The Advocate September 2011

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“Jesus loves me, this I know for the Bible tells me so.” KARL BARTHE PAGE 10

In conversation Sally Lloyd-Jones, inspiring adults and children with her books. PAGE 10 >>

Marriage debate

4 The Hub ECU

After more than a year in the planning, The Hub at ECU has become a reality >>

The only Greens member of the House of Representatives, Adam Bandt, who proposed the motion to the House in late 2010, opened the debate in the main committee room of Parliament House on 24 August. Of the 30 MPs who spoke in Parliament on the first day of the debate, 18 said an extraordinary majority of people who commented on the issue in their electorates supported retaining the current definition of marriage, six said they favoured change and six didn’t indicate the numbers in their electorate. “The numbers in support of the traditional definition of marriage were overwhelming,” the Australian Christian Lobby’s Managing Director, Jim Wallace, said. “This should give everyone heart that whatever happens in the rest of this debate, where people can silently put their view without fear of intimidation, there is very strong support for retaining marriage, especially given the numbers are as high as 90 percent of the electorate given by some MPs.” “This is not a matter of discrimination – it is about retaining a definition that is clearly very important to a great number of people,” Mr Wallace said. National President of Australian Baptist Ministries, Reverend Dr John Beasy, said that members of Baptist churches in Australia overwhelmingly support the current definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, and reject moves to extend the definition to include same sex relationships.

“Australian Baptists strongly urge Prime Minister Julia Gillard, and politicians across the political spectrum, to oppose moves to change the current legal definition of marriage by extending it to include same sex couples,” Dr Beasy said. “There are compelling cultural and heritage reasons for rejecting this proposed radical social reform, and for Baptists there are also deeply held theological convictions about the nature and purpose of marriage, which preclude widening the definition of marriage to include same sex couples,” public issues spokesperson for Australian Baptist Ministries, Reverend Rod Benson said. “A strong society needs a strong commitment to marriage and family. Marriage is best understood as the union of a man and a woman, and the law is best left as it is,” Rev. Benson said. The Marriage Amendment Act 2004 was passed on 13 August 2004. It defines marriage as: ‘a union between one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life’. Talk-back radio and social media report that people speaking in support of the definition of same sex marriage have been branded homophobic and bigots by the gay lobby. “This is not about demonising homosexuals or anyone else who holds a different opinion to us,” Director of Ministries for Baptist Churches Western Australia, Mark Wilson said. The debate continues in the halls of Parliament and across the nation.


Members of Australia’s Federal Parliament returned to Canberra in August to report on their constituents’ response to the possibility of same sex marriage.

9 Baptistcare welcome inquiry Baptistcare welcomed the release of the Productivity Commission’s inquiry report into ‘Caring for Older Australians’>> World Vision Australia’s Chief Executive Tim Costello, visited Kenya in August to see firsthand the current emergency in the Horn of Africa where 12 million people are suffering because of the worst drought in the region for 60 years.

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Ministering to refugees Retired Baptist Pastor, Peter Faulkner, and his wife Val leave Perth this month for Christmas Island where they will support the local church and minister to refugees from the detention centre. Each Sunday, approximately 40 people from the detention centre attend the Christian church service in a local hall. “We visited our son and his family on Christmas Island last March,” Val said. “The church is mostly Europeans and Chinese with teaching in English and translation in Mandarin and sign language.” All the leaders of the church of 30 people have full-time work, so Peter expects to help with preaching and Bible teaching

during their six month visit. Several people have been baptised in recent months. “There are new Christians from several different cultures and language groups,” Val said. “We’ve had a growing sense God is calling us to ‘come over and help’, so that’s why we’re going.” “We don’t need financial support for this trip. We’ll be staying with our son Jon and his family, but we would ask that people pray for us as we help the local church and support the refugees,” the Faulkners said. Before retiring, Peter’s last fulltime job was Pastor at Katanning Baptist Church. The Faulkners are currently attending a Christian fellowship in Guilderton, which has strong connections with Quinns Baptist Church.

11 Medivac saves life

An emergency medivac flight in Papua New Guinea recently saved the life of a New Zealand man >>

We are committed to being honest, transparent and above reproach. BAPTIST CHURCHES WESTERN AUSTRALIA


my view SEPTEMBER 2011

On air with Graham Mabury “Mr Mabury would you please say a prayer for a mate of mine?” The request came in the middle of a sports broadcast, from a Brownlow medal winner.

Graham Mabury Graham Mabury is a broadcaster and Pastor at Mt Pleasant Baptist Church. You can hear Graham on Radio 6PR (882AM) every weeknight from 8:00 pm to midnight.

The studio was full of former AFL champions. As you would expect there was heated debate and ribald humour. Yet when this request lobbed in out of the blue, they all nodded their approval, one giving some supplementary information. When I said I’d be honoured, they responded, “Thanks mate, good on ya.” I was on air with two of them a few days after a service at our church where we specifically prayed for families. “I happen to know you’re both great dads and

you really love your kids,” I said to them. “We just had a service where we prayed specially for families, and I’d like you to know I remembered you and your families.” A genuinely grateful, “Great, thanks very much” was the response — both on and off the air. I googled ‘prayer in Australia’. There were nearly six million responses. In one recent online survey 23 percent of Australians said they pray daily. Another 42 percent pray ‘sometimes’.

Though I have never once invited them to, for 30 years people have rung Nightline asking for prayer. This forcefully reminds me that our faith is born in a life changing encounter with the resurrected, living Lord Jesus, and is borne by the transforming power of His never ending love. People my vintage remember Annie Herring from the great music of The 2nd Chapter of Acts. People of all ages know and love her ‘Easter Song’. In a recent television interview she described coming to faith. “When I heard the Lord Jesus speak my name, the chains dropped, the darkness fled

and light filled my heart, and I wanted no one but Jesus because I saw Him, I heard Him and that was the key …” May people say of us what Nicodemus said of Jesus, “We know that you come from God … for no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with Him.”

My Facebook friends ... According to Facebook, I have 356 friends. In moments of rare sociability I communicate with them by recording a piece of trivia from my day (my computer shut down in the middle of filling in my census data. So frustrating!).

Dr Brian Harris Dr Brian Harris is the Principal of Vose Seminary and Senior Pastor of Carey Community Baptist Church.

Recently I thought I’d test the loyalty of the list by inviting the locals to the Vose Conference with Scot McKnight. While doing so tested my technological skills to the limit, selecting whom to invite reminded me that I’m not so sure who some of them are. That made it hard to decide if they’d enjoy a thought provoking conference. These unknown friends have set me thinking.

Given that I accept most friend requests (some arrive on bad mood days and hitting the decline button gives a much needed adrenalin rush), I suspect a few have simply landed up with the wrong Brian Harris. I’ve discovered that there are rather a lot of us — including one who is being looked for by a bank in Guatemala. Fortunately he is not Brian S Harris as I am,

so I was rather grateful for my obscure middle name when they contacted me. But I digress. There are a whole heap of people on a list which proclaims them my friend. Personally I am rather happy to think that I have some anonymous friends, but isn’t the point of friendship that you do know something about the other? During the last century a famous, but controversial theologian by the name of Karl Rahner introduced the concept of anonymous Christians, people who are Christians without knowing it. Noting that God cannot be contained within

the walls of the church, Rahner embraced a form of universalism that has made him unpopular with evangelicals — he daren’t ask to be their Facebook friend! No time for that debate here ... But it is worth pondering Jesus’ alert that at reckoning day there will be some who claim friendship with Him who are met with a puzzled, “but I don’t know you”. Best to build a real friendship now ...

