Southern Highlands & Illawarra iMag - December

Page 1

December 2011

The Southern Highlands & Illawarra Region

The Joy of Christmas!

Inside: !"

New Year's Eve Celebrations

!" Picton

Rodeo !""Christmas Carols !""Illawarra

Folk Festival


on the Fly!








& Map

Merrigong Season 2012

New Year's Eve Celebrations

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Illawarra fly treetop adventures .com .au


Picton Rodeo - 7th January, 12 noon onwards The Picton Rodeo is on again providing plenty of thrills and spills. Victoria Park, Menangle St, Picton This year it will attract some of the best competitors in NSW. Open Saddle Bronc, Open Bare Back , Open Bull Ride Novice Bull Ride, Novice Bareback, Jnr Steer Ride, Juvenille Steer Ride, Poddy Ride. There is a Mechanical Bull Ride, BBQ, Bar and Refreshments, live music plus stalls and amusements Ph: 46818060

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Fitzroy Falls Lookout

From the Editor December The team at the Highlands and Illawarra iMag would like to wish all of its readers and contributors, a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. During the festive season there is much to see and do. Be sure to attend the New Year’s Eve Celebrations in Campbelltown for a fun filled night of fireworks and entertainment and for the first time the Illawarra Fly Treetop Walk is opening its gates after dark for people to enjoy a BBQ and their incredible views of the 9:30 fireworks over Wollongong; a family New Years Eve event you don’t want to miss! Don’t miss out on an evening of Carols during the most significant of our festive months, see page 25 for a list of venues hosting Christmas Carols and Christmas events in 2011. There will be thrills and spills in Picton early in January 2012 when it hosts the annual Picton Rodeo; not just a rodeo, but an evening of entertainment and fun.

In the northern Illawarra township of Bulli, the Illawarra Folk Club will hold its annual, award winning Folk Festival in January 2012, offering an eclectic mix of music from a variety of cultures and styles. Whether you are visiting family and friends, embarking on some retail therapy, or just lazing the days away on one of our coastal beaches, you are in one of the most scenic and beautiful regions in NSW. Take a walk or cycle along one of our many tracks, or visit our picnic spots, falls and dams. We wish you the very best of summertime pleasures as you explore all this region has to offer. As you take part in all of the festivities this month, be sure to carry your iMag with you and have a safe and happy stay!

Contents Markets 10 Map 16-17 Museums & Heritage Buildings 17 Cool Climate Gardening 19 Wine Trail 22-23 Dining Guide 24 What's On 25 TOWNS Campbelltown, Camden Wollondilly Mittagong & Bowral Berrima & Moss Vale Robertson Goulburn Wollongong

7 11 12 18 26 28 30

FEATURED EVENTS New Year's Eve Celebrations Fireworks on the Fly Picton Rodeo Illawarra Folk Festival

2 3 4 32


Material in this publication is copyright and may not be published or reproduced in any form without the express permission of the publishers. Circulation 10,000 copies distributed monthly throughout the Region as well as major Tourism Information centres in Sydney, Canberra, country NSW. Information supplied by others for this magazine is published in good faith. Whilst every endeavour has been made to ensure absolute accuracy of this information, the Publishers cannot be held responsible for any consequences resulting from omissions or inadvertent errors contained herein.

Published by iMag Publications Editor: Linda Phone: 6492 0755 Mobile: 0409 448 655 Fax: 6492 0357 E: PO Box 858 Bega 2550 MONTHLY

Printed by Spotpress, 24-26 Lilian Fowler Place, Marrickville, NSW © Imag Publications 2011 Subscription to magazine $30 per year.

FREE Information Guide

Some photographs courtesy of NSW Tourism, Wollondilly Tourism, Southern Highlands Tourism & Marcarthur Tourism.

If you are travelling in NSW, download the latest edition of your monthly iMag Mid North Coast • The Hunter & Beyond Central Coast • Blue Mountains & Central West Southern Highlands & Illawarra • South Coast Far South Coast

PLEASE NOTE - Deadline for Copy/Changes - 2nd of the month prior to the month of publication


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New Year's Eve Celebrations


Camden, Narellan, Campbelltown

Celebrate the New Year in Campbelltown Campbelltown’s Koshigaya Park is the place to bring in the new year! With a huge entertainment line up, kicking off from 7pm and including two spectacular fireworks displays at 9pm and midnight, there’s no better place to celebrate the end of 2011 with family and friends. Bring a picnic and find a good vantage point to settle in for the show. The giant screen will display all of the onstage action, including Kung Fu Panda, Yo Gabba Gabba, as well as Boogie Fever and One Hit Wonders for latenight revellers. The event is drug and alcohol free, making it the perfect night out for the

whole family. Call 4645 4921 for more information. And remember, fireworks can easily scare animals. If your pet tends to be frightened by loud noises, make sure you keep them restrained or inside the house on New Year’s Eve

Experience Macarthur’s Top Ten Attractions …Explore it all…

1. Aviation pursuits Camden Airport Macquarie Grove Rd, Camden A huge variety of aerial experiences, equally enjoyable for the beginner, experienced enthusiast or spectator including hot air ballooning, scenic

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Campbelltown Arts Centre Japanese Gardens and Teahouse Struggletown Fine Arts Complex Mount Annan Botanic Garden Fine dining at our many cafes and restaurants Boutique shopping & markets Macarthur Square – shopping, leisure, dining and entertainment complex Horse riding, Laser Skirmish Joy flights, hot air ballooning and skydiving Major Regional Festivals !!Fisher's Ghost Festival !!Ingleburn Alive !!Camden Antique Fair !!Camden Festival New Year's Eve Celebrations VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRES Campbelltown VIC 15 Old Menangle Rd, Campbelltown Ph 4645 4921 Camden VIC 'John Oxley Cottage' Camden Valley Way, Elderslie Ph 4658 1370



What to See & Do

...will take you there!




!"#$%&'(')*+$,-.)/&0$1*&2#/ First Saturday of each month (Except January and February)

8am-1pm BBQ and devonshire teas available

100 Stalls Cobbitty Public School Grounds Cobbitty Road, Cobbitty

Ph: 0438 512 728



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flights, tiger moth flights, acrobatic flights, glider flights and instructional flights. 2. Campbelltown Arts Centre Cnr Camden and Campbelltown Rds, Campbelltown. Ph: 4645 4100 The Centre features a performance studio, workshop spaces, galleries, retail outlet, Japanese Garden, Sculpture Garden and Café. The Centre hosts an annual workshop and performance program encompassing music, film, theatre, dance, comedy and more. 3. Enduro Trail The Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan Ph: 4634 7900

Designer Clothes

at bargain prices!

Nasturtium Recycled Fashion Boutique

Top quality designer and upmarket fashion at affordable prices. Country Road, Lisa Ho, Maggie Shepherd, Handwriting, Wendy Heather & many more. All garments taken on consignment.

