Folder Master Business 2016

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Business Digitalisation & Engineering

Welcome to the IMC Krem

A life-changing experience

o ms

OUR PROFILE We equip our students with evidence-based knowledge with a strong practical focus so they can achieve academic success and enjoy excellent career prospects. Our relaxed, friendly campus culture is based on respect for the people who study and work at the university.

Plenty of opportunities to apply your knowledge All of our degree programmes have a strong practical focus. This means that you can apply the theory and tools you learn about straight away once you start working – something that your future employer will also really appreciate.

International learning environment Guest lecturers from around the world add a strong international focus to our courses.

International through and through International students. Guest lecturers from all over the world. A range of degree programmes taught in English. At our university you’ll study in a unique international environment.

Study abroad made simple A semester abroad is a tremendously enriching experience. We make it as simple as we can for you to spend a semester abroad at one of our more than 130 partner universities.

All-round support It goes without saying that we provide all the support you need to get the most out of your lectures. But we also like to go the extra mile with services such as language courses, careers advice and help with starting a business.

Finding a job? It’s almost in the bag. A degree from our university opens a lot of doors. Employers know about the benefits of an IMC Krems education. We’re especially proud of our graduate employment rate of 98%.

Always in touch – the IMC Alumni Network Even after graduating we make it easy to keep in touch with your classmates and the university. The IMC Alumni Network provides you with career information and organises regular get togethers in Austria and abroad.

EXCELLENT QUALITY In recent years, a number of different surveys have ranked IMC Krems as one of Austria’s leading universities of applied sciences. Various studies have also highlighted the excellent quality of education at the university. An analysis by the German Centre for Higher Education (CHE) as well as the U-Multirank survey both gave IMC Krems top marks for its range of degree programmes, international focus, quality of education and career opportunities.



Feel the international spirit Graduates of IMC Krems business degree programmes have what it takes to deal with the challenges of the global economy Flexibility and a willingness to adapt constantly – these are two essential criteria for educational institutions responsible for preparing young people to enter the current and future world of business. In Krems, our unique mindset means that these requirements underlie everything we do – an international outlook is a guiding principle in all of our degree programmes. This includes courses taught in German. Around half of our business degree programmes are held in English, and we have students from around 50 different countries. An international perspective is vital during courses at the university, as well as for internships and semesters abroad. Business and legal modules play a central role. But our students also develop supplementary skills that underpin their success: social skills, such as high levels of flexibility, mobility and productivity, an understanding of other cultures, cosmopolitan thinking and communication skills. Sustainability is one of the most engaging subjects of our day and age. Students attend courses on this topic, learning how to support companies and organisations looking to implement policies and strategies aimed at enhancing environmental sustainability. They also develop the abilities required to assume corporate and social responsibility.

Optimal combination of THEORY, PRACTICE AND researCh OVERVIEW

Language German

Business International Business and Export Management Management Management von Gesundheitsunternehmen Marketing Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

General Features  Two years in full-time or part-time format  Language of instruction: English or German  Carefully selected team of professors and lecturers from industry  Close ties with industry: numerous real-world projects – practical focus throughout the programme  Global career prospects  Joint and double degrees in some programmes  Master thesis and examination


International Business and Export Management

Our students develop the skills they need for international and cross-cultural management. The emphasis is on comprehensive practical components, enhancing social and research skills in terms of flexibility, adopting proactive approaches, and developing an understanding of other cultures and new forms of business and collaboration. Our graduates have the management capabilities required to hold their own in a competitive and constantly changing international environment.

Target Group You want to develop the skills required for working in an international environment. The goal: to capitalise on career opportunities in an increasingly dynamic setting. Additionally, you have a strong interest in gaining valuable cross-cultural insights.

CAREERS The degree programme gives students the abilities required to assume leadership responsibility. It opens the door to international career perspectives. Therefore, graduates will develop the skills needed to successfully manage business units in international and multicultural environments.

PROGRAMME DETAILS The students build on their existing business administration expertise and profit from an international learning environment. During the programme, students personalise their degree programme by selecting elements of their choice.

