The Advocate June 2015

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JUNE 2015

In Conversation Carey Baptist College Chaplain Kim Chidgzey talks about being a chaplain in a Christian school. PAGE 12>>

“Leadership is about the skill and capability to systemically recalibrate the church for mission.” JOHN CROSBY PAGE 13>>

Speedy aid for Nepal Australians are responding in unique ways to meet the needs of the Nepalese people following two major earthquakes that have devastated the landlocked mountainous nation.

John Smith challenges men at Inglewood Community Church >>

5 Better Mums MOPS inspire mums in their role >>

Photo: Baptist World Aid Australia

More than 8,400 people died and 22,000 people were injured during the quakes that caused major upheavals on Saturday 25 April and Tuesday 12 May. Hundreds of aftershocks continue to unsettle survivors. Within hours of the first quake, aid agencies including Baptist World Aid Australia, TEAR Australia and World Vision were mobilising teams and relief to send to Nepal to help. Specialists with skills in disaster management, logistics and health care left Australia to work alongside the not-for-profit groups. These agencies have been working within Nepal for decades, helping to alleviate poverty, develop health programs in remote areas and nurture local leaders. Aid groups asked for funds following the first earthquake and reiterated their pleas for assistance as the magnitude of the disaster became known. Sydney physiotherapist Darren Reed who trained physiotherapists in Nepal a decade ago while working with International Nepal Fellowship left an international conference in Singapore he was attending at the time to fly directly to Nepal to assist. At Dhulikhel Hospital, 30 kilometres east of Kathmandu, hundreds of patients stretched the hospital beyond capacity. Fractures and head wound patients crammed into a covered area in a temporary ward. Darren counted 42 patients with spinal chord damage. It took the medical team all day to conduct their

3 God’s Squad

8 Gallipoli Centenary Many Nepalese were left homeless after earthquakes struck their nation recently.

rounds. Medical supplies were limited. Although, only a week after the initial quake, village life was finding a new rhythm. Mission Aviation Fellowship Australia sent helicopters and six flight crew to Nepal on 6 May. The have been takingoff or landing on average every 18 minutes during the 10 hour daylight operational window each day, flying emergency medical supplies, food, water, blankets and tents to more remote villages that continue to be cut off from assistance due to landslides. When the second quake struck on 12 May, terror, fear and anxiety quickly changed to action. People in cities and villages moved outside buildings and slept in the open on streets and clear land. For the Nepalese diaspora in Perth the feeling of helplessness surfaced quickly.

“We feel like we can do nothing but pray for our families in Nepal,” Victoria Park café worker Sarita said. TEAR Australia Development Effectiveness Officer Phil Lindsay left Perth on 18 May to join TEAR’s

team in Nepal. With several years’ experience in Nepal Phil will be working alongside village people as they restore their homes and lives. Phil took with him $580 raised at the café where Sarita works.

How to help

Pastor Brian Robertson shares his Gallipoli experience >>

Generous hearts committed to building the Kingdom of God.

Baptist World Aid Australia Mission Aviation Fellowship Australia TEAR Australia World Vision



my view JUNE 2015

Kingdom or empire? Earlier this year I had the privilege of visiting the Western Australian Chin Christian Church to participate in their worship service. I arrived early, and in 40⁰C I was grateful to be ushered into the foyer by some leaders.

Philip Bryant Philip Bryant is a Church Health Consultant with Baptist Churches Western Australia.

I discovered that we needed to wait in the foyer for a church service conducted by the Emmanuel Karen Baptist Church of Western Australia to conclude. Being a ‘sticky beak’ I peered into the Karen service to discover that the auditorium was full. Immediately following this service the Chin people began to set up for their service. There was a mass movement of about 700 Chin and Karen people coming and going. We commenced the Chin service in a full auditorium and

the singing ‘blew me away’. Their harmony and enthusiasm for singing praises to God was something that I have not seen in a church congregation for many years. The service and time of fellowship afterwards was warm and caring. Most of these people have come to Australia as refugees. They have few possessions, struggle with English and have difficulty finding employment. However, they support and encourage one

another in both church and community. They share what they have with one another. It reminded me of the church of Acts chapter four. I drove away thinking these guys really get it. Girrawheen Baptist Church really understands and practices a Kingdom view of the church. The Chin and Karen congregations meet in the Girrawheen Baptist Church buildings, as well as three other congregations.

As they often do, my thoughts began to wander to asking “what if” questions. What if every Baptist church invited a cross-cultural group to share their buildings? What if every Baptist church really put into practice what I think deep down they believe, that their buildings are entrusted by God to be used for His Kingdom, not just those who built them? What if every Baptist church was committed to supporting a cross-cultural congregation and willing to work through any issues for the sake of the Kingdom? What if … what if …? Wouldn’t that be kind of like heaven on earth?

Winter ... Now I know that my Canadian friends always giggle when I talk about winter in Perth (“what no snow and temperatures higher than ours in summer – and you call that winter?”), but as I recently ignited our trusty gas heater, I reflected that the season’s change was again upon us.

Dr Brian Harris Dr Brian Harris is the Principal of Vose Seminary and Pastor at Large for the Carey Group.

Of course in the northern hemisphere winter comes at the end of the year – and so those of us in the other hemisphere often raise quizzical eyebrows when we receive Christmas cards picturing ice and snow and wishing us season’s greetings. Opening them on a 40 degree Perth summer day is a subtle form of torture ... ‘if only’ we think. Psychologically speaking there is a fair difference between

winter being located at the end of the year or the middle. For our unfortunate northern hemisphere friends, winter speaks of the end; a year that has slipped away, time that has past. For those of us in the southern hemisphere, it is simply the midpoint of a year which still holds lots of excitement – indeed, spring and summer lie ahead. Instead of winter being the terminal, an unhospitable port

before death, it is the season to briefly recuperate before launching out to complete what was previously started. Now it is true that the Bible can sound a little negative when it speaks about winter. The Song of Songs 2:11-12 delights in its passing: ‘For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come ...’ However it also sounds another

note, a quietly insistent one that we would be foolish to ignore. Try Psalm 74:17 ‘you made both summer and winter’ with its gentle confidence that God is the creator of all seasons, and remains in control through sunshine and rain. So what does winter mean to you? A brief period to recuperate or an approaching end? Regardless, God still reigns. Of course you might be reading this on a 28 degree Perth winter day and mutter “winter – never heard of it”. Whatever – God still reigns.

In life’s sweet spot Author Ken Robinson explores and champions ‘The Element’, where natural aptitude meets personal passion. When people are doing the thing they love, they feel like their most authentic selves.

Heather Coleman Heather Coleman is the General Director of Global Interaction.

At this juncture, Robinson states people are more alive, more centred and more vibrant than at any other time. I call this moment finding one’s ‘sweet spot’ – where people discover their God given gifts and use them to His glory. There are some days when I pause and wonder how it is that I can hold such a privileged role as the General Director of Global Interaction. How is it that I have the opportunity to be serving with people in the most exciting work of

God’s mission where people share the good news with people who otherwise would not have heard? I have a primary view of the Lord’s transformative power when He takes ordinary people committed to an extraordinary cause. I cannot recall a time when I was not fascinated by, and drawn to, people from other cultures. Born and brought up in Adelaide, my main exposure was to people of Greek and Italian backgrounds. I always held a

strong curiosity and desire to learn more of other cultures and how they varied from my own. It was when the Australian Baptist Missionary Society Board was held in Adelaide, my husband and I sat in sessions where missionaries told stories of their work and experiences – we were captured! This work combined the natural interest in other cultures with the Lord’s Commission of making disciples. This discovery was natural yet life changing and led to

an exciting and rich new journey. I’m now in a ‘sweet spot’, with others who share the same vision. The vision of connecting with others and forming relationships with strangers to explain the reason for our faith; the vision of taking this message to places where the labourers are few and less than two percent of the people group have responded to that message; the vision that leads to people from every tribe, nation and tongue standing before the throne and the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb!”

letters to the editor send us your letters The Advocate welcomes your letters to the editor on topics of concern to you and the community. Send your letters of no more than 100 words to by the 10th of each month.



JUNE 2015

God’s Squad rides into town

We need to stay abreast of the current culture.

Fitting with his commitment to support and encourage leaders, John spent time talking with several church and missional leaders while he was in Perth. Several members of God’s Squad from Tasmania travelled with John. They came to Perth to volunteer for a renovation project at Inglewood Community Church’s new building. The group installed cladding around the entire building in less than a week, giving the building a new look and improved security. God’s Squad Christian Motorcycle Club was established in the late 1960s in Sydney. It then expanded to a broader base under John’s leadership, and has been based in Melbourne since 1972.

