CLB CRM: STEPS TO W ORK THE SALES PIPELINE 1. Business Development Pipeline
Take advant age of t he sales pipeline in your CRM t oday! Track every st ep of your unique home building and renovat ing sales process. W hen used correct ly, t he sales pipeline can give you a full overview of how your business is performing . Addit ionally, your CRM is able t o creat e report s t hat are meaningful and allow CLB t o evaluat e your sales process and provide feedback on how t o improve.
Create a New Opportunity or Find the Web Form Lead Opportunity for that lead. -
Name: "Last Name" Assign Owner Place in Business Development Pipeline Stage: Interest: Appointment Scheduled or Awareness: Lead Qualified Enter estimated close date Click Save
2. Sales Pipeline:
Mark as Closed Won When the Client schedules an idea session.
Design Agreement Create a New Opportunity -
3. Sales Pipeline: Plans Agreement
Name: "Last Name- Design Agreement" Add Product: Design Agreement - Adjust the price if necessary Assign Owner Place in the Sales Pipeline Stage: Interest Enter estimated close date Click Save
Mark as Closed Won when the client signs the Design Agreement, add a link to the signed proposal to the opportunity, and then create the Plans Agreement opportunity.
Create a New Opportunity (if Design Agreement won) -
Name: "Last Name- Plans Agreement" Add Product: Plans Agreement - Adjust the price if necessary Assign Owner Place in the Sales Pipeline Stage: Interest Enter estimated close date Click Save
Mark as Closed Won when the client signs the Plans Agreement, add a link to the signed proposal to the opportunity, and then create the Construction Agreement opportunity.
4. Sales Pipeline: Const ruct ion Agreement Create a New Opportunity (if Plan Agreement won) -
Name: "Last Name- Construction Agreement" Add Product: Construction Agreement - Adjust the price if necessary Assign Owner Place in the Sales Pipeline Stage: Interest Enter estimated close date Click Save
Mark as Closed Won when the client signs the Construction Agreement and add a link to the signed proposal to the opportunity,
Your pipelines may event ually have many different opport unit ies across many different st ages. At t his point , it may become difficult t o see when opport unit ies were added t o a st age and what t ype of opport unit y t hey are. You can sort t he pipeline opport unit ies t o bet t er see when t hey were added and what t ype t hey are. To sort
If you cannot see all t he st ages of t he pipeline, click on t he t hree blue dot s in t he t op right -hand corner and deselect t he "Hide Empt y St ages" opt ion.
Select the pipeline.
Adjust calendar dates to view opportunities scheduled to close soon.
Filter by Opportunity Owner.
Use the search bar to search for a specific name or filter by Design, Plans, or Construction
Sort opportunities by date or name.
View Won and Lost Opportunities by selecting each letter.
In t he list view you can sort by: -
Create a new opportunity directly in the pipeline!
Opport unit y St age Dat e Creat ed Close Dat e Probabilit y t o Close Value