The Advocate November 2011

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In conversation The Advocate celebrates its 10th anniversary. PAGE 12 >>


“Poverty is a fact of life for far too many Australians ...” BAPTISTCARE CEO, DR LUCY MORRIS

4 Campsite safe

Photo: Steinberg Tan

Baptist Churches Western Australia has renewed the lease for the Busselton Baptist Camping Centre >>

Tony Campolo speaking at the churchtogether event in Perth.

churchtogether 2011 Crowds flocked to G.O. Edwards Park in Burswood from mid-afternoon on 23 October ready for the churchtogether 2011 celebrations.

churchtogether is one of the largest Christian combined church events of its kind in Australasia, and in a powerful statement of unity, 7,000 people from 160 different churches filled the park. A stunningly beautiful Perth spring day enticed many to bring their picnic sets and eat in family and church groups before the celebration began. More than 500 volunteers served as ushers during the afternoon and evening. Local musicians, including Jonas and Lucinda, Rob Humphreys and Paul Morrison entertained the crowd with acoustic music during the hour before the program started. Mark Wilson, Director of Ministries for Baptist Churches Western Australia, welcomed the crowd and set the program themed ‘Love Thy Neighbour’ in motion. Dr Tony Campolo, President of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education, Pennsylvania, USA spoke to the crowd.

His topic ‘Bringing the Kingdom into your world’ related well to the entire crowd. An elder statesman of the Christian community, the renowned author told stories highlighting God’s wisdom and involvement with individuals to bring transformation and hope to broken lives. Phil Baker, former Senior Minister of Riverview Church,

took the idea of a city wide gathering of Christians to a group of influential church leaders almost 20 years ago. The first churchtogether was held in 1993. Senior Minister of Riverview Church, Haydn Nelson, invited Phil and his wife Heather on stage at this year’s churchtogether. The crowd cheered wildly to honour Phil who spoke briefly about his journey with churchtogether. He continues to recover from serious medical issues. Tim Hanna, CEO of Compassion Australia and Tim Costello, CEO of World Vision

Australia talked together about their work among the poor of the world. Although both men lead hugely influential teams that are making significant differences on the global scene, Tim Hanna said the thing that keeps him awake at night is children dying from preventable diseases. Tim Costello loses sleep because of slavery. Later in the program guest performers, Parachute Band, from New Zealand cranked out some brilliant music. A highlight for everyone was Henry Seeley joining Parachute Band on stage.

Bus fire at Sportsfest A leaking fuel line caused fire in the engine of a bus taking 40 young people home to Albany from SportsFest in Australind on Sunday, 2 October. Albany Baptist Church Youth Pastor, Craig Sullivan, said the

passengers evacuated smoothly from the bus while one of the men put out the fire. No one was hurt. Several passengers travelled home to Albany later in the day in private vehicles with other competitors due to work and school commitments on Monday morning. Some students were sitting exams on Monday. More than 30 competitors spent the night at Eaton Baptist

Church then travelled to Albany on Monday, arriving in town around 3:00 pm. “We’d really like to thank Geoff Black from Bunbury who drove us home in his hire bus and didn’t charge us,” Craig Sullivan said. “We only paid for the petrol.” “The whole team from Baptist Churches Western Australia were so helpful and the people at Eaton Baptist were great too.”

7 SportsFest 2011 SportsFest continues to be a highlight of many churches’ annual youth programs >>

11 Poverty for 1.5m Over 100,000 Australians are homeless each night and 25 percent of those are aged 12 to 18 >>

We value community because we are stronger when we work together. BAPTIST CHURCHES WESTERN AUSTRALIA

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