The Advocate July 2016

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In Conversation Student Alpha Presenter Jamie Haith talks about his experience with using Alpha to communicate the gospel. PAGE 12 >>

JULY 2016

“Be a courageous leader and trust God to handle the results and the relationships.” DAVE KRAFT PAGE 13 >>

3 Reaching the community 98five aims to expand its message of hope to listeners across WA >>

7 Donating sleep Photo: Marcus Passauer

Fusion Australia’s initiative raises awareness and funds for homeless >>

The new facility at Vose Seminary will enable its ministry to expand and has been dedicated to the work of past Principal Dr John Olley.

New opportunities open Fundraising has largely contributed to the recently completed new learning complex at Baptist Churches Western Australia’s Vose Seminary. At a cost of $1.3 million, $1.2 million was contributed as a result of fundraising. The new addition will be an enormous boost to the growing ministry of the seminary, consisting of three lecture rooms, a reception area, kitchen, toilets and outdoor entertainment area. The three lecture rooms can open out into one large auditorium, capable of hosting conferences of up to 200 people. With the completion of the new facility, the question arose amongst the Vose community as to whether it would simply be called ‘the new complex’ or if it should be named after someone.

After discussions with staff and stakeholders, it was decided that while many have served the seminary well, one name stood above all others, that of John Olley. In a widely applauded decision it was therefore agreed to name the complex the John Olley Centre. In 1978 Dr John Olley and his family arrived in Perth having finished a stint as missionaries with the Australian Baptist Missionary Society in Hong Kong. John took up the newly created position of lecturer in Old Testament and quickly

established himself as an outstanding scholar and teacher. “His deep passion for and insight into the Old Testament was obvious to all,” current Vose Principal Dr Brian Harris said. In 1991 Dr Noel Vose retired as Principal and John was appointed the new Principal serving in that capacity until his retirement at the end of 2003. He continued to assist the Seminary in his retirement by returning in a part-time capacity as Academic Dean from 2007 to 2008. His wife Elaine also served as an honorary chaplain to students during that period. There were many notable achievements during John’s time, one of which was shifting the accreditation of degrees from Murdoch University to the Australian College of Theology. This meant that Vose Seminary

became part of a consortium of 17 theological colleges, each of which was working to prepare servant leaders for the church. It allowed for a clearer pastoral focus in the training provided. An application had originally been made to be part of the Australian College of Theology in 1975, but was turned down because the library was deemed too small to meet the required standard – ironically Vose is now home to the finest theological collection in Western Australia according to Vose Librarian Bridget Barry. Dr Harris commented that he is delighted that the new complex will be named the John Olley Centre. “John has been an enormous help to me in my post and his service to the seminary has been exemplary. This is a well-deserved honour,” Dr Harris said.

8 WA’s ice epidemic Levels of ice use in WA are among the worst in the civilised world >>

Committed to being honest, transparent and above reproach. BAPTIST CHURCHES WESTERN AUSTRALIA


my view JULY 2016

Why I listen to Nova Recently I had the opportunity to hear from Professor Duffy Robbins, a wise sage who is a 35 year veteran of youth ministry. The masterclass a few friends and I took was on communicating to young people.

Mark Edwards Mark Edwards is the Pastor at Inglewood Community Church.

It was challenging and confirmed a practice I have. Duffy talked about the need to speak the language of the children and teenagers in your church. There is a radio station in Perth called Nova. I was introduced to this by my daughter who likes the music, which is not surprising considering she is a pre-teen. There are obvious problems with listening to Nova. In particular the lyrical content of a fair

percentage of the music they play. Of course they are seeking pleasure in every form it comes, and with no real sense of a moral compass. Duffy spoke about helping young people see how the choices they make affect the rest of their lives. If young people made the choices they are encouraged to make on Nova, we would all be in a world of pain. However, it’s not all bad, in fact some of it is good. For one thing we know that all people are

looking for God, but they have not yet discovered what to call Him. Vose Seminary Principal Brian Harris spoke about this recently. Brian shared that we need to discover where God is at work amongst people and speak into that. Contemporary music carries with it that sense of searching and longing. There are songs about family, about missing parents, dysfunctional relationships and the pain of regret and bad choices. In fact much of the human

experience we might find in the book of Ecclesiastes. The issue for me is language. Not the explicit language. But the language they are speaking. If I am to communicate effectively to even those teenagers within my own home, I need to speak their language. And the teenagers within my church speak this language, I don’t naturally. I mostly listen to Worship Music in my car, or podcasts. And that is good for my soul. But listening to Nova is good for my mission. I actually enjoy a lot of music on Nova now. That’s my confession …

Letting go of my space I’ve never had a pet up until now that wasn’t a fish or the crazy crab I owned as a child that I accidentally forgot about and had to have a backyard funeral for only a few short weeks into its life.

Jessica Magowan Jessica Magowan is the Worship Pastor at Inglewood Community Church.

My husband and I are about to add to our family and bring a 12 week old puppy home! You can imagine my excitement preparing to bring little Pippin home, getting his puppy bed sorted, and puppy proofing the house as much as possible. But at the same time, I’ve been preparing myself for a little ball of energy running around who needs me to feed, walk and train him. This little guy is going to be in my space, all the time.

You may have gathered that I don’t really know too much about dogs, but I hear they can be pretty crazy. This scares me a little bit if I’m being honest, because I like my space to be my space. And once Pippin arrives, my space isn’t going to be just my space anymore. Pippin’s going to need me to play with him and pay a lot of attention to him. I can’t help but think that maybe there is a lesson in all

this. Maybe I need to let go of my space a little bit and allow Pippin to bring a bit of mess and fun and chaos into my life. Maybe I won’t be as in control of the state of the house as I once was, but will that be such a bad thing? I think this is a bit like life with God. We hand the control over to God, allowing Him into our most sacred space, inviting Him in to work in our lives. Sometimes that feels a bit messy as He moves things around

and shapes us to be more like Him. But that isn’t a bad thing. In fact it’s a very good thing! Sometimes the best thing we can do is allow ourselves to rest in the ‘mess’ and trust that God knows what He is doing.

Writing straight with crooked lines … Perhaps you’ve heard the old proverb, “God writes straight with crooked lines”. It’s profound. Take the biblical account of Joseph ...

Dr Brian Harris Dr Brian Harris is the Principal of Vose Seminary and Pastor at Large for the Carey Group.

A decidedly up-himself adolescent Joseph informs his brothers of a dream in which they bow down to him. Unimpressed, they retaliate by having him sold as a slave and sent to Egypt. It is their rather dramatic way of saying “we really don’t like you”. As if that misfortune was not enough, Joseph is soon thrown into jail falsely accused of attempted rape. In reality, his owner Potiphar’s wife had tried to seduce him, and he declined

her advances. As a result Joseph is routinely portrayed as the perfect role model for all young men facing sexual temptation. He might be receiving undue praise. For all we know Potiphar’s wife might have been extremely unattractive and Joseph looking at her might well have thought, “you are so not a temptation.” Whatever … he turns and runs away, and is thrown into jail for his flight. In prison he turns into an interpreter of dreams. After

many years this proves to be his ‘get out of jail free’ card. Invited to interpret a vision of cows and corn for the Pharaoh, his explanation proves convincing and less than 24 hours later he is appointed Prime Minister of Egypt. Now we Australians know a lot about changing Prime Ministers, but even for us, that’s a rapid rate of change. But God is in it. Joseph steers Egypt through seven years of plenty to ensure there is enough food to go around in the

seven years of famine which followed. His actions saved not only the Egyptians, but also the surrounding nations. Many years later when Joseph encounters the brothers who sold him into slavery, he hushes their rush of apologies and explanations in words sometimes translated as “what you intended for evil, God has worked for good” [Genesis 50:20) – or put differently, “God writes straight with crooked lines.” Are you are trapped in a mess at present? Perhaps pray, “God please write straight with these crooked lines …”

letters to the editor send us your letters The Advocate welcomes your letters to the editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Send your letters of no more than 100 words to by the 10th of each month.



