How to save time and money outsourcing seo work while avoiding spam

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How to Save Time and Money Outsourcing SEO Work (While Avoiding Spam) /blog/how-to-save-time-and-money-outsourcing-seo-work-while-avoiding-spam/ Chris Dill As a SEO, there are hundreds of tasks we need to perform on a daily basis for clients. Automation is HIGH priorirty for most of these tasks, and there are entire suites of tools to use to help you automate your SEO process- like SEO Power Suite, for one. Some tasks though, cannot be automated. Maybe because they are too complex, or perhaps because they are a compilation of multiple separate tasks and you just cannot find a replacement for them. At this time, it becomes necessary to outsource tasks. Outsourcing tasks can be as simple as hiring a Virtual Assistant, or as finding someone with a SEO background to perform a task for you. The problem here is that this is laden with danger- not only can you hire someone who has no idea what they are doing, you can mistakenly give confidential account information to people who might abuse it. There are some quick tips to help you find good help without being taken advantage of.

Three Qualities To Look For Reputation First in line for rules to follow considering outsourcing, the webmaster must work with a highly reputable company. SEO services are hot right now so Webmasters are deluged with solicitation. Not all are exactly honest and these can be considered scams. Research, review and thoroughly examine the track record of companies you consider for ethical business practices and realistically competitive cost.

Experience Experience grants expertise and is gold in SEO management. Determine the level of experience the applicant outsource selection has, because an inexperienced company with low fee is not a savings, but an open trap door. Webmasters must ensure his or her selection uses latest technology, products, and services. If they do not exhibit examples of work on their own website, ask for examples to review.

Price Webmasters of SEOs should get what they are paying for. If the price seems too good to be true, believe it is. On the flip side, the hiring company should not have nosebleed, either. SEOs should research pricing in their applicable area and ensure all expectations are clearly outlined and easy to understand. It is imperative for success that webmaster and outsource company communicate regularly throughout the entire project. In fact, if the firm or individual stops contacting the company client or is increasingly difficult to contact, cut the losses and go with another company. Caveats to warn webmasters away from spam traps: Be wary of how they are contacting you. Some companies seeking clients can be considered actual harassment.

Most reputable companies use the age old tactics of calling initial leads or following up on leads, emails, and online sales tools. Companies have to contact people in order to generate sales and profits, so bear in mind there will be competition for your business. Also consider that a lot of companies looking for your business in outsourcing will be “Inbound” oriented- you will find them and contact them through a webform to start the relationship. This is our favorite! After hiring an outsource company, set up tangible targets which are able to be measured, as well as drawing up and agreeing on an action plan. When setting target deadlines, both parties need to agree on a time frame to have the project completed and delivered. SEO projects are not short term. It is important to maintain realistic expectations and if you have a year’s worth of work to have done, keep that in your Target Expectations file.

SEO Spam In the search engine world, spam is defined as unwanted manipulation of a web page to give it an artificial ranking status. Spam is clearly defined by search engines themselves. Each major search engine provides webmasters with specific guidelines designating what they should or should not do to facilitate a better SEO rank. To review SEO specific guidelines, visit the SEOs themselves. Several methods are universally labelled search spam, Hidden Text Hidden text has subtle meanings unnoticed by the viewer or site visitor that misleads them to follow the hidden directions of the site. Hidden text is text which your visitors cannot see, but is readable by search engines. The method is to load the page with keyword phrases unseen by visitors but that improve the page’s rankings in SEO results. Hidden text is identified by each of the major search engines as spam. Doorway Pages Doorway pages actually are Web pages built especially to draw visitors to a website. They are standalone pages designed only to act as doorways to that site. Doorway pages are a very bad idea, though many SEO firms use them. If you can’t reach the page by site navigation, it is a doorway page. You are not a visitor; you are supposed to find it in search results, then click through to the site in question. A doorway page is a one-page click-through ad for a website. When clients search for a website, they do not want to visit briefly. Mirror Pages All major browsers also consider mirror pages as spam. A mirror site or mirror domain is when the same or very similar content exists on a different site or domain. If the same company owns the domains to duplicate content, then leads visitors to the originating website, it is spam.

Why Outsourcing Accelerates Growth of SEOs

The cost effective weight of having American goods manufactured abroad for lower wages, especially in Third World countries, helps their economy catch up globally and gives opportunity for a wider market, while affording an American outsourcing company lower cost. The value to the American wholesale and retail markets on the internet superhighway are essentially the same as goods manufactured overseas, when SEOs and SEMs are outsourced to countries demanding lower wages for the outsourced services. This cost cutting strategy is more than “save a nickel, save a dime” philosophy, considering that your company could acquire needed information and data from a company in East India instantly due to today’s technology, and for a much lower cost expended. India is but one example of the “outsourcing to countries” who are working to come alongside the Western world’s current domination of the internet web sites and internet strengths in marketing. While India is certainly a market leader in being the most hired outsource company, the Philippine Islands have developed a sharp increase in their presence as outsource companies in recent months. The success of outsource companies in India, Philippines or other countries has a win-win effect upon the companies who outsource and the ones who provide outsource services. The advantages in cost saving and stateside company time saved is immense for the company hiring an outsource. Said cost effectiveness can be shared in lower pricing for the internet company’s services or products. A worker in India or the Philippines can issue data timely and efficiently even while the hiring company is “in the dark” (off line). This information benefits the hiring company from its inception and when the company is again online the data is already processed and ready for incorporation into the exchange and activities. The entire globe is now awakening to the plausibility of outsourcing professional services and saving incredible costs and time deadlines. Medical personnel can outsource duties to professional experts across the world in innovations that can save lives. The tradesman can also benefit from outsourcing his professional needs and avoid the task of finding, hiring and training that professional. The trend today is smoothing the pathway for more and unquestioned outsourcing in all facets of enterprise in our future, with the result of increased efficiency globally.

Where to Safely Outsource We most often outsource to titled Virtual Assistants, and we typically hire them from one of these sites:

We typically have a process- say for instance purchasing expired domains or optimizing on-page. We will takr the time to refine and hone this process until it is amazing, and then we will document it as sort of an operation manual entry. Then we will typically make a private screen cast, and put it on private YouTube. Then, when we hire a VA we make sure the VA is qualified, reputable, trustworthy, etc. We then have then enter into a NDA, and have them watch the screen cast. All work is done based on our spec, and all reporting is done to us which is closely monitored. Outsourcing became an all-inclusive market buzz word in the past decade, and now it is consuming the online marketplace just as ravenously. Whether considering outsourcing to a foreign company in the Philippines or India or if you are searching for your outsource company stateside, it would be a terrible career mistake to do so without consulting one or all of the foregoing consultants.

Chris Dill SEO Expert at Virginia SEO Chris loves web design, marketing, and anything on a computer. He is the creator and author of The Dill Design, a local Virginia web design company. Chris just finished his MSIS and is a network engineer.

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