AQA-WOOL O3 Ozone Wool™
Natural Performance La prima lana al mondo resistente al rientro, trattata con Ozono (O3), quindi eco-compatibile Solitamente il processo per il trattamento anti-rientro è stato fatto negli anni ricorrendo alla rimozione delle scaglie dalla fibra della lana e coprendo la superficie delle fibre con delle resine apposite (trattamento BAP). Questo trattamento imprigiona le scaglie delle fibre e limita molto la igroscopicitá e la sofficitá della mano della lana. Il processo ECO-WASH 21 invece non danneggia le scaglie della lana: le mantiene libere nel movimento e garantisce una lavabilitá ed una igroscopicitá eccezionali. ECO-WASH 21 è quindi la prima lana al mondo interamente eco-compatibile e allo stesso tempo la prima ad essere resistente al rientro.
Benefici del trattamento con Ozono (O3) In ragione del suo potere ossidante, l'ozono viene impiegato per sbiancare e disinfettare, in particolare per: - disinfezione dell'acqua negli acquedotti e acqua destinata all'imbottigliamento - disinfezione di superfici destinate al contatto con gli alimenti - disinfezione dell'aria da spore di muffe e lieviti - disinfezione delle derrate alimentari da spore di muffe e lieviti - pulizia e sbiancamento dei tessuti
The world’s first Ozone-treated, Shrink-resistant, Environmentally Friendly wool Shrink-resistant processes have generally been done to remove the scales and to coat the surface of wool fibers with resin (BAP treatment). However, these methods impair the scales of wool fibers and spoil the wool’s soft handle and inherent properties of wool. ECO-WASH process modifies only the tips of the scales with Ozone (O3) without causing serious damage to wool fibers and shrink-resistance and excellent washability are kept unimpaired. ECO-WASH is such an innovative treatment and the world’s very first environmentally friendly and shrink-resistant process.
Lana trattata BAP (una resina: il Bisolfito del polimero del poliuretano). BAP treated WOOL (BAP Bisulfite Adduct Polyurethan-Polymer.
Benefits of the treatment with Ozone (O3) Given its oxidizing power, ozone is used to whiten and disinfect: - disinfects water in aqueducts and water for bottling - disinfects surfaces in contact with food products - disinfects the air from mould and yeast spores - disinfects foodstuffs from mould and yeast spores - cleans and whitens fabrics
Lana trattata con Ozono mantiene la sua naturale repellenza all’acqua AQA-WOOL O3 retains its original water repellency.
Alpaca Wool
Alpaca L’Alpaca appartiene alla famiglia dei Camelidi Sudamericani. Questi animali vivono nelle Ande dove vengono allevati dai Campesinos ad altitudini piuttosto elevate in modo del tutto naturale. Gli Alpaca, nutrendosi, sono inoltre rispettosi dell’ambiente in quanto brucano l’erba o le piante senza strappare o danneggiare le radici. Inoltre non rovinano gli alberi e lasciano molte meno tracce nell’ambiente rispetto agli altri animali da pascolo quali pecore e capre. Il pelo di Alpaca è noto per le sue grandi proprietà di isolamento così come per la sua particolare leggerezza, brillantezza, morbidezza e per il suo effetto setoso al tatto. L’Alpaca, contenendo poca lanolina, è ipoallergenica. L’Alpaca, essendo una fibra parzialmente cava, è più leggera della lana di pecora ed ha una capacità isolante superiore rispetto alle lane ordinarie.