JULY 2016

98five Sonshine FM’s new broadcast vehicle was officially unveiled by Minister for Education Peter Collier in late May. In partnership with YouthCARE, 98five’s aim is to expand the reach of the family-friendly Christian station’s positive message of hope to listeners across Perth and Western Australia. The new vehicle was given the ‘green light’ at the Free Coffee Friday broadcast from Yuluma Primary School, Innaloo with Brekky show duo Kirste and Morro. Students and teachers indulged in free coffee and donuts provided by 98five’s ice cream van man Paul, and the Yuluma Primary School Drumming Squad’s 35 performers raised the volume with their performance. The new broadcast vehicle was officially launched by Minister for

Education Peter Collier who was also taken aback by the vibrant atmosphere at the school. “It’s extraordinary …it’s so infectious. There’s an enormous amount of activity, enthusiasm and vibrancy that permeates through Yuluma Primary School today, both from the parents and particularly the students,” Minister Collier said. 98five’s General Manager Bevan Jones said the new broadcast van will help spread the positive message of hope to those who need it most. “YouthCARE funding our mobile broadcast van allows us to visit more schools and community locations because it takes less people and time to set up and broadcast from any location in WA with internet access,” Bevan said. “It enables us to have a greater presence in our community. Thanks to YouthCARE and our amazing 98five team.” Eddystone Primary School has also benefited from the new van.

Photo: 98five Sonshine FM

New van reaches the community

Minister for Education Peter Collier in a live interview with 98five’s Kirste and Morro from the new van.

“Free Coffee Friday has brought our school community together. So many parents and students attended in the morning with many students being able to perform on air,” Eddystone Primary School Chaplain Sylvia Spatara said.

98five Sonshine FM broadcasts to more than 285,000 listeners weekly, via FM radio and digitally online and has received countless stories of lives being changed for the better by simply listening to their music, words

of wisdom and compassion, and practical teaching programs that are broadcast every day. To nominate a school to take part in Free Coffee Friday, visit

Archiving with Grace

Ann Harding

The Baptist Historical Society recently appointed Grace Merrells from Maida Vale Baptist Church as their new Archives Officer, following the retirement of long-serving Archivist Dr Richard Moore. Grace has a background as a teacher along with librarian and State Government administration experience. She is also the librarian and a member of the Church Council at Maida Vale Baptist Church.

Grace says she ‘enjoys problem-solving’, sorting, accessioning and preservation of records. Grace is already making progress and the Historical Society Committee have noted their appreciation of her skills and enthusiasm. The archives are located in the Vose Seminary library and are networked to the Baptist Churches Western Australia office. Churches are encouraged to send information or leaflets about special events and the Historical Society will store old church records for safety and future research use. For more information, email

More than care At Baptistcare, we understand no two people are the same. Compassionate, person-centred care is at the heart of everything we do. Whether you are looking for residential aged care accommodation, services to support you in your own home, or assistance with staying active and connected to your community: we can help.

Aged Care Specialised care at 14 residential aged care facilities; flexible home services assisting people in their own home.

Retirement Living Choose from nine lifestyle villages in Perth, Albany, Busselton and Margaret River for over 60s.

Community Services Personalised support for people with a disability or a mental illness to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Photo: Mrs Ann Harding

1300 660 640 Baptistcare is one of WA’s largest not-for-profit aged care and community services providers, supporting communities in metro and regional areas for more than 40 years. Grace Merrells looks forward to the challenges ahead in her new role.


news JULY 2016

Fighting for fair fashion Consumers around the world are increasingly demanding that the clothes they wear, and the products they buy, are produced ethically, according to Baptist World Aid Australia. The Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh in 2013, catapulted the issue of worker safety into the global spotlight. Since then there has been a growing awareness of the presence of slavery and child labour in the fashion industry, coupled with knowledge of the horrible working conditions, has led to a change in what consumers expect from companies. The Australian Fashion Report was first released by Baptist World Aid Australia in 2013. April this year marked the release of the report’s third edition. In the time which Baptist World Aid has been publishing the report, the Australian fashion industry has undergone phenomenal change. Just this year, in the lead up to the launch of The 2016 Australian Fashion Report, Big W, Specialty Fashion Group (which includes Millers, Rivers, Crossroads and Katies) and Pacific Brands all publically revealed the locations of their factories. It was a huge step towards transparency that demonstrated a willingness to be held to account. These companies are following in the steps of other Australian brands, Coles, Kmart, Target and Forever New, which made their own supplier lists public in recent years. In 2013, less than half of companies researched in The Australian Fashion Report were making an effort to look deeper

into their supply chain (at their fabric mills and cotton farms) where the worst worker rights abuses occur. This year, the report documented that 78 percent of companies were engaging in supplier traceability efforts to help mitigate the risks of slavery and child labour. Amongst the most significant concerns for workers, are their poverty level wages. In 2015, it was just 13 percent of companies that were able to demonstrate that they were paying wages significantly above the legal minimum. This year, that figure increased to 33 percent. It is a big shift, and thanks to the ongoing engagement and advocacy of its supporter base, Baptist World Aid has been on the frontline of helping to guide the fashion industry’s transformation.

This year, Baptist World Aid Advocacy Manager Gershon Nimbalker had the opportunity to present to local and international suppliers of Jeanswest, Cotton On and David Jones – speaking to them about what they can do to protect workers from exploitation and abuse. “Companies know that consumers care. And they know that to keep business they will need to continue improving their efforts to protect workers,” Gershon said. “By choosing to shop ethically, you are helping to change the shape of the fashion industry around the world.” To download the Report and order the Ethical Shopping Guide, visit at

Photo: Jasmin Mawson

Jasmin Mawson

Baptist World Aid Australia strive to improve the conditions of fashion workers, such as at this training centre in Tamil Nadu, India.

The Mustard Seed continues to grow The Mustard Seed Community Garden has received a State Government grant of $242,000 in support of its community work in Yokine. Member for Mount Lawley Michael Sutherland presented Yokine Baptist Church Senior Pastor Craig Eccleston with the cheque. “The vision of the Community Garden is to serve the needs of the local community,” Craig said. The Mustard Seed started four years ago when the church researched the needs of the local community. Using Australian Bureau of Statistics data and the City of Stirling 2009 Community Survey Report, the Church

established loneliness as being a major issue in the local community. A high proportion of Yokine’s population (41 percent) lives in what is known as ‘Lone Person Households’. “It became clear that people need community spaces to connect,” Craig said. The Mustard Seed now has a number of community groups using the facility such as Activ, Nulsen Disability Services, Inclusion WA, Ruah Community Services, Maragon Early Learning Centres, two community craft groups, a local men’s pool group and has featured on Channel Nine’s The Garden Gurus. The $242,000 grant will be used to upgrade the existing kitchen, toilets and create two community meeting spaces with a quiet room. “We want The Mustard Seed to be a place of hope, where people

Photo: The Mustard Seed Community Hub Inc.

The Mustard Seed Community Garden exists as a ministry of the Yokine Baptist Church to serve the needs of the local community.

come and connect and find refuge in a lonely world,” Craig said. Sutherland toured the facility with members of The Mustard Seed and was impressed with the initiative.

“The State Government is committed to supporting the good work of The Mustard Seed and other local community initiatives,” Sutherland said.

digital church 07/06/16


15/06/16 But, we have the ambition of bringing forth God’s Kingdom on the earth. Our striving is for a crown that will never fade, a Kingdom that will never end. Lead people to Jesus. Teach them how to feed themselves the Word of God. Teach them how to worship in quietness and simplicity. Prepare them so they know how to respond when trials strike. The Son took on our estranged relationship with the Father that we might be given His loving relationship with the Father.

Erik Reed

David Santistevan


Craig Groeschel Prayer reminds us that we are not in control and keeps us close to the One who is.


