2015 Grande Prairie School District

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2015 www.gppsd.ab.ca

2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 1

Grande Prairie Public School District “Every Student Succeeds”

2015-07-16 2:41:14 PM


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I Care, You Care, We ALL Care For Eye Care! ™ 2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 2

2015-07-16 2:41:14 PM

GPPSD Central


10213 99 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2H3 P: 780-532-4491 | F: 780-539-4265 E: gppsd@gppsd.ab.ca | W: gppsd.ab.ca gppsd2357




In order to achieve our mission to have "every student succeed" in GPPSD, we have four components to address teaching and learning needs in our district. These are the main pillars in our work with students, staff and community.

UNIVERSAL GUIDING PRINCIPLES For everything we decide and do, we will hold ourselves accountable and we will ask: • Is it good for students? • Will it help build trust and good relationships? • Will it help us improve? • Is it the responsible thing to do? • Are we being open, honest and ethical?





The Grande Prairie Public School District is a learning community in which every student succeeds.



The Academy


Teaching and Learning


Gifted Education


2015/16 Calendar


First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Program


School Boundaries


Inclusion in the District


School Profiles


District Inclusive Support


Early Learning


Family Supports


Second Language Studies


Other Programs


Swanavon Montessori


Community Partnerships


International Baccalaureate


Education Foundation



Grande Prairie Public School District #2357 10213 99 Street Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2H3 P: 780-532-4491 | F: 780-539-4265 E: gppsd@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca


imageDESIGN 10017 100 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0V2 P: 780-532-6353 W: imagedesign.pro


Randy Vanderveen, Teri Fillion, Stephen K. Mah, Dale Tiedemann, Martine Martel Photography, and various GPPSD Teachers and Staff


Teri Fillion, Communications Coordinator P: 780-532-4491 ext. 1041 E: teri.fillion@gppsd.ab.ca Printed in Canada

“Every Student Succeeds” | gppsd.ab.ca

2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 3


2015-07-16 2:41:15 PM

MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD CHAIR The Grande Prairie Public School District continues to grow. We continue to welcome new students and new staff to our great District. Since this magazine has gone to print, it is exciting to drive by the sites of Isabel Campbell and Riverstone Public schools and see the ongoing construction. Renovations have also started at École Montrose which will become our K-8 French Immersion School. We continue to add new courses to prepare our students to remain Engaged thinkers and to have an Entrepreneurial spirit. To witness these Ethical citizens graduate from our two high schools this year makes us so proud. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I hope you enjoy this magazine and a glimpse inside our schools. -Karen Prokopowich

MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT I wish to welcome all new and returning students to the Grande Prairie Public School District (GPPSD). GPPSD is a learning community in which every student succeeds. We continue our journey in education in providing the best learning environment for all of our students from early learning to graduation. We continue our goal to have all students reading by Grade 3 and are proud of the supports we have in place, from BOOSTING students to Reading Recovery. All schools now have Learning Support Teachers to support our learners. I am privileged to be part of the Grande Prairie Public School District Family. We have incredible staff, students, and families that CARE. Our journey continues as we strive to provide the best service to our students. Our work is to Inspire students to be Engaged thinkers, Ethical citizens and students with an Entrepreneurial spirit who will make a true difference in our world. There are now fifteen schools in Grande Prairie Public School District which provide a large variety of choices for you. We hope that you choose to make one of these fifteen schools your home away from home. The following pages of this magazine highlights some of the wonderful programs and services we have to offer in our District. Please do not hesitate to call if you wish to know more about our incredible public school district. On behalf of all of us at Grande Prairie Public Schools, we look forward to seeing you all soon! - Carol Ann MacDonald


Karen Prokopowich Chair

Public meetings of the Board are held in the board room at Central Office. Most meetings are on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, with the exception of August, March and June. Please see our webpage for the complete listing of meeting dates, agendas, and minutes of previous meetings.

Paulette Kurylo Vice-Chair

JoAnn Cazakoff Trustee

Brenda Howard Trustee

John Lehners Trustee

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We currently serve close to 8200 students from preschool through Grade 12. Over the past 4 years, our district has experienced a 3-4% student growth per year. As a result, early registration is advised.

About the Grande Prairie Public School District GPPSD PRIORITIES

The Grande Prairie Public School District (GPPSD) continues to provide the quality programs our community has come to value and expect. We are proud of the work our students, staff, Trustees and families contribute to GPPSD's success. Satisfaction ratings from our families show that our parents appreciate that our teachers care for and believe in their children. This is a great compliment to GPPSD which is a learning community that believes "Every Student Succeeds". Grande Prairie Public’s priorities continue to be strongly focused on student achievement. •P RIORITY ONE is to continue to implement quality instruction in our schools and classrooms. We continue to focus on the importance of early literacy and have a comprehensive early literacy strategy that has been developed by our staff that support our students. We have interventions in place and use multiple literacies and effective assessment to support all. •P RIORITY TWO is GPPSD’s commitment to provide purposeful engagement in our schools. Our system will continue to engage students through increased access to technology. As part of this commitment, we will see a roll out of over 2000 new devices to our schools this August and September.

Alberta Education has embarked on a journey to adapt the education system in this province to reflect the needs of the 21st Century Learner. The world is changing. Work is changing. Jobs are being crafted around technology that didn’t even exist five years ago. Today’s students require a well-rounded education to prepare them for the future. We live in a

Our schools will be open any time after 8:30 am on Monday, August 17th to register new students.

We will engage all of our stakeholders by hosting community meetings to gather input as we build new boundaries due to the changes necessitated by the opening of the new schools in the Pinnacle and Riverstone communities in September 2016. •P RIORITY THREE is a continued commitment by GPPSD to increase student achievement through our collaborative practices such as case management, instructional coaching and school/ community collaboration remain a priority. •P RIORITY FOUR is to continue to develop effective leadership in our schools. As a District we are committed to ensure we develop and support our administrators to be the best they can be for our students and the community. ALL STUDENTS ARE WELCOME! Please bring your child’s birth certificate, proof of residency/address for school placement, and Alberta Health Care number to register for the school year. For further information about all of our schools, please check our website at gppsd.ab.ca

world where anyone can discover the secrets of the Arctic without leaving the house, or peek at the depths of the ocean at the click of a mouse. Knowledge isn’t limited to textbooks anymore. We’re helping our students to understand new learning tools, inspiring them to become ethical citizens and engaged thinkers with entrepreneurial spirit. (Taken from Alberta Education website) Grande Prairie Public School District is ensuring that its work and focus on student learning needs reflects the provincial mandate with our Teaching and Learning highlights on page 6.

“Every Student Succeeds” | gppsd.ab.ca

2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 5


2015-07-16 2:41:15 PM

Teaching & Learning LITERACY

GPPSD recognizes that if a child is to be a successful reader, there are specific developmental milestones they must progress through by the end of Grade 3. Reading Recovery® is a research based intervention that addresses Grade 1 students who need regular intensive one-on-one in reading and writing processes. Specially trained, certified teachers provide one-to-one individual instruction for those students that have been selected for the intervention. This intervention does not replace literacy instruction in the classroom. It is supplementary to excellent balanced literacy teaching. Literacy is addressed in our elementary schools through the Comprehensive Approach to Literacy method (Balanced Literacy). This is an ongoing initiative where teachers put into practice the concept of a "Gradual Release of Responsibility" in writing and reading. Teachers model reading and writing strategies, allowing students to share in the experience through interactive reading and writing and guide their progress in small group instruction (guided reading and writing). After Grade 4, students encounter more content in their reading. Teachers focus on engaging students through effective comprehension strategies. Teachers understand that they are teachers of reading and writing. Students in grade seven, eight and nine are assessed with the Ontario Comprehension Assessment. All teachers across the content areas are sitting together and discussing student reading and comprehension skills. This is powerful discussion about student learning!


The purpose of Instructional Coaching is to build capacity by working with teachers to increase student achievement through implementation of effective research based instructional practices. The district has a team of instructional coaches that are available to teachers for support in implementing curriculum, planning and assessment. Coaches model, plan, observe, and assist teachers in setting goals for improving instruction.

visualization and technology) and a focus on the 21st century competencies, students will be able to use mathematics confidently to solve problems, appreciate and value mathematics, gain a deeper understanding of the math they study and become mathematically literate adults (Alberta Education, Government of Alberta).


