"Metropooling the Zuidvleugel 2040" is a metropolitan strategy for the South Wing Randstad in the context of the Next Economy. The project was developed as part of the fall semester 2015 design studio of the European Post-Master in Urbanism (EMU) in TU Delft. Studio tutors: dr. Roberto Rocco, ir. Daan Zandbelt Students: Chen Yun-Shih, Daniel Ferrer, Estefania McLaurin Moreno, Fecianti, Iulia Sirbu, Ke Zhang, Juliana Nakagawa-Fernandes, Lin Wei-Yun, Magdalini Papadam, Pablo Pajares, Rebeca Rabello, Sanjana Ahmed, Tatiana Rojas Molina, Vincent Babes, Yan Jingyue