Ron Edmondson Church is the best part of our week. We don’t view church as an obligation. It is a privilege. We believe the church is God’s plan to make disciples.

Jamin Goggin


Roger Nelson Outside of our strength or our weakness, outside of our goodness or our guilt, outside of our faith or our failures. God wields His weapon of resurrection that we might live. And it comes totally and ultimately from outside of us as

an expression of grace. With nothing that we do, it is a gift of God.

wonderfully. He sees our every move and knows our every thought.


20/06/16 Evangelism is not an action, but the culmination of Christian living. God’s Word tells us why we have to let go of our hurt and resentment. We’ve got to release it instead of rehearsing it.

Steven Dilla


Stephen Miller We can embrace obscurity because we know that we are fully known and fully loved by the only One who truly matters. He made us, fearfully and

Rick Warren


Kyle Idleman Trying to be God has a tendency to wear you out. It will leave you tired and frustrated.



JULY 2016

Being there because God is good Community chaplains have the opportunity to work with many people from different walks of life, whether they are an older person living in their own home or in an aged care facility, or someone who lives with a mental illness or a disability. They also work with family members and staff who provide care for others. “Chaplains who have visited Ricki have had the profound privilege of journeying with her and seeing God work in her family’s life in both small and big ways.” During his visits, Wade and Ricki pray together and talk about her joys and the issues she is facing. Working with Ricki and Ashelle means being there to provide support that is personal, emotional and spiritual. Ricki and Ashelle look forward to the Chaplain’s visits. “Wade’s visits are encouraging to me, not only for my spiritual walk with God but also for my carer role,” Ricki said. “He’s here to see me as well!” Ashelle reminded them. Chaplaincy visits are about building relationships and trust, and being there when life is painful. Through offering support during difficult times, the hope and prayer is that people will feel God’s presence, knowing that God is good and,

especially in the dark and lonely places, He is there loving and caring for them. Baptistcare’s Chaplaincy program provides valuable support and care for the spiritual wellbeing of clients and residents across all its service areas, as well as for its staff who serve the community. The chaplains connect with people and lend a compassionate ear, discuss life’s bigger questions, provide pastoral counselling and prayer, conduct chapel and memorial services, and are a hopeful and stabilising influence when things get difficult. Chaplains are just one way God’s love is shown to people who access or provide Baptistcare services during life’s times of joy and distress.

Photo: Baptistcare

Baptistcare Community Chaplain Wade Sinclair regularly visits his colleague Ricki McPherson who is a Support Worker. Ricki is the carer for Ashelle, a young woman with a disability who was eight years old when Ricki first met her. Ashelle’s mother was Ricki’s best friend and when she was no longer able to care for Ashelle, Ricki put her hand up and has been caring for Ashelle for 12 years, including seven years as a full-time carer. One of Ricki’s daughters also provides respite care for Ashelle on weekends. When Ricki agreed to care for Ashelle, she knew the decision would touch the whole family in a special way and they have all lovingly embraced Ashelle. Sadly, Ashelle’s mother passed away last year and Ricki acknowledges that in caring for Ashelle there are moments of great struggle as well as amazing joy. “I can see how Ricki’s strong Christian faith has sustained her over the years,” Wade said.

Baptistcare Community Chaplain Wade Sinclair (left) regularly visits Support Worker Ricki McPherson, providing spiritual, emotional and practical support.

Scholarship winner thriving

Vose trust aids students

Jill Birt

The Heather and Noel Vose Library Trust was established shortly after Heather, wife of Noel, passed away in 1990. It was established for the purpose of raising funds for the library of Vose Seminary and this has been made possible through generous donations.

Vicki received the FJ Church Overseas Trust Scholarship in 2015 to study at Oxford. The topic of Vicki’s thesis is ‘A Christian response to the prospect of enhancing human traits and abilities via genetic engineering, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology’. “I’ve presented my work at several conferences, including the European Conference on Science and Theology in Poland and the British Society for the Study of Theology in Durham,” Vicki said. “I am very grateful to the FJ Church Overseas Trust for making it possible for me to study here in Oxford. I am continually challenged, both intellectually and spiritually, and have been especially blessed by the friendship of others in my program.”

Photo: Rodney Lorrimar

Vose Seminary graduate Vicki Lorrimar is almost one year into her doctoral studies at Oxford University.

Vicki Lorrimar enjoys exploring the famous university city of Oxford where she is continuing her theological doctoral studies.

Vicki was recently awarded the Graduate Scholarship in Science and Religion from Oriel College. The scholarship will supplement her existing Australian scholarship for the final two years of her study. Oriel College is one of the older Oxford colleges with a strong reputation in theology. “All students of the University have to belong to one of the colleges,” Vicki said.

Vicki and her husband Rodney Lorrimar are enjoying exploring Oxford and its surrounds on their bicycles and are also learning how to punt on the famous Thames and Cherwell Rivers in Oxford. The Lorrimars are worshipping at St Andrew’s Church while they are in Oxford.

The library is the largest public theological library in Western Australia, and is a crucial resource in the education of Seminary students. Vose Seminary Librarian Bridget Barry said that it is also an easily accessible resource for the wider Christian community of Western Australia. “Every year the Vose Library provide 8,000 loans, equipping and growing Christians all over the state,” Bridget said. The Trust is currently seeking additional funds to continue its valuable support for the library. Heather and Noel left school at the age of 15 and only had the opportunity for higher education later in life. They not only valued

the benefits of such an opportunity, but were also keenly aware that a good library is fundamental to the quality of a place of learning. The Trust is administered by well-respected and experienced professional people from within the Baptist community who have much experience in the administration of charities. “I would encourage you to donate to the Heather and Noel Vose Library Trust, thereby bringing direct benefit to the theological education of our students,” Stephen Vose said. To make a donation, phone Baptist Churches Western Australia on 08 6313 6300.


news JULY 2016

Community comes together The rain came down in torrents, the wind nearly blew marquees away, and a tree branch landed on power lines leading to an almighty bang, before the power went out. Despite this, people continued to walk in the front door. More than 20 service providers braved the wild weather to set up displays around the Church to showcase the wide range of services that are available to families. Maida Vale Baptist Church Senior Pastor Rob Douglas said he was delighted with the response to the event despite the stormy conditions. “We were able to show the church is vitally interested in families in our community, and we provided a forum for community groups to network, and to make contact with families,” he said. “Even after the power went off, people stayed and all reports were that it was a great success.” The Family Fair and Expo was organised as part of National Families Week and the theme promoted nationally was Stronger Families, Stronger Communities. Service providers who attended on the day included organisations that support children’s health and wellbeing, disability service providers,

schools, politicians, women’s support groups, library services, counselling services and schools. In addition Scitech set up interactive displays, the Perth Glory gorilla made an appearance, as did a koala and pythons from a native animal petting zoo. Maida Vale Baptist Church has run a community fair at Christmas time for a number of years, but decided to make some changes last year, leading to the introduction of a weekend fair on the Church’s premises this year. Rob said this year’s Fair and Expo had given the Church a greater capacity to promote Church activities and build on existing connections with the wider community, while offering positive support to families. “The Church is an active part of our local neighbourhood and it is important that we are seen to be supporting all that is good,” he said. The Church has a strong focus on children and families, running Toddler Jam weekly and has three playgroups running during the week. Up to 140 children per day usually attend the Church’s annual school holiday program, Fun Factory, which will run from 4 to 8 July.

Photo: Rob Douglas

The local community braved the wet and windy day but still made their way to Maida Vale Baptist Church’s Family Fair and Expo in May.

The public benefited from a wide range of community service providers at Maida Vale Baptist Church’s Expo.

SU camps change lives

To find your local Baptist church visit

Photo: Arlene Bax

Scripture Union camp participants enjoy fun and friendship as well as learn about Jesus.

