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Directorate of Curricula and Textbooks

General Framework and General and Specific learning Outcomes Agricultural Education Secondary Stage Education Publisher: Ministry Of Education Directorate of Curricula and Textbooks

Content List

Content Subjects Introduction General Framework for Agricutural subjects General & Specific Leearning outcomes for plant production subject Scope & Sequence Matrix for plant production subject Sample for Plant production subject lesson plan General & Specific Leearning outcomes for animal production subject Scope & Sequence Matrix for animal production subject Sample for animal production subject lesson plan General & Specific Leearning outcomes for agricultural manufacturing subject Scope & Sequence Matrix for agricultural manufacturing subject Sample for agricultural manufacturing lesson plan General & Specific Leearning outcomes for agicultural environment & resources subject Scope & Sequence Matrix for agricultural environment & resources subject Sample for agricultural environment & resources lesson plan Scope & Sequence Matrix for agricultural economics subject Sample for agricultural economics subject lesson plan General & Specific Leearning outcomes for plant production subject/ Optional secondary subjects Scope & Sequence Matrix for plant production subject/optional secondarysubjects General & Specific Leearning outcomes for animal production subject/ Optional secondary subjects Scope & Sequence Matrix for animal production subject /optional secondary subjects

Introduction Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, prayer and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his :family and companions and later Consistent with the objectives of educational development towards a knowledge economy, develop the professional subjects in general, and particularly agricultural subjects, we provide this modest effort in the hands of our teachers, our distinguished and Jordanian society to be a general framework on which to build in the area of agricultural education, which aims to give students the knowledge, skills and attitudes and values system contribute to the achievement of an integrated agricultural skills to the students of agricultural education, Taking into consideration the developments in the Jordanian labor market needs and requirements of development on the one hand, and the needs of students from the other hand, taking into account the environmental characteristics, which represent the various .options in the proposed areas of plant production, animal production The interest in basic agricultural competencies as part of the student interest in secondary education and professional education requirements and work in agricultural areas, and interest in sustainable development of this vital sector as .part of the community culture in Jordan The matrix contained the core learning outcomes and the main subjects and the optional secondary subjects and it's rationales of agricultural education in the general framework for agricultural subjects in addition to the general and :specific learning outcomes and the scope and sequence matrix and samples of lesson plan for the following subjects Plant production , animal production , agricultural manufacturing , agricultural environment and resources and ) .(agricultural economics subjects hoping that the Colleagues teachers following paces, and follow the examples of the approach and to our Jordanian . society prosperity and progress .By God, the Source of strength

General Framework For Agricultural Subjects

Rationales Agriculture is one of major sectors in Jordan, which contribute to the development of the national economy through increased agricultural . production and manufacture of products and the operation of labor, and others In the light of this understanding, the secondary agricultural education is designed to give students the knowledge, skills and values that qualify them for admission to the labor market or higher education institutions and to provide opportunities for self-operation through the establishment of small productive projects that are consistent with the orientation of the Royal Commissioner to resolve the problems of . poverty and unemployment Accordingly, the development of curriculum towards knowledge economy play a key role to ensure an effective contribution of the students in their social environment and education and provide opportunities for them to explore ways to keep pace with progress in the agricultural world to ensure .the survival of the sector enjoying sustainability

Therefore, the fostering of students on the use of ICT in teaching learning process has become a matter of urgency for the application of agricultural skills and concepts with flexibility and fluency, and based on that students are expected to acquire knowledge and skills that will allow higher production at low cost while preserving the natural resources, respect for human values, In addition to express themselves clearly . to be creative and work together as one team

Thus, the curriculum developer confirms the continuation of agriculture on the balance between knowledge, skills and attitudes and values among students and the use of sources available through the employment of creative thinking skills and problem-solving strategies and ways of obtaining knowledge are able to develop skills of students for lifelong learning with a view to sustainable development and achieve the .desired objectives at the individual level and national level

Core Learning Outcomes : It is expected that student after studying Agricultural subjects will be able to .Contribute to the development of the national economy through the development of the agricultural sector. 1 .Association to promote the concept of land .2 .The application of basic agricultural concepts and skills in the environment of agricultural work .3 . Maintain a balance between agricultural work and environmental conservation .4 .Improve methods of communication effectively with others in the field of agricultural work .5 .Work as one team in the various activities .6 The use of critical thinking and to contribute to the solution of problems related to taking appropriate decisions .7 .on some agricultural work .Taking benefit of the environmental resources in agricultural production .8 .Awareness of the importance of applying the new trends in agricultural work at the local and international levels .9 Take advantage of modern techniques and the results of scientific research to improve the agricultural .10 .production Knowledge of employment opportunities available to agricultural and professional demands of agricultural .11 .work .Application of the rules and standards of public safety and security is vital in the agricultural work .12 . Contribute to improving the management of environmental resources in agriculture .13



Subjects : First Plant Production

Plant production principles ( Horticulture ( Trees & Vegetables Field crops, medicinal and aromatic plant and Plant protection -

Second : Animal Production

Animal production principles Livestock breeding and production Poultry breeding and production -

Third :Agricultural Manufacturing

Agricultural manufacturing principles Manufacture of diary Food processing -



Subjects Forth : Agricultural

Soil -

Environment and

Survey -


Environment Water Irrigation and drainage -

Fifth : Agricultural Economics

Farm managment Agricultural economics Agricultural projects Institutions working in the agricultural sector Farm inventory Farm records Agricultural marketing Scientific Agricultural research Agricultural extension -


Selective subjects

Subjects First : for Plant Production

Ornamental plants,Gardens &forests Honey bee breeding & production Mushroom production -

Second : For Animal Production

Rearing camels, horses Rabbits breeding & production Aquaculture production -

General & Specific Learning outcomes For Plant Production subject

Organizer for


Plant Production Subject

Plant production principles -

( Horticulture (Fruit Trees & Vegetables -

Field crops, medicinal and aromatic plant and Plant protection -

(Core Learning Outcomes( for Plant Production Subject : It is expected that after studying plant production subject student will be able to Learning outcomes 1

Contribution to the development of the national economy through the development of plant production sector


The acquisition of basic skills and concepts in the field of plant production. The application of concepts and skills in the production plant .environment

3 4

.Maintaining a balance between agricultural production and protection of the environment

