Issue 25 of Image 34 Magazine

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Con Asia Thorne Page 6

Naomi Smalls Page 10

Lana Evoli Page 16

Lydia L’Scabies

Page 22

ntents MiZ Cracker Page 30

GingZ illa Page 36

Amanda Bang Page 42

ES Collection Page 50

Editors Letter Welcome to our first ever Drag dedicated issue! I can’t actually believe I just typed that…I have wanted to do something like this for a very long time, so this issue marks something special for me. Whilst making the issue it was a real reminder for me of what Image 34 is all about. In this dedicated Drag issue we feature Queens from all over the world, each doing all very unique forms of Drag. Every Queen that you see in this issue is here for a different reason, but they all have one thing in common I love what each and every one of them is doing. It doesn’t matter how far along they are in their drag careers, I still wanted to feature them. For

example we have two talented and well know Queens thanks to the hit TV show RuPauls Drag Race, on the cover Miz Cracker and All Star Naomi Smalls. Two Queens I have put in the issue not just because they were on a show, yes they are two of my favourite Queens from of their seasons (check my tweets if you don’t believe me and I discovered them because of the show) but I asked them to feature because I love what they bring when performing. Of course, a big push for this issue was also about supporting local Queens. Now I’m not pretending to have the biggest knowledge of Drag or to pretend I attend every local Drag night (as much as I do try). But even as an audience member who has now been following Drag Queens for some time, I have seen a change in even our local nights. Yes it’s been great to see Drag being loved by

Now in my usual long-winded way of telling stories what I am trying to say is, Image 34 has and always will support artists no matter what stage of their career they are at. If I love what you do and think you worthy, I will ask you to be a part of the magazine. I’m not doing it because I think I can get a few quick views; I’m doing it because I genuinely believe in you. I am proud to consider some of my past features and Cover-Stars as close friends and I love seeing them grow and succeed.

So enjoy our first Drag issue! Read each interview no matter if they are just a local Queen or RuGirl, you never know you may find your new favourite, regardless of what stage of their career they are in! Michael P.S if you ever see me at a Drag show, don’t you dare try and push to the front after not supporting the local Queen. I may be tiny, but I will put you in your place *Tongue Pop*

On set cover shoot with with Miz Cracker Credit - Aneekah Hussain

mainstream society however, I have noticed most attendees now will only come for the RuPauls Drag Race contestant. Leaving when the support or local Queens are performing to then try and barge their way back to the front when the RuGirl is on. This is why next to the amazing RuPauls Drag Race girls we have some of my favourite and ever so talented local U.K Queens, Amanda Bang and Lana Evoli. I have loved watching these two Queens evolve for many years now and the pleasure has been all mine. With them one of my newest obsessions Miss Asia Thorne. A Queen who won my heart before I even saw her perform, standing in the rain she greeted guest not caring at the fact that it was pouring down outside. Each of these Queens and the others that feature all bring something unique and special to the stage and that is why they are here for this issue.

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Miss Asia Thorne Miss Asia Thorne, welcome to Image 34 magazine! Starting things off how long have you been doing drag?

HAHAHAHAHAHA I’m always harsh to myself. I would’ve said, “You’re gorgeous, but you need to blend!” HAHAHA

I started doing drag 2013. 13 SEPT 2013 to be exact! Hehehe

How would you describe your drag aesthetic?

What made you want to get into drag? I frequent the gay scenes in Manila, Philippines when I was growing up and there will always be Drag Queens performing and my heart just skips when I see them on stage! When I was in Singapore, I was assisting a friend of mine who is a Drag queen and it kind of started there. If you went back in time and saw yourself in drag for the first time, what would you have said to yourself?

I think I’m a mix of a few aesthetics. Dance, Pageant, Camp and a lil’ Comedy. Personally, I think it’s important to be Jack-of-all-trade when you’re a Drag Queen, however, do focus on what you know you are good at and enjoy the most! What inspires your drag? I take inspiration from a lot of things! Like when we go fabric shopping, you sort of see a fabric and all of a sudden you have a look in your head! Hahahaha I do follow a lot of people and queens online, and they give me inspiration as well!


