Group income protection, group income protection uk

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Group Income Protection, Group Income Protection UK

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An Explanation on Group Income Protection - By Halo Consulting

Group Income Protection – peace of mind for your people Group Income Protection is a way you can give peace of mind to your employees and their families. Should someone who works for you nd themselves unable to work, they can receive payments to help them pay their bills while they are recovering from an illness. What would happen if an employee falls sick? How would a long period of sickness a ect their life?

Without protection, they may nd themselves under great stress, which could hinder their recovery, delay their return to work and damage their future career. How could we help them return to their role after a long absence?

Some insurers will o er rehabilitation and ongoing support to help people return to work.



Group Income Protection, Group Income Protection UK

How do I measure the e ects of long employee absences?

Some schemes include software to help you manage the costs of absence and sickness. How long would my employee receive payments to support their loss of income?

A deferred ‘waiting’ period is usual; support would start after a period of full sick pay – possibly up to 75% of their gross income may be paid over a xed period or up to retirement. As a bene t, Group Income Protection o ers nancial security to your employees so they can recover from sickness without the added worry of losing their income. By reducing their worry, you could speed up their recovery, and see your employee return to full health and to your workplace. For more details on Group Income Protection, please call us on 0116 366 6866 or email:

What does Group Income Protection mean? If an employee is unable to work on a long-term basis due to sickness or an accident, this type of policy will protect their earnings. Group Income Protection is a scheme taken out by an employer to allow their employees to receive up to 70% of their gross salary. If an employee is able to return to work on a part time basis (or in a lower paid role due to not being able to undertake their previous role), partial bene ts can also be provided. An Income Protection policy often includes rehabilitation services and ways for employers to tackle absenteeism.

What are the di erent levels of cover for Group Income Protection?

The levels of cover can vary for Group Income Protection and, at the company’s discretion, will re ect di erent grades of employment and/or service.

What are the bene ts of providing Group Income Protection for an employer?



Group Income Protection, Group Income Protection UK

By o ering Income Protection company-wide, a business may bene t by providing rehabilitation and intervention at an early stage. By reducing the impact of costs due to absence, employers are able to provide an appropriate level of support to employees. Plus, having Income Protection as part of a bene ts package will help to attract new employees.

What are the bene ts of providing Group Income Protection as an SME?

For small to medium-sized businesses, the cost of absent employees may pose a greater risk to business operations due to the lower number of sta . By providing Group Income Protection as a bene t, this will help to reduce the impact. Plus, it can help a business to retain sta and to attract new employees.

What does Group Income Protection cost?

Usually, full group cover would cost between 1% to 1.5% of gross payroll. However, this also depends on the bene t level required and several other factors, such as how many employees will be covered on the policy, etc.

Are there any tax implications for Group Income Protection?

Group Income Protection schemes are not subject to insurance premium tax as they are usually classed as an allowed business expense by HMRC, which means schemes can be o set against corporation tax. However, Group Income Protection does not constitute a P11D bene t due to the fact the bene ts are paid monthly through a company’s pay roll system – therefore, it is subject to income tax and national insurance.

What is the amount of cover available?

Usually, 75% of salary is the maximum amount of cover available – however, some insurers do have lower ceilings.

Are there any limitations for Group Income Protection?



Group Income Protection, Group Income Protection UK

The maximum insured bene t is 75% of gross earnings under a standard Income Protection scheme. Plus, per claim, there is a maximum amount payable as an annual bene t (maximum cover limit varies depending on the insurer). Any state bene ts may also be taken into account.

Would I need to provide cover for all my employees?

You don’t have to provide cover for all your employees – however, the more employees you cover, the lower the cost of absence. Plus, this will improve your ability to have this policy as an allowable business expense.

What if I want to provide di erent levels of cover to di erent employees?

Yes, you could decide to have di erent levels of bene ts for di erent employees. This could be based on job roles or the type of service they perform. However, the scheme should include all employees who ful l the criteria.

What’s the process if an employee makes a claim?