letters to the editor Dear Editor I read the August edition of The Advocate today. It’s great work, such a good ‘heart’. So good to see the broad range of issues engaged with. I find some of these issues deeply challenging — responding appropriately as one ‘apprenticed to Jesus’ stretches my faith and understanding. I appreciate the perspectives and encouragement offered. (And I love that it’s not the ‘Baptist’ Advocate any more, but a paper for Christians in WA.) Thanks for continuing to lead us by following Jesus. Keith Brown, North Beach Dear Editor I am wondering about the advert on page 3 of the August edition of The Advocate called ‘Love that Lasts’. Are Baptists now condoning living together

as being a ‘normal’ Christian lifestyle? I am not impressed! I was another who was not impressed with Osama on the front page last month either! But I expect our Muslim brothers were happy to see we thought he was so important! Ann Harding, Bayswater Dear Editor Thank you for running the story of ‘Purple Bras for Cancer’ in your recent edition. These two men have a heart for God, which is widely known and also a heart for people. Their stint was quite brave as they stepped out of their comfort zone and caused much hilarity on the day, and even more so since your publication (which was well read this month by the community of the craft group). Kaye Tranter, Carine

disclaimer The Advocate reserves the right to edit or withhold from publication any letter for any reason whatsoever. Once received, all letters become the possession of The Advocate. The views written in ‘letters to the editor’ do not necessarily reflect the views of The Advocate or Baptist Churches Western Australia, nor does The Advocate take any responsibility of the views stated by those who write to the editor.

send us your letters The Advocate welcomes your letters to the editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Send your letters of no more than 100 words to by the 10th of each month.




Learning feast at Vose Keynote speaker, Scot McKnight, Professor in Religious Studies at North Park University in Chicago, presented a banquet of rich teaching focusing on the gospel, relevance and atonement. Prof. McKnight’s hardhitting yet warm and gracious speaking style kept his listeners fully engaged. Some struggled to keep pace, taking copious notes to prompt their memories later about pertinent points. Senior Student at Vose Seminary, Ben O’Reilly, relished the opportunity to hear an international scholar and appreciated the way Prof. McKnight tackled issues ‘head on’.

The conference exceeded my expectations on every front.

Prof. McKnight focused on the gospel in his first lecture. He explained how the good news of Jesus is so much more than just the act of salvation, but being about Jesus and His reign, which is the transformation of life and lifestyles. “The centrality of the vision of discipleship is crucial,” Prof. McKnight said. “Get lost in the Kingdom vision of transformed lives.” Relevance was the topic of his second lecture where he

explored seven points including the language people use to talk about God; the importance of wisdom in Biblical culture; the most relevant thing to do is often the most counter culture and the need to listen well. On Tuesday morning Prof. McKnight spoke about atonement, outlining the church’s crucial role in reconciliation in the world; and the centrality of baptism and communion. He said Kingdom justice only happens through the church and it is the church’s place to create the beachheads in areas where justice is needed. A wide group of people presented papers on their areas of expertise, some theoretical explorations of issues through to very practical and challenging topics. Cameron Eccleston spoke about Appreciative Inquiry, an organisational change tool, used to discover church’s strengths rather than solve their problems. Bernie Power described the state of Islam in Australia, highlighting the situation in Melbourne where he lives. “The conference exceeded my expectations on every front. It was very well attended with an audience that was totally engaged at all times,” Principal of Vose Seminary, Brian Harris said. “Scot McKnight was simply outstanding, speaking on topics of enormous relevance.” The lectures from the conference will be published in a book later this year.

Photo: Jill Birt

The annual Vose Conference on 15 and 16 August, was a feast of learning for more than 100 church leaders and theological students from several denominations across the state.

Students and staff worked hard serving more than 100 people who attended the Vose Conference at the seminary in Bentley.

CHOGM prayer countdown With less that two months until the world comes to Perth for this year’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), preparations are now in full swing. For Christians, Project 54 – Commonwealth Prayer Initiative (CPI) is front and centre in those preparations.

“Project 54 is a prayer schedule that aims to foster prayer for each of the 54 nations of the Commonwealth in the lead up to the Shine Assembly and CHOGM,” CPI Executive Director, Wendy Yapp explained. The Commonwealth Prayer Initiative is teaming up with Sonshine FM radio to broadcast prayers on the air. A social media campaign will also be used to link into the prayer schedule in the 54 days leading up to CHOGM. “On 21 August we held a special event for flag bearers and their representatives in

preparation for the big day,” Wendy said. “The opening ceremony is going to be a big deal. There will be a flag parade, which will incorporate a child carrying a banner with the name of one of the 54 nations, followed by that nation’s flag, followed by a Christian flag. The nations’ flags will be placed along the front of the stage for the duration of the ceremony.”

50th Anniversary


chances Sponsor a child like Rosie and you can change a life forever. 1800 children need sponsors this year and you can give them a chance to shine. Call 1300 789 991 or visit today. “Let your Light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Maida Vale Baptist Church is celebrating its 50th Anniversary! A Celebration Dinner will be held on Saturday 17 September at 6.00pm and a Special Worship Service will be held Sunday 18 September at 9.30am. Anyone who was a member, attended or was associated in any way with MVBC in the last 50 years are welcome to attend these two events. RSVP for the dinner and for any other enquiries contact: John Payne Phone: (08) 9293 2328 Email:


news SEPTEMBER 2011

More than 50 Baptist church workers met at the Perth Flying Squadron Yacht Club in Dalkeith on 4 August to explore how the principles of engaging and growth learned during cross-cultural ministry can translate to life in Australian churches. The Resonate event saw Global Interaction Australia’s (GIA) new West Australian Young Adults Consultant, Rachel Philp, introduced to the group before Keith Jobberns, General Director of GIA spoke. Mr Jobberns, a leader and a practitioner with many years experience in both pastoral ministry and cross-cultural work, highlighted God’s vision for the church as existing for others, those not yet in the church. “This is challenging for some. Mark Mittelberg puts it clearly in his book Becoming a Contagious Christian: ‘left to themselves, Christians become

more selfish’. They don’t automatically look outside and reach out to others,” said Mr Jobberns. Mr Jobberns said people need clear vision that permeates churches on how they will engage with their local community. He described and illustrated four factors that will help: going, knowing, engaging and empowering. Going is engaging people to look out, to move beyond the walls where they feel comfortable. GIA worker, Ben Good, described how after two years in Malawi he was still struggling to have heartfelt conversations in the Chiyao language. “You become like a baby when you start out in a different culture,” Mr Good said. “All your needs have to be met by someone else. You need a continual attitude of growing to become more culturally aware.” Mr Jobberns said it is not just working cross culturally where people need a constant learning posture, but in Australia too. “Culture is continually changing, and we need to engage to keep learning. Isolation doesn’t help us to be engaging and encouraging.”

Photo: Jill Birt

GIA calls for clarity

Maida Vale Baptist Church Pastor, Florin Iancu, and his wife, Dorina, talk with GIA Young Adults Consultant, Rachel Philp, at the Resonate event in Dalkeith.

“Who are the moths around the lamp in your situation,” Mr Jobberns asked. “Who are the ones being attracted to the light?” Guests discussed the principles and looked for

examples in their ministry in Australia. Mr Jobberns explained the need for empowering churches to find a contextual expression that fits with the local culture whether that be inner-city,

suburban or country — not a cookie cutter version of some particular model, but a group of devoted followers of Jesus living their faith in ways that fit with the culture they live in.

Inglewood Community Church opens The Hub ECU The Hub ECU Campus Pastor, James Middleton explained God told his team to go where the young adults already were. “With ECU a stone’s throw from ICC, it seemed good to us and the Holy Spirit that we locate the new campus there.” There were four important steps that took the church planting team from the beginning of their vision to kicking off regular Sunday evening services — starting with

hearing God’s voice. “We needed to be sure this really was from God and not just a good idea.”


others grieve, as they need to


Nikole Hahn

grieve. May we all learn how to

Perry Noble

It has been more than a year in the planning, but Inglewood Community Church’s (ICC) vision of planting a new campus at Edith Cowan University in Mount Lawley has finally become reality — The Hub ECU.

