Blue Mountains iMag August 2017

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Sydney, Blue Mountains and Central West

August 2017

Happy Horses Birthday!

ures Enjoy great advent this month!

Inside • • •

Regional Maps Where to eat, stay and What to do Win award winning zoo passes

Somewhere ex

citing to stay!

snow Meet new friends in the to stay! and find a warm place

Cover photo by Christine Dean Smith©

Taste the Blue Mountains

‘We believe everyone has the right to access good, clean and fair food’ Slow Food is an international non-profit association formed in 1989 as a response to the standardising effects of fast food and the ‘fast life’. There are now thousands of members in over 100 countries, divided into local focus groups called convivia, of which Slow Food Blue Mountains is just one. Three interconnecting principles define Slow Food: GOOD - A fresh and flavoursome seasonal diet that satisfies the senses and is part of our local culture. CLEAN - Produced in harmony with the environment and human health. FAIR - Accessible prices for consumers and fair conditions and pay for small-scale producers. To join, tap into local events or find out more about Slow Food Blue Mountains, visit or email

Carrington Cellars and Deli have different offerings each week with seasonal features tastings and demonstrations including recipes. They are part of the local social scene. We look forward to sharing their regular seasonal news with you in the magazine and online.

REGIONAL WINE SPECIALIST Purveyors of Fine Food & Wine Located in the old Katoomba power station (just off Parke Street), our cellar specialises in Regional Wines, Boutique Beers and an International Deli. Many heritage features of the power station have been incorporated into the design. The cellar is available for private tastings.


ON ONPARKE PARKESTREET STREET(AT (ATREAR REAROF OFTHE THECARRINGTON CARRINGTONHOTEL) HOTEL) The Hotel15-47 15-47katoomba KatoombaSt,St,Katoomba Katoomba 2780 The Carrington Carrington Hotel 2780 T +61 2 4782 1111 T +61 2 4782 0999

Art Trail Art Trail

Hawkesbury Artists & Artisans Trail

Balanced Essentials Aromatherapy

Visit Australia’s most talked about aromatherapy business and enjoy complimentary morning or afternoon tea.

For Open Studio Weekend details pick up a brochure and map at Hawkesbury Visitor Information Centre, 328 Hawkesbury Valley Way, Richmond, opposite the RAAF Base.

Experience our healing essential oil products featured on A Current Affair and learn how these will benefit you in your everyday life. Set in beautiful rural gardens. Ideal for bus groups.

(02) 9652 0555 / 46 Cockatoo Place, Glenorie NSW 2157

Introducing Lithgow Workies

Club Motel!

Whether it’s a stay at our new 36 Room, 4 star adjoining Motel or a visit to one of our many great facilities where you can enjoy quality food from our Bistro & Cino’s Café or experience contemporary dining at our A La Carte Restaurant, ESK, plus an extensive range of bars and functions rooms to make any visit a memorable one. The Lithgow Workies… The Ultimate Play & Stay Destination.

Open 7 days until late! (02)63507777

3-7 Tank Street, LITHGOW


George St Sydney 1883 from oil painting by Alfred Tischbauer © State Library NSW

From the Editor August Southern hemisphere Horses Birthday is 1 August. This month features many delightful horsey experiences for you. The front cover shows the Cobb & Co coach belonging to Travealy Horse Drawn Carriages from Cowra with Driver Robert Traves, Vicki Hartley- Lithgow Living History, Christine Dean Smith- John Kitchen Bicycles. Taken at Rebellion on the Turon at Sofala. Yulefest is in many places until end August. Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate Christmas twice a year! Although we had our first snows in April we expect more snow as well as more daylight now the Winter Solstice has passed. This is a great time of year for warm fires, long walks, tours, hugs and for romance. Check out where to stay from places that will pamper and entertain you to camping and RV Friendly options. Enjoy new adventures while your pets stay with you or along the way. Explore widely in our delightful world heritage splendour. Katoomba’s Edge Cinema is revitalised and offering bigger and better experiences than ever. Nature is spectacular and many artists are responding to it. We offer nourishment for your body, soul and all your senses; history and modern slants on old favourites; options for adventure or relaxation – come and enJoy! Pamper and reward yourself by exploring


our antique and art venues, trawl the markets, try on some slow or cheeky apparel, taste our wines and discover great cafes, dining and high tea experiences – so many reasons to stay with us. See how much some of our first settled areas have changed as you explore our contrasting regions. Enjoy from the Mountains to the sea, along our waterways, our spectacular gardens, explore above and below ground… Explore by car, cycle, on foot, on horseback or by public transport … really have a great time! Take your pick of adventures. You are in this ancient land with its world heritage listed areas and unique ecosystems… look around you and drink it in… stay a while with us… consider what is most precious to you and plan to enjoy it to the utmost. Join us on Facebook and Twitter for updates and check out our web for more information, including our Calendar of Events. Back issues of iMag magazines are available online. Drive safely, take care, live and love well! Always make every day count… and good luck in finding your answers – whatever the questions!

Independently owned franchise Published by Imag Publications Editor: Margaret Edwards Phone/Fax: (02) 6359 3399 Mobile: 0411 858 140 Administration: Kevin Edwards Email: PO Box 602, Lithgow NSW 2790

PLEASE NOTE: Deadline for Copy/Changes - 1st of the month prior to month of publication



Hills & Hawkesbury


Parramatta/Penrith 10 Lower Blue Mountains


Mid Mountains


Wentworth Falls


Main Map


Leura Village


Katoomba 20 Medlow Bath to Mt Victoria


Mt Tomah


Hartley & surrounds


Wallerawang/Portland 2 Lithgow 26 Oberon/Bathurst/Mudgee 28 Orange & Districts



Material in this publication is copyright and may not be published or reproduced in any form without the express permission of the publishers. Circulation, an average of 10,000 copies printed monthly, distributed and recirculated monthly throughout the Region as well as major tourism information centres in Sydney, Canberra and country NSW. Information supplied by others for this magazine is published in good faith. Whilst every endeavour has been made to ensure absolute accuracy of this information, the Publishers cannot be held responsible for any consequences resulting from omissions or inadvertent errors contained herein. Printed by Spotpress, 24-26 Lilian Fowler Place, Marrickville, NSW © Imag Publications Pty Ltd 2012 Compiled by Nicole Collis, Tang Print Media Production Subscription to magazine $30 per year.


Taste sensations

FREE Information Guide


the latest from our new website

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© M Edwards Tobruk © Tourism NSW

Hills & Hawkesbury

In March 1788, Governor Arthur Phillip set off to find more suitable land for agriculture and travelled up the Hawkesbury River as far as Dangar Island. He returned the following year and navigated the river to a point upstream of Windsor. Governor Phillip and his party reached this area by boat on 6th July 1789 and named it Green Hills. He was impressed with its farming potential and quickly arranged for food production to begin in order to relieve the shortages in Port Jackson.

Café Restaurant

Governor Macquarie named the settlement Windsor in 1810. This was the start of the Hawkesbury Hills District, still a rich production area for food and a wonderful playground. Visit the Information Centres throughout the Hills Hawkesbury area for more information. Surrounded by 10 National parks an hour’s drive from Sydney, the area provides a wide range of recreational pursuits.

Shop 12, 5557, Old Northern Road, Wisemans Ferry, NSW 2775 Phone: (02) 4566 4787

Encircled by noteworthy national parks Dharug to the north and east, Yengo to the north-west, Cattai to the west, and Marramarra to the south - Wisemans Ferry is a rustic village on one of the country's most famous waterways.

Banksia Yarns FOR YOUR COMFORT AND DELIGHT • Quality wool - alpaca, cotton, mohair, mixed fibres & yarns. • Patterns, needles & hooks. Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:30 – 5pm Sat: 9:30 – 1pm

shop 7, Magnolia Mall, 283 Windsor St, Richmond NSW

Phone 02 4505 1615 or 0401 279 853


What to See & Do

Macquarie Arms Hotel 1815 Windsor Court House 1821 The Toll House built in 1835 St Monicas Church opened in 1859 Richmond Court House 1877 Macquarie Schoolhouse 1819 Ebenezer Church built 1809 Australia’s oldest church Check out Berowra Waters Go horse riding close to home Stay in a romantic B&B and get away from it all HAWKESBURY VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE 328 Hawkesbury Valley Way Richmond (opposite RAAF) Phone (02) 45604620 E

The Secret River’s Hidden Gem The Hawkesbury is the longest coastal river in New South Wales. It has a long Aboriginal history, and was critical for the survival of the early British colony at Sydney. Its weathered shores, cliffs and fertile plains have inspired generations of artists and poets, and it is surrounded by an unparalleled mosaic of national parks, including the secondoldest national park in Australia, Ku-ring-gai National Park. But, despite being so close to Sydney, and home to tens of thousands who live within the local government area that takes its name, to many people the Hawkesbury is a ‘secret river’ – its historical and natural significance neither understood nor appreciated. Seek out Paul Boon’s new book on it. Or why not visit it this Winter to experience its delights first hand? Talented chef Jamie Busby would be delighted to welcome you to Busby’s Café Restaurant where you may sit above the River views in Wisemans Ferry while eating delicious food and soaking up the atmosphere. Chat to some locals about the history of the area. Stay a while and explore.

The Art of Ageing

Time Leaves its Mark ‘The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.' - Robert Frost Opening on 7 July at Hawkesbury Regional Gallery in Windsor is an exhibition exploring ideas, experiences and creative responses to notions of ageing in our society and communities. It comprises two parts: an in-house exhibition, Time Leaves its Mark, featuring the work Jo Ernsten, Pablo Grover, Leahlani Johnson, Nicole Toms and David Newman-White (portraits of senior Hawkesbury artists), as well as a series of photographs titled The Art of Ageing toured by the NSW Government Department of Family and Community Services and featuring photography

by Louise Hawson, who received wide acclaim for her photographic exploration of 52 suburbs (see http://52suburbs. com/2016/10/19/new-exhibition-the-artof-ageing/).

