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Lisaks sellele, et Eesti on kuulus Tallinna ajaloolise vanalinna poolest, on Eesti järk-järgult omandamas ka puhkeparadiisi maine. Riigi põhjamaine kliima on aidanud looduskaunis keskkonnas luua arvukalt kaasaegseid spaasid ja tervisekeskusi, kus on võimalik ilmast hoolimata nautida massaaži, kuuma mullivanni ja paljusid muid terviseprotseduure, ujuda ja külastada ilusalonge. Besides being famous for Tallinn's historic Old Town, Estonia is gradually gaining a reputation for being a relaxation paradise. The country’s Nordic climate has contributed to the creation of numerous modern spas and health centres in beautiful natural surroundings, where it is possible to enjoy massage, hot Jacuzzi and a range of other health treatments, take a swim and visit beauty salons regardless of the weather outside.
Eesti kaunid liivarannad, populaarsed hotellid ja veepargid ning tunnustatud spad ja mudaravikeskused on külastajaid meelitanud ja hellitanud juba aastaid. Üks põhjus, miks sellised kuurordid siin välja arenesid, oli kohalik muda, mis oli kuulus oma terapeutiliste omaduste poolest. Pärnu, Haapsalu, Kuressaare ja Narva-Jõesuu on olnud moodsad kuurordid alates 1820. aastatest, samas kui Värska, Kubija, Pühajärve, Toila, Viimsi ja muidugi Tallinn uhkeldavad ka suurepäraste spaadega.
Estonia’s beautiful sandy beaches, popular hotels and water parks and renowned spas and mud therapy centres have been attracting and pampering visitors for many years.
The country’s spa traditions date back hundreds of years. One of the reasons such resorts developed here was the local mud, famed for its therapeutic qualities and which continues to be used today.

