Exercise physiology total physio manly

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––Exercise Physiology





 Main Services (Http://Www.Totalphysiomv.Com/Home/Our-Services/#All)

We are able to offer specific gym based exercise programs at Manly Vale under the guidance of a fully qualified exercise physiologist Jo Lindsay in either small groups or as individual sessions ‐ targeting patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, chronic pain or post‐operative care. Exercise physiology is ideal for you if: You have been given the all clear from your physiotherapist but don’t feel confident going straight back into your past exercise habits You are unsure what are the best exercises specifically for you. Your doctor told you that exercise would reduce your risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis. An exercise physiology program will include elements from the 5 facets of fitness most relevant to you –aerobic, strength, core stability, flexibility and balance. It can be undertaken in our dedicated gym area or we can develop a program for you to carry out in your own home or gym. Beat It is a program of one hour weekly classes designed by Diabetes NSW and delivered by Jo Lindsay, our exercise physiologist. It follows a circuit format including exercises for fitness and strength. There is also an education component including healthy eating. It is not just for those with diabetes, however participants who have type 2 diabetes receive a rebate from Medicare.



About Us (http://www.totalphysiomv.com/about‐us/) What we do (http://www.totalphysiomv.com/what‐we‐do/) Newsletter (http://www.totalphysiomv.com/news/) TOTAL PHYSIOTHERAPY, 295 CONDAMINE STREET, MANLY VALE, NSW, 2093 EMAIL – reception@totalphysiomv.com (mailto:reception@totalphysiomv.com) PHONE – 02 9907 0321 (tel:0299070321)

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