The Interdisciplinary Business Administration Qualifications Value Creation along the Supply Chain (Sourcing, Operations, Marketing); HR and Global Collaboration; Financial and Strategic Management; Management Practice and Skill Development

International Business and Export Qualifications International Business and Export in Context (Export Business, Marketing & Strategy, Finances & Budgeting); Global Affairs and International Law; Foreign Trade and International Market Selection

Major Tracks Students have to choose one out of the three major tracks in the first semester. They start in the second semester and continues in the fourth semester. Collaboration in the Next Generation Enterprise: Issues and Development of Dispersed Workforce; Network and System Dynamics in Collaboration; New Rules of Work Simulation Development of Export Opportunities: Business Development in Export, Customer Relationship Management and B2B, Structured Export and Project Financing Advanced Financial Management in International Business: Financial Management; Financial Accounting, Reporting and Auditing; Trends in Financing and Investing

At A Glance

Duration: Two years – 120 ECTS Language of instruction: English Format: Full-time, part-time Major tracks: Collaboration in the Next Generation Enterprise, Development of Export Opportunities, Advanced Financial Management in International Business Admission requirements: Undergraduate degree in business (bachelor degree or equivalent, minimum 180 ECTS), proof of English language proficiency (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level C1) Academic degree: Master of Arts in Business (MA)


Der berufsbegleitende MasterStudiengang Management ist f체r Personen konzipiert, die F체hrungsfunktionen in nationalen oder globalen Unternehmen anstreben. Unternehmerische Verantwortung ist eine wesentliche Komponente der Ausbildung. Daher sind Konzepte des nachhaltigen Managements, Innovation und Change Management sowie die Einflussfaktoren der Digitalisierung und deren Implementierung in die Lehrkonzepte eingearbeitet und werden interdisziplin채r miteinander verkn체pft.

ZIELGRUPPE Sie wollen Ihre Führungskompetenzen in nationalen oder globalen Unternehmen entwickeln bzw. weiterentwickeln. Die Vielfalt der Vertiefungen trägt maßgeblich zu Ihrem individuellen Karriereweg bei. Chancen eröffnen sich im Controlling, HR, Gesundheitswesen oder in der Unternehmensführung.

KARRIEREWEGE Das Studium bereitet Sie auf die Übernahme von Leitungsaufgaben auf allen Unternehmensebenen vor. Nach Abschluss des Studiums können sich unsere Absolventinnen und Absolventen für eine Karriere im allgemeinen Management oder als Expertinnen und Experten in ihren Spezialgebieten entscheiden.

DETAILS ZUM STUDIUM In der Studieneingangsphase stehen Themen des allgemeinen Managements im Mittelpunkt. Mit agilem Management beschäftigen Sie sich gegen Ende Ihres Studiums. Eigene Schwerpunkte können Sie im zweiten Semester setzen – fünf Vertiefungen stehen zur Auswahl.

Management und Führung Unternehmensanalyse, Unternehmensumfeld, Managementmethoden und strategische Führung, Agiles Management, Krisenmanagement

Vertiefungen Unser Master-Studiengang Management zeichnet sich unter anderem durch seine fünf Vertiefungsmodule im zweiten Semester aus. Sie wählen am Anfang des Studiums Ihren Favoriten. Controlling: Budgetierung und Liquidität, Funktionales Controlling & Beteiligungscontrolling, Strategisches Controlling & Unternehmenssteuerung, Communication Tools im Controlling, Problembereiche im Controlling Human Resource Management: Strategisches Personalmanagement, Entlohnungs- und Anreizsysteme, Diversity and Intercultural Competence, Operatives Personalmanagement, Human Resource Management und Organisationsmodell, Arbeitsrecht Gründung & Übernahme von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen: Geschäftsmodellentwicklung, Wachstums- und Redimensionierungsmanagement, Unternehmensübernahme und Unternehmensnachfolge, Intercultural Competence, Import/Export, E-Commerce Führung und Organisation im Gesundheitswesen: Organisation und Organisationsentwicklung, Wissensmanagement, Führungskompetenz, Business Modelling, Verhandlungsführung, Prozessmanagement, Krisenmanagement, Emotionale Kompetenz Big Data & Digitalization in Health Care: Health Information Technology, Big Data, Decision Making, Policy Planning, Digital Trends, Healthcare 4.0 Application Areas, Digital Transformation and Process Management