Situations Vacant Love writing articles and being able to make a contribution to a wider circle than just your own church? A great opportunity is available to be a writer for the Advocate. It is a chance to gain great experience using your skills to serve God as well as adding a good look to your resume. If interested then please email a short BIO to:

Photo: Mark Edwards

Leader of the group, John Smith had a full teaching program at several churches while he was in Perth. John spoke at Inglewood Community Church several times during the week, including two services on Sunday and a men’s event during the week. John’s prophetic voice to the church raised the issue of finding the right questions to ask in the community. He suggested that churches are not answering the right questions, but are answering questions no longer relevant to contemporary culture. “We need to stay abreast of the current culture,” Inglewood Pastor Mark Edwards said. Local Harley Davidson agents Fraser Motorcycles sponsored the ‘Men’s Night with John Smith’ at Inglewood. They supplied some high end Harley Davidson motorcycles for display on the night. More than 100 men attended the evening event where the band from Inglewood performed and John Smith was the guest speaker. Morley Baptist Church also hosted John for a men’s event where more than 100 men engaged with John’s story. John’s style and message were highly relevant to students at Ellenbrook Christian College and Swan Christian College when he visited both schools. John loves speaking with teenagers about life issues including sexuality, suicide and self-esteem. At a midweek meeting with volunteer workers of

John Smith challenges men attending Inglewood Community Church’s Men’s Night.

Easter for the Martu people It was too wet to camp at Coobina for this year’s Martu Easter Convention, so conference attendees relocated to The Farm and Parnpajinya community, locations where the Martu people live and work in Newman. Yangebup Baptist Church Pastor Craig Siggins and Bronwyn Kreigler from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church led a team of eight people from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church to support the Martu people’s Easter Convention. Andre Kriegler, Bronwyn’s husband, was cook for the group, enabling other team members to focus on working with the Martu children during meeting times. Bible stories, games and Easter egg hunts were all valuable opportunities to continue building relationships with the children. “There were so many highlights from the trip – singing late into the night, hearing the testimonies and stories of some of the faithful old Martu women, sharing communion, watching men like ‘AG’, Alastair and Walter leading strongly from the front,

Photo: Craig Siggins

God’s Squad Christian Motorcycle Club visited Perth in April.

TEAR Australia organised by TEAR’s Steve McKinnon, John drew on his wisdom and experience, and encouraged the group to think ‘beyond success’ and to commit to the faith journey for the long haul, no matter the ups and downs. He encouraged the group to reflect on Hebrews 12, and particularly to see that the Christian experience was one of endurance and perseverance inspired by the image of the cross.

A young Martu boy is intrigued by the python Pastor Craig Siggins had a close encounter with near Jiggalong.

and some of the young guys getting involved too,” Craig said. Josie Samson and a group of Yindjibarndi Christians from Roebourne also joined the Easter Convention meetings. “Another highlight was the whole group marching across town behind a cross from The Farm to Parnpajinya on Easter Sunday,” Craig said.

During the Convention, some of the team made a trip to Jiggalong to visit another group of Martu people and had a bit of excitement along the way when they found a 1.8 metre black-headed python. The endangered reptile travelled with the group to Newman.


news JUNE 2015

Photo: Jill Birt

Romanians celebrate 25 years

Doina Busan leads the choir at the Romanian Baptist Church’s anniversary.

More than 120 Romanian Christians celebrated the Romanian Baptist Church’s 25th anniversary on 26 April. The Church was established 30 years ago when a wave of Romanian refugees arrived in Perth after they fled the communist regime. In the early 90s, the Church grew further

when another wave of migrants arrived after the communist regime fell. Visitors came from the Romanian Pentecostal Church in Perth and others from the

digital church 05/05/15

12/05/15 “I must be present when my friends are hurting most. I must not try to explain everything. I must not think everything needs my input or my attempt at a solution. I must be okay with silence. I must not take what I’ve heard – or what’s culturally acceptable – as an indication of truth. I must stick with the scriptures and an accurate interpretation of them.” “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” [Ephesians 2:10]

Ron Edmondson


Eugene Cho “If our identity is not in Christ, we’ll struggle with deep insecurity. We’ll pursue everything ... trying to fill our lives with ‘meaning’.”


Rob Douglas “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” [Isaiah 55:10-11]

Nils Smith


Tim Stevens “It’s about valuing people. And sometimes that means we are looking in someone’s eyes and being fully engaged so we can really listen to the person’s story and hear his or her heart.”


David Santistevan “I love how Philippians 2:3 speaks to worship leaders: ‘Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.’”


Tim Challies “Go after the evil desires, and replace them with good desires, and those temptation will no longer be appealing.” Compiled by Breege McKiernan

First Romanian Baptist Church in Melbourne to participate in the celebrations. Pastor Victor Iwour brought greetings from Baptist Churches Western Australia (BCWA) and Rev.

Dr Noel Vose, a long-time supporter of the congregation was also present. The anniversary service included choir items, saxophone pieces by Cornel Pop, a member of the Romanian Pentecostal Church, and several speakers. Michael Carter, formerly with BCWA, spoke about the history of the church building where the Romanian congregation currently meets each week. “This is the oldest Baptist church in WA with Bayswater Baptist meeting here from when it was built in 1897 until the church closed in 1989 when the Romanian church purchased the property,” Michael said. The current pastor of the Romanian Baptist Church Pastor Ioan Busan led the service, which was predominantly in Romanian with translation available for those who needed it. In accordance with Romanian culture, the men sat on the left side of the church and the women on the right.

After some initial worship songs in English, the music was all in Romanian, with the distinctive melodies and rhythm of Eastern Europe creating emotive cadences with compelling crescendos. Two hours after the service began, the guest speaker First Romanian Baptist Church Pastor Busuioc Belciu stepped to the microphone so he kept his message brief and promised to continue his sermon at the afternoon gathering. Pastor Belciu presented the first pastor of the local church Mr Gavril Crisan with a plaque honouring his faithful service to the church and Romanian community. Mr Crisan’s health deteriorated following a stroke so Pastor Busan migrated from Romania in 2013 to be the second pastor of the Romanian Baptist Church congregation. The Romanian language is used for about 75 percent of the weekly church services. “This is to keep the language and culture alive, vital for younger generations,” Pastor Busan said.



JUNE 2015

Mums inspired to be better More than 200 mums attended the 2015 MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) state conference, an opportunity for mums to meet together and learn more about being better mums. The packed program included Karen Wilson speaking on better relationships. Von Kilpatrick addressed the topic of how to help a friend in need. Erma Mayes from MOPS South Australia helped with ‘Top Tips for Pesky Problems’, focusing on some of the unique challenges during the toddler years, and Ray Sheehan from The Fathering Project spoke about ways to support dads. After lunch a panel of experts answered some tricky questions from the audience. Shevaun Buschenhofen gave some very practical photography tips to help families make lasting visual memories. During the final session of the day, Samantha Rogers spoke of her journey as a young mum through postnatal depression, highlighting how MOPS

helped her engage with other young mums and reignite her relationship with Jesus in the midst of the long journey. A pop-up market of more than 20 market stalls offering information, expertise and products to help young families operated during break times giving mums some uninterrupted shopping time. Mums attending the conference brought with them hundreds of new and used bras for Project Uplift. Amanda Wilson from Ultimo, a lingerie supplier, will deliver the bras to Project Uplift to ship to women in Fiji, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Tonga and remote communities in Australia and New Zealand. “We take so much for granted with easy access to quality bras,” Amanda said. “For many women in village settings, no bra means they cannot even apply for a job in the city.” “These bras are gifts of status and self-esteem. Every woman

Photo: Jill Birt

A sense of expectancy filled the auditorium of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church as the Better Mums Conference started. It was not just because of the number of pregnant women in the audience.

Better Mums Conference organisers Cherie Macchiusi and Miranda Miller catch their breath during the morning tea break at the conference for mothers of young children.

knows a well fitted bra helps you walk and stand taller.” There are 20 MOPS groups in Western Australia, engaging about 1,000 mums across suburbia, from Ellenbrook to Mandurah and into rural areas from Kalgoorlie to Katanning and Busselton. MOPS groups offer mums a weekly opportunity to have a short, though much needed,

Photo: Rob Douglas

Bringing community together

The Autism Association of Western Australia was one of several community groups involved in Maida Vale Baptist Church’s Family Day.

