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Common Name: Reindeer Scientific Name: Rangifer tarandus

LEAST CONCERN Reindeer Distribution: Northern Circumpolar Habitat: Tundra, woodland Length: 162-214cm Weight: Female: 60-170kg Male: 100-318kg Diet: Herbivorous

Reindeer are known as caribou in North America and wild herds can still be found in areas of Canada and Alaska as well as in Russia and Norway. Reindeer were domesticated over 3000 years ago and are farmed for their meat, hides, milk and for transportation. They are still used in Scandinavia and Russia and have been introduced to many northern islands including Iceland. Wild reindeer seasonally migrate over huge distances, and people have to move with their domesticated herds. Herds will travel around 750 miles to new calving grounds but can also travel up to 40 miles just during the day in search of food. They graze on grass and wild herbs during the summer months and survive on moss and lichen during the long, cold winter. They have four stomachs so they can digest this tough plant matter. Reindeer have distinctively shaped antlers and are the only deer where both males and females have them. Male compete for access to females during the breeding season in the autumn, the winner will get to mate with 15-20 females. In addition to migrating to avoid the worst weather, reindeer have several adaptations to survive in a cold climate. They have really big nostrils to warm air before it gets to their lungs and two layers of fur - a thick warm layer and a waterproof one on top. They have several predators, including eagles, wolverines, brown bears and polar bears. But, these mainly target young and unhealthy reindeer. Only grey wolves regularly kill adult reindeer. Their main defence is living in large herds - during migrations a herd can include thousands of individuals.

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