2 minute read
Protect, Restore, Connect!
Stearns Native Nursery is a sustainable urban nursery located on 16 acres in the heart of Parma, Ohio and focuses on the propagation of native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees.
Our vision took a significant leap forward in 2022 with the addition of a 1.5 acre growing enclosure, a large hoop house, and a staging enclosure. With the necessary infrastructure in place to protect nursery stock from wildlife pressure, the exciting part began—propagation! Currently there are over 800 native trees installed in the growing exclosure, with more to come. Keystone species, such as oak, willow, and cherry, are strongly represented and other valuable native species are in the queue to diversify inventory.
Stearns Native Nursery is also place of study, education, and engagement. It is part of a larger conservationrestoration initiative poised to facilitate growing awareness around the importance of restoring and conserving our planet for future generations.
Given time and proper care, our trees will mature before being planted in local communities to restore the urban tree canopy, resulting in cleaner air, stormwater control, and cooler summer temperatures.
While the saplings mature in the growing enclosure, native wildflower propagation is ramping up in the new hoop house. Our hoop house is filled with plants that support native bird and pollinator populations.
People have begun to appreciate the importance of rebuilding native ecosystems and realize that yards can be a source of this environmental change. Not only are native gardens appealing from a time, resource, and energy use standpoint, they also support a healthy and diverse ecosystem better able to withstand the effects of a changing climate.
Stearns Native Nursery is managed by West Creek Conservancy in partnership with the City of Parma and supported by Cuyahoga County and the Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District.
We are working with Parma’s 4-H club, the Homestead Hoofers, on the removal of the invasive phragmites from the property which in turn will increase biodiversity and habitat for native species.
Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District is studying the effects of mycorrhizal fungi on soil structure and root health in urban soils in our growing enclosure.
We are also supporting The Holden Arboretum as they create a local ecotype seed bank intended to reforest the lower Great Lakes region. For more information visit www.westcreek.org/support-us/tree-nursery.
The City of Parma, Ohio 6611 Ridge Rd. Parma, OH, 44129
440-885-8000 www.cityofparma-oh.gov
Emergency 911
Animal Control
Julie Kocik
440-885-8010 safetydepartment@ cityofparma-oh.gov
Building Commissioner & City Engineer
Dan Kulchytsky
440-885-8030 building@cityofparma-oh.gov
Phone Numbers
Chief of Staff – Rich Summers 440-885-8001 rsummers@cityofparma-oh.gov
City Hall Auditor – Brian Day 440-885-8020 auditing@cityofparma-oh.gov
City Council Clerk
Kristin Saban 440-885-8065 ksaban@cityofparma-oh.gov
Communications Director Carolyn Kovach 440-885-8181 ckovach@cityofparma-oh.gov
Economic Development Director
Erik Tollerup 216-661-7412 etollerup@cityofparma-oh.gov
Fire Department (non-emergency)
Fire Chief - Mike Lasky 440-885-1217 administrator@parmafire.org
Human Resources Director
Renee Guy 440-885-8167 rguy@cityofparma-oh.gov
Law Department Director
Timothy Dobeck 440-885-8132 law@cityofparma-oh.gov
Mayor Tim DeGeeter 440-885-8001 mayorsoffice@cityofparma-oh.gov
Parks & Recreation Department Director - Mickey Vittardi 440-885-8144 recreationdepartment@ cityofparma-oh.gov
Parma Library Powers Blvd. 440-885-5362
Snow Rd. 216-661-4240
Parma Municipal Court 440-887-7400
Police Department (non-emergency)
Chief of Police - Joseph Bobak 440-885-1234
Public Housing Director Amy Waxman 216-661-2015 priscilla@parmahousing.org
Public Safety Director
Bob Coury 440-885-8177 safetydepartment@ cityofparma-oh.gov
Senior Services Director Erin Lally 440-885-8800 elally@cityofparma-oh.gov
Service Department Director Tony Vannello 440-885-8191 service@cityofparma-oh.gov
Treasurer Thomas Mastroianni 440-885-8812 treasurer@cityofparma-oh.gov
President Vito Dipierro 440-885-8091 vdipierro@cityofparma-oh.gov
Clerk of Council Kristin Saban 440-885-8065 ksaban@cityofparma-oh.gov
Ward 1 Monica Wilson 440-409-7354 mwilson@cityofparma-oh.gov
Ward 2 Deborah Lime 440-845-1714 dlime@cityofparma-oh.gov
Ward 3 Mark Casselberry 440-842-6710 mcasselberry@cityofparma-oh.gov
Ward 4 Kelly Zacharias 216-290-2644 kzacharias@cityofparma-oh.gov
Ward 5 Allan Divis 440-888-7213 adivis@cityofparma-oh.gov
Ward 6 Kevin Kussmaul 440-823-6608 kkussmaul@cityofparma-oh.gov
Ward 7 Kammy Coyle Shuman 440-884-2138 kshuman@cityofparma-oh.gov
Ward 8 Linda Kohar 440-345-5180 lkohar@cityofparma-oh.gov
Ward 9 Rob Euerle 216-418-8342 reuerle@cityofparma-oh.gov