Dauer: Zwei Jahre – 120 ECTS Vorlesungssprache: Deutsch Format: Berufsbegleitend Fünf Vertiefungen: Controlling, Human Resource Management, Gründung & Übernahme von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen, Führung und Organisation im Gesundheitswesen, Big Data & Digitalization in Health Care Zugangsvoraussetzungen: Abgeschlossenes facheinschlägiges Bachelor-Studium oder Abschluss eines gleich wertigen Studiums mit einem Mindestumfang von 180 ECTS an einer anerkannten in- oder ausländischen post sekundären Bildungseinrichtung Studienabschluss: Master of Arts in Business (MA)


Leitungsfunktionen Ăźbernehmen in einer boomenden Branche: Der Master-Studiengang Management von Gesundheitsunternehmen erlaubt es Ihnen, Ihre Karriere im Gesundheitswesen individuell zu gestalten.

ZIELGRUPPE Sie sind im Gesundheitswesen tätig oder interessieren sich für den boomenden Markt der Gesundheitswirtschaft. Sie sind kreativ, arbeiten gerne im Team und möchten das Gesundheitssystem für die Herausforderungen der Zukunft fit machen.

KARRIEREWEGE Als Absolventin bzw. Absolvent sind Sie bestens vorbereitet auf die Übernahme von strategischen Managementaufgaben in öffentlichen und privatwirtschaftlichen Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens. Sie erhalten das Rüstzeug, komplexe Zusammenhänge der nationalen und internationalen Gesundheitsmärkte zu verstehen und Innovationspotenziale zu erkennen.

DETAILS ZUM STUDIUM In der Studieneingangsphase entwickeln Sie ein Verständnis für das Gesundheitswesen, dessen Märkte, der Ökonomie und der Bedeutung des strategischen Managements. Danach bestimmen Sie: Im zweiten Semester wählen Sie eine der fünf Vertiefungen. Im dritten Semester beschäftigen sich unsere Studierenden mit verschiedenen Managementszenarien in Gesundheitsunternehmen.

Management von gesunDheitsunternehmen Nationale und internationale Rahmenbedingungen des Gesundheitsmanagements, Methoden der Evaluation, Managementprozesse und Innovationsstrategien, Real World Case Studies, Stakeholdermanagement und Kommunikation, Change Management

Vertiefungen Unser Master-Studiengang Management von Gesundheitsunternehmen zeichnet sich unter anderem durch seine fünf Vertiefungsmodule im zweiten Semester aus. Sie wählen am Anfang des Studiums Ihren Favoriten. Führung und Organisation im Gesundheitswesen: Organisation und Organisationsentwicklung, Wissensmanagement, Führungskompetenz, Business Modelling, Verhandlungsführung, Prozess-, Krisenmanagement, Emotionale Kompetenz Big Data & Digitalization in Health Care: Health Information Technology, Big Data, Decision Making, Policy Planning, Digital Trends, Healthcare 4.0 Application Areas, Digital Transformation and Process Management Human Resource Management: Strategisches Personalmanagement, Entlohnungs- und Anreizsysteme, Diversity and Intercultural Competence, Operatives Personalmanagement, Human Resource Management und Organisationsmodell, Arbeitsrecht Controlling: Budgetierung und Liquidität, Funktionales Controlling & Beteiligungscontrolling, Strategisches Controlling und Unternehmenssteuerung, Communication Tools im Controlling, Problembereiche im Controlling Gründung & Übernahme von kleinen & mittleren Unternehmen: Geschäftsmodellentwicklung, Wachstums- und Redimensionierungsmanagement, Unternehmensübernahme und -nachfolge, Intercultural Competence, Import/Export, E-Commerce


Dauer: Zwei Jahre – 120 ECTS Vorlesungssprache: Deutsch Format: Berufsbegleitend Fünf Vertiefungen: Führung und Organisation im Gesundheitswesen, Big Data & Digitalization in Health Care, Human Resource Management, Controlling, Gründung & Übernahme von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen Zugangsvoraussetzungen: Abgeschlossenes facheinschlägiges Bachelor-Studium oder Abschluss eines gleich wertigen Studiums mit einem Mindestumfang von 180 ECTS an einer anerkannten in- oder ausländischen post sekundären Bildungseinrichtung Studienabschluss: Master of Arts in Business (MA)


For future marketing communication experts: Do you enjoy working in a creative, dynamic and international environment, and planning and implementing marketing and communications strategies? Compatible with part-time employment, the Marketing master degree programme is tailor-made for you, with major tracks in Tourism and Service Marketing, Fashion and Lifestyle Marketing, and Retail and Shopper Marketing.