Scripture Union staff have witnessed many lives being impacted during their camps. They expect this will be the case again in the coming July school holidays. These camps may be small, with the average being around 25 participants, but their effect is huge. Often based around an activity, such as kayaking or performing arts, they are designed to allow for great a Christian community where campers have a sense of

belonging, explore their identity, are transformed and come to know Jesus. On a recent Scripture Union (SU) camp, painting was used as a medium for reflection. Holiday Camps Co-ordinator and Training Officer, Joyce Arnott, said that at the start of the week a camper with a tough background reflected where he was at by filling his page with dark, murky brown paint. As the week progressed his art reflection progressed to light, vibrant colours and on the last day evolved to a bright yellow sun spilling from the top of the page – a picture of light and hope. On the way home in the bus he quietly read his newly gifted Bible, a

complete transformation from his behaviour at the start of camp. Feedback from a different camp in April showed the extent of the impact the camp had. “Thank you for helping me understand who God really is. It was a great camp, I made a lot of friends and I will be back next year,” one camper said. “Our warm thanks to all of you – we’ve never had such deep discussion about faith as we did last night,” one parent said. “Consider who you know who might benefit from an experience of friendship, fun and faith on a Scripture Union camp,” Joyce said. For more information, visit



JULY 2016

Sleeping behind the wheel

funds and awareness about the issue of homelessness and to support the ongoing work of Fusion and their partners. The aim of Sleep in your Car is to be more than a fundraiser, but to really explore homelessness in the community. “Some of the aims are that participants will be entertained, challenged, encouraged and surprised at just how much is being done to bring light to the darkest of places by people in the community, and how many ways anyone can be involved,” Andrew said. In Perth, Fusion Housing supports young people affected by homelessness to complete their secondary education with the support of live-in staff residents who care for and mentor them. In Geraldton, Fusion House supports individuals affected by mental illness and homelessness and help equip them with the tools to live more independently.

Fusion team members, including Tom, are preparing to sleep in their cars to raise awareness of homelessness in Western Australia.

Kennedy’s eye on the future

To register, sponsor someone, or find out more information, visit

Photo: Linda Ang

There are 105,000 people who experience homelessness in Australia each day. “Homelessness isn’t always about a man sleeping rough in a shop doorway or local park,” Perth Fusion Housing Manager Neil Curran said. “Sometimes it’s a teenage kid who’s been kicked out by his step dad and is slowly outstaying his welcome on a mate’s couch; or a mother who’s spent the past three months living out of her car with her two young children, because of domestic violence.” “Just as there is no one story that defines homelessness, there is no one solution that meets the needs of all,” he said. Fusion is a national Christian youth and community organisation that has been active in Perth for more than 40 years. Fusion believe that everyone deserves a safe place to call home and a community of people who care about them. “When it comes to working with individuals impacted by homelessness, it’s truly incredible how transformative Christian community can be,” Fusion State Director Andrew Braun said. In 2016 the team in Western Australia is partnering with Carey Baptist College, Geraldton Resource Centre and Geraldton Regional Community Education Centre to join the national Sleep in your Car initiative. On 5 August in Geraldton, and 6 August in Perth, Fusion staff, friends and community members will spend one night sleeping in their cars to raise

Photo: Fusion WA

Workers from the not-for-profit group, Fusion Australia, are putting aside their own comfort and a good night’s rest to raise awareness and funds for homeless Australians during the annual Homeless Persons’ Week.

Jordan Waters and Bridgette Gallagher conducting a chemistry experiment in Kennedy Baptist College’s new facilities.

SU Camps are life-changing. Bring faith alive! “It was amazing!” - Glen Echo camper

Scripture Union Camps: book now at

Linda Ang

Kennedy Baptist College continues to be at the forefront of secondary education with the completion of its new state-of-the-art science and creative arts facilities recently. The Murdoch-based secondary college has upgraded its science laboratories and arts studios as the College focuses on its STEAM (Science,

Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) learning framework. Kennedy Principal Mark Ashby said the College’s enhanced facilities would enable teachers to explore new and engaging ways of connecting with students. “We are adapting to the current need to encourage a culture of innovation and creative thinking in our students,” he said. “Building, upgrading and modernising the College gives our students and teachers the learning environment they need to achieve their best.”

The upgraded facilities include open plan art studios and redesigned science laboratories to maximise student engagement. “Art and design is poised to transform our economy, just as science and technology did in the last century,” Mark said. “Our focus on these subjects has been driven by the business community, with the goal of preparing an agile and competitive workforce.” The new facilities will be on show at Kennedy Baptist College’s Community Open Day on Saturday 27 August from 10am to 2pm.


feature JULY 2016

Forgiveness has always been the cornerstone of Dr George O’Neil’s philosophy when caring for patients. Dr George is the Founder and Medical Director of Fresh Start Recovery Programme based in Subiaco helping families recover from drug and alcohol addictions. He believes that he is here to treat patients medically, but for patients to recover, they first and foremost need a change of heart and mind.


It often comes up in conversation with Dr George why he continues to treat people who seem to continually relapse over a period of years and make destructive life choices. One of the scriptures that we often hear him say is: ‘Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.”’ [Matthew 18:21-22] The addicts who walk through Fresh Start’s doors are desperate for help to escape their tumultuous lifestyles and Dr George is always willing to help. The rising demand for addiction services, such as pharmacotherapy, rehabilitation, counselling and mental health services is largely due to the surge of crystal methamphetamine, otherwise known as ‘ice’ on the streets. Ice is known to be the most addictive and dangerous form of methamphetamine, and is often one of the purest forms available. Ice is most often smoked, but can also be injected, snorted or taken orally. The effects of smoking or injecting ice can be felt in the body almost immediately, including feelings of pleasure and confidence, increased energy and reduced appetite. The more dangerous effects include aggressive and erratic behaviour, psychosis, long periods of insomnia and repetitive actions such as itching or scratching. At the worst of times, ice users can be awake for up to seven days, and this lack of sleep combined with hallucinations and aggression is a very dangerous and unpredictable combination. When ice users begin to detox, they can often sleep for days, and may experience aches and pains, paranoia, anxiety and profound depression. In order to avoid these symptoms and to satisfy intense cravings, ice users may find themselves using continually to maintain ‘normality’. District Court Judge Philip McCann recently said Western Australia’s ice epidemic was “a national and international disgrace” with the levels of ice use in WA being among the worst in the civilised world. According to the National Drug Strategy Household Survey, an average of 2.1 percent of the Australian population has used methamphetamines within the last 12 months. However, WA’s use is almost double this figure, sitting at 3.8 percent. Worryingly, an increasing amount of users are also choosing ice over other types of methamphetamines. In 2010, approximately one in five methamphetamine users chose ice, but recently in WA this figure has skyrocketed to nearly four out of five. This is especially problematic as ice users are far more likely to use on a regular basis.

With a quarter of ice addicts partaking at least weekly, users are more prone to plummet into a lifestyle of daily dependency and financial difficulties. In May 2016, the WA State Government announced that the war on meth would play a central role in the budget with an extra $14.9 million dedicated to fund 60 extra meth rehabilitation beds in existing facilities. Fresh Start is hopeful that some of this budget will be allocated to its new property, ‘The Hill’ that was recently opened near Northam. This property is a part of their Recovery Community and will be used to house up to 96 residents as an element of a new residential rehabilitation program. This much needed program will be developed as a Modified Therapeutic Community, which is a treatment facility where the community itself (residents and staff members), through self-help and mutual support, is the principal means for promoting personal change. It will also develop a ‘return to work’ program as the focus for the resident activities. Dr George believes that a supportive community is essential to creating change in individuals’ lives. Fresh Start’s chaplains play a significant role in the wider Fresh Start Community to encourage residents to change their way of thinking and to provide support to staff and volunteers. Dee Grant, former ice user and now staff member, says that Fresh Start Chaplain, Juliet, now mentors her for spiritual matters and helps keep her accountable. Dee says that Juliet is always so happy and bubbly, and it often makes people wonder what she has in her life that they don’t have. She believes that Juliet and the Fresh Start chaplains are very open and approachable and that this ‘real’ aspect about Fresh Start is very important for people, especially during their recovery. Dee was addicted to ice for almost 16 years and said the impact her addiction had on her family was unbearable. “I don’t think there’s anything worse than every day going to bed thinking, tomorrow I’m going to be a better parent, and I’m not going to do this.” “Then [in the morning], it’s the first thing I’m automatically programed to do. I can’t function without it.” She shared that there were times when she was coming down off ice that she thought she was going to die. At the time, Dee thought “But if I don’t [die] … I want to help people.” In 2009, the past caught up with Dee and she was arrested for drug related offences. Dee said that she found her faith while she was in jail with what she called ‘God instances’ – what other people might call coincidences, but she believes was God guiding her towards a better path. Within a week, she happened to join a program that turned out to be Christian and went to ‘afternoon activities’ that were actually church services.



