100% steel
Germany rolling ◆ part 1.
Little Sulva in Stuttgart
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German Steel
EDWARD NIGHTINGALE One night in Hamburg.
➢ Graffiti and photography are inevitably linked to each other if you want to make sure that the image is preserved for posterity. Along the lines of „out of sight, out of mind“ ones work would otherwise be lost forever and forgotten after a while. Documenting graffiti is not only the writers’ concern, but also the concern of the so called spotters, lining the railroad tracks to find the best shot of others work. But there is another species that does not only penetrate superficially into the environment of the writer but in this case even creates a real documentation of graffiti: Photographers that join the sprayers in their actions. The camera always at hand, the focus always directed on interesting moments, the photo-
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grapher is in the front row, and is even part of the action. Edward Nightingale documents the scene, points out aspects of the actions and throws himself into his work very professionally. It is admirable that there are people like him who are willing to take the risks, which are usually reserved for the writer. Regardless of the possible offense of common criminal damage, which everyone involved could be charged with, Ed is behind the camera and captures the atmosphere of the actions very sensitively. Very interesting results are produced: Exciting snapshots which create a feeling of being right in the middle of the action. Often the thrill is directly passed on to the viewer and he is fascinated by each captured situation: The staring eyes of the portrayed
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characters give evidence of the tense seconds before the starting signal, frantic movements due to the attempt to paint as fast as possible while simultaneously trying to be very still, or the relief and the often felt serenity at the final retreat. Since the shootings include not only the direct painting action, but also capture the way to and from the action, an overall picture is created, which is more than just a nice memory for the displayed people. These pictures provide insights, which can also draw every other viewer under their spell. With his documentation of graffiti Ed Night succeeds in creating a worthy monument of the European scene of the train writers, which is "real".
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Edward Nightingale
Around the world, around the world.
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Buenos Aires
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San Sebastian
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Germany rolling ◆ part 2.
The Free State of Bavaria
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German Steel
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German Steel
CHAOS & AUSY Tuscany Teamplayers.
➢ If I remember correctly, I met Chaos for the first time between 1999 and 2000. It happened in this abandoned and occupied factory in his city, in which a party took place. Amongst all the writers that were there, spraying and tagging, this wild and slender boy with glasses caught my eye. Back then I couldn´t imagine that this boy would become a constant force in the Tuscan Train writing scene 10 years later. Of course he has changed a lot since then, both as a writer and as a person. Now he can be a normal person and not just an excited madman. But do not be fooled. If you want to know the real Chaos, you should ride in his car with him (possibly in the back seat since it is easier to throw up there…) while he drives to his favorite Wholecar-Spot in the mountains. He drives at a breakneck speed while listening to heavy metal music in a monstrous volume.
Another good situation is witnessing how he scares of unwanted Interrailers from Yards.
in his paintings. He still goes there about 2 times a week.
Then there is Ausy, what can I say about him? Ausy for me is like a little brother and I taught him few things i know: designing sketches, entering a Yard and digging Retro Styles, obsession for the last years. I didn´t teach him how to steal, that´s for sure, because I am no good at it. But when he goes “shopping” with his young boyish face, then you will see what a nice and free supper he can fi x afterwards.
With the same spirit he approaches Trainbombing: A bit of style, fun and good team spirit, which is important to accomplish the mission. A few years ago, when I noticed that the boys had become really good friends (a friendship based on football and love for trains), I said to myself: "something is going on!". Back then I thought the Boys at the Buff could use some more people, and so it was. Even though the two of them have their own different styles, the crews RFC (Rap Fuck Crew) and RSG (Rednecks Seeking Glory) have worked together and founded a nice and intensive cooperation. At the moment there is no way to imagine the Tuscan Graffiti scene without any of them. Fra 32
I also didn´t teach him how to drink on weekends, back then he was drinking Orange Juice. You should join him on a tour through Pisas bars, you will have a lot of fun. If you know Ausy really well, you can find traces of his childhood, spent on football pitches,
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Muskulös. Gebräunt. Bombe im Bett.
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MGB Crew
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A true Hamburg steelhead
Photo by Edward Nightingale, Hamburg
➢ Time goes by very quickly and so we have known each other for some years now. When we first met, he had already been on his own feet for quite a while but regarding his styledevelopment he was not yet fully developed. He quickly tapped in his full potential.
experimenting is faced with a lack of understanding but for him this is no reason to question his own actions.
I have appreciated him as a person and as a creative sprayer for some time. By the so called graffiti-scene he was often misunderstood and therefore not given enough credit. Unlike the standard graffiti-sprayer and consumer, he is more free in his actions and his understanding of letters is more openminded and detached. Without giving respect to the provisions of a graffiti-glossary, he follows his own style and brings it on in minimal time in even seemingly impossible situations. For me this is one of the points about him, why he deserves attention.
➢ Die Zeit vergeht wie im Fluge und so kennt man sich mittlerweile bereits einige Jahre. Als wir uns das erste Mal trafen, stand er schon lange auf eigenen Beinen, war aber in seiner Style-Entwicklung noch wenig ausgereift. Schnell begann er dann seine Möglichkeiten zu entfalten.
He doesn‘t bite but creates his own design language. It‘s no wonder that his trying and
And rightly so!
Zu schätzen weiß ich ihn als Menschen und auch als kreativen Sprüher seit Längerem. Oftmals wurde er jedoch von der so genannten Szene in seinem Schaffen missverstanden und nicht dementsprechend geehrt, wie ich es für angebracht gehalten hätte. Im Gegensatz zu dem Standard-Graffiti-Sprüher
und -konsumenten ist er in seinem Vorgehen und seinem Buchstabenverständnis freier und losgelöster. Ohne den Vorschriften eines Graffiti-Glossars Beachtung zu schenken, folgt er seinem eigenen Style und bringt diesen in minimalsten Zeitaufwand in jeder noch so unmöglich scheinenden Situation auf den Zug. Für mich einer der wichtigsten Punkte, warum der Herr Beachtung verdient. Er bitet nicht, sondern schafft seine eigene Formensprache. Dass sein Ausprobieren und Experimentieren auf Unverständnis bei vielen stößt, ist kein Wunder, aber für ihn auch kein Grund sein eigenes Handeln in Frage zu stellen. Mit Recht!
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IMR CREW Cool Cologne to the bone.
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IMR Crew