Target Group As marketing manager you want to plan, coordinate and monitor all corporate activities geared towards meeting customers’ current and future needs. This demands a detailed understanding of consumer behaviour, various marketing tools, as well as creative approaches to developing products and services.

CAREERS Graduates of the Marketing master degree programme will have the skills required to perform expert tasks in a domestic or international professional environment and as part of a team, to take the initiative and to communicate effectively. You will have the necessary knowledge, skills and competences to identify problems in interdisciplinary settings and independently devise creative solutions.

PROGRAMME DETAILS You learn how to plan, execute and evaluate marketing activities, with a strong focus on business practice. Core topics include strategic and brand management, digital marketing, communication skills and market research. Throughout the programme, students work closely with businesses on course-related and research projects.

major tracks Choose your own focus areas. You select one of three major tracks on the programme. They are held in semester 2. Tourism and Service Marketing: This is the major track for you if you are interested in planning and implementing marketing and management measures at tourism destinations, accommodation providers, event or consulting agencies, or similar service providers. You will look at the latest tourism-related developments, and tourism’s significance for the community. In the tourism industry, there is a long-standing emphasis on deploying information and communication technology to optimise business processes (such as bookings, storing guest data, and e-marketing) and enhancing the customer experience. Fashion and Lifestyle Marketing: This major track is the ideal choice for anyone interested in fashion and lifestyle brands, and looking to find out more about positioning strategies and brand management in the fashion and luxury goods sector. You will look at topics such as international fashion and lifestyle trends, as well as methods and processes used in planning collections. This major track gives you the skills required to take on various positions, including product, communications, merchandising, brand and store manager, purchaser and many more besides. Retail and Shopper Marketing: If your aim is to build up in-depth knowledge of retail marketing, with a view to optimising retail performance, this is the major track for you. The focus is on designing stores and store processes, such as point-of-sale design and e-commerce. The target is to create a unique shopping experience for customers. This major track will put you in a position to assume responsibilities in a wide range of roles, including as a retail marketing manager, sales representative, as well as e-commerce, channel, supply chain or key account manager.

At A Glance

Duration: Two years – 120 ECTS Language of instruction: English Format: Full-time, lectures only take place three days per week Three major tracks: Tourism and Service Marketing, Fashion and Lifestyle Marketing, Retail and Shopper Marketing Admission requirements: Undergraduate degree in business (bachelor degree or equivalent, minimum 180 ECTS), proof of English language proficiency (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level C1) Academic degree: Master of Arts in Business (MA)


Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ist in aller Munde. An der IMC FH Krems kann man es studieren: Der berufsbegleitende MasterStudiengang Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement qualifiziert Sie für die Übernahme verantwortungsvoller, einschlägiger Tätigkeiten im nationalen und internationalen Berufsfeld.

ZIELGRUPPE Sie wollen Leitungs- bzw. anspruchsvolle Stabsstellenfunktionen bei nationalen und internationalen Unternehmen, Verbänden oder NGOs und Forschungseinrichtungen übernehmen. Sie planen und überlegen verantwortungsbewusst und interessieren sich für die Bereiche Umwelt-, Nachhaltigkeits- und Energiemanagement sowie Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

KARRIEREWEGE Als Absolventin oder Absolvent des Master-Studiengangs Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement „leben“ und verstehen Sie den Gedanken der Nachhaltigkeit. Sie sind in der Lage, mit Ressourcen sorgsam umzugehen und sowohl inner- als auch außerbetrieblich verantwortungsbewusst zu planen und zu agieren.