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What emoji describes your drag? because I want to spread Love! For anyone who hasn’t been to a drag show before why should they? Because it’s Fun and we are Fabulous!!! Hahahahaha RuPauls Drag Race has pushed drag into the mainstream however, there is more to drag. Why is supporting local drag important? It’s important to give credit where it is needed and RPDR gave a lot of Queens that platform to reach a lot of fan base locally and internationally. That being said, it is important to support your local Queens and Kings because they work as hard as the Queens and Kings you watch online/ TV! They put a lot in their craft and you will be amazed by the talent they have to offer! What is your current favourite track to lip sync to?

I did a mix about self love and the song I used was Came here for Love. I love performing that number! It always gives me a good feeling after performing it. What can audiences expect when you are performing at a show? A good time! I want them to have fun while I’m performing because that’s what we are while on stage, entertainers. What is the first thing you do after a show? Either remove my shoes or remove my wig! Hahahaha Any last shout outs? To my wonderful Husband, Paul. He styles my wigs, does most of my outfits and drives me around! He’s my rock! Follow him @mywigstyles Asia

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Naomi Smalls Naomi Smalls, welcome to the Image 34 magazine! You must be shattered from appearing on All Stars and now getting ready to tour as part of Ru Paul’s Werq the World tour. But before we talk about both of those we have to ask… when did those legs get so long!? I eat my spinach! But also good genes for jeans I guess ha. Can you remember when you discovered drag was for you? I honestly can’t. It’s one of those things that if you had told me ten years ago I’d be doing drag, I would’ve said you crazy! But somehow drag crept up on me and has taken over my whole damn life. How long did it take you to realise you wanted Drag to be a full-time thing?

It was after seeing Drag Race for the first time and I realized shit, I can do that. Name one thing you do after every show? Take a hot shower and get comfortable. When you first walked into the workroom of Season 8 of Ru Paul’s Drag Race did you expect Kim Chi to become such a close friend? I was such a huge fan of hers prior to the show, so when she came in, I was a bit star struck. I’m so grateful we were able to become so close. Do you think it’s important to have close friends in the drag community? Hell yes, you need a good group of friends anywhere in life.


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Oh course in Season 8 you ended up in the Top 3. What was the first thing you did after the show? I had chicken fingers. Fast forward a few years – All Stars 4. Did you expect to get the call? I don’t want to say yes and I don’t want to say no. I was grateful just for being on S8 but I was so happy to have another stab at the crown What did you think of this seasons girls? I loved the season 10 girls, talk about some very different drag. I’m so excite to be touring with the top four on the Werq the World tour. I can tell we’re going to be lifelong friends. What did you find harder Season 8 or All Stars? Everyone on All Star is rich and they exude confidence whereas season 8 where they was all dirt poor and unsure. That’s a joke! Ooooo, Kim Chi is coming for me.


After your Season you documented your life for your Youtube channel. What made you want to film your everyday life? I wanted everyone to experience what I was, what kept Naomi running and help me just remember and present. As Season 1 of Small’s World comes to an end do you think you will make a second season? Stay tuned is all I can say right now. Stay tuned. You are set to join other Ru-Girls for the Werq the World tour. What can fans expect to see from the show? This is the first show I’ve ever been in that has production, props, lights etc. Gurl, I’ve arrived! I’m so excited because this show is giving me the opportunity to display my full Naomi Campbell fantasy to full effect. --------------------------------------------Tickets are avaible to see Naomi Smalls in RuPauls Drag Race: Werq the World tour

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Lana Evoli Lana Evoli! My favourite Queen, welcome to Image 34 Magazine. Starting things off, when did you discover drag was for you? So I get asked this a lot! The thing is dressing up has always been apart of my life! I remember being 9 years old in Spain and me and my family was at this like family friend cabaret bar! And they dressed me up as Dolly Parton and I done Jolene! I was 9! I have always loved the idea of dressing up and entertaining! Wasn’t till I was older I realised it was called drag! How old were you when you began getting into drag? Well like I say I’ve been dressing up since I can remember, I even remember being like 6 maybe 7 and putting on wigs dancing to songs to my family! But when I seriously wanted to do it when I was older I would have

to say I started practicing makeup at like the age of 16! For those who haven’t worked out your name yet. Please explain and let us know how you came up with it? Backwards or Forwards you gotta love me *wink wink* so my name is Lana Evoli, now say it back wards... yes I love anal! I wish I had some cool elaborate story to how I made my name but I have to be honest! I asked my friends and they just chucked loads of name at me and this one stuck! And well like I say backwards or forward you gotta love it! What is your favourite thing about being a Drag Queen? My all time favourite thing about being a Drag Queen is all the love and support I get! It’s incredible there is no greater feeling then knowing you had

