The Advocate - April 2017

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IN CONVERSATION Karl Faase talks about a series he hosted, Jesus the Game Changer, that explores how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters. PAGE 12 >>

APRIL 2017

“I believe the Church will have to do some hard thinking and cleaning up in these critical days.” HAROLD LAW-DAVIS PAGE 13>>

4 Heroes in Africa Global Interaction families changing the lives of the Yawo people >>

6 Next generations Photo: Global Interaction

Baptist Next Generations will release a series of video testimonies >>

Partnership with WA Baptists helps Sally Pim share the love of Jesus with the Yawo people of Mozambique.

Cross-cultural challenges “I stood in front of a church I had never been to before, palms sweaty and knees shaking, and felt overwhelmed,” said Sally Pim of Riverton Baptist Community Church as she remembered her first experience of partnership development. For the last year, Sally has been travelling around Western Australian Baptist churches sharing her story of call and commitment to serve with the Global Interaction team among the Yawo people of Mozambique. “I felt nervous in front of people I had never met, but I didn’t have to be. As I started speaking I noticed the nods and the smiles of encouragement.” “After the service, people came up to me to share their own experiences of cross-cultural mission, and to encourage me in my journey. The nervousness was replaced by a sense of belonging.”

Sally’s first experience was repeated as she has shared in churches, leaving her with a deeper appreciation of what it means to be part of the community of Baptist churches in Western Australia. Partnership development is a critical phase in the journey of cross-cultural workers. It entails sharing with people in all kinds of settings – small groups, conferences, over cups of coffee, services, next generation events – with a number of aims in mind: communicating God’s heart for mission; encouraging people in their life with Jesus and inviting

people to partner through prayer, giving and going. Global Interaction Learning and Development Consultant Susan Campbell said the reality of cross-cultural mission is that despite careful stewardship and sacrifice, it is expensive. “Inviting people to partner with finances can be very daunting.” “The thought of partnership development can be a real deterrent for people who consider cross-cultural mission. Yet those who go through the journey often reflect on it with gratitude and joy,” Susan said. Global Interaction prepares cross-cultural workers with a one-week conference and online learning that addresses the theology of partnership development, practical ideas and stories from others. The state team is also available, week in and week out, to provide support.

“The most exciting thing [about my placement] is that God didn’t bring this about through just one church, or one person. There is a whole team of people and churches that have stepped into this vision,” Sally said. “I might be physically getting on that plane on my own, but through my faithful supporters, the family at Global Interaction and the community of the church, I don’t feel alone at all”. Cross-cultural worker Ben Good from Gosnells Baptist Church has had a similar experience. “The provision of God and the generosity of His people, time and time again, astounds me. Just when you think that the task is impossible, there is God and His Church stepping up to the plate,” he said.

8 Digital help A range of apps and programs that may be useful for believers >>

Committed to being honest, transparent and above reproach. BAPTIST CHURCHES WESTERN AUSTRALIA


my view APRIL 2017

Heavy distractions for ministry As a young pastor some 30 years ago, I was approached by an insurance agent and asked to take out a life cover policy. I filled out all the forms and was eventually told that I wasn’t a good applicant.

Dr John Crosby Dr John Crosby is the Lead Pastor at Morley Baptist Church and Army Staff Chaplain.

Their internal assessment considered pastors were in a high-risk occupation and I was benchmarked along with deep-sea divers for having an emotional breakdown. At first it seemed funny to me, but it became a sobering experience because it opened my eyes to the emotional demands of ministry and the unseen pitfalls that are there. Obviously the insurer had received too many claims from stressed and anxious pastors. If they rated pastors as

high-risk for mental health illness due to the rigours of church life, then I needed to build some counter measures into my life. Depression is blindsiding many individuals in the helping professions. This is due to the complexities of constant demands in emotionally highly charged people issues within churches, health services and communities. So as a pastor, I had to learn resilience and perhaps be like a tennis ball that always bounces back even though I was jaded at times.

Here are some of my personal tips for healthy distractions that have kept me sane and staying in ministry over the years: 1. Build a ministry that doesn’t revolve around you. 2. Truly switch off from work without feeling guilty. 3. Work hard in ministry but learn to hang up the pastor’s cloak once home and enjoy family. 4. Being a workaholic or ‘ministry-aholic’ is simply wrong.


Take on new challenges so that you push your limits. 6. Keep fit, run hard, walk far. 7. Attend new courses and don’t become mentally lazy. 8. Share those highmaintenance ‘saints’ with others so you don’t have to carry the entire emotional pastoral burden. 9. Look for achievements that give you satisfaction. 10. Regularly complete something practical, build or fix it. 11. Try to find an activity that is different to church culture and when you find it, turn the mobile off.

On deadlines … I recently received a reminder that today is the deadline for my monthly submission to this award-winning newspaper. While grateful for the memory jog, it did get my mind thinking about the term ‘deadline’.

Dr Brian Harris Dr Brian Harris is the Principal of Vose Seminary and Pastor at Large for the Carey Group.

The dictionary definition is simple enough. A deadline is the latest time or date by which something should be completed. How serious is a deadline? Well, presumably the ‘dead’ is the giveaway. Don’t do this, and you are no longer living. Or perhaps it is just your project that will expire. For this newspaper, I think it is your project that dies, but I don’t plan to put it to the test.

If you’re fascinated by history or like to excel at Trivial Pursuit, the origin of the term is interesting. Apparently it first appeared in 1864 during the American Civil War and referred to a line drawn around a prison beyond which prisoners were liable to be shot. I guess it’s not too hard to understand. Anxious to ensure that prison inmates did not become ‘out mates’, the authorities would let potential escapees get only so

close to the prison fence or gate. Any closer, and you were likely to become target practice. In short, originally a deadline was literally that. Stray beyond that line, and you’re dead. There are other uses for deadlines. Those in the printing industry will tell you that a dead-line (note that in this use it has a hyphen) was a line on a printing press beyond which the text would not print properly. And on rare

occasion’s dead line (as two separated terms) has referred to a line of social etiquette beyond which one cannot (or rather should not) stray. While you might get away with belching in the company of some, for others it would cross the dead line. If your stomach is unsettled, it is most important to know who fits into which category. So what are your deadlines? Of course the line of death is a pretty decisive one. Perhaps there are things you must do before that line is reached …

God is closer than you think We all have our favourite Old Testament or New Testament books – just as we have our favourite verses in the Bible. A favourite concept in the Gospel of John is the word ‘believe’.

Peter Christofides Peter Christofides is the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Coolbellup Campus Pastor.

‘Believe’ appears at least 98 times. It always occurs in the verb form, never the noun form (‘believe’ never ‘belief’). This continually gives the impression of action, of something happening. John is teaching the meaning of believing in Jesus not so much by definition as by illustration. The word is used to indicate the response of people to Jesus. If they believed in Him, they became His followers; if they did not believe, they became His

opponents. At any rate, once they had met Him, they could not remain neutral. Along with the word ‘believe’, John employs a number of synonyms to make his meaning clear. Some of these are ‘receive’ [1:12], ‘drink’ [4:14], ‘come’ [6:35], ‘eat’ [6:51], ‘enter’ [10:9]. All these words, used in the routine of daily life, become full with meaning when applied to the spiritual relationship of people to Christ. Believing in Him is

like receiving a gift, drinking refreshing water, entering by a door into a sheepfold. The need is met, the thirst is quenched, the hunger is satisfied. In the midst of ‘all of this’ about ‘believe’, I am able to be ‘refreshed’ by the daily things I do while living as a follower of Jesus Christ. When the matters of life are not lining up to what I anticipated, I can respond to my Saviour and rely on Him to refresh me. In his book, God is

Closer than you Think, John Ortberg writes about how we can discover and enjoy God in day-to-day living as we respond to God and see God working in our lives as He refreshes us in our relationship with Him. When I have been dealing with the difficulties of certain situations in church life, I have had to just take a step back and realise that ‘God is closer than I think’ and that He has been present all the time – in the good and in the bad – and He is the God who is refreshing me while ‘we’ (Him and I) are in action. The very thought is refreshing as we believe!

letters to the editor send us your letters The Advocate welcomes your letters to the editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Send your letters of no more than 100 words to by the 10th of each month.