5 6

.Team work in the various activities in the area of plant production

.Improving methods of communication effectively with others in the area of plant production

The use of critical thinking and contribution to the solving of some problems related to the adoption of appropriate decisions in the field of .of plant production .Taking advantage of modern techniques and the results of scientific research to improve plant production


.The application of the rules and standards of public safety and security in the vital area of plant production

8 9 10

.Awareness of the importance of applying the new trends in the field of plant production at the local and international levels Familiarity with available agricultural work opportunities and the requirements for professional work in the plant production sector

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production education Organizer : Plant production Principles : Sub –Organizers

Core learning outcomes ( ( main & sub The acquiring of basic skills and concepts in the principles of plant .production The application of basic skills in the principles of plant production

The economic importance of field crops, vegetables and fruit trees Environmental factors affecting the agricultural production

General learning outcomes

It is expected that student will be able of : Identifying the economic and nutritional importance of field crops, vegetables and . fruit trees Demonstrating appreciation of the economic and nutritional importance of field .crops, vegetables and fruit trees Describing the structural and functional .characteristics of the plant .Realizing the importance of plant life .Recognizing the vital processes in plantsAdopting a positive attitudes to maintain the horticultural plants in the local .environment and conserving them Demonstrating awareness of the . importance of maintaining plants

Level one

( Plant (structure and functions Plant propagation & nursieies -

Vital Biological processes in plants and their importance The basics of field crops cultivation

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

It is expected that student will be able : to Identify the economic importance of . crops, vegetables and fruit trees Recognize the nutritional value of crops, . vegetables and fruit trees Recognize the components and functions of .plant cell Discuss the structure of parts of plants and horticultural characteristics and functional ,formal , diversity, and its importance in the .local environment Describes some of the vital processes in plants (photosynthesis, respiration, .(.‌transport Explores the vital processes in plants (water and salt absorption and transfer, the transfer of ready food and hormonal regulation ,...) in the plant to reach its mechanisms and its importance to the plant

It is expected that student will be : able to Examine samples of horticultural plants to explore the morphological characteristics (stems, leaves, .(flowers, fruits, seeds, roots

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level one education Organizer : Plant production Principles The economic importance of ( Plant (structure and functions Vital Biological processes Sub – field crops, vegetables and fruit in plants and their : Organizers trees Environmental factors affecting the agricultural production

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

Plant propagation & nursieies -

General outcomes of this level Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge ) It is expected that student will be able of :

Explaining environmental factors . affecting agricultural production Demonstrating appreciation of the importance of environmental & climatical factors in growth and production of fruit trees, and it's . geographical distribution Recognizing how to optimize the rainwater investment in rain-fed . crops Forming a positive trend for the preservation of environmental . resources Appreciating importance of optimizing the investment of

: It is expected that student will be able to State the respective roles of climate and soil in the growth of field crops and vegetables and fruit .production State the Relation between thermal needs of fruit .trees and geographical distribution in Jordan Classify vegetables according to the degree of sustaining soil salinity and acidity  -Determine climatical conditions suitable for the .cultivation of field crops in Jordan Employ technology and modern agricultural techniques in the utilization of rain water in the cultivation of field crop

importance The basics of field crops cultivation

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

available environmental resources

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level one education Organizer : Plant production Principles The economic importance of ( Plant (structure and functions Vital Biological processes Sub – field crops, vegetables and fruit in plants and their : Organizers trees Environmental factors affecting the agricultural production

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub The acquiring of basic concepts and skills in a lot of plants and .nurseries The application of basic skills in plant propagation .and nursery

Plant propagation & nursieies -

importance The basics of field crops cultivation

General outcomes of this level Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

It is expected that student will be able of : Defining plant propagation methods,suitable periods and . advantages Adopting new trends in plant . propagation Realizing the importance of taking care of tools and materials used in . plant propagation Familiarizing types of nurseries & . beds and their facilities Recognizing seedlings production . methods & practices

It is expected that student will : be able to Stratificate seedsPerform seed germination test .before planting in seedbed Propagate fruit trees by( budding .(,grafting,cutting,offshoot&layering Propagte vegetable palnts by(seed,tubers,rhizomes,bulbs,and .(grafting

: It is expected that student will be able to Clarify the objective of vegetative and . sexual propagation of plants Compare between Asexual( vegetative) and sexual propagation in plants according . advantages and disadvantages Recognize fruit trees propagation methods –sexual(seeds)-Asexual(vegetative) like budding,grafting,cuttings,offshoots and ..… layering Specify the best seasons for budding & -

Prepare and plant seedbed with _ annual floweres&vegetables Planting seedling trays with seeds .of annual plants and vegetables

Demonstrating appreciation of nurseries importance in plant . propagation

. grafting . Choose the best root stocks for fruit trees -

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level one education Organizer : Plant production Principles The economic importance of ( Plant (structure and functions Vital Biological processes Sub – field crops, vegetables and fruit in plants and their : Organizers trees Environmental factors affecting the agricultural production

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub .

Plant propagation & nursieies -

General outcomes of this level Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge ) Investigate the characteristics of propagation by tissue culture for fruit trees, and tree species that propagated by . this way in jordan Recognize different types of nurseries and . seedbeds . Regonize the benefits of transplanting Recognize different types of vegetable propagation By (seeds,tubers,Rhizomes,bulbs,grafting .(..…… and tissue culture

importance The basics of field crops cultivation

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill Prepare a nursery and use it . to propagate fruit trees Implemente cultural practices needed for fruit trees seedlings . in the nursery transplant and prepare seedlings for Transporting and outside . planting Take care of vegetable seedlings in seedbeds and trays including irrigation ,

. Recognize types of seeding in beds -

weeding ,fertilizing,spraying ‌ and hardening

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level one education Organizer : Plant production Principles The economic importance of field - ( Plant (structure and functions Vital Biological processes Sub – crops, vegetables and fruit trees in plants and their : Organizers Environmental factors affecting the agricultural production

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub The acquisition of basic concepts and skills in field crops planting The application of basic skills in field crops planting

Plant propagation & nursieies -

importance The basics of field crops cultivation

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

: It is expected that student will be able of Realizing the importance of . agricultural machines in this field Recognizing agricultural tractor parts . and functions Identifying machines needed to . prepare land for planting Serving and maintain planting and -

: It is expected that student will be able to Recognize the importance of . agricultural machines in this field Classify agricultural tractors according (engine type,operations capable of and .( body contact with earth Recognize different tractors parts and . functions

It is expected that student will : be able to . Identify tractors main parts carry out agricultural tractor . daily service distinguish the following -

: types of plows, their parts ( , Diggers plows(chisel

. fertilizing machines Realizing the importance of using planting and fertilizing machines in . field crops production

Recognize primary and secondary . tillage tools Recognize primary & secondary tillage . objectives . Clarify tillage process steps -

Distinguish types of harrows Distinguish spraying and fertilizing machines Attach plows to tractor .

