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Issue No. 69 - 2016

transformation begins with trust

Strengthening the principles of Equality in Malta: p. 22 Abigail Psaila Mamo • The fight against Tax Evasion: p. 27 Abigail Psaila Mamo

Mapping IT with success: p. 34

Malta Freeport: Getting the world ever closer to Malta: p. 44

IT REVIEW: Clever Accounting: p. 51 Kevin Attard Compagno

Breguet, the innovator. High frequency and high precision

A concentrated blend of horological innovations, the Classique ChronomĂŠtrie 7727 with its balance fitted on magnetic pivots and operating at a frequency of 10 Hz achieves an average rate of -1 to +3 seconds per day. Notably thanks to complete mastery of silicon properties and magnetism, this new milestone in the field of high-precision mechanical watchmaking embodies the spirit of innovation of Abraham-Louis Breguet. History is still being written...

Editor’s Letter

The secret of success


t’s quite astonishing to see that some businesses insist on floundering whilst others which, at first and second glances, share the same recipe as their less fortunate bedfellows, flourish promiscuously.

Much if not all of business’s academia boils down to striving to understand the secret of pre-ordained success. Many have branched into managing the buyer’s psyche, others have delved down the strategy and operational efficiency paths and yet others into discerning the best ways to manage people. The more time passes though, the more we become interdependent upon knowledge. And the best receptacle, and mover, of this most precious component to the Euro is undoubtedly homo sapiens, who must be led. Ergo, by logic, good leadership of both customer and internal stakeholder is this secret. Much of a business’ success is determined by the quality of its leadership, which has very much changed over the passage of recent times. We now have the luxury of being able to choose from several leadership models which best suit our industries, our values, our character traits. Apart from being quite obviously wrong, leading with a raised clenched fist is rather passé. Being a servant leader; managing to embody the traits required in so doing;


will enable today’s leaders to genuinely empathise with his and her key people and leverage gained intimacy to garner loyalty. But keeping one’s distance in the wrong situations creates as much collateral as does the untoward dishing out of friendliness. Whichever style one chooses is bound to create problems as well as opportunities, and I reckon that the crux of the matter lies in finding the right balance. These and other points are tackled in this issue as we investigate, also via our new series of Q&As with our business leaders, what prompts sustainable growth. And ‘Transformation begins with trust’ from page 6 looks at things through a more technical lens, including the implementation of control and verification processes of the correct functioning of work relationships.

Thank you for your read.

Jason Attard


Issue No. 69 - 2016


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Issue No. 69 - 2016





STRATEGY Transformation begins with trust Christopher Bezzina

Strengthening the principles of Equality in Malta

The fight against Tax Evasion

Abigail Psaila Mamo

Abigail Psaila Mamo




Mapping IT with success


IT REVIEW Clever Accounting Kevin Attard Compagno




Vassallo Group

Mediterranean Ceramics


bespoke volcanic stone

the new ETC



one of the largest and most diversified groups of companies in Malta

Malta Freeport getting the world ever closer to Malta




MEIB our record-breaking economy

Teatru Manoel


part of Malta’s precious heritage

pg. 20


Maltapost helps local companies

pg. 28

pg. 33

Malta’s largest and most experienced online services supplier pg. 49

Issue No. 69 - 2016



transformation begins with trust

by Christopher Bezzina

This paper aims to present some thoughts, ideas that the author is trying to live and deal with personally and professionally. It presents a series of ideas and reflections that by necessity call for deeper analysis. This paper has been inspired not only by his own work experiences but also through readings that have challenged, provoked and inspired him over the years.


Issue No. 69 - 2016



ccording to the German sociologist Georg Simmel, “society is relations – society exists whenever and wherever individuals enter into reciprocal action. These reciprocal acts are derived from determined impulses or intentions, goals.�

But social life and indeed relationships are often imposed not desired; organised not sought. This is one of the challenges we face. It is within this context that what follows is central to developing and sustaining a culture of networking and network learning. Whilst they are presented separately they are intertwined and interdependent. Being passionate and enthusiastic Most of us enjoy being challenged, enjoy being around inspirational people, people who enjoy life and give of their best.


Issue No. 69 - 2016


The key question is what are we doing to notice the people around us, to nurture the people around us? Do we move people, ignite their passion, and inspire them to be the best that they can be? We can express passion and enthusiasm in our daily lives by being with people and for them. We need to take the time to invest in those we work with. When leaders are overwhelmed by their tasks at hand they often fail to appreciate and invest in their people. For this we need to introduce ‘uninterrupted time’ for the people to grow together. Smart leaders put the interests of their team members

ahead of their own. As Gene Wilkes observed: “Team leaders genuinely believe that they do not have all the answers so they do not insist on providing them. They believe they do not need to make all key decisions so they do not do so.

Being genuine...authentic They believe they cannot succeed without the combined contributions of all the other members of the team to a common end so they avoid any action that might constrain inputs or intimidate anyone on the team. Ego is not their predominant concern.” Strong employee relations is the backbone to successful organisations.

Synopsis •• Social life and indeed relationships are often imposed not desired; organised not sought. •• We are expected to obey, not to express opinions that defy authority. This has led to the creation of contexts in which people end up ‘doing the job’, not truly feeling engaged. •• An important principle to follow is to do what is right, even when no one else is looking. •• Throughout history, those known for character and integrity were the most admired and influential. •• “Trust is the essential link between leader and led, vital to people’s job satisfaction and loyalty, vital to followership.” •• Yet, trust is as fragile as it is precious; perhaps this is why there is so much dissatisfaction in so many quarters. •• A leader’s challenge is to get all the moving parts working together while respecting individual and group differences and without imposing uniformity on everyone.


For any initiative to succeed team members must believe in it and be willing to contribute. The strengths of a good leader include empowering others, listening to others and sharing ideas.

It is far from easy to be genuine and faithful to one’s values in a world that tries to squeeze us all into its mould. We are often challenged to lead superficial lives, to act impassionately and to remain emotionally detached from people and life events. We are expected to obey, not to express opinions that defy authority. This has led to the creation of contexts in which people end up ‘doing the job’, not truly feeling engaged. But one’s life influences that of others. We should never underestimate the effect that genuineness has on our co-workers and colleagues. A life of integrity stands out in a context which thrives on hypocrisy. An ethical leader demonstrates integrity and character by his/her actions and words. An important principle to follow is to do what is right, even when no one else is looking. A leadership corollary is to create an environment through your words and actions where others are motivated to do right as well. Throughout history, those known for character and integrity were the most admired and influential. Plato said ‘He who would be blessed and happy should first be a partner of truth, then he can be trusted.’ If we want to inspire confidence and respect in those we work with and come in contact with we need to be genuine.

Issue No. 69 - 2016






You open your doors to those who are more challenged and we will pay you a subsidy of €85 per week per new recruit for 24 weeks or for 52 weeks or for 104 weeks, or a subsidy of €125 per week for as many as 156 weeks in the case of registered disabled person! For more information contact ETC on 2220 1399 or a2e.etc@gov.mt or visit our website www.etc.gov.mt.

“when moral authority drives leadership practice, the principal is at the same time a leader of leaders, follower of ideas, minister of values, and servant to the followership” Evans (2007) argues that “transformation begins with trust. Trust is the essential link between leader and led, vital to people’s job satisfaction and loyalty, vital to followership.” (p. 135) Yet, trust is as fragile as it is precious; perhaps this is why there is so much dissatisfaction in so many quarters.

Treating everyone with respect A genuine and authentic person treats others with respect. How different we feel when we know that the people around us believe in us as individuals. They truly care about our welfare, our needs. The adage ‘people do not care what you think until they know that you care’ is indeed true. How do we respond to people’s needs and requests? I am sure we can sight many an example of how we can impact other people’s feelings both positively or negatively through the way we express respect to them and by the way we treat them. It is essential to take time out on a regular basis to reflect on our work practices, on how we spend our time with others, on the effects our words and actions (or lack thereof!) have, and on the impact our decisions have on others (and on ourselves).

Being humble … willing to serve Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “A great man is always willing to be little.” Humility is a quality of character, but it is much more. Although it is a Christ-like virtue, humility is seldom understood or admired. Today many models of leadership consider it strange for the person at the top to


show humility. Bending the knee to help others, to admit weakness, to just talk to everyone is considered making yourself vulnerable to those who might take advantage of you. A potential danger of being a leader is that we can begin to think that we have all the answers to everyone’s problems. Those who do think like this want followers who are passive recipients. Such people develop a large ego which often leads to arrogance. The critical question is how do you want to relate to others? Is humility going to be something you appreciate in others and not emulate? Or is it going to be a way of life, something to be cherished in all and practiced every day? It is here that Maxwell’s definition of leadership as influence takes on added meaning, as it implies the ability to get followers (1993: 2). One’s success is determined by the quality of the followership that emerges. Sergiovanni concludes that “when

moral authority drives leadership practice, the principal is at the same time a leader of leaders, follower of ideas, minister of values, and servant to the followership” (2006: 19). Definitely food for thought, a lesson in humility at best.

Showing gratitude Linked to this is the importance of expressing gratitude. The key issue here is how far does gratitude permeate the climate within the organisation we form part of? How are they manifested on a day-to-day basis as people address the tasks at hand. It is easy to identify how staff members express gratitude in the way they talk to colleagues, the way ideas are shared and what in the end influences practice. Where people matter they belong and will contribute more to the achievement of goals. We can counter this by a personal conviction, to show gratitude for the little things that happen around us.

Issue No. 69 - 2016


Teachability is the hunger to discover and grow

We have to work at this. Life is full of ups and downs. There are moments of despair and these can easily drag us down. One should thus do one’s utmost to find the time to say a few words to everyone, to smile and greet everyone; to thank people even for little accomplishments. All these things count, they matter to create the appropriate environment which is conducive to growth and development. Showing gratitude does not cost anything but replenishes our life and our collective desire for doing things. This engagement is often lacking, both in private as well as in civil service, and needs to be addressed.

Creating teamwork and capacity building Leadership is now associated with concepts such as empowerment,


transformation, and community building. We now speak of vision and vision setting, one based on a strong passion and commitment to learning. The literature now talks of leadership capacity which implies a broad-based, skillful participation in the work of leadership. Leadership no longer refers only to titular or officially designated leaders, but can be distributed within the organisation. The ability to lead is dependent on others and the relationships or networks leaders cultivate (Fullan, 2007). Such a definition of leadership implies encouraging and redistributing responsibilities, hence the importance of capacity building. Capacity building can be described as “the collective competency of the organization as an entity to bring about effective change” (Harvey, 2003: 21). This implies that organisations need to adopt a fully collaborative culture, which draws upon the full range of

professional skills and expertise to be found among the members of the organisation. A leader’s challenge is to get all the moving parts working together while respecting individual and group differences and without imposing uniformity on everyone. Leaders need to support and create different growth options which will help nurture a strong work ethic. As Omotani points out, “Out-of-the-box leaders … support community conversations” (2007: 48).

Stay teachable ‘Teachability’ is not so much about competence and mental capacity as it is about attitude. It is the hunger to discover and grow. It is the willingness to learn, unlearn and relearn. When it comes to staying teachable, nothing is interesting if you are not

Issue No. 69 - 2016


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interested. Philip Crosby writes: ‘There is theory of human behaviour that says people subconsciously retard their own growth. They come to rely on clichés and habits. Once they reach the age of their own personal comfort with the world, they stop learning and their minds run on idle for the rest of their days. They may progress organizationally, they may be ambitious and eager, and they may even work night and day, but they learn no more.’ It is a tragedy when we allow ourselves to get into a rut and never climb out. In contrast teachable people are fully engaged in life. They get excited about things. They are interested in discovery, discussion, application and growth. Learning is a way of life and we need to express a love for learning by creating different opportunities that we can pursue individually and collectively. Leaders need to play an important role. Here too they need to walk the talk. They need to never stop learning and honing their skills. Leaders, by nature, need to be introspective and reflective. They need to ask questions and seek answers. In this context leaders need to provide professional development opportunities that not only help extend the knowledge, expertise or skills of their workers in areas directly related to their field/ products, etc., but that helps individuals grow as people. Such opportunities are central to nurturing commitment and loyalty. They need to maintain a personal plan for self improvement and continuous learning, and balance their professional and personal lives, making time for other interests.