Louise Hawson’s photographic display is the result of a commission from the Department of Family and Community Services to capture older people in a way that is more positive and varied than typical images portray them.

Of his commission to produce ten large-scale oil pastel portraits of senior Hawkesbury artists. David Newman-White says:

‘It was interesting personally because recently I’ve become a little obsessed with trying to understand ageing’ said Louise. ‘I find myself asking random people over the age of 60, how does it feel to be older? Not as in aches and pains, but do you feel massively different to who you were 20 years ago or are you essentially the same – except for more wrinkles and grey hair?’

‘Twelve weeks to produce ten large scale portraits, was I up to it? You bet!. I must say, I felt that this project was made for me. My subjects were all fantastic. My youngest subject, Greg Hansel, is 68 years old, and my oldest, Bert Moriarty turns 96 this year. In particular I take my hat off to the bravery of all the female subjects in this project - they truly were sacrificing their pride for the cause of art, knowing how judgemental society is of the ageing female body.’

After photographing some inspiring people, who just happen to have spent longer on the planet than others, she has found herself feeling more positive about ageing: ‘I feel that there is much still to look forward to, which is lucky because there’s not much you can do about ageing!

Gallery staff take delivery of pastel paintings by David Newman-White. The work will be on show as part of the Time Leaves its Mark exhibition, on show till 27 August.


Get the Most out of this Winter! Too quiet for Pony Club Comanche, a 17 year old Quarter Horse Gelding, came to join the ranks of the special horses at Bathurst RDA seven years ago and has turned out to be one of our most valued horses. Countless children and adults have learned to ride independently on him. One of our adult riders, Ian Ramsay, has competed in dressage tests and placed first. We have seven horses at RDA and one miniature pony as part of our pet therapy program. Without

these wonderful horses there would be no RDA so their care is paramount to us.

Growers Markets Since August 2003, the Blackheath Growers Market has run on 2nd Sundays at the Blackheath Community Centre, now featuring up to 80 seasonal exhibitors to delight you with a range of local and regional food and drink. We offer a wide range of fruits, vegetables, meats, breads and cheeses (cow, goat and sheep), olive oils, local wines, nuts and honey, free range eggs,

spices and condiments, plants and seedlings, a wide range of baked goods and so much more. While we can’t guarantee that your favourite foods will be in season, we can promise that everything you find will be fresh and delicious. Come along to celebrate our 14th anniversary with us. You may also like to celebrate Castle Hill’s 15th anniversary with us on the 2nd

and 4th Saturdays with the Hills Artisans Market expanding our offerings on the 4th Saturdays from 8am till noon at Castle Hill Showground. Springwood Growers Market opened in 2015 but is already thriving. Visit us on 4th Sundays 8.30 am to noon at Springwood Hub, 104 Macquarie St, Springwood.

From the Paddock to Your Plate

If you are looking to find delicious, fresh food for your family, you have found the right place. Black Castle Events are the force behind three of the area’s leading growers markets: Blackheath Growers Market, Springwood Growers Market and Hawkesbury Harvest Farmers Market Castle Hill also Hills Artisans Market. Whether you’re looking for fresh produce, locally-sourced meats or handmade crafts, you’ll find them at our markets! Call to learn more about our growers markets!

02 4572 6260 Find us on Facebook


Hawkesbury Artists and Artisans trail. The Hawkesbury Artists and Artisans Trail is a non profit organisation created by Artists for Artists and was formed over 10 years ago. The Trail is home to the Artists and Artisans who live and work in the Hawkesbury. Along with the inspirational Studios and Galleries of some of the regions’ most talented and well loved Artists and Artisans, this trail also includes Hawkesbury Regional Gallery and Shop Fronts. Trail members work in a diverse range of Art forms, including Painting and Mixed Media, Prints, Photography, Conservation and Framing, Jewellery, Blacksmithing, Wood Work and Fine Furniture, Sculpture, Fine Glass, Fabulous Felting. Explore the Galleries and Studios during our annual Open Studio Weekend on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th August, 10.00am to 4.00pm daily. Come and meet the makers and creators, have an opportunity to purchase affordable fine Art directly from the Artists and Artisans, learn more about their Art and watch them create. Some of our talented members also hold regular classes and workshops for Adults, Teens and Children in Watercolour, Drawing, Mixed Media, Pastels, Acrylics and Oils as well as workshops all year round. There is something for beginners to advanced students, so why not come along and unleash your creative side! If you are interested in becoming a Trail member or would like to find out more, please contact Leanne Jones ~ President. For our Open Studio Weekend details, please visit our website or pick up a brochure and map at Hawkesbury Visitor information Centre, 328 Hawkesbury Valley Way, Clarendon. Opposite the RAAF Base. Phone: 02 4578 0233 or 1300 362 874. Or contact Leanne Jones by Phone: 02 45 677 400 Email: Find us on Facebook or go to

Shahzada 2017

The 37th Shahzada 400 KM Endurance Ride will be held from Monday, 21st to Friday, 25th August in St Albans, north west of Sydney NSW with the Mini Marathon of 120km over three days from Tuesday, 22nd to Thursday, 24th August. With lots of inquiries from around the country and overseas it looks like quite a big week! Haydn Fisher will be Chief Steward with his busy assistants again. We have last year’s vet team whose complete dedication to the horses at Shahzada, as well as being so friendly and approachable, made last year's Shahzada so terrific for everyone involved not to mention their input into the entertainment. Jo Arblaster of Animal Focus is the official Shahzada photographer. Accommodation is booked for vets and volunteers at The Courthouse and Don's Cottage as well as the same beautiful toilets as last year from TFH. More information will be regularly posted on Facebook. If you just want to be part of Shahzada and get a taste of marathon riding with all of the fun and none of the pressure, come and do the Mini Marathon - the best ever week away with your horse! Go to the Shahzada website www. to see what happened in 2016 and check out who has already booked their numbers again for this year.

Portland Spring Fair The Portland Spring Fair is held on the 4th Saturday in October every year at the Kremer Park (showground) Portland NSW. This is a family fun event full of exciting adventures and activities for the whole family to enjoy... Including markets stalls, swap meet, show and shine, ute muster, rides and other entertainment. Leading up to the Fair the Committee is holding fund raisers – keep an eye out for these on their Facebook page. Saturday 8 July they held a popular sausage sizzle in freezing conditions. Portland Wallnuts will also be updating their Signs of Yesteryear in October. Further information will be posted as we approach the event.


Parramatta - Penrith

Parramatta was founded in 1788 by Governor Arthur Phillip as a western outlying farm colony of Sydney. Initially it was called Rose Hill and was renamed Parramatta, an Aboriginal word meaning “head of waters,” or “the place where eels lie down”, the year after it was proclaimed a town in 1790. It was incorporated as a municipality in 1861, became a city in 1938 and was expanded in 1948, 1959, and 1972 by the inclusion of surrounding centres.

Port Jackson harbour. The Parramatta River Cat ferry takes passengers from Parramatta to Sydney along the River. The River Cat is a scenic and relaxing way to explore the waterways . Ferries are cheap and certainly a fast and pleasant way to travel all over Sydney. There are many pleasant places to eat, shop and even go to the theatre along the Parramatta River, not to mention stroll, fish or simply relax. Parramatta is famous for a wide variety of retail and dining options!

Now Parramatta is a city within Sydney’s metropolitan area. It lies along the 15-mile or 24-km Parramatta River, which enters

Parramatta has many historic buildings, including Elizabeth Farm (Built in 1793, it is the nation’s oldest surviving European

ROMANTIC BEDROOM – TRAGIC STORY The four poster bed is considered most romantic and this bed of kings and the king of beds is constructed of Australian red cedar with expertly carved columns of pineapple and spiral ‘barley sugar’ design. The Governor of the colony of New South Wales, Sir Charles Augustus Fitz Roy, and his wife Lady Mary slept in this bed in 1847. Tragedy struck on December 7 of that year when a runaway coach carrying Lady Mary struck an oak tree in Parramatta Park near the George Street entrance and she was killed. Take a guided tour of a 19th century, fully furnished cottage and experience colonial times first hand. Parramatta & District Historical Society Inc. (1913) Meet people who enjoy local history John Macarthur’s Hambledon Cottage House Museum OPEN Thursday to Sunday – every week 11am – last guided tour begins 3pm Gregory Place, Parramatta 9635-6924 email: / Parramatta – Historical – Society


building). Old Government House (Built in 1799, it is the oldest public building in Australia). Experiment Farm Cottage (Built in 1834 it is the site of the first land grant). Hambledon Cottage (Built in 1824 by John and Elizabeth Macarthur for extra accommodation for family and friends. The Kings School (1832). As Parramatta is once again becoming a more important city centre and larger business buildings are being built, fascinating pieces of Parramatta’s past are being literally unearthed. In the foyer of some of the new buildings you will see glass around what was discovered and in the Justice Precinct you will find the remains of the earliest convict hospitals on display. The Parramatta Visitor Information Centre can tell you more about where to find these or for more information visit

What to See & Do

Try the ferry. A beautiful way to get around a lot of places. Check out Riverside theatres and restaurant. Take a walk along the river while you’re there. Visit Experiment Farm, Elizabeth

Farm and Hambledon Cottage.

Olympic Park is an experience in itself, close to Parramatta, on the ferry. Parramatta Farmers’ Markets, produce, arts, crafts and more. VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE 346A Church St, Parramatta Ph: (02) 8839 3311 Fax: (02) 8839 3301 Email: discoverparramatta@

...will take you there!