Maida Vale Baptist Church marked National Families Week in May by holding a Family Day and expo, with over 200 community members attending the event. The mini-expo was arranged for the event to give community groups that support families the opportunity to promote their services and engage with the local community. Seventeen groups, ranging from parenting services and health professionals, to wellbeing programs and community projects, were involved in the expo.

Maida Vale Baptist Church Team Leader Rob Douglas said the event helped to identify the church as a community hub where people felt welcome and supported. “It was good to see home businesses, professional services, local members of parliament and community support groups connecting with each other and the public,” Rob said.

“The church is the catalyst to bring the public and community services together in a way that wouldn’t happen normally.” Existing connections with local community agencies meant that the church is already well respected in the community and agencies were keen to be a part of the Family Day. Groups that attended the day included the Autism Association of Western Australia, Child Wellbeing Centre, Connections Counselling, Midland Women’s Health Care Place, Parenting WA, Shire of Kalamunda Libraries, and Signing Hands. Adding to the family friendly appeal of the day, children were treated to a range of activities including, an Australian animal petting zoo, bubble blowing and face painting. Toddler Jam and Playgroup are important activities at Maida Vale Baptist Church and families from these groups were engaged in the initial planning stages and many of them helped to promote the event through social media. The Family Day was funded by a grant from the Department of Local Government and Communities.

break from the challenges of raising babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Mums meet to listen to a talk, connect with other mums while discussing the day’s topic, and find support from women facing the similar joys and challenges. WA MOPS Area Coordinator Cherie Macchiusi described MOPS as a dynamic group

providing strategic opportunities to support families. New groups are nurtured through a group of trainers. “We have a great support network for leaders, offering training in things like conflict resolution and ideas to meet local needs,” Cherie said. “We’re there to encourage group leaders.”

Single income families hurt The Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) has warned the Federal Budget is unfair to single income families with a stay-at-home parent. ACL Managing Director Lyle Shelton said, “the generous new childcare subsidies would be welcomed by many families who simply cannot survive on one income.” However, he said families who were prepared to sacrifice income so one parent could stay at home and invest in their pre-school children were the big losers from the budget. “It is disappointing that the Liberal Party has walked away from Howard era tax policy orientated at helping families have the choice to have a parent at home,” Lyle said. “The Abbott government’s budget is unfair to single income families.” Mr Shelton hoped the Nationals and cross-bench senators might be able redress the inequity when the budget measures come before them. If income splitting for single income families was permitted it would offer a way to rebalance the inequalities already in the tax system.

Family First Senator for South Australia Bob Day has been calling for the introduction of income splitting since January 2015. He believes it would provide a fairer tax system for families with a stay-at-home parent.

... welcomed by many families who simply cannot survive ...

Families are under increasing pressure as they juggle two jobs and childcare in an effort to make ends meet. “Even dual income families accessing the new childcare subsidies would be under pressure,” Lyle said. “Our tax system and budget measures should deliver the choice of getting off this treadmill, not pushing them onto it.”


news JUNE 2015

A community in action

Get Into It Games (GI Games) is a one-day sport and activity program for young people in Years 7 to 10, run by the Warwick Leisure Centre, Sports and Leisure Ministry. “This was the first time we’d sent a team and it was brilliant,” Lesmurdie organiser Wendy Dyer said. Two hundred and seventy five young people and 60 volunteers from 18 churches participated in the day’s three sports sessions. Participants competed in a wide range of games, including archery, badminton, basketball, Bocce, chess, continuous cricket, dodgeball, Kubb, hockey, orienteering, Scrabble soccer, table tennis, ultimate Frisbee, Uno, volleyball and Xbox.

Photo: Wendy Dyer

Lesmurdie Baptist Church participated in their first Get Into It Games with a team of 24 young people and 11 volunteers in April.

The Lesmurdie Baptist Church team and volunteers stood out at the GI Games in April.

The Lesmurdie team came fourth overall and proudly took home the trophies for archery, Bocce and continuous cricket. The enthusiasm for ‘community in action’ was palpable.

“It was a real encouragement to see our team play together, have fun and build relationships through a shared experience. I can’t wait till next year,” one youth leader said. Leaders commented on how well the event was organised, the

Photo: Lisa Bryant

Swan retreat a winner

Perth women enjoyed sacred spaces at Swanleigh in the Swan Valley in early May.

Fifty-one women from around Perth took time away from the routine business of their daily lives to be still and silent, enjoy God’s presence and listen for His voice at the Sacred Space Women’s Spiritual Retreat held in the Swan Valley in early May. Organisers Kathleen Bryant and Karen Furlong were delighted with the event, which provided instructions and helpful suggestions as well as materials to use. Most women used a meditation written by Jan Johnson on Luke 15:1-6, Finding Intimacy with God: When you need to sense God’s love and acceptance.

Von Kilpatrick from Carey Community Baptist Church spoke with The Advocate about her experience. “Having long enough to go through the inevitable restlessness, get things off my chest and then just settle in and listen was my highlight,” Von said. “I also loved having a long walk around the property, which took about an hour.”

“Kathleen suggested it as I was finding it hard to choose somewhere to sit … so many choices!” “Great advice as it enabled me to walk off some of the unhelpful energy of having rushed to get there and being nervous about whether I would be able to sit still long enough to meet with God.” “It was an important, honest time of expressing my deep need for Him.” “So I guess I learnt, yet again, that I am capable of missing out on God by trying to protect myself from possible disappointment.” The day concluded with a time of corporate worship which included communion, lighting candles of thanks and prayer, writing significant words or phrases on stones that God spoke to women’s hearts through the day. “It felt very special to gather together as women. There is an instant comfort and connection,” Von said. Many women consider a retreat such as Sacred Space as a valuable complementary spiritual learning opportunity to the Fresh conference that is held in September each year. “I think there is a definite place for more events like this,” Kathleen said.

enthusiasm of the kids and the safe, caring environment. The evening program included fun games lead by Youth for Christ workers. Amanda Norman from Encounter Church was the guest speaker on the night. She spoke about her

personal journey of spiritual growth and reminded the young people that they are not only loved by God, but also by the people who brought them to the event. “We’ll definitely be back next year,” Wendy said.

Driscoll returns to purpose Mark Driscoll had no sooner left his role as lead pastor at Mars Hill Church when the Seattlebased megachurch imploded in scandal, his own website launched and he began once more to appear at evangelical conferences. On Sunday 17 May, Mark made his first Seattle-area reappearance since last August at the big, box-like Gold Creek Community Church in Mill Creek. He was greeted with a standing ovation, with more than 100 people lining up to greet him after the 9am service. A dozen picketers also greeted Mark on the street outside. “He has re-purposed his ministry without reconciling with thousands of persons who were abused,” said Van Rue, one of the protesters who attended both the Mars Hill and Gold Creek churches. Inside, lead pastor Dan Kellogg introduced Mark with the words: “He’s in the middle of re-purposing his life.” Dan claimed Mark was “unfairly treated by former staff and the media.” “He’s baptised 10,000 people who found Christ,” he said.

Mark focused on the reason for his re-purpose. “I would like to talk about Jesus instead of me: It would be much more pleasant and helpful,” Mark began.

I would like to talk about Jesus instead of me: It would be much more pleasant and helpful.

Mark also recently spoke at the megachurch-sponsored Thrive Leadership Conference in California. He will speak at Hillsong Conferences in London and Sydney later this year.



JUNE 2015

Wagin Baptist Church recently welcomed Tracey Kippin as their newest staff member. Two days a week Tracey helps the church connect with and respond to the needs of their local community. “I started on 23 March, so this is a new thing. I’m really loving it, listening to the local community and helping the church engage with the needs,” Tracey said. ‘Looking After Your Mates’, a presentation by Owen Catto from the Regional Men’s Health Initiative, is the first community project Tracey is working on. Wagin has experienced six suicides in seven months and although not all of these people were living in Wagin at the time, they had Wagin based roots and their deaths have affected the Shire of Wagin in a significant way. A couple of other recent deaths in the community have added to the feeling of grief in the Shire.

