B I T E - S I Z E
Goals & Accountaibility --- 1 Business Acumen --- 3 Customer First Service --- 5 Assertiveness & Self Confidence --- 7 Personal Branding & Professionalism --- 9 Interpersonal Communication Skills --- 11 Business Storytelling --- 13 Presenting with Confidence --- 15 Professional Business Writing --- 17 Email Etiquette --- 19 Time & Stress Management --- 21 Planning for Results --- 23 Critical Thinking & Decision Making --- 25 Emotional Intelligence at Work --- 27 Conflict Management --- 29 Workplace Negotiation --- 31 Effective Meeting Skills --- 33 Personal Performance Development --- 35 Feedback for Continuous Improvement --- 37 Working in Teams --- 39 Multi-Generations at Work --- 41 Handling Difficult People --- 43 Workplace Innovation & Problem Solving --- 45 Change Resilience --- 47
About ILS Driven by the passion to deliver desirable and sustainable change in human behavior, ILS has been helping hundreds of corporate entities, big and small, since 1999. Essentially, we deem our performance improvement consulting to be successful only when we see visible signs of your teams recording optimal levels of performance with confidence and ease. ILS has been playing an active role in igniting the desired behavioral changes in people, helping our clients to attain the desired performance levels in their teams. We have built a consistent track record in developing and delivering people development programs in the areas of Individual Performance, Leadership Effectiveness and Team Synergy. We also provide Executive Coaching to help senior executives to be even better team leaders.
Š 2014 Integrated Learning Systems Pte Ltd
Learning Efficiency — Less is More — Develop your competency through bite-size learning
Learning Efficiency Time is of the essence.On one hand, every organization recognizes the need to develop their employees for better performance and productivity. However, organizations are constantly running against time in order to stay relevant and competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment. There is often limited flexibility for employees to take valuable time away from their duties and responsibilities for development. Essentially, training should aid in boosting productivity and not hinder it. With time and training effectiveness in mind, we would like to offer these bite-size learning interventions to you. They are our solutions to help your organization achieve the desired improvement in your human performance, while maintaining the finer balance between optimizing the learning effectiveness of your employees and maximizing their productivity at work. Learn More by Learning Less Bite-size learning in 0.5 days – We have designed these programs with concise structure to bring a tightly focused approach to skills development and minimize costly down time away from work. Each program targets specific subject matters that address the business needs and challenges, which we know are significant to your organization. Structured into digestible and manageable chunks, knowledge retention is enhanced by reducing information overload. The learning is reinforced through our innovative use of highly interactive and participative instructional methods without the boredom of lecture style delivery .
Individual Performance and Effectiveness Employees are the most basic structural unit of a successful team and often, the organization’s greatest assest. Any organization that strives for success and growth recognizes the importance of developing the employee to maximize their potential and enhance their productivity and performance. Having the right person on the job, equipped with relevant training and opportunities that develop his competencies, can contribute significantly to a business’s growth.
In this series, we focus on the essential skills and competencies that every employee requires in their repertoire in order to become effective contributors and invaluable team players who can drive your organization performance to new heights. Our Approach and Methodology We believe in sustainability and continuous improvement. Besides taking a diagnostic approach towards prescribing effective training solutions based on your business needs and priorities, our programs are also experiential and interactive with focused, ready-to-use, and easy-to-apply solutions to facilitate the transfer of learning into the workplace. Special toolkits and instruments which serve as ready-to-use takeaways are designed to help participants beyond the training hours. This aids participants in the retention and application of their newly acquired knowledge and skills, as well as the internalization for development into new habits.
