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Fire Alarms in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire - Whitton Electrical

Speak to us today 0800 4488 593


Fire Alarms



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Whitton Fire Systems install, maintain and service all Who we areof re systems types News Whitton

Fire Systems engineers are fully quali ed to install and commission

re alarm systems ranging from small domestic installations, including

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landlord’s communal areas, to larger commercial/industrial systems. We can install your re alarm with the minimum of disruption to give you protection as required from your insurers or from recommendations made by a re o cer’s risk assessment. Whitton Fire Systems only use the best quality equipment, that has been trailed and tested by ourselves, to ensure we limit false alarms and maintain reliability of protection. We have a wide experience working within many di erent environments including medical centres, High Street stores, restaurants, schools and many more.




Fire Alarms in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire - Whitton Electrical

Speak to us today 0800 4488 593

Industrial Commercial

Service and Maintenance 


Whitton Fire Systems can provide 24/7 cover with a low cost annual service

Case studieswhich contract

includes reduced call out rates for contracted clients. Our

engineers are fully trained and experienced in many di erent

Who we are

manufacturers systems and keep a plentiful and varied amount of stock on

News their

vehicles. We have adopted a paperless system so that our clients

receive all paperwork electronically (hard copies available) on the day the

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maintenance/service is carried out.

Fire Alarm Installation and Commissioning Fire Alarm Service and Maintenance Fire Alarm Certi cation Fire Alarm Systems in HMO

Conventional Fire Alarm Systems Addressable Fire Alarm Systems Aspirating Smoke Detection Systems Ziton installer and distributor.


Certi cation https://whittonelectrical.co.uk/services/fire-alarms/



Fire Alarms in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire - Whitton Electrical

Whitton Fire Systems can provide all of0800 the 4488 relevant Speak to us today 593 re alarm certi cation

and paperwork as required by British Standard 5829-1:2013 on completion of works. These are generally sent electronically but hard copies are available.

HMO Dwellings Industrial Whitton Fire Commercial

Systems have worked on many HMO dwellings and understand

the complications associated with working in multi-tenanted buildings. We

 carry out our installations to the highest of standards minimizing disruption


to the occupants Case studies

and ensuring the site is kept clean, tidy and safe.

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Conventional Systems Conventional re alarm systems are more cost e ective than the more expensive addressable systems. They provide coverage in zone rather than individual device location and have separate sounder and detection circuits. Whitton Fire Systems can provide a free quotation with multiple solutions f

b ld




Fire Alarms in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire - Whitton Electrical

for your building.

Speak to us today 0800 4488 593

Addressable Systems Addressable Fire Alarm systems are fully programmable units. They provide detection via an individual device that relays the information to an LCD Industrial display.

Whitton Fire Systems can work on many manufacturer’s systems

including: Morley, Kidde, Gent, Kentec, Ziton, Clymac and Protec. Whitton


Fire Systems can also install wireless re detection to limit damage to the

fabric Services

of the building or for quick installation. These systems send radio  signals back to a programmable/addressable panel the can be installed very

Case studies

quickly with minimum disruption. The systems we install include EMS and

EDA. Who we are News Speak to us

Aspirating Smoke Detection Aspirating re alarm systems utilise air extracted through pipework back to an accessible detector to cover small or large areas. These can be programmed to interface with an existing re alarm panel and can be set to a wide degree of sensitivity. These systems are ideal for re alarm detection in server rooms and warehouses. The systems we install and maintain include Vesda (Xtralis) and Kidde Airsense.

Ziton Installer Whitton Fire Systems specialise in the installation and commissioning of Ziton and Clymac re alarm systems. We provide these services for a range of companies throughout the South East and are highly experienced with the majority of systems on the market. https://whittonelectrical.co.uk/services/fire-alarms/



Fire Alarms in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire - Whitton Electrical

Our systems cover small to large installations including conventional, Speak to us today 0800 4488 593

addressable systems and aspirating systems. We can provide monitoring solutions using BT Redcare products which will ensure the necessary protection to your home, business or work place. We can provide advice on how best to meet your legal obligations and maintain your re alarm systems. Industrial

For more information on our Fire Alarm installation, servicing and

maintenance please call on 0203 6590333



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Fire Alarms in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire - Whitton Electrical

Speak to us today 0800 4488 593

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Fire Alarms in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire - Whitton Electrical

Speak to us today 0800 4488 593

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O ce Environment Restaurants, Pubs and Clubs Retail Education Medical

Industrial Sectors Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Aerospace Distribution Centres

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Fire Alarms in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire - Whitton Electrical


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