What to do with Snakes in and around the Backyard?

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What to do with Snakes in and around the Backyard? Dev G Snakes by nature are shy creatures that avoid human contact. They are beneficial since they consume pests like mice, grubs, slugs, insects and other forms of wildlife but some species can be highly venomous and they pose a great risk to people and animals. are often called to get rid of indoor snakes.

Dealing with Snake Bites In case a person has been bitten by a snake and the homeowner suspects that it might have been venomous, the nearest health care provider should be contacted as soon as possible. If a pet has been bitten and is experiencing pain, swelling, bruising and redness, it should be taken to the veterinarian at once. However, if these signs and symptoms are missing, the owner of the house may consider calling the vet to come and check on their pet or they might contact the Animal Poison Control Center.

Repel Snakes There are several varieties of chemical snake repellents available in the market but they pose serious health hazards to people, pets and even the environment if they are not used in a proper manner. It is recommended that the user always read and follow all the directions mentioned on the label of the product if they make up their mind to use one of these items. The product should specifically mention that it is used to repel snakes.

Changing the Environment Snakes mainly enter areas inhabited by humans in search of shelter and food. The best way to avoid this is to make the home environment and the yard unsuitable for them. The homeowner can start by removing any food source for the snakes like rodents. They should avoid leaving pet food outside and store the animal feed in tight containers. It should be kept in mind that snakes prefer hiding in cool and damp spots in the yard, and so the homeowners must make it a point to seal all of the entry points into the basement or crawl space of their home which happen to have a diameter of Âź inches or more. It is the responsibility of the owner of the house to ensure that the door sweeps and windows screens fit correctly and tightly. Vents need to be covered properly along with the drains that lead into their homes using galvanized screening. In order to avoid snakes, the yard area needs to be rid of all possible hiding sites for snakes, including weeds and tall grass which can attract prey for snakes. If you have seen a snake in your yard, call the animal removal experts at

Image Source: Flickr


12/1/2014 12:30 PM

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