SET - News 2017-n1

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14 December 2017

SET News Project

Zrównoważona przedsiębiorczość młodzieży Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 w Nysie po raz pierwszy uczestniczy w programie Erasmus+. We wrześniu tego roku został zainaugurowany projekt, pt. „Zrównoważona Przedsiębiorczość Młodzieży”, który będzie realizowany do 2019 r. Uczestnikami są szkoły z Hiszpanii, Portugalii, Włoch, Finlandii i Polski: Koordynatorami projektu z Polski są: Krystyna i Józef Pańczyszynowie. Priorytetami projektu są: integracja młodzieży z różnych krajów, uświadomienie na temat innych kultur i trening przygotowujący do wyboru przyszłej kariery zawodowej. W trakcie każdego ze spotkań uczestnicy odkryją trzy obszary związane

z konkretnym państwem partnerskim: środowisko, ekonomię i społeczeństwo. Przewidzianych jest wiele różnorodnych zajęć, badania, edycja filmów i czasopism, udział w warsztatach w szkole i za granicą oraz wspólne działania w przestrzeni eTwinningu. Pierwsze spotkanie odbyło się w Nysie w ostatnim tygodniu października. Nauczyciele z zagranicy w ciągu trzech dni spędzonych w Polsce zwiedzili urokliwy Wrocław, wybrali się do Podziemnego Miasta w Złotym Stoku, oczywiście poznali najsłynniejsze miejsca w naszym mieście i z ochotą uczestniczyli w zajęciach przygotowanych przez polskich koor-

dynatorów. Sprawdzili się w robieniu pierników w Kopernikach, czerpali złoto i poznawali nasz język. Zostawili po sobie masę dobrych wspomnień oraz pamiątki.

Podczas warsztatów ustalony został plan współpracy na najbliższy rok szkolny. Kolejne spotkanie przewidziane na maj 2018 r. odbędzie się we Włoszech. Tym razem do Taranto wraz z nauczycielami polecą uczniowie, którzy będą najbardziej zaangażowani w realizację projektu.

Transnational project meeting in Nysa Primary School No. 5 in Nysa participates in the Erasmus + program "Sustainable Entrepreneurs Training",. The project will be implemented by 2019. Participants are schools from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Finland and Poland:

• Maria Auxiliadora Algemesi, Spain,

• Kilonpuiston Koulu Espoo in Finland,

• Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Correia Mateus Leiria in Portugal,

• Primary School No. 5 in Nysa.

• Scuola Secondaria di I grado "C. COLOMBO" Taranto in Italy,

Project coordinators from Poland are: Krystyna and Józef Pańczyszyn.

Year 1, No 1 FEATURES: Primary School No 5 in Nysa, Poland


Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Correia Mateus in Leiria, Portugal


Filipa Figueiredo the creator of Erasmus+ SET logo


Algemesi en España


Erasmus+ is opportunity, by Andrea Camarena


Maria Auxiliadora in Algemesi, Spain


Kilonpuisto School in Espoo, Finland


Scuola Secondaria di I grado "C. COLOMBO" in Taranto, Italy


Photo relation


I take part in Erasmus+


Qr code to the SET website

Primary School No 5 in Nysa, Poland Building on the former streets of Bruederstraße and Edgar Muellestraße after 1945 Bracka and Paderewski Street was the sixth object dedicated in Nysa to the needs of Polish primary education, after the Second World War.

1964 for research into the essence of cholesterol, which has enabled effective prevention of the most acute and severe disease of the present-day arteriosclerosis, which is the cause of modern human populations suffering from heart attacks. Bernhard Grzimek, a prominent zoologist and defender of African fauna, co-creator of the famous Serengeti Park, was also a graduate of this school.

situated in two buildings, everything because of changes in Polish System of Education, started on 1 September 2017. We use formative assessment as a valuable and challenging tool for education. We emphasize well-rounded comprehensive education. We enchance our students’ interests and passion. We take part in external programs and fulfill new ambitious ideas.