Shop 3, Lower Level Spotlight Plaza 147 Queen St Campbelltown



CHINESE RESTAURANT OPEN DAILY Lunch 12 - 2.30pm Dinner 5.30pm Snack Bar & A - La - Carte Menu. A Smoke Free Zone!.

4. Golf and Mini Golf Six incredible courses The Macarthur region is fast becoming renowned as a Golfing mecca. So put your clubs in the car and have a hit at one of our acclaimed courses. New to Macarthur is Mega Mini Golf, a themed indoor golf centre. Experience the Lost Jungle, Pharaoh’s Tomb and the Wild West all in one 18 hole mini golf course. 5. Go Karting 20 Swettenham Rd, Minto Ph: 9820 4422 Feel the need for speed? Hit the gokart track and experience some sheer fun and exhilaration on more than 500 metres of outdoor track. 6. Horse Riding Sugarloaf Horse Riding Centre Menangle Rd, Campbelltown Ph: 4625 9565 Explore Macarthur's countryside on horseback. Riders of all standards can enjoy the experience of a fully

Ph 4628 5121 entertained at the

The Macarthur Region’s first designated mountain biking trail. There are three tracks for varying skill levels including competent, intermediate and advanced. Mountain biking is a sport that requires endurance, skill and bike handling ability – are you game?

Camden R.S.L.

the good companion

23 Cawdor Rd, Camden (Adjacent to Coles) Ph: 4655 8705 ROCK & ROLL & SWING CLASSES - Mon 7 -9pm LINE DANCING - Tues - 11.30am Beginners - 11.30 - 12.30 (18 yrs & over $3) TRIVIA - Wed 7.30pm Lots of fun and prizes, teams of two or more. CLUB BINGO - Fantastic prizes & raffles. Thurs 10.45am MEAT MARKET - Fri 5pm , drawn at 6.30pm. Includes LUCKY MEMBERS DRAW LTPS/11/07262 ENTERTAINMENT in the Ken Bond Lounge - Fri 8.30pm Party Bands. LIVE BANDS - Sat 8.30pm - Free entry RAFFLES - Sun Fill the fridge! Stock the Pantry! Tickets 5pm. Drawn 6.30pm. Includes Lucky Members Draw. LTPS/11/07262

DOWN MEMORY LANE - Sun night entertainment from 5.30pm Membership now open - $5.50 incl GST



escorted trail ride. The rides can be as relaxing or as challenging as you like, depending on your level of experience.

Macarthur has more than 100 cafes and restaurants, in a variety of cuisines. For more information on these events, as well as further information on Macarthur, go to our website or call 1800 655 991.

A Bush Christmas @ Wirrimbirra 7. The Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan Dr, Mount Annan Ph: 4634 7900 The Garden features five picnic areas with BBQs and shelters, a gift shop, plant nursery, children's playground, walking and bike tracks, guided tours, sculptures and a restaurant/café. 8. Paintball and Laser Skirmish Various venues throughout the region. Paintball and Laser Skirmish is designed to get your adrenaline pumping and provides hours of fun and entertainment. Outdoor and indoor venues available. 9. Shopping Various venues throughout Macarthur Shoppers love Macarthur! The region offers everything from expansive malls and department stores, to unique boutiques and local markets. Our largest shopping centre, Macarthur Square, features fashion, footwear, department stores, designer labels, homewares and gift shops, plus ten-pin bowling, a cinema complex, food outlets, restaurants and an outdoor entertainment precinct. The township of Camden offers speciality stores showcasing handcrafted jewellery, elegant gift shops, designer clothing and exclusive homewares scattered amongst the café-lined streets. 10. Wine and Dine Various venues throughout the region.

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Wirrimbirra Sanctuary, Remembrance Drv, Bargo 17th December - 9 - 4pm (shows at 11am) Celebrate Christmas in laid-back Aussie style in the magnificent bush surrounds of Wirrimbirra commencing at 7pm. Sing along to your favourite carols with the Wollondilly Country Music Club in a true-blue Aussie celebration of Christmas. Santa will be popping in with treats for the children, and there'll be plenty of hot and cold food available. There will be a giant Christmas Raffle with dozens of great prizes. Tickets will be sold only at the event, and the raffle will be drawn on the night, so your chances of winning a prize will be great. Pick up some last-minute Christmas gifts from Wirrimbirra's gift shop, which is packed with all kinds of Australiana – soft toys, puppets, books, puzzles and lots more. Wirrimbirra is free to enter, but your donation as you arrive will be shared between Wirrimbirra and the Wollondilly Country Music Club, both non-profit organisations run entirely by volunteers. Enquiries – 4684 1112

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Monthly Markets Guide A guide to local art & craft, fresh produce, collectables & more.

Bundanoon Market

Cobbitty Market Stalls, BBQ & devonshire teas available 1st Sat 8-1pm (exc Jan & Feb) Cobbitty Public School, Cobbitty Ph: 0438 512 728

Art & craft, plants & bric-a-brac 1st & 3rd Sun (exc Jan) 8.30am-2.30pm. Bundanoon Hall. Railway Ave. Ph: 48844375 or 0438282256

Camden Lion's Market

Berrima School Craft Markets

Large quantity varied stalls 3rd Sat 9am – 1pm (excl Jan) Camden Showground Argyle St. Ph: 0417 230 418

Over 50 stalls 2nd Sun 9-1pm Primary School Ph: 0407 937 473

Robertson Market

4th Sat 9am-2pm Colo Vale Ph: 4889 4390

Lots of stalls. Good food & refreshments 2nd Sun 9am -3pm School of Arts. Hoddle St Robertson. Ph: 4885 1216

Creative Traders @ Picton

Lilac City Country Market

Colo Vale Community Market


Creative Traders @ Thirlmere

Local art, craft & produce, planta, bric-abrac & cakes. Activities for kids 1st Sat (exc Jan) Montague St, Goulburn Ph: 4821 1839

3rd Sun monthly 9am - 2pm Cnr Oaks & Barbour Rd, Thirlmere. Ph: 4623 4449

Every Friday Crown St Mall Ph: 0425 277 118

1st Sun monthly 9am - 2pm Menangle St Picton Ph: 4623 4449

Wollongong Creative Traders

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Creative Traders @ The Oaks

Ph: 4684 1112

4th Sunday monthly 9am - 2pm 36 St Johns St, The Oaks Ph: 4657 2597


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Fruit from the orchard


Picton, Thirlmere, Bargo, Appin

Australia’s Biggest and Newest Rail Experience. Home to Australia’s largest collection of working and static rolling stock and vast display of objects, artefacts and memorabilia, Trainworks tells the story of NSW rail history. Children of all ages will find plenty to do: • Run, jump, spin and climb in our playground and an amazing 7-metre high climbing frame • Climb into the cab of an old steam locomotive • Operate the Steam Machine to learn how steam power works • Explore inside special-purpose carriages including the mail van,

sleeping and dining cars • Enjoy the sound and light show and the story of loco 1021 • Feel what it was like for prisoners inside the prison van • Marvel at elegant engineering and craftsmanship • Hear the hustle and bustle, puff and chug of a steam-era train station • Meet some of our heroes and legends in the Great Train Hall • Experience a vintage train ride. for details. Open every day during school holidays with a program of activities and events to keep kids entertained. Trainworks is in Thirlmere, an hour south west of Sydney and in easy reach of Canberra, Wollongong and the South Coast. For enquiries ring 02 4681 8001 or email

