Labiaplasty, Labiaplasty Sydney
1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726)
Labiaplasty Surgery Pregnancy and labour can cause permanent changes to the size, shape and tone of a women’s labia. This can often be a functional concern related to hygiene or an aesthetic concern when wearing more intimate apparel. Labiaplasty reduces the size and shape of the labia minora to address these issues.
Technique It is paramount that this procedure is done using meticulous surgical technique when handling the delicate labial tissue. The labial edges must be repaired very precisely to leave an almost invisible scar hidden along the natural creases of the labia. The incisions are closed with dissolving sutures. The sensory nerves relating to erotic sensation in this region are well away from the operative site, and therefore not affected.
Recovery Labiaplasty is performed under a general anaesthetic and is usually a day only procedure. Most women are able to return to normal activities after approximately one week. There is usually swelling and bruising in the genital region for the first few days. and this can be treated with ice packs, rest and simple analgesia. Patients usually wear a pantyliner to absorb any spotting or light bleeding for approximately a week after surgery. The stitches are self-dissolving so there is no need for physical removal in this delicate area. http://sydneycosmeticsanctuary.com.au/cosmeticsurgery/ourprocedures/body/labiaplasty/
Labiaplasty, Labiaplasty Sydney
Personal hygiene is extremely important for rapid healing and twice-daily showering or salt baths are essential.
26We 77recommend 26 (tel:1300267726) 1300 An antibiotic ointment is applied twice daily to the suture line for the first week. abstinence from sexual activity for six weeks, to allow adequate healing time. There may be some intermittent sensory disturbance to the labia for up to 3 months and these may be more acutely felt during your first few menstrual cycles.
Costs Risks If you are considering labiablasty, then it is important that you are informed of the potential risks, complications and side effects of this surgery. While all care is taken to minimise or totally avoid these complications and side effects, complications may and do occur despite the best medical care. It is important that you carefully read and understand the risk factors and they will be discussed in more detail when you have your consultation with your surgeon.
The Risks Include..
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