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Common Name: Orange-winged Amazon

Scientific Name: Amazona amazonica

LEAST CONCERN Orange-winged Amazon Distribution: Northern South America

Habitat: Tropical Forest Height: 31cm Weight: 298 - 469g Diet: Herbivorous

The Amazon is mainly green and the feathers on the neck are edged with black. The cheeks and front of the crown are yellow, and the forehead may also be yellow. The area above the eyes is blue in colour. The upper side of the parrot is yellow to green and the tips of the primaries are bluish with black ends. Their secondary feathers are orange which give the parrot its name. The bill is greyish as are the feet and the eyes are orange. The species is found in south America in the Amazon basin, where it occupies rainforest habitat near to rivers and lakes. The distribution covers Colombia, Venezuela, eastern Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. The species is also found on Trinidad and Tobago. The parrot forages in the canopy for fruits and seeds. The orange winged Amazon parrot is a very social bird and moves in large flocks or pairs between trees looking for food. They have communal roost sites and many birds may roost in the same area overnight. The female lays 2 – 4 eggs which she incubates for 3 weeks. The male brings the female food during the incubating period. The male stays close by the incubating female during the day but returns to the communal nest site at night time. Once hatched, the young remain in the nest for up two months before they are ready to fledge.

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