Contact Us Today! For an obligation-free information kit and witness for yourself why we are the benchmark in human performance development in Asia. Integrated Learning Systems Pte Ltd T +65 6248 3288 E team@ilsperformance.com www.ilsperformance.com
Goals & Accountability
about the program Goals & Accountability
Successmakes What in corporate a goodlife leader is in and a bigwhat part about does itmobilizing take to be anda visionarythe focusing one? energies From ofbeing all employees a high-potential to ensureperformer the success, to becomingand survival a leader growth in the of organization, the organization. this transition As empowered is often one of the biggest employees, it is crucial challenges that theythat are inspired every aspiring and motivated individual to wouldinhave excel the work to facethat in they their do. career. While one may excel as an individual contributor, leaders are evaluated on their This program helps employees develop greaterbased appreciation ability to leverage on the strengths of their team members of their responsibilities and accountability in the organization, and deliverawareness results thatofmeet thepersonal strategic objectives the gaintogreater their goals and ofalign organization. themselves to their current roles in the organization. This program provides newly appointed leaders and potential managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Appreciate the real meaning of role, responsibility accountability and duty • • • • • • •
Net exerit rem. es estrumquat. Understand yourIs adis role, animus responsibilities and Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa accountability in the organizationporehentiis ne et adi ditiistrum ulluptat itemquam untorganizational harumqui ut Align personal andquaspel professional goals to liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid objectives ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia and Practice S.M.A.R.T. approach to clarify performance voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta behavioral goals
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S.M.A.R.T. Net exerit rem. goal Issetting adis animus checklistes estrumquat. Ficabmatrix RACI ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Business Goals & Acumen Accountability
about the program Goals & Accountability Business Acumen
What makes a good leader and what acumen does it and takefinancial to be a In today’ s tough environment, business visionaryof one? beingare a high-potential performer literacy your From employees essential to your company’tos becomingOrganizations a leader in thewill organization, this transition success. have a competitive edge isif often their one of understand the biggest strategic challenges that every individual people objectives andaspiring how their day-towould havecontribute to face in their While day actions to thecareer. bottom line.one may excel as an individual contributor, leaders are evaluated on their This program is designed to help employeesbased increase their ability to leverage on the strengths of their team members financial literacy and improve their business sense. The and to deliver the employees willresults also that learnmeet howthe to strategic see the objectives big pictureofand organization. develop critical thinking to improve their judgment and This program provides newly appointed leaders and potential decision making. managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Understand the big picture • • • • • •
Perform risk assessment on decisions Net exeritbasic rem.financial Is adis animus es estrumquat. Develop acumen Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehentiis et adi Exercise critical thinking and decision making ne to protect ditiistrum ulluptat quaspel itemquam unt harumqui ut business interests • nonsequae sequiscietlevers utemthat est drive dolorrovid • liquam Recognize the key financial businesses ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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Quick Net exerit reference rem. Isguide adis animus on risk and es estrumquat. impact assessment Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Customer Goals & First Service Accountability
about the program Goals & Accountability Customer First Service
In a market What makesofa global good leader products andand what services does itwhere take to price be isa visionary no longer one? the only From differentiating being a high-potential factor, the one performer sure thing to becoming that differentiates a leader in between the organization, organizations this transition is the quality is often of one of theservice customer biggestprovided. challenges Companies that every therefore aspiringmust individual ensure wouldallhave that theirto employees face in theirunderstand career. Whilehow onetheir may excel customers as an individual define outstanding contributor, service, leaders how arethey evaluated can deliver basedexcellent on their ability toandleverage service how toonrecognize the strengths and close of their the team gaps inmembers service and to deliver results that meet the strategic objectives of the quality. organization. This program will help employees adopt the right service This program mindset that provides will benefit newly them appointed as well leaders as the and organization. potential Itmanagers provideswith them thewith fundamentals the necessary of effective insightsleadership, to make the roles, responsibilities difference at the “moments-of-truth” and attributestoofdelight a successful customers. leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Understand customer service • • • • • • • •
Why care about customer satisfaction Net rem. Is adis animus es estrumquat. The exerit 3 pillars in service organizations Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi Cultivate the service attitude and mindset ditiistrum ulluptat quaspel itemquam unt harumqui ut Provide excellent service liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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Service Net exerit quality rem. checklist Is adis animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam Service attitude qui gauge cum estion culpa porehenti
Assertiveness Goals & & Accountability Self-Confidence
about the program Assertiveness Goals & Accountability & Self-Confidence
Assertiveness What makes ais agood critical leader trait for andallwhat professionals. does it take It is atoway beofa visionaryand thinking one? behaving From that beingallows a high-potential a person to stand performer up for his to becoming or her rights, a leader needs and in the boundaries, organization, while this respecting transitiontheis rights often one opinions and of the biggest of others. challenges The artthat of assertiveness every aspiringbrings individual along wouldit have with a sense to face of ownership. in their career. Assertiveness While one may and excel ownership as an individual will empower contributor, individuals leaders to enjoy are evaluated fulfilling relationships based on their at ability the workplace to leverage and promote on the strengths high performance. of their team members and to deliver results that meet the strategic objectives of the organization. This program provides newly appointed leaders and potential managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics Understand the need to be assertive and develop selfkey topics confidence • • • • •
Distinguish between and assertiveness Net exerit rem. Is adisaggressiveness animus es estrumquat. Apply assertive communication techniques Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehentiistowards ne et adi win-win ditiistrumoutcome ulluptat quaspel itemquam unt harumqui ut • Develop strategies to speak up and assert on needs • liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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Personal Net exeritaction rem. Isplan adis animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam Assertive communication qui cum estionguide culpa porehenti
Personal Goals & Accountability Branding & Professionalism
about the program Personal Goals & Accountability Branding & Professionalism
Whatimpressions makes a good leader andandwhat doesasitthey takehave to bethea First are powerful crucial visionary one? From beingrole a high-potential performer to ability to create a positive in the minds of people we becoming a leader in the organization, transition is often meet and work with. Professional and this personal branding of one of the biggest thattoevery aspiring employees enables challenges organizations emulate their individual successes wouldbrand have topromises face in their career.the While may excel as an and through wayonetheir employees individual contributor, leaders are evaluated based on theira represent them. Just as organizations would position ability to leverage the strengths of their teamemployees members particular product oronservice in their target market, and to deliver resultsthemselves that meet the objectives of the should also position as astrategic performer and a reliable organization.at the workplace. professional provides newly appointed and potential This program helps employees to enhanceleaders their competencies managers fundamentals of effective and leadership, to meet thewith dailytheprofessionalism challenges deliver the roles, responsibilities of leaves a successful desired brand attributesand in aattributes manner that a lastingleader, good as well as the impression onknow-how others. to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics • • • • •
Recognize Net exerit rem. the impact Is adis of animus professionalism es estrumquat. and personal branding on qui organizational and personal success Ficab ipsam cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi ditiistrum Learn the fundamental ulluptat quaspel pillars itemquam in building untand harumqui sustaining ut aliquam personal professional brand nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid ullabor erferior Differentiate professional re, verit harchita from non-professional que excerum ditia voluptaturand behaviors alit et actions dite quam hicate pavolupta • Develop strategies to improve personal presence and influence
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Personal Net exeritbranding rem. Is adis checklist animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Interpersonal Goals & Accountability Communication Skills
about the program Interpersonal Goals & Accountability Communication Skills
For themakes What bettera part goodofleader our daily and what lives, does we are it take engaged to be ina visionary one? From communications with being other apeople. high-potential At the heart performer of every to becoming aisleader interaction communication in the organization, and a good this transition understanding is often of one of theinterpersonal different biggest challenges styles will thatgreatly every aspiring benefit individuals individual wouldthey when haveare to relating face in their to others. career. While one may excel as an individual contributor, leaders are evaluated based on more their This program supports employees in becoming ability to leverage on the strengths of their team members effective communicators by developing their awareness and deliver results meet the strategic objectives the and to appreciation for that diversities in interaction styles, asofwell organization. as their behavioral adaptability so that they can become This program more attunedprovides towards newly themselves appointed and towards leaders and others potential at the managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the workplace. roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics Recognize the importance of effective interpersonal communication key topics Develop greater awareness of interpersonal style • • • • • •
Net exeritand rem.appreciate Is adis animus es estrumquat. diversity the strengths and weaknesses of eachipsam stylequi cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi Ficab ditiistrum ulluptatadaptability quaspel itemquam Learn behavioral strategiesuntforharumqui effective ut communication with individuals of different liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid interpersonal ullabor erferiorstyles re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alit dite quamofhicate pavolupta • Appreciate the etimportance non-verbal communication and interpret basic body language signals
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Interpersonal Net exerit rem.communication Is adis animus es styles estrumquat. summary Ficab ipsam qui guide People-reading cum estion culpa porehenti
Business Goals & Accountability Storytelling
about the program Goals & Accountability Business Storytelling
What stories makes to a good and– through what does take to Using engageleader people theitstories webetell,a visionary one?adding From definitions being a high-potential performer to we are often and highlights to explain becoming a leader in the of organization, this transition is often about our understanding the world. Storytelling defines the one ofcaptures the biggest challenges that every aspiring individual truth, our imagination, illustrates our ideas, arouses would have toand facecompels in theirus career. WhileInone maytoexcel as an our passion, to action. order influence individual leaders arehave evaluated based their and changecontributor, the world, we will first to change ouronstory. ability to leverage on the strengths of their team members Harness the power of storytelling to bring your message and to deliver results that meetaudiences the strategic the across effectively to different andobjectives influenceoftheir organization. decisions and actions. This program provides employees with This program provides newly appointed leaders potential proven storytelling techniques that will aid themand in delivering managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the memorable messages that are inspiring and captivating. roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Storytelling as a powerful technique of influential •
communication Net exerit rem. Is adis animus es estrumquat. Structure and deliver an engaging story with impact Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi Use storytelling to quaspel influenceitemquam perceptions enhanceut ditiistrum ulluptat untand harumqui engagement • liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid • Apply storytelling and analogy in work situations ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia to bring across messages and make them more voluptatur alit etkeydite quam hicate pavolupta acceptable and memorable • • • •
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6-step Net exerit storytelling rem. Is adis checklist animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Presenting Goals & with Accountability Confidence
about the program Goals & Accountability Presenting with Confidence
Whatability makestoa good does it with take to be a The presentleader ideasandandwhat messages impact, visionary one? a high-potential to conviction and From controlbeing is indisputably one performer of the most becomingset a leader in theboth organization, this transition is often essential of skills, at work and in life. Excellent one of the biggest challenges every aspiring individual presentation not only elevatesthat an individual’ s profile, it also would haveone’ to sface in theirincareer. While oneHowever, may excelmany as an advances growth the company. individual contributor, leaders are evaluated basedin on their have an inherent fear when it comes to speaking front of ability to leverage on the their team an audience. Through this strengths program, of employees willmembers learn to and to deliver resultsand thatdeliver meet the strategic objectives ofwith the prepare, structure effective presentations organization. confidence. This program provides newly appointed leaders and potential managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Understand the fundamentals of effective presentations • • • • •
Structure and design your presentations for maximum Net exerit rem. Is adis animus es estrumquat. impact Ficab qui cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi Deliveripsam presentations with confidence ditiistrum ulluptat quaspel itemquam unt harumqui • Learn basic strategies to manage presentations and ut • build liquamrapport nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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The exerit Net confident rem.presenter Is adis animus aid es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Professional Goals & Accountability Business Writing Dear Sir/Madam,
about the program
Goals & Accountability Professional Business Writing Countless business professionals are not trained writers, yet they are expected to writeand every day,does producing What makes a good leader what it take reports, to be a proposals, emails, memos, letters that communicate visionary one? From being and a high-potential performer to abecoming great deal aboutin the themselves and this theirtransition employers. As a leader organization, is often authorship intentionchallenges and readership interpretation are two one of the biggest that every aspiring individual very many do not wouldseparate have toissues face inaltogether, their career. While onefeel maycomfortable excel as an writing andcontributor, worry thatleaders the impression they are making on individual are evaluated based on their clients co-workers is anything butofpositive. ability and to leverage on the strengths their team members and to deliver results the strategic objectives the However, as the pacethatofmeet business increases, people ofhave organization. less time and inclination to read intricate correspondences. Hence, peopleprovides need to newly put their ideas across in aand fashion that This program appointed leaders potential ismanagers clear, precise and concise to save time for both themselves with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the and readers. Thereand areattributes certain rules all of us should roles,their responsibilities of athat successful leader, abide by to ensure that our correspondences as well as the know-how to adjust their leadershipare stylewarm and while it is effectively. productively received with the least probability of behaviors misinterpretations.