We want to help people connect to God and each other ...

digital church “Some people think you can’t start over; that those guys you slept with, those drugs you tried, those divorces you had … all say

grieve. May we know when to stay silent, when to ask questions, when to serve and when to speak.”


it’s too late … yet, Jesus says you


can start over.”

gospeldrivenchurch.blogspot. com


“God’s mercies are new every

Mike Friesen

morning because we get up rarin’

to newly sin. But if you are in Christ

“Blessed are those who mourn

Jesus, you wake up each morning

today. Blessed are those whose

with nothing left to prove to God.

hearts are filled with grief.

Clothed in his righteousness, eye

Blessed are those whose hearts

boogers and morning breath and

are angry, lost, alone and

coffeeless grouchiness and all, you

disconnected. May we all let

wake up approved.” “In my personal conversations with unchurched people there are so many of them who think they cannot come to church … they think their lives are so messed up that the church would reject them. We have got to stop assuming that unchurched people know about our church and they will feel welcomed the minute they walk in.”

“The second step was to develop a core team of eight to ten people who met on a fortnightly basis to pray and plan our new campus and then we had to get the greater Inglewood Community Church involved — both in prayer and in practice,” James said. The final step was the new church campus’ official launch on 14 August. As they continue to nurture the fledgling church plant, James and The Hub ECU

crew now have one eye on the future. “We want to help people connect to God and each other, to love and serve the students there and to let them know that the best life they can possibly live is the life God made for them — just like the ICC slogan: ‘enjoy the good life’,” he said.

Expressive arts Warwick Leisure Centre hosted the Expressions Creative Arts Festival 2011 over the weekend of 30 and 31 July. Churches of Christ Sport and Recreation Association and Baptist Churches Western Australia worked together to run the event for the third time. Sixty seven creative works by 35 different artists in the categories of paintings, photography, sculpture and

poetry were on public display over the weekend. Artists represented the local community as well as Perth churches. All money raised from the door entry was donated to Compassion Australia. “We were so excited to see this event grow this year, not only in the number of entries, but also the quality,” Marie Goodchild, Expressions Creative Arts Festival Coordinator said. “There are some very talented people in the local community and churches.” “Funding permitting, we hope to run the event again in 2012.”




Free ESL classes

Alleviating suffering in Kenya Following his time in Mandurah, Mr Costello flew from Perth to Kenya where he visited the Dadaab refugee camp on the Somalia border. The camp was built more than 20 years ago to house 90,000 refugees from war in Somalia. Currently more than 400,000 desperate people are at Dadaab with more than 1,000 refugees arriving from drought devastated Somalia each day. Some people are walking for up to three weeks to reach the camp. Along with other aid agencies, World Vision is distributing food and water in the area. “This is a desperate situation,” Mr Costello said from Dadaab. “I urge Australians to give generously to help these people.” Donations can be made to World Vision ( or Baptist World Aid Australia (

Photo: Merilyn Smith

Tim Costello, Chief Executive of World Vision Australia, visited 1Church in Mandurah in mid-August.

Steve Smith, Interim Pastor at South Perth Baptist Church teaching free ESL classes.

“2011 has been a year of both continuity and change at South Perth Baptist Church,” explains Interim Pastor, Steve Smith. Since April this year, the free English classes at South Perth Baptist have become a stronger part of the church’s interaction with the community and other Christian groups. “Most of the students discover us through the internet and we also advertise in the local foreign language papers in Perth,” Steve said. “From the English classes base we now have a weekly craft class, monthly bring and share meals,

his life,” Steve said. “Charles and Sara have been very helpful in making connections between the ESL classes and the church ministry. They have also benefitted from support and help in getting over the culture shock of beginning life here as mature aged people,” Steve said. Steve coordinates the ESL program and teaches a conversation class that focuses on enhancing vocabulary in social, community, family and work situations. However, he is all too aware that he is only at the church as an interim pastor. “I am moderating the Pastoral Search Committee as we clarify the church’s vision for the future and seek a pastor who wants to lead the church down this new path going forward. It is very exciting.”

Church is mourning the deaths of three local stalwarts: Alex Crawford (8 July), Joan King (22 July) and Olive Harris (9 August).

away in Perth. Ted Ward is the new Senior Pastor at Coolbellup Charismatic Baptist Church. Simon Jennings has concluded his ministry at Banksia Baptist Church. Dave Carr is the Associate Pastor at Riverton Baptist Church focusing on music and worship. Rocco Scarcella is the new Senior Pastor at Armadale Congregational Church.

Tim Costello, Chief Executive of World Vision Australia.

Photo: World Vision

There is a renewed sense of excitement and direction at South Perth Baptist Church — as its English as a Second Language (ESL) ministry continues to create closer ties to the local community.

and people signing up to join the Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) operating out of Riverview Community Services. Many children are also joining in the group activities run in our church building.” The church’s communityfocused activities have raised the profile of the South Perth Baptist Church among the people who live in the area. “We are finding many local people are coming along to church outings, and we’re also able to meet the needs of many families who are new to Australia with our support networks,” Steve said. The church’s ministry for immigrants has been steadily growing and showing positive results. Steve points to the story of a Korean migrant who is now a student at Vose Seminary. “Charles and Sara followed their children to Western Australia and came to South Perth because of the English classes.” “Charles was a merchant banker for 30 years and now, in his 60s is starting a new phase in

1Church meets at two locations, Mandurah Baptist Church and Lakelands Community Church. Mr Costello spoke of his passion for justice and for helping to alleviate the suffering of poor communities in the developing world. At Lakelands Community Church he answered questions on substance abuse, reconciliation, urban poverty, homelessness and gambling in a question and answer format. “It was an amazing weekend,” Pastor Hans van Asselt said. “People really engaged with the topic and their questions were great.” Mr Costello asked people to engage with the current emergency in the Horn of Africa where 12 million people are suffering because of the worst drought in the region for 60 years.

briefs Baptisms Matt Spencer, Amber Stacey, Tom Russell and Liam Carter from North Beach Baptist Church were baptised on 3 July.

Engagement North Beach Baptist Church couple Joel Lloyd and Naomi Smith announced their engagement on 4 July.

Deaths Long-time Bellevue Baptist Church man Bill Scudds died in early July. Bill had Down Syndrome and loved Jesus with a passion. North Beach Baptist

Pastoral changes Henry Harding has concluded his ministry at CranbrookFrankland Baptist Church. Tony Spencer was inducted as Senior Pastor at Gosnells Baptist Church on 7 August. Susan Bakker has been reappointed as the Women’s Minister at Albany Baptist. John and Rosemary Harris left Hedland Baptist Church early to be with their son Cameron who was seriously ill and who subsequently passed

Open Night 7PM, MONDAY 10 OCTOBER, 2011 The Vose Seminary Open Night is a great opportunity to explore our campus, to investigate course programs and to meet with lecturers and current students. If you’re considering studying in 2012, this is a brilliant opportunity to see what the future may look like!

20 Hayman Road, Bentley Visit or call us today. T: 6313 6200 F: 6313 6299

come, grow IN 2012


news SEPTEMBER 2011

School welcomes jammers Tiffany Staples and Marie Gethin started working with a group of six volunteers from Australind Baptist Church early in 2011, honing their program and systems to run the music program that focuses on children from zero to four years. “Marie has been involved in a Toddler Jam group previously,” Mrs Staples said. “My experience as a teacher has helped prepare me personally for leading the sessions.” After just two weeks of running the session, the group has 33 families registered. “We’re running the program along the lines of the first Toddler Jam group started by Sandy and Eliot Vlatko at Inglewood ten years ago — music, movement, story, play and time for mums to chat and make friends,” Mrs Staples said. Australind Baptist Church has a strong relationship with the school. For more than three years the church has financially supported the school’s chaplain as the school missed out on

being included in the Federal Government’s funding program. The school also runs a Kids Hope program where adults tutor and mentor individual children for an hour each week. Headmaster Darrin Tinley praised the church’s commitment to working in the local community. “We’re absolutely happy with our relationship with Pastor Wayne Field and the church,” he said. “We’ve really benefited from the church’s involvement.” “We recognise that we need to get children aged zero to four into the idea of school and being comfortable on the school site, so Toddler Jam is great.” “We don’t charge the group to use our new music room, and not having a full-time music program we can be flexible and make it available each Monday.” “We’re so impressed with what they do in the community, we nominated them for the Regional Achievement and Community Support award in Western Australia last year.”

