AIESEC in UI Booklet

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AIESEC in Universitas Indonesia L C Booklet

Greetings from

President of AIESEC in Universitas Indonesia AIESEC in Universitas Indonesia has been a part of our global youth leadership movement as the first and foremost outset of AIESEC in Indonesia. With experience and expertise in Indonesia since 1984, we consistently shape what we do to grow disruptively and be accessible to every youth in this nation. My name is Muhammad Rifqi Handokoputra and I am the Local Committee President of AIESEC in Universitas Indonesia 2020. As the pioneer of developing youth’s inner potential in Indonesia, it is time to not only craft our legacy, but we strive to be significant. We strive for significant individuals that have passion, dynamism, and entrepreneurial spirit that are needed to shape the future. Then, we strive for significant organization as a manifestation of the success of our common goals. Lastly, it would lead to a significant impact. The impact that we aim for is not only for Indonesia but we aim to engage and develop every person in the whole world by enabling cross-cultural exchanges. That way, we are indeed making our mark in this global leadership movement. Together with achieving peace, and fulfillment of humankind’s potential.

About L C

AIESEC in Universitas Indonesia Established in 1984, AIESEC in UI is the ďŹ rst entity in Indonesia and is categorized as a big university-based Local Committee. We are located in Depok and cover Jakarta and its greater area, including Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi. Our mission is to engage every young people to fulďŹ lll their potential and be the next generation of leader through the delivery of roughly a hundred exchange programs every year, and by developing a hundred members every year.

1100+ Indonesian Youth Volunteers Sent Abroad for the last 5 years

100+ Yearly Active Members

100+ Graduating Members

1100+ International Youth Volunteers Hosted for the last 5 years

Why Us?

Our Achievements




Innovation for Excellence award at the Asia PaciďŹ c Regional Conference

Best Local Committee at National Election Conference

Leadership Centric Local Committee at International Congress

Best Local Committee in First Semester at the Management Board National Conference

112 realization number for iGCDP

More than 1860 public outreach in summer with more than 1000 students and teachers


Financial Sustainable Awards at National Functional Summit Best Global Talent


Best Team Standards Best Talent Management Asia PaciďŹ c Region

Why We Do What We Do? Our Vision

It is every young person’s responsibility to take a positive role shaping the future of our planet, and we believe that every young person deserves the chance, and tools, to fulďŹ ll their potential. We provide young people with self-driven, practical, global experiences. We enable them to see the world, make a real dierence and discover what truly matters to them - all while creating a positive social impact. Imagine what happens to the world when we engage and develop every young person.

Why We Do What We Do

Our belief is that sustainable, informed and globally-minded leadership can help us solve many of today’s challenges. Our global platform enables young people with opportunities to grow in conďŹ dence, gain experience and can perhaps fail but learn fast. By doing so, they can learn more about themselves and the world around them - and just how much their actions can change the environment they live in. And this is why we do what we do.

The Leadership We Develop

In AIESEC, we believe that youth are the key to shaping a better future. Through each and every experience we provide, we strive to develop youth leaders with the following qualities. Ability to Empower Others: Communicates clearly, engages in meaningful conversations, and creates spaces that empower others to take action. Solution Oriented: Flexible, ready to take risks, and actively ďŹ nds solutions to challenges. World Citizen: Aware of global events and enjoys taking an active role in contributing towards making it a better place for everyone. Self Aware: Understands personal strengths, lives by his/her values and constantly explores passions. We want to see a brighter future for all. This is the leadership we develop.

Youth Leadership Development Programs

Global Volunteer is an opportunity for a young person to develop Leadership Qualities of self awareness, solution orientation, empowering others and world citizenship while by living a cross-cultural volunteer experience. In the product a young person volunteers abroad on social impact projects that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Global Talent is an opportunity for a young person to develop Leadership Qualities of self awareness, solution orientation, empowering others and world citizenship while by living a cross-cultural professional experience. In the product a young person works abroad to advance their goals.

Community Development Programs

SDGs that AIESEC in Universitas Indonesia focuses on


CHILDREN OF THE NATION Children of the Nation is a 6 weeks project where interns can teach basic English in one formal school around the greater Jakarta metropolitan area.

Activities : - Teaching - Culture Sharing - LC Events


LIA Pengadegan is a six weeks project where interns can teach advanced English to students around the various classes of language school LIA Pengadegan.

Activities : - Teaching - Culture Sharing - LC Events

JAKARTA ENVIRONMENT CARE PROJECT Jakarta Environment Care Project (JECP) is a 6 weeks project focusing on helping water sanitation problem in Jakarta and raising awareness among Jakarta citizens about environmental issues to make Jakarta a better place to live in.

Activities : - Mangrove Planting - Water Sanitation Volunteering - Social Campaign & Education


Beyond the Limit is a six weeks project where interns can teach in several informal community centers such as orphanage, underprivileged education institutes and refugee center.

Activities : - Teaching - Culture Sharing - LC Events

Contact Person

Dwi Iman Chairunnisa LCVP of iGV

(+62) 85814570825

AIESEC Universitas Indonesia


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