Imbo Magazine June 2012

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Get inspired & allow your soul to heal with The Soil

We explore the soulful rhythm of expression that is Floetry

What is Floetry, and where does it come from?!, You may actually know a lot more than you think

Treat yourself to warm winter wonders

While most people hibernate,IMBO makes it a point to find Cape Town’s hidden treasures

An era of defiant hope Super foods help Sophiatown meets retro fashion

make studying a breeze

When you’re studying for finals, good nutrition should be part of your study plan. It will help you ace those tests

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The Freedom in Youth Issue



IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012

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Whenever I hear the word freedom I can’t help but think of the advert where Trevor Gumbi poses the question “Are you free or are you dom”? As we enter youth month it scares me to think that so many young people have a pre-conceived idea about what freedom is. In ’76 it was as clear as day what freedom entailed and what needed to be done in order to attain it. But fast forward to our generation and it seems to be a bit blurred. In this issue however we celebrate Freedom in Youth! Our fashion spread commemorates the vibrancy and exuberant hope of the 1950’s and 60’s as Sophiatown meets retro fashion. If where we’ve been doesn’t excite you about being a young South African, then our main feature with acapella group The Soil will surely remind you that freedom reigns, and demonstrate how it should be celebrated in the new South Africa. The sheer energy and determination this trio possesses makes it hard to not feel inspired and get ready to conquer. As we enter the winter season however it’s easier for us to hibernate and stay indoors and not venture out and explore. If that’s you, be sure to check out our cape indulgence piece, our winter warming ideas will surely entice you to leave the covers this season. It is after all a month to celebrate our youthfulness!

From the


Editor in chief: Sisanda Ntshinga Managing Editor: Simone Martufi Creative Direction: Yivani Nkukwana Nkabanhle Mawala Photographer: Lynn Dreyer Intern Photographers: Zizo Lunika Zanele Jam-Jam Managing Director: Gugu Madlala


IMBO/ ISSUE 3/ 2012

I must admit that for me personally, it’s hard not to be excited this June because as we celebrate youth month, I also celebrate new beginnings as the new addition to the Imbo family. Although the task may seem daunting I’m grateful to be a part of an amazing team of young, talented and free-spirited individuals who have embraced me, and shown me that when young people take charge of their lives and take responsibility for their freedom anything is possible. So I’d like to end this note by thanking the amazing Imbo team who are themselves a celebration of the freedom in youth through pure fearlessness. Blessings,


Sales: 1.Nathi Mbele 2. Ashton Abels 3. Divan Snyders 4. Luvuyo Toni Social media: Mawethu Matyila Monde Mtsi Contributors:Thoko Mahlangu,Lihle Nkosi, Iman Chilwan , Monde Mtsi, Kudzai Mazvarirwofa, Modise Moloi Nikki Metz,Asanda Kaka, Amanda Mtuli

contents 42

Life Skills

Get your finances in check



12 A journey from

Sophiatown to Retro

Africa Connect


Malawi the land of the people


Cape Indulgence


Not only do they serenade but they inspire too

Meet The Soil

Wellness Pamper yourself with Feed your body 2 6 this seasons spa inside out with specials super foods Sports Profile

54 Hockey star player Lungile Tsolekile puts Langa on the map



Taking a step into the future IMBO/ ISSUE 3/ 2012



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pop culture

Discovering Floetry What is Floetry, and where does it come from?!, You may actually know a lot more than you think about the origins of this underrated form of art and the connection it has with hip hop, rap and poetry. What makes it so special? - It’s unique artistic qualities that complete most forms of urban music and poetry.

Iman Chilwan

If you’re keen to see this underrated but profound art form live, make sure you check it out on:

Mondays in Observatory ‘A touch of Madness Restaurant’ for dinner and live performances and or ‘Tagore’s’, for a more informal, raw live experience, as well as a networking hub for lyricists, performers and poets.

On Tuesdays Head down to Zevolis in Rondebosch to catch some more live performances and get to mingle with performers.

10 IMBO/ ISSUE 3/ 2012

pop culture

What makes floetry so special is the verbal technique and the great focus on the artistic expression and emotion the artist wants to portray to their audience


hen you first hear the word Floetry, the words ‘poem’ and ‘flow’ immediately come to mind, and according to the urban dictionary (the ‘go to’ website for any sort of urban terminology) it isn’t far off. The definition of Floetry according to them, is a rhyme that isn’t considered just poetry or isn’t just a flow, but a mixed version of both. Easy enough, right? However the quest in uncovering any more information than this deemed quite a challenge- a rewarding challenge in the end though. Over flowing with determination and the curiosity to expose it in all its glory, the investigation into Floetry began. On the agenda, was a link up with G.O- a poet (or floet as they say) and writer for local urban band NativeRefugees, and boy was this rewarding, as he transpired to be a walking ‘Floetry’ encyclopedia who shared so enthusiastically all that was needed, to decipher this amazing form of art. Floetry, he says was born on African soil. “It began with a spoken word that was then transformed into a lullaby a mother would sing to a child as a form of communication.” He explains that drums were the first musical instrument

to be incorporated into it which added the rhythmic element, thus making Floetry conscious word play fused with artistic expression and emotion. Finally, combining with it, the musical factor, it becomes a powerful, soulful rhythm and expression form of artistic empowerment. G.O believes Floetry has been around way before hip hop, which is known to be created in the 1970’s. He explains that words inspired rhythm which in itself proves Floetry as the predecessor of hip hop or rap. But then how does Floetry even differ from hip hop when they both have strong focal elements of rhyming words with a musical backdrop of some sort? G.O explains insightfully that Floetry is first and foremost about the word play and technique, with musical elements being incorporated as the final stage in production. ”However with rap and hip hop, a lot of artists focus on the beat and backdrop as a precursor to spitting the lyrics,” he says. The amazing thing is the array of Floetry artists out there that many of us have heard of, however, due to being categorized or labeled as hip hop, rap or regular poets, they lack recognition as being a form of Floetry,

which is actually a genre by its own merit. I’m sure most urban music lovers have experienced the work of international artists such as Talib Kweli, Saul Williams or even Sunni Patterson. Well guess what? These artists are a few amongst many that are the epitome of what Floetry is and what it represents. Another amazing discovery is something called “Slam Poetry”, which is also derived from Floetry. However this is the art of fusing rhymes with strong word techniques live in front of an audience with a focus on physical expression. It is more performance oriented explains G.O - an unrehearsed, raw performance art to be precise. So it seems safe to agree on the fact that Floetry appears to be the mother of all rhymes- with rap, poetry and slam poetry as her babies. Unfortunately it hasn’t been popularized yet, as it is still growing, particularly in South Africa. But it looks like it will definitely spread, especially amongst lovers of art who will concede that it reflects a beautiful, ‘true-to-oneself’ way to constructively and artistically express oneself.

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me 5








h en tert ainm , jun e 16, ent 1976


IATO WN T O Fashi F RET HE H on is a E freedo R A O R m mo T F vemen A SHIO t N

At ver o dignis eos accusam simos ducim us iusto ditiis p us r deleni aesentium v qui blanti atqu olupta e tu dolore s et qu corrupti qu m os as

omnis d Tempo olor repelle ndus. ribus a et aut u officii tem quibus s debi dam necess Moles tis a ita tia et volu tibus saepe ut rerum caecat s excepturi p e ic si moles tates repudi veniet ut similiq upiditate no nt octiae no andae ue sun n prov s n recu t in cu ident, officia sandae int et lp d . Itaque id est eserunt mol a qui e la li a sapie arum rerum Et har borum et do tia animi, hic ten nte de um qu lorum le e iciend id f est et is volu ctus, ut aut tur exped em rerum f uga. reptatibu alias c ita dis acilis libero s on tin tempo dolori sequatur au maiores re, cum ctio. Nam bus as t perfe soluta p rendis eriore ut peru nobis sr t es aliqua labore et do epellat. Sed nihil i t eligendi o m lo pt m enim a quaerat vol re magnam maxim pedit quo m io cumque uptate d mini inus id e plac m m nostru ea q omnis m exe a veniam, q . Ut volupt t facere pos uod r c uis c i o tatione si as assu rporis menda mus, At ver suscipit lab m ullam est, o o dignis eos accusam riosam. simos u s iust ditiis p ducim ra us qui o deleni esentium v blanti atqu olupta e tu dolore s et qu corrupti quo m as s

The fu tu fashio re of revisi n ted At ver o eo


Moles tia caecat s excepturi i cupid s libero itate n int ocsimiliq tempo o u n e pro s unt in re, cum nobis culpa vident, es s qui nihil i t eligendi o oluta pt m dolore maxim pedit quo m io cumque m in e rem ap que laudant s ac omnis placeat fac us id quod dignis iu e e simos cusamus iu v r e o Linve riam, eaque m, totam sto ducim omnis luptas assu possimus, ditiis p n i t p o u m s d ra archite re veritatis sa quae. Tempo olor repelle enda est, deleni esentium v qui blane c t t o n ti atqu quasi olupta r d b i ea explic e tu et aut bus autem q us. dolore abo. N tae vitae dic officii s et qu corrupti quo m u i b t emo e usdam volupt s debi as s necess Moles nim ip a sunt at tis a tia it sam aspern em quia vol et volu atibus saepe ut rerum caecat s excepturi up at ic p si e quia c ur aut odit a tas sit moles tates repudi veniet ut similiq upiditate no nt oconseq ut fug tiae no andae ue sun n prov u i untur sin nr earum ti id officia magni t, sed rerum ecusandae. t et deseru n culpa qui ent, d olores Itaque hic ten ente d id est nt mol el la li e volupt ectus, ut aut tur a sapiEt har borum et do tia animi, um qu at lorum r id f quatur ibus maiore eiciendis est et exped em rerum f uga. s alias aut pe ita dis acilis rferen c asperi tinctio dis do onseor . Nam loribu spicia es repellat. s tis und Sed ut e pe error s it volu omnis iste n rat ptatem accusa us n tium 5/ 2012



Freedom in yout The youth create


5 cen t


e, cum soluta

Molestias except uri sint occaecati cupiditate non provident , similique sunt in culpa qui officia deseru nt mollitia animi, id est laborum et doloru m fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita dis tinctio. Nam libero tempor e, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nih il impedit quo minus id quod maxime pla ceat facere possimus, omnis voluptas ass umenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut reru m necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et volupt ates repudiandae sint et molestiae non rec usandae.

Molestias except uri sint occaecati cupiditate non provident , similique sunt in culpa qui officia deseru nt mollitia animi, id est laborum et doloru m fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita dis tinctio.

a new revolution for the people

Nam libero tempor

At vero eos accusa mus iusto dignissim os ducimus qui blandi tiis praesentium voluptatum deleni ti atque corrupti quo s dolores et quas

Itaque earum reru m hic tenetur a sap iente delectus, ut aut reic iendis voluptatibus maiores alias con sequatur aut perfere ndis doloribus asperio res repellat. Sed ut perut labore et dolore ma gnam aliquam qua erat voluptatem. Ut eni m ad minima ven iam, quis nostrum exe rcitationem ullam cor poris suscipit laborio sam.


Molestias except uri sint occaecati cupiditate non provident , similique sunt in culpa qui officia deseru nt mollitia animi, id est laborum et doloru m fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita dis tinctio. Nam libero tempor e, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nih il impedit quo minus id quod maxim e placeat facere pos simus, omnis vol uptas assumenda est, om nis dolor repellendu s. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut reru m necessitatibus sae eveniet ut et volupt pe ates repudiandae sint et molestiae non rec usandae. Molestias except uri sint occaecati cupiditate non provident , similique sunt in culpa qui officia deseru nt mollitia animi, id est laborum et doloru m fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita dis tinctio. Nam libero tempor e, cum soluta

nobis est eligendi optio cumque nih il impedit quo minus id quod maxime pla ceat facere possimus, omnis voluptas ass umenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut reru m necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et volupt ates repudiandae sint et molestiae non rec usandae. Itaque earum reru m hic tenetur a sap iente delectus, ut aut reic iendis voluptatibus maiores alias con sequatur aut perfere ndis doloribus asperio res repellat. Sed ut perut labore et dolore ma gnam aliquam qua erat

Walking man dr essed by: 2nd Tim e Around Vintage, dressed by: 2nd Sitting man Time Around Vint age

At vero eos accusa mus iusto dignissim os ducimus qui blandi tiis praesentium voluptatum deleni ti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas Molestias except uri sint occaecati cupiditate non provident , similique sunt in culpa qui officia deseru nt mollitia animi, id est laborum et doloru m fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita dis tinctio. Nam libero tempor e, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nih il impedit quo minus id quod maxime pla ceat facere possimus, omnis voluptas ass umenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut reru m necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et volupt ates repudiandae sint et molestiae non rec usandae.

Man on left dres sed by: 2nd Time Around Vintage ,M 2nd Time Around an on right dres Vintage sed by:

Itaque earum reru m hic tenetur a sap iente delectus, ut aut reic iendis voluptatibus maiores alias con sequatur aut perfere ndis doloribus asperio res repellat. Sed ut perut labore et dolore ma gnam aliquam qua erat voluptatem. Ut eni m ad minima ven iam, quis nostrum exe rcitationem ullam corporis suscipit laborio sam. Molestias except uri sint occaecati cupiditate non provident , similique sunt in culpa qui officia deseru nt mollitia animi, id est laborum et doloru m fuga. Et harum qui-

dem rerum facilis est et expedita d Nam libero tempor e, cum soluta

nobis est eligendi optio cumque nih pedit quo minus id quod maxime pl facere possimus, omnis voluptas ass menda est, omnis dolor repellendus Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut ficiis debitis aut reru m necessitatibu eveniet ut et volupt ates repudiandae molestiae non rec usandae.

Itaque earum reru m hic tenetur a sap i delectus, ut aut reic iendis voluptatibu maiores alias con sequatur aut perfere n doloribus asperio res repellat. Sed ut p labore et dolore ma gnam aliquam qua voluptatem. Ut eni m ad minima ven ia quis nostrum exe rcitationem ullam cor ris suscipit laborio sam.

nobis est eligendi optio cumque nih il im pedit quo minus id quod maxime pla cea facere possimus, omnis voluptas ass umenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut reru m necessitatibus sae eveniet ut et volupt ates repudiandae sint molestiae non rec usandae.