References I do believe that the model of leadership that will make a difference in the 21st century is one that focuses on character, on formation, on connections. The critical shift that is needed is one where it is who you are that counts; it is more what you do and say that influences and determines what takes place. It is this leadership that will in turn influence the way our organisations are set up, as people will start to engage in different ways. There are a lot of preachers around, occupying top executive positions who end up doing more harm than good. Yet there is hope. When Anthony Attard claimed that “ethics comes before profit” (The Executive, Issue 37, p.61, December 2011) one appreciates that there are genuine people out there who are truly concerned and focused on commitment, encouragement, on dialogue, service and opportunity. As Maxwell points out, “… good character is not given to us. We have to build it piece by piece - by thought, choice, courage and determination. This will only be accomplished with a disciplined lifestyle.” (1993: 178) This is the leadership our country needs and deserves.

Evans, R. (2007) The Authentic Leader, pp. 135-156, in The Jossey-Bass Reader on Educational Leadership, 2nd Ed., San Francisco, CA Fullan, M. (2007) The New Meaning of Educational Change. 4th edition. London: Routledge. Harvey, S. (2003) ‘Looking to the Future’ in Ldr, London: National College for School Leadership, 1 (7), 21-23. Kouzes, J.M. and Posner, B.Z. (1987) The Leadership Challenge: How to Keep Getting Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations. San Francisco CA: Jossey-Bass. Maxwell, J.C. (1993). Developing the Leader Within You. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. Omotani, L.M. (2007). Caring, Serving..Leading, pp.31-48. In P.D. Houston, A.M Blankstein, & R.W. Cole. Eds. Out-Of-The-Box Leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Sergiovanni, T.J. (2006) The Principalship: a Reflective Practice Perspective. 5th edition. Boston: Pearson Education Inc.

Christopher Bezzina is Associate Professor of educational leadership in the Department of Education Studies, Faculty of Education, University of Malta. He has published extensively in the areas of teacher professional development and school leadership, and serves on a number of editorial boards. Christopher can be contacted at christopher.bezzina@um.edu.mt

Issue No. 69 - 2016


Mediterranean Ceramics:

now also Malta’s producer of bespoke volcanic stone

Mediterranean Ceramics is a family run company that began specialising in the unique production of handmade ceramic products ranging from decorative pieces, kitchenware and souvenirs. After two years of trading in traditional ceramic goods, the company expanded into the luxury market and became the sole producer of bespoke volcanic stone products in Malta. The product range of volcanic stone products includes kitchen counters, table tops and facades as well as state of the art product concepts that are all made to measure. In this series of Q&As, the journal aims to provide local businesses with the opportunity to spread their good word, as well as to expose what makes them tick.


lease tell us something about the history of your organisation. After 35 years running another ceramic business David and Brian Grima launched their own venture, Mediterranean Ceramics in 2008 with the aim to keep Maltese artisanship alive. Through hard work and investment we are today one of the leading manufacturers of Volcanic stone, not only in Malta but also in the world. Furthermore with the support of Malta Enterprise the company has successfully expanded into international markets, including: the UK, USA, Germany, India and hopefully Australia.

ity produced by Mediterranean Ceramics. The company penetrated the European market and achieved high growth sales in the UK by participating in various home and garden trade shows. Furthermore, the versatility and quality of the products increased by 20% in Australia and the USA.

Can you give us some essential facts and figures? The company was set up in 2008, since then local trade has increased 10% year on year; and foreign trade has steadily risen by 60% from 2008. The rapid growth of the luxury market since the recession has positively increased demand for the upmarket quality and exclusiv-

hat is your organisation’s USP (Unique Sales Proposition)? W What makes you different from all your competitors? Mediterranean Ceramics presents its customer with unique opportunities to own bespoke, made-to-measure products that are created out of the finest quality materials using traditional artistic methods. We offer our customers the op-


Issue No. 69 - 2016

Who are the main stakeholders in your organisation? The internal stakeholders of the company are the brothers and Directors of Mediterranean Ceramics, David and Brian Grima; the team of talented artists; the administration and marketing team and our network of foreign agents.



portunity to own a piece of art that has been created entirely to satisfy individual practical needs and artistic desires. In addition to our aesthetic positioning, we offer superior customer service and a lifetime guarantee, as well as additional products that complement our client’s dining needs. We think of all the relative products such as handmade cushions, intricate handmade table bases and matching dinner sets. We also make our services available to our customers overseas, through physical distribution centres, influential trade shows and online support to ensure that the customer makes an informed and suitable decision when purchasing their first Mediterranean Ceramic’s product. In addition to this, we ensure that our overseas service and method of delivery is in line with European standards, and our own standards of excellence, therefore we build our own pallets from scratch to ensure sustainability and quality of delivery. What do you think your organisation’s major achievements are till now? What are the things your organisation has achieved that make you most proud to be part of it? Mediterranean Ceramics was founded on tradition and artistry with ambition to achieve the imaginable, and with this vision in mind we went through great lengths to reach these high standards. Therefore our major achievement thus far is our yearly participation as exhibitors at the RHS Chelsea Flower show. Alongside this great achievement, we are proud to state that we have also exhibited at the most prominent trade shows in countries such as Australia, the USA, Ireland, India and Germany. What are the biggest challenges you are facing right now? Not so much a challenge but an exciting new opportunity is our goal to successfully penetrate the middle eastern market and Australian market, which have both shown a

the brothers David (seated) and Brian Grima


demand in our products. Due to the geographical distance of both markets we have had to struggle to make our connections and to strategically choose our method of organic entrant and growth in such dynamic marketplaces. Therefore we have successfully set up a strong network and will be participating at the Melbourne flower Show in Australia this year, and furthermore we are laying the groundwork for a large scale project to take off in Dubai. Where do you want to be in five years’ time? After successfully setting up our studio in Malta we instantly received global recognition for our efficient production line and high quality standards. The foreign demand we have received for such efficiency has strategically presented new modes of organic growth. Therefore within the next five years we certainly see ourselves setting up others. We aim to setup other workshops and studios to operate with the same production line around the globe and creating a network of agents spanning the 5 continents. Secondly, we will continuously invest our resources in developing our innovative volcanic stone product ranges to and to carry out further research on our bespoke range of kitchen tops, to ensure that all individual and unimaginable demands are being satisfied. What role does your organisation play in the community? The Mediterranean Ceramics does not just supply the community with high quality handmade products, it also supports and promotes Maltese traditional craftsmanship. We aim to keep our authentic skills alive by exporting our locally produced products and ensuring that our country of origin is advertised and known to our clients. We also aim to cater to individual needs by offering products that enhance lifestyles and create living spaces, whether for indoor or outdoor living. Can you tell us about your organisation’s environmental footprint and what you are doing for the environment? We are extremely environmentally conscious and this is evident in our production line and use of materials. The natural volcanic stone that we use is quarried and not manufactured. Additionally, we have switched from gas kilns to more environmentally friendly electrical powered kilns, for a more fuel efficient firing process. We have also invested in a state of the art spraying booth which recycles the water that is used. In addition to this we use packaging materials that are reusable and recyclable.

Issue No. 69 - 2016



the new


The Employment and Training Corporation (ETC) is Malta's public employment service. The Corporation’s core function is to provide an employment service, free of charge, to the general public, as well as enhancing employability by recommending policies and implementing initiatives aimed at empowering, assisting and training jobseekers to facilitate their entry or re-entry into the active employment market, promoting workforce development through skills and competency development, and by assisting employers in their recruitment and training needs through bespoke courses and traineeships.


lease tell us something about the history of your organisation. The Employment and Training Corporation was established in August 1990 through an Act of Parliament. During its first ten years, ETC gradually developed and introduced a number of employment and training services and schemes. It sought to outreach to its customers through the establishment of a branch in Gozo and six job centres in various localities around Malta. Malta's access to the European Union in 2004 provided a major boost to create and implement partly ESF-funded active labour market measures, worth millions of Euros, which could not have otherwise been undertaken solely through the use of national funds. I am proud that ETC is considered as one of the local organisations which has successfully managed EU funds with the aim of improving


Issue No. 69 - 2016

the employability of the workforce. Since 2014, major reforms have been undertaken by the Corporation, whereby new active labour market measures were implemented. In 2015, ETC celebrated its 25th anniversary. A shift in focus and renewal of this long standing Corporation is currently underway, which includes a new vision and mission to provide an enhanced and easier access to jobs and the labour market, designed for the success of both employers and employees, as well as a new brand name and identity – Jobsplus – which reflects an innovative, dynamic, sustainable, and fresh perspective towards employment. In light of these changes, the Corporation is in the process of considering substantial legislative changes. Can you give us some essential facts and figures? ETC has actively contributed to reaching a total employ-



ment figure in Malta and Gozo that exceeds 190,000 persons at August 2015. While the employment figure is the highest recorded ever, the exact opposite applies for the registered unemployment figure as it is the lowest ever – 4,700 as at January 2016. In 2015, the Corporation has drawn up 17,319 personal action plans for registered jobseekers; placed 4,103 persons in employment; trained 6,800 persons through courses offered by it; enrolled 613 persons in traineeships; assisted 166 persons with disability, and 34 ex-CCF inmates and 25 ex-drug addicts to find employment. It processed more than 180,000 engagement and termination forms, and conducted 7,000 inspections at workplaces to ensure that employers are abiding by the law of notifying ETC every time there is a start or a termination of employment.

In this regard, the Corporation is undergoing a period of internal restructuring so as to become more efficient in its operation and services. This year the Corporation will also launch a new job matching system together with a new website. These new digital tools will create a virtual labour market which will help facilitate the interaction between employers and jobseekers, giving them the opportunity to carry out matches ‘on the fly’, hence providing a 24/7 recruitment service. The new job matching system will be the first of its kind in Malta. In turn, this will also completely modernise ETC’s registration and referral system which will no longer be based solely on what the individual wants but ETC will also take into consideration the skills and competences of the applicants in connection with the employer’s requirements.

Who are the main stakeholders in your organisation? The main stakeholders are: •• Government as it has an electoral programme to implement and ETC has an important role to play;

What do you think the future holds for your organisation and for your sector? What are your ambitions? Where do you want to be in five years’ time? Economic growth and employment are likely to continue on an upward trend in the coming months. In addition, it is becoming evident that Malta has reached the natural rate of unemployment; hence it is imperative for ETC to update its functions to better address the new challenges. The mission that will guide the Employment and Training Corporation for the next three years is to provide an enhanced and easier access to jobs and the labour market, designed for the success of jobseekers, employees and employers. The Corporation aims to remain a key contributor to the setting of national employment and training policies and to provide the required support to the Ministry for Education and Employment. This will be backed up by the undertaking of labour market research and analysis to better understand labour market trends. We aim to be an innovative organisation which continuously develops and implements new active labour market measures. We will be at the forefront in offering services through on-line facilities. Concurrently, we will be engaging fast with jobseekers to limit their unemployment spell through the provision of professional vocational guidance and their matching with job vacancies. What five words would you use to give people an idea of the essential flavour of your organisation? people centric, innovative, dynamic, mission oriented and sustainable.

•• Board of Directors as it provides policy direction for management and employees to act upon; •• Employers as they notify job vacancies to ETC with which to match jobseekers for potential employment. Moreover, we assist them through a number of employment and training schemes and initiatives, as well as employment licences to employ foreigners; •• Customers that may be jobseekers (and not necessarily only the ones who are registering for employment) and persons willing to upgrade their skills; •• Partners/outside contractors - that can be employers' associations, trade unions, NGOs - as they are assisting ETC to implement labour market measures; •• Employees as through their effort, the Corporation achieves the main results. What is your organisation’s USP (Unique Sales Proposition)? ETC is the national entity legally responsible for maintaining a register of jobseekers which includes both the unemployed as well as those who are in gainful occupation but are seeking an alternative employment or part-time work as their primary employment.