Tracey and Wagin Baptist Church Pastor Gary Pilkinton met with the Wagin Community Resource Centre and suggested Owen Catto as a speaker at a community event as part of Wagin’s Community Suicide Prevention Strategy. Tracey’s husband Peter suicided over six years ago, so her understanding, learning and passion for suicide prevention have prepared her well for a community role. “We feel the hurt of our community and we’re finding ways to support people in their time of need,” Tracey said. The church is planning a free barbeque at the Eric Farrow Pavilion on the day

prior to Owen’s presentation and church members are providing supper for after the meeting. Tracey has started planning other events to address different community needs and has identified many other opportunities for the church to engage with the community. “We’re looking at the possibility of partnering with other groups in town to develop and run a community garden, and we’re planning a Fire Awareness Day for women in the Wagin and Woodanilling Shires in September.” Tracey regularly meets with Gary to talk and pray through ideas and options for meeting local needs and the resources the church has committed to specific tasks. The church has responded very positively to Tracey’s involvement. “There is plenty of opportunity for the people of the church to bring ideas for ways to connect with our community. This is definitely

Photo: Pilkinton

Community help for Wagin

Tracey Kippin and Wagin Baptist Church Pastor Gary Pilkinton work together helping the church engage with community issues.

not just me doing stuff,” Tracey said. This is the first time Wagin Baptist Church has employed someone as

their Community Initiatives Coordinator. Tracey works from her home on the family farm at Woodanilling, 30 kilometres from Wagin.

Dust and heat doesn’t deter Mighty Men

More than 190 men from across WA travelled to the Goldfields for the two day gathering, exceeding the anticipated 120 attendees, which delighted organisers. One stalwart attendee managed to drive a 1990 Mazda 121 from Keith in South Australia to attend.

The group camped at the remote Mount Burges Station, north of Coolgardie. Organiser Parkerville Baptist Church Pastor Craig Lydon saw the change of venue as a positive thing, giving men in the Goldfields region the opportunity to meet together for fellowship and learning. Several men spoke over the weekend. Some taught from the Bible while others gave compelling testimonies about how God has been at work in their lives. On Saturday evening, Bentley Baptist Church Pastor Aaron Bradfield spoke about the issues of anger and violence in some

men’s lives. This opened up some very significant conversation for some men and gave them the opportunity to start taking responsibility for their actions. “Subsequent to the conference we’ve heard of men returning home, apologising to their wives and getting counselling,” Craig said. “We’re not into sensationalising things, but we believe God truly was at work and lives are being changed.” Brad Capper, Hayden Sprigg and Eliot Vlatko, and a group of musicians comprising of mostly men from the Goldfields led worship during the conference.

New Farsi Bible


More than 40 mission and church leaders met at Perth Alliance Church in Belmont to hear news from local mission leaders in early May. A highlight of the gathering was news of a new Farsi translation of the Bible now available in Perth. Two versions can be purchased: the New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs, or just the New Testament. Missions Interlink meets regularly in Perth and provides up-to-date information from a wide variety of mission organisations. For more information, view Peter Warren’s (one of the organisers) Facebook page.

Sportsfest is a great opportunity for young people aged 15 to 28 years to join together for a weekend of sport and interaction with other church groups. If your church hasn’t registered a team yet, think about it now. There are some exciting changes planned for this year. For more information, visit

early May and said 155 books donated to the sale were added to the library’s shelves. Donations of books have already started arriving at the Seminary in preparation for next year’s sale.

Photo: Craig Lydon

A dust storm and high temperatures didn’t smother God’s work at the Mighty Men’s Conference held in the Goldfields in late March.

Men travelled far and near to attend the Mighty Men Conference at a remote WA station.

briefs Refocus on evangelism

Dux awarded scholarship

Putting evangelism on the local church’s agenda is the topic of a training event coming to Perth called Refocus. Baptist Churches Western Australia and Crossover are hosting the day at Yokine Baptist Church on 17 June from 10.00am to 3.30pm. Speakers on the day will be broadcaster and communicator Karl Faase and Ashgrove Baptist Church Pastor Don Paterson. They will address various topics, including Revitalising the Local Church, Communicating the Gospel and Asking for a Response, and Creating an Effective Gospel Event.

Vose Seminary graduate Vicki Lorrimar is heading to Oxford University to undertake a Doctor of Philosophy program after being awarded the FJ Church International Scholarship. Vicki and her husband Rodney plan to leave Perth in August, in time to find accommodation in the university town of Oxford before she commences her studies. World renowned theologian and author Dr Alistair McGrath will supervise Vicki’s doctorate work. Vicki expects her studies to take about three years.

Book sale More than $12,000 AUD was raised from the sale of books and refreshments at the annual Vose Booksale in April this year. Bridget Barry announced the total at a Vose chapel service in

Mesothelioma reflections Barry Knowles from Parkerville Baptist Church launched his book Reflections Through Reality on 27 May. It is a very personal memoir of his journey with terminal lung cancer. Diagnosed in February 2010 and given 6 to 9 months to live, Barry has defied the odds. For more information, visit


feature JUNE 2015

The Gallipoli landing 100 years o

Australians around the world remembered the 100th anniversary of the Anzacs landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. Some, like Pastor Brian Robertson and his wife Caroline from Coral Coast Christian Church (a Baptist church family in Queensland) were at Gallipoli.

By Brian Robertson Uncomfortably cold. Amazingly quiet, despite the number of people. Eerily dark, as the lights are dimmed and the dignitaries are guided to their seats at the front of the crowd. The beachfront is illuminated with soft lighting, casting a pale pre-dawn glow across the almost 100 metres of water nearest the shoreline. To the west, out to sea, are a line of dim lights, but it is still too black to discern what lies out there in the inky darkness. And then the sound of water lapping on a beach. Is that just the small waves gently touching the stony shore – amplified for effect – or could it be a poignant echo of muffled oars dipping into the calm waters of the Aegean Sea? The silence amongst the more than 10,000 strong crowd is even deeper. The only sound, as the minutes slip by, is those small waves splashing on the stones and trickling back into the sea. North Beach, Gallipoli. 25 April 2015. Anzac Day. One hundred years on. One hundred years since the first wave of young Australians climbed down from British warships and rowed their tiny wooden boats towards that ‘fatal shore’. One hundred years since Lieutenant Duncan Chapman of the 9th Battalion Australian Imperial Force (AIF) – according

to Charles Bean’s Official History of Australia in the War of 19141918, this 26 year old from Maryborough in Queensland was the first man to land, although some modern historians now dispute this claim. Charles stepped ashore on a stony beach that would become known as Anzac Cove and led his men inland. One hundred years since the nation-shaping legend of Anzac was birthed on the beaches and in the steep rugged hills of the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey. In the early 1970s, an anti-war ‘peace-is-always-right’ sentiment – perhaps in response to the televised horrors of the Vietnam War – meant that Anzac was viewed with embarrassment at best and repulsion at worst. But that changed. Somewhere in the 1980s, our country rediscovered a sense of national pride. With that came a renewed interest in Gallipoli. It is now almost a ‘rite of passage’ to visit Anzac Cove, especially for Anzac Day, and since the year 2000, the Dawn Service at Gallipoli has been held at the Anzac Commemorative Site at North Beach, a few hundred metres north of Anzac Cove. Ari Burnu Cemetery (between Anzac Cove and North Beach), which had been the location of Dawn Service commemorations for many decades, was no longer adequate to handle the increasing numbers of Australians and New Zealanders who wanted to connect with this part of the heritage of our two nations.

Photo: Brian Robertson

Pastor Eliot Vlatko and his wife Sandy from Kalgoorlie Baptist Church visited Beersheba, in Israel, on the eve of the Anzac commemorations.

Pastor Brian Robertson and his wife Caroline had a once in a lifetime experience for the 100th anniversary of the Anzacs lan

This year though, it was not just the young. Apparently a Facebook comment – posted by a young Australian backpacker – bemoaned that the 2015 Dawn Service was filled with the ‘baby boomer’ generation and that there was no room for the ‘ordinary’ backpacker. Eight thousand Australians and 2,000 New Zealanders, randomly selected by ballot, joined dignitaries, national leaders, senior military officers, and a number of direct descendants of Gallipoli veterans to mark the centenary. They may not have been young backpackers, but they were ordinary Australians of all ages and from all backgrounds … much like those who arrived on the Gallipoli shores 100 years ago. The actual Dawn Service was similar to Dawn Services across New Zealand and Australia,

already completed hours before the eastern sky over Gallipoli began to lighten. North Beach may have had HRH Prince Charles Prince of Wales and Prince Henry of Wales (Prince Harry), but the focus was still on the service and sacrifice of ordinary men. North Beach may have been addressed by both Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Prime Minister John Key, but the elements of the Service matched those in Services from Auckland to Albany, from Christchurch to Cairns, from Dunedin to Darwin. North Beach may have seen a line of grey warships – led by a Turkish frigate, followed by HMAS Anzac, and then New Zealand, British, and French vessels – slowly and silently glide past, but the central words and underlying sentiments were no different to those

expressed in every town in New Zealand and Australia on this day. It is just that North Beach is ‘there’. There, where the Anzacs came ashore – in the disorganisation and in the darkness, the first wave of Anzacs landed both in Anzac Cove and on the southern end of North Beach. There, just to the south of Fisherman’s Hut where units of the 7th Battalion were severely mauled by Turkish defenders on 25 April 1915, suffering the worst casualties of the landing. There, below the bare rocky outcrop christened The Sphinx. There, overlooked by Walker’s Ridge and ‘The Nek’, where on 7 August 1915 the 8th and 10th Australian Light Horse would be sacrificed in a series of pointless charges at Turkish lines, as portrayed in Peter



JUNE 2015

Photo: Sean George


Eliot and Sandy Vlatko at the Park of the Australian Soldier in Beersheba, Israel.