DETAILS ZUM STUDIUM Nach Ihrem interdisziplinären Studium unterstützen Sie Unternehmen und Organisationen bei der Implementierung von ökologischen und sozialen Strategien und Maßnahmen. Im Studium lernen Sie also, wie Unternehmen und Organisationen eine nachhaltige Wirtschaftsweise umsetzen können und so einen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung leisten. Werden Sie zur Botschafterin oder zum Botschafter für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften: Im Studium beschäftigen Sie sich mit Trends und Chancen im Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Unternehmen sind ein wichtiger Teil der Gesellschaft und sollten daher auch nicht losgelöst von dieser betrachtet werden.Einige der Fragestellungen und Themen: Mit welchen ethischen Fragen sind Sie an der Schnittstelle von Umwelt, Wirtschaft und Sozialem konfrontiert? Welche gesellschaftlichen, volkswirtschaftlichen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen gibt es? Welche Bedeutung haben die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Managementsysteme und Standards: Eine der Kernfragen: Wie können Sie nachhaltiges Wirtschaften operativ in Ihrem Unternehmen umsetzen? In diesem Schwerpunkt lernen Sie alle notwendigen Managementsysteme und Standards kennen, die Sie als Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin oder -manager in Ihrem Berufsalltag einsetzen können. Kommunikation und Berichterstattung: Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ist bereits ein wichtiger Grundsatz in Ihrem Unternehmen? Dann sollten Sie das auch kommunizieren. Sie lernen, wie Sie die interne Kommunikation effizient steuern und beschäftigen sich vor allem auch mit der externen Kommunikation zu den Schnittstellen der Organisation. Im Detail wird auf Public Relations (PR), Stakeholder Management und eine klare Berichterstattung eingegangen. Ökologische und technologische Grundlagen: Der Schwerpunkt widmet sich den Grundlagen der Ökologie und Technik. Die Lehrveranstaltungen vermitteln Grundkenntnisse unseres Ökosystems, in dessen Rahmen die Gesellschaft und damit auch Unternehmen agieren. Außerdem eignen Sie sich ein technisches Grundverständnis für ausgewählte Bereiche an. Im Fokus stehen hier erneuerbare Energien und Abfallmanagement. Forschungsmethoden und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Dieser Schwerpunkt umfasst neben allen forschungsbezogenen Lehrveranstaltungen auch die Master-Arbeit sowie die Master-Prüfung. Im Rahmen der MasterArbeit entwickeln Sie neue Lösungsansätze für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften. Gestalten Sie eine junge Disziplin aktiv mit und schaffen Sie Mehrwert für Ihre Projekt-Auftraggeberin oder Ihren Projekt-Auftraggeber!

AUF EINEN BLICK Dauer: Zwei Jahre – 120 ECTS Vorlesungssprache: Deutsch Format: Berufsbegleitend; die Lehrveranstaltungen finden in der Regel am Freitag und Samstag ganztags

von 9:00 bis ca. 18:00 Uhr sowie einmal pro Semester im Rahmen einer Blockwoche statt.

Zugangsvoraussetzungen: Abgeschlossenes facheinschlägiges Bachelor-Studium oder Abschluss eines gleich

wertigen Studiums mit einem Mindestumfang von 180 ECTS an einer anerkannten in- oder ausländischen postsekundären Bildungseinrichtung Studienabschluss: Master of Arts in Business (MA)


Digitalisation & engineering The age of digital heroes has arrived There’s a strong emphasis on data in our digitalisation and engineering programmes. The objective is to make sense of masses of unstructured data. Just to be clear: we don’t train engineers or technicians as such. What we do is prepare our students to play the role of a “translator” who can act as an interface between different professional groups and work confidently with large amounts of data. You also learn how to effectively exploit the latest technological tools to gain new insights and uncover relationships which have previously gone unnoticed so you can head in innovative new directions – with direct benefits for your company or business.

