Leading Luxury Builders To Great ness
INSTAGRAM INSTAGRAM INSTAGRAM See how CLB's Inst agram st rat egy can add t o your bot t om line.
The fut ure is bright for social media Consumers are spending more time on social media than ever before.
Consumers' social media usage is on t he rise
71 Sevent y-one
percent of consumers say they found themselves using more social media in the past year
Increase in social media use by generat ion:
78% Generat ion Z
77% Millennials
75% Generat ion X
54% Baby Boomers
Inst agram boast s over 1 billion users
1 billion Boast ing over 1 billion users, Inst agram provides an incredible plat form for builders and remodelers.
Connect with best-fit clients
Engage with strategic partners
Tell your brand story in a way that is authentic and makes potential clients feel comfortable building a home with you
Showcase your work in the best light
Outmaneuver the competition
CLB is here t o grow your Inst agram & add t o your bot t om line
93 90 93% acknowledge t hat Inst agram accelerat ed compet it ion wit hin t heir indust ry
90% agree dat a from social enables t hem t o st ay ahead of t heir compet it ors
88 86 88% believe t hat social media st rat egy posit ively influences t heir bot t om line
86% say t hey use insight s from social media t o ident ify new business opport unit ies & connect wit h best -fit s
CLB's unique and effect ive Inst agram st rat egy for builders
As visual plat forms like Inst agram gain popularit y, 58% report invest ing more t ime and money t o reach t heir goal of increased brand awareness.
58% 1
Carefully crafted, authentic Instagram posts with beautiful images that convey your brand story
Content strategy designed to attract best-fits & walk them through the Buyer?s Journey
Custom content calendar & cadence built around your target audience & following
A fully developed traffic-driving, brand-building, lead-generating strategy
Optimized Instagram hashtags specially selected for more followers and reach
Grow fast er wit h Inst agram Creat ing a consist ent st yle, planning cont ent , and knowing when t o post is key. BUT THERE?SMORE TO IT. Read on as we discuss Inst agram best pract ices t hat CLB will implement on your behalf.
Showcase your work by post ing engaging, high qualit y images
93% of buyers cit ed "visual appearance" as t he main reason for t heir purchasing decisions. To add t o it , nearly 85% of buyers said color was t he main reason.
For a home builder or remodeler, Instagram is ideal because it provides a place to truly showcase your work. Did you just finish construction on a new home or did your team complete an amazing kitchen remodel that deserves to be seen?Make sure you photograph the project as soon as possible and send us the images so that we can show off your latest work to your target audience! Posting on Instagram not only shows off the work that your team has completed, but encourages clients to participate in sharing their own results and tagging your business. People engage better with visuals than with words, so why not take advantage of this incredible visual platform?
Leverage Inst agram's algorit hm t o increase your visibilit y With Instagram, there is not an algorithm that selectively showcases posts, so all of your posts will appear in the feeds of all of your followers. Having such high visibility for your posts is important because it encourages engagement. Engagement can help to drive sales, so having high visibility is key.
Connect wit h best -fit s by post ing at opt imal t imes With Instagram, there is not an algorithm that selectively showcases posts, so all of your posts will appear in the feeds of all of your followers. Having such high visibility of your posts is important because it encourages engagement. Engagement can help to drive sales, so having high visibility is key.
Use opt imized Inst agram hasht ags
Instagram hashtags are your best friend. Hashtags help you get discovered, archive content and participate with highly relevant topics. Branded hashtags can do wonders for your marketing strategy, but we also look to engage with the community around your brand?s niche by using relevant hashtags.
Generat e leads and drive qualit y t raffic t o your sit e Our primary goal is to fill your pipeline with best-fits and Instagram can certainly help to drive more traffic to your website by positioning you as a luxury builder that can be trusted, posting engaging content, including strong calls-to-action, and targeting the pain points research has shown your potential clients typically struggle with.
Out maneuver your compet it ion
90% agree dat a from social enables t hem t o st ay ahead of t heir compet it ion.
While Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, the amount of local businesses using Instagram is still very limited. Unlike Facebook and other social media platforms, Instagram offers an incredible opportunity to get your business noticed without having to worry so much about competition.
Target your best -fit s by boost ing eye-cat ching ads
Like Facebook, we can create ads on Instagram that target specific locations, demographics, behaviors, and interests. We also have the flexibility to choose from photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and stories ads to make your ads more appealing to your followers and persuade them to click-through.
M ake dat a-driven decisions t o underst and what ?s working and what needs improvement Identifying where you are among the crowd can have serious payoffs for your social media strategy. We can?t simply rely on follows and likes! Through our comprehensive Instagram strategy, we are able to: -
Track post performance Monitor Instagram trends Track comments and hashtag usage Measure audience engagement Identify influencers Report across multiple profiles
Leading Luxury Builders To Great ness