Remembering the Light Horse Eliot and Sandy Vlatko were visiting Israel in April 2015. Their reflections capture some of the tension that remains in the area, 98 years after the Australian Light Horse liberated Beersheba.


Weir’s 1981 film Gallipoli. There, where in December 1915 the last Anzacs silently departed Gallipoli, leaving behind the battlefields of a failed campaign and the bodies of more than 10,500 of their mates. But defeat is not always the final word! Some 2,000 years ago, a

cross seemed to proclaim ‘Defeat’, the end of meaning and hope. On the third day, though, defeat and death were overcome by life. It had been a costly victory, and it must never be forgotten that, while the grace of God is free, it is not cheap. Lest we forget!

By Sandy Vlatko 23 April 2015 Hamas fire a rocket into Sderot, Israel. We’re touring Israel with a group of ten people from our church, Kalgoorlie Baptist. Sderot is only 20 kilometres from Ashdod, the small coastal city where we are staying. We have had a blessed four days fellowshipping with Jewish believers, but now I’m feeling anxious and stressed about being so close to ‘conflict’ on the Gaza Strip.

For 24 April, the eve of Anzac Day, our group plans to visit Beersheba, a significant location for Australians remembering Anzac Day in Israel. However, Beersheba is closer to the conflict and parallel to Sderot. On the night of the 23rd, I protest, “No, I’m not going! I have three kids in Australia and I think you’re crazy for suggesting it!” Overnight I decide to pray. I also ask my prayer warrior friends in Australia to pray. My awesome, understanding husband prays.

24 April 2015 My devotion the next morning from Bibleview is Philippians 4:6, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”! I face my fears, with God’s help, trusting in Him for safety. I decide to join the group on the journey to Beersheba. It’s an incredible experience being so far from Australia and seeing a memorial to our Australian World War One heroes.

By Eliot Vlatko 23 April 2015 As a complete history nut, I’m practically bouncing off the walls in anticipation of our road trip planned for the next day. For starters, we’re in Israel, staying in an apartment in Ashdod by the Mediterranean Sea. This place even has the beach where Jonah made landfall courtesy of his host fish’s nausea … wow! Tomorrow we’re heading out to Beersheba, where Abraham left his mark, as told in Genesis 21:25-31. It’s also the place where on 31 October 1917, the Australian Light Horse successfully charged and defeated the Turkish artillery defending the town. As a result,

the road to Jerusalem was opened and the Holy City was liberated from 400 years of Ottoman rule. But in my excitement I had tried to fob off Sandy’s reluctance to venture out to Beersheba. I wasn’t dismissing the threat of rockets, but my excitement about the planned activities overshadowed any fears I was harbouring. I knew Sandy would regret missing this opportunity, but I also knew I couldn’t talk her into reconsidering. We prayed about it and went to sleep.

our visit to Beersheba. What an experience! On the eve of Anzac Day, we arrived at the Park of the Australian Soldier, a magnificent memorial right in the heart of Beersheba. We were so moved that the Israelis remember and honour the Anzacs for their outstanding heroism and sacrifice. The Israeli and Australian flags stand side-byside, the plaques tell the story, and the statue, structures and Australian wildflowers enhance the atmosphere. Our team sang Advance Australia Fair and prayed together in that place … so privileged to be there on the eve of Anzac Day.

24 April 2015 The next day the answer came. Like a true Anzac, Sandy decided to join the team for

10 news JUNE 2015

YWAM increased their operations by an amazing 500 percent when residents of Daru in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG) welcomed YWAM Medical Ships – Australia’s newest YWAM Training and Medical Ship, MV YWAM PNG in early May. The MV YWAM PNG was purchased in December 2014 following a successful five month public awareness and fundraising campaign which raised $6.5 million AUD from Government departments, businesses and individuals in Australia, Papua New Guinea and beyond. The MV YWAM PNG is four times larger than YWAM’s former vessel, the MB Pacific Link, and will provide access to healthcare, immunisation and training for 1.3 million people, one quarter of PNG’s population. The Minister for Planning and Monitoring, Honourable Charles

Abel said that he was pleased to be supporting the innovative mission of taking medical care to PNG’s remote communities. “PNG’s geographical challenges make it difficult to deliver services – our support of YWAM Medical Ships is about getting creative and coming up with innovative solutions to get services out to the far reaches of the country,” he said. Almost 100 medical, marine and general volunteers joined the crew of MV YWAM PNG for their first outreach journey. The new ship was commissioned by the Prime

Minister of PNG, Honourable Peter O’Neill in Port Moresby in late April. YWAM Medical Ships – Australia’s Managing Director Ken Mulligan spoke about the increase in services at commissioning. “We are grateful to be working alongside the Western Provincial Government, under the leadership of Governor Ati Wobiro, in helping to reach some of the most hard to reach places in the Province.” “The isolation in these rural communities is pronounced.” “It’s a privilege to help bring hope and strengthen their capacity.” “The MV YWAM PNG will operate as a mother-ship – patrol tenders will enable multiple teams to be out at once delivering essential health care and collegial support for rural health workers in remote villages,” Ken said. The newly renovated ship now has an onboard dental clinic,

Photo: Baptist World Aid Australia

Gershon Nimbalker being interviewed for a TV appearance following the launch of the Ethical Fashion Guide.

“We have been overwhelmed by the impact the release of the report has had in the media,” Baptist World Aid Advocacy Manager Gershon Nimbalker said. Stories were picked up on TV, radio, print and in online news across the country. “In the first week alone, we had over 2,000 people

download the Ethical Fashion Guide,” Gershon said. “This means thousands more consumers have been empowered to purchase clothes from companies that treat their workers ethically.” Timed to coincide with the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh

YWAM PNG’s crew and volunteers celebrate the ship’s departure from Townsville for Port Moresby.

operating theatre, laboratory, outpatient facility, training facilities and quarters for the crew. Multiple patrol tenders will be added to the vessel during the second stage of the refit. Medical resources are spread very thinly across PNG. Presently

there is one qualified dentist for every 100,000 people across the nation. Many villages in remote areas have no resident medical help. Currently five women die in childbirth each day and one in 13 children die before their fifth birthday.

international briefs

Ethics of the trade

Baptist World Aid Australia recently released their latest ethical shopping guide in the Behind the Barcode series. The Australian Fashion Report 2015 examines 59 companies and 219 brands operating in Australia. It provides an overall grade from A to F, based on companies’ labour rights management systems and whether workers overseas are being paid a basic living wage.

Photo: YWAM Medical Ships – Australia

YMAM provides hope for Daru

which killed more than 1,100 workers, the aim of The Australian Fashion Report 2015 is to make people think about where their clothes are coming from and how the people producing them are being treated. “Consumer-led advocacy has a significant impact on company practices and is one of the best ways to get fashion retailers to change labour practices in their overseas factories,” Gershon said. “It’s encouraging to see our supporters take the initiative in contacting companies off the back of the Report’s release and asking them to make public what they are doing to reduce the risk of worker abuse across their supply chain.” For more information, visit

Trouble in Nigeria

Assyrian Christians

Many Christian villages in central Nigeria were attacked and a number of people were killed in raids by suspected Fulani militants on 17 May. Reports say that militants attacked 20 villages in the Agatu local government area of Benué state, killing more than 30 people. Many fled to displacement camps in neighbouring Kogi state. Meanwhile, in the Barkin Ladi area of the Plateau state, militants attacked several villages in Dorowa. The Nigerian military responded to the attack, but made no search or arrests. Local leaders are calling on the international community to intervene to end the bloodshed by Boko Haram.