With our focus on engaging students, inclusion and best practices, differentiation is a very familiar word for our teachers. Each teacher in GPPSD strives to meet the needs of ALL of their students through formative assessment, small group instruction and the gradual release of responsibility. With effective teaching practices and district supports our teachers address the needs of our English Language Learner (ELL) students, First Nations, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) students and students with a broad range of learning needs.


The Grande Prairie Public School District’s focus is to prepare students with the technological skills, knowledge, and digital citizenship awareness that will allow them to be successful in a world driven by technology. To enable students to become responsible digital citizens, we provide guidance to help them become aware of good internet conduct, social networking risks, and best practices. Our commitment to help develop their knowledge and skills is underpinned by providing students with access to current technology and Internetbased resources. In addition to having fewer than 5 students for every device, approximately 90 per cent of all District classrooms have interactive whiteboards and projection devices to support student learning. The District Google Domain provides students in Grades 4 to 12 access to e-mail and Google Apps for Education (GAFE). Technology is not an add-on at GPPSD. We are strategically aligned to Alberta Education’s Learning and Technology Policy Framework (LTPF). This ensures that we are constantly working to further integrate technology into all aspects of our practice. At GPPSD, students and teachers alike regularly use technology to collaborate, to communicate, and to be more engaged in the learning and knowledge creation process.


Numeracy in GPPSD is shifting from a traditional procedural, "what and how" of mathematics teaching (Battista, 1999) to a focus on problem-solving, mathematical reasoning, making sense of complex ideas, justifying ideas and drawing conclusions through specific skills, knowledge and attitudes. Through the seven mathematical processes (communication, making connections to everyday experiences, mental mathematics and estimation, problem solving, reasoning,

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School IP Day District PD Day Staff Organizational Day

August 2015 S






September S




September 1 September 7 September 11 September 18 September 25

Student's First Day Labour Day PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only)

October 2 October 9 October 12 October 16 October 23 October 30

Data Day (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only) Thanksgiving Day PLC Friday (pm only) District PD Day School SIP (pm only)

November 6 November 11 November 13 November 20 November 27

PLC Friday (pm only) Remembrance Day School SIP (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only)

December 4 December 11 December 21 – 31

Day in Lieu of PTI PLC Friday (pm only) Christmas Break

January 1 – 3 January 4 January 8 January 15 January 22 January 29

Christmas Break Classes Resume PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only) Staff Organizational Day

February 1 February 5 February 12 February 15 February 19 February 26

Second Semester Begins School SIP (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only) Family Day PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only)

March 3 – 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 March 25 – 31

Teachers’ Convention Day in Lieu of PTI PLC Friday (pm only) Good Friday Spring Break

April 1 – 3 April 4 April 8 April 15 April 22 April 29

Spring Break Classes Resume PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only)

May 6 May 13 May 20 May 23 May 27

PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only) PLC Friday (pm only) Victoria Day School SIP (pm only)

June 3 June 27

PLC Friday (pm only) Last Day For Students

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December S






January 2016
















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March F


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May F

June S


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April M


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2015 - 2016 Calendar

August 27 August 28 August 31



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STAFF DEVELOPMENT Students day off


IMPORTANT DATES June 28th is the last day for staff and the last day writing Diploma Exams for the 2015-2016 school year. No School September 2 for Charles Spencer due to Tour Alberta using our school grounds. High School Dismissal is every Friday afternoon.

PD: Professional Development PTI: Parent Teacher Interview PLC: Professional Learning Communities

“Every Student Succeeds” | gppsd.ab.ca

2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 7


2015-07-16 2:41:16 PM

132 Ave. Highway

School Boundary

Maude Clifford


123 Ave.

Royal Oaks School (K-8) Opening Fall 2017 Crystal Ridge

Royal Oaks

Crystal Lake Estates

116 Ave. Crystal Park

92 St.


Crystal Heights

108 Ave.

I.V. Macklin

Highway 43

Hillside 96 St.

College Park

98 St.

102 St.


100 Ave.

Ivy Lake Estates

Cobblestone Richmond Industrial Park

Smith Riverstone School (K-8) Opening Fall 2016

92 Ave. Swanavon

École Parkside Highland Park

84 Ave.

Resources Industrial Park

Westpointe 100 St.

GP Christian School

Derek Taylor

Isabel Campbell (K-8) Opening Fall 2016 Pinnacle Ridge


Alexander Forbes

Mission Heights Countryside

Country Club Estates 63 Ave. Aspen Grove

Resources Road

O’Brien Lake

Highway 40

68 Ave.

Countryside South


Derek Taylor


Alexander Forbes

École Parkside

I.V. Macklin

Aspen Grove

GP Christian School

• Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 6 • Kindergarten to Grade 8 • The Academy

• Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5

Crystal Park

• Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8

• Kindergarten to Grade 8 • French Immersion Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 4 Students may attend from all boundary areas • Kindergarten to Grade 8 • Christian Infused programming Students may attend from all boundary areas

• Kindergarten to Grade 6 • Kindergarten to Grade 8

Maude Clifford

• Kindergarten to Grade 6


• Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5 • Montessori

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École Montrose School

• Grades 6 to 8 (English programming) • Grades 5 to 8 (French Immersion programming) • Dual Track French/English Instruction • Late Entry French Immersion Grade 5 • The Academy Students may attend from all boundary areas for French programming

Alexander Forbes • Kindergarten to Grade 8 • The Academy

Crystal Park

• Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8

GP Christian School

Derek Taylor

• Kindergarten to Grade 8 • Christian Infused Programming Students may attend from all boundary areas

• Kindergarten to Grade 8

I.V. Macklin

The Bridge Network

• Kindergarten to Grade 8

• Grades 7 to 12 Students may attend from all boundary areas

HIGH SCHOOLS Charles Spencer High • Grades 9 to 12 • French Immersion • The Academy

Grande Prairie Composite High • Grades 9 to 12 • International Baccalaureate (IB) • Senior Trades

The Bridge Network

• Grades 7 to 12 Students may attend from all boundary areas


Bussing services for the Grande Prairie Public School District are provided by First Student Canada. To be eligible for a bus pass, a student must live a minimum distance of 2.4 km by the shortest route from the closest school within the attendance boundary. Bus passes for eligible students in Grades 1 to 12 are issued at school offices.

132 Ave. Highway


123 Ave.

Royal Oaks School (K-8) Opening Fall 2017

Crystal Ridge

Royal Oaks

Crystal Lake Estates

116 Ave. Crystal Park

Highway 43

108 Ave.

I.V. Macklin

96 St.

College Park

For route information, pick-up locations and bus pass eligibility, please go to gppsd.ab.ca and click on the school bus icon to access the Transportation page.

98 St.

102 St.


Crystal Heights 92 St.


100 Ave.

Ivy Lake Estates

Connie Hartel Transportation Coordinator P: 780-532-4491 ext. 1021

Cobblestone Richmond Industrial Park


Riverstone School (K-8) Opening Fall 2016

92 Ave.

Highland Park

Resources Industrial Park

84 Ave. Westpointe

Patterson 100 St.

GP Christian School

Isabel Campbell (K-8) Opening Fall 2016

Mission Heights

Pinnacle Ridge

Charles Spencer

Bridge Network Alexander Forbes


68 Ave.

Highway 40

Country Club Estates O’Brien Lake

63 Ave. École Montrose

Resources Road

Derek Taylor

Countryside South

“Every Student Succeeds” | gppsd.ab.ca

2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 9


2015-07-16 2:41:16 PM

Alexander Forbes School “Towards tomorrow today”


Alexander Forbes is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school with a student population of 600 and a staff of 40. • Located in the South Patterson neighbourhood • Houses The Academy for specialized programming in dance, hockey, soccer and golf


It is our goal to provide students with the skills to be leaders in the 21st Century. With literacy and numeracy being areas of focus for instruction, students are given the opportunity to learn in small groups, set goals, and focus on their strengths.