The Luxurious Natural fiber of the Andes Alpaca belongs to the family of South American camelids. These animals live in the Andes where they are bred at quite high altitudes by the Campesinos in a completely natural way. Alpacas are also gentle in their eating habits as they nibble the grasses and plant they usually eat without pulling or otherwise damaging the roots. Alpacas don’t bother trees and they leave a much smaller footprint on the environment compared to other herding animals, including sheep or goats. Alpaca hair is known for its great insulation properties as well as its particular lightness, brightness, softness and for the silk-like feeling it gives to the touch. Alpaca contains few lanolin so it is hypoallergenic. Alpaca is partly a hollow fiber so it is lighter than sheep’s wool and provides a greater insulating power compared to standard wools
Cashmere La regione del Cashmere è un territorio montuoso che si estende tra l’Afghanistan, l’India, la Cina e la Mongolia, dove si allevano le capre “hircus” dal pregiato “Vello d’Oro”. Questi straordinari animali, per sopravvivere in un habitat ostile, con inverni molto freddi e ventosi ed estati torride, sviluppano una fittissima e morbida lanugine dallo spessore sottilissimo. La tosatura avviene sempre e solo in tarda primavera, nel periodo cioè che risulta il più caldo in quelle regioni nelle quali le capre vengono allevate e viene utilizzata solo la parte migliore del vello dell’animale, ossia il sottopelo. La fibra del vello del Cashmere è rinomata per la sua leggerezza, per le sue caratteristiche termiche (al suo interno, custodisce una particolare struttura a camera d’aria che ne favorisce l’isolamento termico) e per quella particolare sensazione al tatto, morbida e setosa. Non infeltrisce ed è duratura nel tempo. Confrontata con la lana di pecora, la fibra del Cashmere è più resistente, idrorepellente, più calda.
Cashmere The region of Cashmere is a mountainous territory that stretches between Afghanistan, India, China and Mongolia, where “hircus” goats with their precious golden fleece are bred. In order to survive in such an hostile habitat, characterised by very cold and windy winters and hot summers, these extraordinary animals develop a dense, very soft and thin fluff. The shearing is always made in late spring, that is the warmest period in those regions where the goats are bred, and only the best part of the animals’ fleece, that is the undercoat, is used. Cashmere fleece is renowned for its light weight, for its thermal properties (it has a particular structure made of air chambers that favour thermal insulation) and for the special feeling of softness and silky hand it gives to the touch. Cashmere does not felt and it is long-lasting. Compared to sheep’s wool, it is more resistant, warmer and water-repellent.
Chlorine-free PANTONE 16-0000 TCX PANTONE 19-4104 TCX PANTONE 18-1763 TPX (High Risk RED)
Lana lavabile – Chlorine-free
Washable wool – Chlorine-free
Le pecore di montagna tirolesi vivono al pascolo a circa 2000 metri di altezza per quasi tutta l’estate, cibandosi solo del foraggio migliore. L’aria sana, l’abbondante foraggio e l’acqua fresca delle montagne favoriscono la buona salute degli animali e, di conseguenza, influenzano la qualità della lana in modo decisivo. Ne deriva infatti un vello composto da fibre lunghe, lisce o leggermente ondulate, che si presenta robusto e morbido allo stesso tempo.
Tyrolean mountain sheep are put out to pasture in grazings at about 2000 meters above the sea level all summer long, where they can eat only the best fodder. The healthy air, the rich pasture and the fresh water of the mountains foster the health of these animals and consequently influence the quality of the wool significantly. The result is a fleece made by long, straight or lightly wavy fibers, which is both strong and soft.
Attraverso lo speciale trattamento Oxy-wash le scaglie della lana vengono eliminate senza danneggiare la struttura delle fibre. Grazie a questo metodo ecologico la fibra della pregiata lana delle pecore di montagna tirolesi diventa morbida, inodore, igroscopica e permeabile al vapore. Inoltre le proprietà della lana si mantengono inalterate anche dopo diversi lavaggi domestici.
Through the special Oxy-wash treatment the scales of the wool are eliminated without damaging the structure of the fibers. Thanks to this eco-friendly process the fiber of the fine Tyrolean mountain sheep’s wool becomes soft, odourless, hygroscopic and breathable. Moreover, the characteristics of the wool remain unchanged even after several washings in the washing machine.
Natural Performance
Lana Lavabile - Chlorine-free
Washable wool – Chlorine-free
Il processo Oxy-wash agisce sulle scaglie della lana senza danneggiare le proteine della fibra e rispettando l’ambiente. La fibra risultante è soffice, igroscopica, inodore e permeabile al vapore e le sue proprietà rimangono inalterate anche dopo numerosi lavaggi domestici. Perché l’ossigeno? Perché l’ossigeno è l’elemento più abbondante in natura e perché l’ossigeno è alla base della vita sulla terra. L’ossigeno radicale è una forma molto reattiva dell’ossigeno che ci permette di trasformare meccanicamente e chimicamente le proprietà della fibra di lana, rendendola soffice, igroscopica, inodore e permeabile al vapore. Nessun prodotto nocivo rilasciato nell’ambiente durante il processo.