Pärnu, Haapsalu, Kuressaare and Narva-Jõesuu have been fashionable resorts since the 1820s, while Värska, Kubija, Pühajärve, Toila, Viimsi and of course Tallinn also boast excellent spas.
In Estonia you may in several places find therapeutic mud, the healing properties of which were known in folk medicine since ancient times. Spas in the present meaning of the word were established as early as in the 1820- 40’s. Establishments were especially built or reconstructed for the use of local seawater or mud for the treatment of ailments under the supervision of physicians. Today the main objectives of the spa treatments are to give prophylactic care and spa treatments of the kind, which hinder ailments from becoming chronic, lessening the need of sick care, thereby saving costs, and to restore the working capacity and general capacities of the ailing. In our continually more and more hectic rhythm of life many middle aged and even younger persons suffer from stress. In the course of time the Estonian spas have also partly changed their policy from being purely care centres towards being recreation centres, where the clients in addition to the treatments have the possibility to occupy themselves in various healthy activities, go in for sports or just relax and spend their time comfortably.
Usealta Viron alueelta löytyy lääkitsevää mutaa, jonka hoitava vaikutus on kansanlääketieteen tiedossa ollut jo vuosisatojen ajan. Kylpylä nykyaikaisessa mielessä perustettiin tänne jo 1820-1830-luvulla. Paikallista merivettä tai mutaa alettiin lääkereiden valvonnassa siihen tarkoitukseen uudistetuissa tai varta vasten rakennetuissa rakennuksissa käyttää eri sairauksien hoitoon.
Tervisepuhkus. Eestis on viis kuurortlinna, üle 40 spaa, hulga ainulaadseid ja luksuslikke mõisahotelle ning puutumatu maakoht maailma puhtaima õhuga. Eestis on viis kuurortlinna, enam kui 40 spaad, hulgaliselt ainulaadseid ja luksuslikke mõisahotelle ning maailma puhtaima õhuga puutumata maapiirkond.
Eesti spaade ajalugu laieneb enam kui kahe sajandi jooksul. Aastal 1813 hakkas arst Benedikt Georg Witte pakkuma Kadriorus soola- ja ürdivanne, muutes seeläbi Tallinnaks Venemaa impeeriumi esimese kuurortlinna. See Tallinna aspekt saavutas Venemaa eliidi seas kiiresti populaarsust. Tähelepanelik baltisaksa arst Carl Abraham Hunnius pani tähele, kuidas Haapsalu eestlased liigesevalu leevendamiseks oma kehale meremuda hõõrusid. Olles veendunud taastavates jõududes, avas Hunnius 1825. aastal Haapsalu kuulsad mudavannid. Tervisepuhkuse sihtkohtadena pika ajalooga
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Tallinn, Haapsalu, Narva-Jõesuu, Kuressaare ja Pärnu on tänaseni kõrgelt hinnatud kuurortlinnad. Ka Eestis leitud ravimuda on tänapäeval väga hinnatud. Lisaks meremudale proovige kindlasti Värskas ainulaadseid raviprotseduure, kus mageveemuda on kombineeritud mineraalveega, mis pärineb poole kilomeetri sügavusest pinna all ja mis pole ilmavalgust näinud üle 500 miljoni aasta.
Olenemata aastaajast, on veekeskuse külastamine kogu perele üks lõbus ja tervislik viis päeva veetmiseks. Veekeskused pakuvad tegutsemislusti igale vanusele – veemõnusid naudivad nii suured kui väikesed, nii vanad kui noored veesõbrad. Valik on lai: alates liumägedega fantaasiabasseinidest väikelastele kuni vingete valgusefektidega ülikiirete liutorudeni välja. Veemõnusid saab nautida nii aastaringsetes välibasseinides kui põneva kujundusega lesilates. Pärast väsitavat ujularadade mõõtmist on mõnus lõõgastuda kuumas saunas või massaažiefektiga mullivannis, mis aitavad meelest viia argiaskeldused.
Estonia boasts five resort towns, more than 40 spas, a range of unique and luxurious manor hotels, and untouched countryside with the world’s cleanest air.
The history of spas in Estonia expands over more than two centuries. In 1813, doctor Benedikt Georg Witte began offering salt and herb baths in Kadriorg, thereby making Tallinn the first resort town in the Russian Empire. This aspect of Tallinn quickly gained popularity among the Russian elite. An attentive Baltic German physician Carl Abraham Hunnius took notice of how Estonians in Haapsalu rubbed sea mud on their bodies to alleviate joint pain. Convinced of its restorative powers, Hunnius opened the renown Mud Baths of Haapsalu in 1825.
Tallinn, Haapsalu, Narva-Jõesuu, Kuressaare and Pärnu, which have a long history as a health vacationing destinations, continue to be highly regarded resort towns to this day. The healing mud found in
ARENSBURG SPA has very wide selection of treatments for woman, men and also some for children. Massages, body treatments, facial treatments, bath rituals, and hand and feet treatments.
Aromatherapy Massage, Chinese Massage, Hydro Jet Massage Bed, Baby Massage, Foot Massage, Foot Massage With Herbal Bath, Classical Massage Cup Massage, Ear Candle Procedure, Laser Therapy, Lymphatic Massage, Honey, Neoqi Energy Capsule, Paraffin Gloves, Reflexology, Lava Stone Massage, Thai Foot Massage, Thai Massage, Tibetan Body Care, Oil Dispersion Bath, Paraffin - Ozocerite, Grossi, Charcot Shower, Salt, Relaxation Chamber, Underwater Shower Massage, Local Cold Therapy etc.
Estonia is also greatly valued nowadays. In addition to sea mud, be sure to try the unique treatments in Värska, where freshwater mud is combined with mineral water that originates from the depth of half a kilometre below the surface and which has not seen the light of day for over 500 million years.
A day at the pool is a fun and healthy way to spend a day, no matter the season. Water parks in Estonia come fully equipped for swimmers of all ages: from toddlers’ wading pools to high velocity slides. After an afternoon of braving slides up to 120 metres long, you’ll be ready to unwind in a relaxing sauna or jacuzzi.
Aqva Hotel and Spa
Atlantis H20 Aquapark
Tervise Paradiis

Toompea Castle is one of Estonian’s oldest and grandest architectural groupings. By the 16th century, Tallinn’s defense system was one of the most powerful in Northern Europe.

The unique value of Tallinn’s Old Town lies first and foremost in the well-preserved completeness of its medieval milieu and structure, which has been lost in most of the capitals of northern Europe. Since 1997, the Old Town of Tallinn has been on UNESCO’s World Heritage list.

Tallinn is one of the best retained medieval European towns, with its web of winding cobblestone streets and properties, from the 11th to 15th centuries, preserved nearly in its entirety. All the most important state and church buildings from the Middle Ages have been preserved in their basic original form, as well as many citizens’ and merchants’ residences, along with barns and warehouses from the medieval period.
Tallinnan vanhakaupunki on vuodesta 1997 kuulunut Unescon maailmanperintöluetteloon. Tallinnan vanhankaupunki on arvokas etenkin siksi, että sen keskiaikainen miljöö ja rakenne ovat säilyneet meidän päiviimme saakka, kun ne muista Pohjois-Euroopan pääkaupungeista ovat jo kadonneet. Tukevat puolustuslinnoitteet ovat suojanneet vanhaakaupunkia sodan tuhoilta ja vallitseva rakennusmateriaali kivi on pitänyt pintansa tulipaloissa. Kaikki merkittävimmät keskiajalta periytyvät edustus- ja sakraalirakennukset sekä monet kaupunkilaisten ja kauppiaiden asunnot aittoineen ja varastoineen ovat säilyneet muuttumattomina.