Earlier in this building, founded in 1870, was a gymnasium (Städtisches Realgymnasium). It was the first school in Silesia with a mathematical and natural profile, with very rich traditions, the list of graduates from 1930 under No. 563 is listed as: Konrad Bloch. This American biochemist, born in Nysa, received the Nobel Prize in medicine in

Nowadays Primary School No 5 is

Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Correia Mateus in Leiria, Portugal Once upon a time..began a new “Erasmus +” Project!.. SET ( S us t ai n ab l e E n t r e p r e n e ur s Trainning) was the name! Poland, Italy, Spain, Finland and us Portugal, were the lucky ones to whom this challenge was given to develop! After that, it starts walking with the manifestation of interest, from the students of our school on participating in his development by drawing logo´s suggestions, so that SET could have a visible face! But, meantime, the first meeting took place in Nysa, Poland, where we all have been very well hosted on the 25th of October, in “Primary School No 5”, by our hosting partner, represented by his coordinator Józef Pańczyszyn. After visiting the school, the group started planning the activities for the first year of the cooperation project, including the next mobilities. Str. 2

Until the end of that journey, many other activities took place, cultural visits filled our days, finishing that first meeting with the feeling of achieving! When we returned home, tired but happy, the work did continued! Fourteen logos, and their creators were selected to join and to accompany the growth of SET. From those, the three who best represented the theme entered on a contest with the other logo´s of the all five involved countries. Thirty students, in the classroom participated actively and with enthusiasm on the choice of the logo´s they liked the most. The results were sent to be known by partners. Of course we stayed proud when we found out a portuguese logo had win! Here is the explaining of the author, Filipa: SET News

Filipa Figueiredo the creator of Erasmus+ SET logo My name is Filipa Figueiredo. I'm a student at Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Correia Mateus. I Knew of the project when teacher Angelica went to a geography class to publicize the project. Professor Angélica explained the objectives, the operation of the project and presented the selection criteria of the students. The teacher told us that we should build a logo on the subject of the Erasmus + project and write a motivational text to do Erasmus.

In addition, Professor Angélica gave us a sheet with a set of rules that we would have to obey to make the logo and indicated that we would have to do it until October 12 and that the results would be released until October 19. I was enthusiastic and in the following weekend I started to develop the logo. I began by realizing what the theme of the project was and what concepts it involved. After realizing that a sustainable entrepreneur is a person who creates a business with economic, social and environmental value, I looked for images that could be associated with each

of these themes. Then I drew a set of possible combinations with the various representative images of the various concepts involved, and chose the solution that seemed to me more correctly representing the project theme. I present the result with the explanation.

Algemesi en España Ara vos vaig a parlar de Algemesí. Algemesí es una ciutat, és una ciutat mitjana, per a mi és xicoteta. Algemesí té 27.600 habitants, en esta ciutat tots coneixen a tots. Algemesí té molts llocs bonics, per exemple parcs, gelateries… Algemesí té festes molt boniques, les meues festes preferides són falles i la Mare de Déu, és una festa en la que fan balls. Algemesí no te platja, és una llàstima, però en estiu vaig a la piscina.

Ahora os voy a hablar de Algemesí. Algemesí és una ciudad, es una ciudad mediana, para mi es pequeña. Algemesí tiene 27.600 habitantes, en esta ciudad todos conocen a todos. Algemesí tiene lugares muy bonitos, por ejemplo parques, heladerias… Açgemesí tiene alguna fiestas muy bonitas, mis favorites son falles i la “Mare de

Erasmus+ is opportunity, Erasmus+ is opportunity for me to lift up my English level, learn new vocabulary and practice lot of English. When I received the news that we are going to participate in Erasmus+ my life change because to go another country to learn English I

Year 1, No 1

Déu” es una fiesta en la que se hacen algunos bailes. Algemesí no tiene playa, es una lástima, pero en verano voy a la piscina.

by Andrea Camarena

had to be responsible, and to be responsible I had to fulfill what is promised. But I have to give opportunity also to my friends. English is very important to me to get a job in my future and do lot of projects from my school, apart is my favorite language and one of

my favourite subjects. But Spanish language and culture is important to other people too. People from Finland, Portugal, Poland and Italy also they want to know things about my country

Str. 3

Maria Auxiliadora in Algemesi, Spain Algemesí is a municipality in the comarca of Ribera Alta in the Valencian Community, Spain and their population is 28,000 inhabitants.