FREE Hambledon Herald monthly newsletter! send your email request topic: Herald offer

Penrith - The adventure capital Penrith is the ideal place to have your next adventure; there is so much to see, explore and discover and its proximity to Sydney means visitors can come for the day or stay for a couple of days to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Thrill-seekers can pay a visit to iFly Downunder, Australia’s only indoor skydiving facility and the southern hemisphere’s best white-water facility, Penrith Whitewater Stadium. There is also Jetpack Adventures at the Sydney International Regatta Centre, Luddenham Raceway, Cables Wake Park and a 737 JetFlight Simulator. Visitors wanting to keep their feet on the ground can take in one of the world-class concerts and performances at The Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre, see an exhibition at the Penrith Regional Gallery, go on a tour at the Go-Shu Sake Factory or learn about the history of firefighting at the Museum of Fire. Surrounded by mountains, sweeping valleys and lakes, and with the stunning Blue Mountains in the backdrop, there really is no better place to explore the great outdoors. Relax on a cruise along the Nepean River or step things up with a bushwalk to ‘The Rock’ lookout. Visit for more info or call 1300 736 836 (weekdays only).

FOR A LAID BACK ADVENTURE: Museum of Fire 1 Museum Drive, Penrith Ph: 4731 3000 Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre - 597 High Street, Penrith Ph: 4723 7600 Penrith Regional Gallery & Lewers Bequest - 86 River Road, Emu Plains Ph: 4735 1100 Sun Masamune Sake Brewery 29 Cassola Place, Penrith Ph: 4732 2833 The Union Restaurant Union Lane, Penrith Ph: 4721 4501 FOR AN OUTDOOR ADVENTURE: Aqua Golf Panthers World of Entertainment Mulgoa Road, Penrith Ph: 4721 7240

Bushwalking, Fairlight Road, Mulgoa Kayaking & Canoeing Horizon Line (Kayak/Canoe hire) 69 Great Western Highway, Emu Plains Ph: 02 4735 2120 VISITOR INFORMATION Tourism Information for Penrith is now available at: Telephone: 1300 736 836 (Monday to Friday 9am – 4.30pm) The information wall at Penrith Civic Centre is available Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4pm. The information wall at Penrith City Library is available Monday to Friday 9am – 8pm, Saturday 9am – 5pm and Sunday 10am – 5pm.

...will take you there!

What to See & Do

FOR AN ACTION PACKED ADVENTURE: 737 Jet Flight Simulator Experience Unit 1 /9-11 Abel Street, Penrith Ph: 4722 5747 Cables Wake Park Behind Panthers Complex, Mulgoa Road, Penrith Ph: 4722 2537 Ifly Downunder 123 Mulgoa Road, Penrith Ph: 1300 366 364 Jetpack Adventures Jetpack Lake, Gate D, Old Castlereagh Road, Cranebrook Ph: 0474 538 722 Luddenham Raceway 821 - 849 Luddenham Road, Luddenham Ph: 9834 2366 Penrith Whitewater Stadium McCarthy’s Lane, Cranebrook Ph: 4730 4333


© David Barnes, Dept Mineral Resources, Glenbrook Creek

Lower Blue Mountains

Great Western Highway until 1926. Across the Nepean River through Emu Springwood follows Warrimoo and Plains, Leonay and Lapstone, travel Blue Mountains Trolley Tours west along the Great Western Highway Valley Heights and was the first town named in the Blue Mountains, second to Glenbrook to reach the Blue Blue Mountains Trolley Tours only in size to Katoomba. Mountains Tourist Information Centre operates an hourly hop on and hop on the left of the highway. off service 7 days a week that takes you to 29 GREAT ATTRACTIONS The start of the Blue Mountains includes the lovely villages of Lapstone, located in KATOOMBA and LEURA, Start at the Glenbrook Visitor Centre Glenbrook, Blaxland, Springwood allowing you to experience the best The walking track from John and Faulconbridge. This area features of what this fabulous world heritage Accommodation Whitton Memorial leadsAssociation you Bleu Mountains andPlace Tourism impressive waterfalls, swimming holes, area has to offer in a fun and to the Knapsack Viaduct. (Lapstone) for iMAG Visitor Guide national park walks and art Advertisement & craft informative way. Bluff Lookout overlooks the galleries. You can purchase your $30 per adult Adv size 115 x 80 mm landscape Glenbrook Gorge and Glenbrook Blaxland, named after explorer Gregory Hop On and Hop Off All Day Pass Creek. Blaxland (1771-1852) provides the from the Trolley Shoppe located at Adjacent to Warrimoo Station is opportunity to examine Lennox Bridge. 76 Main Street, Katoomba, Opposite Ardill Park, a great resting place. Built in 1883, it formed part of the

What to See & Do

the Pedestrian Crossing at Katoomba Railway Station, or directly from the Trolley Driver at any stop. You can book a Day Tour from Sydney, save when you book your tickets online, even like us on Facebook at Trolley Tours, Katoomba.

VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Great Western Hwy, Glenbrook Open Mon-Sat 8.30am to 4pm and 8.30am - 3.00pm Sun. closed Christmas Day Ph: 1300 653 408

...will take you there!

The Norman Lindsay Gallery & Museum A magnificent collection of paintings, sculpture and ship models displayed in the artist’s former home. • Landscaped Grounds  • Cafe • Specialist Print and Book Shop • Home of ‘The Magic Pudding’

... something to do… … someplace to eat… … somewhere to stay…


OPEN DAILY 10am to 4pm (02) 4751 1067

National Trust

Closed Christmas Day 14 Norman Lindsay Cres. Faulconbridge 12

(02) 4751 9611

Looking for…

ins a t n u o M e lu B … in the

play stay

Mid Mountains

© Nyla Thomas

Lawson has hit the small screen. Sydney Weekender visited Lawson to highlight three food businesses. Lyttleton Stores, Rust and Timber Chocolate Bar and Mesa Barrio were featured. This link will take you to a video of the story. swe-stories/lawson Use these links to connect with these businesses. In the last twelve months, Lawson has seen many new businesses opening their doors. A welcome addition is a Health Food Shop for pets. Owner Jennie opened the Pet Health Hub to provide expert advice and competitive pricing on leading nutritional supplements. Located in Shop 1, 9 Staples Crescent, you can book a consult with a vet nurse to

discuss various health issues affecting your pet/s on 4759 2655. Other shops recently opening in the successful Lawson shopping precinct are: Howells Chartered Accountants, 2/5 Staples Crescent 4744 2061 J’s Colour Bar, 1/293 Great Western Highway, 0416 723 823 Stacks Café, 298 Great Western Highway, 4759 1103 NDIS Lawson, 3/297 Great Western Highway, 1800 800 110 Lawson Physio and Pilates, Unit 2, 9 Staples Crescent, 4759 1485 Subway, 1/297 Great Western Highway, 4759 1737 Century 21, 297 Great Western Highway, 4759 2666 Cheesesteak Factory 4/297 Great Western Highway, 4701 6211

Events in the Mid Mountains

Sydney Comedy Festival Showcase Friday 25 August 8pm - $31.90 - $34.90 Blue Mountains Theatre & Community Hub 108 Macquarie Road Springwood - 4723 5050 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Day Parade & Service Sunday 13 August 11am to 4.45pm FREE Macquarie Street, Springwood Organised by Blue Mountains Vietnam Veterans & Associated Forces Inc Mountains of Stories Creative Writing Workshop: Essentials of Fiction with Keith Whelan Saturday 19 August 10am - 3pm $25 Age 16+ Book and pay at any Blue Mountains Library Branch Springwood Library 104 Macquarie Road Springwood 4723 5040 Ephemeral Threads Saturday 19 August 10am Woodford Academy - National Trust of Australia NSW 90-92 Great Western Highway, Woodford - 4758 8743

The creative collective: Stories from leaves Thursday 27 July to Sunday 20 August Tim Newman: Interplay - light Thursday 27 July to Sunday 20 August FREE ENTRY - Open only Thursday – Sunday, 10am – 4pm - Braemar Gallery 104 Macquarie Road Springwood 4780 5410 Best of British Saturday 5 August 7.30pm - $10.00 - $25.00 NSW Police Band Featuring Belinda Parsons Wednesday 9 August 11am $20.00 My Friend the Chocolate Cake Friday 11 August 8pm Adult $49, Concession $45 Children U/14 $25 Andrea Lam Saturday 12 August 7.30pm - $25.00 - $52.00 Stand By Me (M) Friday 18 August 8.00pm $12.00 James Valentine Saturday 19 August 8pm - $27.00 - $30.00

What to See & Do

Blue Mountains BMX Club track, at the end of Ferris Lane in Lawson, is open all year to the general public. Safety gear must be worn. Warm up in the sauna at the Springwood Aquatic Centre on Plateau Road, Springwood Visit the Norman Lindsay Gallery & Museum at 14 Norman Lindsay Crescent, Faulconbridge Book a bike at Blue Mountain Bikes to ride the Oaks Fire Trail

Michael and Rocco are pleased to be back serving their loyal customers in Hazelbrook after a car smashed into the front of their shop. Primavera Gourmet Deli and Café have recently changed to Lavazza Coffee. Baked daily on the premises their bread and rolls have no additives. The fresh meats are cut to order and their shelves are stacked with local and imported specialised items. Call in to place your orders.

Primavera Gourmet Deli & Café Specialising in Australian & continnetal Small goods

4758 6735

Shop 15 The Village Centre 192 GW Highway Hazelbrook


Faulconbridge Antiques

The Destination in the Blue Mountains for Beautiful Items Faulconbridge Antiques is located on the Great Western Highway heading west, the next village after Springwood. This is a beautifully presented shop which is filled with a wonderful mix of fine quality furniture, ceramics, art glass and silver. It provides a classic blend of old and new, so you will be inspired and spoilt for choice with the large selection of decorative items. There’s sure to be something to tempt you! Faulconbridge Antiques is the only authorised retailer of world famous contemporary Moorcroft Art pottery

UK, Steve Smith Ceramics UK (the world’s finest freehand painted ceramics) & Anita Harris Art Pottery UK, West of Sydney. They are also the exclusive retailers in the Blue Mountains Region for Royal Crown Derby, Royal Doulton and Waterford Crystal. With new items arriving weekly you are sure to find something to inspire you for your home or as a special gift. Many choices for gifts.