Itaque earum reru m hic tenetur a sap iente delectus, ut aut reic iendis voluptatibus maiores alias con sequatur aut perfere ndis doloribus asperio res repellat. Sed ut perut

IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012 13


6, 1976 JUNE 1

ME 5

Jacket on left: n a m o W Edgars Shoes -




Time Aro

l o o c f o h t r i b The re bbits Sto ants - Ha

thing; P

lo Wingz C

samus eos accu ucimus At vero d nissimos iusto dig iis praesentium dit qui blan iti atque m delen s et tu ta volup re lo quos do corrupti quas ri sint s exceptu Molestia upiditate non c occaecati imilique s t, n e provid

an on res, Wom

s - 2nd ht: Dres

ime uod max us, inus id q m im s s o p m boru facere sumenda i, id est la arum placeat s a im s n a ta p a lu liti Et h omnis vo olor repelm fuga. ime d is uod max us, et doloru m facilis est et n q m id o s t, u es min reru ssim m o e p m a id re u ia N e q c . c . o offi tincti quibuslendus placeat fa ptas assumenda ulpa qui s autem pedita dis , cum soluta u x b e lu ri sunt in c ollitia animi, o o v p Tem mnis els debitis mpore m rum o omnis dolor rep ut officii libero te a lo deserunt t o e d t m e a d est, sitatibus orum m neces volupoptio em id est lab i ru id d . u s re n s q u e t u g u d ib m a li n u le et te haru mq eniet ut nobis es edit quo fuga. Et is est et expebus aute saepe ev nihil imp Tempori officiis debitis e sint et il a e c d u fa n q ro e ia m e m d u b im u c li t x p reru u a re m a m a t s e d N s te ta bu quo dam nctio. ecessitati minus id re possimus, dita disti m soluta t rerum n e c u u a fa c t , a re e c o pla temp molo deserunt ti ia p c o i ffi d o n ui t elige quo Q nobis es impedit il ih n e u cumq


and dign

t be e o n n a c ity


, cum so


ndi optio t est elige pturi sin is e b t c o x in n e dit quo s s ri a non ihil impe e n Molesti exceptu te e s a a u it q ti s id m p le t cu xim Mo ati cu serun quod ma e fficia de t labo- occaec similiqu ia minus id re possimus, t, s oci qui o n e e id id v i, e c pro ffic anim placeat fa ptas assumenda . Et lpa qui o mollitia rum fuga sa- sunt in cu llitia animi, lu o lo v o d is t n e m elo rum m runt mo eos accu e ru s dolor rep o e r lo e d is o v n d t t m e A o m t, m s s ru e ru o a o h dignissim id est lab quidem quibuslendus. mus iusto i blanditiis t harum E . a g us autem expeu fu b q t ri e s o t u p s e m m im e T cilis duc ptatu rerum fa tio. Nam libero tium volu pti c n praesen u r ti r is o d c a e dit atqu s deleniti es et qua r lo o d s uo 14 qIMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012

The vib e spreads




16, 1976


At vero eo iusto dig s accusamus n qui blan issimos ducimu ditiis pr s ae volupta tum dele sentium nit corrupti quos do i atque lores et quas Molesti as occaeca excepturi sint ti cupid itate no provide n nt, sunt in c similique ulpa qu i officia deserun tm id est la ollitia animi, bo fuga. Et rum et dolorum harum q u rerum f acilis es idem t et expe dita disti nc tempore tio. Nam liber o , cum so luta nobis es te cumque ligendi optio nihil im ped minus id quod m it quo axime placeat fac omnis v ere possimus, oluptas assumen da Man: W aist coa tHabbits Clothin ICE Clothing; g Pants -

Issa Leo

, Woma

n: Dres

s & pola

r neck -

Forced to move with the tim es The dru m bea ts for th is me toge city and the re ther an sid unite nobis

dents co

Man: 2 nd Time Around by 2nd V Time A round; S intage ,Woma n hoes by Edgars : Dress & belt

At vero eo mus ius s accusato dignis simos ducimu sq est e praesen ui blanditiis lectus, u tiu optio cu ligendi t au tatum d m volupm q v u oluptati t reiciendis e n eleniti a ih im il b p e dit quo tqu corrupti alias co us maiores minus id quos do e q n u s o e d m lores et quas axime p perferen quatur aut lac facere p dis dolo ossimus eat rib asperior ,o volupta es repell us Molesti s assum mnis Sed at. as excep u e t n omnis d perut la da est, tu occaeca bore et dolor ti cupid ri sint Temp olor repellendu itate oribus a s. qua e magnam aliqu non pro u e am vident, te rat volu m quibusd simiptatem. lique su am et au e n im U nt in cu t a t d debitis a o lpa qui officia d ut rerum fficiis quis n minima veniam eserunt o , s n s it tr e atibus s cesum exer mollitia animi, id aepe ev tionem citaest labo e e u t n ll ie v a o t m lupta ut sus ru dolorum cipit lab corporis fuga. Et m et dae sin tes repudianoriosam t et mole quidem harum S e . d u rer stiae no n dolo t perut labore e et exped um facilis est recusandae. t r ita disti e magna nctio. m aliqu Nam lib quaerat am ero tem I taque ea volupta pore, cum solu te rum rer ta um hic enim ad minim m. Ut tenetur a sapien a ve quis nos te detrum ex niam, er tionem ullam c citaorporis

IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012 15


5 IMBO TIM ES, JUNE 16 , 1976


Revisiting the meaning o f swag

At vero eos accusamus iusto d ignissimos ducimus qu i blanditiis praesentium voluptatum delen iti atque corrupti qu os dolores et quas


mollitia anim nobis est el i, id est igendi laborum et optio cumq dolorum ue nihil fu ga. Et harum impedit quo quidem minus id re rum facilis quod maxim est et e placeat ex pedita disti facere poss nctio. imus, Nam libero omnis volu tempore, ptas ascum soluta sumenda es Molestias ex t, omnis cepturi d o lor repellen sint occaeca dus. ti cupidinobis est el Temporibus tate non pro igendi autem vident, optio cumq quibusdam similique su ue nihil et aut ofnt in culpa fi imped ciis debitis qui officia d aut rerum fici it quo minus id eser is debitis au necessitatib mollitia anim unt t rerum us i, id est necessitatib laborum et us dolorum Qui fuga. Et har um quidem m officia deserunt Qui officia ol Molestia rerum facili deserunt s excep- mo s es l Molestias turi sint occ expedita dis t et excepaecati cu- tu tinctio. ri sint occae piditate non Nam libero cati cuprovident, pid tempore, itate non pro similique su cum soluta vident, nt in culpa si milique sun qui officia d t in culpa eserunt qui officia d eserunt Woman: D ress - 2nd T ime Around Pants - Issa , Man Leo

: Jacket - IC

Massive pr

At vero eos accusamus iusto d ignissimos ducimus qu i blanditiis praesentium volupatum delen iti atque orrupti quo s dolores quas

E Clothing;

otest for fre


nobis est el animi, id es igendi optio t laborum et cumque nih dolorum fu ga. Et harum il impedit quo minus quidem reru id quod max m facilis es t - et exped ime placeat ita distinctio facere pos. simus, omn Nam libero is voluptas tempore, assumenda cum soluta est, omnis dolor repelle olestias exce ndus. pturi sint Temporibus nobis est el caecati cup igendi optio autem iditate non quibusdam cumque nih vident, sim et aut ofil impedit ilique ficiis debitis quo minus t in culpa q id aut rerum ui ofnecessitatib ficiis debitis a deserunt m us aut rerum ollitia necessitatib mi, id est la us borum et Qui rum fuga. E t harum M officia deserunt mol Q ui officia des olestias exce em rerum fa erunt mol pturi sint cilis est o Molestias ex ccaecati cup pedita disti cepturi sint iditate non nctio. provident, si occaecati cu libero temp piditate non milique ore, su p rovident, si n t in culpa qu oluta milique i o fficia deseru sunt in culp nt mollitia a qui officia deseru Man: Card nt mollitia igon - Wing z Clothing; Dress - Win Pants - Issa gz Clothing Leo, Woma n

16 IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012


1976 UNE 16, IMBO, J E5


uccaecati c turi sint o ent, id v ro p n piditate no t in culpa sun similique deserunt ia c ffi qui o i d n imi, id est lige mollitia an lorum nobis est e il ih do n t e e u q laborum optio cum us id m quiin ru a m h o t u E q fuga. impedit m ru cilis est re t fa is au dem rerum ficiis debit tinctio. is d a s u it b et exped necessitati tempore, Nam libero m libero t n ru dese lutaNa Qui officia s excep- cum so um soluta stia tempore, c mol Mole u c ccaecati turi sint o t, i n providen st eligend n piditate o t in culpa nobis e que nihil n su optio cum similique o minus id deserunt ia c ffi o impedit qu ut rerum i u q st e id is a imi, ficiis debit mollitia an lorum bus o ti td necessita laborum e iu q m ru a fuga. Et h deserunt facilis est Qui officia s excepdem rerum . o ti c n ia ti st is ad mol Mole et expedit , re o p aecati cuc m c te o t turi sin t, Nam libero n providen piditate no t in culpa cum soluta epturi sun exc similique Molestias iid p u c deserunt ti ia a c c qui offi sint occae si t, n imi, id est rovide g mollitia an lorum tate non p a lp u gz Clothin c do t in nt hirts - Win borum e -s la T : milique su ls ie u d q t arum All mo deserun fuga. Et h qui officia cilis est fa m ru re dem istinctio. ligendi expedita d pore, t e nobis est e tem que nihil Nam libero optio cum us id in m ta o lu u q so impedit m cum excepturi is aut reru Molestias ficiis debit ati cupidic s e u a b sint occ necessitati sirovident, tate non p a lp u t c n in ru t se n de e su Qui officia s excep- miliqu stia mol Mole

tempore, Nam libero cum soluta


y th t i c e h T ! n Cape Tow ned an era spaw

lothing; Habbits C

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tempore, Nam libero cum soluta

sirovident, tate non p lpa u c in t n milique su deserunt qui officia

ligendi ligendi nobis est e nobis est e il ih n ue nihil e q u m q optio cu optio cum id id s u o min quo minus m impedit qu ut rerum impedit ru re t u a is is a ficiis debit ficiis debit bus bus necessitati necessitati nt deserunt cia deseru Qui officia s excep- Qui offi epc x e s ia st ia st ol Mole m mol Mole uu ti c a ccaec c ccaecati turi sint o turi sint o ent, t, n id e v id ro v p n pro non piditate no t in culpa piditate lpa u c sunt in sun similique similique t n t ru n dese deseru qui officia i, id est qui officia i, id est im n a im n ia a it ia ll mo mollit t dolorum e dolorum t e m ru m o ru b o la lab arum quiarum quifuga. Et h fuga. Et h st e is il facilis est fac dem rerum dem rerum . o ti c n istinctio. ti is a ad expedit d pore, t e et expedit , re tem tempo Nam libero m libero Nam libero a N ta lu ta so lu cum cum so ri soluta tu p m e u c c mpore, lestias ex te o M it: h id rig cati cup oman on sint occae lothing, W

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IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012 17



Models: Yiv

ani Viwe Samantha Devanne Photogrph er: Lynn D reyer Art Directi on: Issa Lo pez Nkabanhle Mawala Yivani Nku Stylist: Sim k one MArtufi wana Location: A maza set , A rtscape Theatre Labels/stor es contacts : Wingz on K loof , Kloof Street, Gardens 079 129 31 21

Let freedom reign – the people hav e spoken

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta

nobis est el igendi optio cumq ue nihil impedit quo minus id ficiis debitis aut rerum necessitatib us

tate non pro vident, similique sun t in culpa qui officia d eserunt

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18 IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012

Ice Clothin

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Fashion Out & About



This month our Imbo scouts went out into the streets to capture how young Capetonians are expressing their freedom through fashion. We found everything from retro to funky and just plain old practical. o

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IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012 19


Issa Leo Simone M


the fashion c

hange maker


is devastatingly good looks are not half as impressive as his fabulous fashion creations. Brand director and designer of the fairly new ISSA LEO fashion label, Issa Lopez, is definitely one to look out for. Originally from Grenada, Spain, and growing up in the colourful country of Mexico, Issa came to Cape Town with the hopes of making his childhood dreams a reality. Getting into the modelling industry in the Mother City gave him a unique insight into the world of fashion. However he came to realise his true calling to be on the other side of the camera. Working as an art director for his shoots and designing his menswear range was where his passion lay.

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Although Issa only started his fashion business at the beginning of last year, it’s been something he’s been planning for many years. His passion for looking sharp and designing clothes started at a young age and one of his earliest memories is buying clothes at the market with his mother , which he would later redesign by adding more flair and character. “I’ve always loved fashion. When I came to Cape Town I saw there was a gap with mens clothing which I thought didn’t really measure up to international design standards. And I decided it was time to start ISSA LEO menswear label,” he says. Issa says it’s mostly people who inspire him, and his years of living in the UK have had a huge influence on his British inspired designs.

“I was living in Leeds in the UK which is a big university town. The city is very artistic and people there make trends all on their own. Over there fashion is born on the street. Its edgy, it’s out there and it’s exciting. It was there that I really began to understand what fashion was. I love to mix classic male designs like the British trench coat with my own my designs.” His goal is to show the South African market that they too can be fashion forward and still look like a gentleman. “I think most guys here are still afraid of fashion and aren’t so used to taking a risk and really standing out but that is changing and ISSA LEO will be a part of that change.”


Issa advises anyone who like him wishes to start their own business to start small. And he admits that he wouldn’t be where he is today if it wasn’t for help from others. “Starting small gives you a good base and it’s important to take care of your finances. I saved to start up my business and I reinvest in it all the time. Team work is also very important because it’s that collaboration that gives the final product its strength. I have a wonderful photographer Lynn Dreyer and friends who model for me. I have even helped some friends launch their modelling careers by modelling with my brand.” He also believes in passion as the driving force behind any career and that just going for it and not letting anything stand in your way is paramount to success. “If you have talent I believe you can be successful but you have to believe in yourself. I never studied fashion but it’s my passion. That’s not to say that if you get an opportunity to study that you should let it pass you by but passion can fuel any dream,” says Issa. Having had success with his first fashion show and the official launch of the label attended by Elle magazine and Cape Town’s most famous fashion bloggers, Issa says his brand is growing and there are some stores in Cape Town dying to stock his designs. “Sometime in the near future I wish to have my own studio and create more jobs and employment opportunities

for people in the industry.” Still only at the beginning of his journey Issa has a clear idea of what’s important to get to the next level. “It’s beneficial to get a handle of all sides of the business. It’s not only the glamour it’s a business and hard

work. Structure has to be there for you to move forward. At the end of the day I want people to wear my clothes. Good service and good people skills allow you to use your creativity to help customers find a style that suits them.” When asked about why he decided to name his label ISSA LEO he says, he wanted to be identified as the designer with his first name Issa and then Leo because the business was born in Africa. “The Lion is the king of the jungle and the iconic symbol of Africa. It is a universal symbol of strength and leadership. That’s what I want to represent with my fashion.”

contact details Facebook page: issa Leo Twitter : @issaleo Outlet: The village market in the Cape Quarter every Sunday from 10am-3pm Issaleoexclusive

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Dj Giggs Superstar rooted in the township Edmund Mnisi A.K.A Dj Giggs Superstar proves that hard work, passion and determination can bring great reward no matter where you come from writes thokozile mahlangu.