Issue No. 69 - 2016


Teatru Manoel part of Malta’s precious heritage by Ray Attard

Teatru Manoel is Malta’s national theatre. It is also a Grade 1 listed historic building. The theatre presents an annual performance season of concerts, recitals, opera, drama, musicals, dance, an annual baroque festival and an education programme.

Facts and figures •• The theatre is 285 years old. •• It seats 600 people. •• Every season it presents around 100 different events with an average of just over 2 events a week over a nine month period. •• On average over 35000 tickets are sold per performance season. •• The theatre hires a full-time staff of 20.


Issue No. 69 - 2016




he theatre was built in 1731 by António Manoel de Vilhena, Grand Master of the Knights of Malta. He commissioned and personally funded the construction of this central building to keep the young knights of the Order of St. John out of mischief but also to provide the general public with "honest entertainment"; the motto "ad honestam populi oblectationem" is inscribed above the main entrance to the theatre. The first ever performance was Scipione Maffei’s La Merope on the 19th January 1732. Teatru Manoel was originally known as Teatro Pubblico. Under British rule it became the Theatre Royal, a title it lost in 1866 to its new rival, the much larger Royal Opera House, which was heavily damaged in World War II. The theatre has been operating since it opened and is one of the oldest working theatres in the World. Before 1960 the theatre went through a series of private ownerships but has since been bought by the government, restored and opened as the national theatre.

The Present As Malta’s national theatre, the Manoel, as it is affectionately referred to by locals, is one of the main contributors to the development of the local cultural scene. Grandmaster António Manoel de Vilhena’s original objective for the theatre has developed significantly from just providing honest entertainment to the public. Today, the theatre is state-owned and partially state-funded and is a Public Cultural Organisation and falls under the remit of the Malta Arts Council and the Ministry of Justice, Culture and Local Government.

The Manoel’s current mission is to entertain, inform and educate, thereby enriching the cultural life of the audience as well as to provide a platform for artists to excel in their talents. It is committed to the presentation of quality artistic productions, to the creation of new audiences for the performing arts genres, and to provide a principal platform for local and international artists. A major achievement of the theatre is that it has retained its status as the leading cultural entity in terms of providing the most eclectic performing arts programme. The ongoing challenge is to keep presenting an exciting choice of productions and continue developing audiences. Each year the theatre pulls together a nine-month performance season (usually October to May) divided into a music, drama, dance and education programme. The music programme covers a wide range of genres from modern, contemporary and jazz to classical and baroque in the form of concerts, and recitals by leading local and foreign musicians. Drama includes both new writings and revivals of plays in Maltese and English produced by the theatre, jointly with third party producers or solely by independent producers. Due to the size of the stage the dance programme generally includes new works by contemporary dance companies as well as visiting niche dance troupes such as flamenco, tango and jazz. The Future The theatre faces direct competition not just from other local cultural events. With today’s technology accessibility to local and foreign productions is almost boundless. This results in increased expectations for higher quality productions and rightly so. Meeting this growing demand means investing wisely in all facets of creativity; in ensuring the theatre is as wellequipped and as efficiently run as possible to facilitate quicker turnarounds of technically complicated shows, in nurturing new and young talent to become the artists of tomorrow and to develop and grow a wider audience base. Over and above its function of being a working theatre there is the responsibility of preserving one of the most historic buildings which is part of Malta’s precious heritage. This obliges us to implement and run a continuous programme of restoration and maintenance to ensure that the building’s unique architectural features are well conserved despite the significant footfall of theatre patrons and that it remains safe.

Ray Attard, Teatru Manoel CEO


Issue No. 69 - 2016


Abigail Psaila Mamo

GRTU has submitted its official feedback in reaction to the Equality and the Human Rights and Equality Commission Act. Both Acts seek to strengthen the principles of Equality in Malta across the board. The so called protected characteristics are in brief: age; belief; disability; family responsibilities and status; gender identity; HIV status; maternity; pregnancy; race; sex and sexual orientation.


Issue No. 69 - 2016


Strengthening the

principles of Equality in Malta


n the one hand the Acts seek to implement and consolidate various applicable European Directives, and on the other they seek to go beyond the minimum requirement and the basic standard imposed by the EU Directives. While GRTU is a strong contender of the principles of equality, we advise great caution in going beyond what is binding on us by the Directives, especially when it comes to imposing additional measures affecting businesses. Our quest for Equality should not pose unnecessary and excessive burdens on business. In certain instances, the Acts are overly vague and excessive. For instance, GRTU does not agree that the Acts should seek to regulate word of mouth in relation to recruitment and classify this as advertisement,


as this could lead to abusive action and places the accused party in a quasi-impossible position to defend him/herself. The responsibility placed on the employer is also too far reaching. The employer is held responsible for any person that could be in his/her premises, including a client that carries out an act of harassment. If the employer fails to suppress such acts it would be considered as discrimination in itself. The Equality Act also mentions a number of instances where the employer must take ‘effective measures’ and ‘necessary measures’, amongst others, without specifying what such measures should consist of. This greatly exposes employers to the whims of the different individuals that could be heading the Commission because what could be necessary and sufficient is very subjective. The Equality Act also states that

‘gender identity’ is a protected characteristic and this includes ‘dress’ and ‘mannerisms’. While GRTU agrees that one should not be discriminated against on the basis of gender identity, a degree of discretion needs to be allowed to an employer in relation to dress and mannerisms at the workplace. Respect to the work place ethos needs to be a person’s prerogative and consequently the Act cannot allow for abuse of work environment protocol by claiming freedom of dress or mannerisms. In addition, GRTU strongly feels that the fines and punishment embedded by The Human Rights and Equality Commission Act are disproportionate. The issue of imprisonment alone is entirely unacceptable and goes against the spirit of decriminalisation that the State has adopted in recent years. The imposition of imprisonment is thus wrong and must be removed in absolute terms.

Issue No. 69 - 2016


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“the Acts should aim above all at increasing awareness on the principles of equality and teach the community at large about the effects of discrimination in a modern culture.” Should the fine not be paid, interests and penalties need to be imposed, similar to those established in fiscal legislation, but never imprisonment. We also object to the astronomical daily penalty of Eur500 a day being imposed. This exceeds any other penalty that may be imposed under any Maltese Law. A daily penalty may indeed be imposed but it must reflect

the realities of the Maltese society. The Commission should not be granted powers to act ex officcio without prior complaints having been lodged before it by an injured party, as alternatively the ex officcio powers of the Commission should be limited to recommendations. Similarly, we find the Commission’s powers that enable it to enter any premises at any time it deems fit and conduct

Synopsis •• In certain instances, the Acts are overly vague and excessive. •• “While GRTU is a strong contender of the principles of equality, we advise great caution in going beyond what is binding on us by the Directives,” •• The Equality Act greatly exposes employers to the whims of the different individuals that could be heading the Commission because what could be necessary and sufficient is very subjective. •• While GRTU agrees that one should not be discriminated against on the basis of gender identity, a degree of discretion needs to be allowed to an employer in relation to dress and mannerisms at the workplace. •• We also object to the astronomical daily penalty of Eur500 a day being imposed... A daily penalty may indeed be imposed but it must reflect the realities of the Maltese society. •• Revising the proposed Acts as advised by the GRTU is in the interest of the legislator if the aim is to increase Equality without harming business.


an investigation to be unacceotable. GRTU believes that this should only be possible if a Magistrate grants a Search Warrant. Another recommendation that GRTU believes is essential for the Acts to be fairer to the private sector is for two members out of the twelve person Commission be appointed to represent Employers’ interests through a recommendation for such purpose by MCESD Employers’ Representatives in order to guarantee equity in complaints related to businesses. Finally, GRTU believes that the Acts should aim above all at increasing awareness on the principles of equality and teach the community at large about the effects of discrimination in a modern culture. The Commission should give priority in providing employers with the necessary knowledge and skills that will help them implement the Equality Act. Revising the proposed Acts as advised by the GRTU is in the interest of the legislator if the aim is to increase Equality without harming business. One must keep in mind that the absolute majority of enterprises in Malta are SMEs, out of which 94% are micro enterprises with less than 10 employees. These enterprises struggle sufficiently with bureaucracy and trying to keep up with the multitude of laws that affect them, while at the same time trying to keep their businesses afloat. The Government should avoid loading businesses with unnecessary and excessive burdens if it believes that SMEs are the backbone of our economy.

Issue No. 69 - 2016


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ll ll ll

Acrylflex RRC

AlasTomeriK® EMB

Acrylflex RRC RRC Acrylflex RRC Acrylflex

w w w w w w

Tamseal 10F

Clear Liquid Membrane

Fast Curing Membrane

Sirrender Wall Coating

Acrylflex AlasTomeriK® RRCAlasTomeriK® EMB EMB AlasTomeriK® Tamseal EMB 10F Clear Liquid 10F Membrane Clear Liquid Fast Curing Membrane Membrane Fast Curing Sirrender Membrane Wall Coating Sirrender Sirrender Wall Coating AlasTomeriK® Tamseal Clear Liquid Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Coating EMB Tamseal10F 10F Tamseal Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Wall Coating

Acrylflex RRC Acrylflex RRC RRC Acrylflex RRC Acrylflex Acrylflex RRC Acrylflex RRC RRC Acrylflex RRC Acrylflex Acrylflex RRC Acrylflex RRC Acrylflex Acrylflex RRC RRC Acrylflex RRC Acrylflex RRC

AlasTomeriK® EMB Tamseal 10F Clear Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Coating Acrylflex AlasTomeriK® RRCAlasTomeriK® EMB EMB AlasTomeriK® Tamseal EMB 10F Clear Liquid 10F Membrane Clear Liquid Fast Curing Membrane Membrane Fast Curing Sirrender Membrane Wall Coating Sirrender Sirrender Wall Coating AlasTomeriK® Tamseal Clear Liquid Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Coating EMB Tamseal10F 10F Tamseal Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Wall Coating AlasTomeriK® EMB Tamseal 10F Clear Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Coating Acrylflex AlasTomeriK® RRCAlasTomeriK® EMB EMB AlasTomeriK® Tamseal EMB 10F Clear Liquid 10F Membrane Clear Liquid Fast Curing Membrane Membrane Fast Curing Sirrender Membrane Wall Coating Sirrender Sirrender Wall Wall Coating AlasTomeriK® Tamseal Clear Liquid Membrane Fast Sirrender Wall Coating EMB Tamseal10F 10F Tamseal Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Wall Coating AlasTomeriK® EMB Tamseal 10F ClearLiquid Liquid Curing Membrane Sirrender Coating AlasTomeriK® EMB Tamseal 10F Clear Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Coating EMB Tamseal 10F Clear Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Wall Coating Acrylflex AlasTomeriK® RRCAlasTomeriK® EMB EMB AlasTomeriK® Tamseal EMB 10F Clear Liquid 10F Membrane Clear Liquid Fast Curing Membrane Membrane Fast Curing Sirrender Membrane Wall Coating Sirrender Sirrender Wall Wall Coating AlasTomeriK® Tamseal Clear Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Coating AlasTomeriK® EMB Tamseal10F 10F Tamseal Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Coating AlasTomeriK® EMB Tamseal 10F ClearLiquid Liquid Sirrender Coating AlasTomeriK® EMB Tamseal 10F Clear Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Coating

Acrylflex RRC

Acrylflex RRC

Acrylflex RRC

AlasTomeriK® EMB

Tamseal 10F

AlasTomeriK® EMB

Tamseal 10F

completed completed in Maltaof in&flooring Malta Gozo&projects Gozo Clear Liquid Membrane

Fast Curing Membrane

Sirrender Wall Coating

completed in Malta & Gozo completed in Malta & Gozo liquid iquid waterproofing aterproofing lliquid w w aterproofing liquid lw iquid aterproofing waterproofing lliquid iquid w waterproofing aterproofing

