3 tips for outbound marketers who want to stay relevant

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3 Tips for Outbound Marketers Who Want to Stay Relevant virginiaseo.org /blog/3-tips-outbound-marketers-want-stay-relevant/ Adys Lynn Dill

3 Tips f or Outbound Marketers Who Want to Stay Relevant First, this is a great def inition on what outbound marketing is. T here are many in the industry that say that outbound marketing is no longer a valid method f or reaching customers, with many companies f ocusing on inbound strategies, such as content marketing, social media and other online sources. However, in 2013 survey of 1,000 IT executives, Discover.org f ound that 75 percent of those questioned decided to attend an event af ter an outbound marketing contact, and 60 percent said that they had evaluated a vendor based on a call or email. In order to keep outbound marketing relevant, however, there are a f ew key tips to f ollow.

Make it Personal One of the best tips f or keeping outbound marketing relevant is to keep the message personal. Research social media and include personal details identif ied when speaking to the contact. Use creative methods f or reaching customers, such as a handwritten letter rather than a generic, onesize-f its-all mailing. However, remember that people are busy, so lack of response or apparent non-interest may not mean the person isn’t interested in the message. T hey simply may not have time at the moment to respond to the message. T he lack of interest could also have to do with the time of day the call is made. Very f ew business people f ind lunchtime calls welcome, as this is of ten downtime f or them. Research has shown that calls between 8 and 9 AM is of ten a good time to reach out as the day has not yet become hectic. Late calls, between 4 and 5 PM also can garner results as the day is winding down. Ref erence: LinkedIn

Of f er Incent ives Use outbound marketing to promote inbound marketing strategies using contests or promotions. Send an email with a link to the company social media site where they can “like” f or a raf f le or special of f er. Include links in all printed materials, and remind employees to include links in their email signatures. Employees can also help build outbound marketing ef f orts by adding company links in their own social media prof iles. Use QR Codes that allow mobile users to simply click and visit a special landing page that of f ers discounts, incentives or additional inf ormation. QR codes can be added to anything that is printed, including posters, f lyers and even t-shirts.

Track Result s Probably the most important tip f or keeping outbound marketing ef f orts relevant is by tracking the results of any campaign. T his helps tweak strategies as necessary, f ixing what isn’t working and strengthening what is. Although many companies understand that they need to track the results of inbound marketing ef f orts, many overlook the importance of tracking results f rom telephone calls, mass mailings and email blasts. Tracking can help identif y what target markets

respond to what type of marketing so that advertising dollars are directed to the appropriate location. Although there has been talk f or years of how outbound marketing ef f orts, such as bulk mail, email and cold-calling is no longer ef f ective, studies show that those types of marketing campaigns can have relevance if they are handled properly. By combining outbound marketing with inbound marketing, campaigns have a greater chance of success overall. Are you interested in moving away f rom a heavy outbound campaign and instead investing more time into inbound marketing? Virginia SEO can help! Fill out our contact f orm and let us know!

Adys Lynn Dill SEO Consultant at Virginia SEO Adys Lynn Dill is a mother of one and really enjoys spending time with her f amily. Besides taking care of her husband (the other baby), she spends her time doing graphic design as a part of the f amily business. T he Dill Design is a local web design company in Virginia, and they specialize in small business websites. Lynn also participates heavily with Virginia SEO, and is head of social media marketing, and a key member of the content generation team. Lynn enjoys social media so much that she is on it more than a normal person should be some days.

Lat est post s by Adys Lynn Dill (see all) Your Website In T he Fast Lane: Speedy SEO (Part 2) - May 19, 2014 Your Website In T he Fast Lane: Speedy SEO (Part 1) - May 18, 2014 3 Tips f or Outbound Marketers Who Want to Stay Relevant - April 14, 2014

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