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level one education Organizer : Plant production Principles The economic importance of field - ( Plant (structure and functions Vital Biological processes Sub – crops, vegetables and fruit trees in plants and their : Organizers Environmental factors affecting the agricultural production

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

Plant propagation & nursieies -

importance The basics of field crops cultivation

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

Recognizing soil preparation steps for seeding . Field crops and their importance Describing seeding types Recognizing field crop requirements . for cultural practices

Identify factors playing role in seeding . depth and seeding rate Compare between field crops seeding . types : Recognize following seeding machines -

soil with proper machines


soil with proper machines


Recognize following fertilizing : machines parts

Recognize required production practices for field crops

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level one education Organizer : Plant production Principles The economic importance of field - ( Plant (structure and functions Vital Biological processes Sub – crops, vegetables and fruit trees in plants and their : Organizers Environmental factors affecting the agricultural production

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

: It is expected that student will be able of

Plant propagation & nursieies -

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

importance The basics of field crops cultivation

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill It is expected that student will : be able of

Carrying out suitable production practices under prevailing weather . conditions Adopting a positive attitude toward the use of new technology in maximizing . yield and quality

Carry out service practices needed for seeding and .fertilizing equipments .Prepare soil for seeding .Seeding field crops Carry out production .practices

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level two education Organizer : Plant production Principles Field crop,Vegetables and fruit Establishing fruit trees Training and pruning fruit Sub – . trees classification orchard,production practices trees : Organizers Planting and growing vegetables -

Agricultural pests -

harvesting vegetables and fruit trees and preparing for market

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

( (main&sub The acquisition of basic concepts and skills in establishing fruit trees orchard And production services The application of basic skills in establishing fruit trees orchard And production services

: It is expected that student will be able of familiarizing with orchards planning . systems Orchard soil preparation for planting trees Planning orchard with suitable . planning system Recognizing planted fruit trees field . operations requirement Taking care of already planted fruit . trees Appreciating planning systems . organizational and aesthetic value Appreciating the role of carrying out production pratices and services on fuit . trees final yield

: It is expected that student will be able of Clarify things must be taken into consideration upon establishing fruit . orchards Clarify different preparation steps for . planting new fruit trees Recognize orchard system planning(quadruple, quintuple and .( contour Compare between orchards planning systems . According benefits and disadvantages Calculate needed number of fruit trees to plant one dunum using quartet and . quintet planning systems

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production education Organizer : Plant production Principles

It is expected that student will : be able of Plan orchard with quadruple . planning system Prpare hole for planting new . trees Plant fruit trees in permanent . field Carry out services and production practices needed for fruit trees in the orchard( irrigation,weeding,pe .( st control

Level two

Sub – : Organizers

Field crop,Vegetables and fruit . trees classification Planting and growing vegetables -

Establishing fruit trees orchard,production practices

Training and pruning fruit trees Agricultural pests -

harvesting vegetables and fruit trees and preparing for market

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

: It is expected that student will be able of

: It is expected that student will be able of

It is expected that student will : be able of

Recognize services and production practices needed for fruit trees in the orchard( irrigation,weeding,pest .( control . Describe flowers and fruits thinning Clarify followed means and procedures . in order to protect orchards from frost

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level two education Organizer : Plant production Principles Field crop,Vegetables and fruit Establishing fruit trees Training and pruning fruit Sub – . trees classification orchard,production practices trees : Organizers Planting and growing vegetables -

Agricultural pests -

harvesting vegetables and fruit trees and preparing for market

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub Acquiring basic concepts and skills in training and pruning fruit trees Applying basic concepts and skills in training and pruning fruit trees

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

It is expected that student will be able : of Recognizing inflorescence & bearing . types of different fruit trees species

It is expected that student will be able of : Define the following ( spurs,simple .( buds, mixed buds and lateral buds Clarify objectives of fruit trees pruning . process Recognize inflorescence and bearing nature of . Stonefruits ,pome trees and citrus

It is expected that student will : be able of Discriminate bearing nature of flowering buds for different .fruit trees Prune small or non bearing .fruit trees or at planting Carry out formative pruning .for fruit trees .Prune bearing fruit trees -

Recognizing fruit trees training methods familiarizing of pruning types and and . their importance Appreciating the importance and role of training and pruning in increasing and improving quality . Of fruit trees production

Recognize importance of following pruning types(at planting pruning,formative pruning,bearing trees .( pruning and rejuvenation pruning Compare between different pruning types according ( target ,timing and how ( to do

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level two education Organizer : Plant production Principles Field crop,Vegetables and fruit Establishing fruit trees Training and pruning fruit Sub – . trees classification orchard,production practices trees : Organizers Planting and growing vegetables -

Agricultural pests -

harvesting vegetables and fruit trees and preparing for market

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

: It is expected that student will be able of

: It is expected that student will be able of

It is expected that student will : be able of

Specify suitable time for different fruit . species pruining Recognize fruit trees training types )

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level Two education Organizer : Plant production Principles Field crop,Vegetables and fruit Establishing fruit trees Training and pruning fruit Sub – . trees classification orchard,production practices trees : Organizers Planting and growing vegetables -

Agricultural pests -

harvesting vegetables and fruit trees and preparing for market

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub Acquiring basic concepts and skills in planting and growing vegetables Applying basic concepts and skills in planting and growing vegetables Acquiring basic concepts and skills in harvesting vegetables and fruit

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

It is expected that student will be able : of Recognizing soil preparation steps . forplanting vegetables familiarizing of planting methodes of . vegetables Recognizing different means and techniques to protect vegetables from . frost Recognizing under-cover cultivation aspects(importance,facilities