What to See & Do Nepean, Cataract, Cordeaux, Avon & Warragamba Dams Burragorang Lookout Wirrimbirra Sanctuary Train Works in Thirlmere Major Regional Festivals Thirlmere Festival of Steam Picton Rodeo Picton Music & Harvest Festival VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Old Post Office, Argyle St, Picton Ph: 4677 8313 E: ...will take you there!



10 Barbour Rd, Thirlmere Enquiries (02) 4681 8001 -


Wineries in the Highlands

Mittagong & Bowral Discover the natural beauty, glorious gardens, antiques, art and the heritage of the area all within a day’s drive from Sydney, Canberra and the Illawarra region. The Southern Highlands is a playground for lovers of fine wine and hearty food. Mittagong - the gateway to the Southern Highlands This township is rich in history and is known as the gateway to the Southern Highlands. From here you can explore the wonders on offer. Visit the Mittagong Information Centre or phone 1300 657 559 to gain up-todate information and guidance about how to get the most out of your stay in the area. The town has a real sense of yester-year, with a number of stunning heritage buildings. Close by is Lake Alexandra where the kids can play, the big kids can picnic or just enjoy the quiet relaxed environment on the edge of the Lake. Mittagong is south

west of Sydney in the Nattai River Valley between Mt Gibraltar, known locally as ‘The Gib’ and Mt Alexandra, both extinct volcanic peaks. Bowral - home to the International Cricket Hall of Fame Bowral is a most delightful country town situated in a valley at the foot of Mt.Gibraltar. Due to the high altitude of the Southern Highlands, the town enjoys gorgeous autumns as exotic European trees and shrubs change their colour in preparation for the winter months. The shopping precinct in Bowral has an atmosphere like that of few other country towns as it offers an eclectic variety of boutiques, bookstores, antique and craft shops, as well as two shopping malls. The restaurants, coffee shops and cafes offer a huge variety of dining experiences from ‘fine dining’ to sidewalk, cafe style eating out.

What to See & Do All Aboard Model Railway Corbett Gardens in Bowral Southern Highlands Wineries Lake Alexandra International Cricket Hall of Fame Major Regional Festivals. Jazz & Ragtime Festival Antiques & Collectables Fair Bowral Tulip Time Bowral Autumn Music Festival Art Studio Wine Trail VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRES

International Cricket Hall of Fame & VIC, St Jude St Bowral Ph: 4862 1247 Tourism S/Highlands 62 - 70 Main St, Mittagong. Ph: 1300 657 559

Great fun for all the family

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All Aboard – Model Railway A treat for the young and the young at heart! All Aboard Model Railways is one of the premier attractions in the Southern Highlands. Journey through the world of model trains with unique displays and trainscaped miniature gardens. All Aboard has recently added thirty metres of track to their displays, creating a hundred metres of train track overall. Visit magical townships in miniature, complete with tunnels, bridges and stations all set in beautiful landscapes. Watch the miniature crowds waiting to board trains at railway stations and see Shrek in a new castle, a Polar Bear waiting outside an 1881 schoolhouse and Marge Simpson driving through town in her purple roadster. What a delightful way to spend an afternoon in this fascinating miniature world. SOUTHERN




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HIGHLANDS HOLIDAYS enjoy the benefits of working with a specialist holiday let manager

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taste the difference seven days a week at

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Weekends Short & Long Stays Studios & Apartments Cottages & Country Homes

For the enthusiasts, the shop stocks Fleischman products as well as the Thomas the Tank Engine range for the young. Stop a while and enjoy this ‘not to be missed’ attraction in the Southern Highlands and for your convenience and enjoyment, the café is also open from 10am to 4.30pm every day of the week. Plenty of off street parking , rest rooms with disabled access; coach groups are welcome. 68-72 Old Hume Hwy, Mittagong Ph: 4871 2966


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10% off adult admission

The Bradman experience comes to life The International Cricket Hall of Fame in Bowral is a Mecca for Cricket Tragics and sports fans alike and it’s recently opened new Bradman Gallery is the crowning glory of an already successful tourist attraction. The new gallery will showcase items from the Bradman Museum that have never been on display before integrating low and high tech interactive technology to tell the story of The Boy from Bowral. Other elements of the new Bradman Gallery include a dedicated Bodyline Theatrette, a new interactive Tank Stand display, an interactive Bradman letter trail from 1926 to 2000 and the first ever display of Sir Donalds’ presentation coaching slides, shown in context and replicating his own presentations. Priceless pieces such as Sir Donald’s first cricket bat and a selection of his baggy green caps will be on permanent display.

“The Bradman Gallery underpins the International Cricket Hall of Fame and we are thrilled that we can take the Bradman story to a new level and introduce new audiences to the incredible achievements and legacy of Sir Donald Bradman” said Museum Curator David Wells. “The International Cricket Hall of Fame goes from strength to strength and opening our relocated and expanded Bradman Gallery gives visitors yet another reason to visit the museum” commented Rina Hore, Bradman Foundation Executive Director. Sir Donald Bradman is loved and revered the world over, dubbed The Boy from Bowral, he is one of the greatest sportsmen the world has ever seen. He represented Australia for 20 years, playing 52 Tests from 1928/29-1948. Knighted for his services to cricket in 1949, he remains the only Australian cricketer to receive a

knighthood for services to the game. He retired from Test cricket with a batting average of 99.94, making his Test batting achievements nearly twice that of the nearest Test batsman.