J Giggs Superstar is known to many for his massive track “I don’t care” and is spreading his wings even further. Growing up between Soweto and Vosloorus he was determined to make it in life with God and his family as his inspiration. The voices of Miriam Makeba and Mzwakhe Mbuli were a constant jazzy soundtrack in his childhood and influenced his love for soulful music.

Range, and Hustle as his favourite labels. DJ Giggs not only parties for a living, but his day job as Soul Candi’s Artists and Repertoire and label assistant keeps him busy during the week. What makes this DJ stand out is the brand he has built for himself, the style of music he produces and plays, and his capacity to remain unique. To DJ Giggs every day is a constant challenge in his industry. “There will always be something that’s going to drive you to the negativity so it’s very important to stay humble and not get carried away by fame.”

Every day is a constant challenge in this industry, there will always be something that’s going to drive you to negativity so it’s very important to stay humble.

getting in the music industry When his grade eight maths teacher introduced him to house music in 1992 they both never imagined he would make it this big in this craft. “It seems crazy, I never imagined that I could actually make a living from playing tracks I love” he says. His older sister Nomvula would play the sounds of what was then called international house music, and he started rocking high school socials and house parties and realised he had a special skill.

banging the airwaves With two platinum selling compilations and three solo albums behind him, this DJ is making waves. He names Naked DJ, Free

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living his dream Having appeared on every major TV show, and supplying mixes to the biggest show in the country’s airwaves, it seems all the years of determined beat-hunting have finally paid off. DJ Giggs knows all about dreams becoming a reality. Once part of the crowd watching his hero Little Louie Vega behind the decks at the South African Music Conference, DJ Giggs got the opportunity to play alongside the house music legend at the same conference a year later. He is currently launching his new album Sounds of a Superstar Vol.3 nationally, and his future plans involve running his own label. With his hard working nature nothing could stop him from achieving the greatest.

interesting facts about dj giggs superstar • • • •

He is an Adidas ambassador He is engaged to his manager Sheree O’Brien His son was born on the 15th of September 2010, just a day after his birth day If he were a president he would improve the state of unemployment and the poor education system He would love to work with Miss Lira

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Super foods Thokozile Mahlangu

feed your brain and beat the exam blues Do you want to get that A+? Well, fuel your body by munching on these super foods. They’re sure to help you score that mark and be on top of your game while making you feel good inside and out.

nuts - Even though they are naturally high carrots - Known as the best vegetable mango – Known as the “king of fruits” in in fat, they should be part of your diet and India, this juicy fruit which contains vitamins, when it comes to nuts, the walnut is the one to gun for because it’s rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 which aids in improving your brain power.

source of vitamin A, this tasty vegetable promotes good eye sight and contains beta-carotene which refreshes the eyes.

minerals, antioxidants and fibre, comes only once a year, so whenever you see it, grab it. It improves vision and is rich in glutamine acid, which is an important protein for concentration and memory.

- Everybody knows the saying “an spinach - This green leafy vegetable may apples pineapple - Pineapple may not be that apple a day keeps the doctor away”, and not be everybody’s favourite but it comes out tops amongst the world’s healthiest vegetables. Spinach actually helps in improving your memory function.

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getting sick is the last thing anyone wants during exams. A lot of goodness of this fruit is contained in the skin, it’s a good source of vitamin C and it is also known for its ability to fight bacteria.

appealing but believe me it does wonders to the human brain. They are known for their positive impact on the brain and help recall information quickly. This fruit contains an enzyme which helps both the working of brain and digestion.

wellness interesting facts drink loads of water

fish - Omega-3 which is contained in fish has also been shown to reduce inflammation in our brains- often one of the key factors in brain disease. Fish has the ability to calm you down and is rich in good fatty acids that are required by the brain cells for a sharp memory.

Dehydration causes headaches and could also lead you to faint, so drinking water is essential as it helps the brain work at optimum levels at all times.

don`t skip breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it helps kick-start your brain.

avocados - The high content fat of this super fruit actually stops you from indulging. This creamy produce contains only monounsaturated fat, which helps reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Not only will it increase your brain power but it will leave your skin feeling silky smooth too.

foods to be avoided during exam time junk foods – These cause acidity and

indulge your sweet tooth Believe it or not, chocolate has been shown to improve verbal and visual memory. Keep in mind though that too much of anything can never be good for you.

will affect your digestive system negatively.

coffee – This should be most avoided because it deprives you of your much needed sleep.

tip: As opposed to doing all-nighters and not getting enough sleep, make sure you get sufficient rest before any exam as too little sleep fades memory circuits. For more info go to IMBO/ ISSUE 3/ 2012 27


Lihle Nkosi

nutrition consultant at century wellness

Lihle Nkosi is the founder of Century Wellness Consultants and is a qualified Nutrition, diet and fitness consultant who is currently furthering her studies at the ETA Academy in Cape Town in personal training. She is also the founder of HSC Science and Maths Mentorship Programme


hen you’re studying for finals, good nutrition should be part of your study plan because it’s going to help you ace those tests. It’s also best not to skip your meals since that will interfere with your metabolic rate. The better the fuel your brain gets, the better you’ll study.

here are 10 tips for eating right during the winter exams: 1. Eat smarter. Meet your daily vitamin and mineral requirements. Iron and B vitamins are important for maintaining the physical and mental energy necessary to study well. Iron-containing foods include red meat (not too much), cereals, mielie-meal and spinach. Foods that contain B vitamins include whole-grains, eggs and nuts. Fish and beans are other foods to help boost your brain by providing the nutrients it needs. 2. Chewable Vitamin C is not a meal. Dietary supplements are good, but real food is better. An orange contains not only Vitamin

28 IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012

C, but fibre, beta carotene and other minerals. When heading for the library, pack wholefood items like apples, bananas, carrots or dried apricots

e.g. spinach has more to offer the mind and body than iceberg lettuce. Other great vegetable choices include Bell Peppers, Broccoli and Sweet Potatoes.

3. Eat at regular intervals. Eating regular meals helps keep nutrient and energy levels more stable, curbing the temptation of empty-calorie snacks.

8. Smart snacking can enhance studying. Snack smart while studying and you may find that you retain more. Try to get two food groups into your snacks to balance the nutrients and keep your blood-sugar level stable, e.g. banana with peanuts, or a small baked potato with cottage cheese.

4. Big meals keep on turning ... in your stomach. You might find that eating the standard three-bigmeals-a-day slows you down mentally and physically. Try 5 well-balanced, smaller meals, like toast/bread spread with peanut butter or tuna, or a piece of cheese with fruit. 5. Eat smart in the morning. Coffee and a donut just don’t cut it. The idea is to get some protein, calcium, fibre and a piece of fruit or a vegetable in there. So, a bowl of cereal or porridge with milk and a piece of fruit will do the trick. 6. Going bananas? Good. Fruit ranks high among the best foods you can eat for your brain. Berries get a lot of attention because they contain powerful antioxidants and other nutrients. The natural sugars in fruit offer clean energy, so you don’t experience the crash that follows consumption of refined sugar. 7. Choose powerful vegetables. The darker the colour, the higher the concentration of nutrients,

9. Gather simple recipes for nourishing foods. It’s easy to feed the brain well. 10. Stay well hydrated. Choose your beverages well. Caffeine & sugar should be kept to a minimum. Rather drink moderate amounts (2 – 2.5


Pancho`s Mexican Restaurant Simone Martufi


t’s not long to go before we are engulfed by winter’s icy clutch, and while most people hibernate, IMBO makes it a point to find Cape Town’s hidden treasures that can easily chase those winter blues away. One of those gems is Pancho’s Mexican restaurant and eatery in Observatory, which has been around for over 12 years. Their food is great value for money, and their high quality dishes are what keep this unique haven of taste alive. So what better way to keep warm this winter than with some fiery Mexican cuisine. Their legendary chilli poppers are a must. This appetiser’s fried crispy outer crust and cheesy centre with just the right amount of zest in the jalapeño will certainly get you going. The portions are ample and even when ordering a “Mexican” portion -which is meant to be the most moderate, getting through it all might be a mission and sharing might be your best option. The mouth watering chilli poppers were accompanied by a small portion of hearty chilli beef. We soon realised that the savoury meat dish’s was rather filling and threatened to put a stop to the rest of the fiesta, but we soldiered on in the name of satisfaction. We opted for their signature margarita to down the hearty meal because somehow

having a Mexican beer on a frosty evening just didn’t feel right. These delicious but potent cocktails left us feeling refreshed, and were deemed the perfect drink to douse our fiery palettes. After all nothing quite beats the combination of chilli and lime. For the main course we decided to go back in time and indulge in a treat that the ancient Mayans were feasting on long before the Spanish conquistadores landed on Yucatan shores. The beef fillet with chocolate chilli sauce or Carne Asada to be ex-

act. This was by far the ultimate dish on the menu. Every morsel was savoured and every mouthful was tender. The sticky sweet barbecue style sauce combined with the rich layers of chocolate, and piquant bite of the chilli was something that left me feeling wonderfully warm. Instead of indulging in desert, another margarita did the trick - but strawberry this time. With postres like the chocolate torro mousse, kahlua pie or black cherry parcel, I knew that next time my resolve would definitely be fulfilled. Whether fajitas are your favourite, or taco’s titillate your tongue, Pancho’s will be one of your favourite winter eateries this year. It’s warm and friendly atmosphere is sure to be your winter happy place, and its classic cuisine will ensure you’re left satisfied in every form of the word.

lower main road observatory tel: 021 4474844

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Winter Warming Spa Specials Sisanda Ntshinga

A great way to keep warm this winter is to treat yourself to an invigorating spa treatment. Cape Town has a plethora of exclusive health spas that offer tempting treatments to keep you warm during the winter months. Enjoy body wraps, infrared therapy, heated relaxation pools, saunas, Jacuzzis, hot stone therapy or a fireside massage for your well-deserved dose of winter indulgence. spa special no.2 Get rid of all the knots caused by exam stress by getting a relaxing massage. This month Pure Day Spa is offering a ten percent discount on all hot stone massages.

•45 min back neck and shoulder massage

pure day spa


ure Day Spa has created a tranquil environment to soothe your mind and transform your body into a state of relaxation. They pride themselves in catering for the wellness of each person individually.

where: Northern Suburbs, Durbanville when: These special are only valid for the month June

spa special no.1 This youth month you could also treat yourself to a Repêchage Honey & Almond Body Polish, which indulges the body with pure honey, almonds and fresh yoghurt. This natural cleanser and exfoliator is massaged on to the skin, helping to purify it and slough off dead skin cells. And after a warm shower a luxurious cream is massaged into the skin, leaving it silky smooth and a delight to touch. Price: R250

Price: R250 NOW R225

•1 &½ hour full body hot stone massage

Price: R360 NOW R324

5 mountains lodge and spa The 5 Mountains Lodge & Spa is located near the peaceful town of Wellington, in the heart of the winelands and is surrounded by magnificent mountain and vineyard views. Affordability and intimacy are the primary aims of the 5 Mountains Spa.

where: Winelands, Wellington when: Available Tuesdays to Saturdays 30 IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012

spa special no.3 Take advantage of the 5 Mountains’ winter warmer day package which includes a sherry served on arrival, a back and neck balancing massage with a touch of stones, as well as a luxury paraffin foot wrap and massage. You can also look forward to being served scones or muffins in front of the fire after your treatments. Price: R350 per person or R650 for two


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k a l s u i o s s t r y u l o e y d fee

IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012 31


Warm your heart, open your mind and set your spirit free with a good dose of truly inspiring and uplifting music. Nikki Metz If you’re tired of mindless, commercial music and need something more, music that takes you back to your roots, connects with your soul, and gets your body moving, meet The Soil. They’re a threepiece acapella group who use their voices to deliver a message which they hope will uplift and heal souls all around the world. The Soil believe they’re simply channels for the songs which they believe come to them from a sacred place. “What we speak about in our music is not because we want to sound cool,” says group member Ntsika. “We strongly believe in God. And thanks to our parents because of their belief in Christ being our Saviour.” It comes as no surprise then that the first member of the group exists in a spiritual form as The Creator of all. The other three members of the group take a physical form: Buhlebendalo Mda, Luphindo Ngxanga, and Ntsika Fana Ngxanga, who are occasionally also supported by two backing vocalists, Asanda and Tshwarelo.

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the singer/songwriter the sultry songstress

Buhlebendalo Mda, aka Buhle, who describes herself and her music as soulful, with a “jazzy fizzle”, is the only female in the group and literally had to beg the boys to let her join because they wanted to be an all-male ensemble. And it’s a good thing they finally gave in because together their voices are like a match made in heaven. Buhle believes that The Soil completes her life puzzle and that it’s her second home.

Luphindo Ngxanga, aka Master P, considers himself the friendliest and warmest member of the group. Contrary to his masculine beatbox prowess, Luphindo is the humanitarian in the group and loves to see the members happy all the time. He’s also Ntsika’s brother, and is the eldest of the two. Because music and art are both creative gifts, Luphindo uses his fine arts academic training to think differently and see the songs and their construction with a different perspective.