APRIL 2017

Austin Cove tops Peel ATAR

Jess Cockerill

Established in 2011, its cohort of only nine Year 12 students for 2016 was the smallest of any school in the area. However, the median ATAR score for those nine students was 85.15: the highest median of any school in the region, and the only school in the region to outperform the Western Australian median ATAR of 80.85. This is only the second cohort of ATAR students to graduate from the school. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority record ATAR statistics for schools with groups of 20 or more ATAR students, and so Austin Cove did not appear on the tables for 2016, as with Coodanup College. However, in 2016 Austin Cove Baptist College attained a 100 percent graduation rate.

The only other school in the region to do so was Frederick Irwin Anglican College. All students enrolled in Vocational Education and Training courses at Austin Cove Baptist College achieved Certificate II or higher. “It’s very exciting ... obviously because it’s a new school, it’s good to get on the radar in the Peel-Mandurah area, and the fact is that a lot of our students worked incredibly hard, because of the tight academic processes we have in place,” Principal Orlando dos Santos said. “We make sure we give the kids the best opportunities, but we have a pretty tight discipline policy as well, and because we’ve got smaller classes we can also give our kids more individual attention.” Austin Cove Baptist College started educating children in the

Photo: Austin Cove Baptist College

Austin Cove Baptist College is a newcomer to the Peel region, but in 2016 it topped the ATAR ranking of local schools.

Austin Cove Baptist College Principal Orlando dos Santos greeting students as they arrive at school.

Peel region five years ago. They are currently taking enrolments for 2018 with a new fee structure.

For more information, phone 9520 8200.

Article used with permission from the Mandurah Mail. Original article published 9 January 2017.

Photo: Dorothy Zander

New for WA events

Jess Ford is the new Baptist Churches Western Australia Events Coordinator.

Jess Ford joined Baptist Churches Western Australia team as the new Events Coordinator in January. She brings a high level of industry expertise and professionalism to events such as Leavers, SportsFest and the Pastoral Retreat. Baptist Churches Western Australia Executive team member Ross Daniels said he is delighted with this new appointment. “We have been blessed to have Jess start with us and are already are looking at how we ‘do’ events with a new set of eyes. It’s been wonderful to assess why we do what we do, as we are passionate about helping people say ‘yes’ to Jesus,” Ross said. Jess, an active member of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church,

said she can combine her passions in this role. “I enjoyed working in the corporate world running events, they were fun, but this role combines the eternal hope that we have in Christ, with the great events,” she said. For more information about Baptist Churches Western Australia events, visit

It’s never too soon to start planning for your retirement We’re here to assist you in identifying your options and goals for a happy and full life. Choose from 9 lifestyle villages in great locations with secure, low maintenance properties – Mundaring, Lesmurdie, Rockingham, Byford, Margaret River, Busselton and Albany. Properties are now available for sale at Yallambee Village (Mundaring), Sunshine Park Village (Lesmurdie), Bethel Village (Albany) and William Carey Court Village (Busselton).

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9282 8650 Baptistcare, one of WA’s largest not-for-profit providers of at home services, residential care, disability services and retirement living, offers flexible support tailored to each person’s needs and goals.


news APRIL 2017

Local heroes in Africa This is what it is like for five families of Global Interaction field workers in Malawi and Mozambique. Baptist Churches Western Australia Director of Ministries Mark Wilson and his wife Karen had the privilege of hearing their stories on a recent retreat in Malawi. They face rough roads, interruptions to schedules, health and economic challenges. Add to this the isolation, daily village walks, conversing with locals in the local language and dealing with grief and loss. This is a snapshot of what the Global Interation field workers deal with on a daily basis. Yet, there is a passion and joy for what they feel called to do, an incredible testament to God working through them.

... we experienced some of the richest moments of God leading in powerful ways through the families Global Interaction is working with the Yawo people of Malawi and Mozambique to improve their quality of life, and desire to see them come into a knowledge of Jesus Christ. One of the greatest challenges the families face is the geographical isolation – the team is often separated by hundreds

of miles. To gather the families together, and give them strength to continue their work, a retreat was held for them in January at a Malawi game park. The retreat was made possible through a ‘pass-the-hat’ offering at Fresh Leadership conference 2016 which covered most of the costs. Mark and Karen were able to spend time with the Global Interaction field workers as they came together for worship, teaching, sharing biblical insight, discussion and prayer. “During this time, we experienced some of the richest moments of God leading in powerful ways through the families,” Karen said. Two young women, from Riverton Baptist and Yokine Baptist Church in Perth, paid their own way to conduct a program for the children of the families. The parents said they felt incredibly blessed by their generosity and the children thrived under their care. There are unreached people groups around the world that Global Interaction seeks to help and share God’s Word with. Although not everyone can physically go, hundreds of Australians offer financial support to the workers in these remote places. “After immersing ourselves in the challenges of life in Africa, we left with a deep sense of gratitude to those who answer God’s calling there,” Karen said. “There is a daily challenge of hearing and responding to God’s voice, as he leads the field workers into new and unreached places.” “The Global Interaction families embrace this with courage and fervour, changing the lives of the Yawo people through their work.”

Photo: Ben Good

It’s not often a person can experience life stripped back to the basic necessities.

The Mozambique Global Interaction team celebrates Australia Day with Mark and Karen Wilson (far left) during a team retreat in Malawi.

Exceptional growth for BFS

Anina Findling

Baptist Financial Services has experienced exponential growth in Western Australia over the last four years, with total state investment and loan balances increasing from $28m and $8m to $56m and $23m respectively. Founded over 30 years ago, Baptist Financial Services is the ‘financial arm’ of Australian Baptist Ministries with the primary purpose of financing the growth of God’s Kingdom across Australia. Baptist Financial Services (BFS) Relationship Manager for Western Australia, Anina Findling said other states across the country are not necessarily experiencing this same rate of growth. “I believe this is largely due to the increased collaboration

between many of our ministries under the leadership of Baptist Churches Western Australia Director of Ministries Mark Wilson, who actively encourages us to work together more.” Some recent Christian ministry projects financed by BFS in Western Australia include Emmanuel Christian Community School’s expansion into high school and constructing an additional building close to their previous primary school; South Perth Baptist Church’s renovated

building, including an Early Learning Centre; and True North Church’s new campus and child care centre in Merriwa. “With this increase in demand for our unique ministry-based loans, we need to encourage further growth of investment funds to fund these loans,” Anina said. “Many of our churches already have investment accounts with us, but individuals, Christian organisations and businesses can also have funds with us for 31 days, plus investment options earning great returns.” “Investors can have the added joy of knowing their funds are being used solely to further Christian ministry growth,” she said. For more information, email

digital church 15/03/17




20/03/17 Praying is as important as breathing. I depend on His presence every moment of every day. I must disappoint you, I must. There’s sin residue still stuck on my stammering, stricken heart, but you know this because I’m a work in progress. The beauty of the cross is that it proves no matter how bleak the circumstance, God still makes a way for His purpose and plan. There is no place that you can go where God’s love isn’t. You’ll never be separated from God’s love.


