPECIAL EVENT WEEKENDS Make hotel reservations now for these weekend events! Be sure to check the Illini Union Hotel, conveniently located on campus. Because of the popularity of these events, most local hotels book up one year in advance. Be sure to ask if hotels have a waiting list and request to be added to it. Often, visitors find they cannot keep their reservations, and rooms do become available, especially in the month leading up to the events. • Homecoming 2018 is scheduled for October 13. The Illini football team will take on Purdue. • Dads Weekend 2018 will be November 2-4. The Dads Association will host a Dads Pre-Game BBQ prior to the Dads Day football game against the University of Minnesota as well as selling tickets to the football game beginning in July the game will be on Saturday, November 3. Registration information and other Dads weekend events will be available July 2018 at union.illinois.edu/PFPO.

Illini Family Resource Guide union.illinois.edu

• Moms Weekend 2019 will be April 5-7. The Moms Association will be hosting events and will be participating in the ‘Annual Craft Show’. Information will be available February 2019 at union. illinois.edu/PFPO.edu. • Commencement 2019 is scheduled for May 11. Information is available at oc.illinois.edu/ commencement.





cademic advisors and tutoring centers play a major role in a student’s collegiate career. Academic advisors are tasked to assist students with organizing their timeline to take certain classes as well as offer advice on how to achieve their academic goals. Tutoring centers offer a space for students to seek academic assistance when necessary. These two resources are helpful both in transitioning a high school graduate into the college environment and supporting their progress towards graduation. Each department in every college has an advising center available to students. This is where academic advisors speak with students concerning which courses they should take according to the goals the advisors and students set together. To find an academic advisor or to make an appointment, a student can go to their department’s website and click on the advising tab. There, an advisor name and email address is available to schedule an appointment. Students are normally contacted

before the beginning of their freshman year with the name and contact information of their academic advisor. During Summer Registration, advisors guide students through the class selection process, introducing the terminology, and necessary steps to properly register for classes. This paves the way for students to correctly register for classes in later semesters. Similar to advising, every college has its own designated tutoring center. Tutors are available for most general education courses as well as a number of core classes. Tutoring allows


students the opportunity to receive academic help on a more individual basis, especially if a student is hesitant to ask questions in a classroom setting. It also helps by staying on track with the material on a weekly basis. In addition to providing tutoring centers with free tutors, most colleges also provide students with a list of private tutors for hire for students who prefer that option. For additional academic assistance, professors list office hours where a student can visit and ask questions. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. Additionally, most professors have a list of teaching assistants (TAs) who provide separate office hours throughout the week. While students can choose to visit either the professor or a TA, there is usually greater flexibility in finding a TA that works with a student’s schedule. Information on tutoring centers is normally available on individual class websites. Some individual classes have specific tutoring opportunities that are specific to the material within that course. Professors and TAs normally have additional office hours throughout the week for specific classes. For example, general chemistry classes have regular TA office hours as well as a supplemental chemistry tutoring center for every undergraduate chemistry class. One advantage to utilizing the resources of a tutoring center is the opportunity to work with a TA that in all likelihood has taken the class themselves and can provide students with useful study tips. Additional campus tutoring is provided by other campus units, such as Disability Resources and Educations Services (DRES) and the Office of Minority Student Affairs (OMSA). If a student clicks ‘Academic Support’ on the DRES homepage, a ‘Campus Tutoring’ tab will appear where students can choose from a list of topics. OMSA has a Tutoring & Instructional Service tab on its homepage that students can directly click. From there, students can access a link to walk-in hours for different subjects as well as a way to make an appointment with individual tutors. The campus is committed to the success of all students. This is why advisors, professors, TAs, and tutors make themselves available to assist students with their academic needs. Taking advantage of these resources can have a significant positive impact on a student’s academic career.

union.illinois.edu Illini Family Resource Guide

Welcome To The Illinois Family!



August Freshman Move-In Day ......................... Illini Union Late Nighter ...................... Returning Student Move-In Day ........... Illini Frenzy ........................................... Illini Union Quad Day ........................... Instruction Begins ...................................

January 23 24 25 25 26 27

September Labor Day (No Classes) ............................ 3 Tuition Payment Due ............................. 28

October Homecoming ....................................... 7-13

November Dads Weekend ....................................... 2-4 Fall Break Begins .................................... 17 Undergrad Residence Halls Close ........... 17 Undergrad Residence Halls Reopen......... 24 Instruction Resumes ............................... 26

December Instruction Ends ..................................... 12 Reading Day ........................................... 13 Final Exams ....................................... 14-20 Undergrad Halls Close for Winter Break ... 22

Undergrad Residence Halls Reopen ........ 13 Instruction Begins ................................... 14 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No Classes) ....21

February Tuition Payment Due ............................. 28

March Undergrad Residence Halls Close ........... Spring Break Begins ............................... Undergrad Residence Halls Reopen ........ Instruction Resumes ...............................

16 16 24 25

April Moms Weekend ..................................... 5-7

May Instruction Ends ....................................... 1 Reading Day ............................................. 2 Final Exams ......................................... 3-10 Commencement ..................................... 11 Undergrad Residence Halls Close ........... 12

Illini Union Parent & Family Programs Office

Illini Family Resource Guide Moms Association Board of Directors 2018-2019

Dads Association Board of Directors 2018-2019

President: Erin Bline (’89) Vice President of Parent Outreach: Gwen Kanelos Vice President of Internal Communications/Secretary: Denies Burkett Vice President of External Communications: Merydith Brostoff (’92) Vice President of Scholarships and Awards: Maryilyn Rowley Vice President of Fundraising: Jody Gleason Treasurer: Amy Shappert Immediate Past President: Marisa Winkler Directors: Ann Brundage Brigitte Beasley Nuzhat Chalisa Julie Dykstra Diane Haff Paula Hays Xiaohong Li Tondalia Roberts Jessica Spizzirri Maureen Tholen Holli Will Carmela Wimberly

President: William Stratman Vice President: Robert James Treasurer: Greg Allen Secretary: Martin Matushek (81) Immediate Past President: Joseph Grainer (86) Directors: Jeff Coffland (84) William Cooney (86) Larry Dechter Chuck Dushman Mark Ganan Mark Jacquot (83) Gary Longfellow David Mann Phil Siegel Mark Sohns

Illini Union Parent and Family Programs Office Zuri White, Program Manager Jamie Singson, Director of the Illini Union Becki Salzman, Assistant to the Director

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