Ntsika Fana Ngxanga, aka Da FanArtistc, was introduced to clap-and-tap music “apostolic gospel music” from an early age and learnt to sing from the heart and add emotion to the voice he was blessed with. A life-affirming moment for Ntsika was when he started dreaming and receiving songs in his sleep which he says was “something very heavenly and humbling”. He believes his voice and the songs are a gift from God that he uses to pass messages of love, hope, courage, faith, joy, peace and happiness.

the beatbox master

What we speak about in our music is not because we want to sound cool,

IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012 33


this trio seems to have their heads on right. They say what keeps them constantly grounded is praying for more humility and being true to their parents’ teachings. “That child inside you must never go away. I remember the teachings and the values my parents taught us, and we still have those. Irrespective of what the industry may show us and meeting people who try to influence us and ask us to try things, it’s the teachings that remain with us that remind us where we come from,” says Ntsika.

catch us live


he Soil recently relaunched their self-titled album they put out last year, adding a DVD with all their latest music videos, behind-thescenes footage, and bonus tracks. Over the past eight years though, they’ve written 256 in total, mostly in English and some in Nguni, so it was hard to choose which tracks would be on their album. With the aspiration and dream to touch and heal people’s lives here at home and all over the world, the group believe that music is a universal language and that their music

will be well received on the global stage. “Our music is melodic meditation for people’s souls. We want to present it on global stages. Music is music as long as it’s melodic,” says Ntsika. The group says they believe they will always be different and stand out as long as they don’t force anything and let nature and fate run its course. “It’s about letting the process happen how it’s meant to be. Knowing God is number one and that He finds you in situations, and we use them to write songs. Our music is 0% fantasy and 100% reality. It’s very honest, which is why people relate to it. They’ve experienced the same things and our songs allow them to heal.”

If you haven’t experienced them live, they just started their Campus Tour with a gig at Vaal Tech on 25 May. And up next is Wits University. For a guaranteed chance to see this amazing group, catch them at the charity event they’re doing at the Methodist Church in their hometown, Protea North, on Youth Day (16 June). For more info on where, when and how to catch them next, call 011 274 5000 or email S’kumbo Fassie at Prepare to be inspired!

want a quick, soulful soil fix? Check out the music video of their song, Baninzi, on their website

When you make music as wonderful as they do, it’s only a matter of time before fame and fortune catch up with you but

34 IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012

Ph Dr otog es ra se ph db e y: r: A Za nth no on of y B Sk ila orz ch

Our music is melodic meditation for people’s souls. We want to present it on global stages. Music is music as long as it’s melodic.

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Nomkhitha Mbele

taking the maritime industry to new heights Monde Mtsi

Nomkhitha Mbele is a young, vibrant female from Cape Town’s Gugulethu Township. The driven and focused go-getter values the fruits of hard work.

credibility and respect. “ With all the challenges I have faced, I have found you can overcome by remaining focused and keeping the end in mind,” she says.

In every industry, with every job, there are always challenges or obstacles one has to overcome in order to get to where they want to be. According to Nomkhitha the most common obstacle for every female in the Maritime industry is the requirement to prove oneself as a willing and proficient individual. Due to the nature of its operations, the industry has been traditionally dominated by men. So before you can be recognised, you first need to fight the stereotype – that’s how you’ll earn

Nomkhitha says she’s blessed to be surrounded by a very supportive family in her endeavours, and her peers have also been encouraging of her career choice and assist in providing valuable constructive feedback. “The team I work with is amazing, and always willing to help and educate me.”


s one of the youngest black females to make it into management level in a large corporation, it’s easy to see and believe why 28-year-old Nomkhitha Mbele perceives herself as a symbol of possibility. Her role of working as a Contracts Manager at Smit Amandla Marine (SAM) consists of taking care of seven vessels, five of which contracted under long term to various clients,

and being dealt such new and different scenarios make things exciting for the whole team.” She also attributes client liaisons and the opportunity to travel as other job perks.

I have always envisioned myself achieving great things, getting to where I am now took a lot of determination and I have overcome challenges by remaining focused.

including the diamond mining industry and coastal pollution and protection. “I joined SAM in December 2007 as an Operations Coordinator, which was a training position in the commercial department. Ten months later, I was promoted to a Contracts Manager.” “I have always envisioned myself achieving great things. Getting to where I am now took a lot of determination. A pushing factor was my love for the maritime industry which started at Simons Town High School which offered Maritime courses. I took it further by studying Maritime Studies at Cape Peninsula University of Technology,” she says. Nomkhitha cites you never know what to expect, as each day is a different experience, and that adds an exciting element to her job. “One never knows what the high seas decide to throw at you

36 IMBO/ ISSUE 3/ 2012

Nomkhitha draws different characteristics from her various experiences and contacts, and always ensures she takes out what she deems most relevant at that point in time. Her mornings themselves are a symbol of inspiration. “Joy cometh in the morning.” It’s an new opportunity and a new day for Nomkhitha to be the best she can be.

tips passion ·

Passion allows you to continuously burn the flame to succeed in your field.

hard work ·

Hard work is indicative of your drive to do and be the best. It shows you’re willing to put the time and labour into your position in life.

wllingness to learn ·

A willingness to learn illustrates your openness to education, being up skilled and working with and exchanging knowledge with team members.


Nathan Roberts the budding social entrepreneur Monde Mtsi

25-year-old Nathan Roberts is proving that business and pleasure can go hand-in-hand and also benefit the greater community.


s a social entrepreneur Nathan Roberts runs his own business for a living, and although his business like many others is out to make a profit, it also seeks to solve social problems. At only 25, Nathan has been selected as one of South Africa’s 100 Brightest Young Minds, and subsequently the SA representative at

friend, “he says. “Faith, along with family, has been a driving factor towards my success thus far. Also, always identifying your end goal, and continuously reminding yourself of where you’ve come from and where you’re going are sure ways of helping you fight the desire to sometimes give into failure.” Sibanye Township Restaurant in Hout Bay, on the property of Terra and Nosamkelo Ntonjane, who passionately believed in what we were doing.” Growing up, Nathan has always wanted to be many things. And by discovering his love for entrepreneurship, he now gets the opportunity to achieve all he desires to be. He cites the opportunity to learn, grow and experiment as an exciting element of

I’ve had to overcome terrible Attention Deficit Disorder, panic attacks and the loss of my business partner and best friend to get to where I am in my life.

One Young World in Zurich, Switzerland. More recently, Nathan has been invited to join Power of Youth, a group of around 60 impactful entrepreneurs from more than 16 countries to try and resolve some of the world’s greatest challenges through business. “Growing up a lot of things happened that allowed me to get a good idea of what I like doing. While doing volunteer work, I discovered my love for becoming an entrepreneur,” says Nathan. “My best friend, Randy, had always dreamt of becoming a chef and one day meeting Jamie Oliver. So, we decided to put our two goals together and work tirelessly to making it happen. After years of hard work and meeting great contacts, we opened


· ·


tips Be a Rice Farmer Sow and care for your fields of interest with long-term perspective. Be friends with failing It’s an important part of becoming successful. Learn to sell and to save This will prove invaluable as tools to help you get back up when you fall. Become focused on others The best way to realise your own dreams is to help others reach theirs.

his job. “Each day I’m driven by my passion to change the way things are done and potentially reap great rewards for taking such risks.” He believes one doesn’t need a formal qualification to start their own business, but urges the youth to apply their skills academically in order to enhance their natural abilities and passion to extend their reach in business. Nathan believes success is relative to your own expectations of what you feel you’re capable of. He has navigated his way through obstacles and achieved many short-term goals, however he’s ultimate destination - success, is still some way ahead. “I’ve had to overcome Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), panic attacks and the loss of my business partner and best

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The art of networking Iman Chilwan

In this day and age whilst vying to get our feet in the door, build or further progress our careers, or even to just create a portfolio of useful people ‘to know’ in the industry - Networking has become a crucial stepping stone in order to gain success in the workforce.

be visible


o what exactly is networking you ask? Well it’s described as a socio-economic activity which groups of like-minded business individuals recognize, create or act upon business opportunities. The motto for networkers is, “It’s not what you know, but who you know”. This is the fundamental principle of professional networking. Ultimately it is a great low cost marketing tool you can use to advertise yourself or your business while simultaneously utilizing

these interactive encounters, to build a network of opportunities for career progression. However, as simple as this may sound, it’s not just a matter of attending one networking session and ‘bam’ your career or business venture takes off to the next level. It’s something that needs to be nurtured and attended to, or the connection may slip away into oblivion, or maybe even cyber space.

how to network So now that we know what networking is, let’s move along to ‘how we network’ - effectively. Firstly, distributing your business card at industry events or having a profile on LinkedIn is not networking. So get that out of your system.

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The first approach to take is to make yourself visible. Start with a smile, your presentation and hygiene. As obvious as this may sound, I stress the importance of making a positive first impression. An extension of visibility will then be ‘putting yourself out there’. This means working the floor, online or face-to-face. Build connections and get to know the people you are networking with, not just for the sake of ‘now’ but network to build long term connections. Explore their career goals and even their upcoming projects.

get up close and personal Once the initial connection is made on a business level, don’t be afraid to get a little personal. Let them know who you are as an individual and try to establish any commonalities, whether it be countries they’ve visited or favorite sports teams. This approach is great for breaking down barriers. At this point you would have shared

NETWORKING SESSIONS professional ideas and thoughts as well as an insight to yourself, personally. So what’s next? Keep working the floor.

follow up The final step and imperative to the success of networking, is the follow up. Whether you have connected in person or online you need to touch base within a reasonable amount of time, to maintain the connection before it fizzles out. A short email with a reminder of who you are, where you met, and a concise summary of your initial interaction, highlighting points of interest discussed will do. No essays though. This will serve as a reminder of who you are and avoid any awkwardness given they somehow forgot - whilst strengthening the connection and opening the door for further networking interactions in the future.

industry Events lack as a platform for ‘strictly’ business etiquette and may not be very popular with older professionals. LinkedIn made specifically for business networking and for sourcing professional opportunities, deems more appropriate for this cause. But this can get a little boring, and the risk you take with relying on any form of networking via online platforms, is not knowing the frequency they are utilized by your fellow networkers.

A major form of networking and the most natural way is face- to- face at industry events, conferences and even social occasions. You have the power to turn any form of interaction into a form of networking.

tips· forBusiness networking: cards. Have ample, up ·




to date business cards at your disposal. Register with specialized networking agencies or set up notifications to be alerted when any events of interest take place. Make yourself visible. Come across approachable, always have a smile on your face, make sure your presentation is up to par. When receiving business cards from fellow networkers, write something memorable from your encounter with them, which can serve as an ice breaker in future interactions. Follow up within a week of meeting to maintain the connection

networking platforms social networking Let’s begin with the obvious technological forms of networking, or ‘social’ networking as we may know them. Facebook and Twitter- great way to do business but can

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the warm heart of africa Kudzai Mazvarirwofa

From the lakes and the crisp mountain air, past the hills and valleys, with soil so rich and rare to the woods and the forest plains, so broad and fair, Malawi is a vision amongst other African countries.


alawi is aptly called “the warm heart of Africa” because of the friendliness and the open acceptance one gets from her people. A spirit of co-operation and unity prevails in the South Eastern country, which borders Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the north and Mozambique to the west and south. Malawi is the proud mother of the Great Rift Valley that runs through the country from the north to the south. In this deep trough lies Lake Malawi, which is the third largest lake in Africa, as it covers up to 20 percent of Malawi. As the second African country to have a female president, Malawi is a pioneer in Africa on that specific front. The general acceptance of Joyce Banda as Malawi’s first female leader was greeted with scep-

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living in the rural areas. The countries outlook has greatly improved, in leaps and bounds since 2000 with ground-breaking improvements on the economy, education and health care. ticism at first, but now a general sense of accomplishment lies among her people’s hearts. A number of students from Malawi feel that Malawi has turned a new leaf. “We are proud of our country, and she has started a trend and we firmly stand behind her. Africa is not all about patriarchy, we are evolving,” said one. Previously known as Nyasaland, the name ‘Malawi’ has two possible origins. Its either derived from the name of the southern tribe of the Nyanja people called the ‘Maravi’ who were the first to inhabit that part of Africa, or noting the ‘glitter of the sun rising across the lake’ as depicted by the national flag. Malawi has a population of over 15million people and growing rapidly, with Lilongwe as the capital, but Blantyre being the largest city. Malawi’s people come in different variations of the Bantu tribes including the Chewa, Nyanja,Yao, Tumbuka, Lomwe, Sena, Tonga, Ngoni and the Ngonde tribes of Southern Africa. The Chichewa language is the most dominant and is used by over 50 percent of the Malawi populace. Her economy is largely based on agriculture with a moderately large population

Malawi’s staple food is maize, which is practically grown by the majority of the population. It is ground to maize flour which is cooked with water to create ‘nsima’, which is akin to pap. Her areas of natural beauty are her pride and joy as they are unlike any African country. It is amazingly green, especially during the rainy season, with Malawi becoming the close depiction Africa has to an Amazonian rainforest. Her beauty is practically untouched and that makes for a real awesome authentic experience. In the words of the Malawi national anthem, “join together all our hearts as one, that we be free from fear”. Malawi is the epitome of warmth, acceptance and beauty, her people are not afraid to welcome others and make them feel at home, regardless of ethnic origin. The true meaning of being African.

fun fact: Lake Malawi has been dubbed the Calendar Lake as it is about an estimate of 365 miles long and 52 miles wide.


Your neighbour from Malawi We get up close and personal with a 21-year-old Chewa student from Malawi, Kevin Minofu, who gives us a bit more insight about his beautiful country. Kevin believes there’s something for everyone in Malawi and you will always want to go back. kudzai mazvarirwofa speaks to him about the wonders of this unsung hero of Africa. And in terms of education, in my specific field, there are more opportunities for me to get a good education here.

are so many similarities between us, and that once we get down to it, we aren’t all that different at all.

q:Where are you studying? home sweet home a: I’m currently in my final year at University q: Tell me about the people in Malawi. The of Cape Town.

culture, what do you love most about it?

q: What are you studying? a: We are a very close group of people. We are all very interconnected and involved in a: I major in Law and Finance. the wellbeing of our lives. I love the fact that q: What challenges did you face as an inter- we have a laid back culture that is not all national student?

background q: Where about in Malawi are you from? a: I was born and lived in Blantyre. q: How long have you been away from home?

about work but about the community.

a: Of course there was the case of starting q: If I wanted to visit Malawi, where would on a clean slate. Everything is new, the language, the mannerisms, protocol, that sort of thing. And the language barrier was a problem at first, the fact that I was black and didn’t speak any of the local languages had me as a bit of an outcast in my early days.

you suggest I go and why?


