Abdominoplasty Sydney, Tummy Tuck Surgery
1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726)
Abdominoplasty Surgery An abdominoplasty or ‘tummy tuck’ is an operation designed to reshape the entire abdomen. The modern tummy tuck removes excess skin, fat and tightens any loose musculature to create a flat tummy and svelte waistline. Liposuction is required in nearly all cases to add the finishing touches to your contour. Two types of tummy tucks can be performed. A full tummy tuck, which is the most common procedure, and a rarer ‘mini’ tummy tuck.
Technique Full Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and you are usually in hospital for three nights. There is mild pain post-operatively, which is easily controlled with a combination of intravenous analgesia and oral analgesia, with patients using oral medication at time of discharge. A full tummy tuck targets both the lower and upper abdomen. The entire abdominal skin is re-draped and the abdominal wall musculature is tightened. The umbilicus (belly-button) is also moved into a more appropriate location. A mini tummy tuck is a smaller procedure which principally concentrates on tightening and reshaping the lower abdomen. A horizontal incision is placed in the pubic region, along the ‘bikini line’ (or utilising your caesarean scar should you have one). The final scar is designed to fall discreetly within your undergarments, lingerie and/or swimsuit lines. If your abdominal muscles are separated (for example after pregnancy) then these are bound back
Abdominoplasty Sydney, Tummy Tuck Surgery
together. The excess skin and fat is then removed, and your belly button is re-created. Liposuction is often
1300 26 77to26 (tel:1300267726) combined with an abdominoplasty to contour the abdomen and can be extended include the hips, flanks and thigh regions.
Recovery You will initially be nursed in a flexed position on your bed and you will slowly straighten up over the next few days prior to your discharge. There will be drains in your abdomen which are removed usually by the time of discharge. While recovery time will vary from patient to patient based on the extent of surgery undertaken, you should plan for the following: At least 2-3 weeks off work No driving for at least 3 weeks No heavy lifting for 6 weeks You must have someone to help with the care of young children for at least the first 3 weeks post-operatively. The abdomen feels “tight” for several weeks after surgery, as though you are wearing an internal corset. Numbness may be present around the incision and the belly itself and in some cases may be permanent. The scar begins to fade after 3 months and may take 1 to 2 years to reach its final appearance. The majority of bruising and swelling will resolve by 6 weeks but can persist for several months.
Costs Risks If you are considering abdominoplasty surgery, then it is important that you are informed of the potential risks, complications and side effects of this surgery. While all care is taken to minimise or totally avoid these complications and side effects, complications may and do occur despite the best medical care. It is important that you carefully read and understand the risk factors and they will be discussed in more detail when you have your consultation with Dr Kumar.
The Risks Include...
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Abdominoplasty Sydney, Tummy Tuck Surgery
1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726)
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Dr Rohit Kumar Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon
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