Burragoran State Recreat Reserve Kanangra


Blue Mountains


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Wollondilly Heritage Ctre & Museum Open w/ends & pub hols 10-4pm 43 Edwards St, The Oaks Ph: 02 4657 1224


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Museums & Heritage Buildings

Royal Nat Park




HW 60








To Sydney


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Port Kembla


Lake Nepean


Mittagong owral




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Macquarie Pass N P

Lake Illawarra

Shellharbour Albion Park

HWY Reservoir 48 Robertson ILLAWARRA Illawarra Fly Burrawang Carrington Falls Belmore Falls Wildes MeadowsBudderoo Fitzroy Falls Nat Park Fitzroy Falls Reservoir






Yalwal Yerriyong

Seven Mile Beach N P



Berrima Courthouse Museum Wilshire St, Berrima Ph: 4877 1505

Shoalhaven Heads Comerong Island N R

Worrigee 1 South

Berrima District Museum Market Place, Berrima Ph: 4877 1130

Culburra Beach

Nowra Nowra Hill Parma

The International Cricket Hall of Fame St Judes Street, Bowral Ph: 4862 1247


Far Meadow



Camden Museum 40 John St, Camden Ph: 4655 3400




Beaumont Tapitalie

Jervis Bay N P Jervis Bay

Falls Creek

Riversdale Homestead Twynam Dr, Goulburn Ph: 4821 4741



Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre 12 Braidwood Rd, Goulburn Ph: 4822 1210



St Georges Basin

Goulburn Waterworks Museum Marsden Weir. (off Fitzroy St) Goulburn Ph: 4823 4448

Green Patch


Booderee National Park Commonwealth Territory Conjola N PCudmirrah NP PR


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Trainworks Open 7 days Barbour Rd, Thirlmere Ph: 4681 8001



Rocky Hill War Memorial & Museum Built in 1925. Situated on Rocky Hill. Ph: 4823 4492

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St Saviour's Cathedral, Goulburn Beautiful Gothic Cathedral Bourke St Goulburn Ph: 4821 2206



Historic Berrima Courthouse

Berrima & Moss Vale

Bundanoon Berrima - a shoppers paradise Berrima is a unique, historic village offering a day tripper the most wonderful array of food and shopping experiences in a living history environment. Established as a township in 1831, Berrima is a preserved Australian, Georgian, colonial town. It is located in a picturesque valley on a bend of the Wingecarribee River. The town was laid out in the manner of an English village around a village green. The centre of the village today is a living museum, with many of the original buildings, including the gaol, still providing a unique atmosphere within the town. The area is famous for its bushranger activity in the late 1800s. Today, Berrima is a favourite day trip destination for Sydneysiders and Illawarra and Canberra residents. It offers exquisite boutique shopping, antiques and great food. Moss Vale, the Shire Capital Moss Vale is the gateway to the Hume Highway and the Illawarra and is central to Southern Highland townships and villages and to Highland attractions. The town retains an atmosphere and charm of yesteryear due to an effort to preserve and restore old public buildings and private homes. Some buildings date to the 1860s 1890s, the Old Post Office. The Moss Vale Hotel, Court House and the historic Railway Station are fine examples of the 19C architecture. Leighton Gardens, in the centre of town, is as pretty as a picture in spring


and autumn with massed displays of flowers and shrubs. Bundanoon, a "place of deep gullies". Bundanoon is a delightful village set close to the Morton National Park and offers scenic walks, waterfalls and stunning views nearby. It is perhaps the prettiest of the Southern Highlands villages. A 137km drive from Sydney and 15 minutes from Moss Vale, Bundanoon presents a charming scene with its avenue of English trees from the town approach to the main shopping strip. Bundanoon is a bushwalkers paradise with fourteen suggested walks, most have vantage points with spectacular views across the valleys. The township comes alive each April with the sounds and colour of all things Scottish. This is a festival to equal no other!

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What to See & Do Berrima Courthouse Museum Berrima District Museum Leighton Gardens in Moss Vale Southern Highlands Wineries Berrima Goal Major Regional Festivals. Australia Day in Berrima Bundanoon Winterfest Bundanoon Garden Ramble Moss Vale Show Brigadoon in Bundanoon VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Old Courthouse Museum & Information Centre Cnr Wiltshire & Argyle Sts Berrima Ph: 024877 1505

The Pines Pastoral !"#$"%#&'!"(%)'%*+'!",$"-. ;3$')#+,'.3.+##*4%)3)%#3'(3B773*.,%)33 +C3,0,*-3D0'%#(%))3*(E3&,'F*.G3H3)%-C3 .*#%,'(4"3I#,+--3*,+0(E3#$%3,+--'(43$'--)3 *(E3F*--%G)3+C3#$%3C*,/33 !!!"#$%&'(%)&*)#+,*-".+/"*0 123.+##*4%)5#$%&'(%)&*)#+,*-".+/"*0 6$237839:;:3<=8<3>+?2379@:38773@<:


Bundanoon -

a delightful Southern Highlands' village!

Cool Climate Gardening - Summer is here! Well here we are again with another year nearly gone and the warmer and drier weather on the way. As we move into Summer, I feel it is opportune to give a reminder of the things that require attention in our gardens to get our plants safely through the following warmer and drier months of the year. Because of the recent rains and warm conditions there will no doubt be a lot of pests and diseases out there that will reduce the vigour of our plants and a keen eye should be kept out for them. Aphids, thrips, scale and chewing insects will be in plague proportions and these small and sometimes unnoticed pests can do a lot of damage before being actually observed. A simple method of control is to do a preventative spray more so than a spray when they are noticed. The control method is totally up to you as what you use. There are systemic insecticides and there are natural controls. Generally with natural controls you will have to apply them more regularly but with the systemic controls the plant takes up the spray and acts upon the pest when they “invade�. Roses particularly are very vulnerable at this time of year from insect and fungal attack. There are some very good combination insect and fungal sprays on the market. Again it is better to do preventative spraying than trying to control the pest when it is noticed. Pests like fruit fly can be controlled by using traps or lures. Most are available at your local nursery.

As we move closer to fruit harvest time fungal rots on fruit becomes a problem so a preventative fungal spray is recommended to help in its control. Trees that have good air circulation around them are less likely to have a problem. My thoughts on netting fruit trees might differ a lot from other gardeners but I prefer to part net the tree and share the bounty with the birds. I have seen far to often birds caught up in the netting to die a sad death. However if you need to net, now is the time. Finally one of the most important Summer jobs is mulching. Whether you mulch with soft mulches like lucerne and sugar cane or harder mulches like wood or gravel this practice is probably the most important thing that you can do for your garden in the warmer months Till next time; Happy Christmas and take care.

Credit: Destination NSW

Welcome to Bundanoon; the township has an interesting selection of craft shops, art galleries, cafes, restaurants, nurseries and picnic areas.

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Keith Mundy, The Spires Nursery Tilba Tilba Ph: 4473 7196

Roundabout the House !"#$%#&&#'()11%'2'(%.3%0 3 O*P%*!*G3/%*-)"

Pavers, retaining walls, pergolas, garden sheds, gates, arbours, cubbys, fencing, dove cotes & lots more.


96 Bowral Rd, Mittagong

Ph: 4872 2866 Fax: 48722867


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Historic Berrima est. 1831



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Tertini Wines ①!