7240 Poplar Drive Grande Prairie, AB T8V 5A6 P: 780-532-1365 | F: 780-539-9345 E: aforbes@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/alexanderforbes TheAcademyGP.ca Principal: Mr. Terry Gorgichuk Vice-Principals: Ms. Jill Burgess, Ms. Charlie Kraig


Aspen Grove is a Kindergarten to Grade 5 school with a student population of 530 and a staff of 45. • Located in the southeast corner of Grande Prairie, next to École Montrose School • Aspen Grove takes pride in being learners: “Always Learning, Learning ALL WAYS” • Maintains a strong link to the community with a high level of parent involvement

Central to our practice is building students’ commitment to not only their own learning, but also the learning of others in our school community. Teachers take into consideration student learning styles, the integration of technology, creative groupings, while striving towards a family atmosphere where parents are partners. Alexander Forbes is also the main site for The Academy. At The Academy, we believe that a student-athlete’s passion can drive positive growth in their academic and character development. The program is set up to allow student-athletes to engage in their passion during their school day in one of our four academies: Hockey, Dance, Golf, or Soccer. Students are exposed to top-level skill training by highly qualified coaches and instructors.

Aspen Grove School “Striving for Excellence”


The first thing you’ll notice when you walk into Aspen Grove School is our Awesome Aspen Attitude! The culture of Aspen Grove is very important to us. As a community of learners, we pride ourselves in character education, student achievements, individual talents, and in educating the whole child. We hold monthly celebrations to recognize the learning and celebrate our achievements together. Inside our classrooms you’ll see our dedicated teachers working collaboratively in order to personalize instruction for students. We provide our students engaging project-based learning experiences, to both enhance the curriculum and make learning relevant. Through small group instruction and targeted literacy and numeracy instruction, students develop essential 21st Century learning skills. You’ll also see literacy interventions, integrated technology, daily physical education, a Science/Magnet Fair, a Perseverance Challenge Day, Literacy Park, and a range of intramural opportunities with an emphasis on participation and good sportsmanship.

9720 63 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8W 1K3 P: 780-538-3009 | F: 780-532-5159 E: agrove@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/aspengrove aspengroveschoolgp AspenGroveGPPSD Principal: Mr. Mike Humbke Vice-Principal: Mrs. Jae LaClerc

10 2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 10

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Avondale School “Learn and Succeed Together”


Avondale Elementary is a Preschool to Grade 6 school with a student population of 375 and a staff of 32. • Located in central Grande Prairie • Committed to providing optimal learning experiences for all students in a safe and supportive environment


Our school goal is to engage and motivate students to take ownership of their learning and to prepare them to become responsible citizens in today’s society. In addition to quality classroom instruction, our students are supported by a variety of programs which include Reading Recovery, literacy intervention, social skills groups, counselling and student health partnerships. Creating a culture of wellness is also an Avondale focus. Students are provided opportunities to experience an active lifestyle and develop healthy personal relationships through our character education program, daily physical activity and a range of student centered activities. 10226 108 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 1P5 P: 780-532-3230 | F: 780-532-3373 E: avondale@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/avondale Principal: Ms. Joanne Perrott Vice-Principal: Mr. Colin Murphy

We are committed to meeting the needs of all learners to ensure that all children reach their individual potential. Our school believes in showcasing student accomplishments and creating opportunities to share student learning with parents and our community.

The Bridge Network SCHOOL PROFILE

The Bridge Network is an alternative educational environment for students of all ages with a student population of 400 and a staff of 8. • Located in the Lions Learning Centre • Ideal for students who are not finding success in the traditional school setting

“Keeping Students Actively Involved in Their Education”

Our programs include: Bridge Network Outreach • Supporting the needs of Grade 10-12 students in an environment that emphasizes individualized instruction The Middle Years Outreach • Supporting the needs of Grade 7-9 students in a classroom setting that enables students to develop positive social and learning skills The Student Success Program • Supporting the career goals of students who have completed three years of high school and wish to continue their education in order to earn an Alberta Education diploma


The Bridge Network is focused on helping students of all ages succeed academically in an alternative educational environment. Our flexible schedule, positive relationships and network of partnerships with other agencies allow us to extend extensive support to our students.

9625 Prairie Road Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6G5 P: 780-539-0950 | F: 780-539-4706 E: bnetwork@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/bridgenetwork Principal: Mr. Kelly Pitman

“Every Student Succeeds” | gppsd.ab.ca

2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 11


2015-07-16 2:41:18 PM

Charles Spencer High School SCHOOL PROFILE

“Together We Learn”

Charles Spencer High School is a Grade 9 - 12 school with a projected student population of 1,200 for 2015. • Opened in September of 2014 • Located within the Community Knowledge Campus • Access to world-class recreational facilities • French Immersion programming, The Academy, which offers elite sports programming, Knowledge and Employability (K&E) programming, and Innovative Support Classrooms (ISC). • Work Experience, Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP) and Dual Credit opportunities which provide the ability to earn both high school and post-secondary credits at the same time.


Education at Charles Spencer focuses on learning with a context or purpose, developing a broad range of competencies in addition to the acquisition of knowledge, encouraging and developing student voice, and enabling our students to utilize technology effectively. As a result, our collective goal for our students is that they leave Charles Spencer High School with experiences that allow them to both identify their goals in life and provide them with the skills, knowledge and attributes needed to make them a reality. Our teachers and students are actively engaged in positively influencing the local and global communities in which they live.

Crystal Park School

“Excellence in Teaching and Learning within a Community that Embraces Diversity”

20 Knowledge Way Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2V9 P: 780-513 -3200 | F: 780–513-8828 E: spencer.high@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/charlesspencer CharlesSpencerHighSchool CSHS_gppsd Principal: Ms. Michelle Blair Vice-Principals: Ms. Melanie Matheson, Mr. Jason Mestinsek, Mr. Dan Rawlyk


Crystal Park School is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school with a student population of 580 and a staff population of about 140. • Located in northeast section of Grande Prairie • Along with regular classroom instruction, Crystal Park delivers a broad range of inclusive education programs • Relationships between staff, students and parents are collaborative and collegial • Innovative approaches to help students succeed


9351 116 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6L5 P: 780-539-0333 | F: 780-539-7613 E: cpark@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/crystalpark Principal: Mrs. Charlene Ungstad Vice-Principals: Ms. Deanne Fidelak, Mrs. Cindy Clarkson

At Crystal Park School, we are committed to meeting the individual needs of our students both in and out of our classrooms. Innovative and diverse are words you could use to describe our beautiful facility and exceptional students. Approximately 100 of our students are in District programs designed to meet specific needs. In addition to that, our grade 7 and 8 students are able to take advantage of many option choices including shop, drama, orchestra, band, choir, guitar, French and foods. We also have a full range of sports teams and offer participation opportunities for those who would rather not join an official school team. We offer a strong academic support program to our students who require this assistance. Students receive help as needed from academic support teachers in both classroom and pullout settings. With this support, our students can experience success.

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Derek Taylor is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school with a student population of over 900 and a staff of 70. • Located in the Mission Heights neighborhood in southwest Grande Prairie • Named after Derek Taylor, who was superintendent of the GPPSD from 1969-1995, one of the longest-serving school superintendents in Alberta history • Opened its doors in September 2007

Derek Taylor Public School “Everyone Belonging, Contributing, Learning And Celebrating; Personally, Academically And Socially In Their Education”


At Derek Taylor Public School, some of the most important lessons students learn are the ones they can use outside of the classroom. In the classroom there are high expectations of our staff to provide quality instruction and for our students to be engaged thinkers. We strive to help cultivate ethical citizens who are emotionally intelligent. Collaboratively, our vision is to help all of our students develop the knowledge and skills that will allow them to be positive and productive after they leave the school system. While academics remain a strong focus in our inclusive environment, we believe physical and emotional health is a foundation upon which our students’ futures will be built. Some of the highlights inside Derek Taylor Public School are focused personalized learning for our students and our strong connection to our community. We believe in recognizing student success both inside and outside of the classroom.

École Montrose School “In Pursuit of Dreams”

7321 - 104A Street Grande Prairie, AB T8W 0E9 P: 780-357-9174 | F: 780-357-9425 E: Derek.Taylor@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/derektaylor Principal: Mrs. Nancy Gorgichuk Vice-Principals: Ms. Kristina Black, Mr. Bryan Funk


École Montrose School is currently a Grade 5-8 dual track school with a student population of 500 and a staff of 37. • We have both English programming for Grades 6-8 and French Immersion programming for Grades 5-8. • Academy programming for Grades 5-8 French Immersion Students • Applications are available for Grade 5 Late Entry French Immersion (LEFI). This is the second year of our successful LEFI program with a cohort of 2nd year students going into Grade 6 • Guitar classes are now offered for grade 7/8 students • Two District Inclusive Education programs housed at EMS • Exciting times are ahead for École Montrose as modernization began in the summer of 2015. This modernization will allow us to become a single track French Immersion school for students from pre-kindergarten to Grade 8 in September 2016.

