LAF Course 8 Exercise

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Look to your Soul, where God dwells, and that’s where you’ll find the answers. Jim Gordon 1


Meditation ● ● ● ● ●

Focus at the Seat of the Soul, where God dwells Relax (let go) Allow the Loving in Accept – Receive God’s Loving Share your loving with God

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Focus at the Seat of the Soul, where God dwells Relax (let go) Allow your judgments, fears, ect. Accept it all (Receive it all) Share your loving with it all and with God


The Action of Allowing I allow my judgments = Accepting I let go of the resistance = Forgiving I Am Loving = Loving


Write A Letter Get It All Out! 1. Write a letter to someone, or something that you’re in disturbance with. ○ ○ ○

Share openly, honestly, and vulnerably. Don’t hold anything back! Get it all out - your reaction, your hurt, your anger, your sadness, your frustrations, your disappointments, your joy...


2. Look at the elements of your letter where you’re blaming, shaming, protecting, defending, controlling, what you’re judging and what you’re afraid of. ○ ○

Underline or highlight these elements Look back at what you’ve underlined (where you’re protecting, defending, controlling, shaming, blaming, judging and fearing) and ask yourself, “Why am I really in reaction: what am I afraid of, and what am I judging myself for?” and write these answers down. These are the things to Love, Accept & Forgive


The Inner Work of LAF Making it all about God

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Focus at the Seat of the Soul, where God dwells Relax (let go) Allow what’s present (judgments, fears, disturbance) As the resistance drops away… receive the Loving that comes present Accept the Loving into you Forgive yourself for what you need to forgive Observe and allow yourself to move into the spiritual action that is taking place inside of you at the seat of the soul Share your loving with it all and with God, and give it all up to God Open to allow and accept God’s Loving into you... 6

3. Re-write the letter in an action of communion-in-action from your soul’s awareness, taking ownership of your process in Loving. You can re-write the letter to the person or situation, or to an aspect of yourself, or to God. ○

What do you really want to share with the person or situation, with yourself or with God? Your reaction or your loving? i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Communion-in-action is an invitation, it’s an asking of the other person to participate with you, that’s why it works. It brings union rather than separation. Reaction = separation Communion-in-action = union. It is a two-way street. It is a coming into union from the God in you with the God in the other person.


What’s Next? 4. If it’s complete (you are at peace inside), burn the letter as an action of letting go. If it’s not complete (you’re not at peace inside) then there’s more to do: ○ ○

You can take action by sending the letter to the person to move the energy You can have a conversation with the person using the contents of the letter to do the outer communion-in-action


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