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someone smile or scream “Yasss” hearing hundreds of people scream my name just makes me the happiest lil gay alive! What is the hardest thing about being a Drag Queen? The hardest thing about being a drag queen?! Well the hardest thing about being Lana is the fact I would say I have pressure to always look my best! I never give 50% neither do I want to! But it’s always a thought in my mind what people are gunna think of what I do! Do you think being a Drag Queen helps or hinders your chances on the dating scene? I wouldn’t even class my self a generic type in the gay community so being a drag queen and the biggest night club in the southeast doesn’t help what so ever! Everyone either gets put off it or wants to know what Rupauls Drag Race girls I have worked with! So yeah I definitely hinders any chance of anything!


What is your go to lip sync song and why? At the moment my go to lip sync song is sweet but psycho I don’t tend to listen to modern music but I learnt this song to do a performance with some dancers and I just feel in love with it! RuPauls Drag Race has pushed drag into the mainstream however, there is more to drag. Why is supporting local drag important? Supporting drag and supporting local drag will only help the success grow on any platform! Local girls put in a lot of effort for what they do! You should always go and see your local girls because who know they might be the next big thing! Alaska thunderf**k was only working in a club before she become a gay icon! Condragulations on becoming a Drag Mother for the first time! How did it feel putting someone else in drag? Why thank you, can’t believe I’m a mother! Well I didn’t necessarily put

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my daughter into drag for the first time but she was a very good friend of mine before who didn’t have the courage to do drag! And I just helped with anything and helped give her the courage to go out and do it! Go check out my daughter Orla Evoli! (Orla.evoli on Instagram) What is your favourite thing about your Drag Daughter? My favourite thing about my daughter is she definitely gets the beauty from her mother! If I say so myself! She is honestly one of the most stunning young queens I know! And definitely someone to look out for! What does the future hold for you? Well well well what does the future hold for me! We will have to wait and see I guess! *wink * I just want to be working in as many clubs and travelling around as much as I can! Making people gag makes me happy so why not ayy


Any last shout outs? I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who supports me and who continues to give me love every week at Glitterbomb! Keep an eye out for any Glitterbomb in your area and maybe if you ask nicely I might just appear! And to be a clique, I want to say a huge shout out to my family for supporting me and believing in me! I love you guys!

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Lydia L’ Scabies Lydia L’Scabies, welcome to our 25th issue. Starting this interview off what made you want to get into drag? Initially I was playing around with it at university for my dissertation about the fabrication of performer persona. I had come to realise that a lot of my previous theatre work I liked exploring female characters, particularly in the horror maze I was working in at the time! I began creating Lydia as a satirical response to what was going on culturally with my peers, I wanted her to be this privileged hipster, very topshop/urban outfitters indie band groupie type. I then so happened to lose my passport, which encouraged me to go on nights out in drag as a means of not being questioned, and slowly but surely, accidentally earnt a night time name for myself! How did you come up with your drag name?

Lydia was going to be my given name should I have been born female, “Scabies” because all drag queens are parasites, and L’ because I like alliteration! Lydia was also a nice hat tip to one of my character icons Lydia Deetz (our 90’s queen Winona Ryder) from Beetlejuice, (Tim Burton, 1988) her aloof apathetic spooky demeanour has always been quite relative to me personally. How would you describe your drag aesthetic? It’s changed a considerable amount over the years which has been really rewarding to look back on. Like any parasite I’ve adapted to surroundings and scenarios, from embodying a trashy 2000’s “Ladette”, to a vintage poster girl for venereal disease. I’d consider my signature look to be very much blonde vixen, nasty step mother vibes, always with too much


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blush, and sometimes with glittering sores and flies on my face. What inspires your drag? Lydia was initially inspired by the wonderful squawking and yacking ‘gals’ of West Street, Brighton. I’ve always considered drag to be a critical reflection on the current culture (depending when the act started) and I wanted to represent that. I’ve always been motivated to parody the expectations of women in today’s culture, so making a female character expressing my ‘innermost’ in this satirical packaging really appealed to me. I also wanted to take all my “nasty-gal” character icons and bring them to life, from Jessica Rabbit, Tiffany Valentine (Jennifer Tilly), Carrigan Crittenden (Cathy Moriarty), Edina Monsoon (Jennifer Saunders) Sarah Sanderson (Sarah Jessica Parker) Meredith Blake (Elaine Hendrix) MOST of the cast of the 2007 St. Trinian’s (Tamsin Egerton) Esme Squalor (Lucy Punch) and even many others that don’t fit this description, such as Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon.)