Womb eyan

Lot 5 Kells Creek Rd, Mittagong (off Wombeyan Caves Road)

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Service Station


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Illawarra Hwy Old Argyl




Sutton Forest





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Oldbur yRd

Service Station

Groups by appointment. Our cellar door overlooks the vineyards onto a small lake. With ‘Bou’ meaning father and ‘saada’ peace and happiness the Australian styled cellar door is an ideal place to try our recent award winning Riesling. Visit our website for tasting notes on our Merlot, Sauvignon blanc, Fume blanc and Merlot.




(we are open most weekdays but please ring first to avoid disappointment)

ale nV

Open Sat & Sun10am to 5pm. Mon – Fri 10am to 5pm by app.


Hoddles Crossing


New Berrima


Phone: 02 48785399 Mob: 0421 716768 or 0412 595852 E:

Sally’s Corner Rd


Feast @ McVitty e!

Wine Trail Reference Guide

Phone: 4878 5044 Fax: 4878 5524 E: Open: for Lunch 12pm -2.30pm, Thurs-Sun. Tapas - Fri & Sat nights. Cellar Door Sat/Sun 10am to 4pm. Fully licenced restaurant/cafe specialising in local produce and wines, with a modern Australian flavour. Dinners and functions by arrangement

1. Tertini Wines 2. Bousaada Winery 3. Feast @ McVitty 4. Centennial Vineyards 5. Marist Brothers Wines 6. Southern Highlands Wines 7. Mount Ashby Estate 8. Sallys Corner Wines 9. Eling Forest Winery

Centennial Vineyards r!

Marist Brothers Wines & Cafe t!

Centennial Road, Bowral Open 10am-5pm Ph: 02 4861 8722 Restaurant now open 7 days: 11am to 4pm. Ph: 02 4861 8701

The Hermitage Cnr Bong Bong & Old South Rds, Mittagong Open: Sat & Sun 11-4pm, or by app. Phone: (02) 4872 1911 E:


Centennial Vineyards and Restaurant are situated in a breathtaking vineyard setting just 3 minutes drive west from Bowral.The emphasis is on quality food and wine. Visit our cellar door and taste from our multi-award winning wines then have lunch overlooking the vineyards. As the Highlands’ most awarded producer of quality wines, we currently have 20 wines available for tasting with something to tempt everyone’s palate. 22


Oxley Hill Rd

The first vineyard that you discover once you leave the M5 motorway from Sydney is The Hermitage vineyard, the home of Marist Brothers Wines. Originally acquired over 100 years ago for the training of the Brothers, the 155-hectare estate is today a sacred place of quiet and tranquility. In addition to the assortment of cool climate wines produced on the 13 hectare vineyard, including sauvignon blanc, riesling, pinot gris, pinot noir and merlot, a selection of homemade jams and relishes is also available for you to taste. Not to be missed on your visit is a viewing of the beautifully restored neo- gothic style chapel.


ay Rd

(1st right off Wombeyan Caves Rd)




135 Kells Creek Rd, Mittagong





Bousaada Vineyard ②!





Tertini Wines is one of the most awarded wine producers in the Southern Highlands. Our wines are subtle and elegant, with excellent fruit characters arising from the long, slow ripening period and our commitment to low cropping levels, hand pruning and hand picking. Enjoy our award-winning Arneis (one of the rarest wines in the world), Riesling, Pinot Noir and Cabernet/Merlot at the Cellar Door, or you can take a break with some great coffee, gourmet teas and Italian treats.

434 Wombeyan Caves Rd Mittagong



Joadja Rd

Open Thurs – Mon 10am – 5pm Other times by appointment. Groups by prior arrangement only. Phone (02) 4878 5213

Southern Highlands Wine Trail


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Willow Vale





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Southern Highland Wines is the home of the best Sauvignon Blanc in the world! The locally produced 2010 Oldbury Reserve Sauvignon Blanc has won many accolades and continues to excel in the prestigious international wine show circuit. The team at SHW have created a winery that is fresh, modern and spacious, where you can experience award winning cool climate wines and mouth watering meals. Sample a selection of wines, tour through the winery, learn about wine making, relax with a glass of wine and enjoy the tantalising selection of produce. Book a table for lunch, on 4868 2300.





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Moss Vale

Cnr Oldbury Rd & Illawarra Hwy, Sutton Forest Cellar Door open 7 days, 10 - 5 Restaurant open for lunch Thursday – Sunday Ph: 4868 2300

Southern Highlands Wine Trail



y Southern Highland Wines


Mount Ashby Estate ⑦! Nowra Rd, Moss Vale 2577 Sally Beresford & Chris Harvey


to Robertson

Open Fri - Sun & pub hols 10 - 5pm Ph: 02 4869 4792

r ow N d


Experience a taste of France at this boutique Cellar Door brimming with antiques and furniture by Sally Beresford one of Sydney’s most well known antique dealers.Taste our award winning wines including the 2005 Botrytis Pinot Gris winner of the only gold medal and trophy for the best Southern Highland Wine at the inaugral Southern Highlands Wine Show.We also offer Merlot ,Chardonnay, Petit Rouge and our medal winning Cabernet Merlot and Pinot Gris. Also try our marinated Fetta or Pork Rillettes while you take in the stunning rural outlook.

Sallys Corner ⑧! 257 Sally's Corner Rd, Exeter Open 10.30 – 5pm Sat,Sun & pub hols or by appointment Ph: 02 4883 4999 Sallys Corner 2008 Chardonnay has just started its show career and already has 2 gold medals & 2 trophies the latest trophy being for best wine of show in the recent Southern Highlands Wine Show. Come & try all our medal winning wines in the very modern cellar door. TRY THE BEST FIRST.

Traditionally, wine growing in Australia took place in warmer regions where access to water for irrigation made growing grapes easier. Since the early 1990s though, there have been a number of traditional wine makers establish boutique wineries in the Southern Highlands producing distinctive, cool climate wines. Now many of the region's winemakers use traditional and modern techniques. The area is gaining recognition for the quality and variety of cool climate wines making a tour of the many wineries and cellar doors a 'must do' for visitors and day trippers.

Eling Forest ⑨! On the Hume Highway, Sutton Forest 12kms South of Berrima, 2kms North of the Illawarra Highway

Cellar Door Café ph: 4878 9155 Open: Wed to Sun 10 am to 5 pm Email: Eling Forest Winery, on the freeway, with the award winning Stones Restaurant, BnB and Wedding Venue and our newest addition, the Cellar Door Café and Farm Shop, where you can purchase gourmet food ‘pronto’ for the traveller. Sample then enjoy the region’s finest wines in the intimacy of our Café and winter open fire with a choice of farm fresh home-made fare for lunches or morning and afternoon teas. Group wine tasting tours welcome at small charge.


Dining Southern Highlands

The Grand Bar & Brasserie

The Blue Rose Cafe

Open for lunch and dinner every day with seasonal menus and daily blackboards and a choice of Brasserie, under the Atrium, Outdoors or in the Bar. Kids' Menu too!