IN THE CLASSROOM 6431 98 Street Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2H3 P: 780-532-8861 | F: 780-539-6389 E: montrose@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/montrose ecolemontrose Principal: Mr. Paul Therrien Vice-Principals: Ms. Shelly Bracko, Mr. Ray Sylvester

In the classroom we are focused on the middle school philosophy. As such, we believe in the following: that every successful school begins with successful relationships. Students learn best when varied instructional approaches are used so we are responsive to the differences and diversity exhibited by young adolescents. A “whole child” focus is needed to address a students’ physical, educational, social and emotional well-being. Broadening experiences, strengthening adaptability and building resiliency for students to meet the competencies of the 21st century learners through engaging instruction is our goal.

“Every Student Succeeds” | gppsd.ab.ca

2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 13


2015-07-16 2:41:19 PM

École Parkside School “A Community of Learners”

SCHOOL PROFILE École Parkside is a Preschool to Grade 4 French Immersion school with a student population of 400 and a staff of 25. • Located in central Grande Prairie • The Grande Prairie Public School District’s only single-track elementary French Immersion Centre • Parents, staff and students work together to achieve personal bests as lifelong learners • We want people to choose French Immersion because it’s YOUR child: Choisissez l’immersion, car c’est VOTRE enfant.


9617 91A Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0G7 P: 780-532-7429 | F: 780-539-7910 E: parkside@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/parkside

With one glance into our classrooms you’ll see that French and English literacy are very important to our school community. Through goal setting, small group instruction and self and peer assessment our students are actively engaged in literacy learning. Dedicated efforts of staff to work cooperatively across grade levels help create a truly safe, family environment for learning. The creation of meaningful, long-term parent and community relationships enhance learning within the school. Parent involvement has always been welcomed and the school benefits greatly from an active and hardworking Parent School Council.

Principal: Mr. Matt Pepper Vice-Principal: Mrs. Andrea Couture

As a learning community, we strive to reach our goal of: Success for All! – Le succès pour tous!

Grande Prairie Christian School SCHOOL PROFILE

“Pursuing Personal Excellence and Christ-Like Character”

Grande Prairie Christian School is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school with a student population of 300 and a staff of 17. • A faith-based alternative program being offered within the GPPSD • The building was recently expanded with a chapel, library and several new classrooms • Provides strong Christian instruction integrated in a diverse selection of academic courses with prayer as a key focus in every class


The Grande Prairie Christian School is experiencing tremendous growth and has already expanded to fill our newly added classroom space. In our classrooms, our teachers offer families the opportunity to have their children educated from a Biblical worldview. We nurture and help guide the students on their educational, physical and spiritual journeys. To that end, we encourage positive behavior beyond classrooms, text books and assignments. Our school has taken part in various charities such as Rising Above. It is a time to recognize and come to the aid of individuals or groups in all parts of the world who are struggling. We believe it is important for the students of Grande Prairie Christian School to learn to give back to the local and global community.

8202 110 Street Grande Prairie, AB T8W 1M3 P: 780-532-4566 | F: 780-539-4748 E: gpchristian@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/gpchristian Principal: Mr. Travis Fehler Vice-Principal: Mr. Barry Longson

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Grande Prairie Composite High School SCHOOL PROFILE

Grande Prairie Composite High School is a Grade 9-12 school with a student population of 950 and a staff of 90. • Programs including International Baccalaureate, Career and Technology Studies, Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP) Senior Trades, Academic Support, Music, Leadership, Languages, Fine Arts, and Dual Credit Opportunities • Skills Alberta and Skills Canada participation • Health and Wellness Centre supports students’ social, emotional, physical, mental and educational well-being


Grande Prairie Composite High School is a professional learning community that fosters student growth and success by recognizing and celebrating the unique qualities, skills and talents of each individual learner. We are committed to the development of Alberta Education’s 21st century competencies ‒ Engaged Thinkers, Ethical Citizens, and an Entrepreneurial Spirit ‒ in our students.

11202 104 Street Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2Z1 P: 780-532-7721 | F: 780-532-6036 E: gpcomp@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/gpcomposite

Rooted in the basic foundations of meaningful relationships, relevant and engaging learning experiences, and effective communication, Grande Prairie Composite High School is a community that strives to ensure students and parents are actively involved in setting the direction toward achieving success after graduation.

Principal: Mr. Dennis Vobeyda Vice-Principals: Mr. Adam Fragomeni, Mr. Garth Paquette, Mr. Justin Rushton


Hillside Community School

Hillside Community School is a Kindergarten to Grade 6 school with a student population of 250 and a staff of 33. “Providing the Best Possible Learning Environment for our Students” • Located in central northeast Grande Prairie • Maintains the belief that a child’s best interest is served when parents and school personnel work closely together • Works to create learning experiences that will allow each child to achieve success according to his or her capabilities


Every day at Hillside Community School, the students and staff come to work and give it their best, both inside and outside of the classroom. Our students continue to make great strides in their learning through such things as nature field trips, reading camps for Literacy Day, participation in the Roots of Empathy program and accessing national experts through video conferencing technology. Our experienced teachers are well-versed in a variety of teaching strategies and continue to seek new ways to ensure students are engaged in their learning. We are also fortunate to have a strong and dedicated school council. At Hillside, we all work together to make sure your child’s learning environment is safe and fun, which leads to a successful school experience. Hillside also hosts an afterschool YMCA Program. The program offers a safe relaxed learning environment that has structured, fun, and engaging activities for students.

9410 106 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8VV 1H6 P: 780-532-0743 | F: 780-539-6659 E: hillside@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/hillside Principal: Ms. Cynthia Matthews Vice-Principal: Ms. Corrine Shmyruk

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I V Macklin Public School

I.V. Macklin is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school with a student population of 600 and a staff of 50. • Located in the Crystal Heights community of east Grande Prairie • All staff work collaboratively in grade level and subject teams throughout the year to ensure children are in the best learning environment possible

“Inspiring a Passionate Commitment to Successful Learning”


At I.V. Macklin Public School, we have a dedicated and professional staff who care about students and work hard to develop positive relationships and a sense of belonging for our children. Success for our students is defined by their ability to reach their own personal excellence regardless of physical, emotional or academic ability. Our teachers are committed to addressing the needs of all of the students at IV Macklin in order to help our learners reach their fullest potential. With many opportunities to participate in social justice, citizenship and leadership activities, our students grow as positive, contributing members of our school and the global community, and are encouraged to be a positive voice for growth and change. We have a strong literacy and numeracy focus within our school. Teachers also collaborate regularly to review multiple sources of student data, which drives their planning and programming focused on the needs their students.

8876 108 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8X 1N7 P: 780-513-3391 | F: 780-513-3356 E: macklin@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/ivmacklin Principal: Mrs. Tracey Farn Vice-Principals: Mrs. Sheryl Cowcill, Mrs. Charlene Wold

Maude Clifford Public School “Keeping Students Actively Involved in Their Education”


Maude Clifford is a Kindergarten to Grade 6 school with a student population of 440. • Located in the Lakeland area of north-east Grande Prairie • Opened in September 2009 • Boasts two oversized gymnasiums, one for community use • Named after Maude P. Clifford who served as the area’s first school teacher

IN THE CLASSROOM 9206 Lakeland Drive Grande Prairie, AB T8X 0J4 P: 780-357-3500 | F: 780-357-0031 E: tracey.mark@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/maudeclifford Principal: Mrs. Tracey Mark Vice-Principal: Mrs. Teresa Rawlyk

Maude Clifford Public School is a Professional Learning Community that focuses on high expectations for all students, staff and parents. We strive to provide appropriate challenges for all our students so that they will achieve at high levels. We provide energetic and enthusiastic learning experiences guided by our vision to deliver instruction that best meets the needs of all our students. This vision can be summarized by LEADERSHIP and our ten core values; Lifelong Learners, Engaged Thinkers, Accountability, Diversity, Effective Partnerships, Respectful Citizens, Safe and Caring, High Academic Expectations, Innovative, and Perseverance.