Photo: Ross LeCras

Australind Primary School’s music room is the venue for a new Toddler Jam group in Western Australia.

Mums and children have fun with a giant parachute at the Australind Toddler Jam.

“We’re extremely thankful for the school’s generosity and support,” Mrs Staples said. “To us, Toddler Jam is all about relationship. We encourage the parents to build a positive relationship with their children by joining in and interacting with

them in the music and dance session.” Currently the group uses recorded music for the music section of the program. “I’ve started learning guitar, but it could be a while before I’m ready to play for Toddler Jam,”

Mrs Staples said. The church and individuals provided funds to help the group buy essential equipment to start the program.

New GIA teacher for Indonesia School teacher Ayla (23) from Eaton Baptist Church was recently accepted by Global Interaction Australia (GIA) for their Gi6Pro team to support an Australian family working in Indonesia.

Ayla will be an integral member of the GIA cross-cultural team. Her role teaching the team children enables other team members to be out in the community. “I’ve been teaching for three years and I’m currently teaching Year 4 at Kingston Primary School, near Australind,” Ayla said. “I love it!” Ayla became a follower of Jesus in 2008, and started attending Eaton Baptist Church

where she heard about Gi6Pro. Gi6Pro is a short-term learning opportunity where people can explore God’s work and their call while living cross-culturally. “I’ll be going for around 18 months with the possibility of extending to two years,” she said. “It’s a reflective process that allows you to consider if you are spiritually ready for something like this.” She may be involved in local

schools and contributing to the local community as well as teaching the family’s children. “I expect to leave Australia next July. I haven’t been given a financial goal for support yet, but my team of prayer warriors is developing beautifully. So many people have been willing to come on board and be part of my prayer team.” Gi6Pro team members need to raise enough financial support

for the duration of their time overseas. “I’ve been a bit of a control freak, but this journey is teaching me you can attempt to control your life but still be totally out of control,” she said. “I’m finding that relinquishing control to God and being obedient towards Him is an empowering, rather than disempowering experience.”

Baptists have a long tradition of advocacy for gambling reform and welcome the ANU survey results.

his governorship on the life of a bishop — ‘a bishop travels, a bishop stands alongside his people and searches for common ground’.”

outgrown our present meeting place at the Inglewood Civic Centre and we need more space to grow, to meet community needs,” Pastor Mark Edwards said. Details of the land for sale can be viewed at

Mabvuku in Harare in the wake of a High Court judgement that Dr Kunonga had interim custody of church properties.

briefs Poker machine reforms The Australian National University’s (ANU) recently released report, Public Opinion on Gambling, provides a snapshot of Australian attitudes to gambling and government regulation. It states that 74 percent of respondents believe that people should limit themselves to spending a nominated amount before they start gambling. Around 600,000 Australians play poker machines at least weekly, and of these 95,000 are problem gamblers who lose on average up to $21,000 a year. Rev. Dr John Beasy, President of Australian Baptist Ministries, said Australian

NZ archbishop dies Sir Paul Reeves, an Anglican archbishop and primate who became New Zealand’s first Maori Governor-General, died on 14 August. His body was taken to Holy Sepulchre Church in Auckland, where members of his tribe, Te Atiawa, welcomed the hearse with a waita, or song. Thousands of people paid their respects during the tangi, or Maori lying-in-state mourning ritual before the state funeral on 18 August. Prime Minister John Key said, “Reeves modelled

Church site for sale The site of the old Bedford Baptist Church at the corner of Park and Rosebery streets in Bedford has now been cleared and prepared for sale. Following a long development and council approval process, the sub-divided blocks are now on the market. Income from the sale of the land will go towards Inglewood Community Church’s vision of building a new community performing arts theatre. “Our church has

Zimbabwean Anglican evicted An Anglican priest in Zimbabwe and his family have been evicted from their home by priests loyal to excommunicated bishop Dr Nolbert Kunonga. Others across the diocese have also been ordered to leave. The Reverend Dzikamai Mudenda at Mabvuku, his wife and their extended family, were forced to leave St James

Stamps needed Global Interaction Australia (GIA) is asking for stamps to help fund the group’s work. Any mint or used stamps can make a considerable contribution to GIA’s funding. It is important to leave some paper around the edges of used stamps, or just send the whole envelope. Donations of any quantity of stamps can be left at Baptist Churches Western Australia or mailed to Global Interaction Australia, PO Box 57, Burswood WA 6100.




Wheelchairs for Vanuatu kids At the time of her birth, Dorian’s baby was very underweight, needing to be fed with an eye dropper. Her daughter survived. The problem was that the culture of the time saw it as appropriate to keep children with disabilities at home, hidden from others, with no schooling and no services. Dorian refused to accept this and began doing exercises with her daughter, using mother’s intuition and common sense. Dorian’s daughter is now in high school and is an inspiration to others with disabilities. This story was also the inspiration for a group of Perth Christians to travel to Vanuatu and lend a helping hand. “When my colleague, Janet Richmond, told me that moving story, we both knew that we were being called to visit and lend our support,” Perthbased occupational therapist and member of Inglewood Community Church, Lois Moir explained. “As occupational therapists we have both had extensive experience working with children with disabilities, and fitting wheelchairs.” Dorian continues to provide support to about 80 children with disabilities, without any government funding, and with minimal training, resources or support. Lois and her team from

Joint Therapy Outreach visited Vanuatu in 2010 and again recently to deliver ten children’s wheelchairs and as well as therapy and medical equipment. “This time our two week mission was to help train parents, workers and other local volunteers to provide handson therapy to the children who come to our clinic and to fit the wheelchairs.” The wheelchairs, donated by Perth-based charity Wheelchairs for Kids, were specially designed for rough terrain. “The wheelchairs are modular and have many options for adjustment to fit the child’s size and specific postural needs,” Lois said. Lois said it is still early days for the charity she has helped to establish. “Health services in Vanuatu are minimal and therapy services virtually non-existent with most people with disabilities not receiving any ongoing services or equipment.” “Conditions that are seen to easily in our country are not treated in Vanuatu due to lack of funding and poor health care,” she said. “We plan to visit Vanuatu yearly. With a growing group of professionals we plan to expand and develop people with disabilities and health challenges in impoverished circumstances.”

National Day of Prayer and Fasting Christians from all around Australia are hoping they will soon see the results of the recent National Day of Prayer and Fasting for our country and its people. Nearly 800 Christians from all around Australia converged on Parliament House in Canberra to fast and pray for marriage, family and the nation on 24 July. The massive interdenominational congregation took part in the day with the hope of letting politicians and Australians know that the push to destroy marriage by redefining it is unacceptable.

Prayers were said for national leaders and parliamentarians, including 211 media leaders. National Day of Prayer and Fasting organiser, Pastor Matt Prater said many participants felt they were involved in something historic. “One person told me they thought the day would go down in history as a time when the Church came together in unity and made a stand, repented and cried out for Godly decisions to be made in the political and media arenas in this country,” he said. “I encourage those who are praying for the nation to keep on praying because I believe we are going to see the answers to our prayers in the headlines of the newspapers.”