18/03/17 The beginning of worship is a critical moment when we release everything else demanding our attention into the capable hands of the very One we are preparing to encounter. How do we relate to God? Do we seek Him mainly in times of trouble, searching for answers in our distress but ignoring Him during our seasons of celebration? Are we like the Israelites, easily swayed by the idols of our age, including such things as busyness, success, and influence? The way to not waste your life, Piper said, is to give God glory for every gift, because everyone – from a new car to physical safety to your own next heartbeat – is grace bought and paid for through the cross.

Craig Groeschel


Kyle Idleman Justice is God’s job. When we insist on holding onto our right to get even, we put ourselves in God’s place.


JD Greear God doesn’t choose the best. He chooses the willing.

Simon Elliott

Adam Weber The truth is that, on our own, we are in inadequate. In every way … Thankfully, it’s not about who we are. It’s only about who God is.

Louie Giglio

Zac Hicks

Rick Warren


Amy Boucher Pye

Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra


CS Lewis A wrong sum can be put right: but only by going back till you find the error and working afresh from that point, never by simply going on.



APRIL 2017

Inspiration in Cambodia

Gershon Nimbalker

Women leaders of the Australian Baptist movement recently travelled to Cambodia to witness firsthand the transformation taking place among some of the poorest people and communities in the world.

We are constantly being met with moments of despair giving way to hope, ignorance to knowledge and helplessness to opportunity. Saram has joined a savings group and learnt new skills in chicken rearing and animal husbandry. She is also learning about the importance of sanitation and hygiene. Twelve months ago, Saram took a $125 loan from her savings group to build a chicken coup and to start a chicken rearing business. Within a year, she and her husband have more than tripled their farming income, paying back the loan within a few months. They used their surplus income to build a toilet, a cleverly designed bucket tap for handwashing and installed a lined garbage bin. When the women visited Saram’s home it was spick-and-span, and most importantly, free from the constant risk of disease that comes from living in unsanitary conditions. As the women talked with her, Saram cradled her baby boy and spoke about her dreams for the future. She talked of her plans to continue expanding her business, to educate her children, and to share her learnings with her community so they too can be successful. Already, groups of people from neighbouring villages have come to learn from Saram and her husband.

Photo: Steph Dobbin

For just over two years, one of Baptist World Aid’s Christian partners in the field has been working in Saram’s community. When the women met her, she was brimming with the expectation of new possibilities.

Baptist women in leadership on their recent trip to Cambodia.

“I’ll be very happy when I see them become successful,” Saram said. For the women, meeting Saram was one of the highlights of the trip. But Saram’s story sits among so many other stories of renewed hope that they heard. Children are being educated, women are finding confidence, livelihoods are being enhanced and communities are gaining access to new skills, hygienic toilets and clean water. “When you take these stories into your own, they change you,” long-term justice advocate and representative of Together conference in Darwin Julie Shatz commented. “We are constantly being met with moments of despair giving way to hope, ignorance to knowledge and helplessness to opportunity. We need to get these stories of change out there so people respond,” Baptist Financial Services WA Relationship Manager and member of Mount Hawthorn Baptist Church, Anina Findling commented. “I haven’t seen any more effective model for change than what we are seeing here from Baptist World Aid.”

Photo: Steph Dobbin

They went with Baptist World Aid Australia to learn, and then return to inspire a generation of women in the Baptist movement to help end the poverty and injustice that mars our world. “We want to take the stories of the ones and twos to the thousands, so they can hear, feel and respond. Whether that be by giving generously or by advocating,” Western Australian Director of Baptist Women and coordinator of Fresh conference, Karen Wilson said. The women journeyed from Siem Reap, home of the ancient temples of Angkor, past serene country side and lush, green rainforests, to some of the most isolated villages in the world. For all its beauty, however, the scars of Cambodia’s recent history were apparent at every turn for the women. “It’s confronting. The depths of the wounds, they sit with you personally. It’s unsettling,” Queensland’s She Is Conference leader Elissa Macpherson said. In the 1970s a civil war, followed by the reign of the genocidal dictator, Pol Pot, left the nation as one of the world’s least developed. Among a myriad of problems, the aftermath has meant the nation’s health and education system is severely underdeveloped, while large swaths of road, transport and trade infrastructure has been destroyed. Landmines indiscriminately placed by combatants still litter many areas of the countryside making a lot of good agricultural land too risky to utilise. In one remote village they visited, the women met Saram. Saram has had three days of schooling in her entire life. Growing up, access to school was difficult, and, as is often the case, Saram’s family probably couldn’t justify the cost of education for their daughter when there were more immediate needs to be met. For almost all her life, Saram’s village had no toilets. They also lacked awareness of basic hygiene practices, which, in a country like Cambodia, meant a constant battle with poor health and the loss of far too many children to preventable diseases like diarrhoea. Saram said her life “just felt hopeless”. But, recently, Saram has turned over a new leaf.

Saram’s life has been transformed after starting a chicken rearing business.


news APRIL 2017

Photo: Ed Devine

New vision for next generations

Some of the children, youth and young adults celebrating their involvement in Next Generations.

Baptist Next Generations will share its stories by releasing a series of video testimonies in 2017. The videos will include children, youth and young adults explaining how their lives have been changed by what Jesus has done. Baptist Next Generations refers to the ‘arm’ of Baptist Churches Western Australia (BCWA) that serves the pastors and leaders of children’s, youth and young adults ministries across Western Australia. “We felt that in launching Baptist Next Generations it was important to tell the whole

story of who makes up the next generation of Baptists in WA,” BCWA Next Generations Consultant Ed Devine said. “We may be from city or country churches and from many different ethnic groups but we are children, youth and young adults who all have Jesus in common, and have stories to

share about what He’s done in our lives. That is why our theme for 2017 is ‘Celebrating our Stories of Jesus’.” “We hope to share testimonies from the diverse places of our Next Generations movement which all point to the wonderful things Jesus has done and is doing in us.” Practical training and fellowship events are also planned for 2017 that help facilitate ongoing growth such as the Beyond Kidsmin Conference for Children’s Pastors to be held 13 to 14 October. Other events include combined youth events such as the recent Ravi Zacharias International Ministries ‘Is

God Relevant’ weekend and a quarterly gathering for young adults called ‘The Mix’. Live streaming will be broadcast from these events so country churches can be part of the action. Assisting Ed in the work is the inaugural Next Generations team of volunteers, consisting of Inglewood Community Church Children and Youth Pastor Andrew Binns, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Young Adults Pastor Jonathan Anthony and Riverton Baptist Community Church Children’s Ministries Coordinator Sarah French. “Our goal is to recognise the real needs of pastors working with the next generations

and make sure we equip and support them the best we can,” Sarah said. Como Baptist Church Youth Pastor LJ Williams said that after becoming connected to the Next Generations Youth Pastors network she felt like she was not alone in youth ministry anymore. The Next Generations team wants to see more children’s, youth and young adult pastors united and supported to ensure the best work possible can be done in sharing Jesus with young people. For more information, email

Sandra Doick

Wednesday 8 March was a significant day in the annals of Kennedy Baptist College as its new sports centre was officially opened by the Minister for Education, Aboriginal Affairs and Electoral Affairs Peter Collier and Federal Liberal Member for Tangney Ben Morton. In his address at the sports centre opening assembly Mr Collier said “The buildings bricks and mortar do not make a school, what makes a good school comes from within those walls, the staff and students create the culture of the school and Kennedy Baptist College has an excellent and enviable reputation outside the walls of this school.”