Art Deco Priess Lamp

“The Finest Antiques & Giftware In The Mountains” © Nyla Thomas

Sambino Figurine

Blue Mountains Stockist of The World's Finest Brands. Moorcroft-Royal Crown Derby-Royal Doulton-Waterford Wedgwood as well as many other Prestigious Brands!

OPEN 7 DAYS 448a Gt Western Hwy, FAULCONBRIDGE | 02 4751 7627


Faulconbridge Antiques

French Ladies Writing Desk

© Awesome weddings at Yester Grange

Wentworth Falls Wentworth Falls, one of the most beautiful Blue Mountains towns, offers possibly the most spectacular bushwalks and views. At the top of Boddington hill, turn left into Tableland Road then left into Queen Elizabeth Drive. Take the left hand fork at the end for a 10 km drive to one of the most remote and beautiful picnic grounds in the Blue Mountains, Ingar Picnic Ground. The area known as ‘Kings Tableland’ offers almost haunting views. Care must be taken within this area to

preserve the ancient Aboriginal site, Kings Table. It has been calculated via carbon dating that the land was occupied some 22,000 years ago!

What to See & Do Enjoy the fabulous sunsets with views

Allow at least a day to enjoy the area. From Falls Road start the Charles Darwin Walk, well sign posted. Explore Wentworth Falls Village with its shops, golf course and Lake

on the northern side of the Highway.

Gold winner - national tourism award for Unique Accommodation for Zoofari Lodge

Get your Zoofari Lodge experience Today! Ring the reservations team to book the ultimate Zoofari adventure! (02) 6881 1488

Win Free Passes to Taronga Western Plains Zoo! Your iMag magazine has free passes to give away to Western Plains Zoo. For your chance to win one of these passes, simply send us an envelope with your name phone number and address on the back addressed to:

Yester Grange Estate Yester Grange is the Blue Mountains premier venue for couples seeking a truly unique wedding and special events venue. Nestled in 10 acres of totally private parkland and garden at the top of Wentworth Falls waterfall. The rolling expanse of green lawn reaches from the magnificent Victorian mansion, to touch the thousands of hectares of World Heritage Listed Blue Mountains Wilderness that lies beyond. The views are breathtaking and the atmosphere will leave your guests spellbound! Yester Grange is a truly unique property and no amount of words or photographs can ever do it justice. It is a venue which simply must be inspected to be believed. Inspections strictly by appointment only. Please phone to arrange a convenient time for us to show you around the property and to discuss menu selection and arrangements for your very special day. Ph: 4757 1110



Congratulations!!! The 2 day family zoo pass to Taronga Western Pla ins Zoo was won by J Sobalirov, Bathurst NSW


Taronga Western Plains Zoo is located in Dubbo in Central New South Wales. The Zoo is open every day 9am - 4pm. For more information visit or contact 6881 1400. 12-week-old female Southern Black Rhinoceros calf – ‘Mesi’



♦ Spectacular valley views ♦ Central yet secluded location just five

♦ Spectacular valley Central yet location just five just five ♦ Spectacular valley views ♦ Central secluded location minutesviews stroll to♦town centre ♦secluded Award yet winning 4½ Star accommodation

minutes stroll to♦ town centre ♦ Award Staroraccommodation minutes stroll to town centre Award winning 4½ bath, Star remote accommodation Guest rooms with choicewinning of♦bath &4½ shower spa control full airwith conditioning & windows which open for fresh ♦ Guest rooms withrooms choice of bath & shower spa bath, ♦ Guest choice of bath or & shower orremote spa bath,mountain remote air. full Many with views, many open with which real fireplaces control full control air conditioning & windows for flame fresh mountain airrooms conditioning &which windows open for fresh mountain ♦ Licensed a lamany carte restaurant cocktail bar air. Many rooms withrooms views, with many real and flame fireplaces air. Many with views, with real flame fireplaces ♦ Guest lounge areas with open fireplaces ♦ Exercise room

♦ Licensed♦aLicensed la carte restaurant and cocktail barcocktail bar a la carte restaurant and

♦ Billiards ♦ Garden terraces ♦ Day spa and beauty treatment centre

♦ Guest lounge areas with areas open fireplaces Exercise♦room ♦ Guest lounge with open ♦fireplaces Exercise room

♦ Billiards ♦ Billiards Garden terraces Day spa ♦and treatment ♦ Garden♦ terraces Daybeauty spa and beauty centre treatment centre Gosford

♦ Spectacular valley views ♦ Central yet secluded location just five minutes stroll to town centre ♦ Award winning 4½ Star accommodation ♦ Guest rooms with choice of bath & shower or spa bath, remote control full air conditioning & windows which open for fresh mountain air. Many rooms with views, many with real flame fireplaces ♦ Licensed a la carte restaurant and cocktail bar ♦ Guest lounge areas with open fireplaces ♦ Exercise room ♦ Billiards ♦ Garden terraces ♦ Day spa and beauty treatment centre

$15 includes two shows and afternoon tea at the end

Phone: 4782 2155 or visit us at View menus andSunday package28 deals online or includes follow usafternoon on Facebook! Radio Plays May - $15 tea.

© ‘Keith Gillard, Fairmont Resort MGallery

Leura Village You’ve reached what is now referred to as the Upper Blue Mountains, where cool climate plants are the focus of many a garden. The natural wonders of Leura can be discovered via the many walks. A great place to start is Sublime Point Road. Here you will find one of the world’s most spectacular golf courses as well as the popular Fairmont Resort. Many events are held here. Trolley Tours can tell you about the walks. Rivalling Katoomba as the most visited location in the Blue Mountains, Leura offers The Mall, a shoppers paradise alive with cafes, restaurants, boutiques, galleries. You must not miss a visit to the multi-awardwinning Josophan’s Chocolates – see if you are able to organise a tasting. They also have a shop down in Sydney. Megalong Books has the most amazing range of the most amazing books on so many subjects I keep wondering how they do it! The staff are also so knowledgeable and helpful. Come to Leura just for fun or for some really serious bargains… but come you must… it is so special!

What to See & Do

Toy and Railway Museum, located within Leuralla mansion. Olympian Park featuring a natural amphitheatre with spectacular views. Leura Cascades along Cliff Drive is a peaceful setting for a family picnic or BBQ From the Cascades you can leisurely walk to several waterfalls including Leura, Linda, Lila and Bridal Veil Falls. You can also walk to Copelands Lookout and Flying Fox Lookout.

Bygone Beautys’ New Traditional High Tea Supreme - an Indulgent Affair Located in Leura in the heart of the Blue Mountains, Bygone Beautys ups the grandeur with its introduction of Traditional High Tea ‘Supreme’. An even more decadent version of the much-loved classic Traditional High Tea, enjoy all the usual delights but with a twist. In a charming old-world dining room, enjoy complimentary champagne in crystal flutes upon arrival with mini quiches, sausage rolls and vegetarian roulades. Then, grandly presented silver service on an afternoon tea tray-mobile, finely rolled crustless sandwiches, an assortment of homemade tea cakes and biscuits, homemade baby scones with freshly whipped cream and strawberry jam, and your choice of speciality


loose leaf tea or coffee. Your waiter, complete with top hat and tails, will deliver this decadent delight to your table with a degree of pomp and circumstance, an experience reminiscent of decades past when life was more leisurely. Relax, as you anticipate, at your dining table where every little detail - from the table cloth to the placement of fine bone china and quality cotton afternoon tea serviettes is set with precision and authenticity. Watch with delight as your triple-tier cake stand of treats, framed by two British Union Jack flags, arrives to the tune of Land of Hope and Glory. With the addition of a hot first course and a complimentary glass of champagne on

arrival, this experience will add an extra touch of upper class decadence and also give guests a taste of the original ‘High Tea’, which began around 1825 and was originally a hearty meal which included several hot dishes. Best experienced in the company of others, Traditional High Tea Supreme is served to a minimum of two persons and is available from 10.30am to 4.00pm weekdays and 10.30am to 4.30pm weekends. Bookings are essential and can be made by phone: 02 4784 3117 or email: info@bygonebeautys. For more information and menus visit www. Bygone Beautys is open seven days a week.
