Photo: Jessica Olsen

In the village of Luganville, on the island of Espiritu Santo in Vanuatu, Dorian, the mother of a daughter with a disability fought for almost 15 years for children with disabilities to become accepted publicly in the local community.

Occupational therapist, Lois Moir (centre) assesses a child for a wheelchair.



Photo: ©Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved


The dork and the kill-joy: Christian stereotypes in pop-culture Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, the fourth movie in the series, was released at the end of May. Though some might argue that the franchise is growing tired, this film features a fun new addition — a missionary character. Philip Swift (played by newcomer Sam Clafin) is a zealous clergyman captured by pirates, he is determinedly Christian, and he is also, don’t fall over, likeable.

The dork By Kate Wilcox This character is a strangely noble addition to the loveable, but dastardly cast of the Pirates franchise. He repeatedly espouses the love of God for the pirates who have imprisoned him, and prays for their redemption and well-being, he extends compassion and eventually romantic love to a murderous mermaid and (this is a significant cue from Hollywood that we are meant to like him) he is very goodlooking. What is particularly striking about this character’s likeability is that here is a positive, Christian character in a canon replete with mockable Christians. Broadly speaking, it seems that Christian characters, in literature, films and television mostly fall into one of two categories — the dork, or the far more dangerous, joy-crusher.

The Christian dork is a common filmic trope. They dress in socks, sandals and inappropriately high pants and carry giant Bibles under weedy, pale arms. They are disconnected with reality, and certainly with contemporary culture, and live in the land of well-meaning dagginess. These characters, the chief of whom must be Ned Flanders, are responsible for some very funny moments in literature. Think of Kenneth from 30 Rock, or the comic delight of Rowan Atkinson’s bumbling minister in Four Weddings and a Funeral, who lisps his way through the wedding service, only to bless the couple in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy goat. And surely one of the high points of watching any new adaptation of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is seeing what depths of the ridiculous can be plumbed by the actor playing the horrendously inappropriate Mr Collins. Christian dorks are often

very funny characters, and it is healthy for Christians to be able to laugh at themselves, as they are continually forced in film to do.

The kill joy Far more insidious is the other classic Christian character — the kill-joy. This character, like the priest in Joanne Harris’ novel Chocolat, or the pastor in the 2004 film As It Is In Heaven, typically wields their spiritual power over a community to ensure people continue living alienated, unhappy lives. Rather than being bringers of life to a community, theirs is an ascetic existence, and they position themselves and God as being in direct opposition to music, art, poetry, sex, feasting, creativity, honest relationships, and reconciliation. Most Christians see such things as physical markers of the goodness and generosity of God, which are to be gratefully enjoyed, rather than mistrustfully denied. They therefore rightly object

to such portrayals of meanspirited Christians, though examples of these characters in popular culture unfortunately abound. Think of the twisted minister, Michael Mompellion, from Geraldine Brooks’ Year of Wonders, Geoffrey Rush’s comical but abhorrently racist priest from Bran Nue Dae, the sycophantic Archbishop of Canterbury from The King’s Speech, and any religious character from The Da Vinci Code. From where do people get these stereotypes? There is the very real possibility that for some people, their only experience of Christianity has come through Christians who resemble these tropes. There are dorky Christians, who seem unwilling, even afraid, to engage with contemporary culture. It is a true, and to me a beautiful facet of Christianity, that it welcomes, even attracts, the uncool. However, and this is far more serious, there are those

whose experience of Christians has given them a bleak picture of the faith. For them the characterisation of Christianity as a deeply harmful, repressive force might not seem very farfetched. This is a sad situation both for the church, and for those people whose main impression of it has come through such extremes. Hopefully, however, the stereotypes of Christians seen in our literature are, as with all stereotypes, mainly simplifications of what is actually a diverse community of people; and anytime we encounter a stereotype of a particular group we should be very wary before believing or recycling it. There are Christians in the world that are intelligent and unintelligent, dorky and cool, edgy, conservative, blue collar, white collar, no collar. Many Christians are virtuous, kind and selfless, while others, to be honest, are far from where they would like to be as a person. All, if they take




Photo: Baptistcare

Aged care inquiry

Baptistcare, a significant provider of service to older Australians in Western Australia, welcomed the release on 8 August of the Productivity Commission’s inquiry report into ‘Caring for Older Australians’, by Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Minster for Ageing Mark Butler.

their faith seriously, are being drawn towards a better version of themselves. Perhaps this is the real joy of seeing the attractive Philip Swift swashbuckle his way into Pirates of the Caribbean. It’s not that such a positive character will suddenly convince everyone that all Christians are worth knowing. It’s just one film, and, let’s be honest, not a terrific or particularly nuanced film at that. But as Swift joins the ranks of the precious few positive Christian characters in pop-culture, he might just make some room in the imagination of our society between the dag and the kill-joy for another type of Christian.

Used with kind permission from the Centre for Public Christianity. The author, Kate Wilcox, is studying Arts/ Media Communications at Sydney University and is an intern at the Centre for Public Christianity.

“This is a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity for the Federal Government and the community to come together to improve services for older Australians,” Baptistcare CEO Dr Lucy Morris said. “We are looking forward to being part of the conversation that the Government has opened up for the next couple of months to help shape the future of aged care in Australia. Our ongoing concern is to make sure that vulnerable Australians are able to access services in the future and that there will be services available for them.” Baptistcare has a total of 883 residential aged care beds in 13 facilities around WA. Twenty of the top 25 service agencies in Australia are faith-based organisations. These include Anglicare, Bethanie Group, Mercy Care, Salvation Army, Baptist Care and UnitingCare. Vast numbers of volunteers, many with connections to their local church, give thousands of hours of unpaid work to their agency allowing them to provide support services the agencies could otherwise not afford. As Australia’s population

ages and the number of older people needing services rapidly increases, the pool of volunteers will shrink substantially thus challenging how some service agencies work. Care professionals and academics responded quickly to the report. “The report highlights the inadequacies of the current aged care system for older Australians and the need for the Government to make significant changes to the system as it stand. Our hope is that the Government will take this opportunity to make a real difference for seniors who have to look at aged care options and the impact this has on their families,” Dr Morris said. “We rank fifth in terms of numbers of places offered,” Dr Morris said. “In June 2011 we employed a total of 1,357 people; 71 percent in residential aged care.” Baptistcare provides Community Aged Care Packages (CACPs), Veterans Home Care (VHC), EACH/D (Extended Aged Care in the Home and for people with Dementia) in their wide range of community services. They also have retirement villages.

UnitingCare’s National Director, Lin Hatfield Dodds said the report signals that the Federal Government is stepping up to the social challenges of our time. Rhonda Nay, Professor of Interdisciplinary Aged Care at La Trobe University said “They appear to have given most of the emphasis to funding. It is disappointing though because it would’ve been good to see more visionary work around workforce and care issues. The biggest issue facing us is dementia and that hardly gets a mention. The whole issue of dementia has been badly neglected, which is really strange given that it’s the major challenge facing not only the aged care sector, but the health care sector also.” Marian Baird, Professor of Employment Relations at University of Sydney commented on workforce issues. “Given the pressing demographic and labour force issues that they highlight, more exploration of informal care would have been welcome. Exploratory research indicated that the need to provide care for an older person, usually parents, is a pressing issue for many mature age workers, particularly women.” Professor Baird said, “Caring remotely, where parents live at a distance, and inflexible workplaces are issues where more guidance, support and encouragement for employers to implement appropriate policies are needed.” Other issues raised in the report include the shortage of

This is a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity for the Federal Government and the community to come together to improve services for older Australians.

general practitioners caring for people either in residential care or still living in their own homes. The report suggests increased Medicare rebates to general practitioners who visit older Australians. Michael Taylor, Research Fellow, Australian Institute for Primary Care and Ageing at La Trobe University, suggests further compensation may be needed for general practitioners working in regional areas considering the distance and time involved.