Catering for all occasions: • Special occasions • Group bookings • Devonshire teas • Buses welcome

The Grand Arcade 295 Bong Bong St Bowral E: the

Ph: 4861 4783

Wolfgang's German Restaurant Authentic German & Swiss Cuisine Open: Lunch, Sat & Sun 11.30 - 2.00pm Dinner, Wed - Sun 5.30pm till late Highlands Arcade, (behind ANZ Bank) 279-287 Bong Bong St. Bowral

Blue Rose Cafe - open 7 days 9-5pm Braemar Garden World, Braemar

Ph/fax: 4872 1434

The Stone Room - Tapas & Wine Bar !

Weddings, birthdays all functions. Cheese boards & share plates. Extensive wine list. Tapas: from a light snack to a full meal - something for everybody

Love the food and the ambience! Open: Fri - Sun, lunch. Wed- Sat dinner

Ph: 02 4877 2800

Ph: 02 4861 1257

Old Hume Highway BERRIMA

Wild Food Cafe

The Old Magpie Cafe Berrima

Organic food with passion & personality Licenced: Great organic and local wine also organic beer. Gluten free & Vegan Open 7 days for breakfast & lunch. 6pm Fri & Sat for dinner 250 Bong Bong Street, Bowral

Ph: 4861 2838 24 24

Open 7 Days Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Selection of home-made cakes, scones jam & cream.

BYO. Old Hume Hwy, Berrima

Ph: 4877 2008

What's On December - January Picton Theatre Group presents - "Chemical Imbalance" A Jekyll and Hyde play written by Lauren Wilson. Dinner, doors open 6:15pm, Show 8:00pm Wollondilly Shire Hall, Menangle Street, Picton. Go to for performance dates. Ph: 4677 8313

Campbelltown Christmas Carols 3 December Campbelltown Arts Centre An evening of song, dance and Christmas spirit, with choirs, a special appearance by Santa Claus, as well as the lighting of the Campbelltown Christmas Tree. Ph: 4645 4921

Craft Fair at Riversdale 4 December 10am to 3pm Start your Christmas shopping at the Riversdale Craft Fair. Explore the beautiful gardens and tour the lovely 1840s Georgian house. Riversdale Historic Home, Twynam Drive, Goulburn Ph: 4821 4741

Soroptimist Spirit of Christmas - An Exhibition of Decorated Christmas Trees 4 - 5 December 10am-4pm An exhibition of Decorated Christmas Trees Christmas Trees, Santa Claus, Lucky Dips, Christmas Stalls, Jumping Castle, Face Painting St Joseph's School Hall, Reynolds Street, Goulburn Ph: 4821 2692

Kids Get Crafty Children's Craft Day 4 December 11am - 2pm The Australian Botanic Garden, Narellan Road, Mount Annan. Enjoy making Christmas craft including gift tags, decorations and colouring in. Ph: 4634 7935 New Year's Eve Celebrations 31 December Koshigaya Park, Campbelltown Celebrate the new year with a huge line up of entertainment, two fireworks displays and carnival rides. Ph: 4645 4921 Fireworks on the Fly Grab your picnic rug and a torch and head out to the Fly this New Years Eve. Illawarra Fly Treetop Walk is opening its gates after dark for people to enjoy a BBQ and the incredible views of the 9:30 fireworks over Wollongong. Tourist Dr 9 between Robertson & Kiama Ph: 1300 362 881 Details at: Picton Rodeo 7 January 2012 2.00pm ‘til approx 9.30pm Picton Showground Open Saddle Bronc, Open Bare Back , Open Bull Ride , Novice Bull Ride, Novice Bareback, Jnr Steer Ride, Juvenille Steer Ride, Poddy Ride. There will be a Mechanical Bull Ride, BBQ, Bar and Refreshments, live music. Ph: 4681 8060 27th Illawarra Folk Festival 12-15 January Bulli Showground. Sensational line-up of folk, world, acoustic, Celtic, bluegrass and gypsy music, as well as poetry, dances, workshops, parades and sessions. Ph: 1300 887 034

The Oaks Christmas Night 2nd December 5-10pm The Oaks Hotel. Santa will be arriving with lollies for all the kids at 6.30pm at The Oaks Hotel. Entertainment and the Christmas Tree will light up as soon as the sun goes down. Ph: 0413 397 558 Carols Festival 2 December 7.30pm - 9.30pm Camden Civic Centre. The annual carols festival - massed choir of local primary school children. Paper note donation at the door. Ph: 4655 9303

Christmas Carols

A Christmas Concert 9 &10 December Mittagong Playhouse, Mittagong. Presented by Mike Butcher and the Southern Highlands Concert Band Ph: 4869 2236 Marulan Christmas Family Fun Day 12 December 3pm to 9pm Celebrate Christmas with us at the Marulan Christmas Family Fun Day! Entertainment, Rides, Carnival Food, Showbags, Santa Photos, Market Stalls, Carols followed by Fireworks! Marulan Soccer Fields Ph: 48411862 Bowral Family Carols 15 December from 6:00pm Carols start at 7:15pm Bradman Oval (Glebe Park), St Jude St, Bowral Celebrate the season. Come sing with us... Bring a picnic! Ph: 4861 4546 The Australian Botanic Garden Christmas Carols 17 December 5.30pm - 9.15pm Narellan Road, Mount Annan. Enjoy carols under the stars in the most scenic of settings. Hosted by Monica Trapaga and featuring a Smurf Christmas Show with Papa Smurf, Smurfette and Clumsy Smurf as well as a huge line up of entertainment. Don't miss the spectacular fireworks finale. Ph: 4634 7935

Christmas Celebrations

New Year's Eve Celebrations

Bush Christmas at Wirrimbirra 17th December 9am - 4pm (shows at 11am) Wirrimbirra Sanctuary, Remembrance Drv, Bargo Ph: 4684 1112 Southern Highlands Christmas Fair 17 & 18 December Southern Highland Wines, Illawarra Hwy Sutton Forest. 9.00am – 4.00pm (both days) Up to 200 high quality craft and produce stalls. Food and refreshments available. Ph: 0438 682 263

Picton Rodeo

Goulburn Community Christmas Carols 22 December 6pm Belmore Park. Live performances and fireworks Ph: 4821 1044 Christmas Day Lunch at Belgenny Farm 25 December Elizabeth Macarthur Avenue, Camden Enjoy a relaxing buffet lunch with a selection of seafood, meats, salads, dessert (including Christmas Pudding), fresh fruit platter, and freshly brewed coffee and tea and a fully licensed bar. Ph: 4654 6800