key topics • • • • • •
Understand Net exerit rem. theIsprinciples adis animus andesessential estrumquat. characteristics of good business writing Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi ditiistrumand Identify ulluptat avoid the quaspel common itemquam errorsunt in business harumqui ut writing liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid ullabor erferior Express ideas tore, suitverit reader harchita and purpose que excerum ditia voluptaturfacts alit et quam hicateand pavolupta Organize anddite ideas logically effectively
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Business Net exeritwriting rem. Isreference adis animus guide es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Email Etiquette Goals & Accountability
about the program Goals Etiquette Email & Accountability
What a good leader and with whatmany does ofit our takebusiness to be a In this makes time and age, our contact visionary one? From being high-potential to associates and colleagues willaoften be through performer email. In fact, becoming leader in the this transition often while you amay never haveorganization, met them face-to-face, youismight one of every virtual aspiringrelationship individual well endthe upbiggest having achallenges productivethat on-going wouldthem havefor to face in their career. one may excel as an with several years. Also,While they often have more to individual contributor, aretoevaluated based onintheir read and write, as emailsleaders continue replace the phone the ability to leverage theallstrengths theirown team members workplace. It is trueonthat of us haveof our unique style andwriting. to deliver resultsthere that meet the strategic objectives of the of However, are certain important conventions organization. that all of us should be aware of and must keep in mind when composing email messages. This program provides newly appointed leaders and potential managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics Use of email as a communication channel key topics The importance of practicing good email etiquette • • • • • • •
DOs and DON’Ts in email handling Net exerit rem. Is adis animus es estrumquat. The ways treatestion cc, bcc andporehentiis subject titlene et adi Ficabright ipsam quitocum culpa Tips on drafting a professional email theharumqui workplaceut ditiistrum ulluptat quaspel itemquamatunt • liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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Emailexerit Net etiquette rem. Isrules adis animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Time &&Stress Goals Accountability Management
about the program Goals&&Stress Time Accountability Management
For many What makes of us, a good a common leader and reality what in our doeslifeit take is thetoactbeofa visionarymultiple juggling one? From responsibilities being a high-potential at work and at performer home. Often, to becoming our successa leader in life inand theatorganization, work is determined this transition by how is often well onecope we of thewith biggest this daily challenges struggle thatofevery managing aspiring all the individual things wouldwehave that havetotoface do,inwithin their career. the limited Whileamount one mayofexcel timeasthat an individual we have. Time contributor, pressureleaders and the are associated evaluated based stress on become their ability to leverage inevitable challenges onfor themany strengths working of their adults.team Although members the and toamount right deliver results of pressure that meet can fuel the strategic performance, objectives too of much the organization. stress can be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health. Thisthis In program workshop, provides employees newly appointed will learn leaders to manage and potential their managers time and stress with the more fundamentals effectively. of They effective will obtain leadership, practical the roles, responsibilities techniques to harness and the positive attributes effects of aofsuccessful such pressure leader, to as well astheir enhance the productivity know-how toand adjust performance their leadership at work.style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Recognize main sources of stress and its symptoms • • • • • • • •
Common foranimus stress management Net exeritstrategies rem. Is adis es estrumquat. Achieve more with limited Ficab ipsam qui cum estiontime culpa porehentiis ne et adi Use matrixulluptat to help quaspel manage itemquam and prioritize ditiistrum unttasks harumqui ut Gain quick applicable tips to de-stress and manage time liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid effectively ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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Stress Net exerit assessment rem. Is adis animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam Urgent/ Important qui cummatrix estion culpa porehenti
Planning Goals & for Accountability Results
about the program Goals & Accountability Planning for Results
What makes a good and what does making it take to be a Effective planning is anleader anticipatory decision process visionary one?analyzing From being a high-potential performerand to that involves situations, forecasting outcomes becoming a leader alternative in the organization, thisaction, transition is often events, evaluating courses of anticipating one of the biggest every aspiringissues individual consequences and challenges consideringthat implementation and would have to Planning face in their career. While mayone excel as an contingencies. often begins withone asking or more individual to contributor, evaluatedturn based on their questions proactivelyleaders help are employees targets into ability to leverage the strengths team extremely members achievements and on to avoid the trapofoftheir working and tobutdeliver results that meet the strategic objectives of the hard achieving little. organization. This program provides an ideal way to learn and practice Thisskills program provides newlyEmployees appointedwill leaders andtopotential the of good planning. be able readily managers withelements the fundamentals effective leadership, the apply the key of planningofand organizing to clearly roles, responsibilities a successful leader, identify and prioritizeand theattributes tasks andof activities needed to as well asbusiness the know-how to adjust leadership style and achieve and personal goalstheir at their workplace. behaviors effectively.