10 in conversation SEPTEMBER 2011

Sally Lloyd-Jones is a gifted writer of children’s books — picture books, funny books and story books including the profoundly captivating and influential The Jesus Storybook Bible. How did you start writing? I’ve always loved writing, and have written as long as I can remember. At first it was funny comic strips for my school friends; then dreadful moaning poems as a teenager in my journals. I also wrote one act plays and comedy sketches. Finally I stumbled into children’s books. Why children’s books? I didn’t set out to become a writer for children. It kind of found me. My first job was at Oxford University Press in school text books. Down the corridor from me was the children’s book department and great guffaws of laughter were always wafting down to me from there. I knew

I should be doing at all. It was about God and what He had done. And it changed everything. The story isn’t there to be an example for us to follow. If that were the point, Jesus would never needed to have come. We could have saved ourselves. I wanted children to know ‘the story’ — and to meet this wonderful hero in the pages of this book. Because rules don’t change you. But a story can. You’ve been part of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York for a long time. What influence has Dr Tim Keller, the Pastor, had on you as a Christian and as a writer? Dr Keller’s influence on me is profound. But grace would be the first word that comes to my mind.

Grace, grace and more grace then and there that’s where I wanted to be — in children’s books. But I never dreamed I would actually get to write them, so I really am living my dream, and I am grateful every day that I am doing what I love. In your popular The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every story whispers his name, Jesus is present in every story, including the 21 stories you tell from the Old Testament. Why did you do that? When I first saw that everything in the Old Testament, is pointing to a child — the One who is coming — it blew me away. Suddenly, here was a way to read the Bible without it leaving you condemned (I’ll never keep all the rules all the time) or in despair (how can I ever be as brave as Daniel? Or David?). As a child I thought the Bible was packed with rules you had to keep (or God wouldn’t love you) and heroes setting examples you had to follow (or God wouldn’t love you). I thought, in short, that the Bible was all about me and what I should (or shouldn’t) be doing. Until I read a story. It’s the story running like a golden stream underneath all the other stories in the Bible; the story of how God loves His children and comes to rescue them. Suddenly, I realised the Bible wasn’t about me and what

Grace, grace and more grace! And his teaching is always all about Jesus. He opened my eyes to seeing Jesus in all the scriptures. And that’s what melts your heart. And changes your life. For me, as a writer, Dr Keller gives a rallying cry to the imagination every time he preaches! And I find myself more equipped and fired up to write. He has also helped me to understand that I honour God most when I use the gifts he has given me and freed me to pursue excellence in my writing and to see my writing as my ministry — my way to serve and bless others. God has put me in my job to serve Him here. And my job just happens to be to tell the best story I can. Whatever story that may be. How did the process of writing this book have an impact on your spiritual journey? It was like having a personal mini revival at my desk every day and at the same time, a personal all out battle at my desk every day. This was not an easy book for me to write or produce (as any of my faithful praying friends and family will attest), and yet those things that demand the most of you, cost you the most, push you the furthest, often end up being your most precious treasure of all. I am so grateful that the Lord didn’t let me quit the many times I wanted to, and that he protected

the book and brought it out the way He wanted it. How are people responding to The Jesus Storybook Bible? All kinds of people are reading the book — not only children, but pastors, parents, couples and theologians are reading it for their devotions together. It’s even a set text at a college. I heard of it being used as the text for a weekly Bible Study for Japanese business men; and with prostitutes in China. I think it’s because in one sitting you can read the plotline of the Bible. What is the main thing you want readers to take away from the book? Just this. To know that God loves them. With a never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love. I love the story of Karl Barthe — he was asked at the end of his life to sum up his theology and learning in his long career. Without even pausing he said, “Jesus loves me, this I know for the Bible tells me so.” You spoke about storytelling in at the inaugural Growing Faith Conference in Sydney at the end of August. How do parents learn to discern how each story in the Bible whispers Jesus’ name? First I’d recommend a close study of scripture to ensure you

get the theology right. I have been fortunate enough to have benefited from many great teachers — among them John Stott, Brennan Manning, Dr David Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Amy Carchmichael, Corrie Ten Boom, Tim Keller. There’s always a point in every sermon Tim preaches, where everything looks to Jesus. It’s the turning point of the sermon. It’s the point where grace comes in. As I approached writing this book, for each story I identified what particular character trait or truth of Jesus I wanted to draw out from that story (always very hard because there is always more

than just one). I thought about each story as building a portrait of Jesus, and told the story with that trait central in my mind so that the entire story turns on it. Hans Hoffman said, “the ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” I keep that quote forefront on my desk. Will we see a sequel to this great volume? Not right now ... but never say never. Having said that, I can tell you that Jago and I are working on another very exciting project together, which we are just as excited about. So stay tuned.

The Jesus Storybook Bible Competition The Advocate, is giving you an opportunity to win a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible. To be in the draw, simply answer the following question:

Question: What is the name of the conference that Sally Lloyd-Jones spoke at recently in Sydney? Answer: Name: Phone number: Please complete this form with your details and post it to: The Jesus Storybook Bible Competition 11 East Parade East Perth WA 6004

news 11 SEPTEMBER 2011

John Stott remembered

Stott’s remarkable ministry spanned the second half of the 20th century, and made a significant impact on the 21st century. Stott was well-known as a man of intelligence and humble integrity. In his time at All Souls Church, and in the various causes he was involved with, he contributed a renewed confidence, graciousness and intellectual strength in evangelicalism. With Billy Graham, Stott was a significant leader of the Lausanne Movement, which promoted worldwide Christian evangelism. He largely crafted its first two major documents, The Lausanne Covenant (1974) and the Manila Manifesto (1989). As well as emphasising the need for personal conversion, the authority of scripture and the centrality of Jesus’ death for sinners, Stott also emphasised the need for the distinctly Christian mind and stood against anti-intellectualism. People around the world point to Basic Christianity, one of Stott’s most significant books, as a catalyst God used to engage their minds early in their personal journey of faith in Jesus. Stott wrote 50 books. His last work, The Radical Disciple, was published in 2010. Sydney Anglican Archbishop Peter Jensen described The Cross of

Photo: Kieran Dodds

John R W Stott CBE, the former Rector of All Souls Church, London, and one of the most significant Christian leaders of the 20th century, died 27 July, aged 90.

John Stott was one of the most significant Christian leaders of the 20th century.

Christ as a volume which, “brings together the capacity to inspire a devotion of mind and heart to the Lord Jesus”. He led the renaissance of biblical expository preaching, a method of preaching that follows the sequence of the text as it is given in a particular book of the

Bible, throughout the evangelical world. For more than five decades, Stott travelled widely around the world, visiting Christian workers, teaching and training. He founded the Langham Partnership, a group that seeks to equip preachers, as well as developing literature and

training scholars. He was also a talented photographer and a respected ornithologist. All Souls Church was packed for his funeral on 8 August. The tone of the service was joyous even though many people expressed sadness at losing a much loved teacher and friend.

Norwegian churches support victims On 22 July, 77 people died and more than 150 were wounded when Anders Behring Breivik placed a car bomb outside the office of Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, in Oslo. Less than two hours later, he gunned down attendees at a youth summer camp on the island of Utøya less than 40 kilometres away. In the days since the attacks, Norwegian pastors and church workers have joined in caring for the survivors and the victims’ families, with churches opened for people seeking comfort and community. Operation Mobilization’s (OM) Norway Field Leader, Willy Andre Meberg said, “Fear, anger, disbelief and shock are the emotions we see. The disaster has united our nation and set souls on fire. Forty thousand were expected to join a parade in memory of the victims, but close to 200,000 came.” On 24 July, Oslo Cathedral changed its regular Sunday service into a televised ‘mass of grief and hope’. “We will not let fear paralyse us,” Church of Norway Presiding Bishop Helga Haugland Byfuglien said in her sermon. “In the midst of the gruesome, something beautiful is emerging: the God-given ability of every human being to show goodness and charity. This makes us see glimpses of God.”