Study with us today and learn how to shape the world of tomorrow. Language German


Digitalisation & engineering Digital Business Innovation and Transformation

“What makes the degree unique is our holistic approach to digitalisation. On the one hand, critical and analytical thinking are needed to fully exploit existing processes digitally. On the other hand, creativity is called for to explore potential and develop, test and, if necessary, integrate innovative products, services, and business models into the company. We call this process transformation. The challenge lies less in mastering the new digital technologies or ensuring profitability, but rather in bringing the human factor to the fore and incorporating it into the process. Our focus here is on customer-centric innovation using approaches such as design thinking, as well as on human-computer interaction, human development and communications, change and transformation management, leadership, and ethics.� Programme director of Digital Business Innovation and Transformation, Roger Hage

Digital Business Innovation and Transformation

As change agents, our graduates will guide companies into the future. They have the skills needed to coordinate and manage digital transformation in any industry. Furthermore, they will have what it takes to develop new digital business models. This master degree programme focuses on the required business administration skills, in combination with core competences such as communication, cooperation, data mining and design thinking.

Target Group You want to develop specific transformational capabilities that enable you to manage and support digitalisation processes in various corporate environments. As a change agent in corporate digital transformations you will build the digital business models of the future.

CAREERS As a graduate, you are able to understand the specific requirements placed on digital business models in all phases of the value creation process. This means that you will be able to plan, manage and comprehensively drive forward the digitalisation of production, service and sales processes.

PROGRAMME DETAILS The skills students acquire as experts in business process innovation are based on a combination of business administration expertise with IT and transformation of management know-how. In addition, key competences including communication, cooperation, problem solving and design thinking play major parts.

Business Administration Qualifications with focus on Digital Transformation and Innovation Business Models and Analysis, Digital Business Essentials, Digital Business Processes and Strategies, Transformation Management, Innovation Methods and Controlling, Leading Digital Transformation and Innovation, Risks and Laws

Digital Transformation Qualifications Digital Trends and Digital Innovation, Data Management and Data Analysis (including Human-Computer-Interaction)

At A Glance  Duration: Two years – 120 ECTS  Language of instruction: English  Format: Part-time  Admission requirements: Undergraduate degree in business (bachelor degree or equivalent, minimum 180 ECTS), proof of English language proficiency (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level C1)  Academic degree: Master of Arts in Business (MA)

High-quality research

Innovative solutions for busines



Applied research and research driven teaching The university works closely with businesses and organisations to ensure that knowledge from the various fields of research feeds into day-to-day practice, and vice versa. Our researchers aim to integrate research findings into their teaching. Partnerships with research institutes and business partners in Austria and abroad, coupled with our lecturers’ contacts with decision-makers and research groups at other universities enables IMC Krems to attract teaching staff for specialised courses, and also ensures that course contents are constantly up to date. IMC Krems students are closely involved in application-driven research projects, and can write their bachelor or master thesis on a practical, topical subject related to the university’s key research areas. Research-led teaching helps students to develop the skills required to handle day-to-day professional challenges. Our effectiveness in equipping students for their careers is reflected in outstanding levels of student satisfaction and strong demand from our research and business partners for IMC Krems graduates.

Close ties with the economy In terms of both interdisciplinary teaching and research, the Department of Business focuses on contemporary management theories, the development of efficient and innovative solutions and their implementation in business practice, the analysis of value creation, and research into corporate social responsibility. An interdisciplinary research network, and collaboration with corporate and academic partners as well as tertiary education facilities – with a strong international focus – expands the university’s research portfolio and promotes the development and ongoing expansion of our research-related capabilities in the various research fields and topics.

Cornerstones & Characteristics  Application of modern management theories and principles  Efficient development of innovative solutions  Direct implementation at companies  Knowledge transfer – putting the latest research findings into practice  Applied research centred on current practical challenges  Integrating companies and organisations into the research process  Highly qualified staff with extensive practical experience

Services - w the extra mil

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CAREER SERVICES CAREER CENTER, FOUNDERS LAB, CO-WORKING SPACE The Career Center offers students, graduates and career starters a broad portfolio of career-related services. According to their needs, students receive support before, during and after their internships. The center also focuses on expanding its range of partnerships with companies in Austria and abroad, as well as the job platform and oncampus recruiting. The Founders Lab fosters the entrepreneurial ability of our students and alumni. The goal is to facilitate the founding process of companies from idea generation to execution and help our founders form sustainable businesses. The motto of our Co-Working Space: Work-collaborate-develop. It follows the trend of the new world of work and offers an inspiring and creative work environment for founders and entrepreneurs.