What emoji describes your drag? Always We had the pleasure of seeing you perform supporting Alaska a few years ago where you had us in stiches. For anyone who hasn’t seen you perform, what can audiences expect? Oh my goodness I wonder what I did! I like to tell stories fundamentally, from character homages from films and musicals, and even some of my own. I have a few signature pieces exploring Lydia’s conception, which is where I like to push myself an see just how much I can ruin nice songs for people, and gross people out. You have a very unique look –have you ever felt some audiences don’t always understand your drag style? I’d like to think I sit on a margin of relative accessibility for most audiences, but some people may just box me in the “spooky” department just because of my scabby looks, which I’m so okay with! I would consider myself a spooky queen at


heart but in a different threatening packaging. RuPauls Drag Race has pushed drag into the mainstream however, there is more to drag. Why is supporting local drag important? It’s not just supporting but also understanding your local talent, so many find it easy and for some STRANGE reason complimentary to compare or associate entertainers to a Drag Race queen, hate to break it to some people but Trixie did not invent the colour pink and big hair. Of course, there is (some) amazing talent in the Drag Race alumni, and totally understandable that they are celebrated, but to find gold in your local bar or club is something locals should be treasuring and help elevating to ensure these entertainers are the best they can be. Like I always say, drag queens are parasites, they need bodies of supporters to survive! What is the first thing you do after a show? Depending if I’ve made a mess I’ll

wipe up/get changed into something more slaggy that’s not soaking/ covered in enema and red food dye*/ baby food, etc. Besides that I’ll have a cigarette and a shot of gold tequila, no salt, no lime. *Lydia L’Scabies - You Ruin Me, Youtube. Action shot available on The Powder Room ft. Pearl at Club Revenge Brighton. What does the future hold for you? I honestly don’t know! I’m hoping to upgrade, and teach myself more of the craft, she’s only just started doing wigs! I’m hoping that mine and Rococo Chanel’s baby CINEBRA (@ wereallylikemovies on Instagram!) will get big one day and we’ll land the Netflix deal of our dreams, I’d love us to be the Simon Pegg and Nick Frost of drag! I really want to work out a solo show of my own one day as well when I’m not so neurotic about it and jus crack on with a strong idea, that and I would LOVE to do a tour of really crap towns in the UK like Newport, Grimsby, Hull, Huddersfield, Bognor Regis, etc.

Any last shout outs? Please come to our shows! Brighton Fringe is going to be a mad one this year, and you have so many amazing shows to see! From Alfie Ordinary’s “Help! I think I might be fabulous” to Joe Black’s “Decopunk”, “Gals Aloud”, and last but certainly not least, “CINEBRA: A History of Horror and “Glenda & Rita: LIVE at the Bosco!” OH and follow me on Instagram, I’m thoroughly insecure and shy and need constant approval ;)

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MiZ Cracker Photography by Michael Sweeney Shooting Assistant Aneekah Hussain Retouch ODIM

Miz Cracker, our cover girl! Welcome to Image 34 magazine, the pleasure is all ours. Season 11 of RuPaul Drag Race has just started! However, it feels like we only just saw you and your season 10 sisters walking down the runway. How would you describe the last year? The last year has been all about understanding the different cultures in every city around the world! As a global community we all have so much in common, but every place has its own flavor. What was the first thing you did when you got the call to say you were on the show? When I got the call for the show, I immediately sat on the edge of my bed. Because I knew everything was

gonna change. What is your favourite memory of your season? My favorite memory from the season is when Vixen and Blair and I realized that we trusted each other enough to be a team. It’s hard to find new friends. Would you have done anything differently? If I could do one thing differently in season 10, it would be even more food. The food on the set was delicious. If you had to join any other season which would it be and why? I would love to have joined the cast


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of season six, because I would get to see Bianka Delrio at work. There’s nothing like seeing her take on other queens in person. So sharp! In your season you won the makeover challenge with Miz Cookie, her mirror reveal became an internet sensation. Are you still in touch?

