Liposuction, liposuction sydney

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Liposuction, Liposuction Sydney

 1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726)







Liposuction Surgery Liposuction can be used as an isolated procedure or it can be combined with other body contouring procedures to treat areas of stubborn fat. Liposuction works best as a tool to target areas­surgery/our­procedures/body/liposuction/



Liposuction, Liposuction Sydney

Liposuction works best as a tool to target areas  1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726) that are resistant to exercise.

Technique Liposuction is performed under general anaesthesia and may be a dayonly procedure although in larger cases an overnight stay is common. The operation can take one or more hours depending on the volume that needs to be aspirated, and whether it is combined with other procedures. Small incisions are made in natural body creases and the fat is suctioned out until the desired contour is achieved.

Recovery There is usually minimal discomfort after liposuction and this can easily be controlled with simple analgesia. You will need to wear a garment continuously for the initial five days after surgery to help control your swelling. To continue to minimise your swelling and to facilitate the flattest and firmest body contour possible, we strongly advise patients to continue to wear their compression garments for six weeks. Bruising may be present for a period of up to two weeks post surgery. Final result from liposuction may take several months to show and recovery may continue for up to a year. Temporary numbness in the liposuction areas is normal and can be present for up to a year after surgery. You should resume normal exercise as soon as possible as this helps with skin tightening. Most patients return to work within a few days of surgery.

Costs Risks If you are considering liposuction, then it is important that you are informed of the potential risks, complications and side effects of this surgery.­surgery/our­procedures/body/liposuction/



Liposuction, Liposuction Sydney

While all care is taken to minimise or totally avoid these complications

26despite 77 26the(tel:1300267726)  1300 and side effects, complications may and do occur best medical care. It is important that you carefully read and understand the risk factors and they will be discussed in more detail when you have your consultation with your surgeon.

The Risks Include...

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Liposuction, Liposuction Sydney

 1300 26 77 26 (tel:1300267726)

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Dr Rohit Kumar Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon­surgery/our­procedures/body/liposuction/

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