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My soul is a celestial traveler in the Universe, A passenger from Earth, indifferent to earthly glories, My soul has left and diffused among the distant stars, A stranger to anyone who stayed below. Hovhannes Tumanyan

Yerevan Union of the World Armenian Painters


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Lazar Mirzoyan’s Universe

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Many artists have tried to touch upon the topics concerning the universe, the stars, and however, few have been absorbed in this infinite space and felt each particle of it. Lazar Mirzoyan is inspired by the universe and reflects it in his pictures as if feeling each of its phenomena.

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Every time when You take what You have given, Every time when I see how much still remains O Bounteous One, I am in awe at how much You have given me, And how much more I have to give back, for us to be even again. Hovhannes Tumanyan

The most important thing in painting for me is always has been and remains the topic chosen and reproduced by the artist, and not his technical or painting skills. Choosing the universe, universal topics, the artist reveals his will to reach the infinite, by means of paintbrush to depict on canvas what is not completely comprehended even by astronomers yet. In that way artist becomes a part of the endless process of knowing the universe. Such artist is Lazar Mirzoyan.

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As inexhaustible the universe is, in the same way Lazar Mirzoyan’s topics are endless starting from realistic themes up to most daring imagination. In his pictures one can see the sun, the moon, planets, stars, nebulas, galaxies depicted from various aspects in the direct and figurative sense of the word. In his pictures one can see such cosmic “bodies” and phenomena, which are not disclosed even by astronomers yet. It is said that what human being can imagine it must be already realized in any place in the universe. In that way artist contributes to the disclosure of the universe prompting astronomers by means of his imagination what could be searched and found in the far off. Very often cosmic bodies and phenomena are depicted in the pictures from astronomers’ point of view as we have studied and described them, that is – the artist tries also to understand the secrets of the diversities created by the nature and the ways of their realization.

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Undoubtedly, Lazar Mirzoyan’s art is peculiar and worth special study, as in the “universe” he has revealed still there are many things not discovered and not understood yet. However, it is obvious that his art and his pictures are among the best works of Armenian art and enrich the world treasury of cultural astronomy.

Areg Miqaelyan, astronomer

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The Soldier in the Universe

depicting the universe has always existed. Australian aborigines' old and new petroglyphs supposing the mystery of the universe, fictions and photos made by Russian and American cosmonauts Alexey Leonov and Douglas Wheelock are known. Frame itself is a "piece of sky," the earthly symbol of the universe. Making bright or color dots on dark background already leads our fantasy to the concept of universe. Universe is not only over our head, but also in us, around us because we are inside the universe.

Golden-haired youngster Lazar Mirzoyan's glance was directed by his talented teacher Alec Karapetyan to the autumn trees, waters, stones of Ararat Plain, and the little painter, filled with happiness, sank into the magic world of red, yellow colors. In 1970s Lazar was one of the brilliant students of the painting school named after Yegishe Tadevossyan of Etchmiadzin, already having appearance so harmonious with the artistic perceptions of his famous teacher that after having contacts with him pictures spoke or sang already not loudly. In that period he learned to draw human being, tree, house, mountain, and people saw those "earthly" pictures in Yerevan, Prague, Japan and in other cities and countries.

"You rush to the stars, and it is beautiful, it is marvelous, but our mother is the globe," - told Saryan to the cosmonauts visiting him, also Alexey Leonov, who had shown the great artist his depictings of the universe. It seems that individuals studying the universe - scientists, physicists, pastors follow the events for cosmic heights, examine earthly beings' behavior according to the criteria of noble and nice people.

In that period perhaps he didn't know that he mastered colors like Armenian miniature artists and the breathing of the universe was felt in the leaf, tree that he depicted. But people were long ago tired of those common landscape paintings; they wished to see something "other." Surrealism's and Salvador Dali's, especially Damien Steven Hurst's and other artists' triumphant march along the valuable avenues of world art market was not casual.

However, it is not always so, because troubles spreading over the planet, increasing absurdity and nonsense conceal the light and pull down those who ascend, equalize, humiliate spiritual strivings. However, always there are unique ones thanks to whom the planet doesn't grope in darkness yet, and dream and striving still live in bright and dark houses of the globe.