key topics • • • • •
Appreciate Net exerit rem. the principles, Is adis animus ethics esand estrumquat. importance of planning Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi ditiistrum Define work ulluptat objectives quaspel anditemquam priorities unt harumqui ut liquam nonsequae Identify the key stages sequisciet in planning utem est dolorrovid ullabor erferior re, verit quetoexcerum ditia Identify action steps andharchita resources achieve the voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta objectives • Organize and adapt plans for successful implementation
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Planning Net exeritcycle rem.framework Is adis animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Critical&Thinking Goals Accountability & Decision Making
about the program Critical&Thinking Goals Accountability & Decision Making
In themakes What context a good of today’ leaders and fast-paced, what does knowledge-based it take to be a visionary critical economy, one? From thinking being is instrumental a high-potential as weperformer are required to becoming to processaand leader make in the decisions organization, based this on transition the latest istrends, often one of the updates andbiggest information challenges that affects that every our businesses. aspiring individual Critical would have thinking provides to faceyou in their withcareer. the skills While to analyze one mayand excel evaluate as an individual contributor, information so that you leaders are able are to obtain evaluated the greatest based on amount their ability of knowledge to leverage fromon it. Ittheprovides strengths theofbest their chance teamofmembers making andcorrect the to deliver decision, resultsand thatminimizes meet the damages strategic objectives if a mistakeofdoes the organization. occur. This program programprovides will aidnewly employees appointed in acquiring leaders andthepotential critical managersprocess thinking with the required fundamentals to evaluate, of effective identify, and leadership, distinguish the roles, responsibilities between relevant and irrelevant and attributes information. of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key Benefitstopics and components of critical thinking • • • • • •
Impact of critical thinking on decision making Net exerit rem. Is adis animus es estrumquat. Develop your critical thinking and analytical abilities Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi Identify and weaknesses in decision ditiistrumpersonal ulluptatstrengths quaspel itemquam unt harumqui ut making • liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid • Techniques to frame and evaluate information and ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia plans voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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Critical Net exerit evaluation rem. Is adis checklist animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam Personal decision qui cum making estionstyle culpa evaluation porehenti
Emotional Goals & Accountability Intelligence at Work
about the program Emotional Goals & Accountability Intelligence at Work
What makes leader on andexpanding what does our it take to be a Often, we area good so focused intellectual visionary one?thatFromwebeing a high-potential performer to capabilities overlook the fundamentals in becoming a leader in the organization, transition On is often relationship management within ourthis workplace. the one of theemotional biggest challenges thatis every aspiring contrary, intelligence the key to ourindividual personal would have to facesuccess. in theirAn career. Whilewith one may as an and professional employee highexcel emotional individual contributor, leaders on their intelligence will manage his are or evaluated her own based impulses and ability to leverage on theeffectively; strengths of their communicate with others they alsoteam havemembers empathy deliveroptimistic results that meet objectives These of the and to remain even in the thestrategic face of adversity. organization. employees possess a higher sense of self and social awareness and more provides adept at educating, influencing andand persuading This are program newly appointed leaders potential others. This program provides employees the tools and managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the strategies to hone theirand emotional intelligence at work.leader, roles, responsibilities attributes of a successful as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics • • • • • •
Understand Net exerit rem. theIsimportance adis animusand es benefits estrumquat. of emotional intelligence in the workplacene et adi Ficab ipsam in quidaily cumliving estionand culpa porehentiis ditiistrum Define andulluptat practicequaspel self-awareness, itemquam self-management, unt harumqui ut self-regulation, self-motivation, and empathy liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid ullabor erferior Understand, usere,and verit manage harchita emotions que excerum effectively ditia voluptatur alit ettechniques dite quam hicate pavolupta Apply relational to connect with others
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Emotional Net exerit rem. intelligence Is adis animus assessment es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Conflict Goals & Accountability Management
about the program Goals & Management Conflict Accountability
Whether What makes you alike good it, conflict leader and is inevitable what does at itthetake workplace. to be a visionaryifone? Conflict, not handled From being properly, a high-potential will escalateperformer and impact to becoming morale anda leader productivity in the organization, negatively. Having this transition the ability is often to one of the resolve conflict biggest is anchallenges invaluablethat set ofevery skillsaspiring that all employees individual wouldinhave need, ordertotoface build in their goodcareer. team work Whileand oneresolve may excel problems as an individual at the workplace. contributor, leaders are evaluated based on their ability to leverage on the strengths of theirthat team This program helps employees to understand by members changing and to deliver results that meet the strategic objectives of the our own behavior, we can positively influence the outcome of organization. conflict situations. This program provides newly appointed leaders and potential managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Understand the costs and benefits of conflicts • • • • • •