Danger levels rose sharply in late April for north-east Syria’s isolated Assyrian Christians, caught for nearly three months between Kurdish militias and Syrian army forces battling with militants of the self-proclaimed Islamic State for control of Al Hasaka province. “We are going through a terrible moment,” Syriac Catholic Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo told Fides News on 30 April. “The jihadists of the Islamic State attacked Al Hasaka for two days. They were warded off by the [Syrian] army and Kurdish militias. But we are cut off, like an island surrounded by jihadists from all sides.”

Sudanese charges Two South Sudanese church leaders could be sentenced to death if a court in Sudan finds them guilty. They have been charged with ‘undermining the constitutional system’, spying and ‘waging war against the state’. They have also been charged with ‘assaulting religious beliefs’. Yat Michael was arrested in December after visiting a church in Khartoum. Peter Reith was arrested in January after submitting a letter inquiring about the whereabouts of his colleague. Officials have reportedly offered to free the pastors in return for large sums of money from their church, the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SSPEC).

Ukraine conflict European Baptist Federation General Secretary Tony Peck toured Eastern Ukraine in April with Ukrainian Baptist leaders. While the delegation did not enter the areas occupied by proRussian separatists, Peck met with pastors from the region who travelled up to nine hours to get to a meeting after being turned back at several checkpoints. Nearly all the pastors reported that their churches opened doors to people displaced by the conflict. The strained relations between Russian and Ukrainian Baptists are challenging. The European Baptist Federation is providing a space so they can gather together for healing and reconciliation.

news 11 JUNE 2015

Globetrotting theologian The growth of non-Western churches is reshaping global Christianity in the 21st century. Stephen Bevans is a theologian who writes on church and culture and says, “We are now living in a ‘world church’ where the vast majority of Christians live outside the West.” “By 2025 two-thirds of Christians will live in Africa, Latin America and Asia. The ‘average Christian’ today is female, black and lives in a Brazilian favela or an African village.” The Pew Research Center reports that a century ago, the Global North (commonly defined as North America, Western Europe, Australia, Japan and New Zealand) contained more than four times as many Christians as the Global South (the rest of the world). Today, more than 1.3 billion Christians live in the Global South

(61 percent of all Christians live in Asia, Africa and Latin America), compared with about 860 million in the Global North (39 percent) demonstrating an astounding shift in only 100 years. Graham teaches at Morling College in Sydney. He is currently travelling through Asia, Africa, Latin America, as well as other countries, collecting stories about the faith, worship and vitality of these non-Western churches by filming pastors and churches in non-Western countries, asking what they can teach the West. “I’ve been looking at what this shift in global Christianity means for the mission, theology, worship and communities of the church worldwide,” Graham said. “I’m looking for what it means particularly for the Western church.” The growth of non-Western churches has been exponential.

Photo: Sarah Stripp

Morling College Vice Principal Graham Hill is travelling the globe gathering stories about nonWestern forms of Christianity.

Graham Hill interviewed Dr John Perkins at the Perkin’s Centre for Reconciliation, in Jackson, Mississippi.

Professor Fenggang Yang of Purdue University in China predicts that if current rates of growth continue within onegeneration China will have more Christians than any other nation on earth. In 1949, Protestant churches in China had one million

members. By 2030, it is likely to be 247 million, outnumbering Christians in Mexico, Brazil and the United States. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph Sydney newspaper, Fenggang Yang says, “Mao thought he could eliminate religion.” “He thought he had accomplished this.” “It’s ironic – they didn’t.” “They actually failed completely.” Graham’s interviews confirm what history academic Philip Jenkins says. “We are currently living through one of the transforming moments in the history of religion worldwide.” “Until recently, the overwhelming majority of

Christians have lived in white nations.” “Over the last century, however, the centre of gravity in the Christian world has shifted inexorably away from Europe, southward to Africa and Latin America, and eastward toward Asia.” “Today the largest Christian communities on the planet are to be found in those regions.” Graham’s video series, GlobalChurch Project, will be released at the end of 2015 and will be available for free on YouTube. For more information, visit the-globalchurch-project

Two billionth Bible The Gideons International has just surpassed the two billion mark in distributing Bibles and New Testaments. The distribution of the first one billion Bibles and New Testaments by Gideon members spanned 93 years, 1908 to 2001. This second billion was attained in less than 14 years, 2002 to 2015. To celebrate what God has accomplished through this ministry, the Gideons are scheduling representatives of their membership to present a Two Billionth Commemorative Bible to as many of the leaders as possible in the countries in which they are organised. The Gideons currently distribute more than 80 million scriptures annually, and the numbers are growing, especially in places like Asia, Brazil and India. Through the efforts of over 300,000 members in 200

countries and territories, the Gideons share more than two scriptures every second of every day, in over 90 languages. Gideons rejoice in this two billionth scripture placement. “It is more than just a number,” International President Dr William EG Thomas said. “We are placing Bibles because they save souls.” “Behind every number is a face, behind every face a story, behind every story a priceless soul that could live throughout eternity.” There are many stories of souls saved and lives changed as a result of someone coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus through a copy of God’s Word provided through The Gideons International.

12 in conversation JUNE 2015

Chaplain thrives on teamwork Kim, tell us about your role at Carey Baptist College and how you got there. I am employed by Carey Community Baptist Church as Chaplain of the Secondary School, and by Carey Baptist College in a role focused on developing the missional effectiveness of the College, speaking into the lives of the students and their families. The role is divided 80/20 respectively. I began at Carey as a Primary School teacher in 1999 and became Assistant Principal of Pastoral Care in 2001, maintaining a teaching load as Physical Education specialist. I stepped down from the Assistant Principal position in 2013. I became the full-time Chaplain in 2015. What does your daily school routine look like? Various pastoral care meetings take place throughout the week, either to discuss reviews of students experiencing social, behavioural or family issues; intake of students experiencing learning or special needs issues; and case management meetings. The involvement of the Chaplain is discussed and determined, where appropriate, at these meetings. This may lead to an informal catch-up during lunchtime or after school, or a more formal meeting at a set time with or without parents, depending on the issue. I am also involved in weekly Church staff meetings to keep abreast of all that is going on in the Church. I spend most of recess and lunchtime looking for opportunities to chat with students, either spontaneously or as a follow-up to a previous meeting. This includes running a discussion/scripture group for Year 8 boys one lunchtime, and a ‘Hangout’ zone for Year 7 boys and girls another day, which is run in conjunction with Carey Community Baptist Church Youth Pastor Ben O’Reilly. We have a staff prayer session before school one day and there is one planned to start soon during lunchtime for senior students. I occasionally speak at assemblies and camps, so spend time planning those talks. I also attend relevant professional development courses, for example, mental health issues, resiliency in adolescents,

What has prepared you best for your work? I have been involved in education for about 36 years so I have worked a lot with children and their families, and have loved the opportunity to build relationships with them. This is vital because that is what God is all about … relationships. I have been involved in children’s ministry, and more recently, the young adults’ ministry, in my home church, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. In my new role as Chaplain I’m able to focus totally on the pastoral care of a student and their family, and hopefully, staff members – I’m very excited about the opportunities God will open up. My wife, Janet, and I have two adult sons. It’s been a wonderful journey watching them grow through their teens, into young adults, and all that goes with that. It has certainly helped me enjoy being around the new generations coming through, and learning how to relate to them. What issues are students facing? Some of the issues students are facing today have been around for a long time, such as bullying, friendships, boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships, family, grief, and illness. They are just as real and valid as they’ve always been and need to be dealt with as the need arises. In more recent times, technology has come to the fore with many issues, including serious online bullying, arising from the use of mobile phones and social media. Students are growing up in a world of ‘screens’ and these screens have become very important to them, to the point that some go through separation anxiety if they haven’t got their phone or iPad close by! There has been some debate about whether this is a school issue or not, as it doesn’t necessarily occur onsite. However, it does become a school issue when it affects

Photo: Carey Baptist College

Kim Chidgzey talks with The Advocate about his work as a school chaplain.

missional effectiveness, and effective pastoral care. I attend as many excursions and camps as possible. I’m involved in interschool sport during and after school with various year levels. These are great opportunities to mix with the students and build relationships. The absentee officer sends me information about students who are absent for extended periods of time due to illness, injury, family issues and bereavement. In this way I’m able to contact families, make hospital visits, attend funerals, and other events.