It is expected that student will be able of : Define the following concepts and : terms Open field cultivation,under-cover cultivation,replanting,thining and .( tillage Clarify soil preparation steps for planting vegetables in open fields or . under cover Recognize cultural practices services for open field and under cover vegetables

It is expected that student will : be able of Prepare and plant furrows with Vegetables( seeds, bulds and (seedlings Prepare and plant basins with .vegetable seeds Cover with black plastic .mulch Carry out different cultural -

trees Applying basic concepts and skills in harvesting vegetables and fruit tree

.( andvegetables production Realizing under-cover cultivation . importance

. cultivation Clarify under cover cultivation . importance

practices for open field vegetable crops( replanting ,thining ,tillage,fertilizing and .(‌spraying

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level Two education Organizer : Plant production Principles Field crop,Vegetables and fruit Establishing fruit trees Training and pruning fruit Sub – . trees classification orchard,production practices trees : Organizers Planting and growing vegetables -

Agricultural pests -

harvesting vegetables and fruit trees and preparing for market

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

: It is expected that student will be able of Adopting the use of new techniques in . green houses soil sterilization process

: It is expected that student will be able of Recognize under- cover cultivation facilities( green houses,glass houses and

It is expected that student will be : able of Prepare green houses and plastic -

familiarizing of criterias must be taken into consideration when harvesting and marketing . Fruits and vegetables Recognizing picking,sorting,grading and . packaging of fruits and vegetables Appreciating post –harvest process role in . keeping quality of fruits abd vegetables Appreciating the importance of maintining jordanian products quality and safety to be . competitive in world markets

. plastic tunnels)and their specifications Recognize methyle bromide alternative used to sterilize soil in green houses like(solar sterilization, ,seedling grafting ,soiless .( cultivation,direct soil seeding Recognize the factors that harvesting . vegetables and fruit trees is depending on Describe different stages of preparing fruits . and vegetables for marketing

.tunnels for vegetables planting Use methyle bromide alternatives when sterilizing green houses soil solar sterilization, ,seedling ) grafting ,soiless cultivation,direct .( soil seeding Climbe and prune vegetales in .green houses Carry out fruit picking , sorting , grading and packing for fruit .trees

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level two education Organizer : Plant production Principles Field crop,Vegetables and fruit Establishing fruit trees Training and pruning fruit Sub – . trees classification orchard,production practices trees : Organizers Planting and growing vegetables -

Agricultural pests -

harvesting vegetables and fruit trees and preparing for market

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub Acquiring basic -

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

It is expected that student will be able : of

It is expected that student will be able of :

It is expected that student will : be able of

concepts and skills in agricultural . pests Applying basic concepts and skills in agricultural pests

Recognizing the economic importance of agricultural pests and their impact on . agricultural production Defineing the types of agricultural . pests Describe the symptoms and damage . caused byplant pest infection Recognizing environmental factors and their relationship to activity and the . propagation of agricultural pests Assessing the positive role played by certain types of insects and . microorganisms in human life

Specialization : Agricultural education Organizer : Horticulture

Shows the economic importance of pests affecting field crops, fruits trees and . vegetables Identify the most important pests and . diseases affecting agricultural crops Recognize symptoms and diseases of . agricultural crops Illustrates the effect of each of the factors, and climate on the activity and . the propagation of agricultural pests

Subject : Plant production

Collect and save infected plant samples by pests and . plant diseases

Level three

Sub – : Organizers

Fruit trees -

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

Acquiring basic concepts and skills In horticulture Fruit ) trees,vegetables and plant . protection Applying basic concepts and skills in horticulture(fruit Trees,vegetables and plant . protection

I t is expected that student will be

It is Expected from the student after studying the following fruit crops (stone fruitst, pome fruits, citrus, bananas, olives, date palms, grapes) : to be able to

It is Expected from the student after studying the following fruit crops (stone fruitst, pome fruits, citrus, bananas, olives, date palms, : grapes) to be able to

: able of familiarizing of the following fruit crops (stone fruits, pome fruits, citrus, bananas, olives, date palms, grapes,and strawberries) in terms of: inflorescence ,bearing nature, the climate ,soil, propagation methods , planting distances , cultural practices, service, maturity and harvest, the most important diseases and insects and the . most common cultivars locally Adopting a positive trend towards the application of modern techniques in the . post-harvest process

Vegetables -

Compare between them in term of inflorescence . Type and bearing habit Identify suitable soil and climate . requirements link between climatical requirements . and chosing suitable areas of planting . Specify planting spaces Recognize required production cultural . practices List most important diseases and . insects which infect them . list most important cultivars locally . Describe fruits ripening signs -

Propagate vegetatively budding,cuttingsand off shoots ) (‌ Plan an orchard using . quadruple system Prepare holes and plant fruit trees Carry out the following cultural practices(irrigating,fertilizing,w .( eeding and pests control

Specialization : Agricultural education Organizer : Horticulture Sub – Fruit trees : Organizers

Subject : Plant production

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Acquiring basic concepts and skills In horticulture Fruit ) trees,vegetables and plant . protection

Appreciating the importance of the production of fruit crops in the Jordan to the national income

Applying basic concepts and skills in horticulture(frui t Trees,vegetables and plant . protection

Level three

Vegetables -

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill Carry out fruit picking,sorting ,grading and . packing Discriminate betwiin them in term of (leaves ,stems ,flowers .( and fruits

Specialization : Agricultural education Organizer : Horticulture Sub – Fruit trees : Organizers

Subject : Plant production

Level three Vegetables -

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill

Acquiring basic concepts and skills In horticulture Fruit ) trees,vegetables and plant . protection

: It is expected that student will be able of Recognizing the vegetable crops of the following families , Solanaceae,cucurbitacae,cruciferae ) leguminoasae,umbelliferae ,chenpodiacae,malvaceae,Tilliacae,com ( positae in term of environmental requirement,planting dates in Jordan ,seeding rates,cultural practices ripening ,harvesting ,most common , cultivars Locally and most important diseases . and insects

It is expected that student after studying following vegetables crops(tomato,eggplant,potato, ,pepper,squash,cauliflower,raddish,bean,peas carrot,onion ,garlic,jewish mallow,okra,Spanish :and lettuce) will be able of Recognize their soil and climate . requirement Specify planting dates based on climaticla . requirements . Specify seeding rate . Specify methods of planting . Specify planting spaces Recognize their cultural and production . practices