Acrylflex RRC

AlasTomeriK® EMB

Acrylflex RRC

Acrylflex RRC

AlasTomeriK® EMB

Tamseal 10F Tamseal 10F

Clear Liquid Membrane

Fast Curing Membrane

Sirrender Wall Coating

Clear Liquid Membrane

Fast Curing Membrane

Sirrender Wall Coating

Clear Liquid Membrane

Fast Curing Membrane

Sirrender Wall Coating

Factory roof Factory roofpool deck Private Private pool Factory deck roof Factory Private roof terrace Private Mater terrace Dei Hospital Mater Dei Hospital Private wall Private wall Bulebel Ind Estate roof Bulebel Ind Mellieha Estate Private pool deck MelliehaMriehel Mriehel Qawra Qawra Mellieha Mellieha Factory Factory roof PrivatePrivate terrace Mater Dei Hospital Private wall Factory roof Factory roofpool deck Private Private pool Factory deck roof Factory Private roof terrace Mater terrace Dei Hospital Mater Dei Hospital Private wall Private wall Factory Ind roof PrivateMellieha pool deck Factory roof PrivateQawra terrace Mater Dei Hospital Private wall Bulebel Estate Bulebel Ind Mellieha Mriehel Mellieha Bulebel Ind Estate roof Estate Private MelliehaMriehel Mriehel Qawra Qawra Mellieha Mellieha Factory pool deck Factory roof Private terrace Mater Dei Hospital Private wall Bulebel Ind Estate Mellieha Mriehel Qawra Mellieha Factory roof Private deck Private pool Factory roof FactoryPrivate terrace Mater Private wall Factory roof Factory roof Private pool pool deck Factory deck roof roof terrace Private Private Mater terrace Dei Hospital MaterDei DeiHospital Hospital Private wall Private wall Factory Ind roof PrivateMellieha pool deck Factory roof Private terrace Mater DeiMembrane Hospital Private wall Bulebel Estate Mriehel Qawra Mellieha Acrylflex RRC AlasTomeriK® EMB Tamseal 10F Clear Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Sirrender Wall Coating Bulebel Ind Estate Bulebel Ind Estate Mellieha Mellieha Mriehel Mriehel Qawra Qawra Mellieha Mellieha Bulebel Ind Estate Mellieha Mriehel Qawra Mellieha Factory roof Acrylflex Private pool deck Factory roof Private terrace Mater Dei Hospital Private wall Acrylflex RRC AlasTomeriK® RRC EMB AlasTomeriK® Tamseal EMB 10F Tamseal Clear Liquid 10F Clear Liquid Fast Curing Membrane Membrane Fast Curing Sirrender Membrane Wallwall Coating Sirrender Sirrender Wall Coating Factory roof Factory roof Private pool deck Private pool Factory deck roof Factory Private roofMembrane terrace Private Mater terrace Dei Hospital Mater Dei Hospital Private Private wall Bulebel Ind Estate Mellieha Mriehel Qawra Mellieha Factory roof Private pool deck Factory roof Private terrace Mater Dei Hospital Private wall Acrylflex RRC AlasTomeriK® EMB Tamseal 10F Clear Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Acrylflex RRC AlasTomeriK® EMB Tamseal 10F Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Wall Coating Factory Ind roof PrivateMellieha pool deck Factory roof PrivateQawra terrace Mater Dei Hospital Private wall Coating Bulebel Estate Mriehel Mellieha Bulebel Ind Estate roof Bulebel Ind Mellieha Estate Qawra Mellieha Mellieha Factory Private pool deck MelliehaMriehel Mriehel Factory roofMriehel Qawra Private terrace Mater Dei Hospital Private wall Bulebel Ind Estate Mellieha Qawra Mellieha

Mater Dei Hospital Mater Mater Dei Dei Hospital Hospital

Peran Self Levelling

Peran Self Levelling

Peran Self Levelling

Peran Self Levelling Peran Self Levelling


Privateterrace terrace Private Qawra Qawra

Electronics factory

Electronics Foodstuffs factory warehouse Buelebel Ind Estate Lija

Seamless Seamless Flooring Flooring Seamless eamlessFFlooring looring S Seamless Flooring eamless Flooring SSeamless looring

Private Mater terrace Dei Hospital

Qawra Private terrace PrivateQawra terrace Qawra Private terrace

Flowfresh Flowfresh MF MF

Flowfresh MF Private Private wall wall Flowfresh MF Flowfresh MF Mellieha Mellieha

Flowfresh MF

Brewery Mriehel Brewery Mriehel Brewery Mriehel Flowfresh MF Brewery Brewery Mriehel Brewery

Mriehel Brewery Mriehel Brewery Flowfresh MF Mriehel Brewery Flowfresh MF Mriehel Brewery Brewery Mriehel Brewery Mriehel Brewery Mriehel Flowfresh MF Brewery Brewery Mriehel Mriehel Mriehel Brewery Mriehel Brewery Brewery Flowfresh MF Mriehel Mriehel Brewery Mriehel Flowfresh MF Brewery Brewery Mriehel Mriehel Brewery Mriehel Brewery Mriehel Mriehel


Fast Curing Membrane

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Flowfresh Flowfresh MFMF Flowfresh MF Flowfresh Flowfresh MFMF Flowfresh MF Private wall Flowfresh Flowfresh MFMF Mellieha Private wall Flowfresh MF Private wall Flowfresh Flowfresh MFMF Mellieha Flowfresh MF Flowfresh MF wall Mellieha Private Flowfresh MF Flowfresh MF FlowfreshMellieha MF

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Brewery Brewery Mriehel Mriehel Foodstuffs warehouse

Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer

Golden• Easy Sands Buelebel IndClean Estate Lija • Attractive • Attractive Clean Buelebel • Easy Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs Golden Sands Ind Estate Lija warehouse Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse Peran STB Peran Self Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija • Attractive • Easy Clean • Easy Clean Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse • Durable • Attractive • Durable • Hygienic • Hygienic Peran STBSands Peran Self Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Golden Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija • Attractive • Attractive • Easy Clean • Easy Clean Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse • Durable • Durable • Hygienic • Hygienic Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse • Flexible • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Chemical Resistant Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Peran STB Peran Self Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lijawarehouse • Attractive • Attractive • Easy CleanResistant • Easy Clean Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija • Durable • Durable • Hygienic • Hygienic GoldenSands Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lijawarehouse Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs • Flexible • Flexible • Chemical • Chemical Golden Buelebel Ind Estate Resistant Lija Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse • Attractive • Easy Clean Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse Peran STB Peran SelfClean Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija • Durable • Durable • Hygienic • Hygienic Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Resistant Lija • Attractive • Easy Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse • Flexible • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Chemical Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Peran STB Peran Self Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse • Attractive • Easy Clean • Durable • Hygienic GoldenSands Sands Buelebel Ind Estate LijaLija Golden Buelebel Ind Estate • Attractive • Easy Clean Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse • Flexible • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Chemical Resistant Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean

Mosta Foodstuffs Mostawarehouse Foodstuffs warehouse Hammerflow Mark2 Mosta Foodstuffs warehouse Hammerflow Mark2 Mosta Foodstuffs warehouse Foodstuffs warehouse Mosta Foodstuffs warehouse Mosta Foodstuffs warehouse Mosta Hammerflow Mark2 Foodstuffs warehouse Foodstuffs warehouse Mosta Mosta Mosta Foodstuffs warehouse Mosta Foodstuffs warehouse Foodstuffs warehouse Hammerflow Mark2 Mosta Mosta Foodstuffs warehouse Mosta Hammerflow Mark2 Foodstuffs warehouse Foodstuffs warehouse Mosta Mosta Foodstuffs warehouse Mosta Foodstuffs warehouse Mosta Mosta

Flowfresh MF

sMosta warehouse Industrial factory Foodstuffs Lija warehouse GoldenKitchen Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Attractive • Attractive • Easy CleanElectronics • Easy Clean osta Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Durable • Durable • Hygienic • Hygienic arehouse Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse s warehouse Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Chemical aFlexible Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Resistant Lija

Foodstuffs warehouse Brewery Lija Mriehel

Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Mater Dei Hospital Mater Dei Hospital Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer

Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer

Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer

Peran Self Levelling

Brewery Mriehel

Flowfresh MF

Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer

Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer

Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer

Peran Flowchem Self Levelling SP3 Dust prooferFlowchem SP3Flowfresh Dust proofer MF

Mater Dei Hospital

Mater Hospital Mater DeiDei Hospital

Mater Dei Hospital Private wall

Mellieha Mater Dei Hospital Mater Dei Hospital

Fast Curing Membrane

Peran Self Levelling Peran

Peran Self Levelling Private terrace terrace PeranPrivate Self Levelling Peran SelfQawra Levelling Qawra

Seamless Seamless Flooring Flooring Seamless eamlessFFlooring looring S Seamless Flooring eamless Flooring SSeamless looring

Clear Liquid Membrane

Luqa Hangar Luqa Hangar Hammerflow Luqa Hangar Hammerflow Luqa Hangar Hangar Luqa Hangar Luqa LuqaHangar Hammerflow Hangar Hangar Luqa Luqa Luqa LuqaHangar Hangar Hangar Hammerflow Luqa Luqa Hangar Luqa Hammerflow Hangar Hangar Luqa Luqa Hangar Luqa Hangar LuqaLuqa

Peran STB STB Peran Peran STB Factory Factory roof Peran STBroof Peran STB Mriehel Mriehel Peran STB

Foodstuffs Hangar warehouse Foodstuffs Industrial warehouse Kitchen Industrial Electronics Kitchen factory Electronics Foodstuffs factory warehouse Foodstuffs warehouse Brewery Luqa Mosta Mosta Golden Sands Golden Buelebel Sands Ind Estate Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Lija Mriehel Foodstuffs Hangar warehouse Foodstuffs Industrial warehouse Kitchen Industrial Electronics Kitchen factory Electronics Foodstuffs factory warehouse Foodstuffs warehouse Brewery Luqa Mosta Mosta Golden Sands Golden Buelebel Sands Ind Estate Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Lija Mriehel Foodstuffs Hangar warehouse Foodstuffs Industrial warehouse Kitchen Industrial Electronics Kitchen factory Electronics Foodstuffs factory warehouse Foodstuffs warehouse Brewery Luqa Mosta Mosta Golden Sands Golden Buelebel Sands Ind Estate Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Lija Mriehel Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Hammerflow Peran Mark2 STBKitchen Peran Peran STBSelf Levelling Peran Flowchem SelfFoodstuffs Levelling SP3 Dust prooferFlowchem SP3Flowfresh Dust proofer MF Foodstuffs Hangar Foodstuffs warehouse Foodstuffs Industrial warehouse Electronics Kitchen factoryElectronics Electronics factory warehouse Foodstuffs warehouse Brewery warehouse Industrial Industrial Kitchen factory Foodstuffs warehouse Luqa Foodstuffs Mosta Golden Sands Golden Buelebel Sands Ind Estate Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Lija Mriehel warehouse Mosta Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse

Clear Liquid Membrane

Hangar Luqa Hangar Luqa Hangar Luqa Hammerflow HangarHangar Luqa Hangar

HammerflowMark2 Mark2 Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Private pool deck Private pool deck Hammerflow Mark2 Hammerflow Mark2 Mellieha Mellieha Hammerflow Mark2

lliquid iquid w waterproofing aterproofing

Hammerflow Hammerflow Hammerflow Factory roofroof Factory Hammerflow Hammerflow Bulebel Ind Estate Bulebel Ind Estate Hammerflow