Riversdale Homestead Craft Fair


Illawarra Fly Tree Top Walk


The Highlands Green Heart is both a good base and a great destination

What to See & Do Visit spectacular Fitzroy Falls Robertson Rail Heritage Station Budderoo National Park Belmore Falls Carrington Falls Illawarra Fly Robertson Cheese Factory

Fireworks on the Fly! This is one family New Years Eve event you don’t want to miss! For the first time the Illawarra Fly Treetop Walk is opening their gates after dark for people to enjoy a BBQ and their incredible views of the 9:30 fireworks over Wollongong. The Fly is one of Australia’s premier rainforest experiences; a unique elevated steel walkway on the edge of the forest fall line with views over the Illawarra Escarpment to the Pacific Ocean. Usually only open during the day, this is a fantastic opportunity to experience the rainforest at night, the city lights over Wollongong and of course the fireworks! Grab your picnic rug and a torch and head out to the Fly this New Years Eve. Tickets are limited to 120 and bookings are essential to ensure that everyone gets a great view and has enough time for a relaxed dinner and a drink before the fireworks. Café 106 will be open so you can enjoy a glass of champagne and an ice-cream!

Gates open at 7pm and tickets cost just $89 for a family (2 adults, 3 children), $39 for adults and single child price is $16, ticket price includes BBQ dinner. Café 106 is licensed, no BYO allowed. Pre-sales only, book now at or call 1300 362 881

VISTOR INFORMATION CENTRE Old Cheese Factory Illawarra Hwy, Robertson Ph: 4885 2000 or 4885 2400


N0)$3Q+##*4%) Escape to the bush! Enjoy the unspoilt beauty and tranquillity of the Australian bush. Twin Falls Bush Cottages offer you well appointed accommodation in a peaceful and private bushland setting.





For information about Robertson go to:

Accommodation !!!!

And Chats Cafe & Restaurant Eat in or takeaway Open 7 days Illawarra H/way Robertson

Ph: 4885 1444

Explore the Robertson Cheese Factory There are many good reasons to call in to the Robertson Cheese Factory. The old building has great character, built in 1936 by local farmers to make the Robertson Tasty Cheese, and cheese making continued until 1989. Now the old building houses a unique group of small businesses and has become a very popular destination for visitors and locals alike. Sitting on the top of the hill above Macquarie Pass it is has wonderful views of the lush green pastures with often misty skies. The Cheese Factory CafĂŠ is the place to sit, cool down with home made gelato and soak up the tranquillity, until a train rumbles past the huge picture windows Cheese is still a main attraction, the Cheese Room sells a delicious range of quality Australian and imported cheeses and goumet foods. Above, on the mezzanine floor the Green Heart Gallery has work by

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Australian artisans and artists Highlands in Season is open at weekends with fresh local produce flowers, vegetables, plants and gifts. Also at weekends there is Carmen’s Collectables, antiques, farm equipment from a past era. All good reasons to stop at the Robertson Cheese Factory at the eastern gateway to the Southern Highlands.



Delicious pies, pastries, sausage rolls, soups and a variety of other foods made on the premises.

Illawarra Highway Jamberoo intersection 3km east of Robertson

Ph: 4885 1330

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Phone (02) 4885 2000


South Hill Verandah


Australia’s first inland city Goulburn is a thriving rural and commercial centre and offers country style living and hospitality. The city is rich in heritage and natural beauty and any visitor interested in the history and development of this beautiful city will be delighted during guided and self guided tours of historic sites, homesteads, cathedrals, cemeteries and points of interest. The first white explorers sited the land that was to become the first inland city from Mt. Towrang in 1798, but it was not explored until some 20 years later. Governor Macquarie declared it the Goulburn plains in 1820. Land seekers settled the area from 1818 onwards.

By 1841 Goulburn had a population of some 1,200 people - a courthouse, police barracks, churches, hospital, post office and was the centre of a great sheep and farming area. It became an administrative centre for the district taking in surrounding townships for the new County Argyle. It is home to the Big Merino & the NSW Police Academy and its secondary industry is based on a mix of private and Government enterprise. In the private sector, firms are engaged in wool scouring, cotton products, footwear, heavy and light engineering, building related undertakings, retail distribution and concrete products.

Goulburn Historic Waterworks

Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre

The Goulburn Historic Waterworks is located on the banks of the Wollondilly River. The Waterworks has fully operational steam engines; the 1883 Appleby Bros. beam engine and the 1860s Hick Hargreaves corliss valve engine. The beam engine dates to the 1880s when it was installed to pump water for Goulburn. The Waterworks is of national significance as it is the only complete, workable, steam powered municipal water supply left in its original location in the Southern Hemisphere. There is a café on site as well as picnic areas and playgrounds. Open: open Sun & school holidays 10am-4pm. Mon & Tues 10am – 2pm. Ph: 4823 4448

Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre operates a working Roundhouse with heritage locomotives (steam and diesel), rolling stock and railway ephemera. Explore a working heritage locomotive roundhouse; learn industrial working conditions from 1918-1986 and see heritage locomotives and rolling stock being refurbished in this centre of excellence. View historic records, instruction books, manuals and drawings. Guided Tours by rail enthusiasts. Open: Tues to Sun, 10am-4pm Ph: (02) 4823 4492.

- a part of Australia's heritage


- a working railway museum

What to See & Do !

Goulburn Historic Waterworks Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre !St Saviour’s Cathedral Riversdale Historic Homestead Goulburn War Memorial & Museum

Major Regional Events !Lilac Festival !Goulburn Roses Festival !Taralga Heritage Rally The Pumpkin Festival The Apple Day Festival VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE 201 Sloane Street, Goulburn Ph: 02 4823 4492 or 1800 353 646 E:

...will take you there!

Riversdale Historic Homestead – a historic 1830s Inn

Riversdale was purchased in 1875 by Edward Twynam who later became Surveyor General of NSW. It was acquired by the National Trust in 1967 from the Twynam family and is set in beautiful flowering gardens. The Inn is furnished as a mid-19th century colonial cottage. Riversdale is an ideal venue to just have a picnic or to book for a function, a wedding or a christening. Riversdale is now open every Sunday from 10am - 3pm. Mon, Tues & Thurs 10am -2pm Ph: 4821 4741

A working railway Museum. Heritage locomotives, rolling stock & machinery. The ‘Railwaymen’ exhibition. Guided tours Open Tues-Sun 10am-4pm 12 Braidwood Rd, Goulburn

Ph: 4822 1210

St Saviour’s Cathedral This Cathedral is one of the most beautiful Gothic Cathedrals in Australia. Completed in 1884, St Saviour’s Cathedral was designed by the architect Edmund Blacket.

