APRIL 2016
In Conversation All Together Pastoral Retreat guest speaker, Rev. Dr Allan Demond discusses his ministry as Senior Pastor at NewHope Baptist Church. PAGE 12 >>
“Any leader worth his salt knows what he doesn’t know and does something about it.” DAVE KRAFT PAGE 13>>
3 Camp pioneers Book launch celebrates Baptist campsite’s 50th anniversary >>
Photo: Sarah Wickham
7 Ask Anything New DVD answers some of the questions that Australians ask about God >>
Vose Seminary 2016 graduates gathered with staff to celebrate their completion of years of theological study recently.
Graduates urged to shine 10 Training for Africa Over 370 people filled the auditorium of Riverton Baptist Community Church to acknowledge the success of 62 Vose Seminary graduates and welcome a new batch of students on 14 March. Built around the theme ‘let your light shine’, Vose Seminary’s annual Commencement and Conferral Service was an enthusiastic and celebratory event, according to organisers. Vose students have achieved some outstanding academic results over the years and the class of 2015 was no exception, with Richard Fletcher being awarded the Oliver Hayward Prize as the top student in the Graduate Diploma of Divinity program of the Australian College of Theology (ACT). The ACT is a consortium of 16 theological colleges, of which Vose is a member. Deborah Hurn won the Vose Seminary dux award, and her significant achievement in the
Bachelor of Theology degree was also noted. Dr James Lee introduced a group of Korean graduates, speaking fluently in both English and Korean, with his Korean comments being translated into English on the overhead screens. This is the second cohort of Korean students who have graduated from Vose Seminary, and the program is likely to grow further in the future. Not all the graduates were able to attend as some had already commenced ministry in other parts of Australia, while several international students are now serving in their home country. Baptist Churches Western Australia Pastoral Consultant Rob
Furlong spoke, urging students to let their light shine winsomely. He lamented that Christianity is increasingly portrayed as an extremist faith and encouraged those gathered to be sensitive in their portrayal of faith. “To do so, be mindful of the principles laid out by Jesus in the Beatitudes,” he said.
... urging students to let their light shine winsomely.
He also reminded graduates of the strength inherent in genuine meekness, and of the impact that it can have. During his talk, Vose Seminary Principal Dr Brian Harris showed
the latest photos of the building project at Vose which has now reached lockup stage and is scheduled to be opened at the end of April. He also spoke of the new opportunities resulting from the introduction of online courses at Vose, where it is now possible to take a whole degree in distance format. “The take up of the program has been strong, and current enrolments are double what was predicted,” Brian said. A group of musicians, mainly Vose students, led the worship at the service. They will also lead worship at the Baptist pastors conference this year. Undergirding the strong performance of Vose Seminary is the stable leadership that has been provided by its principals over the years. Now in its 53rd year, the Seminary has only had three principals in this time and all were present on the evening.
WA nurses visit Ethiopia to train orthopaedic nurses >>
Generous hearts committed to building the Kingdom of God. BAPTIST CHURCHES WESTERN AUSTRALIA