It is a small and a beautiful city with a lot of places to visit and its saint patrons are “the Mare de Déu de la Salut” and “Sant Onofre.” Some important places are the hermitage of San Onofre Anacoreta, the museum of the Festivals , the basilica of San Jaume, the monument to the farmer, the bull ring and there are two natural parks, La Chopera and La Albufera. Algemesí has a lot of festivals, they are very important and amazing, some of the most important are the Buls week and La Mare de Déu de la Salut Festival, this festival was awarded by UNESCO "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity”.

The weather is very good, almost always it is sunny and rarely rains, because of this in the past people worked as agriculturalist at their own fields, but now the development of industries has raised. Here people speak Spanish, and Valencian too. There are ten schools, and one dedicated to special education, also there are two high schools, one theatre, one sport centre, one swimming pool, one football stadium, one library. Young people spend their free time practising sport, there are: one handball club, one basketball club, one swimming club and one football club. This is Algemesí.

Kilonpuisto School in Espoo, Finland Kilonpuisto School is taking part for the first time in an Erasmus + project. However, we have been partners in various Comenius projects earlier. As the project covers the school subjects like English, history and social/civic studies, we integrate also other teachers (history, social/ civic studies) to some tasks. From the beginning of the school year, we have been working for this project mainly with the 8th graders (14-15 year old youngsters), but some 9th grade students (ages 15 to 16) have also been participating to certain activities. The first task was the logo competition. We participated with one logo, and the vote for the best logo representing the SET project was organized in three different Str. 4

groups. Thus we could have the required amount of voters, ie. 30 students. As a matter of fact, the kids were very excited when the ballot took place! And they liked very much the winning logo, too. The second task we were dealing with, was the interview about the old jobs. We worked on that topic with three groups of 8th graders in our English lessons. They have created lists of questions for their grandparents or any elderly person, a neighbor for instance, and they are preparing now to go for the “field work” and proceed with their interviews. This will be done either with only some of the students, or in group interviews (2-3 students interviewing one elderly person or a couple) before Christmas, if everything goes right. Furthermore, we have done the

survey on Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Three groups participated in the survey, and the total amount of replies was 35. The detailed result will be done shortly, but the overall outcome seems quite pro sustainable entrepreneurship, if I may say so. Last but not least, we have started to work on the research with old jobs: students have started to look for local businesses, factories, shops etc. and to write down information about their findings. We plan to continue on that task by looking for old pictures on the net, and finally go to the actual places, hopefully before the Christmas break. At the moment we are also enrolling students to start collaborating with the peer partners about an old job in another partner’s county. SET News

Scuola Secondaria di I grado "C. COLOMBO" in Taranto, Italy Hello dear partners, we are the students of the class 2nd B of the middle school “Cristoforo Colombo” in Taranto, Italy. Taranto is known as the "Town of the Two Seas" for its geographical position between the Big Sea and the Small Sea, and as the "Land of Dolphins" for the historic settlement of a group of cetaceans beyond the Isles of San Peter and St. Paul in the beautiful Ionian Sea. Founded by the Spartans, it was the only Spartan colony outside the territory of Greece. You can see vessels and artifacts that show its splendor during the time of Ancient Greece in the National Archaeological Museum MArTA,