Understand conflict styles Net exerit rem. Is adismanagement animus es estrumquat. Apply the appropriate style to resolve a conflictne et adi Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehentiis Use proven process for a sustainable conflict resolution ditiistrum ulluptat quaspel itemquam unt harumqui ut • liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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Conflict Net exeritmanagement rem. Is adis animus styles assessment es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam 5-step win-win quiconflict cum estion resolution culpa porehenti guidelines
Workplace Goals & Accountability Negotiation
about the program Goals & Accountability Workplace Negotiation
Negotiation What makesisaone good of leader the most andfundamental what does skills it takethat to all beofa visionary us need, both one?at work From and being in our a high-potential daily lives. At the performer workplace, to becoming a leader negotiation is vital ininthe eliminating organization, disagreements, this transition conflicting is often one of the interests andbiggest preferences, challenges whichthat affect every workplace aspiringproductivity individual would and endhave result. to face Mastering in theirthe career. art ofWhile negotiation one may willexcel definitely as an individual ease and solve contributor, such situations leaderseffectively. are evaluated based on their ability to leverage the employees strengths ofintheir team members This program will on guide understanding the and to deliver results that meet the strategic objectives the fundamental concepts of negotiation and equip themofwith organization. tips and techniques to aid them in preparing, responding and This program creating win-win provides solutions. newly appointed leaders and potential managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Understand basic principles of negotiation • • • • •
Prepare negotiation Net exeritforrem. Is adis animus es estrumquat. Practice techniques maintain Ficab ipsam qui cumtoestion culpacomposure porehentiiswhen ne et adi situation toughquaspel itemquam unt harumqui ut ditiistrumgets ulluptat • forsequisciet win-win outcome • Build liquamconsensus nonsequae utem est dolorrovid ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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Effective Net exeritnegotiation rem. Is adisguidelines animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum Pre-negotiation preparation estion culpa and planning porehentichecklist
Effective Goals & Meeting Accountability Skills
about the program Goals & Accountability Effective Meeting Skills
What makes good leader does are it take to be a Although the aprimary reasonsandforwhat meetings to facilitate visionary one? From a high-potential performer to communication and being decision-making that contribute becoming athe leader in the organization, is oftenit improving workgroup’ s productivitythis andtransition effectiveness; the biggestfor challenges every aspiring individual isone notofuncommon us to walkthat away from meetings feeling would havea to facetime-waster in their career. While one may excel as an that it was total and productivity-killer. individual contributor, evaluated based on their Yet, meetings are also leaders golden are opportunities for employees ability to leverage on the strengths of their team members to get access to their peers and superiors. Being prepared for and to deliver results meet thegood strategic objectives of can the business meetings andthat practicing meeting etiquette organization. make a world of a difference in leaving the right impression This program provides newly appointed leaders potential during meetings. Employees will learn theandskills and managers with the fundamentals effectivecontributors leadership, the techniques necessary to becomeofvaluable of roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, effective and productive meetings. as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics • • • • •
Establish Net exeritexpected rem. Is adis outcomes, animus goals es estrumquat. and roles for meetings Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi ditiistrum ulluptat Understand the stages quaspel of effective itemquam meetings unt harumqui ut liquam nonsequae Recognize the concept sequisciet of shared utem meeting est dolorrovid leadership ullabor erferior re, skills verit harchita que excerum Identify and apply to overcome hinderingditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta behaviors
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Productive Net exerit rem. meetings Is adisplanner animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Personal Goals & Accountability Performance Development
about the program Personal Goals & Accountability Performance Development
Personal What makes performance a good leader development and what is a never-ending does it take process. to be a visionary The skills and one?knowledge From being youahave high-potential today mightperformer be obsolete to becoming aCan tomorrow! leader youin survive the organization, this ever-changing this transition world? is often Will one of you be the replaced biggesttomorrow? challenges Itthat is crucial every aspiring for individuals individual to would have tohone continuously face their in their skills career. and maximize While onetheir maypotential excel as an to individual stay competitive. contributor, Every leaders individual arehave evaluated to takebased ownership on their of abilityown their to leverage personalon growth the strengths and development. of their team Thismembers program and only not to deliver helpsresults employees that meet to align the strategic their personal objectives goalsofwith the organization. the organizational goals, but also help them discover their untapped potential. This program provides newly appointed leaders and potential managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics The power of personal vision and empowerment and •
what it requires youanimus es estrumquat. Net exerit rem. Isofadis Understand your role in theculpa organization Ficab ipsam qui cum estion porehentiis ne et adi Identify for improvement and develop a plan tout ditiistrumareas ulluptat quaspel itemquam unt harumqui improve yourself • liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem est dolorrovid • Identify professional goals and link goals ditia to your ullabor erferior re, verit harchita queyour excerum department’ s strategic plan voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta • • • •
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Performance Net exerit rem.assessment Is adis animus formes estrumquat. Ficab ipsam Personal learning qui cum planestion culpa porehenti
Feedback Goals & for Accountability Continuous Improvement
about the program Feedback Goals & Accountability for Continuous Improvement
What makes a good and leadervolatile and what does it take to bearea In today’ s changing world, organizations visionary one?looking From for being performerand to continuously waysa tohigh-potential improve performance becoming leader inoftheallorganization, is often satisfy the ademands stakeholders.this Fortransition organizations to one ofthe thepeople biggestworking challenges thatit will everyhave aspiring individual excel, within to continuously wouldforhave to face in their career.and While mayresults. excel as an seek opportunities to improve getone better individual contributor, leaders are evaluated based their Structured feedback between team members on enables ability to leverage on the strengths of their team members individuals to see themselves as others see them. It gives and deliver results meet of the themtoinformation thatthat they cantheactstrategic on andobjectives brings into the organization. spotlight both strengths and areas for development. Through This program, program provides newly leaders this employees will appointed be equipped withand the potential essential managers fundamentals of effective leadership, the skills to givewith andthe receive feedback effectively. roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Appreciate feedback as an ongoing collaborative • • •
process to rem. performance improvement Net exerit Is adis animus es estrumquat. Give andestion positive feedback usingne theet adi Ficabconstructive ipsam qui cum culpa porehentiis B.O.O.S.T. model quaspel itemquam unt harumqui ut ditiistrum ulluptat • Anticipate and respond effectively reactions liquam nonsequae sequisciet utemtoestcommon dolorrovid to feedback ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia • Develop insights based on feedback voluptaturimprovement alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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Feedback Net exerit process rem. Is adis flowchart animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Working Goals & in Accountability Teams
about the program Goals & Accountability Working in Teams
What makes a good leaderforand what does it take reasons, to be a Teams come into existence a number of different visionary one? are From to but their goals the being same –a tohigh-potential achieve peak performer performance becoming a leader in theThe organization, this transition is often and experience success. ends may differ but the means by one ofone the gets biggest every aspiring which therechallenges is the samethat – teamwork. Everyindividual member would haveistoaccountable face in theirwhen career.it While may excel as an of the team comesone to teamwork. individual contributor, are evaluated based on their This program equips leaders employees with the knowledge ability to leverage on the strengths of their team members necessary to participate actively and function effectively in and to deliver the strategic objectives of the the team. By results applyingthatthemeet relevant team skills, employees organization. will also help the organization to establish and sustain a team This program provides newlyproductivity appointed leaders andcustomer potential culture that results in better and better managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the satisfaction. roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Understand the value of positive work relationships on • • •
team effectiveness Net exerit rem. Is adis animus es estrumquat. Examine team’ vis-à-vis the common Ficab ipsam quis effectiveness cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi dysfunctions ditiistrum ulluptat quaspel itemquam unt harumqui ut • Strategies to promote teamwork andestmanage conflicts liquam nonsequae sequisciet utem dolorrovid in teamserferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia ullabor voluptatur alit et dite quam hicatetopavolupta • Strengthen team communication foster team synergy
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Teamexerit Net cohesiveness rem. Is adis assessment animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Multi-Generations Goals & at Work Accountability
about the program Goals & Accountability Multi-Generations at Work
makesaa common good leader and what does it takea tomultibe a ItWhat is now phenomenon to have visionary one? From being a high-potential performer to generational workgroup comprising of people with different becoming a leader organization, this transition is often life experiences andin atthedifferent life stages. Each generation one aofunique the biggest challengessetthat every aspiringperception individual has and distinctive of characteristics, would have totowards face in their While one mayon excel an and attitude workcareer. and life. Leveraging theasrich individual contributor, leaders are evaluated based theirs diversities of a multi-generational workgroup, theonteam’ abilitycan to leverage on the strengths of their team members effort then be optimized to produce greater performance deliverThis results that meet theemployees strategic objectives of the and to success. program helps to understand organization. how individuals of different generations work, appreciate what motivateprovides them and learn how to work effectively with This program newly appointed leaders and potential them. managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Appreciate and understand multi-generational • • • •
diversities Net exerit rem. Is adis animus es estrumquat. Recognize weaknesses, opportunities and Ficab ipsamthe quistrengths, cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi challenges of each quaspel generation ditiistrum ulluptat itemquam unt harumqui ut • effectively withutem the different generations • Communicate liquam nonsequae sequisciet est dolorrovid in the workplace ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia • Collaborate better with the different generations in their voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta team
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Multi-generation Net exerit rem. Is adis guideanimus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Handling Goals & Accountability Difficult People
about the program Goals & Accountability Handling Difficult People