Photo: Fresh Start Recovery Programme

JULY 2016

Fresh Start Recovery Programme Founder and Medical Director, Dr George O’Neil.

Suzanne Wilkins is the Fundraising and Communications Officer for Fresh Start Recovery Programme.

Photo: Dee Grant

For more information, visit

Photo: Dee Grant

Fresh Start Chaplain Juliet Middleton (left) has been an instrumental influence in Dee Grant’s life.

Photo: Dee Grant

Now six years clean, Dee stated that if God didn’t come into her life, she doesn’t believe her life would be as amazing as it is now. She believes she had the choice to have a good life except she kept choosing the wrong path, and that she doesn’t blame God at all. “The one time I did call out to Him and ask Him to help me, my life ended up like this six years later … so I can only ever give glory to God.” Dee says that she still has things that He works with her on all the time, like controlling her anger. She feels that she is solid in her faith, and Juliet reminds her that a house that is built on a foundation of rock [Jesus]; is a house that is stable. [Matthew 7:24-27] “The busier that we get, we seem to fall away from being with Him, when really we should be spending more time with Him,” she said. For Dee, working at a drug and alcohol clinic comes with the same challenges as any other staff member. “Sometimes I get a little bit sad, I see some of the people come in … you see the desperateness behind it. I know they can be free, they can be clean, they can change their life, they can have a better life, and the only thing that’s blocking them is them.” Dee becomes disheartened when she sees family members who are understandably frustrated with an addicted family member, but who make belittling remarks about them. “Junkie who will amount to nothing” is something she has heard in the waiting room previously, but says this won’t help an addict recover. When someone is addicted, Dee thinks you don’t have to like, accept or enable their behaviour, but in order for someone to recover they need someone on their side. It is a difficult concept in practice to separate the behaviour from the person, but an important one. Forgiveness needs to be at the centre of what is done at Fresh Start. Dr George will always forgive someone who asks, and whilst it does not mean he condones their behaviour, but for this person, George’s forgiveness means that there is still hope to change their life and to recover. Forgiveness is often about forgiving the person, but does not always mean forgetting. It is always a challenge to help people who have addiction problems, and there is no consensus on the one ‘right way’ to help them. But showing some understanding and forgiveness cannot only help someone who is addicted, but bring a little peace to the person who is offering forgiveness as well. Fresh Start staff and volunteers appreciate prayer for patients in recovery, those who are still addicted and for the families and friends of those who are struggling.

Photo: Suzanne Wilkins


Dee Grant at the height of her

Dee Grant six months into her

Dee Grant looking much

ice addiction and the beginning


healthier after 12 months of

of her incarceration.


10 news JULY 2016

East Africa in drought crisis

Samara Linehan

Aman Wakwoya, a farmer from the Oromia region in Ethiopia, has witnessed it firsthand. Since the rains failed, many families have left his village. “They have started migrating to big cities in search of daily labour works to feed their children,” Aman said. When the local primary school resumed after semester break, it was left completely unattended because students had either migrated to the cities or were searching for water with their parents. Aman’s own crop failed and the pump he uses to access drinking water from a well in the village has been stuck for months. Some families from the region are travelling up to 12 hours in search of drinking water. Others are resorting to drinking untreated water, risking the spread of life-threatening water borne diseases.

One person was killed and churches and homes set on fire during an attack by armed Fulani herdsmen on Ninte village in the southern part of Kaduna State, Nigeria on 28 May. According to reports received by Christian Solidarity Worldwide Nigeria, the herdsmen attacked the village at approximately 2am, targeting homes and churches, including Tawaliu Baptist Church and the Evangelical Church Winning All. Some displaced villagers are currently sheltering in a primary school under the protection of security services, while others have fled to nearby villages. The man killed, Joshua Billa, is believed to have been in his early 30s.

Malaysian bill amendment World Watch Monitor reports that on the last day of Malaysia’s latest session of Parliament, a member of the ruling coalition, United Malays National Organisation, had a bill amendment approved which has provoked an outcry in the country. The bill aims to tighten the implementation of sharia. Critics claim it intends to bring in ‘hudud’ punishments,

Every new day the lack of water pushes people like Aman further and further into extreme poverty. Aman’s story is desperate, but not unique. In Ethiopia alone there are currently 10.2 million people in need of humanitarian assistance due to the ongoing drought. If current forecasts prove accurate, that number may double within months.

In March of this year, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia called on the international community for urgent assistance. Baptist World Aid Australia has already committed $30,000 from their Disaster Action Fund to support important drought disaster work in East Africa, with a particular focus on Oromia, the region where Aman lives.

Through their Christian partner, Food for the Hungry, they are providing vulnerable families with cartons of emergency water and working with communities to help repair damaged water pumps. To provide support or for more information, visit EastAfricaDrought

Women changing Nepal

briefs Herdsmen attack in Nigeria

People in East Africa travel for many hours to obtain drinking water.

such as lashes for adultery and hand amputation for theft. [The term hudud refers to punishments decreed by God.] Non-Muslim Malaysians reacted strongly, saying the Prime Minister is under pressure from the Islamist political party, which first proposed the bill, due to upcoming by-elections, and that while sharia should only apply to Muslims, they are afraid the measure was brought in at the last minute, with intent for it to eventually apply country-wide.

Hillsong TV Hillsong Church is partnering with the Trinity Broadcasting Network to create a 24/7 platform that will bring the best of global Hillsong content, including conferences, music, events and more, to viewers around the world. According to a media release, for more than 30 years, Sydney-based Hillsong Church has ministered to people through the fellowship of the local church, Bible-based teaching and worship that draws people into the presence of God. Viewers of this new digital and traditional broadcast channel will have a front-row seat to Hillsong’s numerous international conferences. Hillsong Channel will feature live church services from Hillsong’s global campuses.

TEAR Australia’s Phil Lindsay was impressed by the visible signs of development he saw in Nepal during an evaluation he led recently. While Phil was evaluating the work of one of TEAR Australia’s partners, Partnership for New Life (PNL), he saw new toilets, roads, drains and irrigation canals built. He also saw individual women running small businesses and cooperatives to bring in extra income and build their family’s ability to cope with the shocks and disasters that are common to poor communities. More exciting and less visible were the changes that the women were explaining to him. “We previously walked with a scarf over our face, but now we are confident and have opened it so everyone can see us,” one woman said. “Previously we didn’t have trust within our community. Now we live together as a family.” “We always used to have to go to the police station to solve our

Photo: Phil Lindsay

Of the countries hit by the crisis, Ethiopia has been the worst affected. Water supply in Ethiopia is particularly crucial given 85 percent of the population rely on agriculture for their income. As a result the impact of the worst drought the nation has experienced in 50 years is now starting to seriously impact on livelihoods. For the past two years, rains have failed to come. Baptist World Aid Australia has observed that as water supplies continue to dwindle, food sources begin to evaporate and more and more children drop out of school just so they can assist their parents in the ongoing search for water. Drought is a crisis which affects every facet of human life. Because drought also threatens the supply of nutritious food, there are currently 2.2 million moderately malnourished children under the age of five years in Ethiopia.

Photo: Baptist World Aid Australia

The severe El Niño which has been influencing weather patterns on a global scale is now causing drought in East Africa.

