Frederick Dreer : Travel Award The vetiver system around the world 6 months of research abroad October 2010 - April 2001 I Maria Calderon
Guatemala, Lake Amatitlan Green Movement Against Green water
Guatemala, Lake Amatitlan Watershed 281km2
Green Movement Against Green Water Cornell Honors Thesis May 2010
source: AMSA
PROBLEM: Dentritic gullies which
were once riparian corridors delivering fresh water to Lake Amatitlan are now barren as people encroach this delicate ecosystem causing tremendous erosion and dumping their waste into the rivers.
source: AMSA
Guatemala, Orthodox Monastery Pontoons to lter Tilapia sh ponds
Dreer Travels
Grey Infrastructure vs The Vetiver System
photo-Paul Truong
Vetiver Origins and Characteristics Chrysopogon zizanioides
Southern India - essential oils Tall grass with varying height from 0.5 to 3.0 m tall Pioneer species Dense root system without rhizomes, can grow up to 3.6 m deep in a year “A Living Soil Nail” – Average tensile strength of 1/6 of mild steel Flowers are sterile and plant is therefore non-invasive Tolerance: High concentrations of nutrients (N and P), heavy metals; acidic, alkaline, or saline soils; Herbicides & plagues; Fires Temperature range -15o to 60oC (5o to 140o F), Complete saturation or drought(xerophyte & Hydrophyte thanks to aerenchyma development) Intolerance: Shade, Complete flooding of foliage for an extended period of time, Animal grazing (rabbits) When used in civil works its cost is about 1/20th the cost of the traditional grey infrastructure.
Australia Aus Aust Au sttrra a alilia lilia
Ecopark [your name here] 43 hectares =108 acres potentially service 219,600 people
Constructed wetlands for polishing wastewater Australia, Incitec- Pontoons for absorbing N + P Australia, Gelita- Horizontal flow Reedbeds and irrigated fields Australia, Toogooloowah- subsurface flow fields Australia, Loganholme- Macrophyte screening for sludge drying beds Indonesia, Java - Citarum river septic tank
Slope stabilization Flood and erosion control Landscape architecture Poverty Alleviation
Macrophyte Screening for a Stand alone biological Treatment plant for residential Septage
Raw Septage
Screen Holding Tank
Purified Water Tank
Reed bed 3
Drying bed 2
Reed bed 2
Reed bed 1
Drying bed 1
Which macrophyte works best?
Conventional sludge drying bed
56 binsbins used of 56wheelie wheelie 6screening species (+old Vetiver) Macrophytes be used in sludge 1to control X 4 replicates 1drying trial X 4bed replicates
Construction process
Trial to test N + P removal of different species
Three Horizontal Sub-surface flow reedbeds - PILOT SCALE for treating wastewater from a gelatin factory Glita Australia
Total N removal 49%
Construction phase. amanda butler
Healthy Vetiver in Summer 2008 with outlet pipes on right. paul truong
Abandoned horizontal flow reed beds with Vetiver grass brown after winter. paul truong
For nutrient absorbtion Incitec fertilizer Factory, Australia
Subsurface ow wetland
Citarum River - Java, Indonesia citarum-river-indonesia-el-rio-mas-contaminado-del-mundo/
initial planting
2 months after planting
Constructed wetlands for polishing wastewater Slope stabilization Chile conference- SWAT stabilization Indonesia, Bali- soild buildup in farmland Chile conference Colombia- eco mortar Australia, Brisbane floods Powerlink- Stabilizing an electricity tower Indonesia, Bali-Road works in volcanic soils
Flood and erosion control Landscape architecture Poverty alleviation
Bioengineering Principles for planting on slopes
April 2009
March 2011
3 months later
Farmland in Citarum River Basin - Java, Indonesia
Coal mining rehabilitation East Bali Poverty Project - Consulting Services
SWAT stabilization Oswaldo Luque Venezuela
Pinto Peanut + Vetiver + Ecomortar provide a a light, envronmentally friendly and hygrospoc retegreen retention wall Colombia
Powerlink - save the tower! Scouring caused during the Brisbane floods
flood level
original slope
planting completed
After 1 month始s growth
Constructed wetlands for polishing wastewater Slope stabilization Flood and erosion control Australia, Laidley- dissipating flash floods at drainage channels Australia, Loganholme Motorway- Pioneer plant for inhospitable alluvial soils
Landscape architecture Poverty alleviation
Flash Flood control
Vetiver Hedges cause water to back up behind the rows and increase infiltration at this intersecion where two major drainage paths intersect Laidley Australia
Vetiver Hedges for Flash Flood control -Laidley, Australia
Constructed wetlands for polishing wastewater Slope stabilization Flood and erosion control Landscape architecture Australia, Woodlands- Stormwater drainage basin Australia, Springfield- Bioswales Australia,, Incitec- rain garden design g g
Poverty alleviation
Woodlands Development, Brisbane Australia
Multifunctional Landscaping
Woodlands Development, Brisbane Australia
Australia, Brisbane - Springfield Lakes, Bioswales “Billabongs�
Springfield Development, Brisbane Australia
Constructed wetlands for polishing wastewater Slope stabilization Flood and erosion control Landscape architecture Poverty alleviation East Bali Poverty Project Community involvement in establishing infrastructure (roads, water collection) Agriculture enhancement Handicrafts NGO始s main source of income = vetiver consulting services
East Bali Poverty Project
Over 80% were malnourished and had goitre due to iodine deficiency; 70-100% were illiterate in the 1,000+ families highest up the mountains.
Only source of water for over 400 families after 2-3 hours walk
Stabilizing infrastructure
Community involvement in building road stabilized by Vetiver
Permanent Spring Protection
Funded by Vetiver consulting services Funded by Rotary Club
Stabilizing Schools
Vetiver Stabilizes first schools built on Complete fill embankments
Organic Farming-
Facilitated by Vetiver hedges which hold back otherwise erodable sandy soil
Kids teach their parents School Garden stabilized by Vetiver
First Carrot Harvest and First Potato Harvest
Integrated Pest Management?
attract the insect to lay eggs where there is little chance of survival
90% larvae mortality rate
Dr. Van den Berg, Can Tho University, South Africa
Consulting Services $$$
Provided by the East Bali Poverty Project to help fund their programs
Helping people help themselves - East Bali Poverty Project, Indonesia
THANK YOU!!! Dreer Committee Nina Bassuk Jeremy Foster Marvin Pritts
Asian coordinator of the Vetiver Network Paul Truong
East Bali Poverty Project David Booth Ardika Adinata Julita Mekaria
Other Johannes Biala Isai Calderon II Isabel Ayau Olga Ayau