Becoming student of the famous educational institution, Lazar developed and made progress within the frames of earthly and "modern logic." The theme of the universe absorbed him. However, these pictures slightly remind us the pictures of the universe we have seen. That is because in a dear corner of his soul he keeps the reflection of the sonorous surfaces of one-time golden pictures. And it is already for a long time that in his old and new pictures there is a shaped individual, a brilliant artist of his generation.

Lazar Mirzoyan's best cosmic depictings infect people with kindness and philanthropy, especially inspire hope for living, moving forward and stepping.

Martin Maikaelyan, art critic

Once Pablo Picasso said that explaining picture means to point out the sky. And nevertheless, the drive of pondering over infinite and unfathomable, interpreting, studying, 7



















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At Lazar Mirzoyan’s individual exhibition dedicated to Academician Victor Hambardzumyan’s100th anniversary. Hakob Hakobyan and Lazar Mirzoyan. 2008.

Ô³½³ñ ØÇñ½áÛ³ÝÝ ÁÝÏ»ñë ¿, Ýñ³Ý ëÇñáõÙ »Ù Çμñ¨ ÝϳñÇã ¨ Çμñ¨ Ù³ñ¹: äÇïÇ Ù³ÕûÇ, áñ ³í»ÉÇ ß³ï Å³Ù³Ý³Ï Ñ³ïϳóÝ»ñ Ýϳñ»ÉáõÝ, ù³ÝÇ áñ ÇÝùÝ Ç í»ñáõëï ¿ ûÅïí³Í: ÜáõÛÝå»ë ß³ï »Ù ·Ý³Ñ³ïáõÙ Çñ ÝíÇñáõÙÁ ѳÛñ»ÝÇùÇÝ, ³½·³ÏÇóÝ»ñáõÝ ¨ Çñ Ñ»ñáë³Ï³Ý ×Ç·»ñÁ` ѳٳËÙμ»Éáõ Ù³ñ¹Ï³Ýó û·ï³Ï³ñ ·áñÍáõÝ»áõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñáõ ßáõñç ³Ý߳ѳËݹÇñ: Þ³ï »Ù Ñ³ñ·áõÙ Çñ ù³çáõÃÛáõÝÝ Çμñ¨ ½ÇÝíáñ, áñ Ññ³Å³ñí»Éáí Çñ ³å³Ñáí ÏÛ³ÝùÇó` ·Ý³ó»É ¿ Ïéí»Éáõ ¨ å³ßïå³Ý»Éáõ Çñ ѳÛñ»ÝÇùÁ, íï³Ý·»É ¿ Çñ ³éáÕçáõÃÛáõÝÁ, μ³Ûó ٳݳí³Ý¹ Ùݳó»É ¿ Ï»Ýëáõñ³Ë ¨ ɳí³ï»ë ¨ ëñï³μ³ó Çñ ³½·³ÏÇóÝ»ñáõÝ Ñ³Ý¹»å:

Lazar Mirzoyan is my friend; I love him both as a personality and as an artist. I would like him to devote much more time to painting as he is undoubtedly gifted. I appreciate very much his dedication to his homeland, his compatriots and his heroic efforts directed to uniting people for the sake of useful, charitable activities. I respect his bravery as a soldier who refusing of safe life has struggled and defended his native land, has endangered his health, and however, has remained cheerful, optimistic and heartfelt towards his fellow compatriots.

ÎÙ³ÕûÇ, áñ ÁÉɳñ ÙÇßï ³éáÕç, å³ßïå³Ý»ñ Çñ ³éáÕçáõÃÛáõÝÁ ¨ ٳݳí³Ý¹ ³ñŨáñ»ñ Çñ»Ý ïñí³Í ÝϳñÇãÇ ÓÇñùÝ ²ëïÍá ÏáÕÙ¿: Æñ³ÝÇó ëå³ëáõÙ »Ù Ýáñ ·»Õ»óÇÏ ·áñÍ»ñ, ÇÝãå»ë ³Ûë óáõó³Ñ³Ý¹»ëáõÙ óáõó³¹ñí³Í ·áñÍ»ñÁ: Îѳí³ï³Ù Çñ ϳñáÕáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñáõÝ: ÆÝùÁ ÝϳñÇã ¿ ¨ ÇÝùÝ ³Û¹ ÙÇßï å»ïù ¿ áñ ÑÇßÇ:

I wish him sound health and the feeling of appreciation of God-granted talent as artist. I expect for new nice works of art as these ones presented in this exhibition. I do believe in his capabilities. He is an artist and he should always remember it.