Oxy-wash treatment eliminates wool scales without damaging the proteins of the fibre and respecting the environment at the same time. The resulting fibre is soft, hygroscopic, odourless and permeable to vapour. Through this process the characteristics of the wool fibre remain unchanged even after several washings. Why Oxygen? Because oxygen is the most plentiful element in nature and it is the basis of life on earth. Radical oxygen is a very reactive form of oxygen that allows us to mechanically and chemically transform the characteristics of the wool fibre, making it soft, hygroscopic, odourless and permeable to vapour. No harmful products released during the process.
Perche’ mai piu’ ai metodi tradizionali? Perché il trattamento anti-rientro tradizionale è stato effettuato negli anni ricorrendo alla rimozione delle scaglie dalla fibra tramite cloro gas, prodotto nocivo utilizzato ancora oggi come base in forma gassosa per la fabbricazione di molti oggetti come antisettici, tinture, insetticidi, vernici, prodotti petroliferi, plastica, medicinali, solventi etc. Le emissioni del trattamento Oxy-wash non sono altro che comune ossigeno e solfato di sodio. La rimozione delle scaglie e la successiva sigillatura tolgono la caratteristica primaria della lana, che è l’igroscopicità.
Why don’t we use traditional methods? Because the traditional anti-shrinkage treatment has been carried out over the years by removing the scales from the wool fibre using chlorine gas, a harmful product that is still used in the production of antiseptics, dyes, insecticides, paints, oil products, plastic, medicines, solvents, etc. The emissions deriving from Oxy-wash treatment simply consist of common oxygen and sodium sulphate. The removing of the scales and the following sealing of the fibre eliminate the main characteristic of the wool fibre, that is hygroscopicity.
Celliant Heat: the first responsive insulation The human body constantly emits heat. During intense physically activity, body temperature rises and we begin to sweat. If our clothing doesn’t allow the moisture to escape, we will begin to get wet and uncomfortable and then cold. The ideal garment allows moisture vapour to escape while keeping you warm and dry.
Celliant Heat is powered by 13 thermoreactive minerals that convert body heat into IR energy. Combined with Polypropylene, Celliant Heat insulation provides the lowest coefficient of heat transfer and the greatest insulating power available and is up to 30% lighter.
Celliant Heat insulation is the new standard in innovation and performancesetting the bar for breathability, thermoregulation and warmth-to-weight ratio.
Warm Holds heat Keeps warm Dry High permeability to water vapor Breathable and keeps dry Light Warm and soft Superior lightness Water resistant
13 termo-reactive minerals Powered by the human element converting heat to infrared energy extensive development by leading experts in medicine and science has resulted in a proprietary fiber that is loaded with a potent mix of thermoreactive minerals. Powered by our own metabolism, it is more hybrid engine that textile. It recycles and converts radiant body heat in to something that gives the body a boost-infrared energy. Promotes circulation leading to faster recovery and healing.
How Celliant works: Celliant recycles human energy a
The heat that our body emits is absorbed by the minerals in the fiber.
Celliant 速 is a registred trademark of Hologenix, LLC.
The minerals convert that heat into infrared light.
The infrared light penetrates into the muscle and tissue to increase circulation, oxygen and blood flow.
dry polypropylene 0.13 acrylic 3.00 polyester 0.72 nylon 2.11 cot ton 7.03 wool 13.09
polypropylene 6.71 acrylic 5.58 polyester 6.49 nylon 4.97 cot ton 5.04 wool 5.02
Low ability to absorb liquids: Absorption coefficient of liquids (residual water content expressed as a percentage of the weight of the dry product). High vapour permeability: the high value of permeability ensures the rapid transfer of humidity through the insulation and thus the maximum transpiration.
light polypropylene 0.91 acrylic 1.17 polyester 1.38 nylon 1.14 cot ton 1.54 wool 1.32
Lightness: Polypropylene has a specific weight that is lower than other textile fibres.
warm polypropylene 6.00 acrylic 8.00 polyester 7.00 nylon 11.00 cot ton 17.50 wool 7.30
polypropylene 21.80 acrylic 19.60 polyester 18.10 nylon 19.80 cot ton 19.10 wool 21.80
Low heat transfer coefficient: The low value of the thermal transfer coefficient reduces (compared with other fibers) the loss of heat produced by the body when it is in a cold environment. High insulating power: The insulating power depends on the amount of air trapped in the fiber: polypropylene has the capacity of retaing heat similar to wool.
