Cutaneous Myiasis in Saudi Infant: A Rare Case Report

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International Multispecialty Journal of Health (IMJH)

ISSN: [2395-6291]

[Vol-2, Issue-9, September- 2016]

Cutaneous Myiasis in Saudi Infant: A Rare Case Report Alotaibi S1§, Al shahrani D2, Omar Alzomor3 1

Senior Demonstrator, Department of Emmergency Medicine, College of medicine, King Fahad University Hospital and Dammam University, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia 2,3 Consultant, Section of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Children’s Specialized Hospital, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Abstract—Myiasis is a rare disease by developing larvae (Maggots) of a variety of fly species within the arthropod order Diptera. Recognition and Management of Myiasis are demanding. Herein we present a 7-months-old Saudi girl presented with multiple skin lesions over her body, clinical diagnosis of skin abscess was made initially. Incision revealed multiple maggots coming from the incision wounds, the larva was extracted and the clean dressing was done. Patient showing complete recovered skin infection. Cutaneous Myiasis is a devastating presentation of a variety of fly species that should be considered in the appropriate clinical setting and recent traveling to the suspicious area. Keywords— Cutaneous Myiasis, Dermatobiahominis.



Cutaneous Myiasis is a rare disease caused by developing larvae (Maggots) of a variety of fly species within the arthropod order Diptera. This may occur in any person who exposed to a blood-sucking arthropod, usually a mosquito. Often, a history of traveling to a tropical country or existence of a previous wound is noted. In one study, the average time from exposure to diagnosis was 1.5 months.1 Patients complain of boil-like lesions usually on exposed areas of the body, like the scalp, face, forearms, and legs. Myiasis is a worldwide infestation with seasonal variation, the prevalence of which is related to the latitude and life cycle of the various species of flies. Its incidence is higher in the tropics and subtropics of Africa and the Americas. The flies responsible prefer a warm and humid environment and so are restricted to the summer months in the temperate zones, while living year-round in the tropics. In Saudi Arabia no actual number of cases affected by myiasis, it could be due to under diagnosis or failure to report the case to the Health authority. Herein, we report a case of Cutaneous Myiasis in Saudi infant that was confirmed by larva extraction. The aim of this report is to discuss the Cutaneous Myiasis as a unusual infectious disease among the Saudi population.



A case of Cutaneous Myiasis was came in pediatric outdoor, was confirm by larva extraction. As it is a rare occurrence so case was interrogated and investigated thoroughly and case report was made to report.



A 7-month-old girl was presented with multiple skin lesions over her body. She was recently traveling to a village at (Jizan) in the south area of Saudi Arabia for one month and just returned back 3 days before presentation. The mother noticed that the child have multiple skin lesion started as small red papules, gradually increase in size, with puncture opening near the center without visible discharge. (Figure 1) Page | 8

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