Principal Mark Ashby said a highlight of the assembly was the presentation by Mr Morton of a commemorative plaque to Kennedy Head Boy Joe Frost and Head Girl Anna Zwitser. “Today we acknowledge the opening of our sports centre that will provide improved services through physical and health education. There is no doubt that there is a positive link between fitness, wellbeing and improved educational achievement and it is our goal to provide all students with access to our new centre to maximise this link,” Mark said. The new Kennedy Baptist College Sports Centre is a dedicated sporting complex that can be configured to suit multiple basketball, netball, volleyball or badminton courts. It can also be formed into a single Federation International Basketball Association certified basketball court that delivers optimum comfort and performance.

The sports courts are complemented by a dedicated fitness and strength gymnasium and ample change and shower facilities. Kennedy Baptist College acknowledged it was fortunate to receive financial support for this project from the Department of Education and Training’s Capital Grants Program and a low interest loan from the Government of Western Australia. The building, designed by T&Z Architects, is based on delivering a visually striking elite level facility through cost-effective means and incorporates environmentally sustainable design principles. Basketball is a high profile sport at the College and students are privileged to be coached by former Perth Wildcats Coach Andy Stewart who is presently Perth Lynx Head Coach and State Basketball League player Jess Van Schie, who are delighted that Kennedy now has its own state-of-the-art facility for training and games.

Photo: Sandra Doick

Kennedy shooting goals with new sports centre

Minister for Education, Aboriginal Affairs and Electoral Affairs Peter Collier finding out what Kennedy students think about their new sports centre.



APRIL 2017

WA women protect vulnerable

Greg Wood

At a time when young girls should be going to school and spending time with their friends, May was already working as a domestic cleaner and bearing the burden of helping her family to survive. So, when the offer of a higher paying job came along, it was just too good to refuse. Sadly, it was also too good to be true. “It was only when I reached that place my heart sank,” May said. “The job she was taking me to was prostitution.” May was forced to work in that brothel for more than a year, selling her body over and over again so she could buy back her own freedom. Heartbreakingly, her experience is not unusual, according to Baptist World Aid Australia. Girls just like May, and even younger, are trafficked and sold into child marriage, prostitution and other forms of bonded labour every day. Baptist World Aid Australia Vulnerable Children Fund supports important work to help families protect their girls and boys from a fate like May’s. Its aim is that no child should ever be

made to live through the horrors of exploitation, slavery and abuse. Fresh Conference is one of several Australian Baptist women’s conferences that has committed to supporting the Vulnerable Children Fund every year. “A few years ago, we really felt God lay on our heart the children of the world,” founder of Fresh Conference Karen Wilson said. “So, I went to Baptist World Aid and, at the same time, the Vulnerable Children Fund was being launched. It’s just remained a really good fit.” Karen has recently returned from a Women in Leadership trip with Baptist World Aid to Cambodia. “This year [at Fresh] we’re going to tackle slavery, protecting women and children from slavery. Women and children like May,” she said. Through its faithful support of the Vulnerable Children Fund, Fresh Conference is helping to educate families so they won’t be taken in by the lies of child traffickers. It is also helping to reduce the risk of trafficking by assisting poor and vulnerable families

Photo: Baptist World Aid Australia

May* was 16 when she was sold into prostitution.

Founder of Fresh Conference Karen Wilson (far right) and Australian women leaders at Fresh Conference 2016.

increase their incomes, provide for their children, and keep them safe in school. Its generosity is ensuring that parents are taught the needs and rights of their children. When May first met Baptist World Aid’s Christian partner in the field, a decade on from her own experience, she understood

Program builds optimism A new mental health program aimed at helping students tackle anxiety and depression has been having an immediate impact in schools. More than 110 chaplains were trained to run the program in 2016. Craigie Heights Primary School and Eden Hill Primary School YouthCARE Chaplain Jenny Palandri said it was making a dramatic difference in schools.

Photo: Community Newspaper Group

The Aussie Optimism program is a joint initiative between YouthCARE and Curtin University and is being implemented in schools through YouthCARE chaplains, teachers and principals.

Chaplain Jenny Palandri speaking with Year 4 students

“This program is helping students understand their thinking style, and giving them the knowledge to be able to change their thinking through ways of empowering them to care for themselves,” she said. Jenny said the skills being taught to students through the program were having a positive impact on home life as well. “I remember a conversation with a parent whose daughter was working through some issues,” she said. “Her brother encouraged her to change her thinking through practical ways he had learnt in Aussie Optimism.” “It’s encouraging to see the effect the course is having in a larger sense.” Aussie Optimism aims to provide schools and families with practical information and strategies that can help all children build coping skills and self-esteem. Curtin University research coordinator Natalie Baughman said children could not always be protected from stress. “However, they can be provided with the skills necessary to cope with stress and to rise above life’s difficulties and challenges,” she said.

immediately how important it was for her to protect the rights of her children. But she also realised that by speaking out in her community, she could help to save other children from her own heartbreaking fate. “[Now] I help others by making them understand their responsibility,” May said.

“If I see someone doing the wrong thing, I need to warn them.” For more information, visit vulnerable-children-fund * May’s name has been changed for privacy and protection.

briefs Builder of WA Baptists talk All are invited to hear Sue Clark pay tribute ‘Bob Clark, builder of Baptists of WA’. Her talk will cover his time as General Superintendent of Baptist Churches Western Australia from 1981 to 2000, and his dedicated and effective work for God which covered many areas, including the Baptist Union of Australia and numerous churches. Afternoon tea will be held after the talk, where those present can chat with Sue. The event will be hosted by the Baptist Historical Society of Western Australia at 2.30pm on Sunday 7 May 2017 at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church – 497 Marmion Street, Booragoon. For more information, email ejwalker@

Dalkeith Baptist Church 80th anniversary Dalkeith Baptist Church invites you to celebrate its 80th anniversary at 10am on Sunday 30 April 2017, followed by a light lunch and fellowship at 123 Waratah

Avenue, Dalkeith. Please RSVP by 16 April to Wai Chee Yao at

Pastoral changes Pastor Mark A Wilson has been appointed as the Pastor at Melville Baptist Church. Pastor Keith Hall has been appointed the part-time Interim Pastor at Yokine Baptist Church for six months.

Annual Vose Booksale The annual Vose Booksale will be held on Saturday 8 April 2017 at 20 Hayman Road, Bentley. Vose Seminary will have over 30,000 second-hand books of all kinds for sale. Plants and gifts will also be on sale, with a sausage sizzle to keep shoppers sustained while browsing. EFTPOS facilities will be available.


feature APRIL 2017

Digital help for believers

Ramona Ötting

Above: Podcasts make it easy to listen to quality

Computers, tablets and smart phones have heavily impacted the way that many Australians walk through life.

teaching content by renowned pastors wherever you are. Right and top right: Bible apps, such as the YouVersion Bible app, provide convenient access to God’s Word on tablets and smart phones. Lower right: Prayer

In 2015, the mean number of devices with access to the internet was six devices per Australian household (seven for households with children under 15); 86 percent of these including smart phones, 62 percent tablets. In our everyday lives, smart devices are used to point out the quickest way to the beach, to research shopping bargains or to watch hilarious videos of funny pets.

organiser apps can be useful to organise prayer requests and set-up prayer reminders.