Hakob Hakobyan, astist

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Lazar Mirzoyan When I look through the pages of the catalogue of Lazar Mirzoyan’s exhibition dedicated to Academician Victor Hambardzumyan’s 100th anniversary, it reminds me great scientist Albert Einstein’s color cosmic drawings which I have seen in abroad in 1960s in the short documentary films preceding fictional films. However, Lazar’s works are not drawings of the universe, but its beautiful color pictures. It seems he has painted those pictures together with Victor Hambardzumyan, without hesitation studied the structure of planets in the universe, their colors, lines.

Ô³½³ñ ØÇñ½áÛ³ÝÇ ³Ýѳï³Ï³Ý óáõó³Ñ³Ý¹»ëÇÝ` ÝíÇñí³Í ìÇÏïáñ гٵ³ñÓáõÙÛ³ÝÇ ÍÝÝ¹Û³Ý 100-³ÙÛ³ÏÇÝ: гÏᵠгÏáµÛ³Ý ¨ Ô³½³ñØÇñ½áÛ³Ý, 2008 Ã.:

Lazar is a cosmic artist, he loves the universe, he studies and depicts thousands of planets as if he was born for studying astrology in artistic ways.

At Lazar Mirzoyan’s individual exhibition dedicated to Academician Victor Hambardzumyan’s100th anniversary. Hakob Hakobyan and Lazar Mirzoyan. 2008.

And however, it is only one type of Lazar’s abilities, Lazar is a great person and patriotic citizen, he is the follower of Gareguin Nzhdeh. He is fond of Gareguin Nzhdeh and apreciates him so highly, that has given Nzhdeh’s name to his son. We expect much from Lazar Mirzoyan, and I don’t doubt that Lazar will be one of the greatest sons of our nation.

Rafayel Atoyan, astist June 22, 2011. Yerevan







































1989Ã. ÐÇÙݳ¹ñ»É ¿ §ê. ¾çÙdzÍÇݦ ·ÃáõÃÛ³Ý ¨ µ³ñ»·áñÍ³Ï³Ý Ñ³ë³ñ³Ï³Ï³Ý ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåáõÃÛáõÝÁ, áñÝ û·ÝáõÙ ¿ñ »ñÏñ³ß³ñÅÇó ïáõųÍÝ»ñÇÝ, ²¹ñµ»ç³ÝÇó µéݳ·³ÕÃí³Í Ù»ñ ѳÛñ»Ý³ÏÇóÝ»ñÇÝ ¨ ²ñó³ËÇ ÇÝùݳå³ßïå³ÝáõÃÛ³ÝÁ Ù³ëݳÏóáÕ Ï³Ù³íáñÝ»ñÇÝ ¨ Ýñ³Ýó ÁÝï³ÝÇùÝ»ñÇÝ: 1989Ã. ÐÇÙݳ¹ñ»É ¿ §ºÕÇóÇ ÈáõÛë¦ ß³µ³Ã³Ã»ñÃÁ ¨ »Õ»É Ýñ³ ïáÝ³Ï³Ý Ñ³Ù³ñÝ»ñÇ ËÙµ³·ÇñÁ:

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“Mer Yekeghetsin” (“Our Church”) of the Armenian Diocese of Russia and New Nakhijevan and worked as the weekly’s designer.

Lazar Hrant. Mirzoyan Born on May 22, 1961, in the town Etchmiadzin. In 1968 -1977 he studied and graduted from N 9 seconadry school of Etchmiadzin.

In 2000 he founded the ecological charitable NGO “Noyan Arg.” the goal of which was preaching love for nature and restoration of forest as far as possible.

In 1968 he attended painting study group in the center for pioneers. His first teacher has been artist Harutyun Harutiunyan.