one of the most important museums in Italy. Due to its position, the most developed activity in the past has always been fishing and the trade of its proceeds. Our production of mussels is famous in all part of the country, too. In modern times, the city has become an important Naval base with its Navy Arsenal, that performs assistance to the Civil Defense, while ILVA (one of the largest industrial complexes in Europe for steel processing) and the ENI refinery, have become the most important factories where most of the local people work. Our school is a burning forge of ideas, almost all classes participate Year 1, No 1

in the projects it organizes. This year, in particular, our class has

Ancient jobs in Taranto

“TARUSC”: the man who repaired umbrellas

been fascinated by the topic of the Erasmus + project "Sustainable Entrepreneurs Training" which will allow us to rediscover the old jobs of our city. We have realized that we know really little about that! Thanks to this task, we managed to create a connection with our relatives through the past. They have been happy to tell us something they experienced when they were young, remembering and telling their memories ... in their eyes there was the joy of remembering the past. When you come in May, you will watch our presentations displaying old and new trades, a fair-market of the ancient jobs of our city and the tools necessary to work. We are doing researches about very strange figures like: “tarusc” who sold umbrellas, "magnan" the sweeper, "sciure el moletta"the knife grinder,"el cadregatt" who repaired pans and chairs, "scratch scratches", who chopped the ice and served it with lemonade or mint juice…. We hope that when we visit your cities, we will know about the old jobs, customs and traditions of your countries for a fruitful and stimulating cultural exchange.

"MAGNAN", the sweepers

"SCRATCH SCRATCHES": who chopped the ice and served it with lemonade or mint juice….

FISHERMEN in the Small Sea

“EL CADREGATT”: the one who repairs pans and chairs

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1st meeting in Nysa, Poland

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SET News

1st meeting in Nysa, Poland

Year 1, No 1

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I take part in Erasmus+ project, because … I would like to take part in the Erasmus + project, because it is one of the best way to get to know a different culture while staying in the country of its inhabitants. Liliana Burak, 14—Poland

Erasmus+ daje mi możliwość poznania nowych ludzi i ich kultury. Zawarcie nowych przyjaźni, podzielenie się inspiracjami, pomysłami, doświadczeniami, a to może wpłynąć na każdy moment mojego życia, ubarwić je i pomóc mi spojrzeć na różne sytuacje z różnej strony. Mikołaj Przedwojewski, 13—Poland

I would like to be a participant of ERASMUS+ because I am interested in cultures of countries I have never been there. I’d like to make new friends. Filip Głuszek, 13—Poland

He decidido participar en el proyecto porque siempre me ha gustado viajar o conocer gente nueva. Creo que es una gran manera de aprender,conocer costumbres o tradiciones de otros países. Vivo en Algemesí, Algemesí es un pueblo que está en Valencia pero puede considerarse una ciudad, porque tiene más de 25.000 habitantes. Y desearía que un día pudieras conocer a Algemesí como yo lo conozco. Claudia Medes Satorres , 13—Spain

Dlaczego chcę uczestniczyć w programie "Erasmus+"? Erasmus+ daje mi możliwość poznania nowych ludzi i ich kultury. Zawarcie nowych przyjaźni, podzielenie się inspiracjami, pomysłami, doświadczeniami, a to może wpłynąć na każdy moment mojego życia, ubarwić je i pomóc mi spojrzeć na różne sytuacje z różnej strony.

Natalia Sroka, 14—Poland

Hello, I’m Pau Breso from Spain. I’m studyng in Maria Auxiliadora School. I would like to participate in this program because I think that it’s a way to meet new people and to empower my knowledge about other countries. Also it’s the best way to learn new experience and languages. Moreover, this program make easier the collaboration between people that in the future can be entrepreneurs. I think starting with young people it’s a nice manner to make a strong friendship. FINALLY, in the future, I want to be a social entrepreneur and that is why I want you let me participate to follow my dreams. Pau Bresó, 14—Spain

Qr code to Facebook SET project

Prepared and published by Primary School No 5 in Nysa, Poland Coordinators: Krystyna, Józef Pańczyszyn

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