Smart devices can also be valuable tools in a believer’s journey through life as there are many apps and programs which attempt to help Christians in their walk with the Lord. The Advocate team have compiled a list of applications and programs which we hope our fellow believers might find useful: from Bible reading and prayer request apps to programs which help services run smoothly.

feature APRIL 2017

Bible apps A commonly used app for reading Scripture is the YouVersion Bible app, featuring free access to 1,480 translations in 1,073 languages. The app has been installed on more than 261 million smart phones and tablets worldwide. It allows users to highlight verses and share them with friends, have Scripture read out to them and access hundreds of free devotionals and reading plans. Other Bible apps, such as the Olive Tree Bible app, focus on in-depth Bible study, allowing users to access commentaries, Greek and Hebrew tools, Study Bibles and maps which complement the freely available translations. Olive Tree’s note-taking function makes notes easily accessible for future study as they are displayed in-text and can be tagged (categorised) with custom keywords similar to a concordance or keyword register. Apps for children Another valuable app by YouVersion is The Bible App for Kids. The animated storybook Bible for smart phones and tablets includes more than 40 easy-to-read stories from the Old and New Testament which children can either read by themselves, have parents read out to them, or listen to by using the in-built audio book Bible. Each chapter includes touch-activated animations and game elements which make the stories and their characters come alive. The app is available in 25 languages, including Afrikaans, Mandarin and Hindi. Prayer organiser apps Due to busy everyday lives, it can be easy to forget that we have promised to pray for someone. Several apps have taken on the task of aiding believers in organising their prayer lives and helping to remember prayer requests. Echo is a simplistic prayer app which allows users to take note of prayer requests, schedule one-off or repeated prayer reminders and highlight prayers as ‘answered’. PrayerMate has a similar purpose but comes with a more complex set-up which enables users to categorise prayers, import and export prayer lists, and subscribe to prayer RSS feeds by organisations such as Open Doors Australia.

Note-taking apps There are many moments in a Christian’s walk with the Lord where they can find themselves scrambling for a pen and piece of paper. Be it wanting to jot down something picked up in a sermon, take note of an emotion they felt God has laid on their heart or scribble down a creative idea for an outreach program. While there might very well be a note-taking app specifically designed for Christians, there are several ‘secular’ note-taking apps available which can serve as a multipurpose helper in these times of need. A good, free note-taking app is OneNote which syncs typed, handwritten and voice recorded notes across most common devices. Notes can be organised in groups and easily searched through. Apps to freshen-up quiet time For those who do not only like taking notes but are also into journalising, Day One (iPhone, Mac) or Journey (Android) are valuable alternatives to pen and paper. These apps can auto-capture weather and location data, sync across devices and backup using iCloud or Google Drive. They provide an easy-to-use interface, which lets users capture their thoughts while being given the opportunity to add pictures and publish straight to social media or a personal blog. The app First 5 aims to help believers connect with God during the first five minutes of each and every day. Targeted at women, it opens up first thing in the morning and offers a daily devotional accompanying a Scripture reading with the goal to help women check-in with God before social media, emails and other commitments take up His spot. Podcasts For those who cannot make it to church on a Sunday, but still would like to listen to some teaching, podcasts are a great go-to option. A podcast is an audio file available on the internet (often as part of a series), which can be downloaded and listened to on a smart phone, tablet or computer. Apps such as Podcasts (iPhone) or Pocket Casts (Android) put podcasts by well-known pastors, Christian intellectuals and some local WA churches at a person’s fingertips. They make it very convenient and fast to access a large variety of teaching content at home or on the go. Listening to podcasts by Timothy Keller, Andy Stanley and other renowned pastors is a great way of adding value to a daily commute to work (while keeping safe on the roads, of course).

Music apps Many Christian musicians upload their music onto online music libraries such as Spotify, Pandora or Apple Music. These libraries operate on a monthly subscription or advertisement financed basis and give easy access to the newest albums by Kari Jobe, Hillsong Worship, Michael W Smith and many others. Again, a great lift for a daily commute to work, but when travelling in rural areas keep in mind that mobile data is required for most of these apps. Apps which help services run smoothly Apps and programs can not only support a walk with the Lord, they can also help a church with its daily operations. Baptist Financial Services have launched the online portal GiveWay which provides an online secure portal for financial giving and offerings toward participating churches and organisations. Other apps combine several church activities and resources into one. The Church App, for example, aims to combine all church resources, giving and contact options, podcasts and more into one handy app (used by several big churches such as Bethel). A powerful church management program for churches of all sizes is Planning Center. The program helps organise church services and includes optional features such as a giving, check-in and church attendee management tool. It allows users to set up service run sheets, schedules for volunteers and organise chord charts for the worship team. Team members can login online to access resources for personal practices at home or to blockout dates of unavailability. Planning Center neatly interconnects with Music Stand (a digital music stand app which gives the worship team access to chord charts on mobile devices) and ProPresenter (a projector program which can source service run sheets and lyrics directly from Planning Center, saving valuable time spent copy-pasting lyrics). Resource apps for spiritual church growth There are many apps and online tools aimed at blessing Christians and their church community through quality resources. RightNow Media is a subscriptionbased video service (similar to ‘secular’ streaming services like Netflix) which churches can subscribe to in order to provide all its members with free access to over 15,000 Bible studies as well as over 2,000 Bible-based shows for children. The Hillsong app provides free access to music videos, TV episodes, blog content and conference streams. offers thousands of Bible studies as well as leadership, ministry and training resources at affordable prices. There are many ways believers can use their devices in their daily walk with Christ. Assess and discover the apps that work best for you, your journey and your church.


10 news APRIL 2017

Child hunger in UK increasing

Ramona Ötting

MakeLunch is a network of churches working to fill the holiday hunger gap. It aims to provide primary school children who qualify for free school meals during term times with free meals during school holidays. The organisation runs 64 project kitchens across the United Kingdom and recently had to implement a waiting list. In the UK, around 1.2 million children of families with low incomes are entitled to free school meals. “We’ve been ignoring the issue, I think, because there’s been no provision for these families in school holidays. We’re serving in more places than we ever have,” Rachel said in an interview with Premier Christianity. MakeLunch runs 15 training days a year to train up new church partners willing to open a school holiday kitchen. Founder of the charity, Rachel wished to raise awareness of the growing concern as she feels it is important to assist those who have not been provided for. “We’re emailing MPs, we have been inviting them to our clubs, just to constantly challenge the Government and say: ‘This is what we’re doing about this problem – what are you doing about this problem?’,” Rachel said. Frank Field MP, who co-established the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hunger and Food Poverty was working on a solution. “We are now on the lookout for national solutions that can be

driven by local communities with support from the Government, businesses and charities to ensure no child goes hungry in the holidays,” he insured. According to 2014/2015 data provided by the UK Department for Work and Pensions, 3.9 million children in the UK live in families that struggle financially; that is nine children in a classroom of 30. The Institute for Fiscal Studies projects that child poverty in the UK will rise by 50 percent by 2020. While the Welsh Government announced £500,000 funding per year for lunch clubs and the Scottish Government has started serious inquiries into the issue, the English Government has not yet coordinated government actions against the concerning trend.

Photo: Victoria Kovelina

UK non-profit organisation MakeLunch Director Rachel Warwick has voiced her concern that the organisation had to feed more children than ever during the February school holidays.

UK non-profit organisation warns that an increasing amount of children in Britain go hungry during school holidays.