In the rst instance, the employer would need to submit the claim due to being the main ‘policy holder’. Once the claim has been accepted by the insurer, and after the deferred period, the bene t will start being paid to the employee.

Would Group Income Protection premiums increase or stay the same each year?

Usually, premiums are xed for 2 or 3 years depending on the insurer (rate per £1,000 of bene t). If there are salary increases, then the cost will increase because the bene t is based on the employees’ salaries. Plus, if you add new members, the premium will increase and, subsequently, premiums would decrease if you lost any employees too.



Group Income Protection, Group Income Protection UK

If we want to add employees to the policy, what do we need to do?

Each insurer will have a di erent method of adding employees, but they can always be added to policies.

Would our employees need to submit any medical details/evidence? This depends on whether your employees need to be medically underwritten. Usually, the insurer will ask them to take part in a telephone interview or use a declaration form to assess their medical history, and to check if they pose any risk. Sometimes, the insurer needs further evidence whilst medical underwriting is being nalised. However, employees would still usually be covered for a full bene t period (typically, 90 days), although any pre-existing medical conditions would not be covered in this instance.

Could I provide cover for employees based overseas?

Yes, as long as the contract of employment is with a registered UKbased company. Despite being overseas, many insurers will cover employees on the premises they are based at.

How many claims can be paid per employee under the policy? As long as an employee has have not received a lump sum payment (where the option has been selected), then they can make more than one claim. The term ‘limited payment’ applies to incapacity from one injury or illness. Unless the claim is linked to a previous claim, and until a further deferred period has been completed, insurers will not make any further payments. However, if the incapacity is due to the same problem, then usually the period will be combined.

What if my employees are receiving state bene ts alongside Group Income Protection?

This is not a problem – however, when calculating their total bene t amount, the insurer may take state bene ts into account.



Group Income Protection, Group Income Protection UK

What about company directors; is this policy available for them too?

Yes, company directors can be covered by Group Income Protection at higher insured amounts/limits. Paid for by the business, this helps to cover both their salary and dividends.

What does the term ‘deferred period’ mean? The length of time an employee must be absent from work due to illness before the insurer pays out the bene t is called a ‘deferred period’. The longer the deferred period is, the cheaper the premium will be.

What is the length of the deferred period?

Depending on the insurer, there are di erent deferred periods available – usually, these are 4, 8, 13, 26, 52 and 104 weeks. Please note that any number of weeks in this range could be speci ed.

How soon can we include new employees after we start our policy? This could be daily, monthly or yearly, and depends on how the policy was set up to begin with. Please note that all new employees must meet the scheme’s eligibility criteria.

When will the Group Income Protection cover end?

The cover will cease when:The employee leaves your employment If the employee no longer meets the eligibility criteria The employee reaches the date of bene t termination Early retirement or death of the employee

Are bene ts payments protected from in ation?



Group Income Protection, Group Income Protection UK

Yes, it is possible to specify an increase in bene ts by the rate of in ation or Retail Price Index or by a xed % – this will depend on the policy and insurer.

What does the term used by insurers “actively at work” mean? Once a policy scheme starts, all employees to be covered must not be o sick. If they are o work due to sickness, until they have returned to work, they will not be covered on the policy. However, there are some insurers do not insist on this.

Disclaimer This information does not constitute nancial or any other form of professional advice. Should you require advice, please contact us directly on 0116 366 6866. It is important to ensure any insurance policy you take out is suitable for your needs.

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Group Income Protection, Group Income Protection UK





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Skye Da Silva


Tracey Kitchen has always provided an outstanding service! She is highly professional and has always kept me updated in regards to my plan. Tracey is always there for any questions I may have and has always managed to get back to me in a timely manner. There is a personal element to her service which for me goes a long way.. I couldn't recommend her enough! Thank you Tracey. Posted 1 week ago



I spoke to Tracey, she was very attentive to my needs and explained all the options very clearly. She always came back promptly whether via telephone call or email. Great cusromer service! Posted 1 week ago



Tracey was very efficient and knowledgeable. Posted 1 week ago



Group Income Protection, Group Income Protection UK


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