What was your favourite rejected name?

Every time I visit LA, I make it a point to get in touch with cookie. Having an experience like that really bonds you.

Hollywood just called and they are making a film about your life, what is the title?

Would you ever go back for All Stars?

I Can’t Pee Til Tomorrow

Going back to reality television is so tempting. But right now, after a year of reality television life, I am more than ready to engage with reality itself. That’s why my new one woman American Woman show is so important to me. It’s letting me get out there.

This isn’t your first time performing in the U.K. What do you love about the U.K fans?

Before Drag Race, can you remember when you first discovered drag was for you? The first time I turned around and saw myself in the mirror after Bob painted me, I realized I could never go back.

Kesha Predator What is your favourite thing to do when you aren’t in drag? Make hair for my drag. It’s therapeutic.

UK drag fans are some of the most respectful, intelligent, and kind fans. When touring in the UK, I feel like I’m Trixie Mattel, because they treat us queens like superstars. What is your favourite song to lip sync to on tour? Call Me Mother

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Name one thing you do after every show? After every show, I turn to Katelyn and say: well that was good wasn’t it? Was it good? You are known for your catchphrase ‘It’s time for Dinner’ but what is your favourite thing for dinner? Brie on a cracker. As well as touring the world you also post videos on your Youtube channel called ‘Review with a Jew’. What made you want to start making videos? Review with a Jew came from a slideshow that I used to do live at my home bar. After season 10, I wanted to share it with the world. And the best way to do that was through you tube. Next year you will be returning to the UK for an extra special show at the London Palladium! What can fans expect from this show? American Woman is a high power show. There is energetic dancing,


Some history lessons, stories from my life, and maybe a little spice girls. If you’re good! Any last shout outs? My one woman show will bring some of my favorite human beings to London with me. Keep your ears open for more details! -------------------------------------------Tickets for Miz Crackers American Woman tour at the London Palladium are available now

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GingZilla Gingzilla, welcome to your first interview with us. Starting things off what made you want to get into drag? Well, I have always loved dressing up and going above and beyond at parties, but never dreamt of doing drag back in OZ. When I moved to London at the end of 2015 my dearest friend @cazeleon and I caught up one day and started chatting about drag and how we both wanted to try it out. Then a couple of months later Cazeleon told me about this lipsync competition Lipsync 1000 at the best East London gay pub The Glory. I entered, he didn’t. Then Cazeleon told me about another drag comp. I entered, he didn’t. As soon as I bought my first flowy ginger locks I was hooked. I loved the empowerment I felt by embodying both my femine and masculine energy.

How did you come up with your drag name? She’s Ginger and she’s HUGE!!!!!! Fill in the gaps. How would you describe your drag aesthetic? Gigantuan Cocktail Chic? I wear an F Tone of red. lol For the last 3 year I have created most of my outfits with a certain performance in mind. I’m now working with my gorgeous designer collaborator Tina [Haus of Z - fashion house] to expand my aesthetic. Watch with space for a Glow Up. What emoji best describes your drag? I don’t use emojis (she old school) but if I could create some they would be: An exploding chicken, a big bear hug, sexy legs in high heels and a ginger


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hair ball (like a cat would cough up). You have performed all over the world, but where has been your favourite so far? Sweden hands down!!! The people are just sooo lovely, I have some extraordinarily talented friends there as well - Shout out to @SirqusAlfon!!! Did I mention the Swedish a really tall and or gorgeous?? Plus a big shout out to Brighton Fringe had a blast there. I can’t wait to get myself to JAPAN!!!! For anyone who hasn’t seen you perform, what can audiences expect? Hot Damn, I am a thrill ride! You never know what’s beyond the river bend. I could be devouring an entire chicken one minute, stripping naked the next, ripping out some gangster rap and then making you sob with a heart felt ballad. I’m like one of those massive Great Danes running through a field and sitting on people’s laps thinking they’re a puppy. Basically, I’m a shit load of Fun.