Medivac saves life in Papua New Guinea

Doctors attend to the injured man in Suabi, Papua New Guinea.

Photo: MAF

An emergency medical evacuation flight (medivac) in Papua New Guinea recently saved the life of a New Zealand man almost killed while trying to protect his girlfriend from a sexual assault. Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) pilot Nick Swalm was at Rumginae, when the emergency call came. “I readied the aircraft as Dr Daniel Priest and Dr Sharon Brandon from Rumginae Hospital boarded with their medical equipment,” Mr Swalm said. The New Zealander was visiting the remote village of Suabi, about 100 kilometres east

of Rumginae, and was attacked as he tried to protect his girlfriend, a French anthropologist, from a sexual assault. “Arriving at Suabi we found the young man had been speared in both lungs and stomach, and beaten on the head with a rock,” Mr Swalm said. “By God’s grace, there were doctors, surgeons, a pilot and a capable aircraft in the right place to save this young man’s life that day.” MAF performed 495 medivac flights in Papua New Guinea during 2010.

12 leadership SEPTEMBER 2011

Defining moments

By John Maxwell When did you first realise that you were a leader? For me it happened as a fifth grade student in Mr Horton’s classroom. We were studying the legal system, and we planned to assemble a mock courtroom with attorneys, a jury and a judge. When it came time to elect the judge, Mr Horton passed out ballots, and we wrote down the name of the student who we thought ought to be the judge. I voted for Bill Phillips. He lived down the street from me, and we played ball together. Truthfully, I thought he’d be chosen as the judge. Yet, when we tallied up the votes of the twenty-seven kids in the class, twenty-six had voted for me, and my ballot was the only one for Bill. For the first time in my life, as a fifth-grader, I realised, “Oh, my goodness! I’m a leader.” My experience in elementary school taught me that others looked to me for leadership. Yet while memorable, it wasn’t defining. A ‘defining moment’ is a challenge or crisis that demonstrates the leadership capacity that lies inside a person. My first defining moment, the first time I tested and proved my leadership, came when I entered my second pastorate. The congregation had a ‘boss’ who basically ran the church. My predecessor had left the church because of his relationship with the ‘boss’, and it was rumoured that the ‘boss’ had run off two other previous pastors as well. My first day on the job, as a 25

year old kid, I called the ‘boss’ into my office. I had an open, honest, courageous discussion with him. I shared how others viewed him as being negative and unlikeable, but I expressed my desire to work with him. Thankfully, I was fortunate enough to win him over, and he became a friend. My conversation with the ‘boss’ was a defining moment for me; it marked the first time I had ever done anything courageous as a leader. Up until then, I was more intent on making people happy than leading people; I never had stood up against anything. Afterward, I can remember feeling deepdown satisfaction, not only because the meeting went well, but because I truly had been a leader. I voluntarily had taken on a difficult assignment and succeeded. The experience was life-changing for me. It gave me tremendous confidence to make other courageous decisions as I continued on my leadership journey.

doing anything — a good reason and the real reason.” Defining moments have a way of cutting through superficialities and pressing out the real reason. They do work on the inside of leaders, helping them to identify the driving force behind their influence. In my early leadership years, I would look at the people I was leading, and ask myself, “How can they help me? How can I make use of their skills to advance my vision?” Over time, defining moments brought my me-centered leadership approach to light, and I was able to refine my motives. I learned to look for the needs of those under my leadership and to ask, “How can I help them?”

Defining moments reveal the hidden potential inside a person. Defining moments don’t make the man or woman; they simply reveal what is already inside. They either confirm a leader’s competence or expose him or her as a fraud. They bring self-awareness to a leader, and they give followers the opportunity to see their leader’s true colors.

Defining moments accelerate our growth and maturity. The pressure and stress of defining moments facilitate growth that would never happen under normal circumstances. I remember Dr John Bird Cage warning me over lunch about my weight problems. Instead of listening to his concern, I argued with him throughout the meal and insisted that I was a healthy person. Later on I suffered a heart attack. The medical emergency had a wonderful way of convincing me that my physical health was an issue. The defining moment prompted me to make long overdue changes to my physical fitness that I otherwise would not have considered.

Defining moments purify motives. J R Morgan said it best: “A man always has two reasons for

Used with kind permission from The John Maxwell Company,

Raggle taggle team By Monica O’Neil We are a motley crew. A strange and marvellous mix of personalities, talent, skill and foibles. Like most teams. There is much talk about what makes a great team. Meredith Belbin did some rather enduring work on roles people play in teams. His work has stood the test of nearly 40 years of usefulness. Belbin suggests that in a team there are those who originate ideas, those who logically monitor, those who keep it friendly, those who shape and drive, those who delegate, those who network, always knowing someone or having access to what is needed, those who practically plan out the way forward, those who finish in detail what they start (and even what others start), and specialists with expert knowledge. You can

check out his work by searching Belbin’s Team Roles. Belbin stumbled across the ancient truth [1 Corinthians 12] that too many of one kind and not enough of another is a recipe for an ineffective, or even dysfunctional, team. Too many drivers or shapers and there are fights. No originators and the group has trouble getting off the ground. And he also recognised that with each role’s strength, there was a corresponding problem. He calls them ‘allowable weaknesses’. Why allowable? Because the strength is valuable, and it simply has an attached deficit. They go together. The coin of strength has a reverse side of weakness. I find it a great comfort in my foible moments (and so do others in our team) to realise that we have additions with attached deficits. Your deficit is my place to bring strength and my weakness makes room for your contribution. I love this.

Our team, as well as yours, is made up of raggle taggle, motley people. We aren’t alone. The One we follow chose twelve rather varied people to form His team. They had strengths and weaknesses. They had fights and they stood together. They argued and they pointed fingers. And yet He never felt the need to expel them. He certainly didn’t try to make them all the same as each other (He did however call them to be like Him). It is so easy to be annoyed by the deficits and lose sight of another’s strength in our teams. You and I were never created to be everything anyone would ever need. We are made to interlock, to live together in a marvellous dance of difference. Reliant on one another and humbled by the strengths of others (and ourselves) and the weaknesses of ourselves (and others). We add value and we have deficits. We need each other. God designed it that way.

Leaders + Pastors Want to grow your skills and capacity? Vose Leadership is here to help you be and achieve the very best this year. Acclaimed programs in: • Leadership Development • Team Building • Personal Growth • Pastoral Skills Vist or call us for a prospectus. T: 6313 6200 F: 6313 6299 E:

come, grow

the facts 13 SEPTEMBER 2011

contribute news

events calendar September

30 Sept to 2 Oct

Sportsfest, BCWA, 6313 6300

2 September

30 Sept to 2 Oct

Perth4Jesus Rally, 6363 5533

An Evening with author Philip Yancey, Christ Church Grammar School, 9442 1555

7 September

Information Night, Trinity Theological College, 9228 9067

8 to 10 September

Pursuit Conference, Churchlands Christian Fellowship, 6241 2700

9 September

Family and Domestic Violence training, Vose Leadership, 6313 6200

10 September

Be the Man, Perth Men’s Convention,

15 to 16 September

Leadership Intensive training, Vose Leadership, 6313 6200

16 September

Fresh Leadership, BCWA, 6313 6300

17 September

Fresh Women’s Conference, BCWA Women’s Ministry, 6313 6300

17 September

50th Anniversary, Maida Vale Baptist Church, 9454 4626

23 September

Do you have news that you would like to share with the rest of the West Australian church family? Email your name, phone number and brief description to by the 5th of each month.