Definitely Lake Malawi! It’s everything Malawi is about. Quietness, beauty and serenity.

q: Would you go back to Malawi after you finished your studies?

a: I’ve lived in South Africa for six years now. q: How did you cope with these challenges a: I’d love to settle there at some point. The area is just too picturesque. I’d love to wake q:What do you miss most about Malawi? then? in the morning and smell the woodsy air a : It’s all about taking the first step. I had to a: Well I miss my family and friends more get out of my comfort zone and make new up of the forest, but not now. I feel like presthan anything else. There’s also the fact that its home; I knew the people, the weather, the way of life, I miss that.

friends. I found that people actually found me being from Malawi quite interesting, and at the International School (ISA) it was

One thing I always remember is that people always care to have conversations in Malawi. We take the time to actually find out how one is - we interact. We are a friendly nation.

discovering a new country

ently, I have more job opportunities in SA.

q: What is your best memory of Malawi? a: It’s a place called Blantyre Sports Club. I spent my last year there playing golf, and the fact that I knew it was my last year there made each experience more poignant.

ok, because we were all foreigners.

q: What did the whole process of being the q:Why did you leave Malawi? new kid teach you? a: My parents got jobs in South Africa, so I had to leave with them, I had no choice. a: I learnt that it is okay to be yourself. There IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012 41


Top Financial Advice from Experts from around the world Simone Martufi

diet of fresh fruit, vegetables and protein. Also cutting out those fast food restaurants, will not only prevent you from eating unhealthy food but save you a substantial amount of money.

advice for recent graduates says ''use your youthful energy to make and save more money''


oney is the one thing the whole world agrees on and much of our time in life is spent acquiring it or spending it. As students there isn’t very much of it to go around but being smart about your money as early as possible will set you up for a more stable financial future. Money is an entity that requires a certain protocol, and learning this is a skill that you can adopt for the rest of your life. We have compiled some top financial tips from experts around the world to help you get the most out of your money as a student or recent graduate.

suze orman says “''get a grip''” Take stock of where you are now, what you earn, what you owe, and what you have. In order to do this you need to track your spending. See where and how spending money on the little things like expensive coffees or unnecessary luxuries can really trip you up, as well as the big things such as paying back a student loan or a

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car loan. Put those extra bucks you saved back into your debt or into a small savings account. You’ll be amazed how things can add up. Also try to implement a budget in your life. Although some students may still live at home and get financial support from parents, there is no time like the present to assign a budget to that income that will perhaps be able to allow you to save some money too.

To pay off any student debt you may have or boost a savings account take on some freelance work or an extra/part time job on the weekends. You have the most energy now than you will ever have in your lifetime and so working a 14 hour day won’t be too much of a stretch. These smart moves now will have big pay-off’s in the future when you want to buy a new car, put a deposit on a property, or even start a family. says ''start an savings fund'' dave ramsey says “''you can get fit emergency Remember if you’ve just graduated you’re and healthy on a budget'' in the real world now and you never know Don’t let an expensive gym membership or health food costs be an excuse not to look after yourself. Gym fees are pricey if you’re on a student budget, rather find a park nearby or a track on campus to run on and not pay a cent. If you can’t live without the gym then search for one that offers student discounts. Don’t spend your money on quick fixes like diet pills or fad diet schemes. Nothing works better than simply maintaining a balanced

what life might bring. So having some cash on hand can mean the difference between making the problem vanish and having it suck all the joy out of life. Be in control of your spending and stick to a budget that allows you to save some cash every month for these unforeseen emergencies. Don’t just stick the money under a mattress, but rather place it in a high performing interest gathering account like a money market account.


Choosing a Career in Drama Peggy Zinziswa Tunyiswa

A career that’s often understimated & enthralled by dreams of fame and fortune growing up my journey thus far

top five tips to help you achieve 1. Be involved in drama always, in or out of school- Networking and practice

2. Seek financial assistance rather than not studying

3. Take care of your body always - it’s your BUSINESS 4. Find a mentor to gain experience of the industry through shadowing

5. Your PASSION is your best JOB!

I grew up in the Eastern Cape in a rural town called Keiskammahoek. After seeing an old monument that I still dream of turning into a Theatre building, I knew I had to study towards the arts. I didn’t know much about career choices but I knew it involved acting. Choosing to be in the entertainment industry is a simple choice for a young mind but a really hard one for most parents to allow their children to do. Being an actor is certainly the least understood career choice by both the old and the young, with most thinking it’s purely about seeking fame.

landing my first role I have been in the industry for eight years now, with the first four years spent studying. Having come from schools that didn’t have drama as a subject, I only had my determination to succeed and to carry me through. I was fortunate to receive scholarships for my years at varsity, so all I really had to do was pass and work hard. I used to think those studying years were difficult but hard work never ends. A week after graduating I landed my first acting job on Interrogation Room, a perfect ending to that year. My first year working as a professional actor was certainly my best. I was modelling for fashion editorials on Drum magazine, being featured on adverts for both TV and radio, I was part of a radio drama, as well as an international feature film. And to wrap the year up I landed a presenter job for a childrens’ program called Siyakholwa: We Believe. At this point I realized the importance of everything I had learned at university. I had been trained on so many different skills within the industry, and I was a multi-dimensional performer.

When I first auditioned to get into UCT drama department, I wrote a poem in IsiXhosa. People enjoyed my poetry then and I am still always encouraged to write more. Little did I know I would be doing praise poetry for Vodacom. I have also written two plays that have been performed by other professional actors. I co-wrote “Bash or Be Bashed” with Thoko Ntshinga and Natasha Magengelele - A play about how high school leavers can be in danger of drug abuse, rape and bullying in just one night of celebrating their Matric farewell. I co-directed this show with Mam’Thoko. Mam’Thoko was my lecturer and has been my mentor since I can remember. I am very fortunate to work as close as I do with one of the most admired personalities in the country. I have just finished working with her again as an Assistant Director on the Matric IsiXhosa setwork Drama, Amaza. I am also involved in an ongoing documentary filmmaking program by the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation. I have directed my own short film there but still learning more about sound recording for film. As beautiful as my achievements may sound, there hasn’t been a year when I don’t recall how my parents and family never wanted me to follow this career path. It has proven hard to keep a steady income and you must constantly seek ways of sustaining yourself beyond the industry. It’s so hard to crack it that many I know have completely left the industry and are bitter about it. My dream still keeps me going and my path is filled with the best motivations. It’s impossible to get out or give up.

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OPPOrTUNITIES INTERNSHIPS Internship position as Junior Researcher in Cape Town, South Africa Sector: Banking & Finance Company: Magister International Student Organisation Location: Cape Town Description: This company is the leading provider of software and data analytics for pension funds, endowments, foundations, fund of funds and family offices in North America, Europe and Asia. The company was founded over 15 years ago and has offices in the US, UK, Japan and Stellenbosch, South Africa. With over 300 clients worldwide, the company provides solutions to manage investments through every stage of the private equity investment life cycle. They are proud to count some of the world’s largest investors in alternative assets among their customers. The Stellenbosch office generates financial research as part of following the entire private equity life cycle from initial deal pipeline and due diligence, through deal and document management, performance measurement, and portfolio holdings monitoring. Qualifications Requirements A background in Finance, Investment or Business Administration. Superior oral and written communication skills and the ability to work independently and within a team dynamic. An ability to absorb large amounts of information in a high energy, fastpaced environment. Comfortable with exploring different types of technology. Good English knowledge Knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint. Send your current resume and cover letter through to nicky@magister. and mention the following number: 8882. Thank you ! For more information check: MARKETING INTERSNSHIP 2nd Take is a young, exciting and dynamic company based in Cape Town, specializing in second hand top international designer labels and brands. We are looking for an enthusiastic and driven intern to join our team for six month. We are currently revamping our online store and are looking to optimize our webpage and improve our natural internet page ranking. We are looking for a marketing savvy, responsible and creative individual with a passion for marketing, who can drive our marketing process. Responsibilities This is an exciting opportunity and you will play a key role in our growing company and develop our marketing department. This internship will allow you to have a strong impact on our online strategies and marketing campaigns. You will help us grow and optimize our traditional marketing channel by working closely with the owner and fellow marketing staff of 2nd Take. - assist with and develop marketing campaigns and strategies - assist with delevoping new product lines

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- attend fashion events - take stock photographs and upload new stock - research events, in which 2nd Take can participate - contact possible affiliate partners and build good working relation ships - SEO: improve our sites natural rankings. This will include on page optimization, copywriting, and link building. - PPC: optimize our PPC activities, which will include keyword generation, Ad Copy, analysis of campaigns, analysis of ROI, CPA (cost per acquisition) and weekly reporting - on the campaigns performance. - online Advertising: Identify potential opportunities for online banners in our target markets. - affiliates: Identify potential partners for us to work with - website design/usability: Identifying ways to improve the website experience for visitors - social Media: Identify potential opportunities Profile / Requirements: - strong marketing skills - strong online marketing skills, including PPC, SEO, Google AdWords, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, RSS, LinkedIn and other social media platforms - knowledge working with Newsletters and Blogs - strong creative skills to generate copywriting and ad creatives - develop new content for existing and new website and online campaigns - senior undergraduate, recent graduate, or graduate students, University degree or online marketing course (or still studying) - excellent writing & communications skills - understanding of Web Analytics - strong analytical skills - ability to understand and interpret date and implement marketing strategies accordingly - well organized and able to multitask - be able to work independently as well as within a team - conduct market or competitive research - goal driven and results orientated - attention to detail and a “can do” attitude at all times - solution orientated - interest in fashion Advantageous - previous marketing knowledge - event knowledge This position is based in Cape Town, in our Gardens offices and available immediately. This is an unpaid internship. If you think you have what it takes and this might be an internship you will enjoy, please send us your CV or contact us on 021 434 5878. If you are interested to see what we look like online, check our website ROCKET INTERNET SOUTH AFRICA is offering all recent Business, Finance, Operations/Logistics & Supply Chain, IT, and Marketing graduates an exciting internship opportunity within one of our South African companies! Rocket is the most successful and fastest growing start-up incubator group outside the US. In the past 12 years we have built over 100 companies in 43 countries and had over 40 exits. We are co-founders of Groupon, eBay Germany, Zalando (Europe’s largest e-commerce site) and +200 other businesses. Our founders were also early investors in Facebook, Linkedin and Zynga.Our Graduate Interns will have the opportunity gain exposure in various processes and procedures within a specialist field. Here is your chance to work with experts from all around the world and have fun.If you are young, driven

OPPOrTUNITIES and ambitious with a strong academic background, please forward your CV and academic transcripts as soon as possible to the email address provided below.. Nicole Nefdt : Talent Acquisition Officer | Rocket Internet South Africa INTERNSHIP: Pastel Accounting Administrator We are in search of a Pastel Administrator to work as an intern in Mitchell’s Plain office. The candidate should have the following: - A diploma in Accounting - Must have Pastel knowledge - Transport to and from work - Reliable and honest characteristics - Willing to develop in the his/her accounting career. - Fully complete payrolls independently - Manage the Creditors and Debtors accounts. Working Hours: Mon- Fri 8am - 4:30pm Salary offer: R4000.00 City/Town: Cape Town Location: Western Cape Wage/Salary: Discuss in interview Start:As soon as possible Duration:1 year Type: Full Time How to apply: Send CV TO: Company: Time and Labour Consultantscc

per week) for a minimum of 3 months - Involvement in development of interactive exhibits and products - Involvement in CAD modelling (SolidWorks) - Involvement in prototyping - Involvement in procurement, component research and manufacturing Required • Interest and passion for industrial/product design • Computer literate • Portfolio presentation • CV and motivational letter • General knowledge of design process and tools Experience With One Or More Of The Following Software Tools: • Flash • SolidWorks • Sketch up • 3D Studio Max • Dreamweaver • Photoshop • Illustrator • After Effects • Premiere The Locations And Lengths Of The Internship - Our company is located in Harrington Street, Cape Town (The Bank) - Minimum of 3 months engagement required. Please send your application to WEB DESIGN INTERNSHIP

INTERNSHIP: HR Administrator We are in search of a HR Administrator to work in our Mitchell’s Plain offices.The applicant should have the following: - HR diplomia/Degree/part-time Btech student - Able to travel to and from work - Able to produce reports - Willing to earn and develop as an HR proffesional - Work under pressure Working Hours: Mon - Fri (8am -4:30pm) Salary offered: R3500 - R4000 Email CV : to hr@timelabour

Formula D interactive is looking for young & outgoing interns studying various specialisations in the field of Web Design Remuneration: Usually not, but negotiable if applicants skills are at advanced level (NB: Does not apply for international applicants. By law we cannot remunerate international interns.) Job Description: Primary Duties and Responsibilities This position is requesting full-time hours during holidays (40 hours per week) and part-time hours during the school year. -Web based graphic design, electronic marketing -Develop site landing pages and site features -Apply changes needed for SEO / conversion rate optimization

INTERNSHIP/ PRODUCT DESIGN Time and Labour Consultantscc Formula D interactive is looking for young & outgoing interns studying various specialisations in the field of Product Design Remuneration: Usually not, but negotiable if applicants skills are at advanced level. (NB: Does not apply for international applicants. By law we cannot remunerate international interns.) Job Description: - This position is requesting full-time hours (40 hours

Required • Sound knowledge of English language • Attention to detail • Interest and passion for web design • Computer literate • Portfolio presentation • CV and motivational letter • General knowledge of design process and tools • General understanding of search engine optimization methodologies, tools and techniques Experience With One Or More Of The Following Software Tools/Environments:

IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012 45

ENERAL JOBS OPPOrTUNITIES • Flash • Unity 3D • Dreamweaver • Photoshop • Illustrator • After Effects The Locations And Lengths Of The Internship - Our company is located in Harrington Street, Cape Town (The Bank) - Minimum of 3 months engagement required. Please send your application to WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AND INTERNSHIP IN SOUTH AFRICA Sectors: Ecology (Terrestrial) Location: South Africa Town/City: Limpopo Province Salary: Voluntary Type: Temporary / Contract / Seasonal Status: Full Time Level: Voluntary & Interns Deadline: 01/03/2013 Company Name: Global Vision International Contact Name Telephone: 888-653-6028 Fax: 1 617 674 2109

for the role and why you are passionate about online. Company Description TMI is a leading online paid search specialist agency based in Cape Town, servicing both local and UK clients. Specialising in all forms of paid search (Facebook, Adwords, Display, Bing) we have grown rapidly to be a leading SA agency and are looking to expand our employee base Requirements: Passion to learn about online paid for advertising. Advantageous: Excel knowledge preferable Personal Skills/Attributes: Dedicated and a self motivator with the drive to exceed and reach goals Contact details Helen TMI DESIGN INTERNS Remuneration: To be discussed Province: Western Cape City: Observatory Job description PR and design interns needed. A small, buzzy agency in Cape Town is looking for motivated and creative newcomers in PR and design for six-month paid internships. If you want to work in either design or PR, are curious, energetic and hungry to succeed please write to us and tell us why we should consider giving you the job. Apply to with CV and covering emails of no more than 100 words.

