Table of Contents ARCHITECTURE 1. Senior Thesis Design Project 2. Hinkley Commons Residential Development 3. Niles Church Project Sketches 1. Tiny Cottage 2.Arc de Triomphe 3.European Study Tour Sketches a. Paris Opera House, Paris, France b. Pantheon, Rome, Italy c. Stoa of Attalos, Agora, Athens, Greece d. Italian Countryside Landscape, Pienza, Italy e. Watercolor, Pienza, Italy Graphic Design 1. AFIA shirt logo design 2. AFIA lanyard design
Bridges that Bond South Bend, Indiana
Located next to the Four WindsBaseball Field, there is a deserted lot that needs some love and affection. my design approach includes including people from different socioeconomic statuses and bridging the gap between by making it possible for them to live toogether in pne building. Diversity and inclusion does not only include race and gender, but also social standing.
This is a newly constructed mixed used building that interacts with the location of thw Four Winds Basball Field. within this building project are Trader Joe’s grocery store, Used Sporting Goods Store, Dick’s Sporting Goods with a health club intermingled togther. Also, there are two long interior courtyards that allow the residents of the 150 apartments to mingle and gather together into one place. My project is about creating a sense of place for everyone regardless of how much money they have and their position in life. This is my solution to the increase of homeless and poverty as well as learning to give everyone another chance at something better.
SKETCHES & WATERCOLOR I drew this sketch in my frist year for Drawing 101. My assignment was to redraw this from a picture pinned on Pinterest. My teacher gave me the ultimate challenge. I put this in my portfolio because this was one of the best sketches I have done so far. Plus, I love the character and the lineweights I gave it. I call it “The Tiny Cottage.�
The Arc de Triomphe is located in Paris, France. I drew this during my first year of college as well. Little did I know that I would be visiting this place one day for my Architecture study tour and going up the stairs during the summer after my third year. Also, I got a chance to experience a magnificent view from above. It was beyond glorious like this sketch.
Top right: This sketch was drawn in Pienza, Tuscany, Italy. While I was on my first Architercture study tour, my class and I took a walk toward the countryside of Pienza. This is where I drew my first sketch from the outskirts of Pienza. I learned so much about perspective through drawing and life.
Bottom Right: This was another day in Pienza just the view was farther away. it was a hot summer day and I enjoyed using watercolor for the second time with making earth natural colors to illustrate this wonderful and peaceful landscape.
Bottom left: Pantheon, Rome, Italy This is a sketch of a section cut of the Pantheon in Rome, Italy. During my Architecture study tour, I went to the Pantheon and took loads of pictures. One of my tasks was to draw a section of this building. My professors took a group of students aside who struggled with drawing sections and I was oine of them. All three of this section drawings are proof of my progress with the assistance of my professors.
Top right: Stoa of Attalos, Agora, Athens, Greece This sketch is where I first realized that I struggled with section drawings. I learned a lot about this stoa and had the privilege of walking around this place and experiencing it for myself. Bottom right: Paris Opera House, Paris, France
Andrews Filipino International Association @ Andrews Univ.
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Lanyard Logo Design
I. Young