Accepting Responsibility 5 Steps to Loving, Acceptance, Forgiveness & Freedom Think of a situation in life that stands between you and God, where you are in reaction or that you avoid out of fear, shame, guilt, or blame.
Now Accept Responsibility for your thoughts and feelings, actions and reactions that this situation has brought up inside of you by owning it as your reaction(s) to what’s inside of you: your beliefs, your fears, your attachments, your judgments, etc.,
How does that look, feel and sound inside of yourself?
Is there any part of this situation that you cannot give up right now, why?
Now imagine if you were to take ownership of it and there is nothing to fear‌ What does that look, feel, and sound like?
Kelsie facilitates guided LAF 5 step process Now closing your eyes, with your attention focused into the light and loving of your soul, bring forward your thoughts, feelings and reactions to the situation you are wanting to let go of. This is between you, your soul and God. Remember to BE your soul, to see it, feel it and know it. Know each statement to be true, a true action of loving from your soul. Statements for the LAF 5 Step Process: 1. I Forgive you. (I Am as Soul, forgives you: the body, imagination, emotions, mind, unconscious patterns- beliefs, thoughts, feels, reactions.) 2. God bless you. (God, the I Am, which is Soul blesses you: the body, imagination, emotions, mind, unconscious patterns- beliefs, thoughts, feels, reactions.) 3. I Love you. (I Am as Soul, loves you: the body, imagination, emotions, mind, unconscious patterns- beliefs, thoughts, feels, reactions.) 4. I take you into my heart. (I Am as Soul, takes you: the body, imagination, emotions, mind, unconscious patterns- beliefs, thoughts, feels, reactions, into my heart: God’s heart, which is the Soul). 5. It is done. (I Am as Soul declares it is done.) Go into meditation…in Loving as you surrender into God’s Loving… Open your eyes when you’re complete. Journal your awareness.