It is expected that student after studying following vegetables crops(tomato,eggplant,potat o, pepper,squash,cauliflower,r ,addish,bean,peas carrot,onion ,garlic,jewish mallow,okra,Spanish and :lettuce) will be able of Prepare soil to plant vegetable . Seedlings and seeds Carry out the following : cultural practices Replanting,thining,weedin

Applying basic concepts and skills in horticulture(fru it

Trees,vegetables and plant . protection

,g Fertilizing , irrigating and .( pests control

Specialization : Agricultural education Organizer : Horticulture Sub – Fruit trees : Organizers

Subject : Plant production

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Acquiring basic concepts and skills In horticulture Fruit ) trees,vegetables and plant . protection

Adopting positive trend toward application new technology in vegetable . production Apreciating the importance of producing vegetable crops and influence on food security . In Jordan

Applying basic -

Level three Vegetables -

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge ) Mention most important cultivars in . Jordan List most important diseases and insects infecting . Each oth them Describe ripening symptoms to determine -. harvesting date

Specific learning ( outcomes (Skill Prepare green houses soil . for planting Climbe and prune vegetable crops inside . green house Carry out fruit picking ,sorting ,grading and . packing processes Discriminate between : their following parts Leaves ,stems ,flowers,

concepts and skills in horticulture(fru it Trees,vegetables and plant . protection

. fruits ,seeds and roots

Specialization : Agricultural education Organizer : Horticulture Sub – Field crops : Organizers . production

Subject : Plant production

Level Four

Medicinal & aromatic plants production

Plant protection -

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

Acquiring basic concepts and skills In field crops,medicinal and aromatic crops

It is expected that student will be : able of Recognizing field crops of the following groups: (Gramineae,legumminosae, ,chenopodeacae and compositeae) in terms of: their environmental requirment, agricultural cycle, the

It is expected that student afterstudying the following field crops( wheat,barley, corn,sorghum,chickpeas,broadbeans,bitt er vetch, lathyrus pea,common vetch alfalafa,egyption clover,sesame,sunflower,safflowerand : beet) will be able of

It is expected that student afterstudying the following field crops( wheat,barley, corn,sorghum,chickpeas,broadbeans ,bitter vetch, lathyrus pea,common vetch alfalafa,egyption clover,sesame,sunflower,safflowera : nd beet) will be able of

. production Applying basic skills In field crops,medicinal and aromatic crops production

dates of planting in different regions of Jordan, the methods of cultivation or planting, the seeding rates, the required cultural practices, and methods of (harvesting ,thrushing ,storing), production quantities , most common local cultivars, the most important diseases and insects . infecting them

. Recognize original habitat and usage Recognize suitable climate and soil . growth requirement . Specify suitable crop rotation for each Specify planting dates or seasons for . them . Specify seeding rate for one dunum -

Prepare soil for planting -

Planting seeds carry out following cultural practices Irrigating Fertilizing Tillage Weed

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level Four education . Organizer : Field ,medicinal,aromatic crops and plant protection Sub – Field crops Medicinal & aromatic Plant protection : Organizers . production plants production Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub Acquiring basic concepts and skills In field

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Adopting positive attitude toward applying new technology in field . crops production process Appreciating the importance of -

Clarify suitable planting methods of . these crops Mention the most common cultivars . locally

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill Discriminate between them according to their ( roots,stems,leaves,inflorescence,fr .( uits and seeds

crops,medicinal and aromatic crops . production

utilizing different harvesting . machines Recognizing harvesting machines . parts

Applying basic skills In field crops,medicinal and aromatic crops production

Mention the leading diseases and . insects infecting these crops Recognize production cultural . practices Recognize different harvesting and thrushing . Processes for these crops Recognize the importance of -. harvesting machines Show the importance of dry and fresh forages . preparation Recognize different Mowing machines ( ) . And their parts

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level Four education . Organizer : Field ,medicinal,aromatic crops and plant protection Sub – Field crops Medicinal & aromatic Plant protection : Organizers . production plants production Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

( (main&sub It is expected that student will be : able of Recognizing both fresh and dry . forages preparing machines Carrying out service process for both fresh and dry forages preparing . machines

Appreciation the strategic importance of . Field crops production in Jordan

It is expected that student afterstudying the following field crops( wheat,barley, corn,sorghum,chickpeas,broadbeans,bitt er vetch, lathyrus pea,common vetch alfalafa,egyption clover,sesame,sunflower,safflowerand : beet) will be able of Recognize -

Investigate main problem hindering increasing field crops production in jordan


Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production education . Organizer : Field ,medicinal,aromatic crops and plant protection

Level Four

Sub – : Organizers

Field crops . production

Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

Acquiring basic concepts and skills In field crops,medicinal and aromatic crops . production

It is expected that student will be : able of Recognize the following aromatic and medicinal plants(Thyme, camomile, , Sagebrush, mint) in terms of relevance and importance, segments or parts used and the medical impact, environmental requirments, dates of planting in different regions of jordan, the methods of cultivation, seeding rates, the operations of the service required, and methods of harvesting thrushing and storing production , harvesting, drying, packing and . storing

It is expected that student after studying the following following aromatic and medicinal plants(Thyme, camomile, , Sagebrush, mint)will be : able to Recognize their importance and . medical impact Recognize climate and soil . requirements . Specify their planting dates in Jordan . Specify seeding rates . Clarify suitable planting methods Recognize cultural production . practices for these crops Recognize their harvesting, drying, . packing and storing. methods

It is expected that student after studying the following following aromatic and medicinal plants(Thyme, camomile, , : Sagebrush, mint)will be able to Prepare soil to plant seeds and . seedling of these plants Planting aromatic and medicinal . plants seeds and seedling Carry out following cultural practices Irrigating ,fertilizing , tillageand . weed control Carry out aromatic and medicinal plants harvesting, drying, packing and . storing processes

Applying basic skills In field crops,medicinal and aromatic crops production

Medicinal & aromatic plants production

Plant protection -

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level Four education . Organizer : Field ,medicinal,aromatic crops and plant protection Sub – Field crops Medicinal & aromatic Plant protection : Organizers . production plants production Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

Acquiring basic concepts and skills In field crops,medicinal and aromatic crops . production

