The Advocate August 2011

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“Mission starts in our hearts and moves out into the whole world,” STEVE MCALPINE PAGE 5

in conversation We catch up with Scot McKnight as he prepares to inspire and challenge at the Vose Conference this month. PAGE 10 >>

Photo: NASA

5 KBC to Thailand

On 8 July, NASA launched the space shuttle Atlantis for the final time to the International Space Station. Given the space shuttle program’s popularity and notable successes, many are mystified that the program is being scrapped. However, the decision to shut it down illustrates an important leadership principle pertaining to innovation …

Western Australia’s goldfields are not as remote as they once were, proving the world is a much smaller place >>


Engaging with God’s Word Dr Peter Christofides is the newest member of the staff at Vose Seminary. His role as New Testament Lecturer fits well with his passion for Biblical languages. He has two doctorates in ‘New Testament issues of peace and reconciliation’ and ‘Rediscovering the role of the laity for ministry in the church’.

Dr Christofides was Prinicpal of Rosebank Bible College and Head of Biblical Languages at the Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa until he left for Australia with his family. An engaging communicator, Dr Christofides was also an executive producer with the Department of Religious Broadcasting for the South African Broadcasting Corporation. Brought up in South Africa by Greek parents who migrated from Cyprus, Dr Christofides left Johannesburg in July 2009 with his wife Maria and young son Michael to find a safer place in the world to live. For the next two years he worked as the Senior Pastor of Casuarina Baptist Church in Darwin and saw God bring significant growth to the church. The family recently moved to Perth so Dr Christofides could begin his new role at Vose Seminary. “I struggled with the pace of life in Darwin for the first year,” he

said. “The elders kept telling me to slow down.” “I’m passionate about reading the Bible, so we ran a pilot program for the Scripture Union’s daily reading program called ‘e100’,” Dr Christofides said. “It’s exciting

when you see people engaging with God’s Word. Things happen in lives.” “As I look back I see God’s hand all over our lives. The opportunity to work at Casuarina Baptist; meeting up again with Brian Harris after a long break, and now joining the team at Vose Seminary to do what I really love — teaching people the New Testament and Biblical languages. It’s amazing!” He is excited about visiting Baptist churches across Western Australia. “I’ve already got some

bookings to speak in some of the churches,” Dr Christofides said. Dr Christofides’ office at Vose is still being renovated, but the energetic teacher is already putting the finishing touches to the lectures he will give in second semester starting on 25 July. “We pray for God’s grace to face things in life — like moving country, changing work,” Dr Christofides said. “Then we’re shocked when we see it. We’re just so pleased to be here in Perth. It’s so beautiful.”

Same sex marriage Victorian Baptist Reverend Nathan Nettleton expressed sentiments in an ABC Compass program on same sex marriage legislation broadcast on Sunday 10 July that prompted a quick response from the denomination’s national body, Australian Baptist Ministries (ABM). In a press release on 11 July, ABM spokesperson, Rev. Rod Bensley, said Rev. Nettleton’s views do not represent the views of Australian Baptist Ministries or an overwhelming majority of Baptists in Australia and around the world. In November 2010, ABM

reaffirmed marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and commended the Australian Government for reflecting the Biblical teaching on marriage in the Federal Marriage Act. Marriage is not the appropriate institution for same sex couples. The ABM supports the right of all couples to justice with respect to property and like entitlements and acknowledges that people, including some in Baptist churches, face difficult issues with respect to sexuality. They say recognition of such rights and difficulties does not justify major changes to their convictions about marriage or to marriage legislation.

The Australian Christian Lobby’s current edition of their public policy magazine Viewpoint discusses same sex marriage with a debate between the Australian Family Association’s Terri Kelleher and Rodney Croome from Marriage Equality. Terri Kelleher said: “Defending marriage is both reasonable and entirely compatible with equality and justice. Unfortunately, however, the debate is often framed as a simplistic division of enlightened progressives versus prejudiced bigots. But name calling neatly avoids the one essential element of the debate: thoughtful consideration of the institution of marriage itself.”

8 Live well; die well

I wake up to a new day, and with it a new context in which to live out life’s greatest adventure >>

11 Food crisis in Africa The United Nations reports six million people are currently suffering from food shortages >>

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