PAID SEARCH GRADUATE/INTERN RECRUITMENT PROGRAMME DATA-CAPTURE ANALYST Remuneration: Basic salary Benefits: Potential full time position Province: Western Cape City: Cape Town Education level: Degree Job level: Student Type: Temporary 3months TMI is a leading online paid search specialist agency based in Cape Town, servicing both local and UK clients. Specialising in all forms of paid search (Facebook, Adwords, Display, Bing) we have grown rapidly to be a leading SA agency and are looking to expand our employee base. TMI is starting an intern programme and are looking for two enthusiastic graduates who have a passion for online marketing and a desire to learn the intricacies of paid search (google adwords, facebook etc). The internship will be a paid three month programme with the aim of employment at the end of the programme. In the three months the candidates will: Work within established teams, Create and contribute to active client accounts, Manage client reporting, Monthly review sessions, Receive weekly training from industry experts, Embark on the adwords certification process, Progress to manage your own client account, The lucky candidates will receive expert industry training, valuable online skills, excel and office skills, adwords certification as well as the possibility of a permanent role., The programme is open to university degree graduates, with a desire to learn, succeed and be proactive. Please respond with your current CV as well as a cover letter outlining why you would be suitable

46 IMBO/ ISSUE 5/ 2012

Remuneration: To be discussed Province: Gauteng City: Pretoria Education level: Degree Job level: Junior Type: Permanent Job description: - The analysis and capturing of media information according to a set of criteria, into a database. - The majority of time spent involves capturing data into the database front-end. Minimum requirements: - Academic requirements: Minimum of second year level registration at a recognised tertiary institution in communication science, political science, journalism or equivalent work experience. Technical requirements: - Full computer literacy with excellent knowledge of MS Office, as well as good numeric proficiency. This will be tested during the interview. Language requirements: - Mandatory: Applicants must be fluent in both English and Afrikaans, with the ability to comprehend, read and understand both languages. This will be tested during the interview. - Advantageous: Fluency in any additional South African languages (i.e. Zulu, SiSwati, Ndebele, Venda, Tsonga) and international languages (e.g. French, Spanish, Italian etc.) Other requirements: - Good knowledge of the corporate environment as well as current af-

OPPOrTUNITIES fairs. Personality: - Hard working, loyal, trustworthy and dependable Training: - No telephonic correspondence will be entered into. - No faxes will be accepted. - There is a four week training period for which there is a travel reimbursement of R1200.00 for the duration of the training - paid at the end of the four week period. - The training has to be passed in order for the applicant to be considered for the position of junior media analyst; however the training is not a guarantee of employment. - The position is not an internship or learnership program. - Submission of the application form as detailed below is mandatory and no applications will be considered without it. Details: - Remuneration: R2150.00 pm for the first three months (following training), thereafter R5350.00 pm for the following three months. In addition to this, the salary and conditions will be discussed with short-listed candidates. - Location: Ashlea Gardens (Pretoria) Recruitment process: - Selection of short-listed candidates by 21 May 2012. - Training of short-listed candidates - four weeks. - Employment (with three month probation period) offered to candidates who have successfully passed training. To apply: - Download the application form from (in Microsoft Word format). - Once the form has been completed, save it and email it to: STUDENT VACATION LEGAL PROGRAMMES AT CLIFFE DEKKER AND HOFMEYER Applications for our Summer Vacation Programme (January 2013) close on 1 August 2012. Please note that we will consider all applications, regardless of whether the application is received before the closing date or not. It is in your own interest to submit your application sooner rather than later as your chances are greatly increased by submitting the application before the closing date. An Application Form can be downloaded from the site Why not come and spend some time with us and find out who we are and what we do? Our annual vacation programme is extremely popular and has gained a reputation as an exciting and rewarding experience. We attract students from universities across the country. During the vacation programme, you will be assigned to a team of professionals (directors, associates and candidate attorneys). Your day-to-day activities may include training sessions; discussion forums; consultations, drafting of documents, court attendances and legal research. You will be given the opportunity to work in at least two different practices areas during the course of the vacation programme. Our programme is designed to give you an intricate understanding of how our firm works, how our fee earners interact and the nature of our relationships with our clients. You will work in at least two different practices areas during the course of the vacation programme.


SCHOLARSHIPS AT WEBER WENTZEL As part of our corporate social investment strategy, and in an endeavour to recruit and develop talented individuals, Webber Wentzel endows ten scholarships of R30 000 each to law students who meet our criteria, as South African citizens, and who are in their penultimate (pre-final) year of LLB studies. The scholarship is expected to cover tuition fees, residence fees and the costs of text books (or any part thereof). Accordingly payments will be made to your University’s Financial Aid and Scholarships Office which will disburse such monies against invoices for tuition and/or residence and/or text books in the first instance. Should there be a positive balance remaining, these monies can be used for living expenses. The following conditions and criteria will apply to each scholarship: * you must be registered for the penultimate year of the LLB degree; and * the primary criterion that will be taken into account is academic excellence. * Other factors that may be taken into account in appropriate cases are : * whether you are from a previously disadvantaged background; * whether you are able to show financial need. If you are successful, the scholarship will be re-awarded for your final year of LLB degree provided that, your conduct remains satisfactory, all subjects for the penultimate year of LLB studies are passed with a satisfactory mark and that these are completed in the minimum prescribed period. Recipients of scholarships will be people who, in the opinion of Webber Wentzel, have the potential to become a successful attorney at the firm, and will be required to participate in vacation work programmes offered to him/her by Webber Wentzel. Although not guaranteed, Webber Wentzel would consider employing the recipient as a Candidate Attorney on completion of his/her LLB degree, dependant on academic progress and achievement, and the existence of suitable vacancies. If offered employment by Webber Wentzel, the recipient would be obliged to accept such offer, which will be on terms no less favourable than the terms of employment of all other first year Candidate Attorneys employed by Webber Wentzel in that year. The recipient of the scholarships may be expected to meet with representatives of Webber Wentzel from time to time, and the University will be requested to afford Webber Wentzel regular progress reports. * a detailed curriculum vitae; * a copy of the academic transcripts of any undergraduate qualification (and any other relevant qualification); * the academic transcripts of your LLB degree courses up to, and including November in the last completed year of study; * a copy of your matric certificate; and * a letter of motivation. If you have access to a computer, please send your application via email to, and mark it ‘Application for Scholarship’. Alternatively, please send it, together with documents detailed above to The HR Department at our Johannesburg office: By hand: Webber Wentzel, 10 Fricker Road, Illovo Boulevard, Johannesburg By post: Webber Wentzel, PO Box 61771, Marshalltown, 2107, South Africa By fax: +27 11 530 5111

BURSARIES ESKOM BURSARIES : Eskom Bursary is committed to ensuring that all qualified students have continued access to high-quality educational programmes that will provide them with the skills and expertise they need for their future success.

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OPPOrTUNITIES The aim of the bursary programmes is to provide students with support in specific disciplines that are in line with our business needs. The bursaries are offered to students in technical colleges, technikons and universities, in particular to talented youngsters who could become future employees. Eskom make use of a value chain of educational, training, and developmental interventions. The value chain ensures that a learning, training or development intervention is not undertaken in isolation, but benefit from or is supported by other interventions. The ultimate aim is to maximise the overall benefit for the student, while ensuring a sustainable pipeline of skills to meet business needs. The future electricity needs of the organization demand the availability of talented professionals in a variety of disciplines. The value chain starts when the learners are still in secondary school, when the organization provides the necessary guidance and motivation to awaken in them an interest in the fields of science and technology. After school they attend either universities or universities of technology, and then can return to work at Eskom as young professionals. The organization will put them on programmes to enhance their professional, technological and engineering skills, and to equip them with the necessary leadership abilities. The Eskom bursary scheme offers bursaries on the basis of a service-binding contract after graduation for a period equal to the tenure of the bursar. The bursaries are offered to students for tertiary education at universities, technical colleges, and technikons. The study support is in line with Eskom’s long-term skills requirements. However, the bursars are not guaranteed employment at Eskom on completion of their studies. The applicants need to apply for employment at Eskom. Our emphasis on education, skills development, and training is based on the belief that the future growth and economic viability of our country and its people depend to a larger extent on the availability of sufficient professional people qualified in engineering and other disciplines. Our ever-expanding industrial, commercial., and mining activities as well as the increased demand on the existing infrastructure have already created an insatiable need for competent people, particularly in the fields of engineering, research, development, design, construction and production functions

* Have Matric exemption * Have English HG (C) Have Mathematics HG (C) * Have Physical Science HG (C) * Applicant may not receive any other grant for the same qualification without prior written approval * A service contract equal to the duration of the bursary * Allocation of bursary based on merits * Compulsory practical training * Maximum study of three years (further study in approved cases) * The bursary will be suspended for one semester if the student fails The bursary will be reinstated only once * The bursary will have to be paid back on cancellation ( full value plus compound interest at prime rate) * 100% of the prescribed university tuition fees, registration fees, and examination fees is paid For Technikon bursary applicants must have the following: * Senior Certificate and written proof of acceptance for admission by the technikon and faculty * SA citizen * Senior Certificate / N3 English HG (D) SG ( C ) * Mathematics HG (D) SG ( C) * Physical Science HG ( D) SG ( C) * Bursary is subject to good results at the end of the year * Applicant may not receive any other grant for the same qualification without prior written approval * Suspend one trimester on failure * Pay back on cancellation (full value plus compound interest at prime rate) * Training in accordance with Eskom and Allied Industries Training Board ( EAITB) or recognized training board What the bursary Covers * Registration fees * Tuition fees * Residence fees * Allowance for practical (theoretical) training (books, etc.) * Accommodation during practical and institutionalized training as determined by Eskom * Trade test costs Follow this link to apply : ID=18339

Bursary eligible Criteria BURSARIES To be eligible for Technical College Bursary you must: * have a Senior Certificate and written proof of acceptance for admission by a technical college and faculty * be an SA citizen have Senior Certificate / N3 * have English HG (D) SG (C) * have Mathematics HG (D) SG (C) * have Physical Science HG (D) SG (C) * Any bursary awarded is subject to the condition that the candidate’ must obtain good results at the end of the study year * Applicant may not receive any other grant for the same qualification without prior written approval * The bursary will be suspended for one trimester if the student fails * The bursary will have to be paid back on cancellation of the course ( full value plus compound interest at prime rate) * Only training in accordance with the Eskom and Allied Industries Training Board ( EAITB) or other recognized training board will be allowed * Eskom’s long-term skills requirements will be taken into account in granting a bursary. To be eligible for an Eskom university bursary , the following will apply: * Be SA citizenship

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A limited number of bursaries are available to economically disadvantaged students who matriculate in the current year and who meet university entrance requirements and course selection criteria. The distribution of bursaries will be based on academic merit and the individual financial circumstances of applicants. Only South African citizens are eligible to apply. The bursaries will provide half or full reduction of tuition fees for the normal duration of the course, subject to satisfactory academic progress. The level of fee reduction will be at the discretion of the Bursary and Scholarships Committee. Bursaries do not cover other costs such as accommodation, travel and textbooks. To be eligible for a bursary you must first be accepted into a course at Monash South Africa. Application process If you wish to be considered for a scholarship or bursary contact the Student Services Centre to obtain the relevant application forms, which include detailed instructions on how to apply. Application deadline: 31 OctoberThe Student Services Centre can be contacted on telephone +27 11 950 4128/4221 or via email at

OPPOrTUNITIES AFROX BURSARIES Are you looking for a bursary in Metallurgy, Mechanical, Chemical, Indsutrial and Electrical Engineering? I just noticed on the Afrox website that they offer bursaries to full time students in the above mentioned fields. Simply fill out the bursary application form online and get cracking today!Download the application form in either PDF or Word format and attach your most recent academic record and a copy of your Matric results. You can fax these documents to 086 673 6425 or email them to note that Qualifying candidates must indicate their field of study/intended field of study. RULES FOR SAIEE BURSARy The SAIEE award bursaries to assist deserving students if you are presently studying or intend to study towards a degree, diploma or certificate in ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS and COMPUTER ENGINEERING, at any University or University of Technology in South Africa. The instructions hereunder are important and should be read carefully before completing this form. Aspects not complied with or information not provided will render your application disqualified. 1. Please remember you must include a motivation letter with the application form downloaded from the website. Failure to submit a letter in your own hand writing will disqualify your application. 2. The closing date for completed application is 30 September each year. Application received after this date will not be considered. Only successful applicants will be notified in writing by end January. Bursaries are awarded only if the following circumstances are met; 3. You have passed your grade 12 and had obtained a symbol “C” HIGHER GRADE MATHEMATICS, PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND ENGLISH OR HAVE PASSED YOUR PREVIOUS EXAMINATION WITH AN AVERAGE OF 60% PER SUBJECT. 4. The parent or guardian statement is completed IN FULL and certifiied by the Commissioner of Oath. 5. You are a South African citizen. 6. Please print legibly in black ink. 7. A certified copy of your grade 12 certificate or certified year-end examination results must be received by 14 January each year. 8. Proof of salary of parents or guardian must be attached to your application form. 9. Please return your completed application form with all enclosure to The Secretary, SAIEE, P O Box 751253, Gardenview, 2047. 10. Bursaries are only awarded for undergraduates studies. 11. Application forms for Bursaries can be downloaded from this website. 12. Applications not having access to this website can contact the SAIEE secretariate on +27 (11) 487 3003 who will post application forms as requested. DEPT OF TOURISM: BURSARY APPLICATIONS 2012/2013 The National Department of Tourism invites applications for bursaries from unemployed South African citizens for the 2012 academic year in the following fields of study: * Culture and Heritage * Developmental Studies * Tourism (emphasis on Economics/Econometrics or Economic Modelling) * Tourism Management * Computer Science * Information Management * Geographic Information System * Statistics Applicants must: * Have been accepted at an accredited South African tertiary institution