Adopting positive attitude toward applying new technology in medicinal and aromatic plants . production Appreciating the importance of expansion in the production of aromatic and medicinal plants in . Jordan adopting the use of medicinal and aromatic plants as a complement . treatment Adopting the use of medicinal and aromatic plants in the treatment of . some diseases

Recognize the rare cultivars and how . to conserve it

Discriminate aromatic and medicinal plants following parts ( roots stems ,leaves,flower ,fruits .( and seeds

Applying basic skills In field crops,medicinal and aromatic crops production

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level Four education . Organizer : Field ,medicinal,aromatic crops and plant protection Sub – Field crops Medicinal & aromatic Plant protection : Organizers . production plants production Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

Acquiring basic concepts and skills In plant protection . field

It is expected that student will be : able of Recognizing general characteristics . of economic insects Recognizing pesticides classification . basis Recognizing chemical pesticides . using methods in controlling pests Appreciating specified agricultural pesticides . Production increasing effect Recognizing non-chemical methods . used in controlling pests Recognizing integrated pest . management application methods

It is expected that student will be able :to Clarify insect classification . importance Show main economical insects . advantages Classify pesticides accoding ( pest type,pesticides chemical composition .( ..etc Show how to use pesticides (spraying, fogging Identify the most important procedures to be followed when . conducting chemical control Show the impact of using agricultural pesticides in each of the (environmental .( balance , water, soil, air, farm animals

It is expected that student will be :able to Use the following spraying and : fogging machines

Applying basic skills In plant . protection field

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Plant production Level Four education . Organizer : Field ,medicinal,aromatic crops and plant protection Sub – Field crops Medicinal & aromatic Plant protection : Organizers . production plants production Core learning outcomes ( (main&sub

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Adopting a positive trend towards the preservation of the environment and safe agricultural production through the application of integrated . pest management adopting the use of environmentally and healthy safe . plant protection practices Recognizing the most common and widely spread pests in Jordan and . protection and control methods Familiarizing with spraying and . fogging machines Conducting required service for the -

Illustrates the non-chemical methods of controlling agricultural pests (legislative, physical, agricultural operations, mechanical and .( show the characteristics of non- chemical methods of controlling . agricultural pests Describes the elements and stages of integrated pest management in . agriculture Identify the most important pests and plant diseases prevalent in Jordan for: fruit trees, vegetables, field crops and

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill Carry out chemical control of . agricultural pests Apply non-chemical control . process of agricultural pests Apply integrated pests . managements process Use and calibrate spraying and . fogging machines Carry out required service process . for spraying and fogging machines

. spraying and fogging machines Realizing the importance of the use of spraying and fogging machines in . plant protection

. ornamental plants Recognize the importance of the use of spraying and fogging machines in . agriculture Recognize the different types of spraying machines (small hand, .(.( mechanical one

) Appendix (1

Scope &Sequence Matrix

Specilaization : Agricultural Education Organizers and sub-organizers Plant production principles

Level one

Subject : Plant Production Level two

The economic importance of field crops, vegetables and fruit trees Environmental factors affecting the agricultural production ( Plant (structure and functions Plant propagation & nursieies Vital Biological processes in plants and their importance The basics of field crops cultivation -

Field crop,Vegetables and fruit . trees classification Planting and growing vegetables Establishing fruit trees orchard,production practices harvesting vegetables and fruit trees and preparing for market training and pruning fruit trees Agricultural pests -

hours 64

hours 64

Level three

Level four

Fruit tree Vegetables-

Horticulture (Fruit Trees & ( Vegetables

hours 64 Field -

Field crops . production Medicinal & aromatic plants production Plant protection

crops, medicinal and aromatic

plant and Plant protectio n

hours 64

) Appendix (2

Lesson plan sample

Subject: Plant production Lesson title:Integerated pests management for white fly under greenhouses condition Learning outcomes It is expected that student will :be able to Clarify integrated pest . management concept

Suggested instructional strategies

Suggested assessment strategies

. Teaching references

Direct instruction ( questions &answers ) Group learning group work/cooperative ) learning

Pencil and paper ( quizzes ) Communication ( Questions & Answers ) Reflection -

Textbooks Flyers & Agricultural- researches CD's Websites of IPM -

Show the needed procedures : during following stages Pre-planting soil preparation Pre-planting Preparing greenhouses Greenhouses preparation during seeds . and seedling planting . Work management in farm Investigate non-chemial protection mean could be carried out in greenhouses to . avoid pests infections Clarify the importance of pests . observation in greenhouses Recognize things must be taken into consideration when using . chemical pesticides in IPM . Work in team -

Problem solving & investigation ( case study ) Group learning ( discussion ) Activity Based learning ( oral presentation ) carry out pesticides spray ) steps process to control white fly under greenhouse ( condition

( Student Portfolio ) Observation ( spontaneous observation )

General & Specific Learning outcomes For Animal Production subject

. Specialized additional boks -

Organizer for Animal


Production Subject

Animal production principles -

Livestock breeding and production -

Poultry breeding and production -

( Core Learning Outcomes( for Animal Production Subject : It is expected that after studying plant production subject student will be able to Learning outcomes


Contribution to the development of the national economy through the development of . animal production sector


Recognizing the importance of animal production sector in food security and the . national economy

3 4 5 6

7 8

. Acquiring basic skills and concepts in the field of animal production . Improving methods of communication with others and team work in different activities Using critical thinking and contribution to the solution of problems related to the animal production Taking advantage of modern techniques and the results of scientific research to keep up to date of new . trends in animal production sector Application of the rules of safety and security is vital in the work sector of livestock Contributing to the improved management of animal production resources, and . utilization them

Specialization : Agricultural education

Subject : Animal production

Level One

Organizer : - Animal production principles Sub – Economical Animals farm & poultry - Animals farm & poultry : Organizers importance breeds houses and facitities

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in animal production

It is expected that student will be : able of Recognizing animal production . economic importance

It is expected that student will be able : to Show the economic importance and contribution of animals farm and . poultry in local economy Recognize the reality of the animal . production sector in jordan

It is expected that student will be : able to Examines a number of milk cows to judge the extent of compliance to the specifications of the typical . formal traits

The application of basic skills in animal production

Being familiar with animals farm . and poultry breeds Appreciation of animal production . contribution in national economy

: Clarify the following concepts Feed conversion efficiency - healing . self-sufficiency - breeds - the model Show the typical traits of each of the model cows (milk - meat - dual.( purpose