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Swanavon Elementary School

Swanavon Elementary School is a Preschool to Grade 5 school with a student population of 420 students and a staff of 34. • Houses the Montessori program and two Preschool Language Development classes • Diverse programming to meet the needs of all students • Family engagement is critically important • Engaged school council • Has a culture with high expectations for all, a safe and caring environment and importance in belonging to a community • Dynamic music and French as a Second Language (FSL) program instructed by a a subject specialist

“Success for All Students”


Our mission at Swanavon is to build a community of lifelong learners striving towards success. We are proud of the collaborative culture that has been established among our staff and families. We provide opportunities through meaningful instruction that contributes to the lifelong learning of students. We also encourage the children to become caring, contributing, and responsible citizens through shared responsibility. We continue to deliver a strong literacy program, along with rich numeracy environments, to help the children develop the necessary skills to reach their potential.

8908 100 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2K4 P: 780-532-8885 | F: 780-538-4504 E: swanavon@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsd.ab.ca/school/swanavon

The environment at Swanavon is safe and caring, where children know they are supported and can count on staff to assist them whenever they need it. We are a community where everyone knows they belong.

Principal: Mrs. Corinne Kruse Vice-Principal: Mr. Martin Hanam

OPENING SEPTEMBER 2015 PHILIP J. CURRIE DINOSAUR MUSEUM is an international institute for experiental learning dedicated to Alberta’s palaeontological heritage through research, collection, preservation, exhibition, public programming, publications and innovative outreach. It is a world-class facility featuring exhibit galleries, theatre, classrooms, palaeo labs, restaurant, gift shop and a fossil walk.

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• K-12 School Programs • Speaker Series • Dinosaur Documentaries

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Early Learning Success at school begins at home. As a parent, you are the first and most important teacher your child will ever have. Let your children know that you think education is important and your child will think so too! The Grande Prairie Public School District (GPPSD) provides a wide variety of early childhood support services. The District prides itself on supporting District educational opportunities as well as fostering community links to provide well-coordinated services for families. These early learning opportunities give children a solid foundation for later learning.



The GPPSD has had a long and successful relationship with the Grande Prairie Friendship Center Aboriginal Head Start program. This preschool program is focused on school readiness and culture. The GPFC Aboriginal Head Start program is the first in Alberta to receive accreditation and the first in Canada to receive a daycare license. Children enrolled in this program with an identified need are provided with supports through Peace Collaborative Services which may include speech-language, behavioral or occupational therapy. In addition, families in this program can access the Triple P parenting support personnel and District outreach services.

The GPPSD supports preschool classrooms in four schools for the upcoming calendar year. Crystal Park will house three classrooms, Swanavon will have two, Aspen Grove will have one classroom and Avondale will have another. Typical programming occurs four halfdays per week (Monday-Thursday). These preschool classrooms provide early learning opportunities for students with identified needs as well as typical peers. The classrooms provide the setting for 3 and 4 year olds with identified needs who benefit from early education programming. These classrooms are the home base for many of our students who are supported through Program Unit Funding (PUF).

The District is also pleased to support community based preschool and after-school childcare programs offered by the local YMCA. Programs are offered at a number of our schools including Avondale, Derek Taylor and I.V. Macklin.

The early childhood programming is delivered by certified Teachers and classes are also supported by Educational Assistants. Each program has a highly specialized support team made up of members of Peace Collaborative Services and may be comprised of SpeechLanguage Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Psychologists, Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Vision Consultants who round out the preschool supports to assist with development of individual programming for all students.

Early numeracy in Kindergarten begins with counting as it underpins a child’s understanding of all areas of mathematics. It is one of the earliest mathematical concepts students will need. GPPSD Kindergarten programs give students plenty of opportunities to experience the counting principles.

The Preschools utilize a Pre-Kindergarten/Preschool curriculum. This curriculum is supplemented with specialized instruction for students with identified needs in the form of Individual Educational Plans that are developed by the teacher and the specialized classroom support team. In addition to classroom instruction all families are welcome to take advantage of an extensive array of free Family Oriented Programming sessions. These sessions provide education and programming ideas for all families relating to a wide variety of topics e.g. Triple P parenting strategies, gross and fine motor development, speech and language development, encouraging literacy and language in the home, introduction to community supports/activities, picky eaters and problem feeder sessions.


GPPSD Kindergarten Programs have strong literacy and numeracy foundations. Balanced literacy and play based learning is central to the Kindergarten program. Students experience reading, writing and word work through developmentally appropriate instruction.

Your child’s Kindergarten experience can start at a school based Welcome to Kindergarten evening. These are held in the spring prior to a child’s entrance to Kindergarten. These evenings are open to families to come and meet their Kindergarten support team and they provide materials for early literacy activities in the home. Various District support personnel are also available for questions relating to skill development and referrals e.g. speech-language services, occupational therapy services, etc. These evenings also provide ideas for families to begin to foster enthusiasm and curiosity for literacy. Contact your child’s school for these dates and materials.

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GPPSD offers Kindergarten programs in English, French and in our Montessori programs. The Alberta Curriculum is covered in these programs. All schools follow the guidelines of Alberta Education. The Kindergarten curriculum provides expectations in seven learning areas: 1. Early Literacy 2. Early Numeracy 3. Citizenship & Identity 4. Environment and Community Awareness 5. Personal and Social Responsibility 6. Physical Skills & Well-being 7. Creative Expression For more information about Kindergarten, visit: edc.gov.ab.ca/parents.handbook to download a copy of Alberta Education’s Kindergarten in Alberta – A Handbook for Parents


Communicable diseases spread more easily when children are together in a group. Many of these illnesses can be prevented through immunization with specific vaccines. Children get the best protection when immunizations are given on time. The preschool booster is due when a child is between four and six years of age, but preferably before the child starts Kindergarten. If you require a copy of your child’s immunization record, please contact Health Link Alberta at 811 or the Grande Prairie Health Unit at 780-513-7500.


A child must reach his or her fifth (5th) birthday on or before December 31, 2015 to be eligible for Early Childhood Services programs in the 2015-2016 school year. Please contact the school in your boundary area to find out about registration, open houses and Kindergarten orientation.




Leadership and Citizenship adapted from story written by Shaylene Penner Frankie Ray was one of the many new students at the Charles Spencer High School when it opened in September 2014. She was a student, who like many others, had struggled sometimes in school but kept striving and attending every day. Over the course of the year, Frankie found her educational confidence. She learned about the importance of knowing how one learns because each one of us learns differently. A simple class project in social studies on the topic of globalization and being an active citizen gave Frankie the impetus to be a positive force for change. Initially she participated by being involved in school based activities such as the Mental Health Awareness blitz during exam week, handing out apples and placing positive sticky note around the school. At Mighty Peace Day, Frankie volunteered to be a crowd pumper, which meant she had to stand in front of thousands of other students, driving up the excitement and energy of the group. It was then that Frankie realized that she was a leader and could be a force for positive change not only in the school, but the world as well. She became the leader in the “Maverick Movement” where she showed the confidence and initiative to lead her peers on their

fantastic journey of growth. Within this movement, Frankie has created YouTube videos, helped win a $5000 grant for the Baking a Difference Award, has spoken on radio on behalf of the group and as president, leads the Maverick Movement meetings. The group’s focus has been to bring education to the children of Nicaragua. Her passion for this cause has her planning to travel there with the group next spring to volunteer in the community. Her positive actions, leadership skills and dedication led to her being chosen as one of the top three national candidates for the Me to We Empowering Youth Award. In finding her voice, Frankie has made a real difference in her life, the lives of her schoolmates, the community and the children in Nicaragua whose lives have been impacted by the work done here at Charles Spencer High School. Frankie feels that it is important for her to do everything she can to keep working on herself and to make a difference in someone’s life. She notes the words from “Because You’re Young” by David Bowie as inspiration for herself and other youth, “because you’re young, you’re torn between a world of hate and a world of dreams. So much to lose, so much to gain. So much to fight for, so much to change.”

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Second Language Studies: Opening Doors to the World Students in GPPSD are expanding their horizons through language learning in English, French, Spanish and German. They are proud to be bilingual and are using these skills to travel, to access a greater variety of employment opportunities and to communicate with a greater number of individuals. We are always striving to find new language opportunities and are working to add Mandarin Chinese for the 2015/2016 school year. GPPSD offers French Immersion programming and French as a Second Language programming from kindergarten to Grade 12. Other languages are offered at some sites from grade 7-12. Our French Immersion programs continue to expand to meet a growing demand with the addition of Late Entry French Immersion and new course offerings in our high school French Immersion program. We do this because, as one of our Late Entry French Immersion students so eloquently stated, “Being bilingual is both a challenge and an amazing reward. I have a better understanding of different cultures, and I am making connections that will last a lifetime!”