Celliant Flock and Celliant Micro Ball
are the two new technical insulations, down alternatives, that work with Celliant technology.​ Environmentally friendly and recyclable products, with superior thermal capacity and high fill power. As usually do with the down feather, these insulations can be blown inside the garment and are a down alternative that provides a very high softness and high lofting appearance.
External Temp. Celliant Micro Ball Standard Ball Celliant Flock Down
Warm Holds heat Keeps warm
Dry High permeability to water vapor Breathable and keeps dry
Light Warm and soft Superior lightness
Water resistant
Cashmere & Celliant Lambswool & Celliant nature and tecnology
Cashmere fleece is renowned for its light weight, for its thermal properties and for that special feeling of softness and silky hand to the touch. The region of Cashmere is a mountainous territory that stretches between Afghanistan, India, China and Mongolia, where “hircus” goats with their precious golden fleece are bred. In order to survive in such an hostile habitat, characterised by very cold and windy winters and hot summers, these extraordinary animals develop a dense, very soft and thin fluff.
HOW CELLIANT® WORKS Celliant® recycles human energy - heat. Heat emitted by the body is absorbed by the minerals in the fiber.
CELLIANT® FABRIC Minerals Body Heat
Skin Infrared light penetrates deep into the tissue to increase circulation, oxygen and blood flow. This results in improved performance, thermal regulation and faster recovery. First shearing Lambswool is pure Virgin Wool obtained from lambs under the age of six/eight months. It is very thin and soft, it retains heat and absorbs more dampness than wool from adult animals. Moreover, Lambswool is more corrugated and it contains more air pockets. Its fibres are thinner and, given the same weight, the product contains more filaments. This characteristic gives the fibre a greater thermal power.
Asciuga velocemente Quickly dry Traspirante Breathable Resistente all’acqua Water resistant Leggerezza e stabilità dimensionale Lightness and dimensional stability Efficienza termica - temperatura costante - comfort elevato ClimaLight è una nuova imbottitura composta da un’innovativa miscela di microfibre di poliestere con caratteristiche termiche evolute, con proprietà di idrorepellenza, traspirabilità, confortevolezza e mano morbidissima simil-piuma. I test di laboratorio mostrano ottime performance termiche (Skin Model) sia da asciutto che da bagnato.
Thermally efficient - constant temperature - greater comfort
ClimaLight is a new filling which consists of an innovative mixture of polyester microfibres with advanced thermal characteristics, properties of water repellency, breathability and comfort, and a feather-like soft touch. Laboratory tests show excellent thermal performances (Skin Model) when the product is both dry and wet.
La prima imbottitura con caratteristiche Stretch ed elevata capacità di ripristino di forma. L’imbottitura innovativa dalle eccellenti caratteristiche dinamiche. The first filling with Stretch features and high rebound performances. The exclusive filling with excellent dynamic features.
Stretch Stretch material Memoria di forma Shape memory Traspirante Breathable Confortevole High comfort Lavabile in lavatrice a 60° C Machine washable at 60° C
The Natural Treatment For Insulations
Natural active ingredients Pure vegetal oils Mineral ingredient ECOCERT certifcation OEKOTEX certifcation Traceability Conservative Paraben Petrochemical raw material Synthetic fragrance Chemical pesticide Agricultural pesticide
EU Biocides Regulation528/212
• Antibacterial and anti-odor action of the zinc pyrithione bringing comfort and healthy life
• Safety of all active ingredients
• Action against dust mites to minimize allergic problems
• Sustainable technology to protect nature and
• Optimum e efficiency • Hypoallergenic • Durability and resistance to washing conserve people’s wellbeing