STUDY SERVICES YOUR SUPPORT DURING YOUR STUDIES From enrolment to degree certificates: the Study Services team are available to help with all your admin-related questions. We make sure that your studies progress smoothly from an organisational perspective, and take care of lots of tasks on your behalf. So you have more time to study – and much more besides.

INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE CENTER upGraDe your lanGuaGe SkillS Our needs-focused language courses will equip you with the tools you need to communicate confidently and effectively, and help you to efficiently reach your learning goals. We provide courses in a wide range of languages including: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Russian and Arabic.

InternatIonal Welcome center Got a problem? We’re here to help! International student? Welcome to Krems! The International Welcome Centre is your point of contact for all non-academic matters while you’re studying at IMC Krems. Perhaps you need to arrange some medical treatment, want to move flat, or are looking for people with similar interests to you? Maybe you’re homesick or have a personal problem? Together we’ll find a solution – we’ll be there for you.

ALUMNI SERVICES PROFIT FROM A GLOBAL NETWORK The global IMC Alumni Network enables graduates to keep in touch with the university via a number of channels, and to further their professional development. Moreover, graduates profit from more than 20 IMC Alumni Chapters worldwide.

Krems – a university city on

Vienna's doorstep Highest concentration of higher education institutions in Austria With five universities within an area of 52 km2, Krems is the site of the most concentrated higher education cluster in Austria – and some would claim in the whole of Europe. Located in the greater Vienna region, Krems is less than an hour away from the Austrian capital by public transport. It has a population of about 25,000 and around 13,000 students – wherever you go there’s a great student feel about the town. A tip for the parents of international students: Krems is a very safe place where you can get almost anywhere on foot or by bike. Our foreign students love the area around the town, its charming Heuriger wine taverns and its large, cosmopolitan student community.

A unique historic town on the Danube Krems is nestled between the Danube river and hillside vineyards at the gateway to the Wachau valley – within one of the most beautiful cultural landscapes in Austria and a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Region. With a wide range of options for shopping, sports and outdoor activities, and everything that the historic, pedestrianised old town has to offer, there is plenty to do in your free time. Krems also has a diverse and burgeoning restaurant and café scene.

Young, dynamic and environmentally friendly Krems is a vibrant university town – friendly and welcoming, yet cosmopolitan thanks to its 13,000 students from more than 50 different countries. The young people give this charming town a flair all of its own. And Krems is a place where they rightly feel very comfortable and safe. Our students really appreciate being able to get around on foot or by bicycle and without a car or having to use public transport.

The university’s three locations – modern, historic and central Courses take place at the ultra-modern IMC Campus Krems, at the international campus IMC Piaristengasse, and in some cases at the medieval IMC Gozzoburg site in the heart of the old town. These three locations highlight the quality of life that students enjoy in Krems, as well as providing a perfect setting for studying and socialising.

Nr. 1

in student satisfaction

17 11 3

Universum Ranking 2017 amongst Austrian universities of applied sciences

imc krems in numbers

Bachelor pogammes Master programmes Advanced training courses








Students from


different nations


Lecturers and researchers

application and admission IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems only accepts applications which are completed in full and submitted by the relevant deadline. We strongly recommend that you complete your online application in good time, so that you will still be able to submit any missing documents before the deadline for applications. All details and guidelines regarding the online application process, the entry requirements and fees are available at:

1st step Once you have registered, you will receive a link that allows you to access the online application system and start preparing your application. You can save your online application at any time and continue the application procedure later by clicking on this link. Additionally, Non-EU citizens are required to pay a registration fee of EUR 200. 2nd step Next, you need to complete your online application, upload all of the necessary supporting documents and select a date and format for your admission interview. After you submit your completed application, we will send you a confirmation by e-mail. Where applicable, please note that you must send any translated and certified documents by post. 3rd step The academic board will only assess full and complete applications (including all translated and certified documents) to establish whether they meet the entry requirements. We will send you an e-mail with the result of the assessment, and if your application meets the requirements, you will be invited to participate in the admissions procedure. 4th step You will take part in a specific admissions procedure for your chosen degree programme. The admission interview can be held either in Krems or via video call (e.g. Skype). Interview dates will be published on our website. 5th step Once you have completed the admission procedure, we will inform you of our decision as soon as possible by e-mail. Please note that, for administrative reasons, we are unable to provide any information by telephone. Important note In case you wish to apply before the completion of your Bachelor degree, please upload an official confirmation from your university of the degree you’re studying for (including the total number of ECTS to be achieved), a list of the remaining courses to be completed, the expected date of graduation, and your transcript of records. Please consider that all certificates issued outside of Austria must be translated into German or English and properly legalised.