Carey Baptist College Chaplain Kim Chidgzey is passionate about building relationships with children and their families.

a student’s life at school. It can affect their learning, friendships and cause depression. Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are more prevalent in society these days, which can lead to isolation and self-harm. Discerning how best to approach these more recent issues is vital because students may be worried about reprisal and choose to suffer in silence rather than seek help from adults. This highlights the importance of building trust with students and helping them to know we are here to support and help them through these issues, to share a message of hope, and, when necessary, to refer them on to relevant outside agencies. Who is on the Secondary School pastoral team? The team is made up of the Assistant Principal – Pastoral Care, Dean of Students, College Psychologist, Year Managers, Special Needs Coordinator, Curriculum Manager for Careers and Vocation and the Secondary Chaplain. All members of the team communicate closely with one another depending on the issues that arise and

who is most involved. The wisdom and experience in the team is vast and covers the breadth of all aspects of the student population. The care, compassion and support extended to students and their families is wonderful and it is a privilege to be part of such a team. How much involvement do you have with the church pastoral team? Being a member of the Church pastoral staff, I am involved in weekly meetings and prayer. I work closely with Senior Pastor David Kilpatrick to keep him informed of how I’m going and what I’m involving myself in. We are establishing a Fathering Project ‘hub’ at Carey, which is an exciting development. The Fathering Project was founded by Dr Bruce Robinson and is aimed at providing opportunities for dads to be intentional in spending time with their children, and helping them to be better dads. I also work with Youth Pastors Nick Harris and Ben O’Reilly in a number of ways, from lunch time groups to youth conferences and camps.

What’s your biggest challenge in your role? At the moment, as this is my first year, it is getting to know as many students as possible across the various year levels – for them to learn who I am, what my role is and for me to gain their trust and friendship. I am also enjoying getting to know the Secondary School staff and looking forward to being able to support them in whatever ways are most useful. What brings you the greatest joy as a Chaplain? It is definitely knowing that God has brought me to this point in my journey with Him, where I am best able to use the gifts He has given me. To be there for the students and their families, and staff, when they need to talk or share whatever is going on in their world. And, when the time is right and God provides the opportunity, to pray with and share the gospel them. What books are you currently reading? Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Falling Upward by Richard Rohr and Soul Keeping by John Ortberg.

leadership 13 JUNE 2015

By Rev Dr John Crosby In the 1980s, my leadership development was predominately influenced by American missionaries while planting churches in the Philippines and Ireland. The learned pattern was to be a ‘Practitioner of the Word’ and demonstrate one’s faith by doing spiritual ministry in all kinds of situations. This was basically the implementation of missiological principles, like being culturally aware and sensitive to context. I was profoundly impacted while working with a missionary who was leading Muslims to Christ, and I learned not to impose the ‘functional form of Western Church’ onto the local people. Those church plants grew and disciples of Jesus were formed. Although my leadership development was based foundationally on mission principles, by the 1990s I was predominately influenced by Robert Schuller, Rick Warren, Bill Hybels and John Maxwell. I became a fervent disciple and travelled to Los Angeles and diligently visited megachurches while writing copious notes and pilfering literature from every church foyer. I thoroughly embraced the church growth movement as a leadership ideology, and with it the gusto for corporatising the Church by implementing strategic plans with detailed key performance indicators. It took a huge amount of

energy, but it grew and disciples of Jesus were formed. In the 2000s, while as a denominational executive and church consultant I travelled Queensland with my bag of church growth and church health ‘know-hows’ from the previous decade and imposed them on fragile church leadership teams that requested help. However, within me I knew it wasn’t working because the churches were still declining and I had no idea of what to do to stop the downward attendance trend. Something far greater was happening to the Church in the Western world and I needed to find out what was going on. This caused me to commence the reshaping and reinventing of my leadership style. It was exasperating and painful to see that after years of consulting church leadership teams at weekend retreats, explaining and coaching them in best practices for strategic planning and governance, then to see little return and continuous decline. By 2006 my own leadership style was in a crisis of severe testing and development, which was overdue. I became aware of the term ‘discontinuous change’ which is non-incremental change,

whereby we can no longer keep tweaking the dominant leadership system but rather we need a fresh approach. It seems that leaders can no longer give instructions to younger leaders about a world that has passed away as this will continue to set them up for failure. I had to grapple with unlearning 20 years of theological education and church leadership principles, and start to reframe myself to become a better leader in the 21st Century. I had met with new leaders like Leonard Sweet, Neil Cole, Eddie Gibbs, Alan Roxburgh, Philip Yancey and Martin Robinson. This was a turbulent time for me as I was being turned inside out and reinvented at the core of my ministry philosophical soul; challenged and buffeted by the missional archetypes and ideology that was seeking to speak to the Church on how to relate to society in a postmodern or hypermodernistic culture. Over a six year period, I journeyed into a space of deep theological reflection and church observation and continually raised the question, ‘how do leaders recalibrate the institutional system of Church for mission in the new post denominational world?’ I was originally trained and acculturated to view the world from the Church’s perspective; now I was learning to view the Church from the world’s perspective. I realised that the leader needs a different mindset to shape ministry and with a closer examination of the functional form of Western Church this caused me to see that it wasn’t attractive.

Photo: S Crosby

Leadership in the 21st Century

Rev Dr John Crosby is Senior Pastor of Morley Baptist Church and Western Staff Chaplain for the Army in Western Australia.

In stepping over the threshold of the first decade in the 21st Century I am now somewhat settled in my leadership approach to Church. Although these are highly complicated times the approach I have taken in

leadership at Morley Baptist Church is to recalibrate the church system to be a missional shaped ethos in a post Christian worldview. This is closer to my original and personal framework of being a leader.

Personal Framework 1. Implement missional principles for the

local church context and philosophically merge the ‘evangelical mandate’ and ‘social welfare mandate’ by using biblical stories and narratives.

2. Use biblical stories of exile theology

to assure people that God hasn’t abandoned the Church in these times of disengagement.

3. Identify the deeper values of the local

church with its unique context and culture that gives identity and then communicate this to the people by acting as a translator into communities.

4. Recalibrate the control system in the local 6. Develop a new ethos in the church that church by drawing back on corporate language, thought and mechanics (but not dismissing, rather putting it in its proper place). I believe the corporate ideology has been superimposed over the Church, which thereby has distorted its DNA causing significant loss of identity and purpose. Therefore make clear the demarcation lines between ministry and governance, and quarantine the governance under a management board, this is the role of deacons at Morley Baptist Church.

5. Create space and release missional

imagination to the leaders in the church by instigating a form of Ministry Council with apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral and teaching leaders who oversee different expressions of faith communities within the church. As new faith communities emerge allow them the freedom to form their own culture and identity by developing ‘Covenantal Agreements’ with outlined key doctrinal boundaries, and the Senior Pastor leads this Ministry Council.

goes back to ecclesiastical language, practices and approaches to ministry; for instance we have implemented the Christian calendar and a prayer chapel.

7. Recognise that positional leadership

has limited effectiveness in the church environment and all genuine leaders have to immerse themselves and live in the tribe before they can speak into the tribe’s vision and mission. Unfortunately, this is where consultancy loses credibility because the tribe is highly suspicious of those from outside its clan.

Leadership is about the skill and capability to systemically recalibrate the church for mission, which I believe can only occur when the leader is subjected to an overhaul of their ministry philosophy.

14 news JUNE 2015

New York dream beckons Como Baptist Church will lose a worship leader later this year when Amy Yarham flies to New York to continue her training as an opera singer. In 2014, Amy furthered her studies in Italy at the Music Academy International’s Trentino Music Festival with Master Classes under Renata Scotto and Mitchell Piper. In late 2014, she received a full scholarship as Young Artist at the Lisa Gasteen National Opera School in Queensland studying with John Fisher. Training to sing classically is physically demanding, requiring breathing and stretching exercises, as well as regular yoga classes for muscle control. Amy strictly monitors her intake of caffeine and alcohol which can also affect the quality of her voice. Currently Amy is singing with the ensemble of Médée, a haunting opera based on the Greek tragedy Medea, presented by Fremantle Arts Centre. “It’s quite haunting and emotionally challenging as it explores a woman’s psychological state moving from contemplation of marital infidelity to revenge and finally the murder of her two children,” Amy said. The opera is performed in a room at the Fremantle Arts Centre, originally a psychiatric institution, which contains one of the original cells. For more information regarding the fundraiser concert on 1 August, visit Amy’s Facebook page.