Leura Golf Course




Peppers Fairmont Resort

Blue Mountains National Park

Leura Golf Course




Blue Mountains National Park





Bowling Club

















International Hotel Management School

























Everglades Gardens

Gordon Falls







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Gordon Falls Lookout

Golf Links Lookout







Gordon Falls Reserve











??? School























Leura Railway Stn












Leura Public School











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Leura Events Sat 10 June – Sun 27 Aug 2017 T VI E Wunderkammer Exhibition GR LOCAL L IN K R D EA T Everglades Historic House & Gardens, W EST ERN RA IL 37 Everglades Avenue, Leura. WA Y Wunderkammer is an exhibition PD showcasing the ethically-sourced E taxidermied works of artist Rod QUEENS AV MEGALO NG McRae.Each work explores an animal “issue” using real preserved animal bodies to tell their stories including CRAIGE ND trophy hunting, displacement, poisoning. Each touches on a different aspect of the humananimal relationship including MALVERN biodiversity, pollution, climate change, RD conservation and stewardship. Each work asks the viewer to examine their responsibilities as fellow travellers on D this planet. No animal was harmed to GORDO N RD make the artwork. Time: 10am – 4pm Bridal Veil View OL YM Lookout PIA daily. Entry: $13 Adult, $8 Concession, N $4 Child. P: 4784 1938 www. r y Cliff Wa PDE lk





Sat 19 Aug 2017 Cello and Chocolate From Beethoven to Brazil – Josophan’s Gingerbread House, Corner Waratah and Lurline Streets, Katoomba. Enjoy the extraordinary sounds of the cello and guitar with Georg Mertens and

Josophan’s Gingerbread House





A Winter Stroll through Everglades Gardens and Luncheon CLIFF Enjoy a delicious home-cooked three course luncheon (BYO) followed by a stroll with Guy McIlrath, Everglades Head Gardener, through the winter landscape. 19 Aug 2017 12:30 pm — 4:00 pm This is a wonderful opportunity to see the structure and design of the garden which is hidden in summer when all the trees are in leaf. The stunning dry stone walls can be clearly seen, view of the Blue Mountains Heritage area are there to delight and enjoy some of the early spring bulbs. Guy will also include a little of Everglades fascinating history. Ticket Sales/ Enquiries : Anita McIlwriath 02 4782 1974 DR




Giuseppi Zangari in the 100 year old former Presbyterian Church, now Josophan’s Gingerbread House. Concert plus Josophan’s hot chocolate shot and fine chocolate on arrival, Dessert at Intermission and take home chocolate. Time: 7.30pm. Entry: $55 Adult or $45 Children ($30 Adult or $20 Children for concert only). Bookings essential. See website for more details: P: 4782 6958 Cello & Classical Guitar Tuition with Georg Mertens beginners and advanced, all ages Katoomba and Mudgee ph. 02 4782 5440 or email: georgcello @


© David Barnes, Department of Mineral Resources NSW


Katoomba has something for everyone: entertainment, art galleries, restaurants, trendy cafes, shopping, antiques and collectables, walks and activities, not to mention its being surrounded by ancient natural beauty. The Seven Sisters Of the Gundungurra people commonly referred to as The Three Sisters may be viewed from Echo Point. Many bushwalks start from this point, including the Three Sisters Walk and Giant Stairway. In town, you’ll find an array of boutiques and all seasons clothing, as well as cosy dining experiences to suit all budgets and tastes.

Blue Mountains Cultural Centre In 2000 the Greater Blue Mountains area was added to the World Heritage List in recognition of the exceptional diversity and integrity of its eucalypt forest communities. The Blue Mountains Cultural Centre features Into the Blue, the Blue Mountains World Heritage Interpretive exhibition. Into the Blue is a fun and interactive exhibition which explores the landscape and history of this unique area. Audiences are invited to navigate their way through these stories through an immersive exhibition experience, introducing them to the richness and wonders of the Blue Mountains World Heritage area.

What to See & Do Visit Echo Point Visitor Information Centre for information and views. Stay with us to enjoy our award winning area Visit Trolley Tours to book a great tour of your choice maybe including Jenolan Caves Enjoy the art and culture walk. Eat in fine-dining restaurants or have coffee and cake in Art Deco cafés. Take guided bushwalks, a 4WD drive, learn to abseil, all in majestic splendour Explore the thriving local art scene. Visit the renovated Scenic World VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Echo Point Rd, Katoomba Open 9am - 5pm daily (Closed Christmas day) Phone: 1300 653 408

...will take you there!

䨀唀䰀夀  刀䔀䰀䔀䄀匀䔀匀

BLUE MOUNTAINS CULTURAL CENTRE City Art Gallery I Café I World Heritage Exhibition I Shop


02 4780 5410 I 30 Parke St Katoomba NSW 2780 Open 10am – 5pm Mon – Fri, 10am – 4pm Sat & Sun

10am – 2pm public holidays (closed Good Friday & Xmas Day)


䤀一 䌀䤀一䔀䴀䄀匀 一伀圀

To give visitors an inspiring insight into the World Heritage listed Blue Mountains, The Edge Cinema screens a magnificent documentary which allows those with limited time to truly understand what treasures are within this ancient region. Visit The Edge Cinema to understand how unique this area really is. You’ll understand the accidental discovery of the Wollemi Pine, a majestic ancient conifer with attractive, unusual dark green foliage and bubbly bark. You’ll feel an adrenalin rush, watching the view plunge over dramatic waterfalls, seeing climbers on the famous Hanging Rock and plunging into deep canyons to swim the icy cold streams. The cinema has recently been renovated with new seats, carpet and an amazing surround sound system. The Edge documentary is screened daily at 9.45am at The Edge Cinema at 225 Great Western Highway Katoomba. Please ensure you book ahead to see The Edge documentary by phoning (02) 4782 8900

Lost Bear Gallery presents an exhibition of oil paintings by Sydney-based artist Keith Betts, from 22 July to 21 August 2017. Keith Betts paints the landscape in rich, luscious oils and many paintings in this collection feature intimate portrayals of the Australian bush. Referring to this new body of work, Keith says, “painting is a static medium, so it must engage the viewer with its internal tensions, which may be compositional, thematic, tonal etc. In my work, I try to place the viewer at a balancing point between what the eye sees (which is, at the level of the canvas, a confusion of paint strokes applied with a knife or a spatula) and what the brain tells them it should represent. This is the pivot point I seek to create in my paintings: the point where the myriad abstract elements that, in themselves, depict nothing, coalesce on the canvas to suggest something approaching a shared perception of the natural world, the landscape we find ourselves in. Sometimes there is an actual physical point at which this occurs for me while painting as I step back from the canvas, just as it is for the viewer: the point at which confused marks suddenly begin to 'make sense'. It is tempting to think of this as a kind of alchemy: marks in oil on canvas that trick the eye into seeing something it recognizes but which isn't really there. On the contrary though, I think the inspiration rests in the eye and mind of the viewer, in using the barest of reference points to discover a reality that is both elusive and illusory. In this way I see these paintings less as faithful depictions (surely they are not that) than simply compositions which are 'not inconsistent with' whatever they seem to the viewer to depict. At the same time


Keith Betts Exhibition

they continue to be just how they appear close up: a collection of marks on canvas poised on the line between confusion and coherence”. Lost Bear Gallery is a leading destination for contemporary art in the Blue Mountains. Keith Bett’s exhibition can be viewed daily from 10-5 at 98 Lurline Street, Katoomba. Also visit

Burnt Trees and Regrowth, Mt Buffalo oil on canvas 70cm x 100cm 2017 by Keith Betts


Hydro Majestic looks west

Medlow Bath to Mt Victoria Recent developments in these areas establish this as a centre with attractions to rival those that have made Leura to Katoomba so renowned. Reopening of the Hydro Majestic in November 2014 following upgrades, redevelopment of Redleaf Resort, the opening of Parklands and many other accommodation improvements in the area are attracting new visitors. Combined with more places

to eat, galleries and a wide variety of new businesses, we now have a newly evolving centre, drawing locals and visitors into a thriving new cosmopolitan area to spend time; to return to, seeking new experiences.


Blackheath at 1065m abve sea level is 114 km from Sydney and most famous for its November Rhododendron Festival. The Blackheath Rhododendron Gardens are in Baccante Street. The town’s shopping centre has a delightfully relaxed village atmosphere. Blackheath is filled with natural beauty and there are many breathtaking views and bush walks to experience. Blackheath is full of colonial history. The first building in Blackheath was "The Scotch Thistle Inn" erected by Andrew Gardner in 1831. The Inn was visited by the renowned scientist Charles Darwin in 1836. The site for "The Scotch Thistle Inn" was located slightly south of the present Gardners Inn Hotel. On the outside of the famous Victory Theatre antique centre is one of the town’s proudest displays, a colourful mural designed by local artist Jenny Kee and painted in 1985 by members of the local community on behalf of the Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre. It has been recently refurbished by this proud community.

Sunset Rock & Mitchell's Ridge Look-outs, beautiful Bushwalks and the Mount Victoria Historical Museum. Some of the Historic buildings are now beautiful 1st class accommodation facilities and combined with their fine food and other restaurants, make staying in Mount Victoria another must for your 'Top of the Mountains Adventure’

What to See & Do The Kanimbla Valley Walking Tracks, which take in Pulpit Rock, Bede’s Lookout, Reinitz Pass and Ross Cave. The array of buildings and boutique shops selling antiques, crafts, etc. The walking track to Victoria Falls. Mount Victoria Historical Museum First release films at Mount Vic Flicks. VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE

Blue Mountains Heritage Centre End of Govetts leap Road, Blackheath Open 9am - 4.30pm daily (Closed 25th Dec)

Phone: (02) 4787 8877. au/things-to-do/Visitor-centres/BlueMountains-Heritage-Centre

...will take you there!

Mt Victoria

Offering a range of specialised shoes to help family problem feet feel comfortable Stocking: NAOT - Ecco Florsheim - Waldlaufer Merrell - Semler - Gabriele Josef Seibel - Peter Kaiser Sandler - Rieker - Pikolinos open seven days 4 Govetts Leap Rd Blackheath (02) 4787 8263


Mount Victoria is the most westerly Blue Mountains township - 120 kilometres from Sydney and 1043 metres above sea-level. It is a small very charming historic village originally named 'One Tree Hill' on a map from 1834 - the name changed in 1876 when the first Post Office was built. There is a large number of historic buildings, including the Imperial Hotel -1878, St Peter's Church of England -1874, Closeburn House-1885, The Manor House, built by John Fairfax in 1876 and the Toll Keepers Cottage -1849. In Mount Victoria and close by you have Victoria Falls, Victoria Pass, Mt York, Bede's,

Blue Mountains Heritage Centre

At the end of Govetts leap Road, Blackheath Open everyday except Christmas Day 9.00am to 4.30pm.

