Greatest Children Winter 2015 Proposal

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AIESEC is an interna)onal non-governmental not-for-profit organiza)on that provides young people with leadership development and cross-cultural global internship and volunteer exchange experiences across the globe, with a focus to empower young people so they can make a posi)ve impact on society.

Global Citizen is an

AIESEC program which offers voluntary

internships. They are usually short term in nature and involve organiza)ons. The exchange par)cipants are to bear the airfare, working on diverse community projects and in different travelling, shopping and visa expenses.

Educa)on can help people to adapt with their environment, to run o from the poverty cycles.

But, imagine... How could it be if we are s)ll lack of awareness of educa)on and importance of educa)on?

We obviously need YOUR HELP! We believe, you will come to #imadeit and #leavingimpact

about The Greatest Children

The Greatest Children is a Project Based on Exchange (PBOX) held by AIESEC LC in Universitas Indonesia. It will be held from 4 january )ll 15 february in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. In this project, you will teach student to becoming "long life learner" with your crea)ve teaching methods to gain awareness of the importance of educa)on. We will also get be]er cultural understanding by exploring Jakarta city, sharing with students and ci)zens and also coming to some cultural heritage. By teach students, you can help us to raise public awareness about the importance of educa)on and become long life learner. In addi)on, this program is expected to bring the best of life changing experience for the interns and provide an opportunity to develop leadership that have impacts to the people around them. Interns who join the program will follow a whole series of FUN ac)vi)es that will be supported by the AIESEC LC UI.


• 4th of January - 15th February 2015


• South Jakarta


| jə-kär-tə|

The capital city of Indonesia. Being the mel)ng pot of many cultures, business opportuni)es, and other metropolitan city’s privileges, Jakarta has been known for its rapid-social and economic development. Based on Human Development Report 2004 by United Na)ons for Development Programme (UNDP), Indonesia was ranked 111 out of 177 countries. Human development is first and foremost about allowing people to lead the kind of life they choose and providing them with the tools and opportuni)es to make those choices. In schools, students are not encouraged to do so. Because of this, they see educa)on as a must, not as a need. It makes them have low mo)va)on of learning, low crea)vity, have narrow perspec)ve about the world, and li]le desire to have big dreams.

Sneak Peek pics Foods & Landmarks



How to get involved? Par)cipate in teaching ac)vi)es at diverse schools. Interns will teach English which are about the importance of being a long life learner, global mindset, ethics, ethnic, and cultural understanding

Par)cipate in cultural preserva)on ac)vi)es to be carried out together with the non-governmental school. The interns will be thought several tradi)onal culture of Indonesia and they will also teach the children about their tradi)onal culture. At the end of that week, the interns and children will have party class to share what they already learned.

Intern will explore Jakarta city (tradi)onal food, tourist a]rac)on) , visit some civil society organiza)on, visit cultural heritage, enjoy and try some tradi)onal dance, tradi)onal instrument, and also have a good cultural performance in Global Fes)val. This ac)vi)es aim to raise the cultural understanding.

Promote the #IWasHere campaign in the media (can be twi]er, instagram, facebook, etc) by pos)ng it and invite others to par)cipate the campaign to let them realize the impact of the project and do the fund raising by street performance, art class in every sunday morning at Car Free Day to help enhance the kids’ educa)on for the be]er quality.

A]end every single event regarding the project held by AIESEC LC UI (Welcoming Party, Incoming Prepara)on Seminar, LEAD Session) and present the EP’s culture by bringing the stus from their country (can be food (must not contain pork), clothes, merchandise,etc) and to wrap them in the most interes)ng showcase at the Global Fes)val.

Make documenta)on throughout their experience in Indonesia in the form of video or pictures with descrip)ons.


Team Day- Technical mee)ng to engage OC’s with all EP. Soft Skill Learning- The ac)vi)es aim to introduce par)cipants how to teach student, presenta)on skill, etc. Teaching in Fun Ways- EP will prac)ce how to teach student in SPA Ciliwung before they teach student in school. Preparation- To be prepare before come to class.

Additional Instructions

Exchange Participant should have known a bit about Jakarta before they arrive, Intern's attendance minimum is 80%.

Have a good presentation skill, develop leadership skill,


cultural understanding and can reach awareness about


the importance of long life learner.

1.  The intern will be helped by Exchange Participant Buddy(EP Buddy) to explore more about Jakarta

Development spaces

2.  Incoming Preparation Seminar held by AIESEC UI 3.  The intern will be conducted Webinar by the OC before they arrive in Jakarta to give some brief explanation about the project and Jakarta itself.

1. Develop their leadership skill and soft skills such as presentation skill, communication skill, and teaching skill

Required preparation

2. Have Global Mindset 3. Increase cultural understanding

1.  Social Culture Visa

4. Become creative, innovative and

2.  International Health and


Travel Insurance

5. Reach awareness to become a long

3.  Personal Laptop & Camera

life learner

4.  Traditional Stuffs(clothes, traditional instruments;flag,

Expected results

map, toys etc) 5.  Unique methods of teaching or playing that can be used in class.

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