No more compassion in India

Ramona Ötting

Due to restrictions imposed by the Indian government, Compassion International was forced to close its operations in India on 15 March. ‘It is with heavy hearts we announce that on 15 March 2017,

Compassion will formally end all program operations in India’, read Compassion Australia’s announcement to its supporters. The closure affects 147,000 children and 589 local church partners in India. Australian sponsors of children in India have received letters informing them about the events. Jess Magowan sponsored 14 year old Sadhana for 11 years. “It broke my heart to know the amount of children who would not

international briefs Children in Ukraine in need

Prayer wall planned in England

Hispanic Christians worried

The number of children in need in the Ukraine has doubled since last year, rising to one million children in need of humanitarian aid, UNICEF reported. The number has increased drastically due to ongoing conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian-speaking separatists, loss of housing and poor access to health care. One in five schools has been destroyed since the beginning of the conflict in 2014. The Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church Major-Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk appealed to the world community not to turn a blind eye towards the situation. “Such tragedy cannot and must not remain invisible,” he said.

A wall of answered prayer is planned to be built in England. Each brick of the wall will represent an answered prayer with a testimony by the person who donated the brick. Former soccer chaplain Richard Gamble said he had the vision for the project 13 years ago. The ultimate location of the wall has not yet been determined, but Mr Gamble hopes it will be built where many people pass by every day. In February, the Royal Institute of British Architects presented five concept design proposals to the British Parliament. Each brick will be available for £10. All profits will be donated to charity.

According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center, half of the Hispanic Christians living in the United States are worried about being deported or losing someone close to them because of deportation. More than four out of ten have ‘serious concerns’ about what life will be like with Donald Trump as President of the United States, reported Christianity Today. The Trump administration had announced in February that actions against undocumented immigrants will be increased and deportation processes sped up.

be supported anymore, not just my own sponsor child,” Jess said. “I was, however, glad that I was able to support Sadhana for much of her life. This hopefully has helped to set her up well for adulthood.” While not receiving an official explanation, Compassion believes that the closure was caused by foreign non-profits being subjected to increased scrutiny, efforts to reduce India’s dependency on foreign funds, and religious

hostility towards the Christian organisation. Compassion emphasised that it accepts and serves children and communities of all faith backgrounds and categorically does not require or force conversion to Christianity. The organisation unsuccessfully tried to resolve the situation through in-country legal actions, appealing to the US Secretary of State and testifying in front of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.

news 11 APRIL 2017

Good news from Syria

Ramona Ötting

A young Syrian girl in her makeshift home receives food after being displaced from her home in Aleppo.

living in pain, to offer them a listening ear. We heard their pain, frustration and problems,” Pastor Boutros shared. “We did this without discrimination, it didn’t matter to us if they were Christians or Muslims or of any other religion.” “We decided to start small and then we grew.” Their ministry grew quickly: from 60 supported families in 2012 to 4,000 families in 2017. “The church became the family of those who lost everything,” Pastor Boutros said. “We got another perspective – we discovered that all people are in need of God.” “We as a church are not isolating ourselves anymore. We are taking the lead, we take our place in society. The war widened our vision,” Pastor Boutros concluded. Since 2011, almost five million people fled Syria and more than six million people who stayed were forced to abandon their homes. The United Nations estimated that a total of 13.5 million Syrians are currently in need of protection and humanitarian assistance. Syria ranks sixth on the World Watch list of the 50 most dangerous countries to live as a Christian. The Bible Society and Open Doors ask for continued prayer for Syria and people like Gaith and Pastor Boutros who continue to share the good news amidst ongoing conflict. * Name changed by the Bible Society to protect his identity.

Are you interested in making a real difference in a school community? YouthCARE is a Christian organisation providing school chaplaincy services. We are seeking people to serve within a school community by providing pastoral care to students, staff and families. If this sounds like you or someone you know, then head to our website for more information:

Part time and full time positions High School and Primary vacancies Metro and regional locations Life experience valued

I love being able to spend time with students who may not have someone to just sit and listen to their concerns. YouthCARE Chaplain

Throughout the conflict, the Christian bookstore Bible House has been a point of stability and comfort for many in Aleppo, Syria, the Bible Society reported. Gaith* advised the joy he felt when city areas, which had been blocked-off for years, were reopened at the beginning of this year as the fighting in Aleppo ceased and some who had fled the city returned home. He had lived in Aleppo since his childhood and now operates the Christian bookstore in the midst of the city. During the Christmas season, Bible House was able to bless local churches with children’s Bibles financed through Bible Society donations. “We have been running all the Christmas programs at churches and schools and it’s been a joy seeing children and young people receive the word of God with such joy,” Gaith explained in an interview with the Bible Society. In Tartus, Syria’s second largest port city 250 kilometres south-west of Aleppo, Pastor Boutros experienced similar moments of joy amongst the devastation caused by civil war. His church community has grown from 25 members to 200 members since the beginning of the conflict, about 90 percent of which are new believers. “Destruction and death are one part of the story in Syria. On the other hand, I see the work of God. So, I can deliver good news to you: People are coming to Christ, they are baptised,” Pastor Boutros reported in an interview with Open Doors Australia. His church has served thousands of families who have stayed in Syria but lost almost everything. Inspired by the good Samaritan, Pastor Boutros and his fellow believers provided families with food and medical items, and supported those who were in hospital. “We encouraged everybody, young and old, to come and join hands with us. To visit people

Photo: Open Doors Australia

After years of concerning news from Syria, stories of light have started to break through the darkness in the conflict-torn country. A Syrian pastor and the coordinator of a Christian bookshop share stories of hope, love and church growth with their supporters.

12 in conversation APRIL 2017

Jesus – The game changer Karl Faase from Olive Tree Media hosts Jesus the Game Changer, a series exploring how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters. Jill Birt recently interviewed Karl.

Who is Jesus the Game Changer for? It is aimed at the Christian looking for confidence in their faith and those who may not be followers of Jesus yet, but have the attitude of an enquirer. You travelled around the globe to make this series, why didn’t you simply conduct Skype interviews? The key goal for Olive Tree Media was to follow the lead of its very successful series Towards Belief. We recognise that we live in a society that only notices excellence in its absence. We are committed to having high production values so that that there is no ‘cringe factor’ for those watching the series, and people engage in the concepts that the series presents rather than be distracted by poor production values. What did you and the team learn as you conducted these unique interviews? While we started the research and production knowing that Jesus influenced the world, the more we read and the more interviews we completed the more we came to see that we had underestimated Jesus’ influence. For me personally, it was Jesus’ influence on wealth and capitalism which was the great surprise. The monastic movement, built on Jesus’

teaching and following the rule of Benedict (6th century monastic leader), created influential communities. These groups of people not only committed to the life of prayer and learning but also creating productive communities that served their local areas and created wealth which influenced the growth of large areas. For the team, the visit to India was confronting and informative. We visited the ‘snake charmers’ village and heard about a community of people who had no rights, no birth certificate and less value than many animals in that society. It is hard to grasp that in 2017 there are still many people around the world that do not experience the equality that Jesus taught and lived. Of the people you interviewed, who challenged your thinking most? Interviewing Vishal Mangalwadi was a challenge to my thinking. I guess while knowing in theory that people in different countries, following various worldviews, would treat people differently, the discussion with Mangalwadi made a deep impact. Vishal recounted many stories and experiences as a Christian activist and academic in India that made it clear the difference Christian faith makes to values and behaviour. He recounted a case in 1987 where an 18 year old Indian bride was forced to lay on the funeral pyre of her dead husband and be burned to death. This was a common occurrence many years ago in India, but due to pressure from England through the influence of the East India Trading Company this practice has been largely eliminated from Indian society. This rare case created a lot of news and agitation, as Mangalwadi said in Delhi they were able to mobilise 400 activists to stand against this practice, but the Hindus in Rajasthan, where this occurred, mobilised 200,000 people who wanted widow burning restored. It must have been inspiring to talk with some of the great thinkers and practitioners of our time. Which interviews inspired you? Why? Meeting and interviewing Rodney Stark was a wonderful experience. I had read some of his books and have always been impressed by his writing