* Be prepared to enter into an agreement with the National Department of Tourism and do counter-service in the National Department of Tourism upon completion of the qualification * Applicants must note the following: * Application forms must be posted or hand-delivered by not later than 20 January 2012 * Applicants must complete and application form, certified copies of qualifications, Identity Documents, proof of registration, proof of guardian’s income, motivation letter and recent academic records * Application forms are available here or at the reception of the National Department of Tourism * Application forms will under no circumstances be faxed or emailed * No applications will be accepted after the closing date * Correspondence will be limited to the successful candidates Applications and enquiries must be directed to the Director-General, Private Bag x424, Pretoria 0001, for the attention of Mr Ignatius Ngoveni, tel. 012 444 6183 or Ms Bagcinile Khumalo, tel. 012 444 6158. THE DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND CULTURE BURSARIES The department of Arts and Culture invites applications for bursaries from students who wish to pursue studies in heritage-related programmes. The bursary will finance certificate, diploma and degree courses at accredited further and higher education institutions. Eligibility: - South African citizen - Academic potential/satisfactory academic performance (academic progress if already at an institution) - field (heritage-related) - Financial circumstance - Provisional acceptance or proof of registration at an institution at an institution of higher learning. Fields of study: - Archeology - Conservation and preservation - Collections management - Heritage resources management - Museum Management and curatorship - Courses that contribute to the preservation and promotion of SA living Heritage. Value of the Bursary: - Registration and tuition fees payable directly to the institution of learning - Accommodation - Books and Stationery. Required documents: The following documents must accompany the application: Certified copy of birth certificate or ID document - Certified copy of the salary statement or affidavit (if not working) of your parents/guardian Certified copy of grade 12 June examination results/Grade 12 results - If already studying-latest results/academic record. Application forms can be obtained from the offices of the department of Arts and Culture, 5th floor, 481 Kingsley centre, Corner Beatrix and church streets, Arcadia, Pretoria or online at Completed application forms, together with certified copies of necessary documents, should be sent to: The Director-general, Department of Arts and Culture, Private bag X897, Pretoria 0001 Or Hand delivered to: The Director-General, 5th floor, 481 Kingsley centre, Corner Beatrix and church streets, Arcadia, Pretoria Enquiries regarding the bursary applications should be directed to Mr Mahunele Thotse at 012 441 3470 or by email to mahunele.thotse@dac. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS What is the Masakhi’ iSizwe Centre of Excellence? At the beginning of 2006, the Department of Transport and Public Works of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape established the Masakh’ iSizwe Centre of Excellence with the vision to make available to the province, the country and the continent of Africa cohorts of professionals in engineering and built environment fields critical to the growth of the

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OPPOrTUNITIES economy. These professionals will be characterised by excellence in learning, citizenship and service. Which Bursaries Do the Masakh’ iSizwe Centre Offer? The Masakhi’ iSizwe Centre of Excellence offers bursaries for study towards a degree or higher diploma in the following disciplines: * Architecture * Construction Management * Civil Engineering * Electrical Engineering * Mechanical Engineering * Quantity Surveying * Town and Regional Planning What Does the Bursary Cover? The bursaries cover tuition fees, all prescribed books and materials and accommodation and meals (or transport costs) during term time. Bursaries are renewed each year for the duration of the degree, subject to academic performance and fulfilment of the bursary conditions. Will I Have to Pay or Work Anything Back? The bursaries are offered on a work-back basis, in other words, you will have to work for the public service for every year of the bursary. During your studies you will also need to: * Attend workshops, learning events and meetings organised by the Centre. * Undertake academic vacation placements at sites determined by the Centre. * Participate in service learning and/or volunteer programmes organised by the Centre. Where Can the Bursaries be Taken up? The University of Cape Town, the University of the Western Cape, the University of Stellenbosch and the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Who Can Apply for a Bursary? To apply for one of these bursaries you must be: * A South African citizen. * Be accepted at the relevant tertiary institution. Preference will be given to financially disadvantaged female learners from rural areas of South Africa. Bursaries are advertised in all leading and community newspapers during September each year. The closing date for applications is 31 October every year. Applications can be fax or delivered to: Department of Transport and Public Works Human Resource Development, 2nd Floor Protea Assurance Building Greenmarket Square Cape Town 8000

JOBS FINANCIAL AND HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT Our client, a leading retailer has a vacancy for a Graduate Accountant / Accounts Clerk to be based at their Distribution Centre in Cape Town. Reporting to the Financial Manager. Main purpose of the job: To perform an accounting function within the International Trade Department Key performance areas: • Costings, allocations and reconciliations of fixed assets • Verification of financial entries posted on SAP for import suppliers payments • Verification of fixed asset payments • Verification and final approval of export service provider invoices • Resolve queries (monthly reporting and clients) • Manage export vendor accounts (UTI, SAWU and Director General) • Manage export service provider accounts • Monthly bank reconciliations • Deferment payments • Prepare purchase journals and monthly statements • Month end • Month end journals provisions (NRCS; SATI; RMB) • Prepare monthly import reports • Consolidate monthly reports • Prepare 1st draft ITD budget with supporting documents • Incentive bonus calculations • Provide PWC with data for yearly audit • Management report on exceptional events • Manage CAPEX process • Manage costing process and queries • Ad hoc reports for management Qualifications, experience and competences required: • B Accounting • At least one year experience in Supply Chain as a management accountant • Financial knowledge of imports and exports • Working knowledge of SAP • Computer literacy • Deciding and initiating action • Working with people • Presenting and communicating information • Analysing • Planning and organising • Delivering results and meeting customer expectations

GRADUATE JOBS /ENTRY LEVEL Liberty is looking for Graduates with a strong entrepreneurial spirit bolstered by confidence, persistence & high degree of integrity. Matric, ITC clear&own

For a confidential discussion or to apply, please forward your CV to toni@ – Enquires 021 466 8949 ADMINISTRATION UCT

Remuneration: R 1000 - R 25000 PER MONTH Employment Type: Full time Industry: Insurance Insurance Advisor Region: Johannesburg, Sandton,Braamfontein Company: Liberty Life 0114457123

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Finance, including management consultancy Job description The Operations Manager, Michelle Adler, needs an assistant for a host of financial and HR tasks, including preparing documents, scheduling, filing, minute taking, report writing, and communication. The position is located at Equal Education head office in Khayelitsha, Cape Town.

OPPOrTUNITIES Person requirements Excellent reading, writing and mathematical skills. The applicant must have a strong command of Microsoft Excel (& preferably knowledge of Pastel). An ideal job for a new BCom graduate. Degree requirements Preferably a BCom graduate. How to apply Apply to Please include CV & cover letter. It is crucial that cover letter explains interest in the specific job applied for. Subject(s) Business, Finance, Management and Accountancy Location(s) Cape Town,Western Cape Full-time/part-time: Full-time Permanent/Temporary: Permanent

* Strong Word & Excel * Workflow System experience advantageous Example day-to-day requirements: Completing costings * Keeping costing tickets up to date * Following up with Account Managers and Production resources to obtain timings and feedback * Reviews and forwards costings for approval to the Business Analyst for review Salary: Negotiable depending on experience Job Type: Permanent Date Required: Immediately .Contact Cathy on 0217124245


veterinary assistant required on part time casual basis sharing role with 3 other people who rotate on a regular basis.role involves booking of veterinary products. dealing with clients and patients. assisting with procedures and accompanying vet on housecalls when needed. Email CV to

(Financial Information Systems graduate with experience would be an advantage) Function: The primary function of the Production Costing assistant is to provide support to the Business Analyst with the costing of all projects and review of compiled costings. This individual will liaise with the Account Management Team and key resources to gather information and timings to complete an accurate and detailed job costing, resulting in a formal client Cost Estimate. Skills: The Production Costing Assistant must excel at attention to detail and numeracy. The candidate will have to be organized in order to keep track of all the costing requests and prioritise them according to deadline. Good oral and written communications and people skills are also necessary for successfully performing the daily tasks. Duties and Responsibilities: * Create and manage a daily task list of costings that need to be completed * Prioritise costings according to deadline * Review costing briefs for completeness * Review completed costings for accuracy and completeness * Working with Client service and Production team to obtain accurate timings for costings * Review costings in ManageMint to ensure that costings have been captured accurately and in the correct format * Assist the Business Director in ensuring all costings are completed in the agreed turnaround times and with a high level of accuracy * Keep all costing tickets in ActiveCollab up to date Main Requirements: * Experience handling completing detailed costings or budgets * Team spirit, team player; * Deadline / delivery focus; * Motivated to continue in this role and grow with us for several years; * Reporting of costings statuses and escalation of any potential issues * Self-directed, but works well in team environment * Ability to take initiative and demonstrate problem-solving abilities * Extremely detail-oriented, thorough and well-organized * Positive, enthusiastic can-do attitude * Solid oral and written communication skills * Must be able to prioritize costings according to deadlines and complexity * Must have eye for detail and numeracy * Must be comfortable with high-volume, fast-turnaround environment * Tools:

Part time VET :

ADOBE TRAINERS NEEDED (Adobe AfterEffects, Final Cut Pro and Premiere) Friends of Design, a buzzing Digital Arts Academy, is looking for two new trainers to add to their staff on a freelance basis. The first of these needs to be / have : * Lecturing experience (preferably 3 years but even if no experience, we are willing to meet with you and train you up) * Excellent knowledge of Adobe AfterEffects * Professional, Structured, Organised & Responsible * Flexible (must be able to do evening classes) * Friendly and passionate about what they do, and able to relay this to students The second of these needs to be / have : * Lecturing experience (preferably 3 years but even if no experience, we are willing to meet with you and train you up) * Excellent knowledge of Film Production Processes, incl Adobe Premiere and Final Cut * Professional, Structured, Organised & Responsible * Flexible (must be able to do evening classes) * Friendly and passionate about what they do, and able to relay this to students Remuneration is negotiable (rate per hour) and dependent on experience. Contact us for further information Phone 021 402 03 03 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPORT CLERK. Salary: Location: Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa Job Type:Permanent Posted: 18th May 2012 Closing Date: 18th Aug 2012 Posted By: Steward Job Recruiters Details: General Office Support Clerk. General Office Support Clerk. R5000 to R8500. Ability to do Debtors, Creditors, Reconciliations and general secretarial duties. Matric and own car. Fax CV and references to: 0862245137

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Alternative Thinking

Closing the widening leadership gap through mentorship Modise Moloi than generational empowerment. As a result when they leave their positions there are no suitable candidates who have been groomed to replace them. This monster will continue to gain potency as long as mentoring is considered as a privilege rather than a leadership responsibility.

ing. In most instances a mentor often has a wealth of knowledge and experience that he/she can share with the mentee. The third pillar worth erecting is the sturdy moral and ethical character of a young leader, more especially in this immoral and

There is a tendency among the elders to blame the young for chasing instant material success, laziness and being the so-called tender-preneurs. On the other hand the young generation blames the elderly generation for placing a price tag on the mentoring sessions and always claiming not having time for mentorship

The misconceptions between these two generations are some of the major contributors towards the widening leadership gap. There is a tendency among the elders to blame the young for chasing instant material success, laziness and being the socalled tender-preneurs. On the other hand the young generation blames the elderly generation for placing a price tag on the mentoring sessions and always claiming to not have time for mentorship. Every leader has a moral obligation to produce at least one potential leader that can preserve a good leadership legacy. The focal point of most leaders is often on their position, power and monetary value


outh Africa is facing a ticking time bomb. There is a widening leadership gap between the young and more mature leaders in the country, which is ultimately creating a lack of well developed future leaders. It’s a challenge that’s evident in all major sectors including politics, business, education and the church. This leadership gap is mainly fuelled by lack of adequate mentoring initiatives as well mentors who are willing to develop promising young leaders.

Renowned global leadership author and speaker Dr. Myles Munroe says in his book Passing It On: Growing Future Leaders “Mentoring is an intentional submission of one person to the personal influence, counsel, instruction, correction, observation of another person’s life, environment, lifestyle, actions and behaviour”. In addition, mentoring is a divine principle that God uses to proliferate his purpose. Hence, we learn about mentoring relationship between Moses and Joshua, Elijah and Elisha, Mordecai and Esther, Naomi and Ruth, Paul and Timothy and other key leaders recorded in the bible. This asserts the fact that both young and elderly generations need each other and cannot continue to play the blame game. Therefore, both generations are culpable in the cause of the widened leadership gap. I recommend five key pillars that can be erected anywhere at any time and by whoever that is committed to his or her country to solve this ticking time bomb. The first pillar encourages a mentor and a mentee to create time to have personal meetings despite tight and very busy schedules. The second pillar to be built is one of information and knowledge shar-

lawless generation. It is often said that ability and charisma will put you on the pinnacle, but only character can sustain you on the pinnacle. Consistent feedback, observation sessions and progress monitoring erect the fourth pillar in a mentoring relationship. The mentor has to make time to see his mentee implementing some of the lessons learnt, as this will bring greater confidence to the mentee while bringing fulfillment to the mentor. The last key pillar that has to be built is called public endorsement. This is a lifetime reward to any mentee that has shown commitment, dedication, discipline and diligence during the mentoring period. In conclusion, every professional, political, business and spiritual leader has a responsibility of contributing towards closing this leadership gap. If every one of us would mentor one young person our country would truly flourish. I personally have pledged to discover and develop at least one potential leader per year. If I can do it what’s stopping you?

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sports Iman Chilwan

Lungile Tsolekile langa's hockey golden boy


n 1997, on a run-of-the-mill day filled with the usual boredom and lack of excitement which fails to occupy young boys, 13-year-old Lungile along with his neighborhood friend decided to walk into the Langa Stadium to see what adventures lay within it. Little did he know that he would discover a sport that would so effortlessly, yet forever enthrall and captivate him. After two games with the Langa Hockey Club and a few days later, he was promoted as the local teams’ midfielder/ striker, which subsequently saw him represent the Western Province. And this was just a tip of the iceberg in Lungile’s journey as a budding hockey player. It was evident to everybody within hindsight that he was a star in the making and had tremendous natural ability. After playing in the Langa Hockey Club from 1997 – 2002, Lungile aspired to become an increasingly prominent player and had set his goals higher. Thereafter, he proceeded to represent South Africa as a valued commodity in the likes of world class tournaments such as the Four Nations Cup in Pakistan, the Commonwealth Games in Australia and the 2008 Olympics held in Beijing. When asked what he enjoyed most about representing South Africa in these international tournaments, he replied, “I feel honoured to have been given such great opportunities because it makes me appreciate where I come from even more”.

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sports number one priority. But at the same time that it makes it difficult to remain consistent as a team.” He also mentions that finances and transportation are big obstacles, but throughout all the difficulties, their comradery and perseverance prevails. “After spending time in India for a month, anything is possible here at home, India is in real poverty, not South Africa”, he adds humbly.

trying his hand at coaching if and when the need arises. He also assures that he will still be ‘around’ the hockey field, for a very long time.

I feel honored to have been given such great opportunities because it makes me appreciate where I come from, even more.