Flowfresh MF

Peran STB Peran Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust Peran STBSelf LevellingPeran Self Peran Flowchem Self Levelling SP3 Dust proofer Flowchem SP3 Flowfresh Dustproofer proofer MF Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Peran STB Peran Self Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Peran STB Peran Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust Hammerflow Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 HammerflowPeran Mark2 STB Peran STBSelf LevellingPeran Self Peran Flowchem Self Levelling SP3 Dust proofer Flowchem SP3 Flowfresh Dustproofer proofer MF Hammerflow Hammerflow Peran STB Peran Self Levelling FlowchemMater SP3 Dust proofer Factory roof Factory roof Private pool deck Mark2 Private pool Factory deck roof roof terrace Private Mater terrace Dei Hospital Hospital Private wall Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Peran STBSTB FactoryPrivate Peran Self Flowchem SP3Dei Dust proofer Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 MelliehaMriehel Peran SelfLevelling Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Bulebel Ind Estate roof Bulebel Ind Mellieha Estate Mriehel Qawra PeranPrivate Qawra Mellieha Factory Private pool deck Factory roof terrace Mater Dei Hospital Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Peran STB Peran Self Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Factory Ind roof Private poolMark2 deck Factory roof Private terrace Mater Dei Hospital Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Peran STB Peran Self Flowchem SP3 Dustproofer proofer Hammerflow Hammerflow Peran STB Peran SelfLevelling Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust Bulebel Estate Mellieha Mriehel Qawra Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Peran STB Peran Self Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Peran STB Peran SelfQawra Levelling Flowchem SP3SP3 Dust proofer Bulebel Ind Estate Mellieha Mriehel Factory roof Private pool deck Factory roof terrace Mater DeiDust Hospital Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Peran STB PeranPrivate proofer Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 Peran STB Peran Self Levelling Flowchem Hammerflow Hammerflow Peran STB Peran Self Qawra Levelling Flowchem SP3 Dust proofer Bulebel Ind Estate MelliehaMark2 Mriehel

Flowfresh MF

Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse Brewery • Attractive • Easy Clean Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Mriehel • Attractive • Easy Clean • Durable • Hygienic • Durable • Hygienic • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Attractive • Easy Clean • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Durable • Hygienic • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant sta book Road, St 593, Paul’s Mosta Bay Road, Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 St Paul’s Bay Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: Fax:info@flockimage.com 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Durable • Hygienic

Peran Flowchem Self Levelling SP3 Dust prooferFlowchem SP3Flowfresh Dust proofer MF


Peran Flowchem Self Levelling SP3 Dust prooferFlowchem SP3Flowfresh Dust proofer MF

Brewery Mriehel Mriehel

Peran Peran STBSelf Levelling

Private wall Mellieha Mellieha


Peran Peran STBSelf Levelling

Flowfresh MF

Hammerflow Mark2 Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2 HammerflowPeran Mark2 STB

Mater Hospital Mater DeiDei Hospital

Flowfresh MF

Hammerflow Hammerflow

HammerflowPeran Mark2 STB

Flowfresh MF Flowfresh MF

HammerflowPeran Mark2 STB


Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2

Private wall Mellieha Private wall Private wall Private wall Mellieha Mellieha Mellieha Mellieha Mellieha Private wall Private Private wall Sirrender Wallwall Coating Mellieha Mellieha Mellieha Sirrender Wall Coating Private wall Private wall Mellieha Mellieha Private wall

Mater Hospital Mater DeiDei Hospital Fast Curing Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Mater Dei Hospital Mater Dei Hospital

Private terrace Qawra Qawra

Private Private wall wall Mellieha Mellieha

Hammerflow Hammerflow Mark2


Sirrender Wall Coating


Factory roof Mriehel Mriehel

Private wall Mellieha Mellieha Private wall

Sirrender Wall Coating

eriK® EMB Tamseal 10F Clear Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Coating AlasTomeriK® Tamseal EMB 10F Clear Liquid 10F Membrane Clear Liquid Fast Curing Membrane Membrane Fast Curing Sirrender Membrane Wall Coating Sirrender Sirrender Wall Coating EMB Tamseal Clear Liquid Liquid Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Sirrender Wall Coating iK® EMB Tamseal10F 10F Tamseal Membrane Fast Curing Membrane Wall Coating

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Private pool deck Mellieha Mellieha

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Foodstuffs warehouse Mosta

Peran STB Peran STB


Tamseal 10F

• Durable • Durable • Hygienic • Hygienic • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Flexible • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Chemical Resistant

Industrial Electronics Kitchen factory Golden Buelebel Sands Ind Estate

Peran Peran STBSelf Levelling

Factory Factoryroof roof Mriehel Mriehel

te pool deck MelliehaMriehel Factory roofMriehel Qawra pool deck Factory roof ellieha Mriehel llieha Mriehel l deck Factory roof

Factory Private roof terrace

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Industrial Kitchen

GoldenSands Sands Buelebel Ind LijaLija • Durable • Hygienic Golden Buelebel IndEstate Estate • Attractive • Easy Clean • FlexibleIndustrial • Chemical ResistantFoodstuffs Kitchen Electronics factory warehouse Brewery • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Durable • Hygienic Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Mriehel • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Durable • Hygienic • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant Hangar Foodstuffs Hangar warehouse Foodstuffs Industrial warehouse Kitchen Industrial Electronics Kitchen factory Electronics Foodstuffs factory warehouse Foodstuffs warehouse Brewery Brewery • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant Luqa Luqa Mosta Mosta Golden Sands Golden Buelebel Sands Ind Estate Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Lija Mriehel Mriehel • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant Find us on Facebook Find us593, on Facebook Mosta Road, St593, Paul’s Mosta Bay Road, Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 St Paul’s Bay Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: Fax:info@flockimage.com 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant Find us on Facebook Find us593, on Facebook Mosta Road, St593, Paul’s Mosta Bay Road, Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 St Paul’s Bay Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: Fax:info@flockimage.com 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Durable • Hygienic • Durable • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant Find usHangar on Facebook Find us593, on Facebook Mosta Road, St593, Paul’s Mosta Bay Road, Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 St Paul’s 21572759/21573424/99572759 21573424 email: Fax:info@flockimage.com 21573424 • Flexible • Chemical Resistant Foodstuffs warehouse Industrial KitchenBay Tel: Electronics Fax: factory Foodstuffs warehouseemail: info@flockimage.com Brewery • Durable • Hygienic • Flexible • Chemical Resistant Foodstuffs warehouse Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse email: info@flockimage.com Brewery Mosta Golden Sands BayClean Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Mriehel • Flexible Find Hangar us Luqa on Facebook Find us593, on Facebook Mosta Road, St 593, Paul’s Mosta Bay Road, Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 St Paul’s Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: Fax: info@flockimage.com 21573424 • Attractive • Attractive • Easy • Easy Clean • Flexible • Chemical Resistant • Durable • Hygienic Luqa Mosta Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Mriehel • Flexible • Chemical Resistant

Hangar Luqa

Golden Sands

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Bulebel Indroof Estate Bulebel Ind Estate Factory Factory roof Bulebel Ind Estate Bulebel Ind Estate

Factory roof Mriehel Factory roof Factory roof Factory roof Mriehel Mriehel Mriehel Mriehel Mriehel Factory roof Factory roof Factory roof Tamseal 10F Mriehel Mriehel Mriehel Tamseal 10F Factory roof Factory roof Mriehel Mriehel Factory roof

Buelebel Ind Estate

Private pool deck Mellieha Private pool deck Private pool PrivateMellieha pool deck deck Mellieha Mellieha Mellieha Mellieha Private pool deck Private pool deck Private pool deck AlasTomeriK® EMB Mellieha Mellieha Mellieha AlasTomeriK® EMB Private pool deck Private pool deck Mellieha Mellieha Private pool deck

Private wall Mellieha Private wall

Factory roof Bulebel Indroof Estate Factory roof Factory Factory Ind roof Bulebel Estate Bulebel Ind Estate Bulebel Ind Estate Bulebel Ind Estate Bulebel Indroof Estate Factory roof Factory roof Factory Acrylflex RRC Bulebel Ind Estate Bulebel Indroof Estate Bulebel Ind Estate Acrylflex RRC Factory Factory roof

Tamseal 10F

Hangar Foodstuffs warehouse Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse Brewery Find us on Facebook 593, Mosta Road, Industrial St Paul’sKitchen Bay Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com Hangar Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse Brewery Luqa Mosta Golden Bay Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Mriehel Find us on FacebookFoodstuffs 593,warehouse Mosta Road, St Paul’s Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com Peran STB

Peran STB

593, Mosta

Peran STB

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Find Luqa us on Facebook

Mosta Road, St Paul’s Bay Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com Golden Sands Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Mriehel

• Attractive • Attractive

• EasyClean Clean • Easy

Foodstuffs Industrial warehouse Kitchen Mosta Golden Sands

Private pool Factory deck roof

Find 593, Paul’s Fax: 21573424 email: Hangar Foodstuffs warehouse Industrial Kitchen Electronics factory Foodstuffs warehouse Brewery FindususononFacebook Facebook 593,Mosta MostaRoad, Road,StSt Paul’sBay BayTel: Tel:21572759/21573424/99572759 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email:info@flockimage.com info@flockimage.com Luqa GoldenBay SandsTel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Buelebel Ind Estate Lija Mriehel Find us on Facebook Mosta 593, Mosta Road, St Paul’s Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com

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ol deck pool deck ha llieha


ffs warehouse

HammerflowPeran Mark2 STB

FindususononFacebook Facebook 593, 593,Mosta Mosta Road, StPaul’s Paul’sBay BayTel: Tel:21572759/21573424/99572759 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax:21573424 21573424email: email:info@flockimage.com info@flockimage.com • Durable • Hygienic Road, Fax: Find us Facebook on Facebook 593, 593, Mosta Road,StSt StPaul’s Paul’sBay BayTel: Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: email: info@flockimage.com FindFind us on Mosta Road, Fax:21573424 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com • Durable • Hygienic us Facebook on Facebook 593, 593, Mosta Road,StStPaul’s Paul’sBay BayTel: Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com • Flexible • Chemical Resistant FindFind us on Mosta Road, Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com • Attractive • Easy Clean • Attractive • Easy CleanResistantFax: • Flexible • Chemical FindFind uson on Facebook 593, Mosta Road, StStPaul’s Paul’s Bay Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com us Facebook on Facebook 593, 593, Mosta Road,St Paul’sBay BayTel: Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 21572759/21573424/99572759 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com Find us Mosta Road, Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com • Durable • Hygienic us Facebook on Facebook 593, 593, Mosta Road,St Paul’sBay BayTel: Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com FindFind uson on Facebook 593, Mosta Road, StStPaul’s Paul’s Bay Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com • Durable • Hygienic • Attractive • Easy Clean Find us Mosta Road, Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com osta



w Mark2






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The fight against

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decision has been taken to step up pressure on the Authorities to stop once and for all the abusive licenses being issued by Local Councils that permit practically anyone to set up shop in the street and sell whatever products they want. Local Councils are far beyond their legal capacity in granting such permits under the Activities Requiring Permits by Local Councils Regulations – Legal Notice 119 of 2002.


• Flexible

• Chemical Resistant

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93, Mosta Road, St Paul’s Bay Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com 3, Mosta Road, St Paul’s Bay Tel: 21572759/21573424/99572759 Fax: 21573424 email: info@flockimage.com

Flower and Plant Shops express anger at Governments inactivity in curtailing abuse

The scope of the legislator behind this law was to regulate the temporary stalls that characterise our local religious feasts, not to establish a platform that allows the bypassing of commercial laws and requirements. Following mystery shopping conducted by the GRTU last year during Valentine’s where the absolute majority of these vendors did not give out a VAT receipt, GRTU publicly protested and criticised the authorities’ inability to control tax evasion by the operators of these temporary stalls. This led to the removal of the exemption that was introduced some years back and everyone was once again subject to registering for VAT and issuing receipts.


This was one step in the right direction. But without key amendments in the Legal Notice, local retail flower and plan shops will continue struggling because of this abuse. The retail shops said that the situation is worsening every year and this year they saw a record number of stalls set up around the island. They reported an astronomical negative effect on their sales during the period where they make up for lower business activity during the rest of the year. With this simple Local Council license, individuals are setting up stalls in the busiest areas of Malta. They usually set up next to the most traffic congested roundabouts to get the most exposure possible. Multiple vehicles stop their cars to buy and park dangerously, continuing to exasperate the already precarious traffic situation. And consumers indeed find this very convenient and there is no way for retailers to compete on this same platform. GRTU has drafted a set of proposals that will re-establish a level playing field. These will be presented to the Minister responsible for Local Government, Owen Bonnici and GRTU will be insisting that the situation is rectified before Mother’s Day.

Issue No. 69 - 2016


Our record breaking economy The first few months of 2016 have so far been punctuated with accounts of just how the current economy is booming. We are currently experiencing the highest rate of economic growth recorded in the past fifteen years, complemented by the lowest unemployment ratings, and an influx of FDIs.