Distinguish between broilers and . layers eggs Apply daily required service work for . Animals farm and poultry houses

Show the typical formal traits of each of broiler and layers chickens Recognize formal and productive traits of most important cows sheeps and . poultry breeds

Specialization : Agricultural education

Subject : Animal production

Organizer : - Animal production principles

Level One

Sub – : Organizers

Economical importance

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in animal production

It is expected that student will be : able of -

It is expected that student will be able : to

It is expected that student will be : able to

The application of basic skills in animal production

Animals farm & poultry - Animals farm & poultry breeds houses and facitities

Specialization : Agricultural education

Subject : Animal production

Level Two

Organizer : - Animal production principles Sub – Health care principles - Feed sources : Organizers

Farm records -

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in animal production

It is expected that student will be : able of -

It is expected that student will be able : to

It is expected that student will be : able to

The application of basic skills in animal production

Specialization : Agricultural education

Subject : Animal production

Level two

Organizer : Livestock breeding and production Sub – Health care principles - Feed sources : Organizers

Farm records -

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in animal production

It is expected that student will be : able of -

It is expected that student will be able : to

It is expected that student will be : able to

The application of basic skills in animal production

Specialization : Agricultural education

Subject : Animal production

Level three

Organizer : Livestock breeding and production Sub – Reproduction Milk production : Organizers physiology Technical operations of Fattening the herd of cattle & sheeps

Feeding and the digestive system Diseases -

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in animal production

It is expected that student will be : able of -

It is expected that student will be able : to

It is expected that student will be : able to

The application of basic skills in animal production

Specialization : Agricultural education

Subject : Animal production

Level three

Organizer : Livestock breeding and production Sub – Reproduction Milk production : Organizers physiology Technical operations of Fattening the herd of cattle & sheeps

Feeding and the digestive system Diseases -

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in animal production

It is expected that student will be : able of -

It is expected that student will be able : to

It is expected that student will be : able to

The -

application of basic skills in animal production

Specialization : Agricultural education

Subject : Animal production

Level three

Organizer : Livestock breeding and production Sub – Reproduction Milk production : Organizers physiology Technical operations of Fattening the herd of cattle & sheeps

Feeding and the digestive system Diseases -

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring -

It is expected that student will be

It is expected that student will be able

It is expected that student will be

of basic concepts and skill in animal production

: able of -

: to

: able to

The application of basic skills in animal production

Specialization : Agricultural education

Subject : Animal production

Level four

Organizer : Poultry breeding and production Sub – : Organizers

Poultry industry in Jordan Technical operation for -

Reproductive tract and the - Hatching . formation of the egg Other bird Technical operations for -

Incubation . Diseases -

layers flock

. broiler flocks

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in animal production

It is expected that student will be : able of -

It is expected that student will be able : to

It is expected that student will be : able to

The application of basic skills in animal production

Specialization : Agricultural education

Subject : Animal production

Level four

Organizer : Poultry breeding and production Sub – : Organizers Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in animal production

It is expected that student will be : able of -

It is expected that student will be able : to

It is expected that student will be : able to

The application of basic skills in animal production

Specialization : Agricultural education

Subject : Animal production

Level four

Organizer : Poultry breeding and production Sub – : Organizers Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in animal production

It is expected that student will be : able of -

It is expected that student will be able : to

It is expected that student will be : able to

The application of basic skills in animal production

) Appendix (1

Scope & Sequence Matrix

Specilaization : Agricultural Education Organizers and sub-organizers

Level one

hours 64

Subject : Animal Production Level two

Level three

hours 64

hours 64

Level four

hours 64

) Appendix (2

Lesson plan sample

Subject: Animal production : Lesson title Learning outcomes It is expected that student will :be able to

Suggested instructional strategies

Suggested assessment strategies

. Teaching references

Direct instruction ( questions &answers ) Group learning group work/cooperative ) learning Problem solving & investigation ( case study ) Group learning ( discussion ) Activity Based learning ( oral presentation ) carry out pesticides spray ) steps process to control white

Pencil and paper ( quizzes ) Communication ( Questions & Answers ) Observation check list

Textbooks CD's Personal computer . Data show -

fly under greenhouse ( condition

General & Specific Learning outcomes For Agricultural manufacturing subject

Organizer for Agricultural manufacturi ng Subject


Agricultural manufacturing principles -

Food manufacturing -

Dairy manufacturing -

( Core Learning Outcomes( for Agricultural manufacturing Subject : It is expected that after studying plant production subject student will be able to Learning outcomes

1 2 3 4

Contribution to the development of the national economy through the development of the . agricultural manufacturing sector . The acquisition of knowledge, concepts and basic skills in the field of agricultural manufacturing Employment of modern techniques and the results of scientific research in the field of agricultural . manufacturing Application of the rules that ensure basic health and food safety standards

5 6 7

Application of the rules of public safety and security in the vital field of agricultural manufacturing . sector . Working in team in various agricultural activities in the area of agricultural manufacturing Using of critical thinking in solving problems related to taking appropriate decisions in agricultural manufacturing

Subject : Agricultural manufacturing Organizer : Agricultural manufacturing principles

Specialization : Agricultural education

Level One

Sub – : Organizers

Economical importance of agricultural manufacturing

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in agricultural manufacturing field

It is expected that student will be : able of

It is expected that student will be able : to : Calrify the following concepts Agri-manufacturing,food industry,food,nutrition and food spoilage

It is expected that student will be : able to Estimate total soluble solids(TDS) . using Refractometer Examine Food samples using . optical microscope Weighing food samples using electronic balance Estimate moisture percentage in nutrients using drying process Estimate protein percentage using method Estimate ash percentage in sample nutrient Estimat pH for nutrient sample using Ph meter Calculate daily food allowances of individuals using the approved schedules Prepare food classification board . using major nutrient groups

Understanding food and nutrition role on individual and community Taking into consideration security and safety measures in agicultural manufacturing related activities

Food and nutrition -

Recognizing the importance of agricultural manufacturing Realizing food and correct nutrition for human body Realizing the relation between safe and healthy nutrition and individual . and community safety Familiarizing with post harvest techniques and suitable food packing . means