Phone: 4787 8877

The Blue Mountains Botanic Garden The Buzz on Native Bees Waratah Education centre Saturday 5 August - 10.30am – 1.30pm Join Megan Halcroft PhD to learn about bees and how they drive biodiversity and support food security. While most bees live solitary lives and don’t store honey, they are the world’s most efficient flower pollinators. They are beautiful, diverse and fascinating to watch with about 200 species of native bees calling Sydney and the surrounding regions home. Learn how to prepare for spring activity by making a bee hotel or arranging flowering plants in preparation for the newly emerging bees. Includes morning tea. $25 per person. Not suitable for children. Bookings essential Gondwana Garden Family Day Visitor Centre Saturday 19 August - 11am – 3pm Take a trip through time to the ancient land of Gondwana for a fantastic family day of hands-on science fun at the Blue Mountains Botanic Garden! See Australian dinosaurs and megafauna come to life throughout the Garden with our amazing new augmented reality app Jurassic Garden. Join us for exciting and spectacular science shows, hands-on activities, demonstrations, talks and walks! Special guests in the jampacked schedule include the Australian Museum, the Children’s Discovery Museum, Erth Dinosaurs and the Frogs and Tadpole Society. Enjoy reptile shows, hands-on fun with prehistoric plants and fungi, or do some pond-dipping to find algae – one of the Earths oldest life-forms!

Gondwana Garden FAMILY DAY

Take a trip through time to the ancient land of Gondwana for a fantastic family day of hands-on science fun at the Blue Mountains Botanic Garden! See Australian dinosaurs and megafauna come to life throughout the Garden with our amazing new augmented reality app Jurassic Garden.

Growing Bulbs Waratah Education Centre Saturday 26 August - 10.30am - 12.30pm

Take a rare behind-the-scenes nursery tour, explore the Gondwana Walk with our plant scientists, make a take-home fossil, and find out about ancient plant life. All this and more!

Join our Horticulturist to learn the secrets to bulb growing success. Learn about general cultivation and care tips for growing both spring and summer flowering bulbs with a hands on propagation workshop. Includes morning tea. Materials supplied.

The Gondwana Garden event and the Jurassic Garden dinosaur app are supported by Inspiring Australia, and part of the Sydney Science Festival. Some free and some paid activities. Entry is free but with some activities requiring booking.

$25 per person. Not suitable for children. Bookings essential

Daffodil Festival Throughout the Garden Sat 19 - Sun 27 August - 9.30am – 4.30pm

The Jungle Lodge Accommodation Ideal setting for a mid-week escape or weekend getaway for up to ten guests. With breathtaking panoramic mountain views and walking trails through pristine rainforest, this renovated and comfortably furnished accommodation facility is open for bookings. Winter and August are very popular but there are still some dates left. Visit accommodation/nsw/blue-mountains/ mount-tomah/135149. $205/night min 2 nights stay

With optimum growing conditions, the Garden will be transformed by a sea of golden hues as plantings of daffodils erupt in bloom. Enjoy a picnic, take some photos or simply enjoy the mass plantings. View the many varieties of cut flower in the Visitor Centre with cut flowers and potted Daffodils available for purchase along with Cancer Council Daffodil Day merchandise. For a small fee, book in for a guided daffodil walk or our bulb growing workshop. Free entry

For Bookings and more information please Visit au/What-s-On for more information

Daffodil Discovery Walk Meet at the Sundial outside the Visitor Centre Saturday 19 August 10 - 11am OR 11.30am – 12.30pm Join our Horticulturist on a guided walk discovering the delightful winter/spring bulbs on display at the Blue Mountains Botanic Garden. $15 per person. Children are free and must be accompanied by an adult. Bookings essential

Saturday 19 August 11am – 3pm Special guests in the jam-packed schedule include

• Australian Museum • Children’s Discovery Museum • Erth Dinosaurs • Frogs and Tadpole Society

Enjoy reptile shows, hands-on fun with prehistoric plants and fungi, or do some pond-dipping to find algae – one of the Earths oldest life-forms! The Gondwana Garden event and the Jurassic Garden dinosaur app are supported by Inspiring Australia, and part of the Sydney Science Festival.

Entry is free but with some activities requiring booking. For more information, visit


© Wendy Anne Hawkes

Hartley & Surrounds The Hartley area provides a great insight into NSW settlement and early Australian History with some wonderful fully restored and operational historic buildings – in addition to the beautifully preserved buildings in Hartley historic village. Hartley is found situated at the bottom of Victoria Pass, on the Great Western Highway in the valley between Mount Victoria and Lithgow. Hartley areas disperse widely on both sides of the Highway.

What to See & Do Visit the area’s renowned Buildings such as the Comet Inn (now a Guest House, B & B with restaurant) and Collit's Inn in Hartley Vale, Rosedale in Little Hartley (now Hartley Valley Holiday Farm) and the old Harp of Erin, Williams Store and Little Hartley Post Office, classified in the National Trust Register and on the National Heritage Commission data base. Many wonderful walks including

Watercolours and Wabbits Exhibition – Wendy Anne Hawkes 6 August – 3 September 2017 Official Opening: Sunday 6 August 2pm Old Hartley Post Office Café, Hartley Historic Village This August Wendy Anne Hawkes is pleased to present her new exhibition Watercolours and Wabbits at the Old Hartley Post Office Café in Hartley Historic Village. The Village combines history, food and art in a picturesque country setting. Historic buildings and art galleries are surrounded by walks along the river and through the paddocks. The café is at the heart of the Village and provides the perfect setting for Wendy Anne’s delightful art work. Wendy Anne lives in Ivy Cottage in the Village and runs her art and illustrating business from there. This is her second solo exhibition and shows her recent exploration into watercolour and pastel mediums. Her watercolour collection in this exhibition features a combination of her own and Australian native animals. Wendy Anne has focused on creating these works with light and dark tones of varying colours and the familiar animals take on new life and emotions. Inspired by the Richard Adams' novel Watership Down, Wendy Anne’s pastel


“Wabbits’’ are created using a traditional style. Drawn onto the pages of an old copy of Watership Down, each art work references what is happening on that page. The personalities of the rabbits and the stories of the places they have visited flow through onto the page. There is a limited number of these art works making them very collectable as well as a delight to have in your home. For more information contact Wendy Anne Hawkes on 0400 360 355 or go to her Facebook page Wendy Anne Art.

Lockyers Road Walking Track, one of the most historic walking tracks in the Blue Mountains. The track is one of the original 'roads' used to descend into Hartley Vale. Hand built by convicts. Take the first turn left after Mt Vic Pass to head for a scenic drive down to the Cox’s River, Kanimbla Valley and many awesome picnic spots. Hartley Vet & Animal Centre for all pets and livestock and pet boarding so your pets have a holiday too!

RV Friendly

© Deborah McGrath Photography

Wallerawang/Portland In 1863 Thomas Murray selected land that would later become the site of Portland and he established the first lime kiln on the corner of Lime and Villiers Streets. Both Portland and Wallerawang are blessed with two historic public houses, schools, fascinating historic buildings, lakes and fishing streams, delightful little stores and friendly people. Portland is famous as the Town that built Sydney due to its Cement works and Wallerawang is famous for its Black Gold (coal) associations with Delta electricity. Portland’s Crystal Theatre hosts cinema as well as art shows and is famous for its street fairs. Portland’s big swimming pool has celebrated 50 years and Wallerawang’s historic old station’s heritage redevelopment has led to a florist, lolly shop, café and art gallery.

The signs of Yesteryear Portland a small town 2.5 hours drive from Sydney offers a step back in time with its original shop fronts still displaying working businesses including Gift shops, Cafes, Clubs Pubs and even an old fashioned theatre! In 2001 a group of sign writers known as the Letterheads met in Portland to recreate vintage advertising signs from 1895 to 1945 on the walls of local buildings throughout Portland. This has become a popular attraction. The advertising signs can be seen from the street and are visible every day of the year. This is a great opportunity for photographers to capture the art work of antique signs.

With the art, lakes, history, fine dining and comfortable accommodation, it’s worth taking your time to explore these two villages.

What to see & Do The Visitor Information Centres have heaps of information on the range of local activities Don’t miss Spring Fair and new antique Signs in October

Enjoy refreshments or a meal while you are here – plenty to choose from Visit Portland’s Bottle Kilns Marvel at the size of the old Cement


Wallerawang was first surveyed 1823. In 1824 James Walker was granted a large tract of land that was called "Wallerowang" by the local aboriginal people. Charles Darwin stayed at "Wallerowang House" (later to become Barton Park) in 1836, and in the book "Voyage of the Beagle" he describes the area at the time and the wildlife that included a number of platypus. There was a huge

Works of Portland Picnic by Lake Wallace which submerged where Darwin stayed Go sailing or rowing on Lake Wallace where no power boats are allowed Go bird & Wildlife watching at Lake Wallace and around Portland The Portland area is now well known to riders wanting to experience numerous exciting trails in State Forest areas within close proximity to Portland. Explore Wallerawang’s historic old church and school Collect antiques, art or local produce Wallerawang & Portland are RV Friendly! increase in population in 1851 after gold was discovered in the area. The National School opened 1860. Shale oil mining began in 1867 and the railway arrived in 1870 with coal hot on its heels in 1873. St John the Evangelist Church opened in 1881 as a memorial to the Walker/Barton family.

Your local and knowledgeable team can help you with all your Residential and Rural Real Estate needs. With offices in Portland, Oberon & Orange, covering the Central Tablelands. The Residential, Rural and Livestock Specialists Servicing the Central Tablelands. Find us on 3 Wolgan St Portland NSW 2847 Phone: 02 6355 5125 Email:


Lake Lyell


What to See & Do Lithgow is renowned as a learning City offering two Universities; a glorious valley set amidst mountain splendour. Lithgow is also rich in tradition and culture with diverse ecosystems. Immerse yourself in Aboriginal tradition, step back in time to an era where steam dominated transport and when industry was our backbone Discover Lithgow’s accessible wilderness. With tranquil vistas and

serene landscapes, the environment is abundant in wildlife and picturesque mountain panoramas. Great for camping! The Lithgow region is nature’s playground. Canyoning and rock climbing, in areas ten times older than the Grand Canyon, are experiences never to be forgotten. There are also magnificent 4WD tracks to explore walks and bike tracks galore. The choice of adventure is up to you.