The first few months of 2016 have so far been punctuated with accounts of just how the current economy is booming. We are currently experiencing the highest rate of economic growth recorded in the past fifteen years, complemented by the lowest unemployment rates, and an influx of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) . Successful businesses are those that continuously aspire to grow and prosper. These businesses have found a Government that not only shares their dreams, but is also committed to creating opportunities and a climate for these to flourish. This collaboration between the Government and the private sector has manifested itself most evidently in the es-


Issue No. 69 - 2016

tablishment of Trade Malta, a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between Malta Enterprise, a government body, and the Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry. This PPP aims to further strengthen and aid company prospects for export to international markets in a more focused and effective manner. Enterprises operating from specific zones, such as those at the Mriehel Industrial Estate, are also being supported through the establishment of the Mrie침el Enterprise Zone Foundation, another PPP initiative, between the Government and eighteen private operators, committing itself to elevate the current surrounding areas of the industrial areas into a business hub which invites, and not hinders, business.



This is a movement to help operators succeed. Within its premises, the Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business has recently opened the Small Business Support Co-Ordination Unit, with the sole goal of guiding and facilitating new businesses or those not as familiar with the public sector in how to set up shop. Through continuous evaluation and follow-ups from this Unit, the Ministry will have a better idea of the bureaucratic impediments being encountered by the public and entrepreneurs and remedy the situation. This Government recognises entrepreneurial spirit and hard-working citizens, and with an ambitious and decisive strategy is reaping a stream of economic results. These achievements are being supported by the constant array of reports that we are receiving from international accreditation agencies, as well as the European Commission, both in its recent Winter Economic Forecast, as well as the annual report by the European Commission on SMEs. Malta profiles amongst leading countries such as Germany, Australia, Luxemburg, Sweden, the UK and France as the only country within the European Union, to have recovered completely in all sectors, including services, manufacture, construction, wholesale and retail. These are significant results that translate, in real terms, into the beginning of the change for the country this Government has promised. Change can truly take place when we commit to our holistic strategy, to further maximise our economic potential, strengthen the existing economic sectors and opening up new niches so as to further diversify our economy.

“2016 is set to be a significant one for the country”

Through Malta Enterprise we area aiming at launching an array of new initiatives and measures which complement the already existing schemes. Amongst these, there shall be provided assistance for artisans, the manufacturing sector, start-ups, incentives to further increase female participation in the workplace and address more efficient use of energy as well as to promote research and innovation and encourage knowledge transfer.

2016 is set to be a significant one for the country, with upcoming legislation to be presented in Parliament, so to further create an easier, less bureaucratic but simultaneously creating a more far-reaching structure. Namely, the Family Business Act, set to be tabled in Parliament soon, is a is a pioneering piece of legislation within the EU to finally address and support the businesses which make up the majority of our economy .

These measures are also being coupled with infrastructural projects such as the proposed rejuvenation of the Crafts Village in Ta’ Qali, a long abandoned and forgotten area.

The Ministry is working to not only encourage the public’s economic dream, but make them achievable, and provide a better quality of life for all beyond 2016.


Issue No. 69 - 2016


Vassallo group one of the largest and most diversified groups of companies in Malta

Vassallo Group began as a post-World War II construction company with a plan to assist in the re-development of the nation. 70 years later it has evolved into a multi-dimensional organisation with a vision to turn innovative ideas into exciting realities.


lease tell us something about the history of your organisation. The founder of the Group, my father Pio Vassallo of Mosta, provided the initial seed in 1946 to venture in the clearing of war debris from public buildings. Afterwards he introduced the family to the building industry. In 1971 I was appointed the Managing Director of the then newly formed Construction Company Vassallo Builders Ltd. Under my leadership the Group continued to grow from strength to strength to become one of the largest and most diversified groups of companies in Malta. Up to the present day, construction still forms the backbone of the activities of the group, however throughout the years the group established itself not only as leader in the building industry, but also as leaders in elderly care, property developments as well as other areas such as catering. Can you give us some essential facts and figures? Quoting from the consolidated accounts up to 31st December 2015, “The Vassallo Group has undoubtedly continued to move from strength to strength in the last years. Not only has it registered a steady increase in revenue generation from €34m/€35m in 2010 to around €50m in 2015,(an increase


Issue No. 69 - 2016

of over 40%), but this has in turn resulted in a consolidation of the Group’s Net Asset base, which has shot up by 12% to read just over €75M at the end of 2015. Our plan is to increase our annual turnover to €100m, our net assets to €100m and our net profit to €10m per annum by 2020. Vassallo Group has shareholding in 36 different companies. Who are the main stakeholders in your organisation? Our stakeholders apart from the family are our partners in business, banks who support our initiatives, government, clients and our own employees. What is your organisation’s USP (Unique Sales Proposition)? What makes you different from all your competitors? Why should customers come to you? For our platinum anniversary this year we have opted for the tag line : tradition, innovation and diversity. And we think these three words encapsulate what we are and what we represent. With 70 years’ experience in a number of key sectors we boast of experience and expertise particularly in construction and related sectors such as joinery, scaffolding and metal works. Throughout the years our construction arm was entrusted with the building of some of the major landmarks in the



“We are proud to be associated with many firsts” Nazzareno Vassallo; Chairman, Vassallo Group country such as the St Elmo Bridge, restoration of historical fortifications, the National Oncology centre, the Lifesciences park, the St Antnin Waste Treatment Plant, the Malta North Waste Treatment Facility, the Mellieha Home for the Elderly and many other projects. As the first private operator in elderly care and rehabilitation services we have over 23 years’ experience in this sector and we are certainly a major player in the sector. We operate 9 homes and care for over 1400 residents. We were also the first to be entrusted by government to run public homes through PPP agreements way back in 1994. We feel that experience and expertise are two important qualities that distinguish us from competitors. We also place a lot of importance on our core values, quality and standards in the services we offer. These qualities distinguish us in other areas as well such as alternative energy, catering, hospitality and IT where we are making headway through companies involved in these sectors. What do you think your organisation’s major achievements are till now? We are proud that we can be associated with many ‘firsts’. When in the post-independence era tourism was booming we were one of the utmost dynamic investors. Having identified Malta’s trends towards an ageing population, we were also the first private organisation to have the vision and courage to invest in innovative healthcare, homes for the elderly, rehabilitation services as well as electronic and mobile health. We are proud to be the leaders in our areas of operation. What are the biggest challenges you are facing right now? I would say finding the right people who have the skills, the experience and know-how is one of the greatest challenges we have. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly difficult to source the necessary skilled work force locally. Although we have excellent relations with educational institutions, in reality the supply of students who qualify in certain trades is much less that the demand. In such situations one would obviously need to think outside the box. We managed to somehow alleviate


the problem in the healthcare sector by either get people from abroad or else by providing training leading to an internationally recognised qualification. Unfortunately, this cannot be replicated in all sectors however we are confident that we can overcome this challenge as well. What do you think the future holds for your business and for your sector? What are your ambitions? Where do you want to be in five years’ time? In a nutshell, we would like to remain leaders in the sectors in which we operate, strengthen our position in sectors in which our involvement is increasing year on year, such as the property management sector, increase our involvement in tourist accommodation, become an international player in healthcare software solutions through 6pm Group of which we are shareholders, and also to break new grounds in other areas such as the disability and environment sectors. What role does your organisation play in the community? Vassallo Group has always played a role in the community. Throughout the year we assist a number of NGOs not only through CSR activities but also through sponsorships or assistance in kind. We also organise community awards such as the Nazzareno Vassallo Award for work related to elderly care. This year, being a special anniversary for the Group, we will be holding this event at the Verdala Palace in May under the patronage of Her Excellency the President of Malta. Can you tell us about your organisation’s environmental footprint and what you are doing for the environment? Our involvement is increasing year on year. Not only were we involved in the construction of Malta’s waste treatment plants where we acquired unique experience and expertise in how to transform waste into energy but also got directly involved in the alternative energy sector through Powereezi. By installing photovoltaic panels on most roofs of building belonging to the Group in 2015 we produced more than 1500 megawatts from solar energy. By using such natural sources of energy our Group has saved some 4500 tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. This is equivalent to emissions released by 1000 cars. What five words would you use to give people an idea of the essential flavour of your organisation? Tradition, Innovation, Diversity as well as Quality and Leadership.

Issue No. 69 - 2016






helps local companies

release valuable office space and protect sensitive data


ith the inflation of property prices and the demands of new resources, companies need to realise alternative strategies to reduce costs and improve their efficiency as to stay competitive in Malta’s ever-growing economy. Well aware of the challenges business face today, MaltaPost has diversified its services offerings to meet such demands. Although the past years have seen an exponential increase in the use of electronic communications, paper records still continue to dominate normal office environments and industry studies estimate that 50-70% of space in offices is dedicated to filing and storage of documentation. As this paper mountain continues to grow the effort and risks associated with its management and retrieval are becoming increasingly more challenging. MaltaPost’s comprehensive list of document management solutions are designed to allow businesses to focus on their core competences and business priorities by providing for all archival, retrieval, digitisation and, where required, the destruction of paper


records. By utilising MaltaPost’s secure archiving facilities, businesses are putting their valuable office space to better use while having the peace of mind that their physical documents or other sensitive records and media, are secured in MaltaPost’s state-of-the-art document management facilities. MaltaPost’s document management storage facilities are equipped with 24 hour CCTV monitoring, controlled access, fire detection alarms, as well as temperature, humidity and vermin controls and equipped with the latest technology to accurately track all documents from the initial collection to their final disposal. Should a client require any physical document in hand, MaltaPost will retrieve it, and deliver it to their office on the same day through its efficient courier services. Having invested in high speed document scanning systems, MaltaPost provides businesses with an opportunity to digitise all those valuable business records, providing clients with better security and preservation and also allowing these to be categorised effectively and retrieved on demand. Through Greenleaf, MaltaPost also

offers on-site and off-site high volume shredding of paper as well as the secure destruction of non-paper waste such as CDs, hard drives and other data mediums. Understanding the importance of confidentiality, Greenleaf’s mobile shredding truck can operate on client’s premises, allowing them to monitor the shredding or destruction of their business data. Alternatively, the data may be picked up and destroyed off-site. After the shredding process is complete, all material is recycled at a licensed facility thus disposing them in an environmentally responsible way. MaltaPost’s Document Management Services operate within stringent quality standards and is MSA EN ISO 9001:2008 certified. Such certifications guarantee a consistent focus on quality and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, MaltaPost is an affiliated member of NAID Europe (National Association for Information Destruction), PRISM (Professional Records and Information Services Management) and of the Information and Records Management Society. For more information, visit https://www.maltapost.com/business

Issue No. 69 - 2016



Mapping IT with success

words: Steve Flinders photography: Edmunds Mierins

MAP IT Malta is one of Malta’s most successful software development companies. Its two managing partners, Mark Abela Schinas and Anton Pisani, combine youth with experience – they were both employed as software developers themselves before they set up their own company. Visit their website at www.mapitmalta.com and you’ll see Mark’s statement on the home page describing what the company is all about: “We enjoy building solutions to business problems. We get a lot of satisfaction from finding a particularly difficult problem that a company is facing and building software to solve that problem.” It’s this versatility and commitment to serving the customer which has helped the company to grow.


Issue No. 69 - 2016



nton’s and Mark’s experience and confidence belie their still tender years. Anton had started as a student learning programming, and he had written to a German manufacturing company asking them if they would give him a summer job working on their website. “I reckon they assigned me the task because I had learnt German at school. And after working there for two summers and finishing my studies, they gave me a fulltime job working on internal development and then on production processes. At that time they just had Excel and Access and their accounting package, and I had started to integrate these into a coherent system.” So this early experience had an impact on how MAP IT works today. Four years later they put him in charge of IT. Working on the production line taught him the key management skill of prioritisation. “If the production line stops, cash stops coming into the company, and so I soon learnt to deal with the production problems first and the admin later. Being in charge of the IT needs of 200 people also helps you work out what’s important.” Translated into the business today, that means aiming to give clients an answer and a solution as quickly as possible, normally “within a day or two.”