October 14 to 16 October

Just Prayer,

14 to 16 October

Keswick Spring Convention, Wattle Grove, 6103 8226

16 to 22 October

Anti Poverty Week, 1300 797 290

10 October

Vose Seminary Open Night, Vose Seminary, 6313 6200

21 and 22 October

Commonwealth Christian Assembly ‘Shine’, Mt Pleasant Baptist Church, 9329 1777

21 and 22 October

Keswick Women’s Convention, Wattle Grove, 6103 8226

21 October

Funerals Professional Development, Vose Leadership, 6313 6200

23 October

Churchtogether 2011, 9416 000

26 to 28 October

Diploma of Management Intensive 4, Vose Leadership, 6313 6200Christ Church Grammar School, 9442 1555

Family and Domestic Violence training, Vose Leadership, 6313 6200

We would like to know about: • Baptisms • Birth • Deaths • Events • Marriages • News about your church • Pastoral changes • Your views (letters to the editor)

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Rebekah D’Sylva


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14 kids only SEPTEMBER 2011

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Lauryn Britton Age 10

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Entries close: 19 September 2011

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intermission 15 SEPTEMBER 2011



Saving Grace If you are into climbing, whether that is indoors on a climbing wall, bouldering, rock climbing or mountaineering, Climbing for Christ offers a unique place for climbers to gather. With nearly 1,500 members across 54 countries they are truly the international Christian mountain climbing ministry committed to getting people to high places. The Climbing For Christ mission is to take the gospel to those visiting or living in mountainous areas of the world where other missionaries cannot or will not go. Each year they organise a number of evangelistic expeditions, which in 2011 included Nepal, Haiti, Kilimanjaro, Peru and the Philippines.


Ida Maree When we talk about female ballad singers, we often equate the term with the divas from the 90s – Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and Shania Twain. But when we use the term today, we’re talking about singers who enjoy melody and can interpret a song without resorting to random shrieking throughout their range. Australian singer, Ida Maree expresses her art and faith through this collection of silky ballads and worship songs cowritten with Phil Turcio.

You Are My Destination Bel Morrison Produced by Caleb James, this ten track release highlights the unique ministry and musical style that Bel Morrison has been gifted with. Showcasing Australian’s unforgettable voice, this is an album filled with songs that are powerful, yet gentle; convicting, yet loving. The centrepiece of the project is ‘Joseph’s Song’, the story of the Old Testament character who was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery. The song encourages those let down by friends and family

Freedom Melbourne Gospel Choir You can’t say we weren’t warned! Rumors have been circulating about their new direction for months. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, we can sit back and say ... whew! I never thought I would hear such confidence coming from an Australian gospel ensemble. This has a modern R&B groove and vocal delivery, plus stunning production on a level with Israel Houghton and Kirk Franklin. The choir contains some of Melbourne’s leading worship leaders.

Kindly supplied by Wanno from Woodlands Media Website:

Your Own Jesus Mark Hall Casting Crowns’ lead singer Mark Hall asks: “Do you have your own Jesus? Do you feel close to God one minute and far away the next? Does your faith seem empty? And, why is it so easy to compromise with the world?” Perhaps we have merely inherited someone else’s Jesus, relying on what we’ve seen and heard from others. Mark, a true storyteller and a teacher, with a heart for ministry, traces the downhill spiral caused by spiritual compromise with the world. He then charts the upward road to wholeness and well-being that comes when we claim our very own Jesus. Readers will recognise the need to discover their own Jesus. The real Jesus. The one who is willing and waiting to have an honest, committed and uncompromising relationship with you. Readers are encouraged to move past imitating a religion and to experience a relationship that is vibrant, personal and fulfilling. The Advocate, in conjunction with Word Bookstore is giving you an opportunity to win a copy of Your Own Jesus. To be in the draw, simply answer the following question:

Question: What is the name of the band in which Mark Hall is the lead singer? Entries close 19 September and all winners will be announced in the October edition of The Advocate.. Generous Justice Competition winners: J Kong See Lee, F Hearn, J Campbell

competition Answer: Name:



Father Fiction

Book Guerrilla Lovers

Erwin Raphael McManus Author Erwin McManus was not raised in a Christian home, however, when he came to Christ in college, he soon understood that prayer was a conversation, it involved talking to God and most importantly; waiting for answers. McManus poetically weaves scriptures in with life experiences, encouraging us to continue and be bold and strong. Unleashed by Erwin McManus is a powerfully equipping read, exposing the walk of faith to be one of risk, prayer and adventure.

Donald Miller Donald Miller shares with us a very honest and personal account of an epidemic that has swept through our society; a fatherless generation. Miller’s dad left when he was very young and from that point onwards, Donald always felt different. He experienced life growing up without a father to show him the ropes and offer him crucial wisdom. This is a touching memoir, filled with encouragement and strength for men and women who have experienced similar circumstances.

Vince Antonucci In a world of chaos, one person can make a difference. Be it fighting global warming, building schools or rebuilding cities, people are flocking to causes much bigger than themselves. Dissatisfaction with the status quo is the catalyst to creating change. So why aren’t God’s people spearheading this movement? Author and Pastor Vince Antonucci challenges readers to partake in changing the world, and shows how to do it by adopting a strategy used by Jesus to become a ‘guerrilla lover’.

Phone number: Please complete this form with your details and post it to: Your Own Jesus Competition 11 East Parade East Perth WA 6004

Reviews and competition kindly supplied by Word Bookstore. Website: Locations: Morley - 4 Wellington Road, phone 08 9375 3722 Victoria Park - 359 Albany Highway, phone 08 9361 7899

16 sport & youth SEPTEMBER 2011

Descent inspires compassion Young people from Toodyay Baptist Church sold soup and drinks to visitors who came to town for the international white water Avon Descent during the first weekend of August. goods and drinks being sold at the Food Festival in Toodyay’s Duidgee Park.” Eight church people cooked five varieties of soup and 12 young people worked from early Saturday morning until late in the day selling drinks and cups of soup. As well as providing quality food for hungry visitors the young people highlighted the plight of the hungry and sick children in the world with their Compassion banner and bright blue t-shirts.

Photo: Joy Prangnell

They raised more than $770 for Compassion’s work among families in poverty, exceeding the goal set at last year’s Sportsfest to raise $500 for charity during 2011. More than 630 national and international competitors challenged one another and themselves as they tackled the Avon River, swollen by good local rains. Thousands of tourists and support people followed the two day 132 kilometre Descent. Many stayed overnight on Saturday in Toodyay. “Our young people did so well,” church member Joy Street said. “There was a lot of competition with all sorts of

Harley Sorenson from Toodyay Baptist Church serves soup to a visitor during this year’s Avon Descent.

Velvet touch for education

Share Your Will Power Thinking about your Will? Call 1300 789 991 or visit bequests for a copy of Baptist World Aid Australia’s ‘Guide to Wills and Bequests’

relationship with Samuel Gan and his team through a mission trip to Indonesia in 2010,” James said. The church discovered a strong need for training and teaching of school teachers. Teachers at schools in the area they visited are required to find their own food in the remote villages as well as teach children with learning disabilities. “To do all this they need to be a cross between Mary Poppins and Bear Grylls!” James said.

Jeff Smith opened the gig at the Velvet Lounge to raise funds for rural education in Indonesia.

Photo: Nathan Hoyle

Eighty people filled the Velvet Lounge in Perth on 21 July for a musical feast by four talented Perth musicians and to raise funds for rural education in Indonesia.

Mosaic, a Baptist congregation pastored by James Bryant, organised the event, which raised $800 to support education in rural Kalimantan. The gig featured guitarist and songwriter, Jeff Smith; country and jazz songs from Owen Hopwood and friends; 90s cover and original songs from Ryan Lake and friends; and up and coming artist, Kathryn Rollins, who is releasing her debut ‘Extended Play’ on Eskimo Jo’s new label Dirt Diamonds. All the artists are part of Mosaic and donated their time and talent to help meet the church’s goal of cementing their relationship with Indonesians. “Mosaic developed a

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