EU citizens Registration



EUR 363.36 per semester

Non-EU citizens Registration

EUR 200.00


EUR 3,900.00 per semester

BEWERBUNG UND AUFNAHME Die IMC Fachhochschule Krems akzeptiert nur vollständige und fristgerecht eingereichte Bewerbungen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen daher, Ihre Online-Bewerbung rechtzeitig abzuschließen, damit eventuelle Nachforderungen von Dokumenten noch innerhalb der Bewerbungsfrist erledigt werden können. Alle Details zur Online-Bewerbung, Zulassung und zu den Studienbeiträgen finden Sie auf unserer Website unter:

1. Schritt Nach erfolgreicher Registrierung erhalten Sie Ihren persönlichen Zugangslink, mit dem Sie Ihre Online-Bewerbung starten können. Ihre Online-Bewerbung kann jederzeit zwischengespeichert und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt mit Ihrem persönlichen Zugangslink weitergeführt werden. Bei Nicht-EU-Staatsbürgerinnen und -Staatsbürgern ist zusätzlich eine Registration Fee von € 200,- zu entrichten. 2. Schritt Sie vervollständigen Ihre Online-Bewerbung, laden sämtliche erforderlichen Dokumente hoch und wählen den Termin bzw. Modus Ihres Aufnahmeverfahrens aus. Nachdem Sie Ihre vollständige Bewerbung abgesendet haben, erhalten Sie von uns eine Bestätigung per E-Mail. Beachten Sie bitte, dass Sie, falls zutreffend, Ihre übersetzten und beglaubigten Dokumente per Post übermitteln müssen. 3. Schritt Nur vollständige Bewerbungen (inklusive übersetzter und beglaubigter Dokumente) werden durch die zuständige Stelle bezüglich der Erfüllung der Zugangsvoraussetzung überprüft. Wir informieren Sie per E-Mail über das Ergebnis der Prüfung der Zugangsvoraussetzungen und laden Sie bei Erfüllung zum Aufnahmeverfahren ein. 4. Schritt Sie absolvieren das studiengangspezifische Aufnahmeverfahren. Aufnahmegespräche können entweder vor Ort oder via Videotelefonie (z. B. Skype) durchgeführt werden. Die Aufnahmetermine werden auf unserer Website veröffentlicht. 5. Schritt Nach Ihrer Teilnahme am Aufnahmeverfahren informieren wir Sie so rasch wie möglich über das Ergebnis. Diese Verständigung erfolgt ausschließlich per E-Mail. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis, dass aus administrativen Gründen dazu keine telefonischen Auskünfte erteilt werden können. Wichtiger Hinweis Sie können sich bereits vor Abschluss Ihres Bachelor-Studiums bewerben. In diesem Fall reichen Sie bitte eine Bestätigung Ihrer Hochschule über den angestrebten Abschluss (inkl. der erreichbaren ECTS ), dem voraussichtlichen Abschlussprüfungstermin, sowie eine Auflistung der noch offenen Lehrveranstaltungen ein. Bewerberinnen und Bewerber mit internationalen Abschlüssen sind aufgefordert, sämtliche Zeugnisse übersetzt (auf Deutsch oder Englisch) und beglaubigt einzureichen.


EU-Staatsbürgerinnen und -Staatsbürger Registration



EUR 363,36 pro Semester

Nicht-EU-Staatsbürgerinnen und -Staatsbürger Registration

EUR 200,-


EUR 3.900,- pro Semester

IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems Piaristengasse 1 A-3500 Krems – Austria

Prospective Student Advisory Service/Studienberatung T: +43 2732 802 222 E: I:

Version: 12/2018

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