You chose to go on the X-Factor UK – what was that experience like for you? It was super fun. Was totally overwhelmed by the comments by Simon Cowell and the flirtatiousness of Robbie Williams - Cheeky. Would you try again? To perform at the Wembley Stadium in front of 15,000 people again. Who wouldn’t!! Twas such a rush. Has going on the show changed who you are as a performer at all? Not really. Like I said to my mum (My whole family live in Australia btw) when I told her what had happened. “I’ve been packing a box for the last 15 years. Just because someone famous notices and enjoys how I pack my box doesn’t mean I’m going to change how I pack my box.” What’s next for you? The world is not mine yet….. so I’ve


got a lot to do if I want to conquer it! Travelling a lot, back to Australia for a cute gig in the tropical north in May (got my sunscreen packed), going to LA for some TV things (totally can’t say anything yet), Sweden in July for a festival (bring on summer), LATE NIGHT LIP SERVICE at Gilded Balloon Edinburgh Fringe in August (It’s 3rd year of epicness), and then just brushing my hair (pretty standard Saturday night for me). Any last shout outs? You can see me at The Phoenix Artist Club every Sunday in London. AND…….. S.Q.U.A.D. GOALS 9:30pm - 3rd, 4th, 5th of

July at Underbelly Festival Southbank. Starring @SeannMileyMoore, @Cazeleon and myself. Three Strong, Queer, United, Amazing Divas ready to blow the roof off with our killer vocals!!!

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Amanda Bang Amanda Bang! Welcome to our 25th issue. Kicking things off when did you discover drag? I have always been interested in dress as a girl from an early age. It wasn’t until I was in my late teens that I truly discovered the real world of drag thanks my friends at university recommending a little show called ‘Rupaul’s Drag Race’. My mum always said I’ll be a drag queen and she was right! How would you describe your drag aesthetic? I’d say my drag aesthetic is big, bold and banging. I always wear the biggest dresses and wigs. You could never loose me in a crowd.

and like most artists I’m never truly happy with a finished piece of work. I’m always striving to gain more skills and ways to improve upon my looks. Something else that inspires my drag is the people I meet and perform to. I’d like to think that doing drag I can make people happy and forget the real world for an evening. What emoji bests describes your drag? The sassy dancer because I’m always trying to dance even though I look like a flopping fish. What type of queen would you describe your drag as?

What inspires your drag?

Why should people come see a show you are in?

I consider drag to be an art form

I’m always out to have a good time


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and I will make it my mission that you do too! The shows I’m a part of are always filled with queens bursting with talent and charisma. Why and when did your obsession with chicken nuggets start? Just to put this into context I have got a nickname for being the nugget queen! I’m not sure when it started but I know why it happened. After a gig I’d end up at a McDonald’s and usually order myself a 20 box of McNuggets. I started posting a lot about nuggets on my Instagram and I was henceforth known for my nug obsession. RuPauls Drag Race has pushed drag into the mainstream however, there is more to drag. Why is supporting local drag important? This question is very important with the fast approach of Drag Race UK. Supporting your local drag means you’re a fan of the art form and not just a fan of the TV show. Ru girls all started off as someone’s local girl so with Drag Race UK coming you could be seeing your favourite local girls!


Another reason to go see your local drag is to support YOUR local LGBT+ venues. Over the years I have seen many LGBT+ venues close down and it’s so hard to find these types of venues now a days. Most nights I work for are an external LGBT+ night that operates once a week (usually a weekday) in a regular venue. We need to support venues that are supporting our community and aren’t just doing an LGBT+ night for profit. What is your current favourite track to lip sync to? It’s always changing but at the moment I adore performing ballads! I’ve recently been performing ‘And I’m telling you’ a lot. What is the first thing you do after a show? One of the first things I do is remove the most annoying things of drag. The order of removal is usually wig, lashes, shoes then all my outfit! Nothing feels better than undoing or corset and spilling out of it.

What does the future hold for you? I plan on my future to further my drag even more. I’m never satisfied with my art and I strive to improve on everything. I’ve recently started sewing my own outfits which is a skill I hope to perfect over the year. My goal for the future is to have drag be my full time job!

Any last shout outs? I’d like to thank anyone who has come to support any nights I’ve worked at. A huge shout out to my regular night Glitterbomb which you can see me at. Also if you want you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter @amandabang69.

Photographer: Alejandro Brito Models: Jose LuĂ­s Angulo, David Daouda and Gio Iglesias

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