Camp on the shores of Lake Lyell for

wildlife encounters and speed boating.

Visit the nationally significant Small Arms Factory Museum. Go bird watching, with a guide. Visit the award winning wetlands to see how many different plants and animals you can identify. Take a helicopter view of this surprising area. Go on a tour with the people who have lived here for thousands of years.

So Many Options at Lake Lyell Recreational Park On the outskirts of Lithgow NSW, the huge recreational park at Lake Lyell has long offered pet friendly camping, awesome fishing, heaven for artists photographers and wildlife enthusiasts and a range of water sports. Now there is also an inflatable floating water park permanently located on the huge dam. This inflatable fun park called Aqua Blitz is made by Wibit, an internationally renowned company whose products are popular in 60 countries. In Australia there are only three other Wibit products - at Airlie Beach, Darwin and the Gold Coast. While Aqua Blitz is now closed until warmer weather in September, the team at Lake Lyell is proud to offer you enjoyable memorable experiences for the whole family to enjoy throughout the year. Bring your pets on holiday with you to stay at this centrally located hive of activity. The whole family can enjoy their various favourite activities with access to surrounding areas and events or take

some time out to unwind and relax in a spectacular environment. For information on Aqua Blitz or other features on offer phone Lake Lyell Recreation Park on (02) 6355 6347 during business hours, check out their website or connect with them on Facebook.

Lake Lyell Recreation Park Camping unpowered $22 per night, powered $27 per night. Cabins from $60 - $125 per night. Day entry $5 per vehicle. Kayak hire - $15/hour $40/4hours. Kiosk hot food, ice cream, coffee, fishing equipment, bait, boating equipment and necessities. Free BBQ facilities, picnic area and play equipment. Hot showers Lot 56, Magpie Hollow Road, Lithgow, NSW, 2790 Ph: (02) 63556347 -


Lithgow Look a little bit closer. Lithgow is set to surprise you. On the western fringe of the Blue Mountains, just two hours from Sydney and at the gateway to the Central West, the Lithgow area is the perfect getaway.

Within minutes of the city itself, you can be walking through historic villages, visiting spectacular lookouts, sitting beside clear flowing creeks or discovering the many beautiful valleys that dominate the region. You’ll be surprised at the range of things there are to do in the Lithgow area and the wide choice of places to stay – from six stars with all the frills to camping with all the thrills.

For a free copy of the Lithgow Visitor Information Centre Great Western Highway, (PO Box 19 Lithgow NSW 2790) T: 1300 760 276 or (02) 6350 3230, F: (02) 6350 3239 E:



© Jenolan Caves

Oberon - Bathurst

VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Oberon Visitor Information Centre Cnr Ross Street & Edith Road, Oberon Phone: (02) 6329 8210 E:

...will take you there!

What to See & Do

Be sure to call in to the Visitor Info Centre for information on all the wonderful things to see and do The VIC has the extensive list of splendid gardens open during all seasons, including parts of Mayfield The VIC has 4 Cycling maps of the area with more being prepared, also info on Cycling Events Go trout fishing in Lake Oberon all year round. See the VIC for info on Fishing Season and licenses Try your luck sapphire fossicking Try mushroom picking, taking care to pick only edible varieties – the Oberon Visitor Information Centre has brochures on these' Go horse riding through the magically beautiful landscape Explore the wild places by 4WD Evans Crown Nature Reserve and Kanangra Walls offer both relaxing and challenging walks You MUST make time for multiBATHURST












Bathurst ART Fair GOULBURN














Resident managers: Bob & Sally Parrington Telephone 02 6336 0344 7 Cunynghame St • PO Box 97 • Oberon NSW 2787 Horizon Park Management Pty Ltd trading as Jenolan Caravan Park • ABN 23 155 413 700



Winter in Oberon is for the Fairies for sure! Come and join them for a truly great range of magical experiences to suit any taste. There is accommodation to suit all budgets and tastes in the area and surrounds. There are activities from the most thorough unwinding and romantic to extreme challenge, with award winning visitor centre staff to assist you with your choices. The gardens and fresh produce are at their best, the fish are biting, mushrooms and gems are waiting to be found… This Winter is Fairyland at its best so come on up!

Multi AwArd winning PArk

7 Large Cunynghame Street and PO Box 97 Oberon nSw 2787 Powered Unpowered Sites, Telephone 02 6336 0344 Amenities and Laundry, BBQ/


Ph: 02 6335 6239  M: 0418 619 709

Winter Fairyland

Bob and Sally Parrington Modern Airconditioned Ensuite Cabins,


42 Edith Rd, Jenolan Caves

award winning Jenolan Caves, the most spectacular limestone caves in Australia, maybe stay there - the beauty above and below ground is inspirational. Get the app! Visit Oberon & District Museum, Scotia Avenue, (02)63361016 Visit the Oberon Tarana Heritage Railway 10-2 first Saturdays, North St.


At 1,113m, Oberon is the highest town in the Blue Mountains region. It is the perfect hub from which to explore a multitude of unique attractions, towns & villages, including Jenolan Caves and Kanangra Boyd National Park. With four distinct, idyllic seasons and the most beautiful scenery in rural NSW, a visit to the region will reward & delight. Oberon is surrounded by interesting villages and National Parks. Jenolan Caves, Kanangra Boyd National Park, Blue Mountains National Park and Abercrombie River National Park are in the shire and contain spectacular scenery. Oberon can be used as a base from which to undertake day trips to the various villages and attractions within the region.


Camp Kitchen Facilities, Swimming Pool adjacent, Indoor Tennis Court Hire, Jenolan Caves Tour Bookings, Children’s Playground at the entrance to the Park

7 Cunynghame Street PO Box 97 Oberon NSW 2787

Telephone 02 6336 0344

For Entry Forms & Information visit:


Bathurst Region – Full of life A great city to visit, a perfect place to stay. Whether you’re in Bathurst for a day or a week you’ll find plenty to keep you busy. Start at the Visitor Information Centre where you’ll find a meticulously restored Cobb & Co coach from the 1860s beside a 1909 Brush car, one of the first motor vehicles to cross the Blue Mountains. The Centre stocks a wide range of information, from self-driving or walking tours to picnic spots and outdoor activities. Wander through the streets, parks and gardens soaking up the history of the oldest inland settlement in Australia. Right in the heart of the city Machattie Park provides a tranquil spot to rest and relax. Just next door is the magnificent Bathurst Court House and opposite that the magnificent War Memorial Carillon is flanked by the Evans Memorial and the Boer War Memorial.

Montrose Winery it can readily be understood why the original Aboriginal inhabitants named this part of Australia Mudgee, meaning Nest in the Hills. With a viticultural history that stretches back to 1858, Mudgee has played a key role in Australian viticultural history. At Mudgee Small Farm Field Days and other events you can explore much of the best that the region has to offer but why not stay longer to get the most out of your experience?

surviving gold town in Australia. Visit historic Perthville and maybe have a wagon ride. Bathurst District Historical Museum and the Bathurst Regional Art Gallery are full of treasures

Mudgee District The Mudgee Region is located 270 km north west from Sydney, NSW. Elevation 454m (1490 ft). The region is home to 22,000 people whose median age is 41 years. The region includes the historic towns of Gulgong, Kandos, Mudgee and Rylstone. Mudgee has a mild climate - Mean Max. Temperature: 23.0°C (73°F) Mean Min. Temperature: 8.3°C (47°F) Annual Rainfall: 673.9 mm (26.5 in) Standing on the small hill behind the


When planning your trip to Bathurst or Mudgee don’t hesitate to call in to our friendly Visitor Information Centres to plan the best options to suit you or even phone ahead or go online to check out your options to ensure you make the most of your trip.

What to See & Do

Visit the T Rex in Fossil & Mineral Museum. Visit one of the beautiful villages in this region such as Peel and Wattle Flat on the way to Sofala, the oldest VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Bathurst Visitor Information Centre 1 Kendall Avenue, Bathurst Phone: 1800 68 1000 E:

...will take you there!

Wide Selection of lollies new,retro & USA brands. Unique gifts for all ages. Balloons bouquets & lots more

2/62 George St Bathurst 2795

Find us on Facebook

...will take you there!


Mt Canobolas © Orange Council

Orange and Districts

What to See & Do

Orange, known as Australia’s Colour City with its four distinct seasons is located in Central NSW, 3 ½ hours from Sydney and within easy reach of the Blue Mountains. You will discover a welcoming city full of life, fruitful landscapes, historical buildings, diverse shopping, art and culture to surprise you and some of the best food and wine in Australia. Continuing to build its reputation for cool climate wines renowned for the regions flavour and quality and now supports more than 30 cellar doors. It is Australia’s cool climate wine region where the topography ranges from Mt Canobolas at 1,395 metres down to around 600 metres. The combination of distinct seasons, rich soils, climate, sloping ground and glorious sunlight cause a slow maturation and ripening allowing a great intensity of fruit. Begin your journey into another country: Orange, the highest altitude wine region in Australia. Orange is surrounded by areas rich in diversity including Blayney and Molong in Cabonne country on the way to Dubbo. There is so much to explore and enjoy in these regions!