1. Map.Suite which comprises three modules: • Map.Time for professionals and project managers to track the time spent on any particular job, case or project. Map.Time can be used by accountants, lawyers, architects et al to record and monitor different kinds of work for different clients with automatically generated invoicing; • Map.CRM for the storage of client information; and • Map.Job for job sharing and assignation. Map.Job could be used by, say, a building contractor who wants to allocate and monitor jobs and timings for a range of sub-contractors on a construction project. 2. Map.Help which provides support to a company’s help desk; and 3. Map.Book, a booking system for hotels. The latest addition to the range is Map.Course, for English language schools to manage their teacher allocation, registration of attendance, etc.

Products and Services MAP IT is essentially a software house, although it’s a service provider as well: “Clients can outsource their IT function to us or we can support an existing team, as well as handle their software development for them.” The company’s main products are:


MAP IT’s approach to software implementation is rooted in Anton’s early IT management experience. “We never try to impose our own system if the client already has a package already in place which they’re comfortable with. We try to integrate into what there is; we believe that the core system should remain the same.

Issue No. 69 - 2016


A completely new system can increase employee workload, for example by having to input into two systems during the transition.”

Map.Book provides an easy to use web interface for a reservation management system. This booking system provides an innovative scheduler allowing rooms and reservations to be graphically viewed.

I’m also competent at explaining to our developers what the client needs. This is important because there can be a big gap between what users want and what developers understand they want


Anton argues that MAP IT products are successful because of their simplicity and transparency, and because the supplier makes its own responsibilities clear. “First, when people see one of our systems, their initial reaction is positive because it’s simple to use. We do have advanced editions but it’s often the simple editions which many people find appealing. Second, clients don’t have to pay for bug fixes. Third, we help our clients to improve their business processes - to do in one minute something which before took them five, ten, or fifteen minutes a day. So then they can focus more on their business and make it more profitable. The time saved on inputting data can be spent on analysing the data.” Their customer retention rate is quite impeccable: they did have one client leave them but then he came back. How come? “Mainly because we talk a lot to the client. We ask the customer questions all the time, trying to get feedback so we can see how to improve our offer.” What about hosting? “We decide what we should keep on our local intranet and what can safely go on the cloud. To host at your own location, you’ve got to make sure that your server is always up to date and that someone is making sure the servers are okay. If something happens to the server you need to know what to do immediately. One advantage of the cloud is that clients can get updates immediately. Of course, we take every precaution to make both the cloud and the local server as secure as possible.” So gut feeling: intranet or cloud? “Cloud.” Linux or Windows? “Again, it depends. Most offices have Windows so we work with that, but Linux is the standard for gaming companies.” Back-up? “Daily, automatically.”

Customer Relations Customer relations are critical in this business. How does Anton manage these? “I think people come to us because I listen to what they say. I’m also competent at explaining to our developers what the client needs. This is important because there can be a big gap between what users want and what developers understand they want.”

Issue No. 69 - 2016


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Resistance to change can be symptomatic not just of the staff of a new client company but also of the managers or owners who commissioned the software development in the first place. How does MAP IT deal with this? “When a client tells us they need something when in fact they need something else, we talk about it, document the different possibilities, and then do things like put in temporary screen shots to show how the different options will look before they give us approval. We pride ourselves on our adaptability. Every client is different. Clients have different standards and we respect those standards: we recognise that you can get to a goal in many different ways.” Who should take responsibility for the integration of a new information system, the client or the supplier? This is a question which has already been debated in the columns of The Executive. “We go from clients who are using their system 100% to clients who buy a new system and then don’t use it. To get the system implemented properly, what’s needed is someone to manage the project internally. This is ideally someone nominated by the client because finally it’s their responsibility to make sure that they get the full benefit of what they are paying for. So it’s best for the client to identify a champion within the business. But of course our aim is always to get everyone on board and that’s what we work for. When people see the benefits, the resistance goes away.” How do you identify a champion? “We start with an internal point of contact. Communication flows through this person. It’s good when the point of contact becomes the champion.”

Clients have different standards and we respect those standards: we recognise that you can get to a goal in many different ways


To get the system implemented properly, what’s needed is someone to manage the project internally.

Installing new software requires not just technical skills but also skilled communication. “We provide lots of training, making sure that heads of department know exactly what is going to change and that they are involved throughout the process. We also try to minimise the risk of resistance as we implement our systems in phases. If someone doesn’t like something, we catch it at the beginning rather than six months down the line. Likewise with the occasional complaint: these tend to come early on and we deal with them there and then. By the end of the process, people would have been testing the system for quite a while, they would have gotten to know it well, and they would be in a position to see how we have acted on the feedback they’ve given us.”

Competences and Management Style Managing a business is a juggling act, trying to keep all the different balls – marketing, sales, development, finance – in the air at the same time. Relationships are also key and we wondered how Anton and Mark work together.

Issue No. 69 - 2016





Global mindset. Knowing languages can give you an early advantage in the international workplace. Courage and curiosity. “We like clients to present us with problems. We like to rise to the challenge.” Prioritising. Identify and focus on the key issues, leave the rest for later. The critical importance of communication. Interpreting user wants in language that developers can understand; talking a language that clients can understand. Complimentary preferences and skills. The relationship between the two managing partners works well because they are able to look after and enjoy looking after different parts of the business.




Listening. Listening, really listening to your client is critical. Educating the client. Helping clients know what is best for them when they don’t always know themselves. Feedback. Getting feedback from the customer is key to product and service improvement. Flexibility. Improves customisation. MAP IT adapts to the clients’ standards and ways of working: “we recognise that you can get to a goal in many different ways.” Office environment. They aim to create conditions where people feel comfortable and work well. Building relationships with your clients. Go the extra mile and they will reward you.

“We complement each other a lot. Mark is mostly focused on work on the administration, marketing, financial and accounts side of the business, while I work mainly on the technical side, on sales, strategy, the overall product line, and product development. We talk to each other all the time. We aim to agree but we recognise that if we disagree, we still have to make the decision. We compromise. It works.” How does Anton see his skills set and his management style? “I get things done, I can manage quite efficiently, and I can prioritise.”

they manage retention? “We try to create a good working environment in the office – flexible hours, and efficient internet. As far as client contact is concerned, there is usually more than one person on a project so the client doesn’t only deal with one contact all the time.” And dress code? “We usually dress down at the office; we usually dress more formally at meetings with clients.”

And on the people side of their own business, they focus a lot on internal training. “We need to keep our people up to date with all the developments in the profession so we send people on courses and we do courses ourselves. We do a lot of Microsoft courses.”

What of the future of MAP IT? “We know how to launch new products now. We’ve got a suite of products which is growing and which all integrate into one system. We’ve completed a number of projects outside Malta and we’re trying to build our overseas business. We’re doing some games for gaming companies, and there some other quite big developments coming up so there’s quite a lot to focus on.”

We had already talked about champions nominated by the client but what about MAP IT’s own champions. How do


The Future

Issue No. 69 - 2016


Getting the world ever closer to Malta

words: Victor Calleja photography: Christian Mangion

2015 was a watershed year for Malta Freeport Terminals. For the first time ever, the magical 3 million TEUs in throughput were reached. Back when the terminal was privatised in 2004, the figure was 1.4 million. So not only has this doubled but it has also optimised the usage of facilities, giving clients, shareholders and employees better value and a better return. Malta too, through tax, concession payment and investment, is a prime beneficiary. The journal meets Alex Montebello, the CEO of Malta Freeport Terminals to find out more about the success, the goals and the power behind the company.


ontebello is the first-ever Maltese CEO of Malta Freeport Terminals (to be referred to as Freeport for ease of reading) after serving in various departments for the last 25 years. He has been in IT, marketing, operations and also served for a time as the deputy to the previous CEO, Uwe Malezki. Malezki sadly died while still occupying the top executive position


Issue No. 69 - 2016

at the Freeport. Owned jointly by CMA-CGM and the Yildirim Group of Turkey, under Montebello it has continued to enjoy the success his predecessors had achieved. I ask Montebello what changes have taken place in the company during these last years. He tells me that the changes have been dramatic but he emphasises that they didn’t happen since he took over but ever since the company was privatised.

The contract signed back in 2004 was a win-win situation and Government made sure it got a good deal for what it was giving the private operator of the Freeport. Besides rent and a yearly fee, the Freeport was obliged to invest a huge amount of money so that the concession which was originally for 35 years would be extended to 65. All stipulations imposed by the Government were satisfied and all investments put into place in under the time limit imposed.



Alex Montebello; CEO, Malta Freeport Terminals

The Freeport as an entity has not only proved to be a success but has gone beyond all expectations. Since privatisation, the Freeport operator has spent over €237 million, even changing or upgrading practically all equipment available. In the operational field, all yard equipment has to be changed every 15 years, not only because of wear and tear considerations but also to ensure safety and dependability and to increase efficiency. This is an ongoing process, which means that equipment is changed gradually and constantly so that operations never grind to a halt, and also the spend is regular. But Montebello emphasises that it is not just investment that makes the Malta Freeport such a success story. The equipment, the infrastructure, the team behind the success are all pivotal; but it is also good vision by the owners, directors and management that has given the Freeport such good results. The marketing behind the Freeport has been done well and has been sustained throughout the years. And the success is not just for the immediate future but it is well-planned to go on in the long term. Location, of course, plays an important part as Malta is smack in the middle of one of the most important sea-routes of the


world. Just as in history Malta was used by many empires and colonisers, today its strategic position for sea-faring and movement of cargo is ideal. Montebello says: “Our position was a godsend. But the Freeport recognised the importance of starting a transshipment service here. It was a hard slog in the beginning and we had to work super-hard to make it viable and to attract the big carriers and big volume.” The names that matter are part of this ongoing success. CMA CGM, one of the owners of the Freeport and the third largest shipping line in the world is a major client. Maersk is the largest shipping line and is also a major client. “We managed,” Montebello goes on “because we worked hard and proved that we offer value to the shipping lines. We still have to keep at it and we can never rest on our results. But today, because I sincerely think we do offer a service that is secondto-none, we are the only terminal in the central Mediterranean which services two of the biggest and most important shipping alliances, 2M and Ocean 3. We must be doing something good.” The height of the success is seen in another historical context. After some years of growth the Freeport— pre-privatisation—was faced with

what some thought would be a fatal blow. The Gioia Tauro terminal in Calabria opened and a lot of business flowing into the Malta terminal was diverted to our neighbouring country. They had—and still have—a much bigger operation and for many years were busier than the local Freeport. 2015, the year of the 3 million TEUs, was also the year when for the first time the Malta Freeport surpassed Gioia Tauro in throughput. So more of a giant feather in the local operator’s hat. When Montebello tells me this he obviously—and rightly—beams. “It’s hard work,” he tells me, “but we manage to keep our edge over the competition.” The secret is to always keep abreast of all that’s happening and making better and more intelligent use not just of the space but also of the information available. “By modernising and by using more eco-friendly machinery and managing space better we will keep offering a better service to our clients,” Montebello tells me. “It’s significant that we have a storage area of 800,000 square metres and we handled 3 million TEUs. Gioia Tauro, which I mention as they are the closest competitor, have a storage area of 1.6 million square metres. That’s double ours but we managed to surpass them last year. Back then we were told we would be no match for them

Issue No. 69 - 2016


Alex Montebello’s learning box • In physical terms the Malta Freeport was seriously handicapped compared to the much bigger Gioia Tauro. But even if size is important, other factors were improved by the local operator and this meant that the Malta Freeport offered a better deal in a better organised environment. • Montebello has been appointed CEO after filling different posts, including an operational one. This is a great advantage as he has a wide spectrum of all the facets of the company and what it offers. If he hadn’t been directly involved in operations he would need constant direction in that line when in contact with shipping lines. • No work is guaranteed or assured even if you are functioning at optimum level. You have to keep inventing yourself, seeing what your clients’ needs are and ideally pre-empting them with proactive solutions. • Utilisation of space, better use of software and quicker turnaround of containers is the best way forward. • Location is important but hardly the only advantage one can offer clients.

but we have now proved that hard work and good planning gives results.” In addition, the use of specialist software ensures that all areas are covered and all capabilities are utilised. And while up to some time ago containers could only be stacked up to a maximum of four on top of each other now this has increased to six. Acquisition and use of proper and better equipment makes this all possible. All this success, besides giving a good return to the owners and everyone concerned in the operation, also means that Malta is now connected to 128 ports worldwide. This has made Malta more easily reachable both for export and import. Goods are less expensive and sending freight is now possible using different freight operators. “In today’s world,” Montebello tells me, “time and processing of deliveries are crucial. Orders could be won or


lost on availability of deliveries. Some products are highly perishable so without excellent delivery times they cannot be handled. Transshipment has made the world closer and I feel the Freeport has been a great help to keep us connected to the world.”

in ten years’ time? Does he see a doubling of TEUs—going up to the mad heights of 6 million TEUs? He laughs, calling it mad dreaming. I retort: “But back in 2004 did you think that after 11 years you would reach 3 million TEUs?”