Women in Nepal are bringing change to their communities as they work together to find solutions to village problems.

problems. Now the police have forgotten this road.” Recently this area of Nepal was seriously affected by political violence between ethnic groups. Culture continues to be a hugely significant influence in achieving positive change, but through PNL’s work in these villages there are groups of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Christians living and working together to bring

about real and positive changes for themselves and for their families. “In many communities that struggle with poverty it is easy to focus on problems; they are all around you and a part of life.” “This was not the case with the groups working with PNL. They knew they had problems, but they focused on the changes that they had achieved together,” Phil said.

news 11 JULY 2016

Jill Birt

Glenn and Liz Black and their three young sons are preparing to join the Global Interaction team working among the ethnic Thai in Thailand in 2017. For more than a decade, Global Interaction has had a team living among the ethnic Thai, building friendships and taking the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus. From a few people meeting to ask questions, there are now four small faith communities meeting under the leadership of local Thai people. Global Interaction is continuing to empower these groups to develop their own distinctive ways of following Jesus. Glenn and Liz will be involved in this exciting village work. Many of the ethnic Thai live in villages in the mountainous northern regions of Thailand. While the majority of ethnic Thai people identify as Buddhist their religious practices are influenced by Animism, Thai folklore and Hinduism. Christianity is growing among Thailand’s minority people but is yet to significantly impact the ethnic Thai. Global Interaction worker Dema described some aspects of ethnic Thai culture. “Buddhism is interwoven in everyday practices and rituals,” Dema said. “Thai people are known for adapting bits and pieces of

belief systems to suit their practical needs.” Alongside learning about culture, Glenn and Liz will be immersing themselves in learning the Thai language. Both things are at the heart of relationship and the basis for ministry activities. “The Thai language is the eighth hardest language in the world to learn,” Liz said. “I thought to myself, there are roughly 6,500 languages in the world, why did God call me to one that was so hard? Then I thought about how far God had brought us.” “I still remember the day clearly that Glenn and I, shyly, shared with each other that we felt God was calling us to serve Him in Thailand.” “Thankfully God gave us the same calling, at the same time.” “This in itself brings us great peace and we know that, although the reality of the hard work ahead of us is still sinking in, we trust that He will provide and gently guide us, as He has so far,” Liz said. Glenn completes his formal studies at Vose Seminary, part of his preparation for working in Thailand, later this year. “I am really excited about getting stuck into the language learning [in Thailand],” Glenn said. “Global Interaction’s emphasis on culture and language learning is one of the synergies that drew us to work with them.” For more information, visit

The ethnic Thai people live mostly in the rural areas of northern Thailand where they farm rice and other vegetable crops.

Fear for Fallujah children As Iraqi troops battle ISIS for control of Fallujah, UNICEF warns at least 20,000 children are trapped inside. The Iraqi city has been under Islamic State control for more than two years. In early June, Iraqi government troops launched an operation to recapture it. There are concerns that ISIS are using children and their families as human shields, a common tactic among Islamic terror groups. More than 50,000 civilians are believed to be trapped in

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Fallujah, many of them children who face not only a dire humanitarian situation but are also at risk of being forced to fight for the Islamic State. “Children who are forcibly recruited into the fighting see their lives and futures jeopardised as they are forced to carry and use arms, fighting an adults’ war,” UNICEF reported. It called on “all parties to protect children inside Fallujah” and to “provide safe passage to those wishing to leave the city.” Fallujah was the first large city in Iraq to fall to ISIS and it is the last major urban area controlled by them in western Iraq. Many expect a drawn-out fight for Fallujah.


Photo: kafeinkolik /

Photo: Matt Lavender

Thai talk challenge for Blacks

UNICEF estimates there are 20,000 children like these young Syrian refugees trapped inside Fallujah.

12 in conversation JULY 2016

Jamie Haith on Alpha Jamie Haith, the presenter on Student Alpha (or Alpha with Jamie Haith), visited Australia in May/June 2016. He spoke with The Advocate while he was in Perth.

You’ve used Alpha for a long time. How are the issues facing individuals and families today different/similar to those of people who were involved with Alpha 25 years ago? I don’t think it’s any different. I think people are still easily stressed by life, burdened. Lonely. Everyone is looking for a sense of relief from pain. I think it’s very hard to talk about those questions that we all have as there’s no place to unpack them, to explore. So you might go to dinner with some friends but no-one wants to bring the conversation down to some of the heavy things of life and so the tendency is that we all live life at quite a superficial level and Alpha brings the licence to go deep, to explore together. Alpha materials have recently been updated. Tell us about the changes. The latest resource to come out is the Alpha film series. All the resources from Alpha have been developed in response to demand. The latest is more ‘tele-visual’, that’s going to appeal to a visuallyminded culture and generation. The original was Nicky Gumble talking to a camera for 45 minutes for 15 sessions. With Student Alpha we were going into universities and they needed something different, so we started blending talks rather than cutting talks out. That’s how we squashed it and squeezed it into ten sessions over seven weeks and we added multi-media resources to that. We live in an age where we’re used to television. So it’s trying to speak the language of the culture. We’re constantly looking for how to package the truth for this generation. The youth series is very exciting because it has two

presenters walking and talking on location, looking to the camera, expressing this timeless truth in a fresh way. They teach for ten minutes and then raise a question. The young people can then talk in their small groups and come back again to hear some more teaching. Alpha has a suite of resources and everything is available online. You can choose to mix and match what is appropriate for your group. I know there is now ‘Alpha for Our Mob’, specifically for Indigenous Australians. It’s all online with scripts available. That’s the heart behind Alpha: what can we do to reach out to as many people as possible, as diverse as possible.

Photo: Alpha Australia

Tell us briefly about Alpha. Alpha started back in the mid-1980s as a Bible Study in the Anglican Church, Holy Trinity Brompton in Knightsbridge, London. Over the years it morphed to become less a Bible Study and more a talk with discussion, as an increasing number of people from the fringe of the church began coming. It’s about a journey. It’s about building friendships. Food, talk and discussion. The most important is the discussion. We say there is no question too simple or hostile. People will be respected and honoured. They’ll be accepted and won’t be judged for their lifestyle. It’s a safe place for people to talk and explore.

Jamie Haith loves how simple, yet so effective, Alpha is for reaching people with the gospel.

How does Alpha cross cultures? It’s translated into 112 languages, has been used in 169 countries and 30 million people have done the course. On one level it doesn’t have to change culture. The best way to run Alpha is for someone from the local culture to give the talks themselves. Then you see it’s all about building trust. You’re hearing it from someone from your neighbourhood, as it were, rather than some bloke from England. That’s what we’ve done from the start. What I love is the discipleship written into Alpha that says you are the best person to reach your culture. What surprises you about using Alpha? It’s just so simple, yet so effective. It never gets old with people coming alive to the love of God. It’s a mixture of things. It’s not that it’s the best form of evangelism, but it just seems to work. When I was growing up one of the things was to get the apologetics under your belt, to know what you believe, to memorise scripture and to go through the four spiritual laws. I totally believe in that, but so much of the personal oneon-one evangelism I stuck to during my teens, by definition, ends up being one-to-one, head-to-head, and it finishes up being awkward because what happens if they reject you, you feel personally rejected rather than Jesus being rejected. Alpha dilutes all that in the small group. So, rather than being head-to-head, you’re side-by-side. The gospel is confrontational enough, without our model of doing it being confrontational as well. I think that exploration is a wonderful thing. If someone