In December, 2007 he entered the Assoiciation of Artists of Armenia.

In 1970-1974 he studied and graduted from Painting school named after Yeghishe Tadevossian, of Etchmiadzin. He studied in Alec Karapetyan’s studio.

In 2008 he participated in the jubilee exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of foundation of the Assoiciation of Artistis of Armenia.

In 1974 he participated in the Juvenile Iinternational exhibition organized in Prague.

In 2008 he particiapted in the exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Vazgen I Catholicos of All Armenians.

In 1975 he participated in the Juvenile Iinternational exhibition organized in Japan.

In 2008 he had personal exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician Victor Hambardzumyan.

In 1977 he participated in spring exhibition organized in Etchmiadzin.

In 2008 he participated in the humnitarian exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the newspaper “AZDAK” (Beyruth, Lebanon).

In 1977-1981 he studied and graduted from the college named after P. Terlemezyan, art department, Samvel Petrosyan’s studio. His graduation thesis was the picture “Sassoon people’s dance:

Since 2009 up to date he is the Founding President of the NGO “World’s Armenian Artists’ Union.”

In 1978 he participated in the exhibition of one painting of the artists of Etchmiadzin organized by Artists’ Union of Armenian SSR.

In 2010 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan).

In 1979 he particiapated in the exhibition organized jointly by Artists’ Union of Armenian SSR and the Central Committee of Young Communists of Armenia.

In 2010Ã. he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 2150th anniversary of

In 1980 he participated in spring exhibition organized in the Center of Artists’ Union.

In 2011 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of ëelf-determination of Armenia (National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan).

Tigranes the Great (National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan).

In 1982 he participated in open-air exhibition organized by the Center of Artists’ Union.

In 2011 he had personal exhibition entitled “Flights in dream and in reality” (Cultural-business center “Moscow House,” Yerevan).

In 1983-1988 - Director of Parakar Cultural Centers’ central body. 1988

Being unable to be indiffernt towards the important for our nation and historical events, Lazar Mirzoyan actively participated in the liberation struggle for Karabagh and Armenia’s gaining independence.

In 2011 he participated in the exhibition and auction within the frames of the project “Yerevan, My Love” (Christie’s Auctions, London). In 2012 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 1650th anniversary of St. Mesrob Mashtots (“Academia” Gallery, Yerevan).

In 1989 Lazar Mirzoyan founded the charitable NGO “St. Etchmiadzin” which helped people who had suffered from the earthquake, Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan, volunteers participating in the selfdefence struggle for Artsakh and their families.

In 2012 he participated in the exhibition entitled “Samo and his students” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Samvel Petrosyan.

In 1989 he founded the weekly “Yeghitsi Luys” and was the editor of its jubileee issues.


In 1995 he participated in spring exhibition in Pargue.

In 2013 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Sayat Nova (“Academia” Gallery, Yerevan).

In 1995 he participated in the foundation of the weekly

In 2013 he participated in the exhibition entitled “From 91

100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, (Etchmiadzin).

modern to Postmodern” (Modern Art Museum of Armenia, Yerevan).

In 2015 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, (National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan).

In 2014 he participated in the exhibition of artists of Etchmiadzin (Etchmiadzin). In 2014 he participated in the exhibition-donation (Writers’ Union of Armeina).

“World’s Armenian Artists’ Union” in 2008, and the other two cross-stones have been installed in Klebark Wielki and Wroclaw, Poland, by “Pyunik” charitable foundation and the NGO “World’s Armenian Artists’ Union.”


“Andranik Ozanyan” medal,


dipoma of Etchmiadzin municipality,


“25 years of Armed Forces of Armenia” Jubilee Medal by “Aspetats Academy of International Security,

Lazar Mirzoyan is the following book-albums’ editor-in-chief:


Title “Etchmiadzin Town’s Friend” by Etchmiadzin municipality.

In 2014 he participated in the charitable exhibition-sale organized in Etchmiadzin.

In 2015 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, (Issyles-Moulineaux, France).

In 2015 he participated in the symposium entitled “Machanents balenin” (Machanents’ cherry-tree), (Etchmiadzin).