I ask him the thorny question regarding the criticism there has been about the noise emanating from the Freeport which was the subject of a recent court case. Montebello answers that he would surely not be happy if he is part of anything that is damaging the environment without the proper precautions or if they did not do anything to reduce the impact on the surrounding areas. The Freeport is committed to continue taking appropriate measures using expertise of independent consultants to reduce any environmental and health impacts.

Montebello admits that he didn’t think this eventuality possible, but even if expansion continues there is a limit to growth because of the size and available space. More emphasis will be on equipping the Freeport with ever-improved equipment which will be able to handle modern vessels which are always increasing in size.

My next question to Montebello is where does he see the Malta Freeport

Alex Montebello concludes with some soul-searching: We have to go on inventing ourselves more and more to cater for our clients’ demands not when they ask for them but to preempt all major advances. We have to be proactive, nimble and ready to face all possible challenges.”

Issue No. 69 - 2016




Malta’s largest and most experienced online services supplier


MIT, Malta’s leading provider of data centre, cloud and managed IT services, has recently announced the opening of a new data centre in SmartCity Malta and the launch of an exclusive and secure private network, providing BMIT customers with very high speed connectivity and performance to the Internet. Over the years, BMIT has also established itself as Malta’s largest and most experienced IT services supplier to industries who must rely on being online all-time, including iGaming, financial services, communications and similar-type segments – initially as a co-location and hosting provider and more recently also as a provider of an extensive range of cloud and managed IT solutions. These investments further enhance BMIT’s leadership in the local market in these critical business segments.

rigorous testing prior to launch. Over 150 racks have already been put in place at this new facility located within SmartCity Malta, which is rapidly becoming one of the busiest business hubs on the island thanks to the influx of customers setting up shop there. The new data centre will further consolidate BMIT’s leading position as the only multi-site data centre provider in Malta, and allows for additional redundancy options to customers based in Malta. The facility was built up to Tier 3 specifications through a turnkey implementation contracted to Emerson Power. It boasts innovative cooling systems that guarantee improved performance, as well as an extended range of services. New customers will start moving in the new facility in the next few days, with others following soon after, as BMIT is experiencing unprecedented interest in this new data centre.

New Data Centre at SmartCity Malta BMIT’s newest data centre in Malta has now reached its final stages of completion, with all the installed infrastructure currently undergoing


Very High Speed Connectivity to the Internet Complementing the new datacentre is the completion of a new international network, which links

BMIT’s locations in Malta to its newly-launched points of presence in Italy and Germany and initially provides 40Gbps connectivity to the Internet, via two leading Tier 1 global providers – Level 3 and TeliaSonera, as well as a superior multi-tiered DDOS detection and mitigation service. “These investments propel Malta to a completely new level in terms of technology infrastructure and connectivity. Operators who choose BMIT as their provider now stand to benefit from increased speeds, better performance and more resilience, with access to ISO27001 and PCI-compliant data centres as well as unlimited bandwidth connectivity”, commented Christian Sammut, CEO of BMIT. Over the next months, BMIT will be building on all these new investments in order to maximise the benefits to their customers, having already started looking at further expansion opportunities, not only in the services and technologies they offer but also at growing their reach even further.


Issue No. 69 - 2016



Clever Accounting words: Kevin Attard Compagno

Have you realised that the entire world has suddenly gone cloud-crazy? We might very soon reach a time when the memory of installing an application with the "double-click, click next, accept license, click next, click install, click finish" procedure will almost be one of nostalgia. But for a small business, running on cloud-based services can be the right way to go - that way, the company can focus on core competencies, and avoid burdening itself with servers, backups, and so on. Clever Accounting brings this convenience to us in the form of a web-based, cloud-hosted, accounting system. The philosophy behind Clever Accounting's solution is that accounting does not need to be difficult - so there is a significant focus on keeping things simple.


Issue No. 69 - 2016


Clever Accounting is designed with first-time users in mind, providing a clean, simple-tounderstand Graphical User Interface.


hen you start up a fledgling business, the last thing you need is to battle with installing an accounting system, learning how to use it, and, let's face it, burdening the company with the expense of an accounting system. What you really need to do is focus on core operations. Clever Accounting has recognised these pains, and has created a package specifically for start-ups. The first year of use is free of charge for qualifying startups, complete with support and user training. To qualify for the startup package, your company needs to be less than 18 months old, have a staff complement of no more than 10, and have annual sales of under â‚Ź500,000. Clever Accounting still allows you to retain the flexibility of moving to a different system at any time if you feel a different system can better suit your needs. It is just a simple formality to backup the data you have generated.


Great for Busy Business Owners If you are new to using an accounting system, it can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, Clever Accounting is designed with first-time users in mind, providing a clean, simple-to-understand Graphical User Interface. This is backed up with numerous online tutorials which combine text, screenshots and video to make the learning process easier for users. For those just getting started, a Quick Start Guide is also provided to help you to become productive virtually immediately. If you feel lost, don't worry - assistance is also available online via email, for all levels of users.

Extensive Feature Set The set of features in Clever Accounting is everything one would need out of an accounting system. The system is organised into the expected ledgers, including Nominal,

Issue No. 69 - 2016



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Quality & Value



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info@idroplastmalta.com against whitefly, mosquitoes info@idroplastmalta.com other small insects.

15/09/2015 13:11

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2165 0127 T +356 +356 www.idroplastmalta.com 2165 0127

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areas, These nets are laid under the trees These nets are used for the protection in autumn so the olives naturally fall of building sites, scaffolding delimitadirect HARVESTING NETS SCAFFOLDING direct in www.idroplastmalta.com autumn so the olives naturally fall of building sites,NETS scaffolding delimitation, security for protection plaster. during harvest. areas, These nets are laid under the trees These nets areloads usedand for the www.idroplastmalta.com during harvest. tion, security loads and for plaster. HARVESTING NETS SCAFFOLDING NETS HARVESTING NETS SCAFFOLDING NETS in autumn so the olives naturally fall of building sites, scaffolding direct +356 2165 0127 7 2 1 0 5 6 1 2 6 5 3 + 4 1 0 A R M y r o t c a FdelimitaT T These nets are laid under the trees These nets used for the protection areas, We specialise in are custom designed high quality These nets areNETS laid under the trees Thesesecurity nets are used for the protection areas, tion, loads and for plaster. during harvest. HARVESTING SCAFFOLDING NETS e t a t s E l a i r t s u d n sites,suiting scaffolding direct autumn so the olives 6 naturally andIdelimitacorporate M +356 in Muniforms, 7945 4746 474 54fall 9corporate 7 653of + building of building sites, scaffolding delimitadirect in autumn so the olives naturally fall areas, These nets are laid under the trees These nets0are used forathe 00loads 3 SRand M sraprotection M during harvest. tion, security for plaster. 2165 0127 accessories to match your overall company T +356 during harvest. tion, HARVESTING NETS SCAFFOLDING +356 2165 0127 ocolives .atlamnaturally tsalpord i@ofnof i building in autumn som the fall scaffolding delimitadirect E T info@idroplastmalta.com Esecurity Usites, E loads atlNETS a Mand for plaster.

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Uniformly Unique

“Clever Accounting is not just used by startups. In fact, one of the strengths of the system is its flexibility.“

Sales, and Purchase Ledgers - backed up by Invoicing features, Inventory Control, and Expense Management. If your business is looking into trading internationally, then you can use the multi-currency capabilities that are in-built into the accounting system. Having multiple users working with the system is also possible since the system allows for virtually unlimited users, and can also constrain access to users to only those parts of the system which they need. If you are constantly on the move, you will be pleased to learn that Clever Accounting can be viewed on a tablet allowing you to bill clients on-the-go.

no, the brains behind Clever Accounting, he explained to me that he has lost count of the number of individuals who have worked a great business idea into the ground because they don't feel they need an accounting system to keep track of their company’s financial records. They try to get by using spreadsheets, but spreadsheets are not ideal for accounting. It is very hard to organise information, and to correlate different sets of data to each other using a spreadsheet. Furthermore, a spreadsheet can become very cumbersome to handle as soon as it starts to grow. The possibility of human error introducing itself into the data is very high, since there are no internal controls to speak of.

Keeping up to date with regulatory issues is trivial - the system is designed with VAT in mind, complete with the possibility to generate reports from your accounting data that allow you to fill in VAT and other forms, as well as monitoring your company's financial performance.

It wouldn’t be the first time that a laptop gets stolen, or crashes, with the resulting loss of the company's accounting information - apart from the worry that the data might get into the wrong hands in the case of theft. If the data is on the cloud, then it is more secure.

Not a Startup? Not a Problem.

Get Organised - Now!

Clever Accounting is not just used by startups. In fact, one of the strengths of the system is its flexibility. It is used by self-employed and small businesses with up to fifteen employees. Users of the system range from distributors to service-providers (engineers, dentists, real estate agents, etc.) to dedicated accounting firms. Although Clever Accounting has an inbuilt stock control system it is not meant to service as a cash register and therefore using Clever Accounting in retail has to be examined on a case by case basis.

Clever Accounting makes it easy to manage your accounting data, even if you are not an accountant. If you want to get started, Clever Accounting comes with a free 30 day trial period which allows you to ensure that the software satisfies your business needs.

We're Only a StartUp - We Don't Need an Accounting System?? This is probably the clearest sign that a company won't be around in a couple of years. Speaking with Carmelo Roma-


With any type of change, the beginning is always the hardest time. This brings us to one last advantage of using Clever Accounting. It is a product of a local company, Clever Solutions Ltd., which understands the challenges of businesses here in Malta and is therefore well-placed to continue to offer the best accounting software solution for local businesses. Further information is viewable at www.cleveraccounting.com

Issue No. 69 - 2016


ECO-friendly: Attractive rate The BOV ECO Personal Loan can finance your new hybrid car, electric motor vehicle or the conversion of motor engines to run on autogas. It can also finance the purchase of motor cycles, new motor vehicles with CO2 emissions less than 100g/km and new motor vehicles having a CO2 emission level below 130g/km provided that you are concurrently scrapping another motor vehicle under the current Government Car Scrappage Scheme. SPECIAL RATE OF



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Representative example of an unsecured BOV ECO Personal Loan based on a loan amount of €10,000 being made available by Bank of Valletta p.l.c. at a variable interest rate of 4.85% p.a. (interest margin of 2.40% plus Consumer Lending Bank Base Rate of 2.45%), APR will be 5.03% p.a. and loan will be repayable in 84 equal monthly instalments of €140.95 over a term of 7 years. The total sum payable throughout the term of the loan, assuming the variable interest rate remains unchanged, will amount to €11,839.80 consisting of €10,000 capital, €1,839.80 interest and no processing fees. All personal loans are subject to normal bank lending criteria and final approval from your BOV branch. Term of loan must not go beyond retirement age. Terms & conditions apply.

2131 2020 I bov.com

Issued by Bank of Valletta p.l.c., 58, Triq San Żakkarija, il-Belt Valletta VLT 1130

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