What of makes a good leader what people does it attake to be Most us have to deal withand difficult some timea visionary one? always From being a high-potential to or other. They seem to want their wayperformer and can be becoming a leader in the organization, transition is often intimidating and difficult to handle. this These situations can one ofathe that every aspiring individual waste lot biggest of yourchallenges time and make you angry or frustrated. would haveoftohandling face in their career.people Whilecan one create may excel as an The stress difficult a lack of individual contributor, leaders are evaluated productivity and reluctance to come to work. based on their ability to leverage on the of with theiruseful team skills members This program will equip thestrengths employees that and to deliver results that meet the strategic objectives the will help them identify various types of difficult peopleofand organization. learn how to handle them with assertiveness and confidence. This program leaders potential They will also provides learn whatnewly they appointed can do to gain theirand cooperation. managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics • •
Recognize Net exerit rem. the impact Is adis of animus difficult es behavior estrumquat. Ficab ipsam Identify the types qui cum of difficult estion culpa behavior porehentiis and theirne et adi ditiistrum ulluptat underlying causes quaspel itemquam unt harumqui ut • Diffuse liquam nonsequae difficult situations sequisciet withutem tact est dolorrovid ullabor erferior re, veritexpectations harchita queand excerum • Manage unreasonable build ditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta consensus
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“Diffusing Net exerit rem. Difficult Is adis Situation” animusframework es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Workplace Goals & Accountability Innovation & Problem Solving
about the program Workplace Goals & Accountability Innovation & Problem Solving
What makes a good leader andenvironment, what does it the takestrongest to be a In today’ s competitive business visionary From being a high-potential performer to and fittestone? organizations often have an insatiable hunger becoming a leader in the organization, transition is often for innovation; they continuously seekthisimprovements and one of thebetter biggest challenges everyof aspiring individual generate solutions to staythat ahead other competitors. would haveorganizations to face in theirgenerally career. While excel as on an Successful place aone verymay high value individual contributor, leaders are evaluated based on their the ability of each and every employee to be able to generate abilityquality to leverage on the strengths of improve their team members high “out-of-the-box” ideas that productivity to deliverperformance. results that meet the strategic objectives of the and enhance organization. Generating powerful ideas and innovative solutions isn’t program provides newly appointed leaders potential aThis matter of luck. It requires skills that allowandindividuals managers withparadigms, the fundamentals of effective leadership, the to challenge leverage on diverse resources, roles, expansively responsibilities attributes of a successful leader, think andand critically, and target critical areas for as well as the know-how adjust theirand leadership style and innovation. These skills cantobe learned developed. behaviors effectively.
key topics • •
Turnexerit Net existing rem.problems Is adis animus into opportunities es estrumquat. for growth Ficab ipsam Apply creative quithinking cum estion techniques culpa porehentiis to generateneideas/ et adi ditiistrumthat solutions ulluptat improve quaspel workitemquam efficiencyunt andharumqui effectiveness ut • Solve liquamproblems nonsequae effectively sequisciet using utem theest Creative dolorrovid Problem ullabor erferior Solving Model re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alitthat et dite quam hicate pavolupta • Practice skills encourage and nurture creative thinking when generating innovative ideas at the workplace
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Creative Net exeritproblem rem. Is adis solving animus guidees estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Change Goals & Accountability Resilience
about the program Goals & Resilience Change Accountability
Whatmany makes a good leader whatphenomenon does it take that to bewea For of us, change is a and constant visionary one? From a high-potential have to embrace, bothbeing at work and in life. Toperformer remain astoa becoming a leader in the organization,business this transition is often forerunner in today’ s competitive environment, one of the biggest challengesre-position that everythemselves aspiring individual organizations continuously to meet would have to face in their as career. one may excel as an external market demands well While as internal organizational individual contributor, leaders are and evaluated based on initiatives. Feelings of frustration helplessness aretheir not ability to leverage onindividuals the strengths of their team members uncommon amongst as they try to grapple with andchanges. to deliverOften results thatofmeet strategic the the many themthe would resistobjectives change inoforder organization. to cope with it. Through this program, employees will master change and build theirnewly resilience through several concrete This program provides appointed leaders and potential techniques and thinking skills that will aid them in embracing managers with the fundamentals of effective leadership, the change more effectively. roles, responsibilities and attributes of a successful leader, as well as the know-how to adjust their leadership style and behaviors effectively.
key topics key topics Appreciate the need for change • • • • •
Net exerit rem. adis animusand es phases estrumquat. Understand theIspsychology of change Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehentiis ne et adi Develop resiliency to change ditiistrum ulluptat quaspel itemquam unt harumqui ut • Adopt a framework to gain mastery over change • through liquam nonsequae sequisciet dolorrovid a new awareness andutem a newestsense of direction ullabor erferior re, verit harchita que excerum ditia voluptatur alit et dite quam hicate pavolupta
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Change Net exerit resilience rem. Is adis framework animus es estrumquat. Ficab ipsam qui cum estion culpa porehenti
Integrated Learning Systems Pte Ltd T +65 6248 3288 E team@ilsperformance.com www.ilsperformance.com