Food health and safety -

Show economical importance of agri – manufacturing and food industry on national income Classify food industry according raw materials Recognize major agri-industries in Jordan Clarify the importance of nutrition for . human body Show biological importance of different nutrients Recognize the main prevailing nutrition diseases according their causes protection means

Packaging and handling of agricultural products

Subject : Agricultural manufacturing Organizer : Agricultural manufacturing principles

Specialization : Agricultural education

Level One

Sub – : Organizers

Economical importance of agricultural manufacturing

Core learning outcomes

General outcomes of this level

Specific learning outcomes ( knowledge )

Specific learning outcomes ( (Skill

It is expected that student will be : able of Recognizing the economic importance of agro-industries

It is expected that student will be able : to Distinguish good food improper habits . and

It is expected that student will be : able to

Recognize the importance of food and proper nutrition for the human body

Recognize micro-organisms related to . food

Food and nutrition -

Realizing the importance of the special relationship between food and health safety of the individual and community Familiarizing with of post- harvest techniques and suitable food . packaging methods

Food health and safety -

Show the optimal conditions for the growth and multiplication of . microorganisms Clarify the types of food corruption . and spoiling and their causes Recognize the post-harvest . technologies for agricultural products Identify types of materials and specifications packaging materials of

Packaging and handling of agricultural products

Prepare a micro-grams Prepare a bacterial microscopic chip using Gram method . Examine sensually spoiled foods Examine sensually food samples reserved under different temperatures to judge quality Prepare fruit and vegetables suing post- harvest techniques Prepare food product by packaging and For marketing

Subject : Agricultural manufacturing Organizer : Agricultural manufacturing principles

Specialization : Agricultural education Sub – : Organizers Core learning outcomes The acquiring of basic concepts and skill in agricultural manufacturing field Understanding food and nutrition role on individual and community Taking into consideration security and safety measures in agicultural manufacturing related activities

Level two

Controlling food product quality Nutritional industrial processes Nutritional additives and innovative Foods Agricultural industries in Jordan and their applications General outcomes of this Specific learning outcomes Specific learning outcomes level ( knowledge ) ( (Skill It is expected that student will be : able of Familiarizing with knowledge and concepts on controlling the quality of food products

It is expected that student will be able : to : Clarify the following concepts Quality , food additives, non-traditional foods,organic foods,non-organic foods

Recognizing food additives and innovative food and their applications

Identify quality systems applied in . food factories Investigate the importance of food quality control Reognize the basic rules of good .( manufacturing practice (GP's Identify correct cleaning, disinfection and sterilization procedures in various . food industries Show types of food additives and their . importance Clarify safe usage fields of food additives Recognize the non – traditional foods . and their importance

Recognizing modern techniques in manufacturing agricultural products Application of basic steps in the manufacture of certain agricultural products in jordan

It is expected that student will be : able to Prepare sugar solutions with . different concentrations Measure the sugsr percentage in sugar solutions using . , prix and refractometer Estimate olive oil acidity using equilibrium with . Alkaline method

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Agricultural Level two education manufacturing Organizer : Agricultural manufacturing principles Sub – Controlling food product quality Nutritional industrial processes : Organizers Nutritional additives and innovative Foods Agricultural industries in Jordan and their applications Core learning General outcomes of this Specific learning outcomes Specific learning outcomes outcomes level ( knowledge ) ( (Skill It is expected that student will be able of : Familiarizing with knowledge and concepts on controlling the quality of food products Recognizing food additives and innovative food and their applications Recognizing modern techniques in manufacturing agricultural products Application of basic steps in the manufacture of certain agricultural products in jordan

: It is expected that student will be able to Illustrate the basic principles of food preservation Recognize different manufacturing processes in food factories Determines raw materials entering the manufacture of some agricultural products . And their importance Recognize manufacturing steps of the : following Jordanian agricultural products Tofee,Halawa theeniah,rahaand semesmia Packing and saving palm dates Mills and bakeries products Recognize sausage and martadlla manufacturing

It is expected that student will be able : to . Make a soap Preserve food material like juices or . pickles using sodium benzoate Freeze cultivare of dates and And transform : Make following products Hallawa/ Theeniah Raha/hallqoum Sememeih/fostoqieh Notice the steps of the flour milling industry during field visit Make makarina Make burgul -

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Agricultural Level two education manufacturing Organizer : Agricultural manufacturing principles Sub – Controlling food product quality Nutritional industrial processes : Organizers Nutritional additives and innovative Foods Agricultural industries in Jordan and their applications Core learning General outcomes of this Specific learning outcomes Specific learning outcomes outcomes level ( knowledge ) ( (Skill It is expected that student will be able of : Familiarizing with knowledge and concepts on controlling the quality of food products Recognizing food additives and innovative food and their applications Recognizing modern techniques in manufacturing agricultural products Application of basic steps in the manufacture of certain agricultural products in jordan

: It is expected that student will be able to Illustrate the basic principles of food preservation Recognize different manufacturing processes in food factories Determines raw materials entering the manufacture of some agricultural products . And their importance Recognize manufacturing steps of the : following Jordanian agricultural products Tofee,Halawa theeniah,rahaand semesmia Packing and saving palm dates Mills and bakeries products Recognize sausage and martadlla manufacturing

It is expected that student will be able : to . Make a soap Preserve food material like juices or . pickles using sodium benzoate Freeze cultivare of dates and And transform : Make following products Hallawa/ Theeniah Raha/hallqoum Sememeih/fostoqieh Notice the steps of the flour milling industry during field visit Calculate extraction percentage for flour sample using grinding and sifting method Make makaroni Make burgul -

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Agricultural Level three education manufacturing Organizer :Food manufacturing Sub – Food manufacturing - Food preservation methods - Making jams , juices and : Organizers economical carbonated drinks - importance Core learning General outcomes of this Specific learning outcomes Specific learning outcomes outcomes level ( knowledge ) ( (Skill It is expected that student will be able of :

: It is expected that student will be able to

It is expected that student will be able : to

Specialization : Agricultural Subject : Agricultural Level three education manufacturing Organizer :Food manufacturing Sub – Food manufacturing - Food preservation methods - Making jams , juices and : Organizers economical carbonated drinks - importance Core learning General outcomes of this Specific learning outcomes Specific learning outcomes outcomes level ( knowledge ) ( (Skill It is expected that student will be able of :

: It is expected that student will be able to

It is expected that student will be able : to

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