Breast lift, breast lift sydney

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Breast Lift, Breast Lift Sydney

 1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726)


Breast Lift





A breast lift, or mastopexy, restores a firmer, shapelier breast, which will improve body contours and give the breasts a perky, youthful appearance. Multiple techniques exist that can fulfil your goals with minimal scarring. For patients who require more volume as well as lift, then the augmentation mastopexy (breast lift with implants), is the operation of choice. If less volume is desired, then the lift can be performed in association with a breast reduction.

Technique In general terms, there are a few common classes of breast lift, or mastopexy, and they all have their role in breasts with differing needs.

Periareolar (Benelli) Mastopexy This is limited to women who require small lifts of the nipple ~ 1 cm to 2cm. It is often combined with a breast implant for best results.

Vertical Scar Mastopexy This operation leaves a similar lollipop scar to smaller size breast reductions, and is suitable for breasts with moderate laxity and reasonable skin quality.

Inverted T Mastopexy This operation is suitable for breasts with severe laxity, and nipples that have dropped significantly. The resulting scar is the same as used for larger breast reductions. The scars run around the nipple, down the breast and along the infra-mammary fold (breast crease), in an anchor shape.




Breast Lift, Breast Lift Sydney


 1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726)

Breast lift surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and is usually a day-only procedure. There is minimal pain after the procedure and this is usually controlled with simple analgesia. All your sutures are selfdissolving and your dressings are waterproof so you can start having a shower from the day after your surgery. You will be given a garment to wear and this is to be worn for 6 weeks post-operatively. Most people can return to a level of daily duties the next day but this can vary on an individual basis so when planning for this surgery we would suggest you plan to have: A week off work for office-based jobs 10-14 days off work for more physical-type work Minimal driving for a week following the surgery

Costs Risks If you are considering a breast lift (mastopexy), then it is important that you are informed of the potential risks, complications and side effects of this surgery. While all care is taken to minimise or totally avoid these complications and side effects, complications may and do occur despite the best medical care. It is important that you carefully read and understand the risk factors and they will be discussed in more detail when you have your consultation with your surgeon.

The Risks Include...

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Breast Lift, Breast Lift Sydney

 1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726)

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Breast Lift, Breast Lift Sydney

 1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726)

Dr Scott Turner

Dr Callum Gilchrist

Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon

Specialist Anaesthetist

MBBS MMedSci FRACS (plas)



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Dr Rohit Kumar Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon




Inner West / Eastern Suburbs / Lower North Shore / Western Sydney / Orange Sydney Rooms - Level 1: 256 Norton Street Leichhardt, Sydney, NSW, 2040 ( 1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726) Orange Rooms - McNamara Street Specialist Centre Level 1: 60-62 McNamara St Orange NSW 2800 ( Penrith Rooms - Level 1: 510-536 High St, Penrith, NSW, 2750 (

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