However it hasn’t all been smooth sailing for this young man. At the beginning of the year, Lungile found himself victim of financial hardship and subsequently having to make one of the hardest decisions of his career. To play for money, in a national Indian league, or for passion in the upcoming 2012 London Olympics. Circumstantial reasons saw him spending one month abroad in India as a valued player of ‘Team Pune Strykers’, in the ‘Rebel League’- a league that is independent from the International Hockey Federation (IHA). Sadly this also meant that he would be banned from any International tournaments for a period of one year, so unfortunately he won’t be participating in the 2012 London Olympics. He says of the decision, “Money was my main motivation for making this decision and I have made peace with the consequences”. His courage and ‘takes it with a pinch of salt’ attitude is very admirable, as he assures me he has no regrets and is confident the right choice was made given the circumstances. Lungile has since returned to his home team in Langa. “This is where my heart belongs, this club is my inspiration”, he says of his return home. He explains very eloquently that there are many challenges in the daily operations of the club, such as low attendance of players who have to work to support their families. “I understand why they can’t always make it to practice because supporting their families is rightfully their

Tips from Lungile for pursuing your goals and making them a reality: •Take your goal seriously, it’s not just a hobby- it can change your life. •Never be afraid to fail, practice makes perfect. If you are passionate enough and believe that you can achieve your goals, you will eventually succeed. My motto for life in general is, “Better to do something imperfectly than nothing flawlessly” •Always try harder, especially when you want to give up. Hard works always pays off. He concludes that a great deal of the passion and motivation he has experienced throughout his career has been derived from the close interaction he has with his professional cricket playing cousin, Thami Tsolekile , who currently plays for the Lions Cricket Team and has recently been identified as the successor to South African wicketkeeper Mark Boucher. “Thami is a very strong and competitive guy, he never gives up. I can’t help but allow his attitude to rub off on me too”. With a hockey player and a cricketer in the works, it’s hard to ignore that there is something special in the Tsolekile gene pool that creates such profound athletes. Lungile says he will continue playing in the Langa Hockey Club indefinitely, along with

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Inside Italy Simone Martufi


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may be a bit biased having Italian blood in my veins but as a woman the sheer perfection of a pair of Salvatore Ferragamo heels or Prada handbag can make me weak at the knees. The mindset of Italians is also something one can wrestle with for hours but you will never understand it unless you appreciate the concept of “la dolce vita”. Italy is the epitome of “the good life”. It’s evident in the efforts of the farmers who toil in the hot Mediterranean sun just to bring you one plate of exquisite Gnocchi Napolitano then spend five hours over lunch just to consume it while sipping frascati. Or consider the woman who dolls up her face to perfection just to go out to buy bread. It is that inborn knowledge of how to walk, talk, dress and of course charm a women that is an Italian man‘s birthright.


While every woman in Italy, has an inner Sophia Loren. They take coffee and cars way too seriously but the rest of the world will never stop thanking them for the deep satiety that only an espresso can bring or the thrilling roars of a Ferrari that can bring a grown man to tears. In my travels to Italy over the years I have managed to see almost all of this beautiful land. I have explored the streets of Rome to my heart’s content, strolled the ancient grounds of Pompeii and had my senses overwhelmed by a simple ball of mozzarella bought in a supermarket. I’ve shopped in the exclusive stores on the Via Veneto and had my heart broken by a handbag in the Versace store after realising it couldn’t be mine unless I wanted to remortgage my apartment. I’ve sat in the midst of the thronging tourists at the Trevi fountain and still found serenity in my scoop of homemade gelato. Just me myself and I transfixed and enthralled in the velvety sensations. I’ve cruised on the back of a lover’s Vespa around the Tuscan countryside that is as

picturesque and as breathtaking as any film. And for once I knew Hollywood was not faking. I’ve lounged on golden Adriatic Ocean beaches, swam in the bluest coves, snorkelled the ruins of ancient Roman Villas and danced till dawn to concertina music at a wedding. I’ve lost myself in the misty mazes of Venice and been serenaded in a gondola ride on a smelly lagoon. I have got to know her so intimately as if she were my own mother. But still there are things yet to be discovered.

land for anything as it has taught me so much about the art of living. And when I’m back home dreading my next meeting or final exam, or feeling miserable over a lost love, I can just think back to this wonderful place where life is for living and love is for giving.

I have not seen the roof of the Sistine Chapel and I have not seen the leaning tower of Pisa. I have not driven the Amalfi coast in a drop top Alfa spider. I haven’t eaten rabbit, which is a national delicacy and I have yet to go truffle hunting. I haven’t learnt to say “no thank you I am so full I could burst, and I’m really not insulting you by refusing this sixth plate of pasta but you see I am on the verge of splitting” in Italian. Nor have I learnt to say “I thank you for your flattery but you are as old as my grandfather, and while I’m flattered you think I have a rear end as sweet as a Sicilian peach I shall not be joining you for aperitifs now or ever”. But I can wholeheartedly forgive this

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Futuristic gadgets that will blow your mind away Amanda Mtuli From invisible headphones to mind controlled gaming consoles, they may not be out in the market yet but that doesn’t mean we can’t salivate. Here are 10 futuristic gadgets that will blow your mind away. Now that’s what’s up!

membrane laptop/desktop



he days of bulky monitors are slowly moving on out. Make way for the Kubrick inspired mother ship computer. Its highlights include a membrane keyboard that appears when needed and an integrated optical drive. As if that’s not enough, when not used as a computer, the projector can beam ambient light effects on any surface.


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nokia aeon full screen concept phone

his phone features a full touch screen surface that eliminates the use of the traditional keypad, bringing its users one step closer to futuristic technology. With its extremely sleek and sexy look, all Nokia needs is some perfected material that doesn’t leave fingerprints on the Aeon’s touch screen display.

napkin pc




his device aims to help creative groups collaborate on designs more effectively and allows users to share ideas with greater ease. The napkins are also modular, so large-scale layouts can be formed by connecting them together. If all of that wasn’t improbable enough, the Napkin PC uses so little power that it has no need for a battery—instead; it features a single-layer flexible circuit board that utilizes inductive power.

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future internet search

magine having to just point your tablet at an object and getting instant search results, how cool is that? It’s almost like Google just more interactive. Say for example you see a car you fancy, all you have to do is point your tablet in its direction and you’ll get the model of the car, the specs, the color etc. Those who have no communication skills have been saved. No need to ask just point that tablet and you are good to go “without a word”.

microsoft arc mouse



xperience comfort and elegant design in a portable mouse. Accurate and precise laser tracking helps you navigate gracefully by using the scroll wheel or four customizable buttons. Take advantage of the tiny USB transceiver that lets you roam up to 30 feet away from your computer and scroll, point, and click.

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GADGETS smartphone booklit



ooks like a pamphlet but is anything but. It unfolds with each side representing a commonly used application or function. Once it’s worn out, just recycle it. Relax all your secrets and scandals will not be leaked as everything is served from a cloud. This device is far from becoming a reality as scientists are still investigating the marvelous that is nanoparticles (tiny near invisible particles).

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glove one prototype wearable phone


an you envision a phone that’s actually a glove that fits your hand perfectly? This device was made as a prototype of a wearable communication gadget. The digits and keys are placed on the fingers of the glove while the little finger and thumb act as the speaker and microphone. So you’ll perform that natural gesture of holding those fingers next to your ear and mouth when using the device.

the escort shopping phone



his phone comes with features that would make shopping alone anything but daunting. The phone comes with software that allows it to turn into a digital projector. The user simply logs onto a shopping website and selects the item they want to “try on” virtually. Standing in front of a mirror and using the phone to project the image of the selected clothing item onto the mirror allows users to see what the item would look like on them. This would allow users to make intelligent decisions while shopping online.

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window weather phone



his headset is not only able to predict the weather accurately, but makes it completely transparent. It literally mimics the weather on the day and displays it on the device. If it were raining outside, it would appear as it is realistically raining inside the phone itself, creating an astonishing illusion. The phone doesn’t have numbers and letters on the screen. To text the user simply blows on to the screen and it moves into the handwriting mode.



mind-controlled consoles


he groundbreaking concept introduces the idea of a Wii headset accessory that allows the mind of the user to control edgy characteristics through the popular action games and sporting events. Also featuring immersive in-ear headphones for an enhanced experience, cutting edge Nintendo will be able to capture the brainwaves of the excited gamer and turn it into a digital action in the cyber world.




reviews movie

think like a man Vuyokazi Mandindi


nitially all the hype around the release of the movie really put me off because I’m not one to follow the crowd. But a friend managed to twist my arm after telling me about one of the strong characters she claimed reminded her of me. And just like that I had to go and see it. Knowing the movie was based on the book ‘’Act like a lady, Think like a Man” by Steve Harvey, I was expecting a bit of comedy and a whole lot of drama. The movie is based on a group of gorgeous guys who are each portrayed as a certain type of man in a

relationship. At first they seem to have it all together in their relationships, until the ladies discover Steve Harvey’s new book and how it can help women take back control. Steve is depicted as himself in the movie, giving the ladies tips as they go along trying to change the current state of their relationships. The strong independent woman ’’Lau-

the brothers size S Simone Martufi

et in the depths of Louisiana, the play focuses on the relationship of two brothers and the mysterious pull of love, family, life and the consequences of choices made. The stern and responsible Ogun Size has always looked after his wayward, daydreaming younger brother Ochoosi. But when Ochoosi returns from a spell in prison he brings with him a former cell mate Elegba, who Ogun fears will push his younger brother back into a life of crime. Elegba’s true intentions are alluded throughout the play, but the true mystery

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is something the audience will enjoy discovering themselves. And although many buried issues between the brothers surface, the searing intensity of brotherly love and devotion is always evident. This cast’s interpretation of the play’s

ren’’ played by Taraji P Henson I was being compared to also happened to be the lonely one, which luckily I’m not. But she meets ‘’Dominic’’, played by Michael Ealy who made the movie well worth watching. His amazing kissing scenes suddenly got me excited about being portrayed as the “Lauren” among my friends. All in all, the movie was more about the book, and didn’t really have a strong story line, just a practical on how to apply the learning’s in the actual book. But it’s definitely a must see for you and your girlfriends.

Where: Baxter Theatre, Rondebosch May 18th – June 9th Director: Timothy Bond Cast: Joshua Elijah Reece, Rodrick Covington, Sam Encarnacion ultimate meaning is not only precise but devastatingly resonant in everyone watching. They do justice to the playwright’s words and his portrayal of the beauty of the nature of sacrifice and love between families. Although the drama alone keeps the audience engrossed, the actors’ sheer commitment to the characters was even more gripping. A thrilling and crucial piece of theatre for our times, The Brothers Size will entertain with its witty dialogue, and will shed new light and awareness on many issues such as life in prison, homosexuality, death, fear, courage and new beginnings.


reviews festival

afrika burn 2012 Asanda Kaka Anyone who is familiar with Afrika Burn will tell you that it’s hard to explain because it’s something that one needs to experience in order to fully understand. But Asanda Kaka takes you through her own personal experience of the dessert spectacle.


frika Burn in a nut shell is a community of volunteers who gather in the Tankwa Karoo once a year to create a temporary city. But this is not just any ordinary city, but a city capable of taking you on a journey through art, performance, music and unimaginable costumes. Our 300 kilometre journey from Cape Town took us a good eight hours after getting ourselves stuck in peak traffic. All the stops made along the way for potty breaks and food didn’t help us either. Once we got to the Karoo the journey became extra slow on the 110km dirt road that’s famous for ‘eating tyres for breakfast’, and as if that wasn’t enough we had to dig one of our two cars out of the mud TWICE. Apparently for the first time in the festival’s history it rained in the dessert. And with the rain came a trail of abandoned cars stuck in the mud. But in the end we made it. Although arriving a day late and in the dark of the night we set up camp, started a braai and became merry. We also lost our first friend Ted, who had come all the way from Sweden just for the festival. Needless to say we saw him again the next afternoon. Apparently when he couldn’t find his way back to our camp, he made friends, slept at their camp site, and was served breakfast by total strangers. But that’s what Afrika Burn is all about. A place where everywhere you turn you are offered food, drinks, gifts

and even hugs by people you don’t know. People are so happy, free and warm that it makes you believe that a better world is possible after all. The next morning we started to mission around admiring all the beautiful, larger than life artworks and costumes that we were surrounded by. For a moment I felt like Alice in wonderland. Along the way we made friends that had been there for as long as a month just to set up these beautiful structures - some of which would ultimately be burnt down during the festival. So Afrika Burn is no child’s play. Even though we acted, felt and played like children. People had actually planned a year ahead for this special week. Our third day in Tankwa was the most astonishing. From eating food cooked with solar powered pans, to riding themed cars, then starting a party at “The land of soft things”, and even creating a picture of Nelson Mandela with 2000 other people then finishing it off by attending a nipple party. It was by far the most fun I had in one day. As we drove home on the Sunday, we all searched for our wallets and phones that were last seen on Thursday when we last had signal, dreading going back to civilisation but filled with beautiful memories. We can’t wait for next year so we can be a part of this amazing experience all over again.

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Rhino Rubiks Cube Party

Venue: Zula Sound Bar Time: Saturday 02 June 21:00; Sunday 03 June 04:00 Cover Charge: General Admission: R50 >> Presold: R30 - Sales close 30 May contact or 079 847 0247

Jack Parow

Venue: The Assembly Time: 30 June, Starts 9pm

Africa U Nite

Venue: Zula Sound Bar Time: 21 June, Doors open at 8pm. Cover Charge: free

Artscape Youth Jazz Festival Venue: Artscape Theatre Centre Time: 2 June, Starts 7:30pm Cover Charge: R80

Music Comedy Lifestyle

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Jeff Dunham

Venue: Grand Arena Time: 05 June - 06 June at 8pm Cover Charge: R250 - R500 per person

Comics at Work

Venue: Obviouzly Armchair Time: 03 June Starts 9pm Cover Charge: free

C.O.M.E (Comedy On Monday Evenings) Venue: Ragazzi Live Bar Time: 11 June Doors open at 8pm. Cover Charge: R40

JOEY RASDIEN - MIXED DNA TOUR Venue: Baxter Concert Hall Time: Mon 9 July, 8:00 pm Cover Charge: R 161.00

Rondebosch Craft Market

Venue: Rondebosch Park Time: 09 June, Second Saturday of every month, 9am - 2pm.

Youth Day Sailing

Venue: Oceana Power Boat Club Time: 10am - 4pm. Cover Charge: Free

Baxter Food & Goods Market Venue: Baxter Theatre Centre Time: 10:30am - 5pm. Cover Charge: Free

Styling and Make-up Workshop Venue: Val de Vie Estate Time: 26 and 28 June Cover R550 per person

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