Learn a second language through fun, exploration and discovery. Our gentle-approach to language acquisition, offered in the school setting of École Parkside School is the perfect opportunity for your 3 and 4 year old to learn and grow. Staff are fully bilingual and ready to support your child’s development. Students in this program have access to all school facilities. Exploratory fieldtrips are part of programming.


Twenty-five years of Immersion research, indicating the benefits of being bilingual, simply can’t be wrong. An early start with language acquisition is the best start. The program is open to all families wanting their child to experience a quality education while learning a second language. Kindergarten and Grade 1 are the entry points into the program. GPPSD offers K-4 French Immersion programming at École Parkside School.


Designed for students with little or no French, this intensive and fastpaced program begins in grade 5 and continues on through to grade 12. All subjects are taught in French, with the exception of English Language Arts. For families who want to ensure their child had a solid grasp of their first language, a grade 5 entry point is ideal and will allow your child to become fluent in both of Canada’s official languages. It’s never too late to learn a second language. Grades 5 through 8 French Immersion programming is offered at École Montrose and grades 9 through 12 French Immersion Programming is offered at Charles Spencer High School. By the end of French Immersion, students will be reasonably expected to: • Be functionally bilingual • Participate comfortably in French and English conversations • Be able to pursue further education appropriate to their abilities and interests, with French as the language of instruction • Be qualified for employment where the working language is French • Gain insight into the common attitudes and values of French speaking communities. For more information about French Immersion programming at Grande Prairie Public School District, please contact: Ginette Pele French Coordinator/Instructional Coach Grande Prairie Public School District #2357 P: 780-532-4491 | E: ginette.pele@gppsd.ab.ca

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Swanavon Montessori Program The Grande Prairie Public School District is pleased to offer the Montessori Casa dei Bambini (Preschool and Kindergarten) and Elementary Montessori Program (Grades 1 to 5) at Swanavon Elementary School.


Developed by Italian educator, Maria Montessori, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Montessori method is characterized by an emphasis on self-directed activities on the part of the child. It stresses the importance of adapting the child’s learning environment to his or her developmental level. The Montessori Method is: • Child-directed • Individualized • Hands-on with tactile materials • A process of exploration and discovery • Focused on nurturing a natural curiosity and love of learning in a social environment Dr. Montessori’s observations of children led her to design a number of multi-sensory, sequential and self-correcting materials that facilitate the learning of new skills.


Montessori Kindergarten is a half-day Monday to Thursday program. Morning classes run from 8:40 am to 11:40 am and afternoon classes run from 12:15 pm to 3:15 pm. The Kindergarten registration fee is $50 and there is a Montessori supply fee of $100 for a total of $150.


The Swanavon Montessori Program is for children Grades 1 to 5. The program brings together the Alberta curriculum along with the Montessori philosophy and outcomes. Children entering this program must have Kindergarten Montessori experience. The minimum pre-requisite to enter Elementary Montessori is six months experience in a Montessori Kindergarten. There is a $70 school fee and a $235 supply fee for a total of $305 for the year. The Elementary Montessori follows the same hours and calendar as the rest of the school. Families interested in Swanavon Montessori Program may contact Swanavon Elementary School: P: 780-532-8885 | E: montessori@gppsd.ab.ca


The Swanavon Casa dei Bambini is for children aged three to six and encompasses Preschool and Kindergarten.


Montessori Preschool runs in three hour sessions: • Monday & Wednesday mornings 8:40 am – 11:40 am • Monday & Wednesday afternoons 12:15 pm – 3:15 pm • Tuesday & Thursday mornings 8:40 am – 11:40 am • Tuesday & Thursday afternoons 12:15 pm – 3:15 pm • Full days are also offered 8:40 am – 3:15 pm

Please note that tuition fees are applicable.

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International Baccalaureate The Grande Prairie Composite High School is an approved school for International Baccalaureate (IB) programming. The IB program is designed as an academically challenging and balanced program of education with final examinations that prepare high school students for success at University and beyond. A full IB high school curriculum includes required courses in a second language, social studies, mathematics, and sciences with exams at the end of the two-year program. Exams are marked by external IB specialists. The Grande Prairie Composite High School is the first Alberta school north of Edmonton to offer an IB program. There are three options students can choose from to engage in this exciting program in grades 11 and 12: • DIPLOMA - full IB program •C ERTIFICATE - partial IB program taking individual courses of choice for IB credit • COHORT - enrolled in IB courses, not registering for IB assessments The Board of Trustees is very supportive of these types of opportunities for our students therefore it is important to note that IB program fees and bussing costs are covered by GPPSD. For more information on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program: ibo.org/diploma | gppsd.ab.ca/school/gpcomposite



Sukhman Chahal is a 2015 graduate of Grande Prairie Composite High School who participated in the International Baccalaureate program. When Sukhman reflects back on the Grande Prairie Composite High School, he refers to it as an “old institution” with “a lot of legacy behind it”. He felt that honouring that legacy of the Composite High School should be what the students strive for in their time there. When Sukhman was first introduced to the International Baccalaureate Program, he thought it was only a necessary stepping stone if he wanted to pursue higher education; a way to gain the upper hand when applying to college and university; and, a tool to use to expand his critical thinking skills. He found it was so much more than that. He recognized the international connection and commonality, with his essays going to places like the Philippines, or being read by someone in Turkey; “there was a sense of connection, even with people you don’t know, because you’re all learning the same thing”. He felt it was also a

Sukhman Chahal

International Baccalaureate

way of showing that the world can reach a sense of equality in education, for everything was the same, and they were all on the same level. When asked what helped him get to this point, he said it was his teachers and the IB Program that made the difference. Mr. Smith, for engaging the class in thought provoking learning, Mrs. Bater, for making sure they were performing at their maximum levels, and the skills all of his teachers helped him learn through IB. “IB has done a lot for me. It’s given me my own world view, personal opinion, and personal identity and it’s restructured me as a different person. A person who knows their work ethic, who knows how to tackle situations in different manners, and adapt.” Sukhman plans on pursuing medicine through biological sciences at Grande Prairie Regional College, after which he plans to transfer to the University of Alberta.

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• The Academy is an alternative schooling program offered by the Grande Prairie Public School District • Our program is offered from Grades 4 to 12 • Our areas of focus are hockey, dance, soccer, and golf • We are located at Alexander Forbes School, École Montrose School, and Charles Spencer High School


At The Academy we believe that it is possible to create a schooling experience where students bring their passion and love of sport to the classroom. We are a school where one need not sacrifice the pursuit of excellence in athletics for academic goals. At The Academy we strive to create an atmosphere where student-athletes feel safe, invited, and engaged in following their dreams.

“To make a positive difference in the lives of our students through the purposeful integration of excellence in academics, athletics, and character building. ”

Alexander Forbes ‒ The Academy 7240 Poplar Drive Grande Prairie, AB T8V 5A6 P: 780-532-1365 Ext. 2324 | F: 780-539-9345 E: brett.stephenson@gppsd.ab.ca W: TheAcademyGP.com Principal: Mr. Terry Gorgichuk Academy Director: Mr. Brett Stephenson

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Gifted Education Program The Grande Prairie Public School District offers programming for students who, by virtue of advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity, require a supportive learning environment and effective programming options to meet their diverse needs. The Gifted Education Program offers support for our gifted students in several ways: • Screening and assessment of potentially gifted children • A District pull-in program for students to meet and work with like-minded students in exploring their areas of passion • Consultation and support to teachers and instructional coaches in meeting the learning needs of gifted students in the regular classroom • Professional development opportunities for teachers and parents in understanding the unique learning and social emotional needs of gifted learners

Further questions can be addressed to: Susan Picard, Coordinator GPPSD Gifted Education Program P: 780-539-0333 ext. 1968 | E: susan.picard@gppsd.ab.ca

First Nations, Métis & Inuit Program at the High School level and two district Family Outreach Worker positions. The High School positions will focus on supporting students in their graduation plan and the two Family Outreach Worker positions will support the First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, parents and families in our district. The First Nations, Métis and Inuit Program will continue to represent GPPSD on the Zone 1 First Nations, Métis and Inuit Advisory Committee, the Mâmâwîhtowin Conference Committee, Grande Prairie Aboriginal Circle of Services and in various other capacities to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit student success. For more information, please contact: Shannon Dunfield District Coordinator - First Nations, Metis and Inuit Program Grande Prairie Public School District #2357 P: 780-539-0950 | C: 780-876-8560 E: shannon.dunfield@gppsd.ab.ca Our mission is: ALL students and staff of Grande Prairie Public School District have the opportunity to learn and gain a better understanding and respect for Indigenous peoples’ histories, cultures, languages and philosophies. The First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) Program is restructuring for the 2015-2016 school year. This restructuring will move from First Nations, Métis and Inuit Student Success Coordinators to two positions


Grande Prairie Public School District is in the second year of our partnership with the Martin Aboriginal Education Initiative (MAEI). MAEI seeks to improve elementary and secondary school education outcomes for Aboriginal Canadians through the implementation of specific programs. Grande Prairie Public School District houses the Accounting Mentorship Program at Charles Spencer High School.