In 2015 he participated in the exhibition entitled “Artists of Etchmiadzin in Tbilissi” (“Hayartun” (“Center of Armenian Culture”), Tbilissi).

In 2015 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 145th anniversary of Komitas (National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan).

In 2015 he participated in the exhibition entitled “Artists of Etchmiadzin in Akhaltsikhe” (Georgia).

“Pallet of Independence” (dedicated to the 25th anniversary of self-determination of Armenia),

St. Khor Virap Minastery,

In 2015he participated in the exhibition entitled “Artists of Etchmiadzin in Akhalkalaki” (Georgia).

“We are the Generation of Independence” (dedicated to the 20th anniversary of self-determination of Armenia, children’s works),

The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Yerevan

In 2015 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the

“Genocide” (dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide),

In 2016 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of General Andranik Ozanyan (National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan).

“Fridtjof Nansen” (dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Fridtjof Nansen),

In 2016 he participated in the exhibition entitled “Artists of Etchmiadzin” (Sergiyev Posad, Russian Federation).

“Gareguin Nzhdeh” (dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Gareguin Nzhdeh),

In 2016 he participated in the International Symposium entitled “Machanents”, (Etchmiadzin).

“St. Mesrop Mashtots” (dedicated to the 1650th anniversary of St. Mesrop Mashtots),

In 2016 he participated in the exhibition entitled “From Modern to Postmodern” (Modern Art Museum of Yerevan).

“Komitas” (dedicated to the 145th anniversary of Komitas).

In 2016 he participated in the exhibition entitled “Artists of Sergiyev Posad and Etchmiadzin” (Sarov, Russian Federation).

Lazar Mirzoyan has been awarded with the following medals and diplomas: 2011

Golden medal named after Fridtjof Nansen,

In 2016 he participated in the exhibition orgnaized by “Art Basis” Gallery in Moscow House of Nationalities.


“St. Gregory the Illuminator” medal by Wroclaw municiplity and the Armenian community (Poland),

In 2017 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of self-determination of Armenia (“Hay-Art” Gallery and Cultural Center, Yerevan).


dipoma of Etchmiadzin municipality,


dipoma of Etchmiadzin municipality,


dipoma of


diploma of “Dyutsaznagirk” Associaon of Heroes Public Organiazation,

In 2017 he participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Armenian army (National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan).

Lazar Mirzoyan’s works are kept in:

“Tigranes the Great” (dedicated to the 2150th anniversary of the king Tigranes the Great),

National Gallery of Armenia, Yerevan, Komitas Museum-Institute, Yerevan “Academia” Gallery, Yerevan “Art Basis” Gallery, Russian Federation Alaverdi Art Gallery (branch of the National Gallery of Armenia), Victor Hambardzumyan house-museum (Byurakan village, Aragatsotn province), as well as in private collections in Armenia, USA, Russian Federation, Belgium, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Georgia, Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Canada, the Netherlands.

the journal “Parliament,”

In 2017 he participated in the International Biennial of Painting organized in Chisinau, Moldova. In 2017 he participated in the charitrable exhibition organiazed with the goal of health recovery of Artur Piliposan, resident of Etchmiadzin. In 2017 he participated in the charitrable exhibition organiazed with the goal of health recovery of Vardush Gakobyan, resident of Etchmiadzin. Lazar Mirzoyan is the author of three cross-stones, one of which was installed in Gdansk, Poland, by the NGO 92


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Lazar Mirzoyan presents Michael Stone his work entitled “The war of green monster or partial solar eclipse.” 70х70 canvas, mixed technique, 2009 year.

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Hovik Abrahamyan, Prime minister of Armenia, and Manvel Arakelyan, owner of the Holding Hin Erivan, present Valentina Matvienko Lazar Mirzoyan’s work entitled “Anticipation of Aurora” from the series “Aurora Boirealis”, 80х70, canvas, mixed technique, 2009 year.

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Karen Grigorian, Mayor of Etchmiadzin, presents Andre Santini, the Mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux, Lazar Mirzoyan’s work entitled “Magnetar Star”, 80х80, oil canvas, 2015 year. 94

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Design by: Aram Urutyn

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Published in: Tigran Mets Publishing House


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