Take a vignerons tour around the 30+ cellar doors. Ascend majestic Mt. Canobolas, walk to the spectacular Federal Falls then try out your canoe at Lake Canobolas below. Pleasure your palate with the wonderful fresh food and produce that abounds in Orange and its districts. Take a trip into the eerie limestone world of Tunnel Cave at Borenore Karst Conservation Reserve – take a torch. Visit the Orange Regional Gallery for an collection of unique art, photography and culture. Shopping choices abound in the City and surrounding shires to suit all tastes and budgets in fashion, antiques, homewares, arts, tools, jewellery, books, gardening and agriculture… the list is endless… Orange Visitor Information Centre 9 - 5 everyday except Christmas Day Corner Byng St & Lords Pl Orange NSW Phone: 02 6393 8226 - 1800 069 466 E:

Visitors on the rise

According to the latest domestic tourism figures released by Destination NSW, the Orange region is leading the way for Central NSW tourism with substantial increases to both visitation and spend. A total of 1,070,000 visitors were recorded to Orange local government area year ending December 2016, compared to 773,500 visitors year to December 2015. An increase in visitor spend during the same period has also been recorded of $260m in 2016, compared to $190m in 2015. The Cabonne local government area reflected strong increases of 9.7% year on year change in overnight visitors, 7.6% year on year change in overnight visitors and 7.6% year on year change in overnight visitor expenditure. The Cabonne local government domestic daytrip visitors and related expenditure % year on year change reflected an increase of 11.9%.

...will take you there!

Enjoy Winter in our range of colours and styles. Sizes 8-24 New season stock arriving daily Come in store to see the beautiful new colours, with ranges from Ms Divine, Vigorella, threadz, Clarity and many more. We are a wonderful destination for the whole family with Molly’s Lollies, our Café and Fashion all in one stop. Plus we run workshops and events in store call us on 6365 5437 or find us on Facebook to learn more.

Now at Lucknow AND Molong! Mitchell Highway, Lucknow 2800 Ph: 6365 5437 23 Banks Stree, Molong


What's on @ 2 Fat Ladies - August 2017 Travel Packing Workshop: Saturday 15th July 10.30am LUCKNOW - $12 Discover the tricks of packing light! Can you imagine going overseas with only take carry-on luggage? This workshop will teach you how to achieve this without compromising style. Not for all of us but at least you can take much less. Bookings Essential ph. 02 6365 5437 Scarf and Scone Workshop: Saturday 5th August 1.30pm LUCKNOW - $18 Tired of wearing your scarves the same way? There are so many ways to wear this versatile accessory. Come along to our scarf and scone workshop to learn the many ways to tie a scarf while enjoying a cuppa and a scone. Bookings Essential – ph. 6365 5437 Wardrobe Makeover Workshop: Saturday 12th August MOLONG - $18 Organise your wardrobe. It’s as easy as counting to four!

Join us for Champagne and nibbles as we divulge the secrets to make choosing what to wear a breeze. Bookings Essential - ph. 02 6365 5437 Travel Packing Workshop: Saturday 26th August 1.30pm MOLONG - $12 Discover the tricks of packing light! Can you imagine going overseas with only take carry-on luggage? This workshop will teach you how to achieve this without compromising style. Not for all of us but at least you can take much less. Bookings Essential - ph. 02 6365 5437 Like us on Facebook to be the first to know about sales events, workshops, competitions and don’t forget we have lots of new season’s stock arriving daily from your favourite labels such as Jendi, Vigorella, Threadz, Clarity and more!

Fiona & Paul Rossiter 88 Warrendine St, Orange

Bissys Permaculture Café

Function Room Hire, Bike Hire, Hampers and Children Events Phone: (02)63690666 Mobile: (0409)662 525 email:

Bissys Permaculture Café? Well known for their Egg and Bacon rolls, all the food is made and cooked onsite. Bissys use herbs, spices and produce grown in their permaculture gardens. It’s a joy to watch them prepare their food and even better to eat food that you know doesn’t contain preservatives. If you’re there early enough in the morning your eggs will be straight from the hen house, from the back yard at Bissys, to the kitchen. It doesn’t get any fresher than that. Well known for their “Zero Mile Diet” Looking for treats and gifts? Venture in to Bissys Emporium. Full of gifts like wall art, baby cake hampers, school teacher gifts or something for your special friend. Not to mention the delightfully smelling Scentsy range, pot plants and local produce… plenty of ideas for gifts! If you’re looking for a gift to mark off someone’s bucket list how about a Bissys Café gift voucher for a Tandem, Trike or mountain bike hire; a gourmet hamper; or use the voucher to shop in our emporium or to dine in at our café. If you ever wondered what a permaculture garden looks like, then visit Bissys Café at Orange to see one

working. There are five permaculture principles that permeate from zone 1 (the café) complete with educational signage. Fiona, one of the owners of Bissys Cafe is a permaculture designer and consultant, usually available onsite is happy to talk about the wonders of permaculture. The healing properties of certain herbs and foods. The integration and combining of systems to make a sustainable and low cost garden. Plus the use of free commodities such as the sun, rain and insects just to name a few. Keep an eye on the new Bissys Website for Permaculture educational courses held at Bissys Café and the new building at Cargo NSW with the Educational centre and tourist attractions. If you’re wondering about the kids, they’re taken care of too. On Saturday and Sundays there is craft from 9am till 10am and then the farm yard is open from 10am till 11am. Enjoy petting and feeding the animals, see the eggs collected and learn about animals and their care

Cool Climate Permacultural

Educational Centre

There is no better place to learn Permaculture than surrounded by nature, Kangaroos and farm animals. Welcome to our new Cool Climate Permacultural Educational Centre! Courses available NOW at Bissys Café. Phone 0409662525 and ask for Fiona

60,000 parents and children already love our programs. Enrolments Available NOW Phone:6362 1194


Orange Wine Festival 2017 – 13-22 October Meet the Maker at this year’s Orange Wine Festival Orange Wine Festival Program is available online from July 3, 2017 with the printed program available at the Orange Farmers Markets on July 8. Over 80 events Orange will celebrate its cool climate wines with 2017 Orange Wine Festival 13-22 October. Orange in NSW’s Central West is a scenic 3.5 hour drive over the Blue Mountains from Sydney or a 3 hour drive from Canberra and is fast becoming known as the premier cool climate wine region of New South Wales. Chairperson of the Orange Region Vignerons Association Justin Jarrett said, “The Orange Wine Festival is an important platform for promotion. Through this festival we can highlight Orange’s unique qualities as a wine region, such as the altitude and cool climate, the fact that you will meet the maker when visiting our cellar doors and of course our fine elegant wines.” NSW Minister for Tourism and Major Events Adam Marshall said people should start planning their visit to the Orange Wine Festival now for the chance to experience high-quality cool climate wines which are putting Central West on the wine map. “The Orange Wine Festival is proudly supported by our tourism and major events agency, Destination NSW, via its Flagship Event Fund, which supports events in regional NSW that have the potential to become key tourism events by attracting overnight visitation,” Mr Marshall said. “We look forward to showcasing the outstanding wine and produce on offer at the 2017 Orange Wine Festival, an event which continues to attract new audiences from across the country.” The Orange Wine Festival features over

80 sensational events. The Orange Wine Show Tasting is the festival opening event on Friday October 13. This event showcases all the wines that were entered for judging in the more formal Orange Wine Show, including the trophy and medal winners. This wine tasting event is an opportunity for you and your friends to dive right into the cool-climate wine experience of Orange, compare notes against the judges, attend masterclasses, and enjoy live entertainment. In 2017, the committee has decided to move the Wine Show Tasting to the Ballroom at the Hotel Canobolas, meaning that the event will take on a different feel and be in a prime location in the centre of Orange. This is an exciting move for such a well-loved event. The Wine & Food Night Market on Friday 20 October is always a family friendly event in Robertson Park. Over 50 wine and food stalls showcase the very best of the region, and it’s the perfect taster to start your weekend festival experience. Jump aboard The Vino Express, October 20-22, for exclusive access to premium wine and food experiences during the Festival. Your package also includes: 2 nights’ accommodation in a centrallylocated venue, exclusive wine tastings, local dining experiences, and a holistic vineyard tour. Package cost from $897 per person (based on double or twin share). 
Hop on the bus for Wine in the Vines on Saturday October 21 and begin a journey of gastronomic and vinous discovery. Explore some of the most picturesque vineyards of the Orange region as you are introduced to local winemakers whilst you enjoy a roving lunch with matched wines. At Download the Wine Festival Program, book tickets to signature festival events from July Book your accommodation in advance: sleep-in-orange-nsw/ or www.visitorange. SIGNATURE FESTIVAL EVENTS: Orange Wine Show Tasting, Friday 13 October: Showcases wines from The Orange Wine Show, including trophy and medal wines for a public tasting. Tickets are $50pp or $55pp with Spiegelau glass. Orange Wine Show Tasting & Masterclass, Friday 13 October: Hosted by local

winemaker Will Rickard Bell, guests will be introduced to the colour, aroma and taste of Orange’s regional wines. Tickets are $65pp or $70pp with Speigelau glass, and includes entry to the Orange Wine Show Tasting. Wine and Food Night Market, Friday 20 October: A family affair in Robertson Park that includes over 50 stallholders, offering the best wine and food from the region. Entry is a gold coin The Vino Express, Friday 20 October: An all-inclusive weekend package departing Sydney Central Station on Friday October 20 and returning Sunday 22 October. Includes accommodation, transport, behind-the-scenes wine tastings, finedining experiences and tickets to ‘Wine in the Vines’. Package cost $850pp based on twin share. Wine in the Vines, Saturday 21 October: Explore the vineyards, meet the winemakers and experience a roving lunch on a bus-about adventure. Tickets $145 per person. SOCIAL MEDIA #orangewinefestival #orangensw @ tasteorange ABOUT ORANGE, NSW · 80 vineyards · 30+ cellar doors offering unique wine experiences · 47 cafes · 6 wine trails · 4 distinct seasons · Hatted restaurants offering excellent dining experiences

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