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Grade 11, Charles Spencer High School This year I had the honor of representing Charles Spencer High School and Grande Prairie Public School District on the Alberta Education Minister's Speak Out - Student Advisory Council. Twenty-seven students, chosen to represent students from across the province, sit on this council. The council shares our opinions, and we also learn how to facilitate and encourage student feedback in our schools. One of the council’s tasks this year was to create more student engagement at the district level. That is where the Superintendent Advisory Council comes in. A group of 24 high school students (Grades 9-12) come together to give feedback directly to our Superintendent. Speak Out has allowed me to gain the skills, and resources necessary to develop a strong belief in student engagement within our school and district. Student engagement will continue to grow in the 2015-2016 school year, and students will continue to have opportunities to provide their voice in education.

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This team consists of educational programmers and a psychologist who offer direct support to schools sites and individual classrooms with a focus on supporting inclusion in our classrooms.


Inclusion in the District The Grande Prairie Public School District supports inclusive learning in all our schools. All children can learn and reach their full potential given opportunity, effective teaching and appropriate resources. Each student belongs and is to receive a quality education no matter his/her ability, disability, language, cultural background, gender or age. The success of inclusive education programming relies on the engagement, collaboration and involvement of students, parents, staff and community. Our inclusive system is supported through a continuum of specialized supports and services. The continuum of specialized supports and services refers to the expertise or skill sets required to meet the identified needs of learners and maximize the achievement of competencies through a range of intentional actions or strategies. Every student - regardless of background, need or circumstance must be the centre of all decisions related to his/her learning. Our goal is to ensure that all our students are educated in the most appropriate learning environment. This means that, wherever possible, students are placed in their neighborhood school. Where it is in the best interest of a student, the District also offers some highly specialized support classrooms that are designed to meet the needs of specific students.

PCS is a regional collaborative service delivery system that coordinates supports from a variety of partners such as Grande Prairie Public School District and its neighboring jurisdictions as well as Alberta Health Services, Child and Family Services, Human Services and Justice. This team consists of teachers, therapists and allied rehabilitation personnel who will provide supports such as assessment, consultation and therapy for students who require those services to promote their educational successes. Assistance is available in the areas of speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, psychology, physical therapy, mental health, programming for students who are deaf and hard of hearing impaired and/or visually impaired. Services are provided throughout all GPPSD schools.


The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programs in the world, backed up by more than 30 years of ongoing research. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them confidently manage their children’s behaviour, prevent problems from developing and build strong, healthy relationships. Triple P is currently used in 25 countries and has been shown to work across cultures, socio-economic groups and in all kinds of family structures. GPPSD has one full time Triple P Parenting Provider as well as two Outreach workers who can provide these family supports. For more information visit: triplep.net/glo-en/home


GPPSD is pleased to provide District Family Outreach services. The District currently has two full time outreach workers who assist students and families to connect to programming both within and outside the District. The Outreach Worker targets vulnerable or at-risk students and families to have more successful experiences for positive educational and life outcomes.

Family Supports The GPPSD is very pleased to provide families with support services to maximize their children’s life and educational experiences. These services involve Family Oriented Programming which involves the support services team, Family Outreach Workers and a Triple P Parenting Provider. These services are available to families who are looking for additional family supports that continue to strengthen the foundation for their children’s development. They may include programming aimed at family relationships, home activities and community challenges. Some examples of Family Oriented Programming include: language supports in the home, gross motor activities for fitness and core strength, early fine motor skill activities, nutrition for young children and strategies to promote positive behaviour development.

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Other Programs ATHLETICS

In addition to a long history of outstanding athletic success, students in the District have also been honoured for having positive attitudes and exemplary sportsmanship. While students participate in daily physical activity as outlined by Alberta Education, the opportunities to participate in team sports and individual pursuits are also readily available.


We believe that a complete education requires some focus on fine arts programming. GPPSD schools offer art, drama and music and these programs are available for students to choose from in all grades. GPPSD students have been involved in local drama productions and have participated in art showcases throughout the area. As well, technical training in visual arts and media is available as an option in some junior high schools and at both the Grande Prairie Composite and Charles Spencer high schools.


The excellence of the GPPSD music program has been recognized at the local, provincial and national level. During the 2014-15 school year, the high school music programs embarked on a performance tour of Montreal and Quebec City. The Derek Taylor 7/8 choir represented Grande Prairie at the choral provincials in Edmonton and two bands participated in the Alberta Band Association Festival of Bands in Red Deer, Alberta. The Grande Prairie Public School District recognizes the importance of music education as a part of an innovative academic experience for all students. The band, string, choral music and guitar programs are taught by qualified teachers who specialize in their area of instruction. The repertoire is diverse, ranging from traditional selections, to jazz and the most current trends in music performance at all grade levels. Throughout each school year, students prepare themselves to share in their achievements on stage both within and outside of their school communities. Our band and orchestra students participated in pit bands for local productions of Les Miserables and Oklahoma.


The Grande Prairie Public School District is pleased to offer an International Education program for students from around the world in Grades 7-12. International education is an integral focus worldwide in preparing students for the 21st century. Both the Federal and Provincial Governments support and promote international education. Our students must be global citizens and able to communicate effectively across cultures. These attributes are acquired through international education. We offer full and shortterm programs. Programs can have an academic, cultural focus, or a combination of both skills. For more information, please contact: Sharron Graham International Education Coordinator Grande Prairie Public School District #2357 P: 780-532-4491 | E: sharron.graham@gppsd.ab.ca


Located at the Lion’s Learning Centre in the Bridge Network, the goal of the Student Success Program is to assist students in attaining missed credits required for the completion of a high school diploma. Whether a student is missing only a few credits or has a significant number of credits missing, our Student Success program can help you develop a plan for completion. The Student Success program works closely with the Bridge Network, Charles Spencer High School, and the Grande Prairie Composite High School to ensure success for all learners. For more information, please contact: GPPSD Students Success Program P: 780-532-4491 ext. 1044 | E: student.success@gppsd.ab.ca

Elementary students have the opportunity to participate in district music starting Grade 5, where they have the opportunity to learn string instruments, band instruments and choral music. At the secondary level students can continue performing in bands, orchestra or choirs and can also begin studying guitar.

Central “Every Student Office:Succeeds” 780-532-4491 | gppsd.ab.ca | gppsd.ab.ca 27 2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 27

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Community Partnerships SCHOOL COMMUNITY TEAMS

For the past twenty years the School Community Team concept has provided front-line help to students, families and teachers through a referral system and work with outside agencies. The success of a child at school is often impacted by situations and relationships at home and within the community. Each of the schools in the Grande Prairie Public School District is served by an inter-agency group of professionals who meet regularly to provide assistance to students and families who are in need of extra support. The team accepts referrals from teachers, administrators, students and their family members. Referrals are made when individuals and/or families are having difficulties with school, family or social relationships. The team is in place to listen, offer advice and suggestions, and provide information to help address a wide scope of needs. The team approach gives parents the ability to attend one meeting that brings together all of the key players. Regular members of the teams include the school principal, teachers, a health unit nurse, a family support worker and a mental health therapist. When necessary, the team will call upon members of such agencies as the Northern Addictions Centre or the RCMP for support.


Located at the Lion’s Learning Centre, the Society for the Support to Pregnant and Parenting Teens is a partner with the Bridge Network that helps pregnant and parenting teens focus on wellness and learning. Facilitating healthy decision making regarding pregnancy and parenting and maximizing opportunities for education and/or training, the Society provides highly personalized and direct support to all program clients. Please see teenparents.ca for more details.


