2 minute read
And Finally

“The tail part of 2022 was less than I had hoped for with so many customers voicing worries about the lack of income as a result of the impending recession. It helped, talking to others, to find that I was certainly not alone with this problem, nor that it was location-related, which had concerned me. I do think brides themselves felt better getting their own feelings out into the open and without being made to feel embarrassed.
I got in a trainer specifically to talk to my team about how best to deal
with conversations that came up and you know what? We have not lost a single EMMY LONDON
almost-there sale, and in fact have made additional accessories sales because we told customers they could delay payment.”
“I’m still waiting for deliveries to come in and have kept the brides on our books in the loop so they are ready to start the next round of their search. Thank you for suggesting that Ups and downs, ins and outs, newsletter, JB, it worked.” but so much to look forward to
“I am now looking forward to this year’s round of trade shows and for the first time am intending to attend quite a few to compare notes and also to hopefully find some new labels that others don’t have, which would give me a bit of an edge on the local competition. Saying that, though, some of my competitors have become, if not friends, then certainly comrades, and we are exchanging information regularly, which gives us all a considerable amount of strength, certainly in our dealings with regular suppliers. Maybe I should arrange a shared trip with others to some of the shows abroad!” “Brain-picking time. I have never really sold accessories like shoes, although I have a selection in the shop for brides to try with each dress. Is this something I should consider and how much space do I need to devote to samples? Or do And I just put customers in direct contact with the shoe supplier and ask finally for a commission on sales? I want other retailers’ views please, not shoe manufacturers’.”
Got a view you want to share with like-minded others? Want suggestions from industry colleagues? Email me – susi@rogol-goodkind.com – and we’ll get the conversation going. We are for retailers, and about retailers.