How Does Microdermabrasion Work?

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What is Microdermabrasion? /blog/microdermabrasion-work/

Is it cure? Is it a miracle? Is it plastic surgery? Microdermabrasion is an of f ice procedure that skin procedure f or those with mild acne, pock marks, discoloration, and superf icial acne scars. With no side ef f ects and little downtime, microdermabrasion brightens and tightens skin without the chemical peeling and resurf acing processes in surgical dermabrasion.

An “adult � procedure? Microdermabrasion is available to those between the ages of 12 and 65. Children under 12 require the care of a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, and those over 70 may bruise their thinner skin.

Under whose care? Doctors and doctors of dermatology can perf orm microdermabrasion, as can plastic surgeons. But, it can also be perf ormed by a trained physician’s assistant, nurse, aesthetician, or skin spa. T he treatment should be administered by an experienced certif ied practitioner.

What t o expect during?

Clients are advised to discontinue retinoids, alpha hydroxy acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide f or at least two days Microdermabrasion is basically a process of exf oliation. T he procedure is non-invasive with little risk of inf ection. Candidates need only remove makeup bef ore or when reporting f or the treatment.bef ore treatment. T hey should also avoid waxing, tweezing, f acials, and electrolysis as well as laser, BOT OX, or collagen treatments f or seven days in advance.

T he provider will explain the procedure and demonstrate the tools involved. T he treatment removes dead surf ace skin cells with a machine that sandblasts the skin to initiate cellular rejuvenation. A machine uses a wand directed at the skin surf ace in one of two methods. A Crystal Method sprays f ine aluminum oxide crystals onto the skin while simultaneously vacuuming away the used crystals and dead skin cells. A Diamond Method employs a diamond-tipped wand to sand the skin and suction of f the skin debris. T his diamond method avoids the chemicals that can irritate the respiration if taken in near the nose or mouth. T here is little pain and no anesthesia. T he slow thorough treatment takes between 30 minutes and an hour. And, skin is f resh and glowing immediately af ter the treatment, ready to apply moisture and light makeup bef ore returning to work or the daily routine.

What t o expect af t er? Microdermabrasion treats the surf ace of the skin with the the procedure removing dead skin cells, stimulating circulation, and revitalizing collagen.Treatments reduce sun damage and aging, wrinkles and f ine lines, as well as some acne conditions and scarring. T he most obvious changes are f ound in skin elasticity and glow. But, results can depend on the f requency of treatments, the spray level, or the coarseness of the diamond tip. T he “new� skin requires sunscreen, moisturizer, and a f acial regimen that avoids harsh chemicals and perf umes f or the ten or so days it takes f or the skin to healed f ully. Do not touch f ace. Avoid skin care products other than those recommended by the practitioner. Cool irritated skin with cool water or cold pack. Report sensitivity if it last more than two days. T he specialist will provide complete directions on home care and f ollow-up. Microdermabrasion does not irritate like dermabrasion or chemical-peels. It does not require the same recovery time, and these benef its and its moderate price may explain its wide spread popularity.

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