Historic Goulburn

Rail Heritage Centre

Goulburn is teeming with history and is sure to delight the history buffs amongst you. • Visit grand old buildings & magnificent cathedrals! • Explore museums & historic houses • Roam through historic cemeteries! The following historic sites are a real treat for those who appreciate buildings of historic significance; Riversdale Homestead, St Clair Folk Museum & Archives, Goulburn War Memorial & Museum, Goulburn Historic Waterworks, located in an idyllic setting on the banks of the Wollondilly River, and Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre. For more information about historic Goulburn visit

Riversdale! Colonial, Georgian Homestead and former Coaching Inn (1837) b$Colonial furniture b Arts & crafts. b$X*#'%0$e%#-.3( b$<*))%;.$e%#-.3( b$?&/3&/$2%/&0&)&.( b$d&)/1.3$ b$L*&0.)(

Admire the stained glass windows, detailed stone carving and magnificent organ. Bourke St, Goulburn.

Open: Sun 10am-3pm. Mon, Tues, Thurs: 10am - 2pm Groups any day by app

Open: 10-4pm daily Ph: 4821 2206 E:

Twynam Dr, North Goulburn. Mob: 0414 951 955 or 0409 953 859 E:

War Memorial & Museum

Historic Waterworks Marsden Weir, Goulburn Home to two unique, operational, steam engines, each over 100 years old. Picnic in the grounds or lunch at the Pumphouse Cafe on steaming days. Open: Sunday and school holidays 10am-4pm. Mon & Tues 10am – 2pm.

Ph: 4823 4448

Memorial Drive, Rocky Hill, Goulburn A unique war memorial boasting spectacular views of the city. Charming museum located in the old caretakers cottage, containing memorabilia from all wars. Lookout open every day.

Tower and Museum open weekends, pub & school hols 10am - 4pm.

Ph: 4823 4448


Wollongong Harbour


Wollongong - where the mountains meet the sea!

2012 Illawarra Folk Festival

What to See & Do The Grand Pacific Sea Bridge Wollongong City Gallery Wollongong Science Centre Illawarra beaches and rock pools Wollongong Harbour & Lighthouse Merrigong Theatre Crown Central Shopping Centre VISITOR INFORMATION: CROWN CENTRAL - SHOPPING CENTRE

New South Wales biggest and most diverse folk festival is on again in January. For four days from January 12-15 the Bulli Showground will be home to the 27th annual Illawarra Folk Festival – with its sensational line-up of folk, world, acoustic, Celtic, bluegrass and gypsy music, as well as poetry, dances, workshops, parades and sessions. Over 150 international, national and local acts with 600 performers will turn the showgrounds in the musical epicentre of NSW for four days. Among the acts appearing are Dougie Maclean (Scot), Peggy Seeger (USA), Cindy Harris (USA), Fred Coon and Bill Burke (USA), George Kamikawa & Noriko Tadano (Japan), Simon Bradley Trio (UK), The Beez (Germany), Bernard Carney and David Hyams (WA), Gleny Rae Virus and her Tamworth Playboys, John Dengate, Judy Small (Vic), Skipping Girl Vinegar (Vic), Squeeze Box Boogaloo, Strelley, Sunas (Qld) and the Wheeze & Suck Band. The autoharp will be the featured instrument in 2012, with performers


travelling from the US to showcase its unique and wonderful qualities. The number of workshops will be doubled so patrons can learn to play this fascinating instrument. If you haven’t been to the Illawarra Folk Festival before, January is the perfect time to get acquainted with this fabulous festival presented by the Illawarra Folk Club. The festival’s home is Bulli Showground, nestled under the spectacular Illawarra escarpment and just a few minutes from Bulli Beach. The festival site is an all-weather venue with 12 covered stages, lots of onsite parking and camping. And it’s only an hour from Sydney and easily accessible by train, on one of the most spectacular coastal train journeys in Australia. So the Illawarra Folk Festival provides a perfect opportunity for Sydney-based travellers to come by train and experience the true spirit of Down Under, listen to great music from Australia and around the world, meet the locals and visit the stunning beaches of the region. For those people who enjoy volunteering, it is

174 / 200 Crown Street, Wollongong Ph: 02 4228 5999

not too late to apply and get a free season ticket and camping. Early bird season ticket sales close on 22 December and you can still get a season camping ticket. The Illawarra Folk Festival has also arranged for a special festival accommodation package with the new Chifley Hotel at Wollongong. For more information go to au/ or ring 1300 887 034.

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Pamela See, In Australia, everyone has access to a barbecue, 2010, paper 23x28cm.

Nassiem Valamanesh, film still Distant Words, 2011, 5mins 30 secs.

Richard Batson, Holidaze 4, 2010, collage and paint, 76 x 101cm.

Celebration of Ability Week 2011, 25 Nov – 9 December, features art works and performances by young people with disabilities and a program of recent Australian short films with open caption and open audio description on wireless headsets. For program details contact the Gallery on 42287500 Generations, 3 December - 26 February 2012, investigates notions of dislocation, isolation, assimilation and loss. Features painting, sculpture, installation, performance and photography by Sam Burke & Domenico de Clario, Muzi Li, Mai Nguyen-Long, Joanne Saad, Khaled Sabsabi, Lee Salomone, Pamela See, My Le Thi, Hossein Valamanesh, Nassiem Valamanesh.

Local: Current 2011 is the third in a series of yearly exhibitions which investigate Illawarra artists’ practice, and is on display until 12 February 2012. The exhibition features works in a variety of media by Richard Batson, Jasmin Carter, Jack Cochrane, Poncho Army, Julie Donnelly, Tamara Elkins, Michele Elliot, Ashley Forbes, Alena Kennedy and Noel Lonesborough. Collections of Hopes and Dreams curated by Eva Castle, on display until 4 March 2012, is an exhibition about the significance of personal objects and images for families and communities. It explores the lives of Wollongong residents who came from Europe, forever changed by World War II, its aftermath and civil unrest.

Merrigong Theatre Company’s SEASON 2012

Griffin Theatre Company’s THE BOYS


Get big discounts on theatre shows. Save up to 49% off single ticket prices with a Season Ticket!

Direct from its Sydney Festival season – a wonderful and dangerous descent into the darker parts of our culture.

Season Tickets: 5 shows from $175!

6 – 10 March Tickets: $34 - $59

EXHIBITIONS: Celebration of Ability Week 2011 Exhibition, Performances and Access All Areas Film Festival 2011 25 Nov – 9 December Generations Contemporary artists from a range of cultural backgrounds explore the migrant experience. 3 December - 26 February 2012 Local: Current 2011 A survey of recent work by ten Illawarra artists. until 12 February 2012 Collections of Hopes and Dreams Objects and stories connecting generations of migrants. until 4 March 2012

What's On @ IPAC

Master theatre-maker Neil Armfield’s stunning revival of Australia’s first great classic for the theatre. 21 – 24 March Tickets: $39 - $65

Illawarra Performing Arts Centre, 32 Burelli Street, Wollongong. Ph: 4224 5999



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