Photo: Jane Faase

How did Jesus the Game Changer come about? What big questions were you aiming to address? Jesus the Game Changer series is responding to the shift in western democracies where people are taking the attitude that religion, Christian faith included, is having a negative influence on society. This is leading to a move to withdraw Christian faith from the public square of politics, education, media and social debates. What people in western democracies are failing to recognise is that the life and teaching of Jesus gave the foundational values that created free western democratic nations. This series is hoping to remind people of the heritage that created these societies. This is not just a history lesson but helping people to recognise that the values they hold most dearly are a direct result of the life and teaching of Jesus. There are ten episodes on DVD or digital download.

Karl Faase interviewing John Swinton for Jesus the Game Changer series.

and scholarship. Stark is an academic working in a secular university and yet is a strident defender of the influence of Christian faith. In fact, of all our guests he was perhaps the one most ardent that, as he said, “Western civilisation would not exist had not there been Jesus.” Many other guests gave statements like this but often within some thoughtful caveats and careful statements. However, Stark was clear and unapologetic. He has lectured at Baylor University but now spends almost all his time writing. He has written 40 books, many of them bestsellers. At the other end of the scale is Sister Clare, who heads the Sisters of Charity of Australia, the order that started St Vincent’s Health in Australia 175 years ago. This wonderful lady told her story of joining the order at 21. She oozed grace and was a blessing to meet. The Sisters of Charity began in the 19th century in Dublin, Ireland and sent five sisters to Australia in 1838. People like this are often overlooked in books and reflections of the influence of Jesus and the Christian Church. Yet these five sisters started

an order in response to an influenza outbreak and began a small hospital for the poor in Potts Point, called St Vincent’s Hospital. Today this is one of the largest health care providers in Australia with 18,000 people working in 28 locations and an annual turnover of two billion dollars. They impact thousands of people from some of our nation’s wealthiest to those living on the streets of Darlinghurst. How are people using the series in faith communities and the wider community? Recently, we were contacted by a church group just south of Oxford in the UK who had 45 people attend a showing of the series, several of which they had little or no contact with. This is an example of how we would like to see the series used – many churches across Australia, New Zealand and the UK using the series in their small groups ministry. How was the project funded? Olive Tree Media has over 20 different large donors and foundations from across Australia, New Zealand and

the United Kingdom who have helped support the making of this series. We have been humbled and honoured by the confidence many people have in our ability to produce excellent content for the church and wider community. You’ve conducted some amazing research. Are there other ways people can access the material? We will be releasing a coffee table book with the content of the series in 2017, as well as photos and behind the scenes stories of the making of the series. People can also visit the website www. and view extended interviews of 12 of our guests. Do you have plans to do any more series? We are starting the process of considering the next series. Our team and board hope that by the second half of 2017 we will have a clear direction and starting to research the next series. Right now, there is no clear direction, but it is a point of prayer and consideration for our team.

growth 13 APRIL 2017

On active service – Camp life in Northam The following article was written in The WA Baptist News just before Reverend Harold Law-Davis left for Egypt and the Greek-Crete campaign in November 1940. He was initially gazetted as a Royal Australian Army chaplain but when he found he was not appointed to a Unit, he re-enlisted in 1940 as a private in a medical corp and rose to the rank of lance corporal. He served in Egypt, Greece and Crete and was able to leave Crete on the last boat that departed before the Germans took the remaining men as prisoners. He was allowed compassionate leave when his youngest son was seriously ill (unfortunately, he died before Harold arrived home). Harold was then discharged from the Army and returned to Narrogin as a pastor. About 18 months later he was appointed a Australian Imperial Force chaplain within Western Australia (1943-1945).

Photo: Harold Law-Davis family

I am sitting in The Salvation Army hut in the Northam camp writing these lines to you. Comradely sounds fill the small interior of this place. Men’s voices, the shuffle of feet, the tip-tap of the ping-pong ball, interspersed with a few chords of a familiar air being strummed by some budding Rubinstein on the piano; add to this a little imagination and you will be

transported into the atmosphere in which I am now found. And I find it pleasant indeed. That may read contrary to the expectations of many of your readers. They perhaps have allowed the hard [ground] on which a soldier sleeps, the all-round lack of home comforts, the long day, the route marches, the camp fatigues (and there is a considerable variety of these)

and other things of like kind to loom large in their minds. If that was all that was in it, then I would eagerly respond to their commiserations. The fact is I am more interested in men than I am in comforts; therefore I am content. Why did I come here? I came because I felt led to come just as certainly as a man is led to go as a missionary to some foreign land. I came because I

believe the Master Himself would have done the same thing were He here in the flesh today. For there is a need amongst these men, which I am more than ever convinced will be met only from the inside. The outside effort has been tried and failed. The Church must make itself of no reputation and live amongst the rough and tumble of life and prove itself equal to the task. The majority of these men, I judge, are foreigners to the Church. They are ignorant of the real facts of the faith. They are all in a fog about denominations and this doctrine and that, and they, thinking that to be expert in these things constitutes Christianity, have given the whole puzzling business the go-by and live their lives in their own way. I believe the Church will have to do some hard thinking and cleaning up in these critical days, else it will find itself in the backwaters when the world is to be rebuilt after the war. Don’t you think we, that is we Christian people, have attempted to work in the reverse way to that which the Master employed? We wait for people to come to us (and a few do), but He went to the people. It bothers me. Here in WA we have thousands of men whom

the Church will never touch if it pursues its present policy of just waiting for them to come. These men swear like troopers, they drink hard, and many seem to be without morals of any kind. But Peter, James and John were fishermen and they were, in all probability, ‘hardlivers’, too. But Jesus went to them, not to scold, but to live a life the influence of which transformed theirs. I may have left these shores before The WA Baptist News comes out. But I want to assure all my friends that I have a high purpose in going away. These men are teaching me many things, the greatest of which, perhaps, is that there is such a thing as comradeship amongst men of diverse views and experience – a comradeship which challenges anything I have previously known. I still hear the piano, the ping-pong balls, the shuffle of feet, but more, I still hear the voices of men! I want the Church to hear those voices too. We may have to experience a revolution within the Church, before we capture those voices for the praise of Christ. Lest we forget.

14 news APRIL 2017

Buchanan’s shoebox of songs

98five Music Director Chela Williams

Editor: Managing Editor: Subeditor: Production: Creative: Advertising: Distribution: Editorial deadline:

Matt Chapman Andrew Sculthorpe Caitlin du Toit Vanessa Klomp Peter Ion Sally Phu Sally Phu 5th of each month

independent album called Remember the Lord.” Colin’s approach to songwriting is incredibly candid and vulnerable, including title track ‘Outside the Camp’, a reflective song about finding Jesus through the darkest moments of our lives. “In our life of ease, we carefully and hopefully weave our way around loss, illness, darkness and death. It turns out that is the very place that we find Jesus – literally,” Colin said. “[Songs are a] way of sharing something you’ve felt and thought with other people. And if the song does its job well, it will take the listener into another place and time and life.” “All that is a very special thing to be involved with. It’s never certain, it’s full of surprises. I started writing songs as a teenager and it seems like I just haven’t been able to kick the habit.”

