International Private Medical Insurance, International PMI
0116 366 6866
An Explanation on International Private Medical Insurance - By …
International Private Medical Insurance – falling sick abroad International Private Medical Insurance (PMI) helps to put your mind at ease if you’re living or working in a di erent country. It gives you fast access to medical treatment from a reputable specialist in an overseas hospital. Decide how, when and where your recovery takes place. Why would I need this? You’re working abroad
Should the worst happen, you can rest assured that you can access tests, treatment and aftercare at a place and time of your choosing. You’re living abroad
Whether you’re retired, taking a career break or have a second home
International Private Medical Insurance, International PMI
overseas, you will have peace of mind that you can seek treatment quickly reducing any stress or worry. Your partner has been moved overseas by their employer.
Your partner may have their own policy through their employer – but what happens if you fall sick? Secure your own recovery, and your family’s. Imagine if you or your children became sick abroad? If you are based overseas, International PMI is a lifeline for when you are in urgent need of medical care. In an emergency, if you can’t be treated locally, most policies will evacuate you to another location and even another country, if needed. International Private Medical Insurance (PMI) covers you for private medical treatment abroad. At Halo Consulting, we will listen carefully to your situation, where you will be living, and nd the right option for you, your partner and your family, should you ever need to use it. Don’t run the risk of having to nd treatment in another country without International PMI. For more details on International Private Medical Insurance for you and your family, please call us on 0116 366 6866 or email: info@haloconsult.co.uk
Who would need an International PMI policy?
This is suitable for anyone working or living outside the UK over an extended period of time – e.g. an expatriate and their family wishing to experience a similar level of healthcare as they would usually receive in the UK.
When taking out this policy, would I need to be in the UK at the time?
No, International PMI can be arranged for expatriates across the world.
Is there a maximum number of claims in a year?
This depends on the plan you choose, which will determine the amount you can claim. Please speak to one of our advisers who will advise you on the limits in relation to your plan. https://halo-consult.co.uk/personal-insurance/international-private-medical-insurance/
International Private Medical Insurance, International PMI
Would the policy terms and conditions be subject to change?
Sometimes, insurance providers may change terms and conditions – if this is the case, you will be informed by post of any changes with prior notice but any changes are usually only implemented at renewal.
Would International PMI cover emergency evacuation?
Usually, International PMI policies would cover emergency evacuation, whether this is returning you to your home country, or you would be moved and treated in a nearer place/country. Please speak to one of our advisers who will advise you on your policy terms and conditions in relation to this bene t.
How are the policy premiums worked out?
This would depend on the country you would like cover for, your smoking status, your age, as well as the level of cover you need.
As I get older, would my policy premiums increase?
The chances of you making a claim will increase as you get older – your annual premiums will re ect this. Plus, more advanced drugs and medical treatments could cause your policy premiums to increase.
What is the policy excess, if any?
For International PMI, you can choose the level of excess at the start of your policy and alter the excess at renewal, if needed.
Are there di erent forms of underwriting for this type of policy?
There are two types of underwriting – Full Medical Underwriting (FMU) or Moratorium. This will be chosen when you complete your https://halo-consult.co.uk/personal-insurance/international-private-medical-insurance/
International Private Medical Insurance, International PMI
application form.
Could I use this cover for business or is it only relevant for an individual?
You can take out International PMI on a company basis or for an individual.
Would my International PMI plan be valid if I move to another country?
Some International PMI plans have geographical restrictions (e.g. excluding cover for the US) – this would depend on the insurer and the policy.
What does the term "deductible" mean?
The term Deductible means eligible medical expenses will have a stated amount of reimbursement, which the policy does not pay for each calendar year and for each insured person. Before bene ts are payable by the Insurer, an individual deductible amount must be satis ed. Usually, the deductible amount is applied to the rst claim submitted for each covered person per calendar year.
Would pregnancy be covered under an International Health Insurance plan?
Higher cover plans usually include pregnancy – however, there could be a waiting period before any claims can be made (typically, 10 months or more).
What is the process for making a claim?
Claims Forms, Helpline Cards and useful contact numbers should be included in the insurer’s membership pack. Usually, out-patient costs will be dealt with by using standard Claim Forms (i.e. you pay rst, then this is refunded). You may need to seek pre-authorisation for any in-patient treatment rst by contacting the insurer’s helpline prior to seeking treatment and before any costs are incurred (if this https://halo-consult.co.uk/personal-insurance/international-private-medical-insurance/
International Private Medical Insurance, International PMI
is possible). We advise always calling the insurer’s helpline before you seek any treatment and paying out any relating costs.
Would any sporting activities be covered under an International Health Insurance plan?
Unless you have declared that you take part in a hazardous sport or activity, there are no exclusions relating to sporting activities. Some hazardous sports and activities may not be covered – you would need to agree in writing with the insurer to cover you in such cases.
What is the di erence between ‘standard’ and ‘comprehensive’ plans?
Usually, a standard or basic scheme will cover day care, in-patient and post hospital treatment, home nursing, complications of pregnancy and any emergency dental treatment. A standard plan would not cover dental costs, out-patient care or routine maternity care. As a comparison, a comprehensive scheme would cover all of the above, as well as out-patient care and specialists – often, this can include routine dental and complementary care. A Fully Comprehensive scheme will usually cover routine dental and maternity bene ts. Comprehensive plans will tend to have higher budget limits than a Standard plan.
How does International PMI di er from Travel Insurance ?
Travel insurance is not suitable for those looking to work or live abroad because this type of policy only provides cover for accidents and emergencies – you may be required to return home to continue your treatment. Plus, the basic cover provided for medical treatment only lasts up to a maximum of 30 days, usually, as well as protecting you against ight cancellations and lost luggage. As a comparison, International Health Insurance is a comprehensive insurance policy covering routine surgery, emergency medical treatment, and other healthcare bene ts suitable if you are abroad for a long period of time. Plus, global medical insurance would provide private healthcare at a hospital of your choice – you would not need to return to your home country unless you choose to.
International Private Medical Insurance, International PMI
Are chronic conditions covered by International PMI?
You may be able to make a claim to stabilise the condition, if this develops during your insurance policy. The insurer is likely to pay up to an agreed maximum amount for medical treatment required to control the chronic condition (e.g. £20,000).
Would I be able to choose the location for my treatment? Yes – this is one of the main bene ts. Having the choice of which doctor treats you and in which hospital is the main advantage of having International Medical Insurance.
Disclaimer This information does not constitute nancial or any other form of professional advice. Should you require advice, please contact us directly on 0116 366 6866. It is important to ensure any insurance policy you take out is suitable for your needs.
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Skye Da Silva
Tracey Kitchen has always provided an outstanding service! She is highly professional and has always kept me updated in regards to my plan. Tracey is always there for any questions I may have and has always managed to get back to me in a timely manner. There is a personal element to her service which for me goes a long way.. I couldn't recommend her enough! Thank you Tracey. Posted 1 week ago
I spoke to Tracey, she was very attentive to my needs and explained all the options very clearly. She always came back promptly whether via telephone call or email. Great cusromer service! Posted 1 week ago
Tracey was very efficient and knowledgeable. Posted 1 week ago
International Private Medical Insurance, International PMI