Parents and the community play a large part in the success of our students and of our School District. There are many ways parents can become more involved in supporting their child’s education. Outside of the home, parents are encouraged to become a part of their child’s education, whether it is through joining School Council or volunteering in the classroom. Each school is supported by an active and responsible group of parents who meet on a regular basis. School Councils provide advice and assistance to school principals and Trustees regarding educational matters. Involvement on School Council includes focusing on educational matters; serving as a liaison between parents, the school, and community groups; locating resources such as speakers and volunteers; gathering information and sharing experiences; and supporting the goals and objectives of the school.


School Resource Officers are RCMP officers who work with all our junior and senior high schools in the District. They work closely with the school administration in order to build positive relationships with the students. This progressive partnership with the City of Grande Prairie helps to form the basis for a safe and caring community in and around our public schools.

Education Foundation

The Grande Prairie Public School District Education Foundation was established in 1991 in order to enhance educational opportunities for students. The Foundation is committed to supporting educational programs within the Grande Prairie Public School District that are not funded through traditional government funding formulas for school boards.

We receive tremendous support from numerous local businesses, individuals and other associations who help us to invest in our students’ education. Last year, the Foundation distributed nearly $50,000 to champion student-centered activities within the District’s schools. Some of those activities include nutrition and wellness programs, reading and tutorial programs, the annual Striving for Excellence Student Awards Dinner, scholarships and designated school projects.

We appreciate the public’s support in helping us enrich the educational opportunities for students. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to the Foundation, your financial support will help facilitate the continued dedication to supporting our students. Donations may be sent to: The Grande Prairie Public School District #2357 Education Foundation 10213 99 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2H3 For more information, please contact: Teresa Souliere, Executive Director Grande Prairie Public School District – Education Foundation P: 780-532-4491 ext. 1006 | E: teresa.souliere@gppsd.ab.ca W: gppsdedfoundation.ca

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The GPPSD is pleased to be a part of the Alberta Motor Association’s (AMA) School Safety Patrol program. Through the program, Grade 6 volunteers are trained to safely judge oncoming traffic and escort other students across busy intersections. Patrollers can be seen at crosswalks before and after school hours, as well as during the lunch break. The AMA is celebrating 77 years without a fatality or injury at patrolled school crosswalks, greatly in part due to the work of more than 16,000 volunteers across the province.


The Grande Prairie Public School District is working with the Grande Prairie Regional College (GPRC) to provide dual credit opportunities for students (students can earn credit in both a high school class(es) and university transfer courses). GPRC is in the process of adding new courses in dual credit for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Currently students have access to courses in office administration, medical terminology, petroleum terminology, psychology, sociology and parts and materials. The district will set a maximum number of spots open for dual credit for the 2015-2016 school year. Students are required to be enrolled as a full time student with GPPSD and pay a $300 caution fee that will be refunded upon successful course completion.


CAREERS: The Next Generation has partnered with GPPSD to offer Water and Wastewater Operations (WWO), Oil and Gas Production Operations (OGPO) and Power Engineering. These two year programs will allow students to engage in real career based education that will provide them with, not only their high school programming but also post-secondary certification. Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) is the partner for the WWO and OGPO programs and Northern Lakes College for Power Engineering.


The Grande Prairie Public School District has been an active participant in a number of international partnerships over the past few years. We pursue these opportunities when there are advantages for improving student learning opportunities. Some of these have included participation in the Alberta-Finland Project sponsored by the Alberta Teachers' Association and the Education ministry in Finland; the China Partnership with the Beibei School District involving three Alberta school jurisdictions and the Alberta government; and, our new French Partnership with Nancy-Metz in France. These partnerships provide us the chance to seek new ways to improve teaching and learning in GPPSD. The French Project opens doors to three areas for our teachers and students: •T he ability for our teachers to create virtual classroom partnerships with students in French classrooms for collaborative learning projects

• A job shadowing program that will allow teachers to visit each other's classrooms for two week periods to share pedagogy and effective second language instruction practices

•S tudents can participate in short term exchanges and spend time in a French classroom and then host a French student in our classrooms




Auto Mechanics and Skills Competitor Sam Nicholet graduated early from the Grande Prairie Composite High School in January 2015, with a bronze medal in Outdoor Power & Recreation Equipment in the NW Regional Skills Competition, as well as a Safety Award. Although Sam graduated in January, she could still be found in class for that last semester because, as she stated, “I’m here because I want to be, not because I have to be.” Sam’s passion for working with her hands was inspired by her father as he was a mechanic. When she was young, Sam could always be seen with a ratchet, hammer, or wrench, eagerly helping him in the shop, or around the house. Her journey to personal success started at the Composite High School in grade 10. She entered into the Junior Automotive Program thinking she would gain the basic knowledge of how to do an oil change, how to change a tire, and how to check tire pressures. It wasn’t until after she and her partner took apart and rebuilt a V6 engine in less than five school days that she fully understood the quality and depth of the knowledge that this class would give her. With the recommendation of her teacher, Mr. Ormay, Sam fast-tracked directly to the Senior Automotive Program, where she realized that mechanics and small engines was “clearly” where she was supposed to be. Sam is currently attending Grande Prairie Regional College (GPRC) to focus on Business Administration. Her future goals are to complete four technician certifications relating to small engines (two relating to motorcycles, and two relating to outdoor power equipment), complete the Red Seal designation, and finally, complete her long term goal of a Blue Seal designation.

“Every Student Succeeds” | gppsd.ab.ca

2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 29

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The Alberta Foundation for the Arts Travelling Exhibition Program

For the 2014/2015 Travelling Season the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie Presents Three New Exhibitions:

The Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) has supported a provincial travelling exhibition program since 1981. The mandate of the AFA Travelling Exhibition Program is to provide every Albertan with the opportunity to enjoy visual art exhibitions in their community.

The Lebret Residential Petroglyphs

Three regional galleries and one arts organization coordinate the program for the AFA: Northwest Alberta: Art Gallery of Grande Prairie Northeast and North Central Alberta: Art Gallery of Alberta Southwest Alberta: The Alberta Society of Artists Southeast Alberta: Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre

Various Artists for the Collection of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts

Tanya Harnett

The Railway and the Gateway

The Printmakers

Conquered Mountain, John Esler


Kiren Niki Sangra

Capricornus (The Sea Goat)

Winter on the Wapiti Generously Supported By:


Robert Guest

from the AGGP Permanent Collection Moon Before Freeze-up Big Coulee Area ™

natural gas

For a complete list of exhibitions visit aggp.ca

9839 103 Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 6M7 Located in the Montrose Cultural Centre P: 780-532-8111 | F: 780-539-9522 | E: info@aggp.ca


(ad must be presented at time of discount — one time use only)








Nitehawk Recreation Area

Located 16km South of Grande Prairie on HWY 40

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Talk about over-stuffing!

Gumpy! Look at our neighbors garbage!

Most of it‛s recyclable, or was until he stuffed it in with the garbage!

Well, I‛m gonna be telling him! Yes, you

probably are...

Well...he might not know...

BLUE BAG IT Recyclables: Make sure recyclables are clean and dry

 Paper • • • • • •

Writing & computer paper Construction paper Books Magazines Flyers and newsprint Shredded paper

 Cardboard

& Boxboard

 Metal Cans  Hard

• Packaging boxes (plastic & metal removed) • Cracker boxes • Tissue boxes • Shipping boxes

X No Paper/cardboard/boxboard wet or soiled

• • • • • •

Soup cans Fruit cans Drink cans Pasta cans Lids from jars Aluminum foil trays

• • • • •

Plastics #1 - #7

Baked good containers Yogurt containers Ice cream containers Liquid containers Fruit & pudding cups

X No styrofoam, plastic film, or glass X No food stuck in containers X No liquid left in containers X No garbage


2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 31

• Milk containers • Juice boxes • Yogurt drink bottles • Pop bottles • Pop cans Go to Refundables Container / Charity / Bottle Depot

2015-07-16 2:41:35 PM

Welcome to

Wolves Country Grande Prairie Regional College | studentinfo@gprc.ab.ca | 10726-106 Avenue Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada T8V 4C4

2015 GPPSD Magazine.indd 32

2015-07-16 2:41:36 PM

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