comes to the Lord, you want to integrate them into the church and one of the things we’ve found is that’s already happening over the weeks of Alpha. They already feel like they belong and so integrating people into the life of the church is ten times easier. What have you learnt through planting a church using the Alpha program in McLean, Virginia? We’re on the outskirts of Washington DC, about 20 minutes from the White House. It’s been a great privilege being involved in Alpha where it was born [in London] and where on any given Wednesday night, there are 700 to 800 guests, with an average age of 27. This is central London in a supposedly post-Christian culture. Now Alpha has had a global impact. The average Alpha group is 15 to 20 people. And that’s what we’re doing. It doesn’t need to be big, but we need to be doing it. Every church needs to be involved in an ongoing, rolling program of evangelism. The Archbishop of Canterbury during the Second World War, William Temple said, “the church is the only society that exists for the benefit of its non-members.” I love that. It keeps me going. In terms of planting a new church, that’s been front and centre for us. We’re here for them. This isn’t a club we’re building for our own comfort, our own entertainment. We’re here to reach those that don’t know Jesus. How would you suggest a church prepares as they start planning to use Alpha? Firstly, communicate well with the Alpha Australia team and get

access to all the resources and start praying. Everything needs prayer. Next, get connected with other groups that are doing Alpha, share best practice. None of us needs to start from scratch. Work smarter, not harder. Lastly, do the training. It gets your team thinking the same way. One of the big things that will kill an Alpha program is if the Christians talk too much. I’ve seen it time and again. Our job is to be silent as much as possible and draw out the responses of our guests. How important is the meal together each time the group meets? What does it add? I don’t think it needs to be a full meal, but it needs to be something on the table – a macaroon or a bowl of sweets, a nice coffee. It’s basically human nature that we love to eat. So much family and community time is around a meal and it makes you feel good, physically, but also the psychology of it, it stops you staring at each other. You’ve got something else to focus on and talk about and its enjoyment. But also there is a spiritual element. We’re gathering around Jesus, sharing food together. There’s an essential unity there. We’re laying down ‘me’ and we’re joining into the ‘we’. Very powerful. It’s a great way of expressing grace. What part does prayer play in the success of Alpha? Prayer is absolutely crucial. We pray before Alpha. We pray every evening we’re meeting. We pray constantly for ourselves, those in our small group, for those we’re going to invite to Alpha.

You see prayer in the history of revival and you can’t ignore it. People feel a conviction to pray and things start happening. So the thought of Perth coming together and having a cohesive coming together to pray is exciting. Youth Alpha and The Marriage Course have also come from the Alpha stable. What response are you seeing? Are people meeting Jesus through participating in these courses? Yes, absolutely. Youth Alpha is wonderful – youth groups watching the DVDs together, talking together. Alpha is not just evangelism, it is also about discipleship as you’re teaching the Bible, and faith and prayer and guidance. People are getting a fundamental grounding in the doctrine of faith. The Marriage Course is one of the attendant ministries that has grown up at the same time. What’s been amazing to see is how God has been using The Marriage Course as pre-Alpha. Nicky and Sila Lee [Gumble] who present the Program are just the most amazing couple. They love Jesus and it shines through them. You’re not going to hear an awful lot of the gospel through The Marriage Course, but every now and then they will say if you want to hear more about this – about the love of God – then get yourself on an Alpha Course. We’re finding in Washington, where we’re dealing with people who come from a church background, that people are coming to The Marriage Course, and then realise they want to explore their faith more, so they come on the Alpha Course.

leadership 13 JULY 2016

Biblical leaders consistently say five things

Dave Kraft

Leaders use lots of words in carrying out their responsibilities. They are communicators, talkers, vision-casters and exhorters; they should also be above average in listening. Here are five things leaders consistently say if they are truly excellent leaders. 1. Forgive me There is something healing and team building about asking for forgiveness. Better to err on the side of asking for forgiveness rather than making excuses and conjuring up reasons that it was not really your fault. Good leaders take a little less of the credit and a little more of the blame with their teams. 2. You’re right Give credit where credit is due. When a team member has a good idea or a solution to a

perplexing problem, publically acknowledge and affirm them. I have never met a person who felt they were encouraged too much. The rule of thumb is to praise publically and confront privately. 3. You’re wrong We need to function as both Jonathans (encourage) and Nathans (confront) with team members. Don’t shy away from the tough conversations. When people have sinned and are clearly out of line, be bold to tell them so in private. Don’t wimp out. Be a courageous leader and trust God to handle the results and the relationships. 4. Jesus loves you The phrase ‘Jesus loves you and so do I’ has run its course and is not taken seriously anymore when uttered by a leader. It is nevertheless still true that Jesus loves us and we need to regularly remind our people of the gospel’s central message that they are loved by Jesus Christ, and that amazing and incredible love is demonstrated by a bloody cross and an empty tomb. ‘What the world needs

now is love’ is still true for everybody; but, as a song says, ‘We are looking for love in all the wrong places’. A deeplyheld belief that we are loved by Jesus can get us through lots of difficult times and circumstances. When life is tough at home, in the church or in the work place, we need to return to the simple biblical fact that we are loved. Say it often and say it with sincerity. 5. Me too Pastors and spiritual leaders are human, like everybody else. We sin, we doubt, we struggle, we get angry, we get envious and we repent. People need to know we can identify with them in whatever they are going through. It doesn’t decrease but, rather, increases your credibility as a leader when you admit to and own your sin and your folly. Better to say “me too” than “not me”, insinuating that you are a leader who is above and beyond what others are experiencing. Used with permission from Dave Kraft,

Peter Randell

Some folks are into cars. Some, bikes. Me, I’m into guitars. I guess I love the shapes, colours and, of course, sounds of especially classic Fender designs. Recently I thought I’d have a go at coming up with a replica of an American Vintage ’65 Jazzmaster. To get the real thing costs around $4,000, but I thought I’d grab a cheapie ‘made in Indonesia’ version and swap out various parts whilst painting the neck. How hard could it be right? It seems the answer is: harder than you think. It’s been a month of work now and two weeks ago, as you can see from the top image with the fender decal not even dry, everything was flying, working out great. A fortnight later, this is how it looks in the bottom image. Yes that’s right, I had to sand everything back and start it all

over again. Please don’t ask me to share the gory details of what happened, let’s just say it’s hard to sand lacquer when the paint is essentially wet tar underneath. I’m sure you know the frustration of a DIY project that goes south on you. When it happens it’s so frustrating, so dishevelling that you feel like the most useless person in the entire world. The thing is though, I could have had a near professionally finished guitar headstock by now resplendent in Olympic white. But now, I wonder if it’ll be done before the Olympics. So, what stopped it working out on the first try? Patience. Or, should I say, my lack thereof. Unfortunately, over my life the idea of patience has been similar to that of gardening. I don’t do it. But now I’m finding myself in a hobby that demands it. So here’s my options: Option 1:

Stuff this; I’m going to see if I can just buy one. Option 2: Start again and learn patience.

We’ve found ourselves in this thing called life and we’ve found out that it’s going to require patience. Without patience, life tends to eat us for breakfast. ‘Fools rush in’ but just like me and my project, we have a choice. Some will say, “stuff it, I’m just going to see if I can buy a life.” Buy relationships, buy intimacy, buy experiences and so on. But it you really want to live life, really live it, you’ve got to have patience. But here’s the catch, patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. That shouldn’t surprise us because the Spirit is the teacher and counsellor who tells us what we need to know and when we need to know it. There’s only one way to see the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life: You have to start again, you’ve got to be born again. In one sense we have to be born again every day. You have to stop trying to be patient but rather think about how indescribably patient God is with you. I never knew patience with others until I found myself alone, in tears crying out to Jesus.

Photos: Peter Randell

Patience is a virtue

Start again with Jesus and learn patience from His Spirit. PS I have since begun to repaint and prep it for a new decal and so far, so good.

Peter Randell is the Associate Pastor at Waratah Christian Community Church, Wannanup.