Photo: Paul Allen

A graduate of the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts with a Bachelor of Music (Classical Voice Performance) and a Graduate Diploma of Music (Opera), the 24 year old mezzo-soprano is excited to be furthering her studies with a Masters at the Manhattan School of Music in New York working under the tuition of Ms Marlena Malas. “I’m at a peak learning stage for a middle range mezzosoprano so this is an incredible opportunity for me to further my training and my career,” Amy said. This next phase of Amy’s learning will be self-funded. Her husband, Michael Welten has sold his dental practice and will travel with Amy. To help defray some of the costs Amy and a friend will host a fundraiser concert at Trinity Church in Perth on Saturday 1 August. “I’ll be singing some arias and other works, including some of the works I sang for auditions,” Amy said. Once in New York the couple will look for a local church where they plan to become part of the community to worship and serve. “Being a Christian in the opera world I know I need to be part of a church too,” Amy said. “I believe God has gifted me to sing and He wants me to use my voice.”

Mezzo-soprano Amy Yarham is heading to New York to continue her training as an opera singer.

Music has been part of Anna O’Neil’s (aka Anna O) life forever, at church, at school, at home. By the time she was in high school she knew she was ‘meant to sing’. On 15 May, Anna O launched a new single, Close my Eyes, at her Perth farewell show at Amplifier Capitol. By 2010 Anna was studying Jazz at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA), fine-tuning her vocal range and technique, honing her music theory skills and learning by osmosis from the pool of talent on campus. A serious bout of glandular fever interrupted her formal studies and forced her to leave WAAPA.

“It was a really hard time for me. I looked fine, but I was so sick and weak,” Anna said. “You learn things when you’re sick like that you probably can’t learn any other way.” Part of what Anna has been learning is where her sense of self-worth comes from. “I know now that my value as a person doesn’t come from being a productive songwriter or performer, it’s much deeper than that. God’s acceptance is the key.” Anna had been working parttime, studying full-time, writing music, singing … and it cost her. Due to her health she hasn’t returned to WAAPA, but her

music career is growing, and she married Jason O’Neil. “I just decided to do it. To have a go at a singing career,” Anna said. Working with drummer Nathan Woodward and Josh Allan on the synthesiser and guitar, Anna has been performing in Perth for more than three years. Now it’s time to for the group to head East. “We’re all moving to Melbourne in June. It’s a great opportunity to further our careers,” Anna said. Reflective introspection is a catalyst for Anna’s songwriting. “I used to always write on my own, often starting with a concept for the lyrics or a series of chords,” Anna said. Recently she started to experiment with collaborating with Angus Dawson and others to write.

Photo: Bayly & Moore

Melbourne offers opportunity

Singer Anna O’Neil is moving to Melbourne to further her music career.

“There’s definitely a synergy that comes when you write with others. The first song we wrote came so quickly. It was amazing,” she said.

“Mostly it’s harder.” Anna hopes the move to Melbourne will be a catalyst for creative synergy and solid growth for her singing career.

intermission 15 JUNE 2015

A minute with ...

listen Live Forever Matthew West Matthew West’s latest album is upbeat and encouraging. With songs that speak of God’s love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. Live Forever is another great work to bless the church. God is the Lord of the second, third … millionth chance. ‘Day One’ reminds us that every day is a new day and that we can start again. The storytelling continues on this album with ‘Anything is Possible’, a girl who wanted Matthew to tell her story to bring hope and encouragement to all who think they are beyond help and salvation. Enjoy this uplifting and hope filled album.

Photo: Jill Birt

watch When the Game Stands Tall Scott Smith and David Zelon What is the job of a coach? To teach game skills? To win games? Not according to coach Bob Ladouceur – it is to prepare the team members for when they go out into the community. That they can be depended upon. This coaching philosophy leads to a major winning streak over many years which is built up by the press, expected to continue by the community, and infuriates the other clubs in the league. The next generation of players are arrogant and full of selfimportance. This along with some tragic circumstances causes Bob to question his relevance as a high school football coach. What follows is truly inspiring, Bob employs some unusual tactics with some exciting results, and once again finds the reason he started the journey. Expect the full range of emotions as we follow the journey of these amazing young people and the man who inspires them to be all they can be.

Quinns Baptist Church Pastors Andrew and Danelle Hamilton What led you to this role? Upstream (an earlier ministry) was drawing to a close, we lived locally and Quinns needed some leadership. We had some existing relationships there and it ended up being a good fit. Where is the church located? Church meets in the primary auditorium of Quinns Baptist College, Salerno Drive, Mindarie. What time are services held? 9.30 am is the official start time ...


How and when did the church start? The church began around 20 years ago with the vision of building the school and having a significant part of the church’s mission and ministry as part of this.

Developing the Leader Within You John C Maxwell Whether you are a leader in church, a businessperson, a parent, or you just want to lead yourself better this book is for you. Full of Maxwell’s great practical tips and guidelines, Developing the Leader Within You will give you a great start to developing leadership skills, or ways to go to the next level in leadership. Maxwell brilliantly ties in biblical truths with leadership of any kind and ends each chapter with points or questions to ponder and act upon. One of many books on leadership written by Maxwell – start your collection today. This book is also available on audio and ebook, and has a workbook to assist you to get the most out of Maxwell’s great teaching.

Who makes up the ministry team? We [Andrew and Danelle Hamilton] lead the pastoral team, with Ryan Christonsen as Youth Pastor and Janet Cassidy as Children’s Pastor. What is a feature of your church or ministry you’d like to share? If you’re looking for glitz, pizzazz, shiny happy people with perfect teeth and kids who never muck-up then you might have to go somewhere else. However, if you’re looking to be part of a pretty earthy bunch of people who are just doing their best at loving God, loving one another and loving the community around them then you’ll probably slot right in.

Reviews by Koorong Mount Lawley Assistant Manager Dorothy Waddingham.

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16 news JUNE 2015

West Coast Eagles Chaplain Paul Morrison was proud to accept the prestigious Compassion in Sport Award at the 2015 Sports Chaplaincy Association Champions Dinner for West Coast’s initiatives in Cambodia. Sponsored by Compassion Australia, the dinner celebrated chaplains who work in sporting clubs around Australia and paid tribute to the impact they have on sportspeople across the country. Since 2010, groups of first and second year AFL players have travelled to poverty-stricken communities in Cambodia to build homes for young families. The club has also raised enough money to construct two schools. Mothers of players have been inspired by the team’s efforts, working with Cambodian orphanages and hosting fundraising events to continue the club’s impact in the region. Morrison said, “it was wonderful to be recognised for work that has been more

of a pleasure for the club than a chore.” The program not only helps people in Cambodia, but also the young players who take part. “When we were in Cambodia in 2012, a young 20 year old Jeremy McGovern had spent two days sweating his butt off building houses for people he’d never met,” Paul said. “Jeremy had grown up in central outback Australia and was no stranger to difficult communities.” “As we prepared to present the families with their new homes in a simple ceremony, he turned to the group and said, with tears in his eyes, ‘I feel like that’s the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.’”

“At the beginning of last pre-season, Jeremy had been set aside from the group because he’d come back from holidays out of condition.” “He came to me and said, ‘Morro, thinking about those people in Cambodia has got me through this time and helped me to keep going after my AFL dream.’” Paul Morrison believes that the visit to Cambodia has helped Jeremy stay on track and become a valuable player in the West Coast Eagles back line. The influence of the Cambodia program not only benefits Cambodian people, but also the club. “Mercy and compassion may not be terms fans consider synonymous with AFL football, but certainly from the unique perspective of chaplaincy I know that within the club, they are valuable and esteemed ideals that contribute greatly to the fabric of healthy relationships and a successful and vibrant community,” Paul said.

Photo: West Coast Eagles

Compassion award for Eagles

West Coast Eagles Chaplain Paul Morrison proudly showing his Compassion in Sport Award.

Celebration of sport

Photo: James Parker

Heavy rain did not stop 600 people meeting at St Mary’s Cathedral in the centre of Perth for the Celebration of Sport service on 17 May.

Western Warriors Coach Justin Langer shares his faith as a Christian sportsperson.

Hosted by Christians Together in Sport, the service included sports people from schools, churches and the elite from across Western Australia. Perth Wildcats legend Shawn Redhage reflected on how his faith has sustained him through some

difficult times, including a career threatening hip injury in 2011. Coach of the Western Warriors Justin Langer was the keynote speaker at the service and said his faith was the most important ingredient in his recipe for success.

... his faith was the most important ingredient in his recipe for success. “Without my faith I would not be standing here today,” Justin said. “God has been with me in the highest of times and the lowest of times.” Scott Gaunson, Derek Herron, Kyle Nebel and Brett Stanford from the world renowned How Ridiculous group talked about Jesus being their motivation to relieve poverty around the world. They work closely with the not-forprofit group Compassion Australia.

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