The case for Christ

For more information, visit

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Colin Buchanan started writing songs as a teenager and hasn’t stopped. His latest album, Calvary Road, is out now.

Photo: Triple Horse Studios

“I am something of an unstoppable songwriter,” Colin confessed. “Rather than start writing when I have a project in mind, I find myself writing songs that could suit a wide variety of projects.” “I knew that there was a growing number of songs in a shoebox that could become the Calvary Road album.” Since bursting on our television screens in 1993 as a presenter for Play School subsequently releasing his first Christian kids’ album three years later, Colin is arguably regarded as one of Australia’s most popular Christian children’s entertainers. “It has been a blessing to maintain a connection to children since my first qualification was as a primary school teacher,” Colin explained. “I learned so much working alongside the likes of John, Monica and Noni on the set of Play School.” “Even though my kids Christian songs pre-date my time on the show by up to a decade it wasn’t until 1996 that I released my first kids’ Christian album.” “I’m very grateful for that sphere of my career which has exceeded all the expectations I ever had for my little

Photo: Wanaaring Road Music

Entertainer, television and radio host, musician, singer, songwriter, children’s entertainer and allround Aussie legend Colin Buchanan has released his most ambitious project to date. Literally birthed from a shoebox of songs and ideas, Calvary Road is an honest showcase of the ARIA winner’s faith.

Based on the worldwide bestselling book by Lee Strobel, The Case of Christ is scheduled to arrive in cinemas this May.

Caitlin du Toit

Set to arrive in Australian cinemas early May, The Case for Christ aims to challenge today’s growing culture against Christianity.

Inspired by the 1998 book by Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ is based on the true story of an award-winning journalist and atheist. He applies his investigative skills to invalidate his wife’s Christian faith, however what he discovers is unexpected. Starring Mike Vogel and Erika Christensen and

directed by Jon Gunn, the film aims to challenge believers to think about what they believe and why, and has been recommended as a resource for small groups. The movie will be brought to various cinemas throughout Australia by Triple Horse Studios and Pure Flix Entertainment.

intermission 15 APRIL 2017


A minute with ...

Photo: Australian Defence Force

100 Things God Loves About You 100 Things God Loves About You is a useful book for readers to keep handy when they doubt God’s love. A bright uplifting book with literally 100 scriptures, each with a reminder of God’s love for any reader. From number one, ‘God loves your story – regardless of what has been written so far’, to hundred, ‘God Loves You – He designed each of us to be exactly who we are, we are fearfully and wonderfully made’, this book can encourage the weary soul. When the world leaves a person flat and wounded, the best solution is to return to the source of love for refreshment, to be filled again so they can love others and be the person God has called them to be. The front of the book includes a special place to include a message of love and support for the recipient.

watch Hillsong – Let Hope Rise

Chaplain Daniel Hynes Fleet Chaplain North, Australian Defence Force

Hillsong is pretty much a household name in the Christian world, but what and who is behind it all? Hillsong – Let Hope Rise takes the viewer backstage to meet the Hillsong United team with a brief insight into their lives. The movie is set in the lead up to a worship encounter at The Forum in Los Angeles, as the team wait on God to write His songs. With a few glimpses back to the humble beginnings of Hillsong Church presented by Brian and Bobbie Houston, it shows how stepping out in faith and humilty can not only impact this generation but the generations that follow, and how by ‘standing on the shoulders’ of those that have gone before it is possible to reach even greater heights.

What is a feature of your ministry that you would like to share? One particular feature is that this ministry is more aligned to the role of a missionary. My wife, Mandy and I are often moving from one place to another – often with little notice our circumstances can change. This makes it difficult to become close to anyone as you would in a local Church over a period of time. In one church in Cairns, they put our pictures on the back of the weekly bulletin and prayed for us as missionaries, which was lovely. In Naval chaplaincy, I am continually meeting people from many different cultures with a variety of belief structures. Unlike the role of minister where people enter the church to know more about God and meet like-minded people, I am not allowed to evangelise in word, but of course always can in deed. Fortunately, when asked about my faith, I am able to give ‘an answer for what I believe, in a kind and loving way’ [1 Peter 3:15]. What characteristic do you think every leader should possess? Having spent over 35 years surrounded by military leaders, and being caught up myself in that leadership training regime; I believe that a much overlooked and powerful attribute is ‘humility’. What advice would you give to someone going into a leadership position for the first time? I would suggest the following four points: 1. Be clear in your communication – the vision – cast it often. 2. Know you can’t do everything – have clear boundaries. 3. Use your team – God blessed you with gifted people to build His Kingdom. 4. Know your people – they have been entrusted into your care with God’s help. One last one that I was told years ago, beware of the ‘Messiah complex’ – you have not been called to save the world and the people you journey with.

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listen Here as in Heaven Elevation Worship There is a focus from worship teams around the world on bringing heaven to earth that people may encounter the presence of God and be inspired to seek Him all the more. Here as in Heaven is no exception. With lyrics to touch the listener’s heart and mind and uplift their soul, songs like ‘O Come to the Altar’ seeks to touch a hurting and broken world and give it hope. ‘Grace like a Wave’ is a much more upbeat song but still brings the message of hope that God’s amazing grace can restore a person with no work required by them – Jesus did it all. It contains great songs for personal and corporate worship. The album was also nominated for a 2016 GMA Dove Award for Worship Album of the Year.

16 news APRIL 2017

Photo: Baptistcare

Seniors keeping fit and active

Playing a game of lawn bowls at Baptistcare Riverside Salter Point.

Linda Lee

A new bowling green recently opened for retirement living residents at Baptistcare Riverside Salter Point, with a special barbecue attended by residents, family, friends and Baptistcare staff. Everyone had the opportunity to try their hand at a friendly game of bowls at the event. Lawn bowls is popular across a range of age groups as a lowimpact, therapeutic and social exercise that can improve fitness and coordination. Riverside Salter Point’s full size green comprises four rinks where residents, their friends and

families can play rounds of lawn bowls at their leisure and enjoy being outdoors. “Playing lawn bowls is a fun way for residents to socialise and be active,” Baptistcare Retirement Living Manager Lidia Dawkins said.

“It provides fun, gentle exercise, social interaction, relaxation and enjoyment for them, as well as family and friends in the open air. It’s an important facility for our residents.” Residents have been making the most of the new facilities and good weather to keep fit and get social, with plans to hold an annual team tournament. “The bowling green is part of the retirement village’s community centre which is a meeting point for social interaction and community lifestyle,” Lidia explained. The community centre has facilities which the residents can utilise to stay active such

as an indoor heated swimming pool, fitness gym, function areas, movie theatre, library, barbecue area and other communal spaces. “It’s fabulous. It’s much more than just a bowling green, it’s a whole precinct of leisure, it’s great,” Riverside Salter Point resident John Andrew said. Baptistcare’s retirement villages also offer residents a variety of wellbeing activities that provide physical, social and mental stimulation, including painting, woodwork, aqua aerobics and social nights. “Keeping active has many benefits for our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. For

seniors, increased leisure time during retirement presents an opportune time to discover new ways of being active, including participating in low-impact exercise, pursuing interests and trying new hobbies,” Lidia said. “Engaging in these activities has shown to improve health and assists with lowering the risk of disease later in life, such as heart disease and dementia, while also enabling valuable social community interaction.” For more information, visit

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