14 news JULY 2016

Created to worship

98five Music Director Chela Williams

ABIDE Creative Minister and Producer Jordi White says the greatest compliment the team receives is knowing that their songs are being used in worship services all over Australia. “We recently had some really great feedback from a lot of people around our latest album ABIDE,” Jordi said. “Nothing beats knowing the songs are being used to lead people into worship.” Growing up in C3 Church Oxford Falls, Jordi believes the whole process of writing and producing albums is attributed to and covered by prayer. “Not only do we begin and often end each writing or recording session with prayer, but we also have a team of prayers at our church who are consistently lifting us up

around those crucial writing and productions stages,” Jordi said. “Our prayer from start to finish on this one was this; ‘when all is said and done, the songs are played out and released so that people would listen to the album and not hear us, but they would see and hear Jesus.’” Having already produced previous albums with C3 Youth, Jordi concludes finding likeminded people to collaborate with will push songwriters to make songs better. Likewise when it comes to recording, producers can make or break any recording process. “Remind people regularly that the only thing on offer in the creative/worship team is serving God,” Jordi said. “Playing an instrument, leading a song or anything else for that matter is an honour that should not be taken for granted.”

Photo: C3 Music

With a team of over 200 musicians and singers leading worship in 20 services a week in Sydney, it is no surprise that C3 Music have been continuously writing and recording corporate worship music since the early 1980s. With over 40 albums in the back catalogue, C3 Music’s latest release ABIDE is already number one on the iTunes inspirational charts.

Jordi White in the recording studio producing ABIDE.


For more information, visit

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Amongst other activities we run a dedicated kindergarten and child care facility, are involved in local schools, and run a popular annual children’s holiday programme. We value Christ-centred biblical teaching that is able to clearly and authentically communicate the gospel, and contemporary approaches to ministry which help to bridge the gap between the church and the local community.

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We’re seeking applicants who are:

The Advocate is published on behalf of Baptist Churches Western Australia by imageseven. Tel: (08) 9221 9777 Email:

Contact Applications close 31st July 2016.

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Capable of leading a team of both trained and lay ministry staff, Able to demonstrate the biblical qualities of a church leader, Theologically trained and experienced in pastoral ministry, and Able to work well with children, teenagers and families.





intermission 15 JULY 2016


A minute with ...

Always Watching

Photo: Ben O’Reilly

Michelle Smoker (second from right) with Leavers Green Team Coordinators

Lynette Eason In book one of the Elite Guardian series, Always Watching, Lynette Eason has again managed to capture her audience in a story showing Christians face real difficulties just like anyone else. Wade is a wealthy single dad with a potentially dangerous problem – a stalker. But as always there is a twist in the plot that readers won’t see coming. What is refreshing is that he is a Christian but life still throws him a number of curve balls that he needs to navigate in light of his faith in a loving and merciful God. Olivia on the other hand has been angry with God for a number of years. When she is hired as Wade’s bodyguard God starts the job of chipping away at her hard heart through Wade and his family. Lynette Eason has a vivid writing style that draws readers into the story as though they are the proverbial fly on the wall as they watch the action unfold and the characters and relationships develop.

Carey Baptist Church Youth and Young Adults Pastor Ben O’Reilly


What led you to this role? I always felt called to church ministry, particularly in the areas of worship and youth. When the opportunity arose to join the youth team I felt God leading me to work in this particular area of my passion.


Who makes up the ministry team you are a part of? Two Youth and Young Adults Pastors, Nick Harris and myself, three interns, and the greatest group of youth leaders a pastor could ask for.

A true story set in Birmingham, Alabama during the early 70s, Woodlawn is a powerful and impacting recount of the dramatic change to a football team on account of the gospel. With the tension around racism both in and out of the sporting arena, one coach and one pastor in a school where they have begun to integrate black and white students take a stand for equality. In today’s society there is less blatant racism because of those that made a stand during this time period, but we often do not understand what sacrifices were made and how real the danger was for those who spoke up. Woodlawn explores the truth of equality, the battles that were fought to get it and the role that God can play in difficult circumstances.

What is a feature of your church or ministry you would like to share? Having Carey Baptist College as a part of the Carey organisation gives me a local mission field of students right outside my office door, providing plenty of opportunities for youth ministry. What is the most important ‘nuts and bolts’ lesson that you can share? Always test your games or activities for feasibility and safety before running them at youth group – especially if that means ‘test eating’ donuts hanging on a string! What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess? To remain teachable and never stop learning. As I approach the final stage of my studies at Vose Seminary, the old adage that the more you learn, the more you realise you don’t know rings true. Therefore I must avoid the temptation to think that I might come to know everything. There’s always room to learn more and be inspired in new areas of ministry.

listen Sounds of Worship: Good Good Father

This voucher entitles you to 15% off your next purchase in store at Mount Lawley The Advocate – July 2016

Reviews by Koorong Mount Lawley Assistant Manager Dorothy Waddingham

Website: Address: 434 Lord Street, Mount Lawley Phone: 08 9427 9777

Good Good Father is an uplifting double CD album featuring a wide range of popular praise and worship songs from a selection of current artists such as Kari Jobe, Chris Tomlin, Rend Collective, We Are Messengers, Christy Nockels, Casting Crowns and many more. This album will encourage and uplift listeners as they centre their worship on God. A highlight would have to be the worship anthem ‘In Jesus’ Name’ by Darlene Zschech which encourages and helps overcome fear in people’s everyday lives and challenges. For those who love the variety of styles currently available on the Christian music scene this is a great addition to a collection.

16 news JULY 2016

Oatman jumps into coaching Whilst it has been a challenging inaugural season as coach of the Lakeside Lightning basketball team on the court, American Sam Oatman has relished the move to Australia with his family.

Photo: Erin Tuckey

The Neenah, Wisconsin native accepted the job as coach of the men’s Lakeside State Basketball League team in October last year and made the big move to Perth in December with his wife Laura and children Jalen, Travis and Marah. “It’s never easy to pick up and move to the other side of the world, especially with three young children,” Sam said. “It’s always hard to leave family and friends behind, but we really believed God was calling us to Perth.” The offer of the head coaching position came about due to a number of mutual contacts and the work of God according to Sam. “The team I played for in England had a number of mutual contacts at Lakeside through Athletes in Action and two close friends, Ryan Borowicz and Aaron Shaw, who previously played for the Lightning, so, I’ve known about and followed Lakeside since I started playing overseas.” “It was through those contacts I discovered Lakeside was searching for a coach.” “I had been praying for the right coaching job since I stopped playing in 2009, and this was exactly what my family and I were hoping for.” With the Lightning owned and operated by Lakeside Baptist

Sam Oatman’s faith impacts everything he does, including coaching the Lakeside Lightning.

Church there is a Christian influence that flows throughout the team and this is something Sam embraces. “My faith in Jesus Christ impacts everything I am and everything I do, so it’s no different in my coaching,” Sam said. “By God’s grace, I try to show my players an authentic life of following Jesus.” “I share what God is teaching me, I apologise when I make mistakes, I pray with and for them.” “Mostly, I try to care for them, I try to help them on and off the court and I try to show them I care way more about them as a person than I do as a basketball player.” The season started with promise for the Lightning, but has quickly become filled with adversity. Lightning started the year with a 4-3 win loss record, but since then, lost eleven straight games and had a number of games slip right through their fingers. “We’re learning a lot about our character and how to overcome unexpected outcomes,” Sam said. “The team continues to work hard and improve and we know we’re building not just for this season, but also for years to come.”

Basketball bouncing The sounds of basketballs bouncing, umpire’s whistles blowing and spectators chatting have been filling Lakeside Recreation Centre each Saturday since March as 90 teams compete in the WA Baptist Basketball competition. The 2016 season has just reached the half way point and over 500 players each week represent 25 churches and schools in the basketball league with a clear difference – Christ is the aim. Lakeside is a hive of activity every Saturday from 8am when Under 12 players kick-off the day’s games, right through until when the siren sounds on the last games at 5pm. With the initial rounds of grading complete all divisions have seen the majority of teams being very competitive and

evenly matched. Ladders, form lines and season statistics have started to take shape in the more competitive divisions, while those in the younger junior grades focus on skill development and the mixed grades on having some fun and socialising. The season will ramp up in the coming months in the lead up to the finals series in September. For the latest results, statistics and news, visit

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